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<big><strong><span class="_podblock_">&nbsp;Standards, Environments and Macros</span></strong></big>

<a href="#_podtop_"><h1 id="NAME">NAME</h1></a>

<pre><code> icewm-keys - icewm keys configuration file</code></pre>

<a href="#_podtop_"><h1 id="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</h1></a>


<dt id="ICEWM_PRIVCFG-keys"><i>$ICEWM_PRIVCFG/keys</i></dt>

<dt id="XDG_CONFIG_HOME-icewm-keys"><i>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icewm/keys</i></dt>

<dt id="HOME-.icewm-keys"><i>$HOME/.icewm/keys</i></dt>

<dt id="etc-icewm-keys"><i>/etc/icewm/keys</i></dt>

<dt id="usr-share-icewm-keys"><i>/usr/share/icewm/keys</i></dt>


<a href="#_podtop_"><h1 id="DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</h1></a>

<p>Global key bindings to launch applications (not window manager related). IceWM allows launching of arbitrary programs with any key combination. This is configured in the <i>keys</i> file.</p>

<p>Global keybindings to launch applications, which need not be window manager related. Each non-empty line starts with the word <code>key</code>. After one or more spaces follows a double-quoted string of the bound X11 key combination like <code>Alt+Ctrl+Shift+X</code>. Then after at least one space follows a shell command line which will be executed by <b>icewm</b> whenever this key combination is pressed. For example, the following line creates a hotkey to reload the <b>icewm</b> configuration:</p>

<pre><code>    key &quot;Ctrl+Shift+r&quot;      pkill -x -HUP icewm</code></pre>

<a href="#_podtop_"><h1 id="FORMAT">FORMAT</h1></a>

<p>The syntax of the <i>keys</i> file is as follows:</p>



<dt id="key-key_combination-program-options"><b>key</b> <b>&quot;</b><i>key_combination</i><b>&quot;</b> <i>program</i> <i>options</i></dt>





<dt id="key"><b>key</b></dt>

<p>The literal string keyword.</p>

<dt id="switchkey"><b>switchkey</b></dt>

<p>The literal string keyword, used as alternative to <code>key</code> to build menu-like quickswitch popups.</p>

<dt id="key_combination"><i>key_combination</i></dt>

<p>Any combination of keys, separated by plus-sign (<code>+</code>).</p>

<dt id="program-options"><i>program</i> <i>options</i></dt>

<p><i>program</i> is the name of the executable or full path to the executable file that will be run in response to selecting the menu item. When used with the <b>switchkey</b> keyword, the <i>program</i> must print on standard output the contents of the popup like it would be used for dynamic menus.</p>

<p><i>options</i> is the options and arguments passed to the <i>program</i> verbatim.</p>


<a href="#_podtop_"><h1 id="EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES</h1></a>

<p>Following is the example <i>keys</i> file that ships with <a href="icewm.1.html">icewm(1)</a>:</p>

<pre><code>    # This is an example for IceWM&#39;s hotkey definition file.
    # Place your variants in @CFGDIR@ or in $HOME/.icewm
    # since modifications to this file will be discarded when
    # you (re)install icewm.
    # A list of all valid keyboard symbols can be found in
    # /usr/include/X11/keysym.h, keysymdefs.h, XF86keysym.h,
    # ...  You&#39;ll have to omit XK_ prefixs and to replace
    # XF86XK_ prefixes by XF86. Valid modifiers are Alt,
    # Ctrl, Shift, Meta, Super and Hyper.
    key &quot;Alt+Ctrl+t&quot; xterm
    key &quot;Alt+Ctrl+b&quot; xdg-open about:blank
    key &quot;Alt+Ctrl+s&quot; xdg-open

    key &quot;Super+KP_Subtract&quot; amixer sset PCM 5%-
    key &quot;Super+KP_Add&quot; amixer sset PCM 5%+

    # &quot;Multimedia key&quot; bindings for XFree86. Gather the
    # keycodes of your advanced function keys by watching the
    # output of the xev command whilest pressing those keys
    # and map those symbols by using xmodmap.

    key &quot;XF86AudioLowerVolume&quot; amixer sset PCM 5%-
    key &quot;XF86AudioRaiseVolume&quot; amixer sset PCM 5%+
    key &quot;XF86AudioMute&quot; amixer sset PCM 0%
    key &quot;XF86HomePage&quot; xdg-open about:blank
    key &quot;XF86Search&quot; xdg-open
    key &quot;XF86Eject&quot; eject

    # display and select monitor setup configurations
    switchkey &quot;Super+p&quot; icewm-menu-xrandr</code></pre>

<a href="#_podtop_"><h1 id="FILES">FILES</h1></a>

<p>Locations for the <i>keys</i> file are as follows:</p>


<dt id="ICEWM_PRIVCFG-keys1"><i>$ICEWM_PRIVCFG/keys</i></dt>

<dt id="XDG_CONFIG_HOME-icewm-keys1"><i>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icewm/keys</i></dt>

<dt id="HOME-.icewm-keys1"><i>$HOME/.icewm/keys</i></dt>

<dt id="etc-icewm-keys1"><i>/etc/icewm/keys</i></dt>

<dt id="usr-share-icewm-keys1"><i>/usr/share/icewm/keys</i></dt>


<a href="#_podtop_"><h1 id="SEE-ALSO">SEE ALSO</h1></a>

<p><a href="icewm.1.html">icewm(1)</a>.</p>

<a href="#_podtop_"><h1 id="AUTHOR">AUTHOR</h1></a>

<p>Brian Bidulock <a href=""></a>.</p>

<a href="#_podtop_"><h1 id="LICENSE">LICENSE</h1></a>

<p><b>IceWM</b> is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License. See the <i>COPYING</i> file in the distribution.</p>

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