

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 82e89d0f98fd96726d48c2bba90e7758 > files > 35


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Û²±°                 ÜÜ  ÜÜ  ÜÜ   ÜÜ  Ü   Ü Ü Ü Ü                     °±²Û
Û²±°                ÜÜÜÜÜÜ  ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ    Ü   Ü                      °±²Û
Û²±°                                                                  °±²Û
Û²±°                           Ver 6.1.0                              °±²Û
Û²±°                          12 dec 2009.                            °±²Û
Û²±°                                                                  °±²Û
Û²±°                      Written By Nickols_K.                       °±²Û
Û²±°                                                                  °±²Û
Û²±° WWW:                               °±²Û
Û²±° FTP:                      °±²Û
Û²±° FIDO:  BIEW.SUPPORT                                              °±²Û
Û²±°                        °±²Û
Û²±°        To (un)subscribe:                                         °±²Û
Û²±° CVS:      °±²Û
Û²±°                                                                  °±²Û

                                     Dedicated to documentation readers!!!

    This manual documents how to install, setup and use BIEW. Also  it
contains history of the program with the list of fixed  bugs  in  each

Table of Contents

0.-      Preamble
1.-      BIEW history
2.-      Installation and setup
2.1.-      Under DOS, OS2, Win32 following files are needed
2.2.-      For *NIX systems
2.3.-      For all systems
3.-      Program startup
4.-      Short keyboard guide
4.1.-      Basic keys
4.2.-      SHIFT - common utilities and setup
4.3.-      ALT - key binding to NEW-exe
4.4.-      CTRL - key binding to view mode
4.5.-      Functional keys, that are not displayed in prompt string
5.-      CodeGuider
6.-      Invisible features ( dark secrets )
7.-      Undocumented features
8.-      Program versions.
9.-      History
9.1.-      Old history
9.2.-      New history

0.- Preamble

    BIEW (Binary vIEW) is a free, portable, advanced file viewer with
built-in editor for binary, hexadecimal and disassembler modes.

It contains a highlight PentiumIV/K7-Athlon/Cyrix-M2 disassembler,
full preview of MZ, NE, PE, LE, LX, DOS.SYS, NLM, ELF, a.out, arch,
coff32, PharLap, rdoff executable formats, a code guider, and lot of
other features, making it invaluable for examining binary code.

DOS, Win32, OS/2, Linux, BeOS, QNX, Unix versions are available.

1.- BIEW history

   Why did I write BIEW? As for me, I  was  always  looking  for  some
powerful viewer of binary files. All viewers that I had in  1995  year
did not satisfy me. Neither famous HIEW, neither  QVIEW  or  something
else did not contain more than 50% of needed features.
   And so, tired to wait when their  authors  would  write  a  viewer,
which can display  any  information  without  any  problem  about  any
executable file, I wrote BIEW. Though  it  looks  like  those  viewers
that I've already had (of course: I borrowed some ideas), but I  think
that it's easier and more modeless,  besides  I  tried  to  make  easy
access  to  different  information  stored  in  file.  Nowdays,   BIEW
conjoins PIII disassembler, TDUMP (  without  possibility  of  viewing
.obj as OMF ), EXEHDR, DUMPEXE, NewExe Disasm,  and  also  quite  good
text viewer with Russian codepage converter, and so on.
   However I do not want to  compete  with  any  other  authors.  More
over, I'm thankful to them, their programs pushed me  on  this  heroic
step - to carry out my own ideas. Basically, I wrote BIEW  for  myself
and my friends, and if somebody else appreciates it - good luck.

2.- Installation and setup

   Today BIEW is ported under  several  operating  systems.  For  each
operating system there are own nuances of adjusting  the  program.  If
your operating system does not support security or if you always  work
as a Administrator, then the placing of files on the disk is a  matter
of your taste. Otherwise  you  can  place  program  in  your  personal
subfolder (where You have write access). As a rule, you can place  all
files of distribution in the same subfolder.

2.1.- Under DOS, OS2, Win32 following files are needed:
   biew.exe - executable module ;-)
   biew.ini - file of initializing and keeping variables between sessions.
              (is created automatically at first launch).
   biew.hlp - a file containing help system. BIEW will search these files
              in startup folder.
standard.skn- a file containing color skin. BIEW will search these files
              in startup folder.
2.2.- For *NIX systems:
   biew     - executable module ;-)
   .biewrc  - file of initializing and keeping variables between sessions.
              (is created automatically at first launch).
              BIEW will search for (or try to create) it in the home
              directory; if attempt will fail, then in  /tmp,  if you don't
              have access rights to /tmp, then BIEW will work without it.
   biew.hlp - file containing help system. BIEW will try to open it
              as /usr/lib/biew/biew.hlp and in case of failure will
              work without it.
standard.skn- file containing color skin. BIEW will try to open it in
              same subfolder as biew.hlp and in case of failure will
              work without it.

For more information see unix.txt

2.3.- For all systems:
Anyway, if you do not agree with default  placing  of  files  you  can
create BIEW_INI environment  variable  that  will  indicate  where  to
search a file of initializing a project, through  which  you  will  be
able to define all other adjustment of program.

3.- Program startup.

Why this subject appeared in documentation?
Many people ask me: "How to start a program ?-("
And I considered necessary to  add  this  material,  though  for  many
users it may seem primitive (they can skip this subject).

I skip start the program from the  command  line  of  console  as  not
requiring additional comments.

Main goal of program interface is  working  under  some  shells  (like
Norton Commander, Far, Midnight and etc), to be launched  as  external
viewer by F3 key. In this case adjusting  of  program  is  reduced  to
adjustment of respective file manager. For major  number  of  managers
an adjustment is reduced to instruction - what  external  viewer  will
launched for F3 key. Name of viewed  file  will  be  sent  to  program
through generally accepted in this case '!' symbols.

Example of adjusting calling BIEW for Norton Commander:
`C:\biew\biew.exe !.!'

Example of adjusting calling BIEW for Far Commander:
`"C:\Program Files\biew\biew.exe" !.!'

If You use Volkov Commander, then best edit vcview.ext file:

com: biew.exe !.!
exe: biew.exe !.!
dll: biew.exe !.!
*:   your default viewer

If You use Midnight Commander, then best edit /usr/lib/mc/mc.ext file:

# Default target for anything not described above
-	View=
+	View=biew %f

### EOF ###

If you are not admirer of different  commanders  and  prefer  to  work
only with GUI shells (like explorer, PM/2 or KDE),  but  herewith  you
even so have decided to use BIEW, the best decision is to create  BIEW
icons  on  your  "desktop",  adjust  its  properties  (such  as   size
consoles, font size etc) and use  drag-and-drop  technology  to  start
the program. (I.e. catch by "mouse" icon of any file and drop it  over
BIEW icon, herewith OS will automatically start BIEW with the name  of
dropped file as an argument). I think, today major number of  desktops
supporting drag-and-drop technology have such  feature  (at  least  it
checked  in  WinNT,  OS/2.  Not  checked,  but  hopefully   works   on
Unix-Gnome, KDE).

