

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > b514f8043e4b6673b5619064e0a527ac > files > 316


Information about locale translators is at src/po/README and

Many thanks to the following people who have contributed
patches, bug fixes and other stuff for Window Maker:

ABE Shige <>
I18N support, diagonal and vertical gradient, cosmetic additions to
move/resize frames, window list menu, side swapping and other things for dock,
Japanese local, icon arrangement fix, remember current workspace after
restart, dock bug fixes

Andrea Arcangeli <>
Fix for cascade window placement

Dmitry Astapov <>
Fix and some additions on XKB lock language status.

Peter Bentley <>
fixed WM_STATE handling bug, fixed some memory leaks, made application menus
be mapped near the windows for non-click-to-focus modes, timer bug

Ulf Betlehem <>
Window resize with Meta-Click3, fixed OpaqueMove to send only 1 synth.

Olly Betts <>
shaded window indication in window list

Tudor Bosman <>
autoraise bugfix

Rob Clark <>
Text input field, 15bpp support

George Clernon <>
bug fix in browser widget

Omar Cornut / Zoop <>
SteelBlueSilk theme

Sylvain CORRE <>
bug fix for MkLinux/PPC

Frederic Devernay <>
dock fix for openwindows, made asclock be friendlier with colorcell impaired
dpys, fixed wrlib to work with most visual/depth combinations, many
miscellaneous bug fixes

Adrian Drzewiecki <>
opaque window move

Bjoern Giesler <>
Dynamic reconfiguration, libPropList

Oliver Graf <>
more fixes

Chris Green <>
FAQ author/maintainer

Nicolai P Guba <>
Documentation help, autoconf cleanup

Mark 'segfault' Guzman <>
Various bugfixes

Ullrich Hafner <>
Better detection of gfx libraries, added IconTitleColor/IconTitleBack

Matthew Hawkins <>
former temporary project maintainer

Greg Hayes <>
Twisted miniaturization  animation

Alban Hertroys <>
WINGs color panel

HIDEKI Fujimoto <>
FreeBSD portability, icon arrangement fixes, dock initialization bug fix,
some I18N related fixes

Pascal Hofstee <>
WINGs bug fixes, WINGs color panel

Robert A. Holak <>
bug fix

Michael Hokenson <> script

Workspace change bug fix

Sudish Joseph <>
Modifier binding fix and other bug fixes

Luke Kendall <>
menu format converter, various enhancements to wxcopy and wxpaste

Bradley M Keryan <>
EMACS/keypad like cursor movement for WINGs textfield

Jim Knoble <>
made autoarrange icons a run-time option, SHADOW_RESIZEBAR c-time option,
no workspace switch to the same workspace, dashed icon selection,
miscellaneous bug fixes, definable cursors, --no-polling command line option.

The JED Text Editor <>
Project maintainer

Alfredo K. Kojima <>
The guy who types random keys to feed JED with the necessary entropy

Jay Kominek <>
smart and random placement

Alexander Kourakos <>
Move/resize code fixes, button press/release fix

Ryan Land <>
workspace "layers"

Largo <> maintainer, FAQ co-maintainer

Stuart Luppescu <>
Documentation help

Marcelo E. Magallon <>
CPP search path improvement, man pages, bug fixes

Tim Malone <>
bug fix, jpeg bug fix

MANOME Tomonori <>
I18N bug fixes and Japanese locale, wsetfont script

Brian Alexander Martin <>

Andrea Mistrali <>
3D version of GNUstep icon.

Jeff Meininger <>
Fix for unassociated alpha tiff

Craig Nellist <>
selection in textfield

Dan Pascu <>
dock ghost (superfluous mode) fix, enhancement for scrollable menus,
clip, numerous other stuff, project maintainer

Biagio Pippa <>
fixed miniaturization with transient window

Anthony Quinn <>
Sound code.

Andreas Saudemont <>
Initial code for clip's collapse feature.

Ture Pelsson <>
various portability fixes, replaced busy wait with select() in event
handling code, fixed problem with some misbehaved kids after a fork(),
some other bug fixes, support for poll() in event handling code

Toby Sargeant <?>
menu format converter

Carsten Schaar <>
SCO portability, German locale, autoconf enhancements

Christopher Seawood <>

Chong Shang Shan <>
flipping iconification animation

Daniel Skarda <>
SGI "black dialogs" bug fix

Paul D. Smith <psmith@BayNetworks.COM>
SunOS portability, configure fixes

Phillip Smith <>
FTP, WWW, mailing list site provider/maintainer (Net logistics)

Lauri Tarkkala <>
SIGHUP unblock bug fix

Sam Varner <>
many fixes and enhancements for move, resize and window placement code.

Marco van Hylckama Vlieg <>
house icon for WINGs file dialogs, defaultAppIcon and Clip xpm tchX.tiff
Plus the following icons:
GNUterm.tiff clip2.tiff defaultterm.tiff draw.tiff
linuxterm.tiff mixer.tiff notepad.tiff pdf.tiff ps.tiff real.tiff sgiterm.tiff
sound.tiff staroffice2.tiff timer.tiff wilber.tiff write.tiff xdvi.tiff

David Wang <>
edge resistance, 8bpp balloon bug fix, other 8bpp related fixes

Franck Wolff <>
various fixes/enhancements to WINGs

Yoav Yerushalmi <>
Fixed -visualid for screens that can do multiple depths. Another fix in
libproplist. Chooses best depth in screen.

FRBall <>
dgradient fix

"]d" <>
Window list menu miniaturized/hidden hints, XDE support, XKB lock
language status, WINGs enhancements, bug fixes, window commands menu
enhancement, window move/resize by keyboard. GNUstepGlow.tiff icon,
WINGs color panel, Appearance section icon(s)

Trae Mc Combs <>
BlueWaves.jpeg background image in BlueWaves theme.

And a special thanks to Martin Eskildsen for giving me his
copy of NEXTSTEP :-)