

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > a6b93d17eee476ee47c5dc366c0b9fe0 > files > 4


Here are people who have contributed to Jackson JSON process development:
(version numbers in brackets indicate release in which the problem was fixed)

Tatu Saloranta, author

Ryan Heaton, co-author

Peter Harris, contributor

Sunny Gleason, contributor

Alain Penders:
  * Reported problem with JavaTypeMapper, where floating point numbers were
    accidentally converted to Booleans.

Mike Eastey:
  * Reported problem with JavaTypeMapper had a bug which prevented custom
    mappers (as well as slower interface-based introspection) from working,
    provided path to specific underlying bugs.

Augusto Callejas:
  * Reported problem with JavaTypeMapper (and JsonTypeMapper), which
    caused read operation not to handle EOF appropriately but instead
    cause a NullPointerException.

Maciej Pestka:
  * JavaTypeMapper did not implicitly flush generator after mapping
    objects: it should, and now will (note: JsonTypeMapper not directly
    affected, flushing still needed)

Tudor Bosman:
  * Symbol table handling not thread-safe

Michael Mangeng:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-1]: make JsonNode implement Iterable<JsonNode> to
    allow use of Java 5 foreach loop with container nodes.

Johannes Link:
  * Reported [JACKSON-8]: Serialization of BigDecimal broken with JavaTypeMapper

Stanislaw Osinski:
  * Reported [JACKSON-14], contributed code to resolve it and improve
    generics-handling significantly.
Michael Descher:
  * Reported [JACKSON-18], ArrayIndexOutOfBounds on IntNode, due to
    off-by-one problem with comparisons used for caching common values.

Mike Goodwin:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-9]: Add support for (non-standard) Json comments.

Ray Racine:
  * Pointed out [JACKSON-25]: Problems with Maven pom for lgpl version
  * Reported [JACKSON-619] SmileParser.getCurrentLocation(), getTokenLocation()
    not reporting actual byte offsets.

Scott Dixon:
  * Contributed unit test (TestComplexJavaType) for verifying functioning
    of object serialization
  * Suggested [JACKSON-38] Allow serializing/deserializing DOM trees (Node, Document)
  * Suggested [JACKSON-45]: Add convenience methods to simplify writing
    custom serializers

Justin Friedl:
  * Requested [JACKSON-52]: ability to disable getter method auto-detection
  * Reported [JACKSON-53] (and suggested way to fix it): problem serializing
    iBatis bean classes generated (or wrapped) by CGLib. Probably would also
    have caused problems with Hibernate and other frameworks.
  * Requested [JACKSON-61]: Allow suppressing writing of bean properties
    with null values
  * Reported [JACKSON-62]: NPE with JsonMappingException

Scott Anderson:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-48]: Integrate ObjectMapper with JsonGenerator,
    JsonParser; add MappingJsonFactory.
  * Requested [JACKSON-84]: Add JsonGenerator.writeRawValue method(s).
  * Requested [JACKSON-106]: Add '' which can
    be registered with JsonFactory, JsonGenerator, to add fully customized character
    escaping handling

Kevin Grained:
  * Reported [JACKSON-58] (and suggested a fix): NPE with String[]

Eldar Abusalimov:
  * Reported [JACKSON-81]: Data binding code could lead to unnecessary
    blocking because it tried to advance parser (and stream) after binding
  * Reported [JACKSON-99]: IOExceptions should not be wrapped during object

Stephen Duncan jr:
  * Pointed out problem with JacksonJsonProvider where strict equality
    comparison was used instead of using MediaType.isCompatible().

Ray Tsang:
  * Reported [JACKSON-103] (problem with Groovy class serialization),
    submitted fix

Oleksandr Alesinskyy:
  * Reported [JACKSON-104], problems with packaging, build.