4.- Short keyboard guide

   Starting from version 5.00 there is following concept of keyboard

F1-F10   - Basic functions of BIEW, basically for switching modes.

ShiftF1- - Help functions of BIEW, for calling service utilities.

AltF1-   - Defined by executable module fragment of BIEW.
AltF10     (PE, NE, ELF, etc.)

CtrlF1-  - Defined by current view mode
CtrlF10    (bin, text, hex, disasm).

4.1.- Basic keys:

  F1 - Displayed window "Intro" (About)
  F2 - Mode switch:
                Binary - Binary mode. All characters displayed as is.
                         ( Very quick )
                Text - Text mode. In this mode characters 0AH and  0DH
                       are  string  terminators.   The   program   has
                       several modes of text  view  available  through
                Hex - Hexadecimal mode. In this  mode  information  is
                      displayed in form of hexadecimal digits:
                           Byte - as 8-bit byte,
                           Word - as 16-bit word,
                           DoubleWord - as 32-bit double word,
                           Binary - as bits.
                Disasm - Disassembler mode. Information  is  displayed
                         as   assembly   instructions   of    CPU/FPU.
                         Disassembler contain full instruction set for
                         PentiumIII/K7 Athlon/Cyrix-M2 microchips.
                         Instructions   for   different   chips    are
                         displayed  with   different   colors.   Press
                         [ShiftF1] for color set legend, [CtrlF1]  for
                         known instruction sets.
  F3 - Select other file to view from file list in command line
  F4 - Modification mode. ( Not  available  in  text  mode  ).  Allows
       modifying information in binary, hexadecimal  and  disassembler
       modes. Also it is possible to put the  mask  [F3]  and  execute
       logical operation ( OR, XOR, AND, PUT ) for  input  information
       stream  and  mask.  Current  value   of   mask   displayed   in
       upper-right corner of screen [F2] - save changes to disk.  [F9]
       and [CtrlBkSpace] - restore original values of  modified  byte.
       In text mode this key (F4) switches Wrap/Unwrap modes.
  F5 - Goto. Moves current file pointer on given offset:
        - from start of file (ABSOLUTE mode).
        - from current position (RELATIVE mode).
        - to virtual address (VIRTUAL mode).
  F6 - Reread file.
  F7 - Search. Offers to  input  sequence  up  to  20  characters  and
       searches  for  it.  If  given  sequence  exists  then   program
       highlights it  during  all  lifetime,  or  until  other  search
       sequence, or file rereading.
  F8 - If viewing file is  DOS-driver,  DOS-exe  or  NEW-exe  displays
       "old" "MZ" DOS header. [Enter] - jump on entry point.
  F9 - Setup.
  F10 - Quit function or program. [Escape] - alternative way.

4.2.- SHIFT - common utilities and setup:

  ShiftF1 - Help for current mode.
  ShiftF5 - Where - Display information about current file position.
  ShiftF6 - System information:
            - ASCII table of character generator.
            - ...
  ShiftF7 - Continues search without query for new sequence.
  ShiftF8 - Auxiliary utilities:
            - Digital converter. Convert numbers from one base to other:
              16, +-10, 8, 2
            - Calculator
            - ...
  ShiftF10- File utilities. Utilities that allow  to  change  contents
            and size of current file.
              - ChSize. Change file size.
              - FStore. Write  dump  of  current  file  to  the  given
                filename  of  choice.  It   is   possible   to   write
                disassembler block of information in selected  bitness
                (USE16 or USE32). Not allowed out of range of file.
              - FRestore.  Restores  already  stored  before  dump  of
                information starting from given  position  and  length
                in  file.  Not  allowed   out   of   range   of   file
              - Insert/delete  -  Inserts  empty  block  or    deletes
                existing block of information with resizing.
              - Crypt block - crypt/decrypt block with user password.
                This feature used non standard algorithm of encryption.

4.3.- ALT - key binding to NEW-exe:

Usage of these keys is not hard limited, and  generally  follows  this

(function is applied only if given feature exists in current format)

  AltF1 - Help for current format.
  AltF2 -  Displays  list  of  external  modules  (dynamic  or  shared
          libraries) referenced by the current module (dynamic  link).
          In  many  modes  by  pressing  [Enter]  list  of  referenced
          external (imported) names (functions) from  required  module
          needed for external link resolving will be displayed.
  AltF3 - Displays list of exported names.
  AltF8 - Displays native (non MZ) header of module.
  AltF9 - Displays list of pages contained in the objects of module.
  AltF10 - Displays object (segment) list of module.

All other keys have function defined by internal structure of module.

4.4.- CTRL - key binding to view mode:

  CtrlF1 - Additional mode help.
  CtrlF2 - Select "submode" of view
  CtrlF6 -  Address  Resolution  (Resolving)  -  in  hex/disasm  modes
           controls details of address in left  column.  Will  display
           absolute  file  offset  from  beginning  of  the  file   or
           relative offset from  beginning  of  the  block/segment  of
           current binary format with the name of  block/segment.  All
           other keys are defined by selected mode.

  Note: you can jump on points  in  tables  or  lists  highlighted  by
        black background by pressing [ENTER].

4.5.- Functional keys, that are not displayed in prompt string

Ctrl-O - Review the last screen. This allows  you  to  see  again  the
         output produced by the last program executed.

5.- CodeGuider
 (available only in disassembler mode)

Codeguider is mechanism of moving within code of program.  For  moving
within code following keys are used:

  [0],[1],[2],...[9],[A]([a]),[B]([b]),...[Z]([z]), [BackSpace]

  If there's a pointer in the right position of  disassembler  string:
=>[X] then after pressing key [X] you move to  address  referenced  by
instruction.  To  return  back  press  [BackSpace].  Stack  of  return
addresses is 256 cells.

6.- Invisible features ( dark secrets )

   In any program there's number of possibilities which obviously  are
not seen through menu items and prompt, but which influence  upon  the
behaviour or result of program performance, and on them  is  necessary
know all.
   All these functional possibilities with time will be  described  in
the help system, on the measure that, as it will develop.
   Below brought on the whole visibility their incomplete list:

- Help System, if it exists, it is available through  [F1]  key,  even
  though in  the  help  this  obviously  not  specified.  (In  greater
  degrees this concerns windows of dialogues).

- Transition  on  [F5]  saves   in  the  stack  CodeGuider'    current
  position, as an address of return.

