

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > da3f2a4ce20b26cb5976aa965c74e071 > files > 3119


<arg> i know a guy whos last words were "brb, bout to go h@x this streetlight"
<arg>  knew
<glyph> saph: loving relationships don't involve windows.
<saph> glyph: they do if there is a safe word involved
<zooko> ^-- screenshot of my beautiful Ubuntu desktop
<teratorn> why must i accept your phony ssl certificate?
<zooko> you don't have to if you don't want to.
<zooko> In fact, I recommend that you reject it.  Because it could be a Man In The Middle attempting to show you a phony screenshot of my xemacs session.
<Yosomono> aron: So how are you different from the fascists again?
<aron> I look shity in borwn shorts
<exarkun> did glyph tell you about the book we saw at the bookstore over the weekend?
<exarkun> on the front it said
<exarkun> Java: Principles in Object Oriented Programming
<exarkun> on the side it said
<exarkun> Java POOP
<moshez> glyph: hello tiny person!
<moshez> are you tiny and squishy today
<glyph> moshez: You ask questions that are difficult to answer sensibly
<moshez> glyph: yes! because I am evil
<glyph> moshez: for example, "no, I am massive and hard" might give the wrong impression
<moshez> glyph: urgh
<moshez> the mental goggles they do nothing
<foom> who's going to the Time Traveler's Convention next weekend?
<zirpu> i already went. :-)
<Tv> Möö
<tazle> Möö?
<ValarQ> wtf-8
<anthony> time to say goodbye fedora, hello whorey weasal (or whatever the fuck it's called this week)
<Brend> glyph: I see you are proactively prepared to leverage the horizontal market opportunities of the end of all life. I'm impressed.
<radix> everything in the world should have butter in it
<itamar> WebSphere MQ!
<itamar> More enterprise than William Shatner!
--> freakazoi1 ( has joined #p2p-hackers
<freakazoi1> stupid wireless
<-- freakazoid has quit (Nick collision from services.)
--- freakazoi1 is now known as freakazoid
<exarkun> I bet francis bacon would go well with orange juice waffles
<exarkun> (?:PARTOFSPEECH<adjective>(\w)(\w)+y) (?:SEMANTICWEB<noun,mammal,small>\1\w+)
<warner> next you're going to tell me that those are actually valid Perl6 regular expressions
<exarkun> yes, except PARTOFSPEECH is a unicode character with a glyph like a speaking mouth, and SEMANTICWEB is a unicode character with a glyph like cthulu
<MFen> you needed to kill -USR1 duh
<MFen> n00b
<PenguinOfDoom> Can I make a saving LOL? :(
<PenguinOfDoom> USR1 made gnome-settings-daemon die 
<MFen> dude that's because you didn't init 5 first n00b
<MFen> btw, i'm making this crap up
<PenguinOfDoom> btw, I'm planning the destruction of Fresno
<MFen> can i provide you with maps?
<saph> hooray
<MFen> Tv: how do you know when sarge is going to be released?
<Tv> MFen: If it ain't out by debconf, there will be a public lynching ;)
<itamar> ""As a champion of the free-enterprise system in Congress, Chris Cox knows that a free economy is built on trust," Bush said at the White House as he introduced the third man in his tenure to lead the [SEC]."
<itamar> apparently the guy is a fan of Ayn Rand
<itamar> also a fan of large contributions from corporations
<dash> of course
<dash> that's what it just said he's a champion of, right?
<dash> free-enterprise system in Congress
<winjer> but i made a point of learning as little as possible
<winjer> i spent most of the time chasing women and smoking pot
<saph> hooray
<winjer> if i'd smoked less i might have caught some
<saph> winjer: did you go to hampshire college or something
<dreid> heh ... worst name for an interface ever ... ITem
<warner> oh, I don't know, I bet INterface would be worse
<warner> implements(INYerFace)
<dreid> IStabber(dreid).stab('warner')
<warner> registerAdapter(lambda victim: dreid, type('warner'), IStabee)
<warner> heh. the PEP246 equivalent of "nyah nyah, no tagbacks!"
<radix> and long words are good words
<Brend> But what about those of us who have hippopotomonstrosesquippadeliophobia?
<radix> sux to u
<radix> (to put it into terms you'll understand)
<jafo> PenguinOf: Ha ha.  You listened to a doctor!  Serves you right.
<jafo> I mean, look at it this way.  They spend at least 6 years in school, right?
<jafo> If they're so hot, why can't they graduate in 4 years like everyone else?
<jafo> Besides, why would I want to be a doctor when I could be a MASTER?