Christoph Strebin:
  * Requested [JACKSON-102], ability to force escaping of non-ASCII characters
  * Requested [JACKSON-105], proposed a way to implement it:
    Allow suppressing output of "default values"; which
    means value of a property when bean is constructed using the default
    no-arg constructor
  * Reported [JACKSON-568] Package 'org.codehaus.jackson.util' missing from
    core/lgpl jar
  * Suggested [JACKSON-531] Comparing actual and default value (for
    JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_DEFAULT) should check array contents

Peter Harris:
  * Reported [JACKSON-139], provided patch for fixing it: Non-numeric
    double values (NaN, Infinity) are serialized as invalid JSON tokens
    (reported by Peter H)

Dan Simpson:
  * Reported [JACKSON-144]: Static "getter-like" methods mistaken for
    getters (for serialization)

Gregory Gerard:
  * Reportd [JACKSON-143]: NPE on ArrayNode.equals() when comparing empty
    array node to non-empty array node

Dain Sundstrom:
  * Suggested addition of "-use" for javadoc generation
  * Suggested [JACKSON-136] JsonParser and JsonGenerator should implement (since they already have close() method)
  * Suggested [JACKSON-706] Joda support: add support for "org.joda.time.Period"

Gabe Schnaubelt:
  * Reported [JACKSON-155]: Failed to serialize (with infinite

Benjamin Darfler:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-164]: Improve null-handling in JsonGenerator.writeStringField()
  * Suggested [JACKSON-165]: Add JsonParser.getBooleanValue() convenience method

Troy Waldrep:
  * Reported [JACKSON-162]: OSGi packaging problems for xc package.
Randy Layma:
  * Reported [JACKSON-171]: Self-referential types cause infinite recursion
    when using only JAXB annotation introspector

Shay Banon:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-168] Make JsonLocation serializable (and deserializable)
  * Reported [JACKSON-376] writing binary data as object field value with Smile fails
  * Reported [JACKSON-424] ArrayIndexOutOfBounds with SmileGenerator, long Unicode
  * Reported [JACKSON-525]: Problem with SmileGenerator, recycling of shared-names
  * Reported [JACKSON-552] SmileParser not handling long field names properly,
    failed with "this code path should never get executed" exception
Brian McCallister:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-173]: Add "JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES"
    to handle commonly encountered invalid JSON content
  * Reported [JACKSON-179] Single-long-arg factory Creators were not working

Ted Bergeron:
  * Reported [JACKSON-177].

Jeff Yu:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-180]: Add 'JsonParser.Feature.INTERN_FIELD_NAMES' to
    allow disabling field name intern()ing.

Doug Daniels:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-176]: Add a work-around for Javascript's problems
    with big 64-bit longs (due to always representing numbers as 64-bit
    doubles internally, thus truncating some long values)

Nick Padgett:
  * Reported [JACKSON-183]: Root-level 'JsonDeserialize' annotation
    not handled completely; 'as' setting was not taking effect

Nathan Ching:
  * Reported [JACKSON-190]: Problem deserializing some nested generics

Martin Lauer:
  * Reported [JACKSON-194] ObjectMapper class loading issues on Android

Edward Thorne:
  * Reported [JACKSON-197]: 2 debug message print out to System.err

Steve Lopez:
  * Reported [JACKSON-200]: java.sql.Date deserialization not working well
  * Reported [JACKSON-203]: Date deserializers should map empty String to null

Mike Pilone:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-201]: Allow serialization of "empty beans" (classes
    without getters), if SerializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS is
    disabled; or if class has recognized Jackson annotation
  * Reported [JACKSON-202]: Non-public fields not deserialized properly
    with JAXB annotations

Stephen Friedrich:
  * Reported additional issues with [JACKSON-203]

Jeff Schnitzer:
  * Reported [JACKSON-188]: problems running Jackson 1.3 on GAE, due
    to dependency to JAXB API classes

Elliot Shepherd:
  * Reported [JACKSON-214], suggested fix: Enum types with subclasses
    fail to serialize

Gil Markham:
  * Reported [JACKSON-196], suggested fix: Schema generation does not
    respect the annotation configured serializer on a bean property

Mark Stevens:
  * Requested [JACKSON-208] Allow unquoted control characters (esp. tabs)
    in JSON Strings and field names

Mike Rheinheimer:
  * Reported [JACKSON-216] Jackson JAXB annotation handler does not use
    @XmlElement.type property for figuring out actual type

Chris Carrier:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-236]: Allow deserialization of timestamps-as-Strings
    (not just timestamps as JSON integer numbers).

