

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 5fcfcb7517038d1f44ab4e478e6e61fa > files > 2369


(in-package :cm)

This example has been reworked from the cm2 distribution to illustrate the use 
of the SBCL FFI binding to Csound for rendering scores generated by the Lisp 
version of Common Music.

This tutorial explains how frequency information is represented in CM
and how to work with tunings and modes.  A tuning is a partitioning,
or quantizing, of Hertz frequency space into a series of discrete --
but not necessarily equal -- steps called scale degrees. Every scale
degrees has an ordinal position in the tuning called a keynum (key
number) and may also have one or more note names associated with them.

A mode is a transposable subset of a tuning.

The Standard Chromatic Scale

The system defines the standard equal tempered chromatic scale to be a
tuning based on a low C with 12 equal divisions per octave and with 10
octaves of note notes. The default tuning for the system is kept in
the variable *scale* and is initially set the standard chromatic


Notes, Key numbers and Hertz

Composers commonly work with frequency information in several
different formats:

  Note names, symbolic spellings like Sa, Barang, C sharp, or D double flat 
  Key numbers, or scale degrees, like 0, 60 (Middle C) and so on.
    (The maximum key number for MIDI synths is 127.)
  Hertz values like 440 (Tuning A) or 261.6255 (Middle C)

Common Music provides 3 functions -- note, keynum and hertz -- that
map between these three different frequency formats.

(note 60)

(note '(60 440) :hz true)

(keynum '(as4 bf4))

(keynum 1234.0 :hz true)

(hertz 'c4)

(hertz 69)

Common Music extends the notion of ordinal position (integer key
numbers) to include floating point key numbers kkk.ccc where kkk is
the integer keynum and ccc is interpreted as cents above kkk. So the
value 69.5 means 50 cents above the keynum 69 in the standard
chromatic scale.

(hertz 69)

(hertz 69.5)

(hertz 70)

The cent is a common tuning measurement and is defined to be 1/1200th
of an octave. Since are 1200 cents per octave each semi-tone in the
equal tempered scale contains 100 cents. The cent is an arbitrary unit
but a single cent difference is not perceivable by humans so it is
more adequate for measuring tuning. Humans have a hard time
distinguishing between tones that are less than 5 cents apart.

(cents->scaler 1200)

(scaler->cents (expt 2 1/12))

(* 440 (cents->scaler 1))

Since numbers can be interpreted as either key numbers or hertz, Hertz
values passed to note or keynum must be indicated using the :hz
keyword to distinguish them from the (more common) case of key

Note names in the standard chromatic scale are symbols with three
constituent parts:

  A note class name like  C D E F G A B
  An (optional) accidental like N S F SS FF (Natural, Sharp, Flat,
    Double-sharp, Double-flat)
  An octave number -1 to 9, where octave 4 is the Middle C octave

(keynum 'c4)

(keynum 'cn4)

(hertz 'fs2)

(hertz 'gff0)

(keynum 'as6)

Note that a symbol like C is not really not a note, its a pitch class
-- the name of a note without regard to octave. However, the functions
note keynum and hertz all accept LISTS of data to be passed in and
when note lists are specified, octave numbers only have to be provided
when they change value. The default octave is 4, or the Middle C

(note '(c4 d e f g a b c5 d e fs g a bf c6))

(keynum '(c4 d e f g a b c5 d e fs g a bf c6))

(hertz '(c4 d e f g a b c5 d e fs g a bf c6))


You can create your own "custom" tuning systems quite easily. For
example, here is the definition of an equal tempered, quarter-tone

(new tuning :cents (loop repeat 24 collect 50))

This next example creates a tuning with 13 equal tempered steps per

(new tuning :name 'bad-luck-scale
     :ratios (loop for i to 13 collect (expt 2 (/ i 13))))

Alternate Tunings and MIDI

Since MIDI was developed by the popular music industry it should not
be surprising to learn that it has a very strong bias towards the
standard equal-tempered chromatic scale. There are basically only two
ways to introduce micro-tonal inflections: re-tune the synth, or use
pitch bends to alter the frequency of a sounding tone. In Common
Music, all MIDI streams have a :channel-tuning init that, if set,
causes pitch bends to be automatically sent when floating point key
numbers are generated. (The name :channel-tuning refers to the fact
that pitch bends in MIDI are channel specific).  If the value of
:channel-tuning is a number it represents the number of micro-tonal
divisions per half step: 1 is semi-tone, 2 is quarter-tone and so
on. See the documentation on Midi streams for more information.

Let's listen to some micro-tonal output by defining and then using a
tuning system based on the (untempered) harmonic series. Our example
uses a 6 tone scale, you can experiment with other segments of the
series to hear what they sound like.

(defparameter harms
  ;; an 6-tone scale whose steps are partials 6-12 in the harmonic
  ;; series
  (new tuning 
    :ratios (loop with lo = 6
                  for h from 6 to 12 collect (/ h lo))))

In order to listen to this scale using MIDI we must convert integer
key numbers in the harms tuning back into floating-point keynums in
the standard chromatic scale, always remembering that MIDI's maximum
keynum value is 127. Lets look at the Middle-c octave to see what
these converted values look like:

(loop for i from 30 to 36 collect (keynum i :from harms))

(keynum 62 :from harms) ; this is the highest key 

Now lets create a function that plays an upward or downward segment of
a scale.

(defun stepper (k1 k2 scale rate dur amp1 amp2)
  (process with i = (if (> k2 k1) 1 -1) 
           and k = k1
           (new midi :time (now)
                :keynum (keynum k :from scale)
                :duration dur
                :amplitude (rescale k k1 k2 amp1 amp2))
           wait rate
           do (incf k i)
           until (= k k2)))

Remember, when you use MIDI and you want to listen to tones that are
not in the standard chromatic scale, you need to set the streams
:channel-tuning init to some appropriate value or you won't hear any

; (events (stepper 20 40 harms .1 .35 .2 .7)
        ; "scales.mid"
        ; :channel-tuning 3 :versioning true)

; (events (stepper 50 40 harms .1 .35 .2 .7)
        ; "scales.mid"
        ; :channel-tuning 3)

We can make a (slightly) more interesting effect by defining another
process that computes random segments to play and then sprouts, or
inserts, these processes inside the already running scheduler.

(defun whirl (end rate dur k1 low high scale )
  (process while (< (now) end)
    for k2 = (between low high)
    unless (= k1 k2)
    sprout (stepper k1 k2 scale rate dur
                    (between .2 .8)
                    (between .2 .8))
    wait (* rate (abs (- k1 k2)))
    set k1 = k2))

; (events (whirl 10 .1 .5 20 10 50 harms)
        ; "scales.mid"
        ; :channel-tuning 3)

To cancel any current tuning adjustments in your synth you should send
pitch bend values to reset the channel tuning levels back to zero:

(defun clearbends ()
  (process for i below 16
           output (new midi-pitch-bend :time (now)
                       :channel i :bend 0)))

;(events (clearbends) "clear.mid" :play true)

To cancel microtuning in an existing file specify false as the
:channel-tuning value:

(io "scales.mid" :channel-tuning false)


1. The function ran returns numbers from a specified distribution
   type.  What would be the effect if k2 were set using ran instead of
     (ran :type :uniform :from 10 :below 20)
     (ran :type :low :from 10 :below 20)
     (ran :type :high :from 10 :below 20)
     (round (ran :type :beta :a .3 :b .3 :from 10 :below 20))
2. Stepper could be made more musically interesting if, instead of
   always incrementing by 1, it "stuttered" once in awhile, by leaping
   back one or two tones before continuing on.
3. Another effect worth trying: allow stepper to select any tone on
   either side the actual tone within some window width.

Working with modes

A mode defines a subset of a tuning, where adjacent key numbers in the
mode map to non-adjacent key numbers in the mode's tuning. Lets see
how this works by first defining a mode.

(defparameter maj (new mode :name 'major :steps '(2 2 1 2 2 2 1)))


The :steps list defines the distance (in half steps) between adjacent
key numbers for one octave of the mode. Since the mode did not specify
a tuning it defaults to the standard chromatic scale. The step values
of the major scale add up to a 12 semi-tone octave, but modes other
than mod 12 are also possible.

Note that the standard chromatic scale as 12 notes per octave while
the major scale is mod 7. The keynum function lets you convert between
the different "coordinate systems" of the tuning and mode.

(keynum 'c4 :to maj)

(keynum 35 :from maj)

The keynum function can also determine if a given key number is in the
mode or to filter a key number to through a mode to force the closest
mode member.

(keynum 61 :in? maj)

(keynum 61 :through maj)

Modes are transposable subsets of a tuning. To shift a modes to a new
tonic using the transpose function

(note (keynum 35 :from maj))

(transpose maj 'd)

(note (keynum 35 :from maj))

(transpose maj 'af)

(note (keynum 35 :from maj))

Lets define a process that plays random triads from the major mode.

(defun ranchords (len pos mode amp)
  (let ((rhy (new heap :of '(.5 .25 .124))))
    (process for i below  len 
             for r = (next rhy)
             for j = (keynum pos :to mode)
             then (drunk j 2 :low 0 :high 56)
             each k in (keynum (list j (+ j 2) (+ j 4))
                               :from mode)
             output (new midi :time (now) :keynum k 
                         :amplitude amp)
             wait r)))
(defparameter csd-text #>qqq><CsoundSynthesizer>
-m0 --m-dB=1 -d -odac

C S O U N D   O R C H E S T R A   F O R   V S T   A N D   M I D I   U S E

Copyright (c) 2006-1012 by Michael Gogins. All rights reserved.

This software is licensed under the terms of the
GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0.

This file contains only instrument definitions that should work
on all platforms. This file should run "as is" in CsoundVST in VST hosts,
or to receive MIDI.

Instruments are fungible: they all use the same pfields, have their own
ftables, do not use UDOs, use aoutlets, produce more or less the same output
amplitudes, and therefore can be cut and pasted with impunity.

These instruments should be regarded as starting points. Many have highly
tunable parameters.


Paste this entire file into your piece's code as a string constant.

Cut and paste the instruments to get them into the order you want.

Adjust levels if necessary.

Enable and adjust effects if desired.

Modify instruments if desired, or copy them and change them.

In your piece, load the whole orchestra into Csound,
and send Csound notes from your piece.

sr                              =                       48000
ksmps                           =                       20
nchnls                          =                       2
0dbfs                           =                       327
iampdbfs                        init                    32768
                                prints                  "Default amplitude at 0 dBFS:  %9.4f\n", iampdbfs
idbafs                          init                    dbamp(iampdbfs)
                                prints                  "dbA at 0 dBFS:                 %9.4f\n", idbafs
iheadroom                       init                    6
                                prints                  "Headroom (dB):                 %9.4f\n", iheadroom
idbaheadroom                    init                    idbafs - iheadroom
                                prints                  "dbA at headroom:               %9.4f\n", idbaheadroom
iampheadroom                    init                    ampdb(idbaheadroom)
                                prints                  "Amplitude at headroom:        %9.4f\n", iampheadroom
                                prints                  "Balance so the overall amps at the end of performance is -6 dbfs.\n"

giFlatQ                         init                    sqrt(0.5)
giseed				            init                    0.5

gkHarpsichordGain               chnexport               "gkHarpsichordGain",            1
gkHarpsichordGain               init                    1
gkHarpsichordPan                chnexport               "gkHarpsichordPan",             1
gkHarpsichordPan                init                    0.5

gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient1    chnexport               "gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient1", 1
gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient1    init                    0.5
gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient2    chnexport               "gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient2", 1
gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient3    chnexport               "gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient3", 1
gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient4    chnexport               "gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient4", 1
gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient5    chnexport               "gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient5", 1
gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient6    chnexport               "gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient6", 1
gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient7    chnexport               "gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient7", 1
gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient8    chnexport               "gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient8", 1
gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient9    chnexport               "gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient9", 1
gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient10   chnexport               "gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient10", 1
gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient10   init                    0.05

gkReverberationEnabled          chnexport               "gkReverberationEnabled", 1
gkReverberationEnabled          init                    1
gkReverberationDelay            chnexport               "gkReverberationDelay", 1
gkReverberationDelay            init                    0.325
gkReverberationWet          	chnexport               "gkReverberationWet", 1
gkReverberationWet          	init                    0.15

gkCompressorEnabled             chnexport               "gkCompressorEnabled", 1
gkCompressorEnabled             init                    0
gkCompressorThreshold           chnexport               "gkCompressorThreshold", 1
gkCompressorLowKnee             chnexport               "gkCompressorLowKnee", 1
gkCompressorHighKnee            chnexport               "gkCompressorHighknee", 1
gkCompressorRatio               chnexport               "gkCompressorRatio", 1
gkCompressorAttack              chnexport               "gkCompressorAttack", 1
gkCompressorRelease             chnexport               "gkCompressorRelease", 1

gkParametricEq1Enabled          chnexport               "gkParametricEq1Enabled", 1
gkParametricEq1Enabled          init                    0
gkParametricEq1Mode             chnexport               "gkParametricEq1Mode", 1
gkParametricEq1Frequency        chnexport               "gkParametricEq1Frequency", 1
gkParametricEq1Gain             chnexport               "gkParametricEq1Gain", 1
gkParametricEq1Q                chnexport               "gkParametricEq1Q", 1

gkParametricEq2Enabled          chnexport               "gkParametricEq2Enabled", 1
gkParametricEq2Enabled          init                     0
gkParametricEq2Mode             chnexport               "gkParametricEq2Mode", 1
gkParametricEq2Frequency        chnexport               "gkParametricEq2Frequency", 1
gkParametricEq2Gain             chnexport               "gkParametricEq2Gain", 1
gkParametricEq2Q                chnexport               "gkParametricEq2Q", 1

gkMasterLevel                   chnexport               "gkMasterLevel", 1
gkMasterLevel                   init                    1.5

