

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 8dbf2600b2b2ab33f8e9cef1714346be > files > 215


.. _upgrade:

Upgrading from previous versions

Prior to |version|, the last widely-deployed release of
``django-registration`` was 0.8; a 1.0 release was published, and
|version| is mostly backwards-compatible with it, but 1.0 appears not
to have seen wide adoption. As such, this guide covers the process of
upgrading from ``django-registration`` 0.8, as well as from 1.0.

Backends are now class-based views

In ``django-registration`` 0.8, a registration workflow was
implemented as a class with specific methods for the various steps of
the registration process. In ``django-registration`` |version|, a
registration workflow is implemented as one or more class-based views.

In general, the required changes to implement a 0.8 registration
workflow in ``django-registration`` |version| is:

| 0.8 backend class implementation                            | |version| view subclass implementation                           |
| Backend class implementing ``register()``                   | :meth:`registration.views.RegistrationView.register`             |
| Backend class implementing ``activate()``                   | :meth:`registration.views.ActivationView.activate`               |
| Backend class implementing ``registration_allowed()``       | :meth:`registration.views.RegistrationView.registration_allowed` |
| Backend class implementing ``get_form_class()``             | :meth:`registration.views.RegistrationView.get_form_class()`     |
| Backend class implementing ``post_registration_redirect()`` | :meth:`registration.views.RegistrationView.get_success_url()`    |
| Backend class implementing ``post_activation_redirect()``   | :meth:`registration.views.ActivationView.get_success_url()`      |

URLconf changes

If you were using one of the provided workflows in
``django-registration`` 0.8 without modification, you will not need to
make any changes; both ``registration.backends.default.urls`` and
``registration.backends.simple.urls`` have been updated in
``django-registration`` |version| to correctly point to the new
class-based views:

| 0.8 URLconf view reference      | |version| URLconf view reference                  |
| ``registration.views.register`` | ``registration.views.RegistrationView.as_view()`` |
| ``registration.views.activate`` | ``registration.views.ActivationView.as_view()``   |

However, if you were using the two-step model-activation workflow, you
should begin referring to
``registration.backends.model_activation.urls`` instead of
``registration.backends.default.urls`` or ``registration.urls``, as
the latter two are deprecated and support for them will be removed in
a future release.

If you were passing custom arguments to the built-in registration
views, those arguments should continue to work, so long as your
URLconf is updated to refer to the new class-based views. For details
of how to pass custom arguments to class-based views, see `the Django
class-based view documentation

Template changes

When using :class:`~registration.forms.RegistrationForm`, the error
from mismatched passwords now is attached to the ``password2`` field
rather than being a form-level error. To check for and display this
error, you will need to change to accessing it via the ``password2``
field rather than via ``non_field_errors()`` or the ``__all__`` key in
the errors dictionary.

Changes since 1.0

If you used ``django-registration`` 1.0, or a pre-release checkout of
the |version| code, you will need to make some minor adjustments.

If you previously used ``registration.backends.default``, you will now
see deprecation warnings, as the former "default" workflow is now
found in ``registration.backends.model_activation``. Use of
``registration.backends.default`` continues to work in
``django-registration`` |version|, but will be removed in the future.

Similarly, references to ``registration.urls`` should become
references to ``registration.backends.model_activation.urls``, and
``registration.urls`` is deprecated and will be removed in a future

If you had written custom subclasses of
:class:`~registration.views.RegistrationView` or of
``RegistrationView`` subclasses in the built-in workflows, the
following changes need to be noted:

* The ``register`` method now receives the
  :class:`~registration.forms.RegistrationForm` instance used during
  signup, rather than keyword arguments corresponding to the form's

* ``RegistrationForm`` itself is now a subclass of Django's built-in
  ``UserCreationForm``, and as such is now a ``ModelForm``
  subclass. This can cause metaclass conflict errors if you write a
  class which is a subclass of both ``RegistrationForm`` and a
  non-``ModelForm`` form class; to avoid this, ensure that subclasses
  of ``RegistrationForm`` and/or ``ModelForm`` come first in your
  subclass' method resolution order.

* As noted above, the password-mismatch error message is now attached
  to the ``password2`` field rather than being a form-level error.