Andrei Voden:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-232]: Add 'SerializationConfig.Feature.DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION'
    to disable inclusion of non-annotated properties with explicit views

Lars Clausen:
  * For 1.5.0:
    - [JACKSON-246]: JAXB property name determination not working correctly.
    - [JACKSON-250]: Type name not always detected 
    - Concurrency bug in pre-1.5.0 version of @JsonSubTypes handling

Pierre-Yves Ricay:
  * Requested [JACKSON-244]: allow private fields processing without having to annotate them

John Lister:
  * Reported [JACKSON-256]: incorrect combining of serialization inclusion
    values; suggested better way to do it

Gennadiy Shafranovich:
  * Reported [JACKSON-263]: BooleanNode.asToken() incorrectly returns 'true'
    token for all nodes (not just 'false' ones)
   [1.4.4, 1.5.0]

Fabrice Delhoste:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-254] Add 'SerializationConfig.Feature.WRITE_EMPTY_JSON_ARRAYS',
    which can be used to suppress serialization of empty JSON arrays (unless
    overridden by per-property annotations).
  * Reported [JACKSON-265]: problems with generic type handling for

Raymond Feng:
  * Reported [JACKSON-269]: missing OSGi export by mapper (o.c.j.m.jsontype.impl)
    needed by jackson-xc module

Martin Tomko:
  * Reported [JACKSON-266] Deserialization from JsonNode fails
   [1.4.4, 1.5.2]

Lukasz Dywicki:
  * Reported [JACKSON-273] Problems with OSGi dependency declarations

Aron Atkins:
  * Reported [JACKSON-281] JsonGenerator.writeObject() only supports subset of
    wrapper types (when not specifying ObjectCodec)

Eric Sirianni:
  * Reported [JACKSON-311]: Problems handling polymorphic type information for
    'untyped' (Object) bean properties, default typing

Geoffrey Arnold:
  * Reported [JACKSON-318]: Missing deserialization support for

Christopher Currie:
  * Reported [JACKSON-319], pointed out solution: issues trying to deserialize
    polymorphic instances with no data (just type info)
   (requested by Chris C)
  * Suggested [JACKSON-638] TypeFactory methods for constructing "raw" map or collection types
  * Requested [JACKSON-639] Change BasicClassIntrospector.forClassAnnotations
    to take JavaType (not raw Class)
  * Requested [JACKSON-665] Add AnnotatedWithParams.getIndex()

Steve Crane:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-324], calling releaseBuffers() within finally block

Yuanchen Zhu:
  * Reported [JACKSON-327], submitted patch: CustomSerializerFactory incorrectly
    looks up serializer for interfaces
  * Reported [JACKSON-329], type information was not properly serialized for
    Iterator or Iterable serializers
  * Reported [JACKSON-340] Meta annotations missing for @JsonTypeResolver

Henry Lai:
  * Reported [JACKSON-352] Polymorphic deserialization for Object always
    assumes array-wrapper style

Adam Sussman:
  * Reported [JACKSON-355] Handling of BigInteger with JsonNode not correct

Lubomir Konstantinov:
  * Reported [JACKSON-363] CustomDeserializerFactory did not work for custom
    array deserializers.
  * Reported [JACKSON-373] Interface inheritance not traversed when looking up
    custom serializers

Dimitry Lisay:
  * Reported [JACKSON-370] TreeTraversingParser.skipChildren() was not
    correctly skipping children

