

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 960af70f95acbbd594591d95b384a943 > files > 3


Spring Social 1.0.3 Release (June 6, 2013)
This release was pushed to support Spring Social Twitter 1.0.4 so that a
TwitterTemplate can be created using application-only authorization (e.g.,
OAuth 2's client credentials grant).

  * Support OAuth 2's password grant and client credentials grant (SOCIAL-324).

Spring Social 1.0.2 Release (January 23, 2012)
Bug Fixes
  * Handle errors from provider during connection/sign-in process more gracefully. (SOCIAL-280)
  * Properly set valuesInitialized flag in AbstractConnection after a profile has been set the first
    time to avoid unnecessary fetches from the provider. (SOCIAL-282)
  * Guard against potential NullPointerException in JdbcConnectionRepository.findConnectionToUsers().
  * Allow for null returned from ConnectionSignUp.execute() to indicate a problem with implicitly
    creating a user. (SOCIAL-254)

Spring Social 1.0.1 Release (December 15, 2011)
Compatibility Notes
  * Changed signature of ConnectController.connectionStatusRedirect() to take a NativeWebRequest in
    addition to the provider ID (SOCIAL-258).

Bug Fixes
  * Fixed ConnectController to use the servlet path when doing connection status redirects so that
    the application's DispatcherServlet does not have to be mapped to "/" (SOCIAL-258).
  * A handful of documentation fixes (SOCIAL-249 and SOCIAL-273)

  * OAuth2Version.BEARER's value is now "Bearer" to be consistent with the latest drafts of the
    specification (SOCIAL-272)
  * Now built against Spring Framework 3.1.0.RELEASE (still compatible with Spring Framework 3.0.6)
  * Now built against Spring Security 3.1.0.RELEASE

Spring Social 1.0.0 Release (September 8, 2011)
Bug Fixes
  * OAuth1Parameters.NONE was accidentally made mutable; it is now back to being immutable as it should be.
  * Updated reference documentation to reflect the minor API changes introduced in RC3.
  * OAuth-encode consumer/token secrets when creating an OAuth 1 signature key (SOCIAL-248).
  * Handle signature differences between Spring 3.1M2 and Spring 3.1RC1 RestTemplate.setInterceptors() 

  * Added new configureRestTemplate() subclassing hook to AbstractOAuth1ApiBinding and AbstractOAuth2ApiBinding
    so that subclasses can configure the RestTemplate without writing that configuration code in the constructor.
  * Added getFormMessageConverter(), getJsonMessageConverter(), and getByteArrayMessageConverter() hooks to 
    AbstractOAuth1ApiBinding and AbstractOAuth2ApiBinding for convenient per-converter customization.
  * Added default constructor to OAuth1Parameters and OAuth2Parameters for more convenient standalone usage.  
  * Changed applicationUrl property on ConnectController and ProviderSignInController to be a String instead of URL.

Spring Social 1.0.0 Release Candidate 3 (August 25, 2011)
Bug Fixes
   * Discontinued use of "../"-based relative URLs when redirecting
     after deleting a connection to fix redirection when the disconnect
     form's action URL has a trailing slash. (SOCIAL-238)

   * Added schema for JdbcUsersConnectionRepository to reference documentation
     and briefly described its purpose and location within the core module.
   * ConnectInterceptor.preConnect() now accepts a MultiValueMap<String, String>
     to be able to add parameters to the authorization URL. (SOCIAL-243)
   * New samples illustrating a popup-based connection flow and Spring Social
     in a Facebook Canvas application.