- Code page convertion:
  Code page convertion of the document occurs automatically  when
  calling the functions [ShiftF10] => "Save block as...",  if  program
  bases  in  the  "Text  mode"  and   chosen   coding   "CodPag",   is
  distinguished   from   "Current".   Herewith   save   block     will
  automatically be transformed to  the  code  operating  system  page.
  This  fair  for  all  modes  having  not  trivial   realization   of
  convert_cp function (today it is only beside TextMode).

7.- Undocumented features

Why undocumented if it is placed into documentation?
Because these features were not programmed specially and exist not  in
all ports of project. I do not know all of them, but think  that  this
material will grow.

   For 32-bit version of project on Win32 & DOS32 there's next feature:

   If program runs with wildcard as argument, then automatic  globbing
of wildcard to full name of files occures. Example:

   biew *.c

will equivalent to run of biew with  enumeration  of  all  files  that
have .c extension in the current folder. (I.e. all names  will  exists
in list 'more' through F3  key).  Unfortunately  this  feature  exists
only in libraries of DJGPP and Cygwin, but port for OS2 has  emx-glibc
and proper to rsxnt (for it project does not oriented) does  not  have
such feature. In contrast, such behaviour of project is,  by  default,
documented for all *NIX system.

8.- Program versions

I'm choose following concepts of appropriation of version  numbers  to


V - VERSION.   Basic   program  version.  Changes   in   case   global
    (strategical) changes in philosophy of program or  when  principle
    new features appear.
S - SUBVERSION. Changes in case serious changes of code or appear  new
    tactical possibilities or features.
E - EXTRAVERSION. Changes at each new immediate stable release and  as
    rule related with bug fixing or adding a little innovations.
R - REVISION.   When   version  is  stable   then   R.T   is   omited.
    Traditionally can to contain approximately following values:
    pre    - PREVIEW VERSION: recommend for preview purposes only
    devel  - DEVELOPMENT: version, intended  for  developers  and  beta
    hotfix - extraordinary bug fixing in already released version.
    fp     - fix package
T - TESTLEVEL. revision level of program.
C - CPU. Indicated for which platform build the program.
O - OS. Indicated for which OS build the program.

9.- History

Amount of found errors is decreasing in each release
9.1.- Old history.
v0.01       -              Was so long ago I don't remember.
v0.90       - 29 dec 1995. ( 80486/387 disassembler )
v0.99       - 17 jan 1996. ( Search system )
v1.00 BETA  - 19 jan 1996. Final edition 1.00.
v1.01 BETA  - 21 feb 1996. DOS Drivers header & system information
v1.50 BETA  - 27 feb 1996. RAM viewer
v1.51 BETA  - 01 mar 1996. PE header ( without tables )
v2.00 BETA  - 04 mar 1996. Text viewer
v2.01 BETA  - 05 mar 1996. Windows CodePage 1251 & DKOI converter
v2.02 BETA  - 06 mar 1996. EBCDIC converter
v3.00       - 12 mar 1996. Binary editor
v3.10       - 14 mar 1996. Hexadecimal editor
v3.11       - 15 mar 1996. Digital converter
v3.20       - 22 mar 1996. Disassembler editor.
v3.21       - 29 mar 1996. Performance detection CPU/FPU
v3.21 PRO   - 01 apr 1996. Testing of disassembler.
v3.22 PRO   - 02 apr 1996. Mouse support.
v3.23 PRO   - 04 apr 1996. Add work with dumps. ( CtrlF2 / CtrlF3 )
v3.50 PRO   - 04 may 1996. Add calculation of entry point in NE files.
v3.52 PRO   - 23 may 1996. LE,LX headers. LX name tables
v3.53 PRO   - 28 may 1996. PE objects.
v3.60 PRO   - 11 jun 1996. 80586 disassembler.
v3.61 PRO   - 31 jul 1996. PE table and entry points.
v3.65 PRO   - 19 feb 1997. ImpDef utility.
v3.66 PRO   - 23 may 1997. CMOS viewer.
v3.70 PRO   - 28 may 1997. For Ctrl-F2 changed dump of disassembler (add
                           labels), also different types of comments.
                           ( Special for A. Glinkin )
v3.79.99 PRO- 29 may 1997. 80686/80687 disassembler.
v3.80 PRO   -  2 jun  1997. K. Boldyshev made right translation of texts
                           to English. Better mouse support.
                           Automatic detection of text files.
v3.81 PRO   -  4 jun 1997. Correct some bugs.
v3.85 PRO   - 11 jun 1997. Add displaying relocation references
                           in MZ ¨ NE structures.
v3.86 PRO   - 13 jun 1997. Add CodeGuider.
v3.87 PRO   - 23 jun 1997. In PE format for ImportDirRVA add correction
                           for MajVer,MinVer <> 0.
                           Add sort of lists by F2,F3.
v3.90 PRO   - 17 jul 1997. LX,LE tables and entry points.
v3.95 PRO   - 28 aug 1997. Speed-up NE file binding, and corrected some
                           mistakes of ver 3.90. Changed displaying prefixes
                           in disassembler. Add object code hiding ( CrtlF7 )
                           Rewrote Help of assembler.
v3.96 PRO   -  3 sep 1997. Speed-up MZ binding, corrected some errors of
                           disassembler and shell.
v3.97 PRO   -  5 sep 1997. Virtual binding PE files. ( Virtual - because
                           special analyze of address of relative jump,
                           but not this place, as in NE format).
                           Corrected call/jmp far for MZ files!
                           Corrected 66h/67h for Use16/Use32 after change
                           prefix representation.
v4.00 PRO   - 26 sep 1997. P5MMX disassembler.
                           Optimization of disassembler.
                           Changed strategy moving within disassembler:
                             1. backward disassembling
                             2. keys <-,-> changed file position on -+ 1 byte
                             3. keys , changed file position on -+ 1
                           Independent remember Bin/Txt/Hex/Asm for memory
                           and file.
                           Rewriting Help for disassembler; expanded service
                           in disassembler editor. Correct little errors.
v4.01 PRO   - 20 dec 1998. Work in protected mode.