Kirill Stokoz:
  * Reported [JACKSON-377] ThrowableDeserializer was not properly using information from
    @JsonCreator or @JsonAnySetter
  * Reported [JACKSON-383] @JsonAnySetter gets called for ignorable properties if
    FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES set to false (related to [JACKSON-313])
  * Reported [JACKSON-456], provided unit tests: Type check issues with Jackson JAX-RS provider
  * Reported [JACKSON-504]: FilterProvider registration directly via
    SerializationConfig was not working
  * Reported [506]: problems with type handling for java.util.Date
    when using @JsonTypeInfo on field/method
  * Reported [JACKSON-518]: Problems with JAX-RS, type variables

Brian Oberman:
  * Requested [JACKSON-289] Ability to serialize char[] values as JSON Arrays
    with String values of length 1 (and accepting these on deserialization)

Paul R Brown:
  * Requested [JACKSON-193] Ability to use @JsonCreator and @JsonValue with
    enum types

Ketan G:
    to allow non-standard character escapes like \'.

Rob Ottway:
  * Requested [JACKSON-301] Allow JsonMappingException to return name of "bad"
    (unrecognized) field

Thomas Dudziak:
  * Reported [JACKSON-328] Incorrect precedence between property fields, "getter-as-setter"
    fallbacks (former should have higher precedence)
  * Suggested [JACKSON-420] Add 'DeserializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES'
    to optionally prevent JSON null from mapping to default value

Ant Elder:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-295] Create "jackson-all" jar for more convenient
David Melia: 
  * Reported [JACKSON-303] JAXB annotation @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE) seems
    to not work correctly during deserialisation process
Valentin Brasov: 
   * Reported [JACKSON-268] Property ordering for JAXB did not work with "raw" property
    names (but just with renamed names like with Jackson annotations)
Igor Kolomets:
   * Suggested [JACKSON-308] Configurable date formatting support for XMLGregorianCalendar,
    XMLGregorianCalendar now uses same Date/Calendar serialization as other date types.

Shilpa Panaganti:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-360] Convert "" to null for Joda date/time types

Larry Yogman:
  * Reported [JACKSON-371] Provide path of type error in ObjectMapper.convertValue()
  * Reported [JACKSON-458]: Problems with ObjectMapper.convertValue(), TokenBuffer, SerializedString

Bruce Ritchie:
   * Reported [JACKSON-384] @JsonAnyGetter values were duplicated if method name was valid
     as a regular getter name

Patrick Ryan:
  * Reported [JACKSON-366] Type metadata not written for empty beans
  * Reported [JACKSON-428]  Type information, Map key deserializer definitions don't
    work together

Manuel Alejandro de Brito Fontes:
  * Reported [JACKSON-403]: XMLGregorianCalendar could not be deserialized from timestamp

  * Reported [JACKSON-404]: Problem with XmlAdapter, generic types, deserialization

Kent Rancourt:
  * Reported [JACKSON-288]: Problems with JAXB annotation handling for combination of
   @XmlJavaTypeAdapter, @XmlElement

Claudio Rossetto:
  * Reported [JACKSON-228], suggested correct solution: XmlJavaTypeAdapter not
    properly handled with package-level annotations

Sean Parmelee:
  * Reported [JACKSON-415]: XmlElement.type() ignored for Schema generation
  * Reported [JACKSON-416]: XmlElement.type() doesn't override type during
  * Reported [JACKSON-423]: Incorrect serialization of BigDecimal, BigInteger,
    when using TokenBuffer
  * Reported [JACKSON-436]: @XmlElementType not working correctly with Collection
    type properties
  * Reported [JACKSON-450] JAXB annotations chosen incorrectly from interface method
    (instead of method definition in class), when serializing
  * Reported [JACKSON-472] Custom bean deserializers are not cached when using
    JAXB annotation introspector
  * Reported [JACKSON-476] ContextualDeserializer handling not completely working

Joe Jensen:
  * Reported [JACKSON-417] Deserialization of "native" types (String, Integer,
    Boolean) failed with abstract types

Peter Litvak:
  * Reported [JACKSON-387]: Deserialization fails for certain objects serialized
    with enableDefaultTyping
  * Suggested [JACKSON-432]: Add 'ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTypingAsProperty()' to allow
    specifying inclusion type 'As.PROPERTY' and property name to use