<_radix_the_nun> I write things on 3x5 cards then smoke them to learn stuff
<PenguinOfLove> And when I strike, the kids with their "lol" and "ur"
    will scream "oh, please, Pavel! Do not degrade and destroy our beloved
<Brend> Whoever chose the title "A Gentle Introduction to Haskell" is
        obviously accustomed to wrestling bears in piranha pits or something.
<dash> halfoff: what's the problem?
<dreid> dash: his spider is dying.
<dash> dreid: quiet you
<halfoff> i have a mexican redknee tarantula that escaped for about a week i found it this morning very weak and slow moving is it molting or dying
<dreid> dash: told you.
<dash> dreid: SIGH
<seberino> dash: my zope class prof said real businesses don't do
           javascript since not professional so i happily neglected it
<dash> ...
<dash> glyph: what are _you_ doing up? you have to be at work in the morning
<dash> glyph: you know, to tell me what to do
<glyph> dash: I got about 30 hours of sleep this weekend, I'm good
<dash> glyph: that's no way to live, man
<glyph> dash: Yeah, but you know me.  I'm happy with a ghastly un-life; a mockery of what it means to live
<dash> glyph: You must be using "happy" in a figurative or metaphorical sense.
<ph3nyx> mfen: my gvim configuration under windows is wacky
<MFen> ph3nyx: you should see mine. i keep it in version control :)
<MFen> 172 lines
* bear keeps his entire dev config in version control
<KragenSitaker> i keep my entire living room in version control
<MFen> yeah. i mean, i keep my desktop backgrounds in version control too, so maybe that's not a very strong point
<ph3nyx> kragen: that's gotta be a pain in the ass for branching
<ph3nyx> copying your living room isn't an O(1) operation, no matter what the SVN docs say
<MFen> svn diff -r172:171.  "Dammit!  Who moved my chair."
* bear chuckles
<KragenSitaker> i tried keeping my entire front yard in it too, but it kept leaking gasoline from the lawnmower
<KragenSitaker> turns out CVS was expanding a $Id$ in the wheel assembly that would puncture the gas tank
<MFen> you need svn:flammable 1
<MFen> heh
<KragenSitaker> so I decided that was too dangerous and scaled back to my living room
<KragenSitaker> now i just make occasional tar files of the whole house and back them up with rmsync
<KragenSitaker> which is the version of rsync for matter
<MFen> KragenSitaker: have you ever considered branching yourself?
Jerub|the best advice anyone ever gave me was when i was a fledgling linux geek.
Jerub|"learn vi"
Jerub|the worst advice anyone ever gave me was "install mirc".
Jerub|and I still, to this day, curse that man.
<cracauer> Potatos are for throwing. If god had intended for them to be eaten they would be square.
<dbutts> How many naturally occuring edible things are square?
<dbutts> Apart from fiendishly expensive japanese watermelons?
<cracauer> Chocolate bars :-)
<subterrific> what happened to twisted.reality ?
<dash> subterrific: nothing
<subterrific> is it running somewhere?
<dash> no
<dash> that would be something! instead of nothing
<tjs> I say we pull their bluff
<tjs> spam that is
<tjs> go pro-spam
<tjs> if everyone spams everyone, then spam will nolonger be effective
<tjs> and it will stop
<tjs> and so will the internet, and we can all farm tomatoes
<tjs> yay tomatoes
[dash referring to Alan Cox's quote]
<dash> what's 6mb of unauditable crap 
<PenguinOfDoom> dash: You have three guesses.
<dash> PenguinOfDoom: your gnucash budget?
<jotham> you guys are like ADHD vultures, swoop in, devour my problem, leave me
bewildered, then go off to the next corpse
<glyph> In the sentence "mang I need to get some cheetos up ins", what
  part of speech is "up ins", and what function does it serve?  It
  seems to me like "i need to get some cheetos" would be sufficient
<exarkun> It serves to disambiguate from the case where one merely
  needs to procure rights to a future shipment of cheetos, most likely
  to be resold before delivery is taken.
<radix> php thinks 0 == "Foo"
<radix> why
<moshez> radix: as consistent and clear PHP is, it has its problem areas
<moshez> radix: wait, no, I can't say that with a straight face
<jotham> something i coded was just on sky sport news
<jotham> shame it was a horrible C++ nightmare
<mwh> is debugging nested templates a sport now?
<mumak> Python totally needs to find a use for É
<spiv> mumak: dude
<`anthony> mumak: range!
<spiv> mumak: There's *already* an ellipsis type in Python.
<spiv> mumak: Put 2 and 2 together!
<`anthony> spiv: but the ellipsis type is useless.
<spiv> `anthony: Clearly unicode would fix that!
<glyph> WOOO
<glyph> What the *crap*, how does this work
<spiv> glyph: LD_PRELOAD
<glyph> fuck, why is everything horrible