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<div class="refentry" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="db2x_manxml"
<div class="titlepage"></div>
<a id="id2525924" class="indexterm" name="id2525924"></a><a id=
"id2525868" class="indexterm" name="id2525868"></a><a id=
"id2525875" class="indexterm" name="id2525875"></a><a id=
"id2525882" class="indexterm" name="id2525882"></a><a id=
"id2525889" class="indexterm" name="id2525889"></a><a id=
"id2525895" class="indexterm" name="id2525895"></a><a id=
"id2525947" class="indexterm" name="id2525947"></a><a id=
"id2525953" class="indexterm" name="id2525953"></a>
<div class="refnamediv">
<p><span><strong class="command">db2x_manxml</strong></span>
&mdash; Make man pages from Man-XML</p>
<div class="refsynopsisdiv">
<div class="cmdsynopsis">
<p><code class="command">db2x_manxml</code> [<em class=
"replaceable"><code>options</code></em>] [<em class=
<div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="id2526027"
<p><span><strong class="command">db2x_manxml</strong></span>
converts a Man-XML document into one or more man pages. They are
written in the current directory.</p>
<p>If <em class="replaceable"><code>xml-document</code></em> is not
given, then the document to convert is read from standard
<div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="id2526053"
<div class="variablelist">
<dt><span class="term"><code class="option">--encoding=<em class=
<p>Select the character encoding used for the output files. The
available encodings are those of <span class=
"citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle"><span><strong class=
"command">iconv</strong></span></span></span>. The default encoding
is <code class="literal">us-ascii</code>.</p>
<p>The XML source may contain characters that are not representable
in the encoding that you select; in this case the program will bomb
out during processing, and you should choose another encoding.
(This is guaranteed not to happen with any Unicode encoding such as
UTF-8, but unfortunately not everyone is able to process Unicode
<p>If you are using GNU&rsquo;s version of <span class=
"citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle"><span><strong class=
"command">iconv</strong></span></span></span>, you can affix
<code class="literal">//TRANSLIT</code> to the end of the encoding
name to attempt transliterations of any unconvertible characters in
the output. Beware, however, that the really inconvertible
characters will be turned into another of those damned question
marks. (Aren&rsquo;t you sick of this?)</p>
<p>The suffix <code class="literal">//TRANSLIT</code> applied to a
Unicode encoding &mdash; in particular, <code class=
"literal">utf-8//TRANSLIT</code> &mdash; means that the output
files are to remain in Unicode, but markup-level character
translations using <span><strong class=
"command">utf8trans</strong></span> are still to be done. So in
most cases, an English-language document, converted using
<code class="option">--encoding=<code class=
"literal">utf-8//TRANSLIT</code></code> will actually end up as a
US-ASCII document, but any untranslatable characters will remain as
UTF-8 without any warning whatsoever. (Note: strictly speaking this
is not &ldquo;transliteration&rdquo;.) This method of conversion is
a compromise over strict <code class=
"option">--encoding=<code class="literal">us-ascii</code></code>
processing, which aborts if any untranslatable characters are
<p>Note that man pages and Texinfo documents in non-ASCII encodings
(including UTF-8) may not be portable to older
(non-internationalized) systems, which is why the default value for
this option is <code class="literal">us-ascii</code>.</p>
<p>To suppress any automatic character mapping or encoding
conversion whatsoever, pass the option <code class=
"option">--encoding=<code class="literal">utf-8</code></code>.</p>
<dt><span class="term"><code class=
<p>Write a list of all the output files to standard output, in
addition to normal processing.</p>
<dt><span class="term"><code class="option">--output-dir=<em class=
<p>Specify the directory where the output files are placed. The
default is the current working directory.</p>
<p>This option is ignored if the output is to be written to
standard output (triggered by the option <code class=
<dt><span class="term"><code class=
<p>Write the output to standard output instead of to individual
<p>If this option is used even when there are supposed to be
multiple output documents, then everything is concatenated to
standard output. But beware that most other programs will not
accept this concatenated output.</p>
<p>This option is incompatible with <code class=
"option">--list-files</code>, obviously.</p>
<dt><span class="term"><code class=
<p>Show brief usage information and exit.</p>
<dt><span class="term"><code class=
<p>Show version and exit.</p>
<p>Some man pages may be referenced under two or more names,
instead of just one. For example, <span class=
"citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">strcpy</span></span> and
<span class="citerefentry"><span class=
"refentrytitle">strncpy</span></span> often point to the same man
page which describes the two functions together. Choose one of the
following options to select how such man pages are to be
<div class="variablelist">
<dt><span class="term"><code class=
<p>For each of all the alternate names for a man page, erect
symbolic links to the file that contains the real man page
<dt><span class="term"><code class=
<p>Generate stub pages (using <code class="literal">.so</code> roff
requests) for the alternate names, pointing them to the real man
page content.</p>
<dt><span class="term"><code class=
<p>Do not make any alternative names available. The man page can
only be referenced under its principal name.</p>
<p>This program uses certain other programs for its operation. If
they are not in their default installed locations, then use the
following options to set their location:</p>
<div class="variablelist">
<dt><span class="term"><code class=
"option">--utf8trans-program=<em class=
"replaceable"><code>path</code></em></code>,</span> <span class=
"term"><code class="option">--utf8trans-map=<em class=
<p>Use the character map <em class=
"replaceable"><code>charmap</code></em> with the <a href=
"utf8trans.html"><span><strong class=
"command">utf8trans</strong></span></a> program, included with
docbook2X, found under <em class=
<dt><span class="term"><code class=
"option">--iconv-program=<em class=
<p>The location of the <span class="citerefentry"><span class=
"refentrytitle"><span><strong class=
"command">iconv</strong></span></span></span> program, used for
encoding conversions.</p>
<div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="id2526192"
<a id="id2526154" class="indexterm" name="id2526154"></a><a id=
"id2526195" class="indexterm" name="id2526195"></a>
<p>The man pages produced should be compatible with most troff
implementations and other tools that process man pages. Some
backwards-compatible <span class="citerefentry"><span class=
"refentrytitle"><span><strong class=
"command">groff</strong></span></span></span> extensions are used
to make the output look nicer.</p>
<div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="id2526549"
<h2>See Also</h2>
<p>The input to <span><strong class=
"command">db2x_manxml</strong></span> is defined by the XML DTD
present at <code class="filename">dtd/Man-XML</code> in the
docbook2X distribution.</p>
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