Hannu Leinonen:
  * Reported [JACKSON-431] Deserialization fails with JSON array with beans
   with @JsonCreator, unmapped properties before and after creator properties

Tim Williamson:
  * Reported [JACKSON-461] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when property is subclass of
    Map with fewer type parameters
  * Reported [JACKSON-465] Deserialization with @JsonCreator that takes in
   a Map fails
  * Reported [JACKSON-470] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if @JsonCreator
    constructor has @JsonParameter parameters with same name
  * Suggested [JACKSON-548]: enabling ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES should allow backslash-escaping

Christian Naeger:
  * [JACKSON-468] Method-bound type variables (public <T> T getValue()) not handled

Steven Schlansker:
  * Reported [JACKSON-473] JsonMapping$Reference not Serializable
  * Reported [JACKSON-543] Root-level static type information incorrectly handled
    with Maps (losing parameterization)
  * Reported [JACKSON-572] Problems serializing generic non-static inner classes
  * Suggested [JACKSON-726] Add java.util.UUID key deserializer

Elliot Barlas:
  * Reported [JACKSON-491]: Bug in NumberInput.inLongRange, causing false overflows

Gili (cowwoc):
  * Reported [JACKSON-495] NPE at JaxbAnnotationIntrospector, with @JsonCreator

Jax Law:
  * Reported [JACKSON-499]  Problems serializing HashMap.keySet(), values()

Ga�l Marziou:   
  * Contributed [JACKSON-351]: Add @JsonRawValue that allows injecting literal textual
    value into JSON

Patrick Leamon:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-412] Add 'DeserializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_NUMBERS_FOR_ENUMS'
    to optionally prevent mapping JSON integers into Java Enum values

Tauren Mills:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-414] Add 'JsonNode.getValueAsBoolean()' (and 'JsonParser.getValueAsBoolean()')

Chris Winters:
  * Reported [JACKSON-457] Misspelled method in Module ("getSeserializationConfig")
  * Suggested [JACKSON-459]: Add mapper-level configuration to set default serialization
    order be alphabetic (by property name).

Coda Hale:
  * Reported [JACKSON-462]: Buffer overflow in Utf8Generator#writeFieldName(String)
  * [JACKSON-557] CollectionLikeType#equals() casts parameter to CollectionType
David Yu:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-474]: Add ability to pass externally allocated buffer for Utf8Generator, SmileGenerator
  * Reported [JACKSON-492], contributed unit test: problem encoding 1 byte length "raw" UTF8 Strings

Christopher Berner: 
  * [JACKSON-508] Type information lost when serializing List<List<X>>

Pascal GŽlinas:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-541] with patch: Remove the need for @JsonCreator on
    multi-arg constructor iff all parameters have @JsonProperty
  * Reported [JACKSON-554] ObjectMapper.readValue(JsonNode) was not properly
    passing itself as ObjectCodec, making secondary conversions fail
  * Suggested [JACKSON-581] Add 'ObjectMapper.readTree(File)'
  * Reported [JACKSON-687] Problems with PropertyNamingStrategy, property merging
  * Reported [JACKSON-689] Deserialization of Iterable fails
  * Reported [JACKSON-693] @JsonBackReference not used during deserialization
   if it's annotated on a getter method.

Maik Jorra:
  * Reported [JACKSON-540] Side-effects with ObjectMapper.canSerialize(),

Suchema Oyetey:
  * Reported [JACKSON-530] Default SerializationInclusion value not properly
    passed when "USE_ANNOTATION" set to false

Michel Goldstein:
  * Reported [JACKSON-545] UTF8Writer getting NPE if flush() called after close()

Andrei Pozolotin:
  * Reported [JACKSON-550] Registration of serializers was not completely
    working with SimpleModule (interfaces implemented by superclasses skipped)

Luis Neves:
  * Reported [JACKSON-542] Base64 decoder couldn't handle escaped characters

Xyn Wang:
  * Reported [JACKSON-553] SerializationConfig.Feature.DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION
    did not work correctly

Alex Porras:
  * Reported [JACKSON-556] property ignored in some cases

Gregor Ottman:
  * Reported [JACKSON-569] ContextualSerializer not resolved for serializers
    defined with @JsonSerialize annotation

Bryce McKinlay:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-358]: Allow parsing numbers with leading zeroes

Sven Jacobs:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-527]: Add 'HandlerInstantiator' abstraction, which can be implemented
    and registered with ObjectMapper to get more control over how handlers (serializers,
    deserializers, type id resolver) are constructed.