Spring Social 1.0.0 Release Candidate 2 (July 26, 2011)
Bug Fixes
   * Display a message indicating a user should sign-up after a provider
     sign-in is unable to find a matching local user. (SOCIAL-207)
   * When ConnectController is given an application URL, it now uses the
     entire URL to construct the callback URL instead of piecing together
     the callback URL from specific parts of it. (SOCIAL-200)
   * Use coalesce function in SQL rather than ifnull for greater DB
     compatibility. (SOCIAL-226)
   * Added cache-control headers in response for ConnectController status
     pages to prevent caching. (SOCIAL-224)
   * Made ConnectionKey to implement Serializable, so that DuplicateConnectionException
     can be serialized in the session. (SOCIAL-225)

   * ProviderSignInController now handles callbacks from the provider when the
     user denies authorization by redirecting to the application's sign in page.
   * If multiple matching connections are found during provider sign in, redirect
     to the sign in page to offer the user a chance to sign in through some other
     means (username/password, via a different provider, etc). (SOCIAL-237)

Spring Social 1.0.0 Release Candidate 1 (June 22, 2011)
Compatibility Notes
   * Extracted provider-specific modules to separate projects.
   * Renamed {Provider} interfaces to {Provider}.java.
     (e.g. TwitterApi is now Twitter, FacebookApi is now Facebook, etc)
   * Renamed several operations in ConnectionRepository (see JavaDocs/source for details).
   * Renamed AbstractOAuth1ApiTemplate and AbstractOAuth2ApiTemplate to AbstractOAuth1ApiBinding and AbstractOAuth2ApiBinding, respectively.
   * Simplified ConnectController and ProviderSignInController constructors (see JavaDocs/source for details).
   * Moved ConnectController & ProviderSignInController's applicationUrl property from constructor to setter and made optional.
   * Renamed ConnectController#postLoginUrl property to postSignInUrl for consistency.
   * Renamed SignInService to SignInAdapter for clarity & added Connection, HttpServletRequest, and HttpServletResponse parameters to signIn method signature.
   * Factored out web.ConnectSupport from ConnectController and ProviderSignInController for reusability.
   * Removed commons-codec dependency; spring-security-crypto is now used for Base64 encoding as well as encryption.
New Features
   * Enabled use of Spring Social behind a proxy
   * Facebook API binding:
     * Photo and video upload
     * Facebook search
     * Facebook pages
   * Twitter API binding:
     * Block API
     * Notifications API
     * Geo API
   * Added ConnectionSignUp command to sign-in up a new user from a Connection automatically
   * Introduced super ApiBinding interface with isAuthorized() tester that can be used to determine if the application has been authorized to invoke the API on behalf of a user.

Bug Fixes
   * Fixed Spring 3.0 compatibility issues (SOCIAL-152)
   * Converted LinkedInTemplate response binding to be JSON-based, fixing a
     problem with Android compatibility (SOCIAL-148)
   * Fixed several JSON deserialization issues by either adding new fields to
     the model classes or by setting Jackson to ignore unknown properties.
   * Made javax.Inject dependency a required dependency of spring-social-web (SOCIAL-158)
   * Added setRequestFactory() methods to OAuth1Template and OAuth2Template to
     allow for customization of the request factory (SOCIAL-133)
   * AbstractOAuth1ApiBinding and AbstractOAuth2ApiBinding now create a RestTemplate
     with a minimal set of message converters. In doing so, they set "UTF-8" character
     set on FormHttpMessageConverter. (SOCIAL-170)
   * Handle DuplicateKeyException, putting "social.addConnection.duplicate" in request
     as flash variable and then into model so that view can inform user of the problem.
   * Fixed Android 8 (and lower) compatibility issue by creating a HttpComponents
     request factory that does not put an "Expect: 100-continue" header in the
     request (SOCIAL-144)
   * Added setSignUpUrl() to ProviderSignInController to enable configuration of
     the sign up page location (SOCIAL-183)
   * Changed TwitterErrorHandler and FacebookErrorHandler to those an
     UncategorizedApiException if an error response body is non-JSON (and thus does
     not match the expected error message response). (SOCIAL-173)
   * Made the applicationUrl property of ConnectController and ProviderSignInController
     optional, constructing the callback URL from information in the request (SOCIAL-187)
   * Create new SimpleDateFormat as-needed to fix thread safety problem (SOCIAL-198)
Spring Social 1.0.0 Milestone 3 (Apr 27, 2011)
New Features
   * A more complete Twitter API binding, including...
     * Reading, sending, and deleting direct messages
     * Retrieving a user's friends and followers and (un)following other users
     * Maintaining and subscribing to lists
     * Reading daily/weekly/local/current trends
     * Maintaining saved searches
     * Search for users
     * Getting suggestions on who to follow
   * A more complete Facebook API binding, including...
     * Reading, posting, and deleting comments
     * Maintaining events
     * Retrieving and RSVP'ing to a user's invitations
     * Reading and posting to feeds
     * Maintaining friend lists
     * Retrieving a user's friends
     * Reading group information and members
     * Reading a user's interests and likes (e.g. movies, books, music, etc)
     * Liking and unliking
     * Retrieving photo albums, photos, and video data
     * Facebook Places checkins
   * New ProviderSignInController for signing into an application by first
     signing into a provider such as Twitter or Facebook
   * Now supports use in an Android environment and integrated with Spring 
     Android project as of its 1.0.0.M3 release.
   * The ability to test a connection and refresh an expired connection
   * The ability to update status across connections in a uniform way
   * The ability to access user profile data on a connection in a uniform way
     and use it to pre-populate application registration forms
   * New query operations for finding connections in different ways
   * Enhanced support for extending the framework, including documentation that walks
     you through the process of adding support for a new service provider
   * Many design and architectural improvements driven by community feedback
   * Updated Spring Social showcase sample
   * Updated documentation