9.2.- New history.

v5.0.0-beta.0 ! Changed interface, internal architecture of code. Now program is
16 may 1999.    more object-oriented. Rewrote aprox. 80% of code. (For program
                this started new life. Code now is simple expanded and made
                first steps in portability way - multiplatform) Somewhat lost
                (RAM, CMOS view), added alpha support Unix formats - ELF, a.out,
                coff32, arch
v5.0.0-pre.1  ! Cut off:
24 may 1999.    - work with memory
                - SysInfo (First step for porting on any platforms and OS'es)
                + hot keys in lists.
v5.0.0-pre.2  ! Returned disassembler functions
26 may 1999.    + (HiLight, PanelMode, Reference resolving)
v5.0.0-pre.3  ! Bug fixes:
10 jun 1999.    * work with mouse.
                * conversation long int -> string
                * little errors of disassembler
                + Additional info for MZ format (such as: archiver, ...)
                + alpha support of PharLap format.
                + quick mode switch by Enter
                + License (F9)
v5.0.0-pre.4  ! Bug fixes:
18 jun 1999.    * hex edition
                * errors of disassembler
                + Pentium III instructions sets
                + K6 3dNow! instructions set
                + CPU family pointer in 10 position in disassembler mode
v5.0.0-pre.5  ! Added:
23 jun 1999.    + Cyrix 686 instructions set
                * Rewrote help of assembler
                + Search in lists
v5.0.0-pre.6  ! Changes:
30 jun 1999.    * Error of search in selective lists
                + ShiftF10 - File utilities
                * ShiftF2/ShiftF3 moved to ShiftF10 menu
                + Insert/delete block in File Utilities
v5.0.0-pre.7  ! Changes:
6 jul 1999.     * Error in Save as/Restore procedures
                * Linked with new version of XDOS16 loader
                Works on:
                - DOS + QDPMI 7 (1.02)
                - Win9x
                - WinNT + SP3
                - OS2Warp.4 + FP5
                Don't works on :-((( :
                - DOS + QDPMI 9 (1.10)
                - Linux + dosemu
v5.0.0-pre.8  ! Changes:
29 jul 1999.    ++++++ HURRAY!!! PROJECT IS PORTABLE +++++++++
                ++++++ JUST IN TIME 32-BITS VERSION
                ++++++ PORTED UNDER:
                ++++++ DOS32 (GO32 of DJGPP)
                ++++++ OS/2 (16 & (32 bit's version for EMX))
                ++++++ WIN32 for Cygwin and RSX
                + File Information in ShiftF10
                * Restored function AddressResolv by CtrlF6
                * Opened read-only file
                * Rewrote all console part
v5.0.0-pre.9  ! Changed:
20 aug 1999.    * Disassembler errors:
                  in some instructions with one operand wrong interpreted
                  field mod of command
                * Accelerated video output
                + Added .ini files (There biew saved basic variables for
                  restoring self state after rerun (In future will expanded)
                + Translit in Russia codepage converter
                * Corrected error in search system
v5.0.0-pre.10 ! Changes:
5 oct 1999.     * Detected error of disassembler - wrong displaying arguments
                  many instructions (I hope it last)
                * Don't warning, if write in file impossible
                * Correct error of edition for small files
                * Changed wrong size of some dialog windows
                * Cosmetic changes of dialog windows
                * Corrected some little errors
                + Additional Russian codepages
                + Common accelerates
                = Comparison of productivity 32 and 16 bits versions is: 4/1.
                  (May be 16-bits version must die?)
                + F3 - More
                + Initial Linux port
                + Displayed pressed control key in left lower corner ( special
                  for *NIX terminal )
                * Accelerated search by using Boyer-Moore algorithm
v5.0.0 (Stable) ! Changes:
20 feb 2000     ++++++ I opened project under GNU GPL (Developers are welcome!)
                * Project was proofread
                + Accelerated video output
                * Corrected minor errors
                * Disassembler block rewritten as plugin
                + Best memory usage. Decreased number of static arrays.
                  Dynamics array is allocated in compete mode.
                * Fixed memory leak (existed since v5.0.0-pre.9)
                + User screen (Ctrl-O)
                + Undocumented opcodes of i387SL, Cyrix487
                + Help system
                + Opcodes of AMD-K7 Athlon
                + Utilities rewritten as addons
                + Integer calculator
                + .Ini file has saved more number of modes
                + Crypt/Decrypt block
                * Fixed error of buffering of file
                * Fixed search system error
                * Correct disassembler error in SIB-block (existed since 0.xx
                + Released time slice while waiting for input
                + Virtual jump
                + Where. Display information about current position of file.
                + CPU performance utility (restored from 4.x versions)
                * Some optimization
                + 'Put structures' in Save as dialogs for disassembler mode.
                  (attempt to recreate internal structures of current file).
                + Added RDOFF support
                + Restored 0F BA opcodes family.
                  Reported by ("Patrick Alken" <>)
v5.0.1        ! Changes:
03 mar 2000     + Force mono output
                + Mouse sensitivity
                + Accelerated .ini file input/output
                * Fixed minor error in sources (ansi compliance, gcc-2.95
                * Fixed bug in hexadecimal editor
                * Fixed minor bugs in disassembler
v5.0.2        ! Changes:
26 mar 2000     * Fixed bug of viewing 0 length file(s) reported by
                  ("Alexey Plehanov" <>)
                * Fixed bug in disassembler editor (when screen width > 80).
                  Fixed by CyberMan (
                + Added fully-featured Unicode support (ru/en zones)
                  and lot of Unicode-related bugs fixed.
                * Fixed bug when search system did not correctly show the found
                  string in text mode with expanded tabs characters, when the
                  found string was outside of screen
                + Max. width of screen increased upto 255 chars.
                * Fixed minor bugs
                * Minor optimization
                * Now function twDirectWrite is not affected cursor position
                + Win2000 ready! (thanks to Eugene Roshal and
                + MSCV 6.0 port (ported by Cyberman still
                  without assembler block).
                + Hexadecimal viewer adapts to screen size.
                * Full screen editors rewrite contents lesser.
                * If value of item written to .ini file has % symbol,
                  then this string is written to .ini file within #nosmart
                  #smart records.
5.0.3         ! Changes:
31 mar 2000     * Fixed bug of lost title and footer in some windows.