Ruben Errejon Garcia:
  * Reported [JACKSON-560] Mix-in annotations ignored when used with views

Young Jin Park:
  * Failure to serialize certain Unicode Strings

Oleg Estekhin:
  * Reported [JACKSON-563] JSON Schema uses "required" (not "optional")

Jamie Reilly:
  * Reported [JACKSON-570] Caching of MapSerializer not thread-safe

Pierre-Alexandre Meyer:
  * Reported [JACKSON-586]: Problems with @JsonValue, method visibility

Chris Pruett:
  * Reported [JACKSON-587] TextNode.getValueAsLong() failing with values
    beyond int range.

Tom Leccese:
  * reported [JACKSON-591] JodaDeserializers not throwing wrongTokenException

Lawrence Chang:
  * Reported [JACKSON-627] WriterBasedGenerator failure for long Strings,
    custom character escaping, unit test, suggested fix.

  * Reported [JACKSON-629] Fix a buffer boundary problem with SmileParser,
    5-7 character names

Tim Bond:
  * Reported [JACKSON-631] Problems decoding Base64Variants.MODIFIED_FOR_URL

Edward Alexandrov:
  * Reported [JACKSON-632] Handling of UTF-8 BOM incorrect, causing
    "Internal Error"

Paul Marynchev:
  * Reported [JACKSON-637] NumberSerializer was missing proper handling of
    Integer, Long

Ransom Briggs:
  * Reported [JACKSON-668] Problems with 'JsonParser.getDecimalValue'
    not clearing earlier state

William Burns:
  * Reported [JACKSON-677], suggested fix for: Inner generic type references
    not working properly

Tom Boettcher:
  * Reported [JACKSON-709] Problems converting base64-encoded Strings
    between JsonNode, POJOs

Ryan Kennedy:
  * Reported [JACKSON-462] (REGRESSION?) Buffer overflow in

Jacques-Olivier Goussard:
  * Reported [JACKSON-733] Smile-based mapper could not properly bind
   byte[] values

Alex Temnokhod:
  * Reported [JACKSON-738] Parsing fails for Unicode 1Fxxx symbols when

Lloyd Smith:
  * Reported [JACKSON-701] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to serialize
    non-static inner classes with annotations on last ctor param

Erik Gorset:
  * Reported [JACKSON-763] State of base64/byte[] decoding not reset when
    using 'convertValue()' for list of byte[] values.

Matt Schemmel:
  * Reported [JACKSON-820] WriterBasedGenerator with CharacterEscapes produces
    unescaped output for strings > 2k in length

"Programmer Bruce":
  * Suggested these for 1.8.x:
    - [JACKSON-597] Make ClassDeserializer support primitive types [1.8.3]
  * Suggested these for 1.9.0:
     - [JACKSON-593] Add ObjectMapper.readTree(byte[]), (URL) variants
     - [JACKSON-594] Allow deserializing non-static inner class valued properties
     - [JACKSON-595] Terse Visibility Config (ObjectMapper.setVisibility, related)
     - [JACKSON-598] Add set of standard naming-strategy implementations
     - [JACKSON-599] Expose Settability Of SimpleModule Serializers/Deserializers
     - [JACKSON-605] Handle deserialization of typed Class properties correctly
     - [JACKSON-612] Add 'readValues()' methods to JsonParser, ObjectCodec
     - [JACKSON-613] Add ArrayNode/ObjectNode methods for dealing with wrappers/unboxing/nulls
     - [JACKSON-616] Better handling of primitive deserializers, to avoid NPEs
     - [JACKSON-621] Add new fluent method, VisibilityChecker.with(Visibility)