                                connect                 "BanchoffKleinBottle",  "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "BanchoffKleinBottle",  "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "BandedWG",             "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "BandedWG",             "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "BassModel",            "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "BassModel",            "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "ChebyshevDrone",       "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "ChebyshevDrone",       "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "ChebyshevMelody",      "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "ChebyshevMelody",      "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "Compressor",           "outleft", 	"ParametricEq1",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "Compressor",           "outright", "ParametricEq1",        "inright"
                                connect                 "DelayedPluckedString", "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "DelayedPluckedString", "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "EnhancedFMBell",       "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "EnhancedFMBell",       "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "FenderRhodesModel",    "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "FenderRhodesModel",    "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "FilteredSines",        "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "FilteredSines",        "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "Flute",                "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "Flute",                "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "FMModulatedChorusing", "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "FMModulatedChorusing", "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "FMModerateIndex",      "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "FMModerateIndex",      "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "FMModerateIndex2",     "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "FMModerateIndex2",     "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "FMWaterBell",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "FMWaterBell",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "Granular",             "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "Granular",             "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "Guitar",               "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "Guitar",               "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "Guitar2",              "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "Guitar2",              "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "Harpsichord",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "Harpsichord",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "HeavyMetalModel",      "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "HeavyMetalModel",      "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "Hypocycloid",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "Hypocycloid",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "KungModulatedFM",      "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "KungModulatedFM",      "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "ModerateFM",          	"outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "ModerateFM",          	"outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "ModulatedFM",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "ModulatedFM",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "Melody",               "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "Melody",               "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "ParametricEq1",        "outleft", 	"ParametricEq2",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "ParametricEq1",        "outright", "ParametricEq2",        "inright"
                                connect                 "ParametricEq2",        "outleft", 	"MasterOutput",         "inleft"
                                connect                 "ParametricEq2",        "outright", "MasterOutput",         "inright"
                                connect                 "PlainPluckedString",   "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "PlainPluckedString",   "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "PRCBeeThree",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "PRCBeeThree",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "PRCBeeThreeDelayed",   "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "PRCBeeThreeDelayed",   "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "PRCBowed",             "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "PRCBowed",             "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "Reverberation",        "outleft", 	"Compressor",           "inleft"
                                connect                 "Reverberation",        "outright", "Compressor",           "inright"
                                connect                 "STKBandedWG",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKBandedWG",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKBeeThree",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKBeeThree",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKBlowBotl",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKBlowBotl",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKBlowHole",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKBlowHole",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKBowed",             "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKBowed",             "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKClarinet",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKClarinet",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKDrummer",           "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKDrummer",           "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKFlute",             "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKFlute",             "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKFMVoices",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKFMVoices",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKHvyMetl",           "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKHvyMetl",           "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKMandolin",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKMandolin",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKModalBar",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKModalBar",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKMoog",              "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKMoog",              "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKPercFlut",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKPercFlut",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKPlucked",           "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKPlucked",           "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKResonate",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKResonate",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKRhodey",            "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKRhodey",            "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKSaxofony",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKSaxofony",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKShakers",           "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKShakers",           "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKSimple",            "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKSimple",            "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKSitar",             "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKSitar",             "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKTubeBell",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKTubeBell",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKVoicForm",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKVoicForm",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKWhistle",           "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKWhistle",           "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "STKWurley",            "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "STKWurley",            "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "StringPad",            "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "StringPad",            "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "ToneWheelOrgan",       "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "ToneWheelOrgan",       "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "TubularBellModel",     "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "TubularBellModel",     "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "WaveguideGuitar",      "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "WaveguideGuitar",      "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "Xing",                 "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "Xing",                 "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"
                                connect                 "ZakianFlute",          "outleft", 	"Reverberation",        "inleft"
                                connect                 "ZakianFlute",          "outright", "Reverberation",        "inright"

                                alwayson                "Reverberation"
                                alwayson                "Compressor"
                                alwayson                "ParametricEq1"
                                alwayson                "ParametricEq2"
                                alwayson                "MasterOutput"

                                instr                   BanchoffKleinBottle
                                // Original by Hans Mikelson.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity)
                                ;   p1  p2     p3   p4    p5     p6   p7
                                ;       Start  Dur  Amp   Frqc   U    V
                                ; i 4   32     6    6000  6.00   3    2
                                ; i 4   36     4    .     5.11   5.6  0.4
                                ; i 4   +      4    .     6.05   2    8.5
                                ; i 4   .      2    .     6.02   4    5
                                ; i 4   .      2    .     6.02   5    0.5
iHz                             =                       ifrequency
ifqc                            init                    iHz
ip4                             init                    iamplitude
iu                              init                    5 ; p6
iv                              init                    0.5 ; p7
irt2                            init                    sqrt(2)
aampenv                         linseg                  0, 0.02, ip4,  p3 - 0.04, ip4, 0.02, 0
isine                  	        ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, 10, 1
icosine                  	    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, 11, 1
                                ; Cosines
acosu                           oscili                  1, iu * ifqc, icosine
acosu2                          oscili                  1, iu * ifqc / 2, icosine
acosv                           oscili                  1, iv * ifqc, icosine
                                ; Sines
asinu                           oscili                  1, iu * ifqc, isine
asinu2                          oscili                  1, iu * ifqc / 2, isine
asinv                           oscili                  1, iv * ifqc, isine
                                ; Compute X and Y
ax                              =                       acosu * (acosu2 * (irt2 + acosv) + asinu2 * asinv * acosv)
ay                              =                       asinu * (acosu2 * (irt2 + acosv) + asinu2 * asinv * acosv)
                                ; Low frequency rotation in spherical coordinates z, phi, theta.
klfsinth                        oscili                  1, 4, isine
klfsinph                        oscili                  1, 1, isine
klfcosth                        oscili                  1, 4, icosine
klfcosph                        oscili                  1, 1, icosine
aox                             =                       -ax * klfsinth + ay * klfcosth
aoy                             =                       -ax * klfsinth * klfcosph - ay * klfsinth * klfcosph + klfsinph
aoutleft                        =                       aampenv * aox
aoutright                       =                       aampenv * aoy
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   BandedWG
                                // By Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 512
iattack                         =                       0.005
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.06
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
asignal                         STKBandedWG             ifrequency,1
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   BassModel
                                // Original by Hans Mikelson.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) / 35
                                ; p1  p2     p3   p4    p5     p6
                                ;     Start  Dur  Amp   Pitch  PluckDur
                                ; i2  128    4    1400  6.00   0.25
                                ; i2  +      2    1200  6.01   0.25
                                ; i2  .      4    1000  6.05   0.5
                                ; i2  .      2     500  6.04   1
                                ; i2  .      4    1000  6.03   0.5
                                ; i2  .      16   1000  6.00   0.5
iHz                             =                       ifrequency
ifqc                            =                       iHz
ip4                             =                       iamplitude
ip6                             =                       0.5
ipluck                          =                       1 / ifqc * ip6
kcount                          init                    0
adline                          init                    0
ablock2                         init                    0
ablock3                         init                    0
afiltr                          init                    0
afeedbk                         init                    0
koutenv                         linseg                  0, .01, 1, p3 - .11 , 1, .1 , 0 ; Output envelope
kfltenv                         linseg                  0, 1.5, 1, 1.5, 0
                                ; This envelope loads the string with a triangle wave.
kenvstr                         linseg                  0, ipluck / 4, -ip4 / 2, ipluck / 2, ip4 / 2, ipluck / 4, 0, p3 - ipluck, 0
aenvstr                         =                       kenvstr
ainput                          tone                    aenvstr, 200
                                ; DC Blocker
ablock2                         =                       afeedbk - ablock3 + .99 * ablock2
ablock3                         =                       afeedbk
ablock                          =                       ablock2
                                ; Delay line with filtered feedback
adline                          delay                   ablock + ainput, 1 / ifqc - 15 / sr
afiltr                          tone                    adline, 400
                                ; Resonance of the body
abody1                          reson                   afiltr, 110, 40
abody1                          =                       abody1 / 5000
abody2                          reson                   afiltr, 70, 20
abody2                          =                       abody2 / 50000
afeedbk                         =                       afiltr
aout                            =                       afeedbk
asignal                         =                       50 * koutenv * (aout + kfltenv * (abody1 + abody2))
iattack                         =                       0.005
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.06
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   ChebyshevDrone
                                ; By Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ihertz                          =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamp                            =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 6
idampingattack                  =                       .01
idampingrelease                 =                       .02
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
iattack                         init                    p3 / 4.0
idecay                          init                    p3 / 4.0
isustain                        init                    p3 / 2.0
aenvelope                       transeg                 0.0, iattack / 2.0, 2.5, iamp / 2.0, iattack / 2.0, -2.5, iamp, isustain, 0.0, iamp, idecay / 2.0, 2.5, iamp / 2.0, idecay / 2.0, -2.5, 0.
isinetable                      ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, 10, 1, 0, .02
asignal                         poscil3                 1, ihertz, isinetable
asignal                         chebyshevpoly           asignal, 0, gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient1, gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient2, gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient3, gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient4, gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient5, gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient6, gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient7, gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient8, gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient9, gkChebyshevDroneCoefficient10
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
asignal                         =                       asignal * aenvelope
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   ChebyshevMelody
                                // Original by Jon Nelson.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
iHz                             =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 7.
iattack                         =                       .01
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       .01
p3                              =                       iattack + isustain + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, iattack, 1, isustain, 1, irelease, 0
kHz                             =                       k(iHz)
idB                             =                       i_midivelocity
i1                              =                       iHz
k100                            randi                   1,0.05
isine                           ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, 10, 1
k101                            poscil                  1, 5 + k100, isine
k102                            linseg                  0, .5, 1, p3, 1
k100                            =                       i1 + (k101 * k102)
; Envelope for driving oscillator.
ip3                             init                    3.0
; k1                            linenr                  0.5, ip3 * .3, ip3 * 2, 0.01
k1                              linseg                  0, ip3 * .3, .5, ip3 * 2, 0.01, isustain, 0.01, irelease, 0
; k2                            line                    1, p3, .5
k2                              linseg                  1.0, ip3, .5, isustain, .5, irelease, 0
k1                              =                       k2 * k1
; Amplitude envelope.
k10                             expseg                  0.0001, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 0.8, irelease, .0001
k10                             =                       (k10 - .0001)
; Power to partials.
k20                             linseg                  1.485, iattack, 1.5, (isustain + irelease), 1.485
; a1-3 are for cheby with p6=1-4
icook3                          ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1, .4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, .05
a1                              poscil                  k1, k100 - .25, icook3
; Tables a1 to fn13, others normalize,
ip6                             ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -7,    -1, 150, 0.1, 110, 0, 252, 0
a2                              tablei                  a1, ip6, 1, .5
a3                              balance                 a2, a1
; Try other waveforms as well.
a4                              foscili                 1, k100 + .04, 1, 2.000, k20, isine
a5                              poscil                  1, k100, isine
a6                              =                       ((a3 * .1) + (a4 * .1) + (a5 * .8)) * k10
a7                              comb                    a6, .5, 1 / i1
a8                              =                       (a6 * .9) + (a7 * .1)
asignal        		            balance         	    a8, a1
asignal                         =                       asignal * iamplitude
aoutleft, aoutright		        pan2			        asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   DelayedPluckedString
                                // By Michael Gogins.
i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
iattack                         =                       0.02
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.15
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                  0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
ikeyin                          =                       i_midikey
ihertz                          =                       cpsmidinn(ikeyin)
; Detuning of strings by 4 cents each way.
idetune                         =                       4.0 / 1200.0
ihertzleft                      =                       cpsmidinn(ikeyin + idetune)
ihertzright                     =                       cpsmidinn(ikeyin - idetune)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity)
isine                          ftgenonce                   0, 0, 65536,    10,     1
icosine                        ftgenonce                   0, 0, 65536,    11,     1
igenleft                        =                       isine
igenright                       =                       icosine
kvibrato                        oscili                  1.0 / 120.0, 7.0, icosine
kexponential                    expseg                  1.0, p3 + iattack, 0.0001, irelease, 0.0001
aenvelope                       =                       (kexponential - 0.0001) * adeclick
ag                              pluck                   iamplitude, cpsmidinn(ikeyin + kvibrato), 200, igenleft, 1
agleft                          pluck                   iamplitude, ihertzleft, 200, igenleft, 1
agright                         pluck                   iamplitude, ihertzright, 200, igenright, 1
imsleft                         =                       0.2 * 1000
imsright                        =                       0.21 * 1000
adelayleft                      vdelay                  ag * aenvelope, imsleft, imsleft + 100
adelayright                     vdelay                  ag * aenvelope, imsright, imsright + 100
asignal                         =                       adeclick * (agleft + adelayleft + agright + adelayright)
                                ; Highpass filter to exclude speaker cone excursions.
asignal1                        butterhp                asignal, 32.0
asignal2                        balance                 asignal1, asignal
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal2 * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   EnhancedFMBell
                                // Original by John ffitch.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
iattack                         =                       0.005
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.25
i_duraton                       =                       15; isustain + iattack + irelease
p3                              =                       i_duration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
; Normalize so iamplitude for p5 of 80 == ampdb(80).
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity)
idur                            =                       50
iamp                            =                       iamplitude
iffitch1                        ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     10,     1
iffitch2                        ftgenonce               0, 0, 8193,     5,      1, 1024, 0.01
iffitch3                        ftgenonce               0, 0, 8193,     5,      1, 1024, 0.001
ifenv                           =                       iffitch2                       ; BELL SETTINGS:
ifdyn                           =                       iffitch3                       ; AMP AND INDEX ENV ARE EXPONENTIAL
ifq1                            =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey) ;* 5              ; DECREASING, N1:N2 IS 5:7, imax=10
if1                             =                       iffitch1                               ; DURATION = 15 sec
ifq2                            =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey) * 5/7
if2                             =                       iffitch1
imax                            =                       10
aenv                            oscili                  iamp, 1 / idur, ifenv           ; ENVELOPE
adyn                            oscili                  ifq2 * imax, 1 / idur, ifdyn    ; DYNAMIC
anoise                          rand                    50
amod                            oscili                  adyn + anoise, ifq2, if2        ; MODULATOR
acar                            oscili                  aenv, ifq1 + amod, if1          ; CARRIER
                                timout                  0.5, idur, noisend
knenv                           linsegr                 iamp, 0.2, iamp, 0.3, 0
anoise3                         rand                    knenv
anoise4                         butterbp                anoise3, iamp, 100
anoise5                         balance                 anoise4, anoise3
arvb                            nreverb                 acar, 2, 0.1
aenvelope                       transeg                 1, idur, -3, 0
asignal                         =                       aenvelope * (acar + arvb) ;+ anoise5
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   FenderRhodesModel
                                // Original by Perry Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
iattack                         =                       0.01
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.125
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
iindex                          =                       4
icrossfade                      =                       3
ivibedepth                      =                       0.2
iviberate                       =                       6
isine                           ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1
icosine                         ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    11,     1
icookblank                      ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     10,     0 ; Blank wavetable for some Cook FM opcodes.
ifn1                            =                       isine
ifn2                            =                       icosine
ifn3                            =                       isine
ifn4                            =                       icookblank
ivibefn                         =                       isine
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 6
asignal                         fmrhode                 iamplitude, ifrequency, iindex, icrossfade, ivibedepth, iviberate, ifn1, ifn2, ifn3, ifn4, ivibefn
aoutleft, aoutright		        pan2			        asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   FilteredSines
                                // Original by Michael Bergeman.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
                                ; Original pfields
                                ; p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9
                                ; ins st dur db func at dec freq1 freq2