                  (twRefreshWin now updates only internal part of window,
                  but entire window is updated with twRefreshFullWin)
                * Fixed bug of creating temporary files when it was unable
                  to open viewed file.
                * Convert OS/2 rc to UNIX errno.
                * In windows that used own filling technology filler char is
                  changed from 0x00(zero) to TW_DEF_FILLER.
                  Thanks to Paul Sokolovsky <>
                * All constants from twin.h file now have prefix TW_*.
                * Found way to avoid problem of bugs of console input
                  under Win95. Works while with the little delay.
                  Tested on Win95 PE, OSR2, Win98
                  Fixed by Alexander Lokhan'ko <>
5.0.4         ! Changes:
14 apr 2000     * Removed slight delay in win9x console bug workaround code.
                  Fixed by Alexander Lokhan'ko <>
                * Fixed bug in UNICODE, incorretly displayed symbol 0xFE
                  from cp437/cp866 (BLACK SQUARE).
                * Fixed text mode bug (caused GPF/segfault) when
                  viewing any binary file as UNICODE text.
                * Removed warning 'fnUnix2Dos discards const attributes'
                  for DOS, OS/2, Win32 platforms.
                * Fixed bug of wrong keyboard codes for SHIFT+key under Win9x
                  (existed since 5.0.3)
                * Minor optimization.
                * Fixed minor bugs.
                * Added BeOS support
5.1.0         ! Changes:
02 jun 2000     * Some changes in structures of source tree,
                  rewritten makefiles, kbd_code.h. (pgcc-2.95.2 compatible)
                * Since this release all platform independed binary files
                  will be stored in bin_rc subfolder in source package.
                * Fixed bug of nonredrawing hex-window when text window is
                  updates in hexadecimal editor.
                  Reported by Alexander Lokhan'ko <>
                * Some revision functionality and fixing some bugs in text
                  window library. Little accelerating of project.
                * Revision of .ini library. Accelerated work with .ini files.
                + Increased documentation.
                * Fixed bug in disassembler mode - incorrectly displayed
                  percents. Reported by Barlog <>
                * Fixed bug of incorrectly displaying new source when new source
                  selectes through F3(more).
                * Fixed bug of non aligned on four columns, when file viewed as
                  byte in hecadecimal mode.
                  Reported by "Stanislav Shenk" <>
                + Fully featured COFF386 support.
                + Add skin support.
                + Add color to help system.
                * Fixed bug of highlighting search result (caused GPF /segfault),
                  when width of screen > 80 characters.
                  Reported by Alexey Kuznetsov <>
                * Fixed bug in disassembler (lost ib (2-nd argument)
                  in 'enter' instruction)
                * Fixed bug in module of PE format - GPF/segfault when viewing
                  import table with very long names.
                  Reported by Alexey Kuznetsov <>
                * Fixed bug in module of LX format - calculation of entry point
                  was blocked. Detect LX format even "old" MZ header is lost.
                + !!! STRESS TEST of program and lot of bug fixed !!!
                * Fixed bug of NLS file names on Win32.
                  Reported by Eugene Suslikov <>
                * Viewing file now opened in read only mode.
                * Extended support of symbolic tables in ELF and autodetected
                  endian of ELF.
                + Tried to prevent a program from infinity loops, when binary
                  file is broken or corrupt.
                  Reported by Eugene Suslikov <>
                * Fixed bug when search system displayed only part of the found
                  string in the text mode with expanded tabs characters.
                + Added new experimental calling convention: __FASTCALL__
                  defined in lib/sysdep/##__MACHINE_/_inlines.h
                  Capacity to work was tested for gcc- - pgcc-2.95.2
                  (gcc- looks the most trustworthy).
                  Most functions were modified. Executable is reduced on ~17Kb
                  and gained some speedup.
                  Remarks: using this technology possible only if C-library
                  of host system is fully compliant with accepted standards
                  (saving of registers: esi, edi, ebx and etc.).
                  So cdecl and fastcall versions under os2-emx, linux and unix
                  have same results of work, but under winnt-crtdll.dll -
                  different. Therefore, this technology is possible to use only
                  when using libraries (external and statically linked),
                  compiled with gcc and only after frequently testing.
                  __FASTCALL__ is part of stress test technology.
5.1.1         ! Changes:
23 jun 2000     * Minor changes, fixes and optimization.
                + Initial Watcom C and DOS/4GW port (see mk_files/makefile.wc)
                + Added new flag for ia32: -fshort-enums
                  (For details see "Optimization notes" in "release.txt")
                * Suppressed most compilation extra warnings.
                * Fixed bug of denied writting in FileUtils and disassembler,
                  which appeared after opening file in readonly mode.
                + Added opcode FFREEP, found in documentation on Athlon
                  Publication # 22007 Rev: D and documented as available for all
                  32-bit x86 processors.
                * Fixed bug of uninitializing lx_cache in LE format. (le_cache
                  more not used).
5.1.2         ! Changes:
06 jul 2000     * MSVC compile fixes
                  Fixed by CyberMan <>
                * Fixed bug of incorrect displaying in binary submode of
                * Fixed bug of sorting in listboxes.
                + Extended coff386 format navigation
                * Rewritten twin library and vio.c in endian independed manner
                  Changed interface to twWriteBuffer, twReadBuffer functions!!!
                  (Probably should work on non-little endian platforms).
                + Qualitative speedup Win32 input/output by use of
                * lib subfolder renamed to biewlib
                * Removed all redirecting headers.
                * Bugfixes and changes in colorset.c and standard.skn
                * Other minor changes and fixes.
5.2.0-pre.1   ! Changes:
22 sep 2000     * Improved sources documentation
                * Doxygen compatible commentaries
                * __FASTCALL__ macros defined as __stdcall__ by default
                * In windows that used own filling technology changed using
                  strncpy to memcpy. strncpy function caused filling output
                  buffer with 0x00 characters:
                  As it defined in GNU-glibc manual:

                      If the length of FROM is less than SIZE, then `strncpy'
                      copies all of FROM, followed by enough null characters to
                      add up to SIZE characters in all.  This behavior is rarely
                      useful, but it is specified by the ISO C standard.

                  Reported by Sergey Ratnikov <>
                * Fixed bug of wrong computing entries in Symbol Table of elf386
                * Fixed bug of wrong computing segments when they are unordered
                  in elf386 format
                * OS depended release of all file related functions.
                * P4 compatible CPU Performance tool.
                * Fixed bug of nondestroying of CurrPEChain in destroyPE
                  Fixed by "Kostya Nosov" <>
                * Fixed bug of nondisplaying import names when idFlags field
                  is NULL. Described in book of Matt Pietrek
                  "Windows 95 System Programming Secrets".
                  Fixed by "Kostya Nosov" <>
                + For PE format hidding .dll extension in import names at
                  references resolving only.
                  Added by "Kostya Nosov" <>
                + Added forwarding references for PE format and dereferencing
                  ret instructions.
                  Added by "Kostya Nosov" <>
                  Applied to all formats by author, as new menu item of
                  disassembler: reference prediction.
                + Added dysplaying of virtual address in address column
                  format and as argument of jump insns.
                  For PE added by "Kostya Nosov" <>
                  Applied to all formats by author
                + Modified codenavigation for indirect jmp and call for
                  Reference resolving = navigation
                  Modified by "Kostya Nosov" <>
                + Modified code navigation system: for same target addresses of
                  location are used same keys.
                  Modified by "Kostya Nosov" <>
                + Saving dump of disassembler to file has virtual addresses
                  if it selected in disassembler.
                + Added references prediction in disassembler. Will tend
                  to growing in future versions.
5.2.0-pre.2   ! Changes:
29 sep 2000     + Pentium-4 (Willamette) disassembler.
                  (+144 new instructions of SSE2)
                * Fixed wrong order of operands on some MMX (not SSE)
                  instructions. (Right disassembling, but wrong order).
                * Fixed codeguide problem with BkSpace key. Existed since
5.2.0-pre.3   ! Changes:
13 oct 2000     * Fixed control of object bounds in PE format.
                  Fixed by "Kostya Nosov" <>
                + Finalized developer documentation.
                + Improved reference prediction, references are displaying even
                  when internal fixup is detected or when operand is
                  dislpacement but not immediate.
                + Colored commentaries of reference prediction.
                + New prediction: LEAVE. It is applied when jump is not referred
                  to RET insn directly, but it obviously return from routine.
                            jmpC YYYY ; RETURN
                            jmpC XXXX ; LEAVE
                            pop  edx
                            mov  esp, ebp
                            pop  ebp
                            ret  NNNN
5.2.0         ! Changes:
29 oct 2000     * Fixed minor errors
                * Minor optimization
                * Increased reference prediction depth.
                * Improved prediction of LEAVE.
                * Fixed interpretation of 2 byte displacement of ModRM and
                  immediate operands of x86 disassembler as signed if it
                  meaningfully for instruction.
                  Reported by "Kostya Nosov" <>
                * Fixed interpretation of 4 byte displacement of ModRM and
                  immediate values of x86 disassembler.
                  If ModRM contains displacement only it is unsigned, otherwise
                  - signed.
                  Immediate operand of add, adc, sub, sbb instructions is
                  interpreting as signed. For any other instructions such
                  conversions are ambiguous.
                * Minor changes in dialogs.
                * Fixed problem with pseudographics under *nix-terminal.
                * In module twin.c: added checking of bounds of physical
                  screen buffer.
                * Fixed minor bugs in textmode plugin.
                + Since curses library (is used in Unix versions)
                  has 1 second delay after ESCAPE key pressing, for it was
                  added alias - F10, in general, anywhere.
5.3.0-pre.1   ! Changes:
26 nov 2000     + NEW: MMF (Memory-mapped files) technology for work with files.
                  Available for all OS exclude DOSxx.
                  (Optimization for native CPU now is significant. Comparision
                   of k6 versus i386 optimization for this project ~10%)
                  OS/2 part is based on code
                  written by Sergey I. Yevtushenko <>
                = Effect of speedup MMF versus traditional I/O = from 2.5 to 5
                  times (depends from OS and testing algorithm).
                * Fixed bug when text mode plugin did not correctly show the
                  found string in plain submode with expanded tabs characters,
                  when the found sequence is located out of 255
                  characters from start of string.
                * Fixed errno filling in win32 part.
                * Minor improving of LX format support.
                + Implementation biewlib as standalone library. As effect,
                  rewritting some makefiles.
                + Added possibility of preserving timestamp of files that
                  are being modified by BIEW.
                * Minor optimization.
5.3.0-pre.2   ! Changes:
08 dec 2000     * Qualitative speedup of many processes for all OS. Was born
                  after a long discussion in forum on
                * Minor fixes:
                   * some pointers during disassembling were not initialized
                   * losing of last character in commentaries
                   * changing technology recognition of new-exe files
                  Fixed by Kostya Nosov <>
                + Added possibility of preserving of virtual addresses during
                  reference resolving in 'Local offsets' mode.
                  (Implemented only for NLM and PE formats)
                + Added leaving a message boxes by pressing SPACE and ENTER.
                * Fixed bug of reading of elf386 virtual map when section
                  headers are lost. (Probably exists since 5.2.0-pre.1)
                * Fixed bugs in OS/2 MMF part. (Probably same logic should
                  to use in Win32).
5.3.0-pre.3   ! Changes:
24 dec 2000     * Fixed minor bugs in dialogs. (Exist since 5.3.0-pre.2)
                + Improved and expanded search engine and fixed a lot of minor
                  search related errors.
                  I tried to use Boyer-Moore optimization for wildcard engine
                  as far as it possible
                + NEW!!! Started work with classes of windows
                  See usage in bconsole.c for PercentWnd function.
                  Work inheres on the initial stage but technology already
                * Minor changes in coff386 format for reference prediction
5.3.0-pre.4   ! Changes:
11 feb 2001     * Fixed bug of computing virtual and physical address maps
                  for elf386 format. For computing that maps now are used
                  only sections which occupy space during execution.
                   name             type   flg virtaddr fileoffs   size
                   .got             PRGBTS WA  0000567C 0000467C 00000010
                   .dynamic         DYNLNK WA  0000568C 0000468C 00000058
                   .bss             NOBITS WA  000056E4 000046E4 00008010
                   .stab            PRGBTS     00000000 000046E4 00004F38
                   .stabstr         STRTAB     00000000 0000961C 000027A9
                   .comment         PRGBTS     00000000 0000BDC5 000000DA
                   .note            NOTES      00000000 0000BE9F 00000064
                   .shstrtab        STRTAB     00000000 0000BF03 0000009F