Anand Hatrwalne:
  * Requested [JACKSON-558] Add 'DeserializationConfig.Feature.UNWRAP_ROOT_VALUE' as
    matching counterpart for 'SerializationConfig.Feature.WRAP_ROOT_VALUE'

Earl Baugh:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-584] Serialize type info for non-static anonymous inner classes
    as that of declared (static) type

Matt Goldspink:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-578] Allow use of @JsonView on JAX-RS resource, with JacksonJsonProvider

Ed Anuff:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-602] Add 'JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_EMPTY' option

Lukasz Strzelecki:
  * Requested [JACKSON-630] Add @JsonRootName annotation for specifying name of root-level wrapper

Simone Bordet:
  * Requested [JACKSON-652] Add 'DeserializationConfig.Feature.USE_JAVA_ARRAY_FOR_JSON_ARRAY' to
    allow mapping JSON Array to Object[]

David Phillips:
  * Requested [JACKSON-671] Add convenience constructor for 'MinimalPrettyPrinter'

Kirill Sukhanov:
  * Suggested [JACKSON-650] Allow dealing with missing filter ids, by adding
    'SimpleFilterProvider.setFailOnUnknownId()' to specify if exception is thrown or not.

Ben Hale:
  * Reported [JACKSON-700] Type problems with properties that have different
    types for constructor property, setter and/or field

Andreas Knoepfle, Tobias Schmid:
  * Contributed implementation for [JACKSON-657], key deserializers for
    java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar types

Steve Loeppky:
  * Reported [JACKSON-746] Problems with JsonTypeInfo.Id.NONE, default typing

Sebastian Thelen:
  * Reported [JACKSON-753] JsonParserDelegate missing delegation of getBooleanValue(),

Stephan Bailliez:
  * Reported [JACKSON-757] Problems with Enum values, annotations on constructors

Mika Mannermaa:
  * Reported [JACKSON-756] Problems with enums, @JsonCreator, when used as keys
    of EnumMap, regular  Map, or contents of EnumSet

Nathaniel Bauernfeind:
  * Reported [JACKSON-774]: PropertyBasedCreator not using JsonDeserializer.getNullValue()

Ittai Zeidman:
  * Reported [JACKSON-775]: MissingNode.asText() should return "", not null
Alexander Klauer:
  * Reported [JACKSON-779]: Problems with multi-byte UTF-8 chars in JSON comments

Vladimir Petrukhin:
  * Reported [JACKSON-778], provided test case: Incorrect detection of generic
    types with TypeReference

Christopher Brown:
  * Reported [JACKSON-796]: Problems with byte[] conversion to/from JsonNode.

Harold Marger:
  * Reported [JACKSON-806]: REQUIRE_SETTERS_FOR_GETTERS ignores explicitly annotated getters

Adam Vandenberg:
  * Reported [JACKSON-823] MissingNode does not return default value for
   'asXxx()' methods

James Roper:
  * Reported [JACKSON-829] Custom serializers not working for List<String>
    properties, @JsonSerialize(contentUsing)

Laurent Pireyn:
  * Reported [JACKSON-831] External type id, explicit property do not work well together

Jan Jan:   
  * Reported [JACKSON-832] (partial) Fix numeric range check for Longs (was not working)

Klaus Reimer:   
  * [JACKSON-834] Could not use @JsonFactory with non-String argument with Enums

Stuart Dootson:
  * Reported [Issue-13] Runtime error passing multiple injected values to a constructor

Lóránt Pintér:
  * Reported [JACKSON-838]: Utf8StreamParser._reportInvalidToken() skips
    letters from reported token name

Scott Stanton:
  * Reported [JACKSON-841] Data is doubled in SegmentedStringWriter output

Sébastien R:
  * Reported [JACKSON-842] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when skipping C-style comments

Duncan Bloem:
  * Reported [JACKSON-867]  missing Export-Package header for