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
iattack                         =                       0.03
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.52
p3                              =                       p3 + iattack + irelease
i_duration                      =                       p3
adeclick                        linsegr                  0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
ip4                             =                       i_midivelocity
idb                             =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 4
ibergeman                       ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     10,     0.28, 1, 0.74, 0.66, 0.78, 0.48, 0.05, 0.33, 0.12, 0.08, 0.01, 0.54, 0.19, 0.08, 0.05, 0.16, 0.01, 0.11, 0.3, 0.02, 0.2 ; Bergeman f1
ip5                             =                       ibergeman
ip3                             =                       i_duration
ip6                             =                       i_duration * 0.25
ip7                             =                       i_duration * 0.75
ip8                             =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey - 0.01)
ip9                             =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey + 0.01)
isc                             =                       idb * 0.333
k1                              line                    40, p3, 800
k2                              line                    440, p3, 220
k3                              linen                   isc, ip6, p3, ip7
k4                              line                    800, ip3, 40
k5                              line                    220, ip3, 440
k6                              linen                   isc, ip6, ip3, ip7
k7                              linen                   1, ip6, ip3, ip7
a5                              oscili                  k3, ip8, ip5
a6                              oscili                  k3, ip8 * 0.999, ip5
a7                              oscili                  k3, ip8 * 1.001, ip5
a1                              =                       a5 + a6 + a7
a8                              oscili                  k6, ip9, ip5
a9                              oscili                  k6, ip9 * 0.999, ip5
a10                             oscili                  k6, ip9 * 1.001, ip5
a11                             =                       a8 + a9 + a10
a2                              butterbp                a1, k1, 40
a3                              butterbp                a2, k5, k2 * 0.8
a4                              balance                 a3, a1
a12                             butterbp                a11, k4, 40
a13                             butterbp                a12, k2, k5 * 0.8
a14                             balance                 a13, a11
a15                             reverb2                 a4, 5, 0.3
a16                             reverb2                 a4, 4, 0.2
                                ; Constant-power pan.
ipi                             =                       4.0 * taninv(1.0)
iradians                        =                       i_pan * ipi / 2.0
itheta                          =                       iradians / 2.0
; Translate angle in [-1, 1] to left and right gain factors.
irightgain                      =                       sqrt(2.0) / 2.0 * (cos(itheta) + sin(itheta))
ileftgain                       =                       sqrt(2.0) / 2.0 * (cos(itheta) - sin(itheta))
a17                             =                       (a15 + a4) * ileftgain * k7
a18                             =                       (a16 + a4) * irightgain * k7
aoutleft                        =                       a17 * adeclick
aoutright                       =                       a18 * adeclick
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   Flute
                                // Original by James Kelley.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ikellyflute                     ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     10,     1, 0.25, 0.1 ; Kelley flute.
; Do some phasing.
icpsp1                          =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey - 0.0002)
icpsp2                          =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey + 0.0002)
ip6                             =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity)
iattack                         =                       0.04
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.15
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                  0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
ip4                             =                       0
                                if                      (ip4 == int(ip4 / 2) * 2) goto initslurs
iatttm                          =                       0.09
idectm                          =                       0.1
isustm                          =                       p3 - iatttm - idectm
idec                            =                       ip6
ireinit                         =                       -1
                                if                      (ip4 > 1) goto checkafterslur
ilast                           =                       0
                                if                      (ip4 == 1 || ip4 == 3) goto doneslurs
idec                            =                       0
ireinit                         =                       0
                                if                      (isustm <= 0)   goto simpleenv
kamp                            linsegr                  ilast, iatttm, ip6, isustm, ip6, idectm, idec, 0, idec
                                goto                    doneenv
kamp                            linsegr                  ilast, p3 / 2,ip6, p3 / 2, idec, 0, idec
ilast                           =                       ip6
; Some vibrato.
kvrandamp                       rand                    0.1
kvamp                           =                       (8 + p4) *.06 + kvrandamp
kvrandfreq                      rand                    1
kvfreq                          =                       5.5 + kvrandfreq
isine                           ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1
kvbra                           oscili                  kvamp, kvfreq, isine, ireinit
kfreq1                          =                       icpsp1 + kvbra
kfreq2                          =                       icpsp2 + kvbra
; Noise for burst at beginning of note.
knseenv                         expon                   ip6 / 4, 0.2, 1
anoise1                         rand                    knseenv
anoise                          tone                    anoise1, 200
a1                              oscili                  kamp, kfreq1, ikellyflute, ireinit
a2                              oscili                  kamp, kfreq2, ikellyflute, ireinit
a3                              =                       a1 + a2 + anoise
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    a3 * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   FMModerateIndex
                                // By Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 3
icarrier                        =                       1
iratio                          =                       1.25
ifmamplitude                    =                       8
index                           =                       5.4
iattack                         =                       0.01
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.05
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
ifrequencyb                     =                       ifrequency * 1.003
icarrierb                       =                       icarrier * 1.004
kindenv                         transeg                 0, iattack, -4, 1,  isustain, -2, 0.125, irelease, -4, 0
kindex                          =                       kindenv * index * ifmamplitude
isine                           ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1
aouta                           foscili                 1, ifrequency, icarrier, iratio, index, isine
aoutb                           foscili                 1, ifrequencyb, icarrierb, iratio, index, isine
asignal                         =                       (aouta + aoutb) * kindenv
aoutleft, aoutright		        pan2			        asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   FMModerateIndex2
                                // By Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 3
icarrier                        =                       1
iratio                          =                       1
ifmamplitude                    =                       6
index                           =                       2.5
iattack                         =                       0.02
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.05
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
ifrequencyb                     =                       ifrequency * 1.003
icarrierb                       =                       icarrier * 1.004
kindenv                         expseg                  0.000001, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 0.0125, irelease, 0.000001
kindex                          =                       kindenv * index * ifmamplitude - 0.000001
isine                           ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1
aouta                           foscili                 1, ifrequency, icarrier, iratio, index, isine
aoutb                           foscili                 1, ifrequencyb, icarrierb, iratio, index, isine
asignal                         =                       (aouta + aoutb) * kindenv
aoutleft, aoutright		        pan2			        asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   FMModulatedChorusing
                                // Original by Thomas Kung.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
iattack                         =                       0.333333
irelease                        =                       0.1
isustain                        =                       p3
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                  0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midikey) / 1200
ip6                             =                       0.3
ip7                             =                       2.2
                                ; shift it.
ishift                          =                       4.0 / 12000
                                ; convert parameter 5 to cps.
ipch                            =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
                                ; convert parameter 5 to oct.
ioct                            =                       i_midikey
kadsr                           linen                   1.0, iattack, irelease, 0.01
kmodi                           linseg                  0, iattack, 5, isustain, 2, irelease, 0
                                ; r moves from ip6 to ip7 in p3 secs.
kmodr                           linseg                  ip6, p3, ip7
a1                              =                       kmodi * (kmodr - 1 / kmodr) / 2
                                ; a1*2 is argument normalized from 0-1.
a1ndx                           =                       abs(a1 * 2 / 20)
a2                              =                       kmodi * (kmodr + 1 / kmodr) / 2
                                ; Look up table is in f43, normalized index.
iln                             ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     -12,    20.0 ; Unscaled ln(I(x)) from 0 to 20.0.
a3                              tablei                  a1ndx, iln, 1
icosine                         ftgenonce                   0, 0, 65536,    11,     1 ; Cosine wave. Get that noise down on the most widely used table!
ao1                             oscili                  a1, ipch, icosine
a4                              =                       exp(-0.5 * a3 + ao1)
                                ; Cosine
ao2                             oscili                  a2 * ipch, ipch, icosine
isine                           ftgenonce                   2, 0, 65536,    10,     1
                                ; Final output left
aoutl                           oscili                  1 * kadsr * a4, ao2 + cpsmidinn(ioct + ishift), isine
                                ; Final output right
aoutr                           oscili                  1 * kadsr * a4, ao2 + cpsmidinn(ioct - ishift), isine
asignal                         =                       aoutl + aoutr
asignal                         =                       asignal * iamplitude
aoutleft, aoutright		        pan2			        asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   FMWaterBell
                                // Original by Steven Yi.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ipch                            =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 2.0
ipch2                           =                       ipch
kpchline 	                    line                    ipch, i_duration, ipch2
iamp 	                        =                       2
ienvType	                    =                       2
kenv 	                        init 	                0
                                if ienvType == 0 kgoto env0  ; adsr
                                if ienvType == 1 kgoto env1  ; pyramid
                                if ienvType == 2 kgoto env2  ; ramp
kenv	                        adsr	                .3, .2, .9, .5
                                kgoto                   endEnvelope
kenv 	                        linseg	                0, i_duration * .5, 1, i_duration * .5, 0
                                kgoto                   endEnvelope
kenv	                        linseg 	                0, i_duration - .1, 1, .1, 0
kgoto                           endEnvelope
kc1                             =                       5
kc2                             =                       5
kvdepth                         =                       0.005
kvrate                          =                       6
icosine                  	    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, 11, 1
ifn1                            =                       icosine
ifn2                            =                       icosine
ifn3                            =                       icosine
ifn4                            =                       icosine
ivfn                            =                       icosine
asignal                         fmbell	                iamp, kpchline, kc1, kc2, kvdepth, kvrate, ifn1, ifn2, ifn3, ifn4, ivfn
iattack                         =                       0.003
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.06
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    iamplitude * asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   Granular
                                // Original by Hans Mikelson.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) / 175
                                ; f1  0 65536 1 "hahaha.aif" 0 4 0
                                ; f2  0 1024  7 0 224 1 800 0
                                ; f3  0 8192  7 1 8192 -1
                                ; f4  0 1024  7 0 512 1 512 0
                                ; f5  0 1024 10 1 .3 .1 0 .2 .02 0 .1 .04
                                ; f6  0 1024 10 1 0 .5 0 .33 0 .25 0 .2 0 .167
                                ; a0 14 50
                                ; p1   p2     p3    p4    p5    p6     p7      p8      p9    p10
                                ;      Start  Dur  Amp    Freq  GrTab  WinTab  FqcRng  Dens  Fade
                                ; i1   0.0    6.5  700    9.00  5      4       .210    200   1.8
                                ; i1   3.2    3.5  800    7.08  .      4       .042    100   0.8
                                ; i1   5.1    5.2  600    7.10  .      4       .032    100   0.9
                                ; i1   7.2    6.6  900    8.03  .      4       .021    150   1.6
                                ; i1  21.3    4.5  1000   9.00  .      4       .031    150   1.2
                                ; i1  26.5   13.5  1100   6.09  .      4       .121    150   1.5
                                ; i1  30.7    9.3  900    8.05  .      4       .014    150   2.5
                                ; i1  34.2    8.8  700   10.02  .      4       .14     150   1.6
igrtab                          ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1, .3, .1, 0, .2, .02, 0, .1, .04
iwintab                         ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1, 0, .5, 0, .33, 0, .25, 0, .2, 0, .167
iHz                             =                       ifrequency
ip4                             =                       iamplitude
ip5                             =                       iHz
ip6                             =                       igrtab
ip7                             =                       iwintab
ip8                             =                       0.033
ip9                             =                       150
ip10                            =                       1.6
idur                            =                       p3
iamp                            =                       iamplitude ; p4
ifqc                            =                       iHz ; cpspch(p5)
igrtab                          =                       ip6
iwintab                         =                       ip7
ifrng                           =                       ip8
idens                           =                       ip9
ifade                           =                       ip10
igdur                           =                       0.2
kamp                            linseg                  0, ifade, 1, idur - 2 * ifade, 1, ifade, 0
;                                                       Amp   Fqc    Dense  AmpOff PitchOff      GrDur  GrTable   WinTable  MaxGrDur
aoutl                           grain                   ip4,  ifqc,  idens, 100,   ifqc * ifrng, igdur, igrtab,   iwintab,  5
aoutr                           grain                   ip4,  ifqc,  idens, 100,   ifqc * ifrng, igdur, igrtab,   iwintab,  5
aoutleft                        =                       aoutl * kamp * iamplitude
aoutright                       =                       aoutr * kamp * iamplitude
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   Guitar
                                // By Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) / 8.0
iattack                         =                       0.01
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.05
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(p4)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(p5) * 20
kamp                            linsegr                 0.0, iattack, iamplitude, isustain, iamplitude, irelease, 0.0
asigcomp                        pluck                   1, 440, 440, 0, 1
asig                            pluck                   1, ifrequency, ifrequency, 0, 1
af1                             reson                   asig, 110, 80
af2                             reson                   asig, 220, 100
af3                             reson                   asig, 440, 80
aout                            balance                 0.6 * af1+ af2 + 0.6 * af3 + 0.4 * asig, asigcomp
kexp                            expseg                  1.0, iattack, 2.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 1.0
kenv                            =                       kexp - 1.0
asignal                         =                       aout * kenv * kamp
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   Guitar2
                                // By Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 12
iattack                         =                       0.01
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.05
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
kamp                            linsegr                  0.0, iattack, 1, isustain, 1, irelease, 0.0
asigcomp                        pluck                   kamp, 440, 440, 0, 1
asig                            pluck                   kamp, ifrequency, ifrequency, 0, 1
af1                             reson                   asig, 110, 80
af2                             reson                   asig, 220, 100
af3                             reson                   asig, 440, 80
aout                            balance                 0.6 * af1+ af2 + 0.6 * af3 + 0.4 * asig, asigcomp
kexp                            expseg                  1.0, iattack, 2.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 1.0
kenv                            =                       kexp - 1.0
asignal                         =                       aout * kenv
asignal                         dcblock                 asignal
aoutleft, aoutright		        pan2			        asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr 			        Harpsichord
                                // Original by James Kelley.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
insno           		        =                       p1
itime           		        =                       p2
iduration       		        =                       p3
ikey            		        =                       p4
ivelocity                       =                       p5
iphase                          =                       p6
ipan                            =                       p7
idepth                          =                       p8
iheight                         =                       p9
ipcs                            =                       p10
ihomogeneity                    =                       p11
gkHarpsichordGain               =                       .25
gkHarpsichordPan                =                       .5
iattack                         =                       .005
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       .3
p3                              =                       iattack + isustain + irelease
iHz                             =                       cpsmidinn(ikey)
kHz                             =                       k(iHz)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(ivelocity) * 36
aenvelope               	    transeg                 1.0, 20.0, -10.0, 0.05
apluck                  	    pluck                   1, kHz, iHz, 0, 1
iharptable              	    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,  7, -1, 1024, 1, 1024, -1
aharp                   	    poscil                  1, kHz, iharptable
aharp2                  	    balance                 apluck, aharp
asignal			                =                       (apluck + aharp2) * iamplitude * aenvelope * gkHarpsichordGain
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, iattack, 1, isustain, 1, irelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * adeclick, ipan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   HeavyMetalModel
                                // Original by Perry Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
iattack                         =                       0.01
idecay                          =                       2.0
isustain                        =                       i_duration
irelease                        =                       0.125
p3                              =                       iattack + iattack + idecay + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, idecay + isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
iindex                          =                       1
icrossfade                      =                       3
ivibedepth                      =                       0.02
iviberate                       =                       4.8
isine                           ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1
icosine                         ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    11,     1 ; Cosine wave. Get that noise down on the most widely used table!
iexponentialrise                ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     5,      0.001, 513, 1 ; Exponential rise.
ithirteen                       ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     9,      1, 0.3, 0
ifn1                            =                       isine
ifn2                            =                       iexponentialrise
ifn3                            =                       ithirteen
ifn4                            =                       isine
ivibefn                         =                       icosine
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 48.0
adecay                          transeg                 0.0, iattack, 4, 1.0, idecay + isustain, -4, 0.1, irelease, -4, 0.0
asignal                         fmmetal                 0.1, ifrequency, iindex, icrossfade, ivibedepth, iviberate, ifn1, ifn2, ifn3, ifn4, ivibefn
asignal                         =                       asignal * iamplitude
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   Hypocycloid
                                // Original by Hans Mikelson.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
                                ; This set of parametric equations defines the path traced by
                                ; a point on a circle of radius B rotating inside a circle of
                                ; radius A.
                                ;   p1  p2     p3   p4    p5     p6   p7   p8
                                ;       Start  Dur  Amp   Frqc   A    B    Hole
                                ; i 3   16     6    8000  8.00  10    2    1
                                ; i 3   20     4    .     7.11   5.6  0.4  0.8
                                ; i 3   +      4    .     8.05   2    8.5  0.7
                                ; i 3   .      2    .     8.02   4    5    0.6
                                ; i 3   .      2    .     8.02   5    0.5  1.2

