

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 5fcfcb7517038d1f44ab4e478e6e61fa > files > 681


; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out  
-odac           ;;;RT audio 
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o partikkel.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform


sr = 44100
ksmps = 20
nchnls = 2

; Example by Joachim Heintz and Oeyvind Brandtsegg 2008

giCosine	ftgen	0, 0, 8193, 9, 1, 1, 90		; cosine
giDisttab	ftgen	0, 0, 32768, 7, 0, 32768, 1	; for kdistribution
giFile		ftgen	0, 0, 0, 1, "fox.wav", 0, 0, 0	; soundfile for source waveform
giWin		ftgen	0, 0, 4096, 20, 9, 1		; grain envelope
giPan		ftgen	0, 0, 32768, -21, 1		; for panning (random values between 0 and 1)

; *************************************************
; partikkel example, processing of soundfile
; uses the file "fox.wav" 
; *************************************************
		instr 1

/*score parameters*/
ispeed			= p4		; 1 = original speed 
igrainrate		= p5		; grain rate
igrainsize		= p6		; grain size in ms
icent			= p7		; transposition in cent
iposrand		= p8		; time position randomness (offset) of the pointer in ms
icentrand		= p9		; transposition randomness in cents
ipan			= p10		; panning narrow (0) to wide (1)
idist			= p11		; grain distribution (0=periodic, 1=scattered)

/*get length of source wave file, needed for both transposition and time pointer*/
ifilen			tableng	giFile
ifildur			= ifilen / sr

/*sync input (disabled)*/
async			= 0		

/*grain envelope*/
kenv2amt		= 1		; use only secondary envelope
ienv2tab 		= giWin		; grain (secondary) envelope
ienv_attack		= -1 		; default attack envelope (flat)
ienv_decay		= -1 		; default decay envelope (flat)
ksustain_amount		= 0.5		; no meaning in this case (use only secondary envelope, ienv2tab)
ka_d_ratio		= 0.5 		; no meaning in this case (use only secondary envelope, ienv2tab)

kamp			= 0.4*0dbfs	; grain amplitude
igainmasks		= -1		; (default) no gain masking

kcentrand		rand icentrand	; random transposition
iorig			= 1 / ifildur	; original pitch
kwavfreq		= iorig * cent(icent + kcentrand)

/*other pitch related (disabled)*/
ksweepshape		= 0		; no frequency sweep
iwavfreqstarttab 	= -1		; default frequency sweep start
iwavfreqendtab		= -1		; default frequency sweep end
awavfm			= 0		; no FM input
ifmamptab		= -1		; default FM scaling (=1)
kfmenv			= -1		; default FM envelope (flat)

/*trainlet related (disabled)*/
icosine			= giCosine	; cosine ftable
kTrainCps		= igrainrate	; set trainlet cps equal to grain rate for single-cycle trainlet in each grain
knumpartials		= 1		; number of partials in trainlet
kchroma			= 1		; balance of partials in trainlet

/*panning, using channel masks*/
imid			= .5; center
ileftmost		= imid - ipan/2
irightmost		= imid + ipan/2
giPanthis		ftgen	0, 0, 32768, -24, giPan, ileftmost, irightmost	; rescales giPan according to ipan
			tableiw		0, 0, giPanthis				; change index 0 ...
			tableiw		32766, 1, giPanthis			; ... and 1 for ichannelmasks
ichannelmasks		= giPanthis		; ftable for panning

/*random gain masking (disabled)*/
krandommask		= 0	

/*source waveforms*/
kwaveform1		= giFile	; source waveform
kwaveform2		= giFile	; all 4 sources are the same
kwaveform3		= giFile
kwaveform4		= giFile
iwaveamptab		= -1		; (default) equal mix of source waveforms and no amplitude for trainlets

/*time pointer*/
afilposphas		phasor ispeed / ifildur
/*generate random deviation of the time pointer*/
iposrandsec		= iposrand / 1000	; ms -> sec
iposrand		= iposrandsec / ifildur	; phase values (0-1)
krndpos			linrand	 iposrand	; random offset in phase values
/*add random deviation to the time pointer*/
asamplepos1		= afilposphas + krndpos; resulting phase values (0-1)
asamplepos2		= asamplepos1
asamplepos3		= asamplepos1	
asamplepos4		= asamplepos1	

/*original key for each source waveform*/
kwavekey1		= 1
kwavekey2		= kwavekey1	
kwavekey3		= kwavekey1
kwavekey4		= kwavekey1

/* maximum number of grains per k-period*/
imax_grains		= 100		

aL, aR		partikkel igrainrate, idist, giDisttab, async, kenv2amt, ienv2tab, \
		ienv_attack, ienv_decay, ksustain_amount, ka_d_ratio, igrainsize, kamp, igainmasks, \
		kwavfreq, ksweepshape, iwavfreqstarttab, iwavfreqendtab, awavfm, \
		ifmamptab, kfmenv, icosine, kTrainCps, knumpartials, \
		kchroma, ichannelmasks, krandommask, kwaveform1, kwaveform2, kwaveform3, kwaveform4, \
		iwaveamptab, asamplepos1, asamplepos2, asamplepos3, asamplepos4, \
		kwavekey1, kwavekey2, kwavekey3, kwavekey4, imax_grains

		outs			aL, aR


;i1	st	dur	speed	grate	gsize	cent	posrnd	cntrnd	pan	dist
i1	0	2.757	1	200	15	0	0	0	0	0
i1	0	2.757	1	200	15	400	0	0	0	0
i1	0	2.757	1	15	450	400	0	0	0	0
i1	0	2.757	1	15	450	400	0	0	0	0.4
i1	0	2.757	1	200	15	0	400	0	0	1
i1	0	5.514	.5	200	20	0	0	600	.5	1
i1	0	11.028	.25	200	15	0	1000	400	1	1

