

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 6b6b7ae2913296de29355a5d7275b0d7 > files > 13


# Use Reverse Number Database on the net to add name to callerid info
# Currently only tries to query and, but other lookups can
# be added easily
# If your callerid is only passed as a 7 digit number, 
# you can pass this script an argument with the default area code
# extensions.conf example:
# exten => s,1,AGI,calleridnamelookup.agi
# exten => s,2,Dial,Zap,1
# Written by: James Golovich <>
# Updated by: Jeff Siddall <>

use Asterisk::AGI;
use LWP::UserAgent;

# Set $CACHELOOKUPS to 1 to cachelookups locally, default is enabled
# You must create this directory if you enable $CACHELOOKUPS, or caching will fail
$CACHEDIR = '/var/spool/asterisk/calleridlookups';

# TIMEOUT is maximum number of seconds for http requests (we don't want to take too long)

$VERSION = '0.03';

$AGI = new Asterisk::AGI;

my %input = $AGI->ReadParse();

my $callerid = $input{'callerid'};
my $calleridname = $input{'calleridname'};

# Exit quickly unless the callerid number is the right length and the calleridname is empty or contains the word private or unknown
# Skip the name lookup if the caller ID number is not 7, 10, or 11 digits long
if (!(($callerid =~ /\d{7}/) || ($callerid =~ /\d{10}/) || ($callerid =~ /\d{11}/))) {
	$AGI->exec('Set', "CALLERID(name)=\"Invalid Number\"");
# Skip the name lookup if the caller ID name is not unknown or private (ie: it is already valid)
elsif (!(($calleridname =~ /private/i) || ($calleridname =~ /unknown/i) || (!$calleridname))) {

$defaultnpa = $ARGV[0] if (defined($ARGV[0]));

# Remove everything non numeric from callerid string
$callerid =~ s/[^\d]//g;

if (($callerid =~ /^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/) || ($callerid =~ /^1(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/)) {
	$npa = $1;
	$nxx = $2;
	$station = $3;
} elsif (defined($defaultnpa) && ($callerid =~ /^(\d{3})(\d{4})$/)) {
	$npa = $defaultnpa;
	$nxx = $1;
	$station = $2;
} else {

if ($name = lookup($npa, $nxx, $station)) {
	# Only modify the calleridname portion (leave the number unchanged)
	$AGI->exec('Set', "CALLERID(name)=\"$name\"");
} else {
	$AGI->exec('Set', "CALLERID(name)=\"Name Lookup Failed\"");


sub lookup {
	my $name = '';

	if ($name = cache_lookup(@_)) {
		return $name;

        # Add other lookups here, always keep best db first in list
        # Use first since it looks up Canadian and US numbers, and will report the caller's area even if the number is unlisted
	} elsif ($name = www411_lookup(@_)) {

	} elsif ($name = anywho_lookup(@_)) {


        # Cache only lookups that don't timeout, are not null, and haven't failed
	if (($name ne "") && ($name ne 'Name Server Timeout') && ($name ne 'Name Lookup Failed')) {
		my $result = cacheadd($npa, $nxx, $station, $name);
	return $name;

sub cacheadd {
	my ($npa, $nxx, $station, $name) = @_;

	return 0 if (!$CACHELOOKUPS);

	open(CACHE, ">$CACHEDIR/$npa$nxx$station") || return 0;
	print CACHE "$name\n";
	close(CACHE) || return 0;

	return 1;

sub cache_lookup {
	my ($npa, $nxx, $station) = @_;

	return 0 if (!$CACHELOOKUPS);

	my $name = '';

	open(CACHE, "<$CACHEDIR/$npa$nxx$station") || return '';
	$name = <CACHE>;

	# Must be a negatively cached result so just add a blank space so it will pass the other tests
	$name = ' ' if ($name eq '');

	return $name;

sub anywho_lookup {
	my ($npa, $nxx, $station) = @_;

	my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => $TIMEOUT);

	my $URL = '';

	$URL .= '?npa=' . $npa . '&telephone=' . $nxx . $station;


	my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $URL;
	my $res = $ua->request($req);

	if ($res->is_success()) {
		if ($res->content =~ /<!-- listing -->(.*)<!-- \/listing -->/s) {
			my $listing = $1;
			if ($listing =~ /<B>(.*)<\/B>/) { 
				my $clidname = $1;
				return $clidname;

	return '';

sub www411_lookup {
	my ($npa, $nxx, $station) = @_;

	my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => $TIMEOUT);

	my $URL = "$npa$nxx$station";


	my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $URL;
	my $res = $ua->request($req);

	if ($res->is_success()) {
		# The result may be an unlisted number, but the calling area is returned so show that
                if ($res->content =~ /based in\s*(.+?)\s*<\/strong>/s) {
			my $area = $1;

			# If the name has an '&' character, parse the HTML out
			$area =~ s/&amp\;/&/g;

			# Also parse out %20 and replace with space
			$area =~ s/%20/ /g;


		# If the number is invalid say that there is no listing
		elsif ($res->content =~ /Please verify/s) {
			return('No Listing');

		# If the page returns a first and last name, this RE will grab it, with the first name in $1 and the second in $2
		elsif ($res->content =~ /_RM_HTML_FIRST_ESC_=(.+?)\&_RM_HTML_LAST_ESC_=(.+?)\&_RM_HTML_ADDRESS_ESC_=/s) {
			my $name = "$1 $2";

			# If the name has an '&' character, parse the HTML out
			$name =~ s/&amp\;/&/g;

			# Also parse out %20 and replace with space
			$name =~ s/%20/ /g;

			# Also parse out escape characters
			$name =~ s/\\//g;

                        # Since the easy to parse result of the search has case mucked up this will capitalize the first letter of each word
                        $name =~ s/((^\w)|(\s\w))/\U$1/g;


		# If the page returns only a first name or last name, this RE will grab it in $1
		elsif ($res->content =~ /_RM_HTML_FIRST_ESC_=(.+?)\&_RM_HTML_LAST_ESC_=/s || $res->content =~ /_RM_HTML_LAST_ESC_=(.+?)\&_RM_HTML_ADDRESS_ESC_=/s) {
			my $name = $1;

			# If the name has an '&' character, parse the HTML out
			$name =~ s/&amp\;/&/g;

			# Also parse out %20 and replace with space
			$name =~ s/%20/ /g;

			# Also parse out escape characters
			$name =~ s/\\//g;

                        # Since the easy to parse result of the search has case mucked up this will capitalize the first letter of each word
                        $name =~ s/((^\w)|(\s\w))/\U$1/g;


		# If anything else happens just say "Name Lookup Failed"
		else {
			return('Name Lookup Failed');

	} else {
	  	return('Name Server Timeout');