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 4
iHz                             =                       ifrequency
ifqc                            init                    iHz
ip4                             init                    iamplitude
ifqci                           init                    iHz
ia                              =                       0.6 ; p6
ib                              =                       0.4 ; p7
ihole                           =                       0.8 ; p8
iscale                          =                       (ia < ib ? 1 / ib : 1 / ia)
kampenv                         linseg                  0, .1, ip4 * iscale, p3 - .2, ip4 * iscale, .1, 0
kptchenv                        linseg                  ifqci, .2 * p3, ifqc, .8 * p3, ifqc
kvibenv                         linseg                  0, .5, 0, .2, 1, .2, 1
isine                  	        ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, 10, 1
icosine                  	    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, 11, 1
kvibr                           oscili                  20, 8, icosine
kfqc                            =                       kptchenv+kvibr*kvibenv
                                ; Sine and Cosine
acos1                           oscili                  ia - ib, kfqc, icosine
acos2                           oscili                  ib * ihole, (ia - ib) / ib * kfqc, icosine
ax                              =                       acos1 + acos2
asin1                           oscili                  ia-ib, kfqc, isine
asin2                           oscili                  ib, (ia - ib) / ib * kfqc, isine
ay                              =                       asin1 - asin2
aoutleft                        =                       kampenv * ax
aoutright                       =                       kampenv * ay
                                ; Constant-power pan.
ipi                             =                       4.0 * taninv(1.0)
iradians                        =                       i_pan * ipi / 2.0
itheta                          =                       iradians / 2.0
                                ; Translate angle in [-1, 1] to left and right gain factors.
irightgain                      =                       sqrt(2.0) / 2.0 * (cos(itheta) + sin(itheta))
ileftgain                       =                       sqrt(2.0) / 2.0 * (cos(itheta) - sin(itheta))
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft * ileftgain
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright * irightgain
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr			        ModerateFM
                                // By Michael Gogins.
i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
iattack			                =			            0.002
isustain		                =			            p3
idecay				            =			            8
irelease		                =			            0.05
iHz                             =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
idB                             =                       i_midivelocity
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(idB) * 4.0
icarrier                	    =                       1
imodulator              	    =                       0.5
ifmamplitude            	    =                       0.25
index                   	    =                       .5
ifrequencyb             	    =                       iHz * 1.003
icarrierb               	    =                       icarrier * 1.004
aindenv                 	    transeg                 0.0, iattack, -11.0, 1.0, idecay, -7.0, 0.025, isustain, 0.0, 0.025, irelease, -7.0, 0.0
aindex                  	    =                       aindenv * index * ifmamplitude
isinetable                      ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, 10, 1, 0, .02
; ares                  	    foscili                 xamp, kcps, xcar, xmod, kndx, ifn [, iphs]
aouta                   	    foscili                 1.0, iHz, icarrier, imodulator, index / 4., isinetable
aoutb                   	    foscili                 1.0, ifrequencyb, icarrierb, imodulator, index, isinetable
; Plus amplitude correction.
asignal               		    =                       (aouta + aoutb) * aindenv
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, iattack, 1, isustain, 1, irelease, 0
asignal                         =                       asignal * iamplitude
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr 			        ModulatedFM
                                // Original by Thomas Kung.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
iattack                         =                       .25
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       .33333333
p3                              =                       iattack + isustain + irelease
iHz                             =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
kHz                             =                       k(iHz)
idB                             =                       i_midivelocity
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity)
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, iattack, 1, isustain, 1, irelease, 0
ip6                     	    =                       0.3
ip7                     	    =                       2.2
ishift      		    	    =           		    4.0 / 12000.0
kpch       		                =           		    kHz
koct        		    	    =           		    octcps(kHz)
aadsr                   	    linen                   1.0, iattack, irelease, 0.01
amodi                   	    linseg                  0, iattack, 5, p3, 2, irelease, 0
; r moves from ip6 to ip7 in p3 secs.
amodr                   	    linseg                  ip6, p3, ip7
a1                      	    =                       amodi * (amodr - 1 / amodr) / 2
; a1*2 is argument normalized from 0-1.
a1ndx                   	    =                       abs(a1 * 2 / 20)
a2                      	    =                       amodi * (amodr + 1 / amodr) / 2
; Unscaled ln(I(x)) from 0 to 20.0.
iln                    		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, -12, 20.0
a3                      	    tablei                  a1ndx, iln, 1
icosine                  	    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, 11, 1
ao1                     	    poscil                  a1, kpch, icosine
a4                      	    =                       exp(-0.5 * a3 + ao1)
; Cosine
ao2                     	    poscil                  a2 * kpch, kpch, icosine
isine                  		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, 10, 1
; Final output left
aleft                   	    poscil                  a4, ao2 + cpsoct(koct + ishift), isine
; Final output right
aright                  	    poscil                  a4, ao2 + cpsoct(koct - ishift), isine
asignal                         =                       (aleft + aright) * iamplitude
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   PlainPluckedString
                                // By Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
iattack                         =                       0.002
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.075
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 6
aenvelope                       transeg                 0, iattack, -4, iamplitude,  isustain, -4, iamplitude / 10.0, irelease, -4, 0
asignal1                        pluck                   1, ifrequency, ifrequency * 1.002, 0, 1
asignal2                        pluck                   1, ifrequency * 1.003, ifrequency, 0, 1
asignal                         =                       (asignal1 + asignal2) * aenvelope
aoutleft, aoutright		        pan2			        asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   PRCBeeThree
                                // By Michael Gogins.
i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 6
iattack                         =                       0.005
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.06
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
asignal                         STKBeeThree             ifrequency, 1
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                               instr                   PRCBeeThreeDelayed
                                // By Michael Gogins.
i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 6
iattack                         =                       0.2
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.3
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
asignal                         STKBeeThree             ifrequency, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 11, 0
amodulator                      oscils                  0.00015, 0.2, 0.0
                                ; Read delayed signal, first delayr instance:
adump                           delayr                  4.0
adly1                           deltapi                 0.03 + amodulator; associated with first delayr instance
                                ; Read delayed signal, second delayr instance:
adump                           delayr                  4.0
adly2                           deltapi                 0.029 + amodulator      ; associated with second delayr instance
                                ; Do some cross-coupled manipulation:
afdbk1                          =                       0.7 * adly1 + 0.7 * adly2 + asignal
afdbk2                          =                       -0.7 * adly1 + 0.7 * adly2 + asignal
                                ; Feed back signal, associated with first delayr instance:
                                delayw                  afdbk1
                                ; Feed back signal, associated with second delayr instance:
                                delayw                  afdbk2
asignal2                        =                       adly1 + adly2
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal2 * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   PRCBowed
                                // By Michael Gogins.
i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 6
                                ; Controllers:
                                ;   1  Vibrato Gain
                                ;   2  Bow Pressure
                                ;   4  Bow Position
                                ;  11  Vibrato Frequency
                                ; 128  Volume
asignal 		                STKBowed 		        ifrequency, 1.0, 1, 1.8, 2, 120.0, 4, 50.0, 11, 20.0
iattack                         =                       0.005
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.06
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKBandedWG
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 256
asignal 		                STKBandedWG 		    ifrequency, 1.0
iattack                         =                       0.005
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.06
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKBeeThree
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 16
asignal 		                STKBeeThree 		    ifrequency, 1.0, 1, 1.5, 2, 4.8, 4, 2.1
aphased                         phaser1                 asignal, 4000, 16, .2, .9
idampingattack                  =                       .002
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    aphased * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKBlowBotl
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 4
asignal 		                STKBlowBotl 		    ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .002
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKBlowHole
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 4
asignal 		                STKBlowHole 		    ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .002
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKBowed
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 8
                                ; Controllers:
                                ;   1  Vibrato Gain
                                ;   2  Bow Pressure
                                ;   4  Bow Position
                                ;  11  Vibrato Frequency
                                ; 128  Volume
asignal 		                STKBowed 		        ifrequency, 1.0, 1, 0.8, 2, 120.0, 4, 20.0, 11, 20.0
idampingattack                  =                       .002
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKClarinet
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 4
asignal 		                STKClarinet 		    ifrequency, 1.0, 1, 1.5
idampingattack                  =                       .002
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKDrummer
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 8
asignal 		                STKDrummer 		        ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .002
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKFlute
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 4
                                ; Control Change Numbers:
                                ;    * Jet Delay = 2
                                ;    * Noise Gain = 4
                                ;    * Vibrato Frequency = 11
                                ;    * Vibrato Gain = 1
                                ;    * Breath Pressure = 128
asignal 		                STKFlute 		        ifrequency, 1.0, 128, 100, 2, 70, 4, 10
idampingattack                  =                       .002
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKFMVoices
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 4
                                ; Control Change Numbers:
                                ;    * Vowel = 2
                                ;    * Spectral Tilt = 4
                                ;    * LFO Speed = 11
                                ;    * LFO Depth = 1
                                ;    * ADSR 2 & 4 Target = 128
asignal 		                STKFMVoices 		    ifrequency, 1.0, 2, 1, 4, 3.0, 11, 5, 1, .8
idampingattack                  =                       .002
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKHvyMetl
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 8
                                ; Control Change Numbers:
                                ;    * Total Modulator Index = 2
                                ;    * Modulator Crossfade = 4
                                ;    * LFO Speed = 11
                                ;    * LFO Depth = 1
                                ;    * ADSR 2 & 4 Target = 128
asignal 		                STKHevyMetl 		    ifrequency, 1.0, 2, 17.0, 4, 70, 128, 80
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKMandolin
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 24
asignal 		                STKMandolin 		    ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKModalBar
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 24
                                ; Control Change Numbers:
                                ;    * Stick Hardness = 2
                                ;    * Stick Position = 4
                                ;    * Vibrato Gain = 1
                                ;    * Vibrato Frequency = 11
                                ;    * Direct Stick Mix = 8
                                ;    * Volume = 128
                                ;    * Modal Presets = 16
                                ;          o Marimba = 0
                                ;          o Vibraphone = 1
                                ;          o Agogo = 2
                                ;          o Wood1 = 3
                                ;          o Reso = 4
                                ;          o Wood2 = 5
                                ;          o Beats = 6
                                ;          o Two Fixed = 7
                                ;          o Clump = 8
asignal 		                STKModalBar 		    ifrequency, 1.0, 16, 1
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                 instr                   STKMoog
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 8
asignal 		                STKMoog 		        ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                 instr                   STKPercFlut
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 8
asignal 		                STKPercFlut 		    ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKPlucked
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 16
asignal 		                STKPlucked 		        ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKResonate
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity)
                                ;Control Change Numbers:
                                ;    * Resonance Frequency (0-Nyquist) = 2
                                ;    * Pole Radii = 4
                                ;    * Notch Frequency (0-Nyquist) = 11
                                ;    * Zero Radii = 1
                                ;    * Envelope Gain = 128
asignal 		                STKResonate 		    ifrequency, 1.;, 2, 40, 4, .7, 11, 120, 1, .5
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKRhodey
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 8
asignal 		                STKRhodey 		        ifrequency, 1
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKSaxofony
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 4
                                ; Control Change Numbers:
                                ;    * Reed Stiffness = 2
                                ;    * Reed Aperture = 26
                                ;    * Noise Gain = 4
                                ;    * Blow Position = 11
                                ;    * Vibrato Frequency = 29
                                ;    * Vibrato Gain = 1
                                ;    * Breath Pressure = 128
asignal 		                STKSaxofony 		    ifrequency, 1.0, 2, 80, 11, 100;, 29, 5, 1, 12
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKShakers
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 256
                                ;Control Change Numbers:
                                ;    * Shake Energy = 2
                                ;    * System Decay = 4
                                ;    * Number Of Objects = 11
                                ;    * Resonance Frequency = 1
                                ;    * Shake Energy = 128
                                ;    * Instrument Selection = 1071
                                ;          o Maraca = 0
                                ;          o Cabasa = 1
                                ;          o Sekere = 2
                                ;          o Guiro = 3
                                ;          o Water Drops = 4
                                ;          o Bamboo Chimes = 5
                                ;          o Tambourine = 6
                                ;          o Sleigh Bells = 7
                                ;          o Sticks = 8
                                ;          o Crunch = 9
                                ;          o Wrench = 10
                                ;          o Sand Paper = 11
                                ;          o Coke Can = 12
                                ;          o Next Mug = 13
                                ;          o Penny + Mug = 14
                                ;          o Nickle + Mug = 15
                                ;          o Dime + Mug = 16
                                ;          o Quarter + Mug = 17
                                ;          o Franc + Mug = 18
                                ;          o Peso + Mug = 19
                                ;          o Big Rocks = 20
                                ;          o Little Rocks = 21
                                ;          o Tuned Bamboo Chimes = 22
asignal 		                STKShakers 		        ifrequency, 1.0, 1071, 22, 11, 4;, 128, 100, 1, 30
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKSimple
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 64
                                ; Control Change Numbers:
                                ;    * Filter Pole Position = 2
                                ;    * Noise/Pitched Cross-Fade = 4
                                ;    * Envelope Rate = 11
                                ;    * Gain = 128
asignal 		                STKSimple 		        ifrequency, 1.0, 2, 98, 4, 50, 11, 3
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKSitar
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 8
asignal 		                STKSitar 		        ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKTubeBell
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 8
asignal 		                STKTubeBell 		    ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKVoicForm
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 16
asignal 		                STKVoicForm 		    ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKWhistle
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 4
asignal 		                STKWhistle 		        ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   STKWurley
                                // Original by Perry R. Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 16
asignal 		                STKWurley 		        ifrequency, 1.0
idampingattack                  =                       .0003
idampingrelease                 =                       .01
idampingsustain                 =                       p3
iduration                       =                       idampingattack + idampingsustain + idampingrelease
p3                              =                       iduration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, idampingattack, 1, idampingsustain, 1, idampingrelease, 0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   StringPad
                                // Original by Anthony Kozar.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
                                ; String-pad borrowed from the piece "Dorian Gray",
                                ; Modified to fit my needs