                   .symtab          SYMTAB     00000000 0000C2EC 00001770
                   .strtab          STRTAB     00000000 0000DA5C 0000118C
                  Here: last 7 sections are rubbish for computing of address
                * Fixed bug in computing symbolic table entry point of elf386
                  (I hope it final fix)
                * Fixed minor errors in coff386 formats.
                * Fixed bug in twPutS (has effect under *nix only)
                + Added new skins: insight.skn by me
                  golded.skn by Konstantin Boldyshev <>
                  and slightly changed assembly.skn
                + Implementation of and biew.spec
                  by Konstantin Boldyshev <>
                + Added support for elf386 relocations. This has finished a
                  gamma-stage of elf386 plugin and has updated it up to
                  fully-featured one.
                + Improved LEAVE prediction. Instructions:
                   sub (e)sp, digits
                   add (e)sp, digits { add esp, -2 === sub esp, 2 }
                  also are instructions of LEAVE set.
                + Minor expanded developer's documentation (topic 4.3 was
                + Developer's documentaion (English part) was proofreaded
                  by Konstantin Boldyshev <>
                + A lot of improvements in elf386 plugin. Added support of
                  non-standard binaries.
                + Minor assembler's optimization.
                * A lot of changes and improvements in Linux/Unix depended
                  parts of project that was implemented
                  by Konstantin Boldyshev <>
5.3.0-pre.5   ! Changes:
30 mar 2001     * Fixed bug of addend losing in elf386 format
                + Added MMX optimization (only for (p)gcc compiler)
                  (You should modify makefile to enable it).
                * Fixed minor bugs in elf386, coff386 plugins.
                * Qualitative speedup video output for main window of browser
                  (approx. upto 95-100% under WinNT, but under DOS32 - effect
                  is too minor).
                * Minor improvements in mz plugin
                * Fixed MMF related bugs in bbio. It might decrease stability!
                + Improved ix86 help.
                * Win32-MMF was rewritten with using OS/2-MMF logic.
                  (ChSize now works in MMF mode too).
                  Unfortunately this code can not be used with Watcom 11
                  because its C-libraries use own exception handlers.
                + Improved CPU performance test.
                + Improved references prediction. (Logic of autolevel plugins
                  (plugins/bin) was slightly changed).
                + Added first implementation of search within disassembler
                  output and fixed a lot of minor errors in the search engine.
                * Fixed a lot of minor errors in auxiliary programs
                  (NOTE: Internal strcuture of help file was not changed)
                * Fixed bug of losing of alignment during viewing unicode files
                  at EOF reaching.
                * Solved fastcall problem: bug was in gcc. You should to use
                  gcc-2.95.3 if you want build the project with fast calling
                * Fixed bug in "File information".
                  Fixed by Konstantin Boldyshev <>
5.3.0-pre.6   ! Changes:
22 may 2001     + Added QNX port.
                  Ported by Andrew Golovnia <>
                * 3dnow opcodes prefetch and prefetchw now are different.
                + Added Watcom implementation of cpu_info.c
                  Added by Andrew Golovnia <>
                  Modified for using with Watcom11 by me. 
                + Fast memory operations. Support 3dNow/MMX2/SSE optimization.
                  It speedups memcpy up to 5 times on modern (K7, P3) cpus
                  and about 20% on K6-2+ ones opposite to standard C-memcpy.
                  This technique was born in MPLAYER project.
                  Special thanks to:
                  Arpád GereOffy (A'rpi/ESP-team) <>
                  Felix Buenemann <>
                  Zoltán Ponekker (Pontscho/Fresh!) <>
                * emmx was renamed to emms ;)
                + Automatical selection of compiling parameters.
                * Fixed eof bug of ReadBuffer in mmf.
5.3.0-pre.7   ! Changes:
11 aug 2001     * Some improvements in NLS support
                + Added new pseudo opcodes for P3 and P4:
                   cmp(eq, lt, le, unord, neq, nlt, nle, ord)(ss, ps, sd, pd)
                * Minor improvements in some dialogs
                + Endianify block (reverse byte order)
                * Fixed bug of non repainting of hexfield in hexmode editor.
                + Xlat block (converts block with using of external tables)
                * Fixed minor bugs in block operations
                + Added initial support of LMF (QNX4)
                  by Andrew Golovnia <>.
                + Prompts of dialogs were dropped to prompt string
                * Fixed bug of disassembler's dump when program created
                  incorrect dump if several labels referenced to the same
                  physical address.
                * Fixed hilight search when width and height of window are
                  great of 255.
                  Fixed by Alex Derbeev <2:455/2251.12>
                * Fixed bug of segfault under Win9x in non-standard video modes
                  (like 150x50) - found way to avoid bugs of
                  Write(Read)ConsoleOutputAttribute from KERNEL32.DLL
                  Fixed by Kostya Nosov <>
                * Fixed bug of wrong disassembler's redrawing at end of little
                  files. (Of these 3-h bytes: ÍÍô)
                * Fixed bug of wrong fixup for instructions which start from 0Fh.
                + Expanded coff386's Public Name space by ST_LABEL.
                + Improved elf386 reference's name computing.
                * Fixed bug of jump to symbol entry in elf386.
5.3.0         ! Changes:
07 nov 2001     * Fixed bug of editing 0 length file(s).
                * Changed default location of 'biew.ini' under BeOS.
                * Fixed bug of 03 hours in Percent dialogs (localtime->gmtime).
                  Fixed by Kostya Nosov <>
                * Fixed bug of finding 0xFF code during performing one-byte
                * Kostya Nosov <> fixes:
                  * PE import: Displaying virtual address of function reloc.
                  * PE export: Displaying function exported by ordinal
                  * PE export: Displaying virtual address of function start
                  * NE bug: Fixed relocation computing in case of misordered
                + Improvements which are related with ordinal's export in
                  ListBox dialog:
                  + Size of ListBox is computed dynamically depend on
                    size of screen and strings.
                  + Formatting of lines is performed within ListBox. As effect -
                    they requires less memory.
                  (Idea of Kostya Nosov. My implementation).
                * Fixed gcc-3.x compilation.
                  Thanks to Neil Booth <>
                * Fixed viewing of non regular and pseudo files under *nix
                  systems (like /dev/mem, /proc/cpu and so on). 
                * Fixed 'highligh search' bug in hexmode viewer.
                + Expanded CPUID stuff.
                * Virtual addresses as operands of call and jmp insns in NE
5.3.1         ! Changes:
23 dec 2001     * Fixed wrong jump-address computing for insns which start
                  from 0F
                * Fixed -DDATADIR for beos
                * Fixed bug which might cause program crash in disasm.c
                * Fixed many wildcard related bugs
                * Some fixes which are maden by Olivier Mengue <>
                  in win32 related stuff:
                  + Fixed bswap64 compilation under MSVC 
                  + Solved warning
                  + Added save/restore of console state.
                  + Improvment of the non-DirectMode : in this mode, display
                    is relative to the visible window.
                  + Fixed MSVC debug compilation
                * Few cosmetic changes in unix related stuff by K. Boldyshev
5.3.2         ! Changes:
21 apr 2002     * A lots of *nix related improvements
                * extensive proofreading. very extensive indeed. 
                  I killed a whole day :) (by K. Boldyshev)