Bug fixes:
   * SOCIAL-76: TwitterTemplate converts Cyrillic letters to ?
   * SOCIAL-118: ServiceProviderConnections API assumes stored connection/key validity

Spring Social 1.0.0 Milestone 2 (Feb 25, 2011)
For release notes see:

New Features
   * New service provider framework to model interaction with service providers.
   * New connect controller to handle the application's role in the "OAuth Dance"
     for both OAuth 1 and OAuth 2 service providers.
   * New TwitterSigninController that enables a user to sign into an application by
     signing into Twitter.
   * New FacebookSigninController   that enables a user to sign into an application by
     signing into Facebook.
   * Expanded TwitterOperations interface:
     * Posting location metadata along with Tweet
     * Retrieving user, friends, public, and home timelines
     * Send and receive direct messages
     * Retrieving a user's full Twitter profile
   * New social templates (minimal functionality in this release):
     * Gowalla - Retrieve user's top checkins
     * GitHub - Retrieve a user's profile data
   * More documentation!

Bug fixes:
   * SOCIAL-52: TwitterTemplate doesn't work with other Locale than Locale.ENGLISH
   * SOCIAL-53: Cannot run app based on spring-social under Jetty 7.2.1
   * SOCIAL-59: Can't send asterisks in tweets
   * SOCIAL-86: IllegalArgumentException: Non-serializable attribute oauthToken
   * SOCIAL-92: getCreatedAt return null due to Unparseable date in TwitterTemplate

Known Issues:
    * SPR-8002: ProviderSignAttempt session-scoped objects not serializable due to javax.inject.Provider serialization issue.

Spring Social 1.0.0 Milestone 1 (Oct 29, 2010)

New Features
   * OAuthSigningClientHttpRequest and OAuthSigningClientHttpRequestFactory for signing
     requests sent through RestTemplate
   * TwitterOperations/TwitterTemplate for interaction with Twitter's REST API
      * Supports tweeting, retweeting, retrieval of friends, retrieval of screen name,
        and searching
   * FacebookOperations/FacebookTemplate for interaction with Facebook's Graph API
      * Supports posting messages (and links) to a user's wall, retrieval of friends,
        retrieval of profile ID, profile picture, profile URL.
   * LinkedInOperations/LinkedInTemplate for interaction with LinkedIn's REST API
      * Supports retrieval of a user's connections and profile details
   * TripItOperations/TripItTemplate for interaction with TripItTemplate
      * Supports retrieval of a user's profile details, and upcoming trips
   * GreenhouseOperations/GreenhouseTemplate for interaction with Greenhouse's REST API
      * Supports retrieval of a user's profile details, upcoming events, events after a
        given day, and sessions taking place on a given day
   * FacebookWebArgumentResolver to extract a Facebook user's user ID and access token out
     of the cookie written at authentication