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ihz                             =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamp                            =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 3
idb                             =                       i_midivelocity
ipos                            =                       i_pan
                                ; Slow attack and release
akctrl                           linsegr                     0, i_duration * 0.5, iamp, i_duration *.5, 0
                                ; Slight chorus effect
iwave                           ftgenonce                   0, 0, 65536,    10,     1, 0.5, 0.33, 0.25,  0.0, 0.1,  0.1, 0.1
afund                           oscili                      akctrl, ihz,        iwave       ; audio oscillator
acel1                           oscili                      akctrl, ihz - 0.1,  iwave       ; audio oscillator - flat
acel2                           oscili                      akctrl, ihz + 0.1,  iwave       ; audio oscillator - sharp
asig                            =                           afund + acel1 + acel2
                                ; Cut-off high frequencies depending on midi-velocity
                                ; (larger velocity implies more brighter sound)
asignal                         butterlp                asig, (i_midivelocity - 60) * 40 + 900
iattack                         =                       0.005
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.06
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   ToneWheelOrgan
                                // Original by Hans Mikelson.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) / 8.0
iattack                         =                       0.02
isustain                        =                       i_duration
irelease                        =                       0.1
i_duration                      =                       iattack + isustain + irelease
p3                              =                       i_duration
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
                                ; Rotor Tables
itonewheel1                     ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     10,     1, 0.02, 0.01
itonewheel2                     ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     10,     1, 0, 0.2, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.05, 0, 0.02
                                ; Rotating Speaker Filter Envelopes
itonewheel3                     ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     7,      0, 110, 0, 18, 1, 18, 0, 110, 0
itonewheel4                     ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     7,      0, 80, 0.2, 16, 1, 64, 1, 16, 0.2, 80, 0
                                ; Distortion Tables
itonewheel5                     ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     8,      -.8, 336, -.78,  800, -.7, 5920, 0.7,  800, 0.78, 336, 0.8
itonewheel6                     ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,     8,       -.8, 336, -.76, 3000, -.7, 1520, 0.7, 3000, 0.76, 336, 0.8
icosine                  	    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536, 11, 1
iphase                          =                       p2
ikey                            =                       12 * int(i_midikey - 6) + 100 * (i_midikey - 6)
ifqc                            =                       ifrequency
                                ; The lower tone wheels have increased odd harmonic content.
iwheel1                         =                       ((ikey - 12) > 12 ? itonewheel1 : itonewheel2)
iwheel2                         =                       ((ikey +  7) > 12 ? itonewheel1 : itonewheel2)
iwheel3                         =                        (ikey       > 12 ? itonewheel1 : itonewheel2)
iwheel4                         =                       icosine
;   insno Start Dur   Amp   Pitch  SubFund  Sub3rd  Fund  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  8th
; i 1     0     6     200   8.04   8        8       8     8    3    2    1    0    4
asubfund                        oscili                  8, 0.5    * ifqc,  iwheel1, iphase / (ikey - 12)
asub3rd                         oscili                  8, 1.4983 * ifqc,  iwheel2, iphase / (ikey +  7)
afund                           oscili                  8,          ifqc,  iwheel3, iphase /  ikey
a2nd                            oscili                  8, 2      * ifqc,  iwheel4, iphase / (ikey + 12)
a3rd                            oscili                  3, 2.9966 * ifqc,  iwheel4, iphase / (ikey + 19)
a4th                            oscili                  2, 4      * ifqc,  iwheel4, iphase / (ikey + 24)
a5th                            oscili                  1, 5.0397 * ifqc,  iwheel4, iphase / (ikey + 28)
a6th                            oscili                  0, 5.9932 * ifqc,  iwheel4, iphase / (ikey + 31)
a8th                            oscili                  4, 8      * ifqc,  iwheel4, iphase / (ikey + 36)
asignal                         =                       iamplitude * (asubfund + asub3rd + afund + a2nd + a3rd + a4th + a5th + a6th + a8th)
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   TubularBellModel
                                // Original by Perry Cook.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 4
iattack                         =                       0.003
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.125
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
iindex                          =                       1
icrossfade                      =                       2
ivibedepth                      =                       0.2
iviberate                       =                       6
isine                           ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1
icosine                         ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    11,     1 ; Cosine wave. Get that noise down on the most widely used table!
icook3                          ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.05
ifn1                            =                       isine
ifn2                            =                       icook3
ifn3                            =                       isine
ifn4                            =                       isine
ivibefn                         =                       icosine
asignal                         fmbell                  1.0, ifrequency, iindex, icrossfade, ivibedepth, iviberate, ifn1, ifn2, ifn3, ifn4, ivibefn
aoutleft, aoutright		        pan2	                asignal * iamplitude * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   WaveguideGuitar
                                // Original by Jeff Livingston.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) / 16
iHz                             =                       ifrequency
                                ; The model takes pluck position, and pickup position (in % of string length), and generates
                                ; a pluck excitation signal, representing the string displacement.  The pluck consists
                                ; of a forward and backward traveling displacement wave, which are recirculated thru two
                                ; separate delay lines, to simulate the one dimensional string waveguide, with
                                ; fixed ends.
                                ; Losses due to internal friction of the string, and with air, as well as
                                ; losses due to the mechanical impedance of the string terminations are simulated by
                                ; low pass filtering the signal inside the feedback loops.
                                ; Delay line outputs at the bridge termination are summed and fed into an IIR filter
                                ; modeled to simulate the lowest two vibrational modes (resonances) of the guitar body.
                                ; The theory implies that force due to string displacement, which is equivalent to
                                ; displacement velocity times bridge mechanical impedance, is the input to the guitar
                                ; body resonator model. Here we have modified the transfer fuction representing the bridge
                                ; mech impedance, to become the string displacement to bridge input force transfer function.
                                ; The output of the resulting filter represents the displacement of the guitar's top plate,
                                ; and sound hole, since thier respective displacement with be propotional to input force.
                                ; (based on a simplified model, viewing the top plate as a force driven spring).
                                ; The effects of pluck hardness, and contact with frets during pluck release,
                                ; have been modeled by injecting noise into the initial pluck, proportional to initial
                                ; string displacement.
                                ; Note on pluck shape: Starting with a triangular displacment, I found a decent sounding
                                ; initial pluck shape after some trial and error.  This pluck shape, which is a linear
                                ; ramp, with steep fall off, doesn't necessarily agree with the pluck string models I've
                                ; studied.  I found that initial pluck shape significantly affects the realism of the
                                ; sound output, but I the treatment of this topic in musical acoustics literature seems
                                ; rather limited as far as I've encountered.
                                ; Original pfields
                                ; p1     p2   p3    p4    p5    p6      p7      p8       p9        p10         p11    p12   p13
                                ; in     st   dur   amp   pch   plklen  fbfac	pkupPos	 pluckPos  brightness  vibf   vibd  vibdel
                                ; i01.2	 0.5  0.75  5000  7.11	.85     0.9975	.0	    .25	       1	       0	  0	 0
ip4                             init                    iamplitude
ip6                             init                    0.85
ip7                             init                    0.9975
ip8                             init                    0
ip9                             init                    0.25
ip10                            init                    1.0
ip11                            init                    0.001
ip12                            init                    0.0
ip13                            init                    0.0
afwav                           init                    0
abkwav                          init                    0
abkdout                         init                    0
afwdout                         init                    0
iEstr	                        init                    1.0 / cpspch(6.04)
ifqc                            init                    iHz ; cpspch(p5)
                                ; note:delay time=2x length of string (time to traverse it)
idlt                            init                    1.0 / ifqc
ipluck                          =                       0.5 * idlt * ip6 * ifqc / cpspch(8.02)
ifbfac = ip7  			        ; feedback factor
                                ; (exponentialy scaled) additive noise to add hi freq content
ibrightness                     =                       ip10 * exp(ip6 * log(2)) / 2
ivibRate                        =                       ip11
ivibDepth                       pow                     2, ip12 / 12
                                ; vibrato depth, +,- ivibDepth semitones
ivibDepth                       =                       idlt - 1.0 / (ivibDepth * ifqc)
                                ; vibrato start delay (secs)
ivibStDly                       =                       ip13
                                ; termination impedance model
                                ; cutoff freq of LPF due to mech. impedance at the nut (2kHz-10kHz)
if0                             =                       10000
                                ; damping parameter of nut impedance
iA0                             =                       ip7
ialpha                          =                       cos(2 * 3.14159265 * if0 * 1 / sr)
                                ; FIR LPF model of nut impedance,  H(z)=a0+a1z^-1+a0z^-2
ia0                             =                       0.3 * iA0 / (2 * (1 - ialpha))
ia1                             =                       iA0 - 2 * ia0
                                ; NOTE each filter pass adds a sampling period delay,so subtract 1/sr from tap time to compensate
                                ; determine (in crude fashion) which string is being played
                                ; icurStr = (ifqc > cpspch(6.04) ? 2 : 1)
                                ; icurStr = (ifqc > cpspch(6.09) ? 3 : icurStr)
                                ; icurStr = (ifqc > cpspch(7.02) ? 4 : icurStr)
                                ; icurStr = (ifqc > cpspch(7.07) ? 5 : icurStr)
                                ; icurStr = (ifqc > cpspch(7.11) ? 6 : icurStr)
ipupos                          =                       ip8 * idlt / 2 ; pick up position (in % of low E string length)
ippos                           =                       ip9 * idlt / 2 ; pluck position (in % of low E string length)
isegF                           =                       1 / sr
isegF2                          =                       ipluck
iplkdelF                        =                       (ipluck / 2 > ippos ? 0 : ippos - ipluck / 2)
isegB                           =                       1 / sr
isegB2                          =                       ipluck
iplkdelB                        =                       (ipluck / 2 > idlt / 2 - ippos ? 0 : idlt / 2 - ippos - ipluck / 2)
                                ; EXCITATION SIGNAL GENERATION
                                ; the two excitation signals are fed into the fwd delay represent the 1st and 2nd
                                ; reflections off of the left boundary, and two accelerations fed into the bkwd delay
                                ; represent the the 1st and 2nd reflections off of the right boundary.
                                ; Likewise for the backward traveling acceleration waves, only they encouter the
                                ; terminations in the opposite order.
ipw                             =                       1
ipamp                           =                       ip4 * ipluck ; 4 / ipluck
aenvstrf                        linseg                  0, isegF, -ipamp / 2, isegF2, 0
adel1	                        delayr                  (idlt > 0) ? idlt : 0.01
                                ; initial forward traveling wave (pluck to bridge)
aenvstrf1                       deltapi                 iplkdelF
                                ; first forward traveling reflection (nut to bridge)
aenvstrf2                       deltapi                 iplkdelB + idlt / 2
                                delayw                  aenvstrf
                                ; inject noise for attack time string fret contact, and pre pluck vibrations against pick
anoiz                           rand	                ibrightness
aenvstrf1                       =                       aenvstrf1 + anoiz*aenvstrf1
aenvstrf2                       =                       aenvstrf2 + anoiz*aenvstrf2
                                ; filter to account for losses along loop path
aenvstrf2	                    filter2                 aenvstrf2, 3, 0, ia0, ia1, ia0
                                ; combine into one signal (flip refl wave's phase)
aenvstrf                        =                       aenvstrf1 - aenvstrf2
                                ; initial backward excitation wave
aenvstrb                        linseg                  0, isegB, - ipamp / 2, isegB2, 0
adel2	                        delayr                  (idlt > 0) ? idlt : 0.01
                                ; initial bdwd traveling wave (pluck to nut)
aenvstrb1                       deltapi                 iplkdelB
                                ; first forward traveling reflection (nut to bridge)
aenvstrb2                       deltapi                 idlt / 2 + iplkdelF
                                delayw                  aenvstrb
                                ; initial bdwd traveling wave (pluck to nut)
;  aenvstrb1	delay	aenvstrb,  iplkdelB
                                ; first bkwd traveling reflection (bridge to nut)
;  aenvstrb2	delay	aenvstrb, idlt/2+iplkdelF
                                ; inject noise
aenvstrb1                       =                       aenvstrb1 + anoiz*aenvstrb1
aenvstrb2                       =                       aenvstrb2 + anoiz*aenvstrb2
                                ; filter to account for losses along loop path
aenvstrb2	                    filter2                 aenvstrb2, 3, 0, ia0, ia1, ia0
                                ; combine into one signal (flip refl wave's phase)
aenvstrb	                    =	                    aenvstrb1 - aenvstrb2
                                ; low pass to band limit initial accel signals to be < 1/2 the sampling freq
ainputf                         tone                    aenvstrf, sr * 0.9 / 2
ainputb                         tone                    aenvstrb, sr * 0.9 / 2
                                ; additional lowpass filtering for pluck shaping\
                                ; Note, it would be more efficient to combine stages into a single filter
ainputf                         tone                    ainputf, sr * 0.9 / 2
ainputb                         tone                    ainputb, sr * 0.9 / 2
                                ; Vibrato generator
icosine                         ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    11,     1.0
avib                            poscil                  ivibDepth, ivibRate, icosine
avibdl		                    delayr		            (((ivibStDly * 1.1)) > 0.0) ? (ivibStDly * 1.1) : 0.01
avibrato	                    deltapi	                ivibStDly
                                delayw		            avib
                                ; Dual Delay line,
                                ; NOTE: delay length longer than needed by a bit so that the output at t=idlt will be interpolated properly
                                ;forward traveling wave delay line
afd  		                    delayr                  (((idlt + ivibDepth) * 1.1) > 0.0) ? ((idlt + ivibDepth) * 1.1) : 0.01
                                ; output tap point for fwd traveling wave
afwav  	                        deltapi                 ipupos
                                ; output at end of fwd delay (left string boundary)
afwdout	                        deltapi                 idlt - 1 / sr + avibrato
                                ; lpf/attn due to reflection impedance
afwdout	                        filter2                 afwdout, 3, 0, ia0, ia1, ia0
                                delayw                  ainputf + afwdout * ifbfac * ifbfac
                                ; backward trav wave delay line
abkwd  	                        delayr                  (((idlt + ivibDepth) * 1.1) > 0) ? ((idlt + ivibDepth) * 1.1) : 0.01
                                ; output tap point for bkwd traveling wave
abkwav  	                    deltapi                 idlt / 2 - ipupos
                                ; output at the left boundary
; abkterm	deltapi	idlt/2
                                ; output at end of bkwd delay (right string boundary)
abkdout	                        deltapi                 idlt - 1 / sr + avibrato
abkdout	                        filter2                 abkdout, 3, 0, ia0, ia1, ia0
                                delayw                  ainputb + abkdout * ifbfac * ifbfac
                                ; resonant body filter model, from Cuzzucoli and Lombardo
                                ; IIR filter derived via bilinear transform method
                                ; the theoretical resonances resulting from circuit model should be:
                                ; resonance due to the air volume + soundhole = 110Hz (strongest)
                                ; resonance due to the top plate = 220Hz
                                ; resonance due to the inclusion of the back plate = 400Hz (weakest)
aresbod                         filter2                 (afwdout + abkdout), 5, 4, 0.000000000005398681501844749, .00000000000001421085471520200, -.00000000001076383426834582, -00000000000001110223024625157, .000000000005392353230604385, -3.990098622573566, 5.974971737738533, -3.979630684599723, .9947612723736902
asignal                         =                       (1500 * (afwav + abkwav + aresbod * .000000000000000000003)) ; * adeclick
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * iamplitude, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr                   Xing
                                // Original by Andrew Horner.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
                                // p4 pitch in octave.pch
                                // original pitch        = A6
                                // range                 = C6 - C7
                                // extended range        = F4 - C7
insno           		        =                       p1
itime           		        =                       p2
iduration       		        =                       p3
ikey            		        =                       p4
ivelocity                       =                       p5
iphase                          =                       p6
ipan                            =                       p7
idepth                          =                       p8
iheight                         =                       p9
ipcs                            =                       p10
ihomogeneity                    =                       p11
kgain			    	        =                       1.25
iHz                             =                       cpsmidinn(ikey)
kHz                             =                       k(iHz)
iattack                         =                       (440.0 / iHz) * 0.01
                                print                   iHz, iattack
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       .3
p3                              =                       iattack + isustain + irelease
iduration                       =                       p3
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(ivelocity) * 8.
isine                           ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1
kfreq                           =                       cpsmidinn(ikey)
iamp                            =                       1
inorm                           =                       32310
aamp1                           linseg                  0,.001,5200,.001,800,.001,3000,.0025,1100,.002,2800,.0015,1500,.001,2100,.011,1600,.03,1400,.95,700,1,320,1,180,1,90,1,40,1,20,1,12,1,6,1,3,1,0,1,0
adevamp1                        linseg                  0, .05, .3, iduration - .05, 0
adev1                           poscil                  adevamp1, 6.7, isine, .8
amp1                            =                       aamp1 * (1 + adev1)
aamp2                           linseg                  0,.0009,22000,.0005,7300,.0009,11000,.0004,5500,.0006,15000,.0004,5500,.0008,2200,.055,7300,.02,8500,.38,5000,.5,300,.5,73,.5,5.,5,0,1,1
adevamp2                        linseg                  0,.12,.5,iduration-.12,0
adev2                           poscil                  adevamp2, 10.5, isine, 0
amp2                            =                       aamp2 * (1 + adev2)
aamp3                           linseg                  0,.001,3000,.001,1000,.0017,12000,.0013,3700,.001,12500,.0018,3000,.0012,1200,.001,1400,.0017,6000,.0023,200,.001,3000,.001,1200,.0015,8000,.001,1800,.0015,6000,.08,1200,.2,200,.2,40,.2,10,.4,0,1,0
adevamp3                        linseg                  0, .02, .8, iduration - .02, 0
adev3                           poscil                  adevamp3, 70, isine ,0
amp3                            =                       aamp3 * (1 + adev3)
awt1                            poscil                  amp1, kfreq, isine
awt2                            poscil                  amp2, 2.7 * kfreq, isine
awt3                            poscil                  amp3, 4.95 * kfreq, isine
asig                            =                       awt1 + awt2 + awt3
arel                            linenr                  1,0, iduration, .06
; asignal                         =                       asig * arel * (iamp / inorm) * iamplitude * kgain
asignal                         =                       asig * (iamp / inorm) * iamplitude * kgain
adeclick                        linsegr                 0, iattack, 1, isustain, 1, irelease, 0
asignal                         =                       asignal
aoutleft, aoutright		        pan2			        asignal * adeclick, .875;ipan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                instr			        ZakianFlute
                                // Original by Lee Zakian.
                                // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
if1                    		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    10,     1
iwtsin				            init			        if1
if2                    		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 16,       -2,     40, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, 10240
if26                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    2000, 489, 74, 219, 125, 9, 33, 5, 5
if27                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    2729, 1926, 346, 662, 537, 110, 61, 29, 7
if28                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    2558, 2012, 390, 361, 534, 139, 53, 22, 10, 13, 10
if29                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    12318, 8844, 1841, 1636, 256, 150, 60, 46, 11
if30                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    1229, 16, 34, 57, 32
if31                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    163, 31, 1, 50, 31
if32                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    4128, 883, 354, 79, 59, 23
if33                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    1924, 930, 251, 50, 25, 14
if34                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    94, 6, 22, 8
if35                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    2661, 87, 33, 18
if36                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    174, 12
if37                   		    ftgenonce               0, 0, 65536,    -10,    314, 13