                + New prediction type: PIC (position independed code)
                  Example: .i386: jmp [ebx + name@GOT]
                  Only elf386 currently support that.
                + preliminary 64-bit ELF support
                * Found workaround for Matrox BIOS bug thanks to
                  Robert Riebisch <>
                * Fixed computing of indirect address for SSE(2)
                  insns in SIB mode
5.5.0         ! Changes (This release starts 64-bit support in biew)
04 jun 2003     * Fixed bug #566760 (segfault on file format detection)
                * Fixed SSE test
                + Implemented BkSpace behaviour for Delete key in hex dialog editor
                + Disable some non obvious features of 'Search dialog' in hex mode
                + Athlon64 disassembler
                  (highlights different execution units for Athlon64)
                + fully featured support of ELF-64 LSBF
                * some misc improvements in dialogs and other windows by X-Fixer <>
                * PE related fixes by X-Fixer <>:
                  * moved RVAs out of PEHEADER to make proper support of pe.peDirSize
                  * moved RVAs display out of Header display and made a special list
                    box for them (Alt-F9)
                  * fix in RVA2Phys()
                  * support of forwarding in PE exports (e.g. win2k's kernel32.dll)
                  * fixed displaying of 8-chars-long sections names
                  * more sections flags
                  * more subsystems
                * use runtime mmx detection and mmx-optimized functions even for
                  i386 optimized project
                * highlighs system opcodes
                * configurable virtual width of browser in hex and bin modes
                  (idea was borrowed from pview project)
                * PNI support (Prescott new instructions aka SSE3)
                * fixed bug of non repainting of bottom part of window under
                  some vt100 terminals.
                * reworked console's reader to enable clipboard pasting
                  through SysMenu->Edit->Paste facility of window
                  (by Sergey Oblomov <>)
                * Fixed 'CPU performance' tool under DJGPP
5.6.0         ! Changes:
29 mar 2004     + Java disassembler
                + New feature: "Tabbed" browsing.
                  (Now you may access F1-F10 actions through TAB key)
                + Textmode syntax highlighing
                + New submodes of binmode
                + AVR disassembler by Stephan Linz
                + Enable SSE3 for Athlon64
                  (due Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology)
                + New feature: input viewer
                * Fixed Bug#234729(
                  Hexadecimal dump is not hex, but binary
                  (if hexmode was forced by -h key in command line)
                * Fixed Bug#235005( Missing values in hex listing
                  (was detected when width of terminal window was 106 chars)
                * Fixes by Alex <>:
                  * Fixed bug of block-device opening
                  * Fixed case sensitive search in hexmode
                * Fixed old and evil bug of not repainting of low part of window
                  under some terminals.
                + Add russian locales support in linux/unix systems
                * Fixing multiple QNX related bugs
                + Added support for QNX 6 Neutrino
                * QNX6 related fixes and improvements
                + Added mouse wheel support for Win2k+
                * Some MSWin related fixes
                  by Oblomov Sergey <>
                * Fixed correct elf32 reading after applying 64-bit support
                * Other minor/major fixes.
5.6.1         ! Changes:
01 apr 2004     * Fixed focus positioning in dialog
5.6.2         ! Changes:
20 sep 2004     * os2 compilation fixes from Max Alekseyev <>
		* Various amd64-related fixes
		  (thanks to "Alexey Khoshenko" <>):
                  * fixed encoding order of spl, bpl, sil and dil registers
                  * in 'mov rax, [moff64]' address length affected only by rex.b
                  * 'mov CR(DR)x, GPR' and 'push/pop GPR' always use GPR64
                  * enabled access to CR8-CR15,DR8-DR15
                  * fixed size prefix for sign-extended imm8->[mem64] (by rex.w)
                  * allow to use r12 as index in rex-modrm-sib mode
                  * opcodes A0-A3 default to 64-bit.
                * Fixed computing of link-table for 32-bit big-endian elfs
                * Fixed gcc-3.4.2 compilation
                * Big-endian and 64-bit related a.out fixes
5.6.3         ! Changes:
01 apr 2007     * Fixes by Andrew Golovnia <>
		  * Sis CPU's ID fix
                  + itanium1/2 detection (experimental)
		  * detection of processor in PE format is fixed
		  * fixes of cpu identification
		  * CPUInfo display window changed to scrollable window
                + Added initial support for multimedia file formats (AVI,WAV,BMP,MP3)
5.6.4         ! Changes:
14 apr 2007     * Fixed bug #1695783 (biew 5.6.3 - Bug in file detection due mp3.c)
                * Improved multimedia format support
		+ Added initial support for Sis and SisX formats of Symbian OS
		* Fixed bug #1696442 (-extraincdir and -extralibdir can only handle one extra lib.)
		* Added endian selection in hexmode viewer
5.7.0         ! Changes:
20 dec 2008     * Fixes by Daniel Borca <>:
		  * unix/vio.c use the correct alternate set for line drawing.
		  * configure: accept linux and Linux from uname. i?86 is really ia32.
		  * makefile: install xlt and man pages correctly.
		  * unix/os_dep.c: DATADIR conforming to configure. Fix duplicate biew
		     name in configuration file
		  * ia32/_inlines.h: replace xlat with regular table indexing (to be able
		    to test biew with valgrind).
		  * linux/keyboard.c: fix 'I/O possible' error; it seems to be appearing
		    spuriously between __init_vio and the end of __init_keyboard, where
		    SIGIO is hooked as event handler. I think it's harmless to just or maybe
		    block SIGIO events until we are finished setting up the keyboard.
                + Assembling through the nasm/yasm. Patch by <>
		+ New opcodes (SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4a) in x86 disassembler.
		+ Provide alternative insns hilighting in ix86-32 disassembler.
		* Fixed bug of repainting in hexmode when up_arrow key pressed
		  and filepos == 0.
		* Fixed REX handling in x86_64 disassembler
		* Fixed CPU information dialog
		+ New disassemblers:
		  + ARM32 / XScale
		  + AIM Power5+ ISA
		+ Added support for PE32+ file format.
		+ NEW: User defined names aka bookmarks (Ctrl-F10)!!!
		* Many other improvements and fixes.
5.7.1         ! Changes:
28 dec 2008     * Minor fixes and cleanups.
                + feature request: [ 1782395 ] Make Goto (F5) accept percentages
11 jan 2009   ! Changes:
                * Minor fixes and cleanups
                * Workaround for output of external assembler.
                * Fixed generic build
                * Fixed broken output on UTF terminals
01 feb 2009   ! Changes:
                * Fixed bug #2468422: biew doesn't work in main directory under DOS
                * Fixed bug #2520144: Wrong computing of addressing mode in ARM dis.
                * Fixed national input on UTF-based terminals
                * Fixed RIP-realtive address resolving in AMD64 mode
02 feb 2009   ! Changes:
                * replaced wrong patch for AMD64 disassembler
22 sep 2009   ! Changes:
                + Initial x86_64 port
14 oct 2009   ! Changes:
                * Minor 64-bit OSes fixups
                * Patch by Alexander Krisak (akrisak). Fixed a bug in parsing
                  elf executables that have non standard size of Elf32_Shdr
                * Some spelling mistakes corrected
25 oct 2009   ! Changes:
                * Disable MMF system for Win64 as workaround
                * Fixed sizes of some implicit operands in x86_64 disasm
                * Disable MMF access to .ini file
6.1.0.pre     ! Changes:
11 nov 2009     + NEW:
                  added support for Intel's AES, AVX and AMD's XOP, FMA4, CVT16
                  into x86-disassembler
                * Fixed some lacks in ./configure script
12 dec 2009   ! Changes:
                * Minor fixes and cleanups
[]  Thank you for your interest.                                        []
[]  Nickols_K (                       []