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<book id="ark" lang="&language;">

<title>The &ark; Handbook</title>

&Matt.Johnston; &Matt.Johnston.mail;
&Henrique.Pinto; &Henrique.Pinto.mail;
&Ragnar.Thomsen; &Ragnar.Thomsen.mail;




<year>2015, 2016</year>


<releaseinfo>Applications 16.12</releaseinfo>

<para>&ark; is an archive manager by &kde;.</para>


<chapter id="introduction">
<para>&ark; is a program for viewing, extracting, creating and modifying
&ark; can handle various archive formats such as
<command>tar</command>, <command>gzip</command>,
<command>bzip2</command>, <command>zip</command>, <command>rar</command>, 
<command>7zip</command>, <command>xz</command>, <command>rpm</command>, 
<command>cab</command>, <command>deb</command>, <command>xar</command>
and <command>AppImage</command> (support for certain archive formats depends on
the appropriate command-line programs being installed).</para>

<imagedata fileref="ark-mainwindow.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>&ark;'s main window</phrase>

<para>In order to successfully use &ark;, you need KDE Frameworks 5. The library libarchive
version 3.1 or above is needed to handle most archive types, including tar,
compressed tar, rpm, deb and cab archives. To handle other file formats, you
need the appropriate command line programs, such as <command>zipinfo</command>,
<command>zip</command>, <command>unzip</command>, <command>rar</command>,
<command>unrar</command>, <command>7z</command>, <command>lsar</command>,
<command>unar</command> and <command>lrzip</command>.</para>


<chapter id="using-ark">
<title>Using &ark;</title>

<sect1 id="ark-open">
<title>Opening Archives</title>

<para>To open an archive in &ark;, choose
<guimenuitem>Open...</guimenuitem> (<keycombo
action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>) from the <guimenu>Archive</guimenu>
menu. You can also open archive files by dragging and dropping from
&dolphin;. Archive files should be associated with &ark;, so you can
also <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click a file in &dolphin; and
select <guimenuitem>Open with &ark;</guimenuitem> to open it or select an extract action for this file.</para>

<para>If you have enabled the information panel in the <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu 
additional information about the selected folders or files in the archive is displayed.</para>

<sect2 id="ark-archive-operations">
<title>Archive Operations</title>

<para>Various operations can be performed for an opened archive by using the <guimenu>Archive</guimenu> menu.
For example, you can save the archive with a different name using <guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem>.
Archive properties such as type, size and MD5 hash can be viewed using the
<guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem> item.</para>

<para>&ark; has the ability to test archives for integrity. This functionality is currently available for
<command>zip</command>, <command>rar</command> and <command>7z</command> archives.
The test action can be found in the <guimenu>Archive</guimenu> menu.</para>


<sect2 id="ark-archive-comments">
<title>Archive Comments</title>

<para>&ark; can handle comments embedded in <literal role="extension">zip</literal> and <literal role="extension">rar</literal> archives.</para>

<para>Comments embedded in <literal role="extension">zip</literal> archives are automatically displayed.</para>

<para>Using <literal role="extension">rar</literal> archives you can modify a comment with the actions 
<guimenuitem>Add Comment</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Edit comment</guimenuitem> 
(<keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>) from the <guimenu>Archive</guimenu> menu.

<imagedata fileref="ark-comment.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Editing a comment</phrase>

<note><para>The comment menu item is enabled only for <literal role="extension">rar</literal> archives.

<para>To remove a comment from a <literal role="extension">rar</literal> archive delete the text in 
the comment window.</para>



<sect1 id="ark-work-files">
<title>Working with Files</title>

<para>Once an archive has been opened, you can perform various
operations on the files inside the archive.  By
selecting a file and using the <guimenu>File</guimenu>
menu, you can choose different operations to perform:</para>

<para><guimenuitem>Preview</guimenuitem> (<keycombo
action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>P</keycap></keycombo>) will open the file with &ark;'s internal viewer.
This is a fast read-only viewer, but does not support all file types.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem> will open the file in the associated application for that
file type.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Open With...</guimenuitem> allows you to choose which application to open
the file with.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Rename</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo>)
This action allows to change names of both files and folders. As in the Dolphin file manager,
this action can be called via a shortcut and renaming is done via inline editing.
There are also filename checks provided, which prevent usage of invalid characters such as
<userinput>/</userinput>, <userinput>.</userinput> and <userinput>..</userinput> in filenames.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem> (<keycap>Del</keycap>) will remove the currently
selected file(s) from the archive. Note that this action is undoable.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Extract</guimenuitem> (<keycombo
action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo>) opens a submenu with previously accessed
folders, and you can choose to quickly extract into any of these or browse to a non-listed
folder. See the next section for more details on extraction.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>X</keycap></keycombo>) /
<guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>) /
<guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>V</keycap></keycombo>):
As in typical file managers, moving, pasting and copying are provided. 
Users can move or copy files from different folders (which are expandable in the tree view)
and paste them to the same destination at once. A folder can be copied into itself, but can not be moved.
There are also checks for conflicting filenames: You won't be able to copy or move files
into a folder that has entries with the same names - that could lead to data loss.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Add Files</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>)
This action can be used to add files at any location within the archive.
If you select a folder and use this action, files will be added to the selected folder.
Otherwise, the new files will be added to the root of the archive.