i_instrument                    =                       p1
i_time                          =                       p2
i_duration                      =                       p3
i_midikey                       =                       p4
i_midivelocity                  =                       p5
i_phase                         =                       p6
i_pan                           =                       p7
i_depth                         =                       p8
i_height                        =                       p9
i_pitchclassset                 =                       p10
i_homogeneity                   =                       p11
ifrequency                      =                       cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
iamplitude                      =                       ampdb(i_midivelocity) * 4
iattack                         =                       .25
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       .33333333
p3                              =                       iattack + isustain + irelease
iHz                             =                       ifrequency
kHz                             =                       k(iHz)
idB                             =                       i_midivelocity
adeclick77                        linsegr                 0, iattack, 1, isustain, 1, irelease, 0
ip3                     	    =                       (p3 < 3.0 ? p3 : 3.0)
; parameters
; p4    overall amplitude scaling factor
ip4                     	    init                    iamplitude
; p5    pitch in Hertz (normal pitch range: C4-C7)
ip5                     	    init                    iHz
; p6    percent vibrato depth, recommended values in range [-1., +1.]
ip6                     	    init                    1
;        0.0    -> no vibrato
;       +1.     -> 1% vibrato depth, where vibrato rate increases slightly
;       -1.     -> 1% vibrato depth, where vibrato rate decreases slightly
; p7    attack time in seconds
;       recommended value:  .12 for slurred notes, .06 for tongued notes
;                            (.03 for short notes)
ip7                     	    init                    .08
; p8    decay time in seconds
;       recommended value:  .1 (.05 for short notes)
ip8                     	    init                    .08
; p9    overall brightness / filter cutoff factor
;       1 -> least bright / minimum filter cutoff frequency (40 Hz)
;       9 -> brightest / maximum filter cutoff frequency (10,240Hz)
ip9                     	    init                    5
; initial variables
iampscale               	    =                       ip4                              ; overall amplitude scaling factor
ifreq                   	    =                       ip5                              ; pitch in Hertz
ivibdepth               	    =                       abs(ip6*ifreq/100.0)             ; vibrato depth relative to fundamental frequency
iattack                 	    =                       ip7 * (1.1 - .2*giseed)          ; attack time with up to +-10% random deviation
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)             ; reset giseed
idecay                  	    =                       ip8 * (1.1 - .2*giseed)          ; decay time with up to +-10% random deviation
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
ifiltcut                	    tablei                  ip9, if2                          ; lowpass filter cutoff frequency
iattack                 	    =                       (iattack < 6/kr ? 6/kr : iattack)               ; minimal attack length
idecay                  	    =                       (idecay < 6/kr ? 6/kr : idecay)                 ; minimal decay length
isustain                	    =                       p3 - iattack - idecay
p3                      	    =                       (isustain < 5/kr ? iattack+idecay+5/kr : p3)    ; minimal sustain length
isustain                	    =                       (isustain < 5/kr ? 5/kr : isustain)
iatt                    	    =                       iattack/6
isus                    	    =                       isustain/4
idec                    	    =                       idecay/6
iphase                  	    =                       giseed                          ; use same phase for all wavetables
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
; vibrato block
; kvibdepth               	    linseg                  .1, .8*p3, 1, .2*p3, .7
kvibdepth               	    linseg                  .1, .8*ip3, 1, isustain, 1, .2*ip3, .7
kvibdepth               	    =                       kvibdepth* ivibdepth            ; vibrato depth
kvibdepthr              	    randi                   .1*kvibdepth, 5, giseed         ; up to 10% vibrato depth variation
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
kvibdepth               	    =                       kvibdepth + kvibdepthr
ivibr1                  	    =                       giseed                          ; vibrato rate
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
ivibr2                  	    =                       giseed
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)

