

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 4e237fd705495e1e21ef20696443e053 > files > 1311


Groups and Security

Groups allow for separating bugs into logical divisions. Groups are
typically used to isolate bugs that should only be seen by certain
people. For example, a company might create a different group for each
one of its customers or partners. Group permissions could be set so
that each partner or customer would only have access to their own
bugs. Or, groups might be used to create variable access controls for
different departments within an organization. Another common use of
groups is to associate groups with products, creating isolation and
access control on a per-product basis.

Groups and group behaviors are controlled in several places:

1. The group configuration page. To view or edit existing groups,
   or to create new groups, access the "Groups" link from the
   "Administration" page. This section of the manual deals primarily
   with the aspect of group controls accessed on this page.

2. Global configuration parameters. Bugzilla has several parameters
   that control the overall default group behavior and restriction
   levels. For more information on the parameters that control group
   behavior globally, see Group Security.

3. Product association with groups. Most of the functionality of
   groups and group security is controlled at the product level. Some
   aspects of group access controls for products are discussed in this
   section, but for more detail see Assigning Group Controls to

4. Group access for users. See Assigning Users to Groups for
   details on how users are assigned group access.

Group permissions are such that if a bug belongs to a group, only
members of that group can see the bug. If a bug is in more than one
group, only members of *all* the groups that the bug is in can see the
bug. For information on granting read-only access to certain people
and full edit access to others, see Assigning Group Controls to

Note: By default, bugs can also be seen by the Assignee, the
  Reporter, and everyone on the CC List, regardless of whether or not
  the bug would typically be viewable by them. Visibility to the
  Reporter and CC List can be overridden (on a per-bug basis) by
  bringing up the bug, finding the section that starts with "Users in
  the roles selected below..." and un-checking the box next to either
  'Reporter' or 'CC List' (or both).

Creating Groups

To create a new group, follow the steps below:

1. Select the "Administration" link in the page footer, and then
   select the "Groups" link from the Administration page.

2. A table of all the existing groups is displayed. Below the table
   is a description of all the fields. To create a new group, select
   the "Add Group" link under the table of existing groups.

3. There are five fields to fill out. These fields are documented
   below the form. Choose a name and description for the group. Decide
   whether this group should be used for bugs (in all likelihood this
   should be selected). Optionally, choose a regular expression that
   will automatically add any matching users to the group, and choose
   an icon that will help identify user comments for the group. The
   regular expression can be useful, for example, to automatically put
   all users from the same company into one group (if the group is for
   a specific customer or partner).

   Note: If "User RegExp" is filled out, users whose email addresses
     match the regular expression will automatically be members of the
     group as long as their email addresses continue to match the
     regular expression. If their email address changes and no longer
     matches the regular expression, they will be removed from the
     group. Versions 2.16 and older of Bugzilla did not automatically
     remove users whose email addresses no longer matched the RegExp.

   Warning: If specifying a domain in the regular expression, end
     the regexp with a "$". Otherwise, when granting access to
     "@mycompany\.com", access will also be granted to
     ''. Use the syntax,
     '@mycompany\.com$' for the regular expression.

4. After the new group is created, it can be edited for additional
   options. The "Edit Group" page allows for specifying other groups
   that should be included in this group and which groups should be
   permitted to add and delete users from this group. For more
   details, see Editing Groups and Assigning Group Permissions.

Editing Groups and Assigning Group Permissions

To access the "Edit Groups" page, select the "Administration" link in
the page footer, and then select the "Groups" link from the
Administration page. A table of all the existing groups is displayed.
Click on a group name you wish to edit or control permissions for.

The "Edit Groups" page contains the same five fields present when
creating a new group. Below that are two additional sections, "Group
Permissions" and "Mass Remove". The "Mass Remove" option simply
removes all users from the group who match the regular expression
entered. The "Group Permissions" section requires further explanation.

The "Group Permissions" section on the "Edit Groups" page contains
four sets of permissions that control the relationship of this group
to other groups. If the usevisibilitygroups parameter is in use (see
Parameters) two additional sets of permissions are displayed. Each set
consists of two select boxes. On the left, a select box with a list of
all existing groups. On the right, a select box listing all groups
currently selected for this permission setting (this box will be empty
for new groups). The way these controls allow groups to relate to one
another is called *inheritance*. Each of the six permissions is
described below.

*Groups That Are a Member of This Group*
   Members of any groups selected here will automatically have
   membership in this group. In other words, members of any selected
   group will inherit membership in this group.

*Groups That This Group Is a Member Of*
   Members of this group will inherit membership to any group selected
   here. For example, suppose the group being edited is an Admin
   group. If there are two products  (Product1 and Product2) and each
   product has its own group (Group1 and Group2), and the Admin group
   should have access to both products, simply select both Group1 and
   Group2 here.

*Groups That Can Grant Membership in This Group*
   The members of any group selected here will be able add users to
   this group, even if they themselves are not in this group.

*Groups That This Group Can Grant Membership In*
   Members of this group can add users to any group selected here,
   even if they themselves are not in the selected groups.

*Groups That Can See This Group*
   Members of any selected group can see the users in this group. This
   setting is only visible if the usevisibilitygroups parameter is
   enabled on the Bugzilla Configuration page. See Parameters for
   information on configuring Bugzilla.

*Groups That This Group Can See*
   Members of this group can see members in any of the selected
   groups. This setting is only visible if the usevisibilitygroups
   parameter is enabled on the the Bugzilla Configuration page. See
   Parameters for information on configuring Bugzilla.

Assigning Users to Groups

A User can become a member of a group in several ways:

1. The user can be explicitly placed in the group by editing the
   user's profile. This can be done by accessing the "Users" page from
   the "Administration" page. Use the search form to find the user you
   want to edit group membership for, and click on their email address
   in the search results to edit their profile. The profile page lists
   all the groups and indicates if the user is a member of the group
   either directly or indirectly. More information on indirect group
   membership is below. For more details on User Administration, see

2. The group can include another group of which the user is a
   member. This is indicated by square brackets around the checkbox
   next to the group name in the user's profile. See Editing Groups
   and Assigning Group Permissions for details on group inheritance.

3. The user's email address can match the regular expression that
   has been specified to automatically grant membership to the group.
   This is indicated by "*" around the check box by the group name in
   the user's profile. See Creating Groups for details on the regular
   expression option when creating groups.

Assigning Group Controls to Products

The primary functionality of groups is derived from the relationship
of groups to products. The concepts around segregating access to bugs
with product group controls can be confusing. For details and examples
on this topic, see Assigning Group Controls to Products.


This documentation undoubtedly has bugs; if you find some, please file
them here.