                                if                      ip6 < 0 goto            vibrato1
kvibrate                	    linseg                  2.5+ivibr1, p3, 4.5+ivibr2      ; if p6 positive vibrato gets faster
                                goto                    vibrato2
ivibr3                  	    =                       giseed
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
kvibrate                	    linseg                  3.5+ivibr1, .1, 4.5+ivibr2, p3-.1, 2.5+ivibr3   ; if p6 negative vibrato gets slower
kvibrater               	    randi                   .1*kvibrate, 5, giseed          ; up to 10% vibrato rate variation
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
kvibrate                	    =                       kvibrate + kvibrater
kvib                    	    oscili                  kvibdepth, kvibrate, iwtsin
ifdev1                  	    =                       -.03 * giseed                           ; frequency deviation
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
ifdev2                  	    =                       .003 * giseed
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
ifdev3                  	    =                       -.0015 * giseed
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
ifdev4                  	    =                       .012 * giseed
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
kfreqr                  	    linseg                  ifdev1, iattack, ifdev2, isustain, ifdev3, idecay, ifdev4
kfreq                   	    =                       kHz * (1 + kfreqr) + kvib
                                if                      ifreq <  427.28 goto    range1                          ; (cpspch(8.08) + cpspch(8.09))/2
                                if                      ifreq <  608.22 goto    range2                          ; (cpspch(9.02) + cpspch(9.03))/2
                                if                      ifreq <  1013.7 goto    range3                          ; (cpspch(9.11) + cpspch(10.00))/2
                                goto                    range4
; wavetable amplitude envelopes
range1:                 	    ; for low range tones
kamp1                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, 0.002, iatt, 0.045, iatt, 0.146, iatt,  \
                                                        0.272, iatt, 0.072, iatt, 0.043, isus, 0.230, isus, 0.000, isus, \
                                                        0.118, isus, 0.923, idec, 1.191, idec, 0.794, idec, 0.418, idec, \
                                                        0.172, idec, 0.053, idec, 0
kamp2                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, 0.009, iatt, 0.022, iatt, -0.049, iatt,  \
                                                        -0.120, iatt, 0.297, iatt, 1.890, isus, 1.543, isus, 0.000, isus, \
                                                        0.546, isus, 0.690, idec, -0.318, idec, -0.326, idec, -0.116, idec, \
                                                        -0.035, idec, -0.020, idec, 0
kamp3                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, 0.005, iatt, -0.026, iatt, 0.023, iatt,    \
                                                        0.133, iatt, 0.060, iatt, -1.245, isus, -0.760, isus, 1.000, isus,  \
                                                        0.360, isus, -0.526, idec, 0.165, idec, 0.184, idec, 0.060, idec,   \
                                                        0.010, idec, 0.013, idec, 0
iwt1                    	    =                       if26                                      ; wavetable numbers
iwt2                    	    =                       if27
iwt3                    	    =                       if28
inorm                   	    =                       3949
                                goto                    end
range2:                 	    ; for low mid-range tones
kamp1                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, 0.000, iatt, -0.005, iatt, 0.000, iatt, \
                                                        0.030, iatt, 0.198, iatt, 0.664, isus, 1.451, isus, 1.782, isus, \
                                                        1.316, isus, 0.817, idec, 0.284, idec, 0.171, idec, 0.082, idec, \
                                                        0.037, idec, 0.012, idec, 0
kamp2                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, 0.000, iatt, 0.320, iatt, 0.882, iatt,      \
                                                        1.863, iatt, 4.175, iatt, 4.355, isus, -5.329, isus, -8.303, isus,   \
                                                        -1.480, isus, -0.472, idec, 1.819, idec, -0.135, idec, -0.082, idec, \
                                                        -0.170, idec, -0.065, idec, 0
kamp3                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, 1.000, iatt, 0.520, iatt, -0.303, iatt,     \
                                                        0.059, iatt, -4.103, iatt, -6.784, isus, 7.006, isus, 11, isus,      \
                                                        12.495, isus, -0.562, idec, -4.946, idec, -0.587, idec, 0.440, idec, \
                                                        0.174, idec, -0.027, idec, 0
iwt1                    	    =                       if29
iwt2                    	    =                       if30
iwt3                    	    =                       if31
inorm                   	    =                       27668.2
                                goto                    end
range3:                 	    ; for high mid-range tones
kamp1                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, 0.005, iatt, 0.000, iatt, -0.082, iatt,      \
                                                        0.36, iatt, 0.581, iatt, 0.416, isus, 1.073, isus, 0.000, isus,       \
                                                        0.356, isus, .86, idec, 0.532, idec, 0.162, idec, 0.076, idec, 0.064, \
                                                        idec, 0.031, idec, 0
kamp2                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, -0.005, iatt, 0.000, iatt, 0.205, iatt,      \
                                                        -0.284, iatt, -0.208, iatt, 0.326, isus, -0.401, isus, 1.540, isus,   \
                                                        0.589, isus, -0.486, idec, -0.016, idec, 0.141, idec, 0.105, idec,    \
                                                        -0.003, idec, -0.023, idec, 0
kamp3                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, 0.722, iatt, 1.500, iatt, 3.697, iatt,       \
                                                        0.080, iatt, -2.327, iatt, -0.684, isus, -2.638, isus, 0.000, isus,   \
                                                        1.347, isus, 0.485, idec, -0.419, idec, -.700, idec, -0.278, idec,    \
                                                        0.167, idec, -0.059, idec, 0
iwt1                    	    =                       if32
iwt2                    	    =                       if33
iwt3                    	    =                       if34
inorm                   	    =                       3775
                                goto                    end
range4:                                                 ; for high range tones
kamp1                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, 0.000, iatt, 0.000, iatt, 0.211, iatt,         \
                                                        0.526, iatt, 0.989, iatt, 1.216, isus, 1.727, isus, 1.881, isus,        \
                                                        1.462, isus, 1.28, idec, 0.75, idec, 0.34, idec, 0.154, idec, 0.122,    \
                                                        idec, 0.028, idec, 0
kamp2                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, 0.500, iatt, 0.000, iatt, 0.181, iatt,         \
                                                        0.859, iatt, -0.205, iatt, -0.430, isus, -0.725, isus, -0.544, isus,    \
                                                        -0.436, isus, -0.109, idec, -0.03, idec, -0.022, idec, -0.046, idec,    \
                                                        -0.071, idec, -0.019, idec, 0
kamp3                   	    linseg                  0, iatt, 0.000, iatt, 1.000, iatt, 0.426, iatt,         \
                                                        0.222, iatt, 0.175, iatt, -0.153, isus, 0.355, isus, 0.175, isus,       \
                                                        0.16, isus, -0.246, idec, -0.045, idec, -0.072, idec, 0.057, idec,      \
                                                        -0.024, idec, 0.002, idec, 0
iwt1                    	    =                       if35
iwt2                    	    =                       if36
iwt3                    	    =                       if37
inorm                   	    =                       4909.05
                                goto                    end
kampr1                  	    randi                   .02*kamp1, 10, giseed                   ; up to 2% wavetable amplitude variation
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
kamp1                   	    =                       kamp1 + kampr1
kampr2                  	    randi                   .02*kamp2, 10, giseed                   ; up to 2% wavetable amplitude variation
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
kamp2                   	    =                       kamp2 + kampr2
kampr3                  	    randi                   .02*kamp3, 10, giseed                   ; up to 2% wavetable amplitude variation
giseed                  	    =                       frac(giseed*105.947)
kamp3                   	    =                       kamp3 + kampr3
awt1                    	    poscil                  kamp1, kfreq, iwt1, iphase              ; wavetable lookup
awt2                    	    poscil                  kamp2, kfreq, iwt2, iphase
awt3                    	    poscil                  kamp3, kfreq, iwt3, iphase
asig                    	    =                       awt1 + awt2 + awt3
asig                    	    =                       asig*(iampscale/inorm)
kcut                    	    linseg                  0, iattack, ifiltcut, isustain, ifiltcut, idecay, 0     ; lowpass filter for brightness control
afilt                   	    tone                    asig, kcut
asignal                    	    balance                 afilt, asig
iattack                         =                       0.005
isustain                        =                       p3
irelease                        =                       0.06
p3                              =                       isustain + iattack + irelease
adeclick                        linsegr                 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
aoutleft, aoutright             pan2                    asignal * adeclick, i_pan
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright
                                prints                  "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7

                                // OUTPUT INSTRUMENTS MUST GO BELOW HERE

                                instr                   Reverberation
                                // By Michael Gogins.
ainleft                         inleta                  "inleft"
ainright                        inleta                  "inright"
if (gkReverberationEnabled == 0) then
aoutleft                        =                       ainleft
aoutright                       =                       ainright
kdry				            =			            1.0 - gkReverberationWet
awetleft, awetright             reverbsc                ainleft, ainright, gkReverberationDelay, 18000.0
aoutleft			            =			            ainleft *  kdry + awetleft  * gkReverberationWet
aoutright			            =			            ainright * kdry + awetright * gkReverberationWet
                                outleta                 "outleft", aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright

                                instr                   Compressor
                                // By Michael Gogins.
ainleft                         inleta                  "inleft"
ainright                        inleta                  "inright"
                                if (gkCompressorEnabled == 0) then
aoutleft                        =                       ainleft
aoutright                       =                       ainright
aoutleft                        compress                ainleft,        ainleft,  gkCompressorThreshold, 100 * gkCompressorLowKnee, 100 * gkCompressorHighKnee, 100 * gkCompressorRatio, gkCompressorAttack, gkCompressorRelease, .05
aoutright                       compress                ainright,       ainright, gkCompressorThreshold, 100 * gkCompressorLowKnee, 100 * gkCompressorHighKnee, 100 * gkCompressorRatio, gkCompressorAttack, gkCompressorRelease, .05
                                outleta                 "outleft",      aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright",     aoutright

                                instr                   ParametricEq1
                                // By Michael Gogins.
ainleft                         inleta                  "inleft"
ainright                        inleta                  "inright"
                                if (gkParametricEq1Enabled == 0) then
aoutleft                        =                       ainleft
aoutright                       =                       ainright
                                if (gkParametricEq1Mode == 0) then
aoutleft                        pareq                   ainleft,        15000 * gkParametricEq1Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq1Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq1Q, 0
aoutright                       pareq                   ainright,       15000 * gkParametricEq1Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq1Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq1Q, 0
                                elseif  (gkParametricEq1Mode == 0.001) then
aoutleft                        pareq                   ainleft,        15000 * gkParametricEq1Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq1Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq1Q, 1
aoutright                       pareq                   ainright,       15000 * gkParametricEq1Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq1Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq1Q, 1
                                elseif  (gkParametricEq1Mode == 0.002) then
aoutleft                        pareq                   ainleft,        15000 * gkParametricEq1Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq1Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq1Q, 2
aoutright                       pareq                   ainright,       15000 * gkParametricEq1Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq1Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq1Q, 2
                                outleta                 "outleft",  aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright

                                instr                   ParametricEq2
                                // By Michael Gogins.
ainleft                         inleta                  "inleft"
ainright                        inleta                  "inright"
                                if                      (gkParametricEq2Enabled == 0) then
aoutleft                        =                       ainleft
aoutright                       =                       ainright
                                if                      (gkParametricEq2Mode == 0) then
aoutleft                        pareq                   ainleft, 	15000 * gkParametricEq2Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq2Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq2Q, 0
aoutright                       pareq                   ainright,	15000 * gkParametricEq2Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq2Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq2Q, 0
                                elseif                  (gkParametricEq2Mode == 0.001) then
aoutleft                        pareq                   ainleft, 	15000 * gkParametricEq2Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq2Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq2Q, 1
aoutright                       pareq                   ainright,	15000 * gkParametricEq2Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq2Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq2Q, 1
                                elseif                  (gkParametricEq2Mode == 0.002) then
aoutleft                        pareq                   ainleft, 	15000 * gkParametricEq2Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq2Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq2Q, 2
aoutright                       pareq                   ainright,	15000 * gkParametricEq2Frequency, 10 * gkParametricEq2Gain, giFlatQ + 10 * gkParametricEq2Q, 2
                                outleta                 "outleft", 	aoutleft
                                outleta                 "outright", aoutright

                                instr                   MasterOutput
                                // By Michael Gogins.
ainleft                         inleta                  "inleft"
ainright                        inleta                  "inright"
aoutleft                        =                       gkMasterLevel * ainleft
aoutright                       =                       gkMasterLevel * ainright
                                outs                    aoutleft, aoutright


;;; MKG: Old generator: (events (ranchords 30 'c4 maj .3) "scales.mid")
;;;      New generator: Create a seq object to hold the generated score.
;;; Contrary to CM documentation, events returns a name, not an object.
;;; The generated score is placed into the seq that is passed to events.
(defparameter csound-seq (new seq :name "csound-test"))
;;; Generate events into the csound-events seq object.
(events (whirl 10 .25 .5 20 10 50 harms) csound-seq :channel-tuning 3)
; (events (ranchords 30 'c4 maj .3) csound-seq)
;;; Translate the score events to "i" statements 
;;; and render with the Csound structured data file 
;;; defined in the raw string or "here-document" csd-text.
(render-with-csound csound-seq csd-text 13 5)
(defparameter csound-seq (new seq :name "csound-test"))
;;; Generate events into the csound-events seq object.
(events (ranchords 30 'c4 maj 2) csound-seq)
;;; Translate the score events to "i" statements 
;;; and render with the Csound structured data file 
;;; defined in the raw string or "here-document" csd-text.
(render-with-csound csound-seq csd-text 14 8)

(defparameter stravmode (new mode steps '(2 1 2))) ; also "Shur"

(defparameter csound-seq (new seq :name "csound-test"))
;;; Generate events into the csound-events seq object.
(events (ranchords 30 'c4 stravmode 2) csound-seq)
;;; Translate the score events to "i" statements 
;;; and render with the Csound structured data file 
;;; defined in the raw string or "here-document" csd-text.
(render-with-csound csound-seq csd-text 16 12)