<sect2 id="ark-editing-files">
<title>Editing Files</title>
<para>If you edit and save a file which you opened using <guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem> or
<guimenuitem>Open With...</guimenuitem>, Ark will ask you if you want to update the file in
the archive. If you answer Yes, the archive will be updated with the saved file.</para>


<sect1 id="ark-extract">
<title>Extracting Files</title>

<para>Once an archive has been opened in &ark;, it can be extracted. This can be done by selecting
<guisubmenu>Extract</guisubmenu> from the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu. This opens a submenu with
previously accessed folders, and you can choose to quickly extract into any of these. Alternatively,
select the submenu item <guisubmenu>Extract To...</guisubmenu> to open the <guilabel>Extract</guilabel>
dialog, where you can set various options that affect the extraction. See below for information on
the available options in the Extract dialog.</para>

<para>You can also use the <guibutton>Extract</guibutton> button in the toolbar to access the same
extraction options.</para>

<para>To extract the entire archive, you can select <guisubmenu>Extract All</guisubmenu> from the
<guimenu>Archive</guimenu> menu. This action unconditionally extracts all files in the archive.</para>

<para>It is possible to extract files and folders by simply dragging them with the mouse to a
folder in &dolphin;.</para>

<para>Note: Extracting files from an archive does not change the archive and its contents.</para>

<sect2 id="ark-extract-dialog">
<title>The Extract dialog</title>

<para>The <guilabel>Extract</guilabel> dialog allows you to choose where the files will be extracted
to. The default location is the folder the archive is in. The dialog can also be opened by pressing
<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo>.</para>

<imagedata fileref="extract-dialog.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>&ark;'s Extract dialog</phrase>

<para>You can specify to extract the files into a subfolder. The default name of this
subfolder is the archive name without the filename extension, but you can edit it to your needs.
If you want to preserve paths when extracting, select the
<guilabel>Preserve paths when extracting</guilabel> option. You may also choose to open the
destination folder in &dolphin; or close &ark; once the extraction is complete.</para>

<para>If one or more files in the archive list are highlighted, you can
also select which files to extract:</para>
<para><guilabel>Selected files only</guilabel> extracts only the files
which have been selected.</para>
<para><guilabel>All files</guilabel> extracts the entire contents of the


<sect1 id="ark-create">
<title>Creating Archives and Adding Files</title>

<para>To create a new archive in &ark;, choose
<guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo>)
from the <guimenu>Archive</guimenu> menu.</para>

<imagedata fileref="create-archive.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Create an archive</phrase>

<para>You can then type the name of the archive, with the appropriate
extension (<literal role="extension">tar.gz</literal>, <literal
role="extension">zip</literal>, <literal role="extension">7z</literal>,
&etc;) or select a supported format in the <guilabel>Filter</guilabel> combo box
and check the <guilabel>Automatically add <replaceable>filename extension</replaceable></guilabel> option.</para>

<para>To add files or folders to the new archive, choose <guimenuitem>Add
Files...</guimenuitem> from the <guimenu>Archive</guimenu> menu.</para>

<para>An alternative way to add files to an archive is to drag one or more files
from e.g. &dolphin; into the main &ark; window, and it will
be added to the current archive. Note that files added in this way will always be added
to the root directory of the archive.</para>

<para>Additional options are presented in collapsible groups at the bottom of the dialog.

<sect2 id="ark-compression">
<para>A higher value generates smaller archives, but results in longer compression and decompression times.
The default compression level proposed by &ark; is usually a good compromise between size and (de)compression speed.
For most formats the minimum compression level is equivalent to just storing the files, &ie; applying no compression.
<para>For <literal role="extension">rar</literal>, <literal role="extension">7z</literal> and <literal role="extension">zip</literal>
archives you can select between different compression methods.
<para>Note that using compression methods other than the pre-selected defaults may limit compatibility with file archivers.
For example, opening <literal role="extension">zip</literal> archives with compression methods other than <quote>Deflate</quote>
requires newer archiving software.</para>

<sect2 id="ark-password-protection">
<title>Password Protection</title>
<para>If you create a <literal role="extension">zip</literal>, <literal
role="extension">rar</literal>, <literal role="extension">7zip</literal> and
<literal role="extension">jar</literal> archive you can protect it with a password.
Currently, only the <literal role="extension">zip</literal> format supports multiple
encryption methods. For other formats that support only one encryption
method, the method is shown in the drop down box.</para>
<para>Other encryption methods than the default <guilabel>ZipCrypto</guilabel> might
not be supported by all file archivers.</para>

<imagedata fileref="create-protected-archive.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Create a password protected archive</phrase>

<para>Choose whether to require the password before showing the list of files.
This is called header encryption and is available only with the
<literal role="extension">rar</literal> and <literal role="extension">7zip</literal>
formats. Header encryption is enabled by default (when available), in order to offer
the maximum protection for novice users.</para>

<sect2 id="ark-multi-volume">
<title>Multi-volume Archive</title>
<para>With the <literal role="extension">zip</literal>, <literal role="extension">rar</literal>
and <literal role="extension">7z</literal> formats you can create multi-volume archives, also
known as multi-part or split archives.</para>
<para>A multi-volume archive is one big compressed archive split into several files. This feature
is useful if the maximum file size is limited, &eg; by the capacity of a storage medium
or the maximal size of an email with attachments.</para>
<para>To create a multi-volume archive, check the <guilabel>Create multi-volume archive</guilabel>
checkbox and set a maximum <guilabel>Volume size</guilabel> in the dialog. Then add all files to
the archive and &ark; will automatically generate the required number of archive volumes.
Depending on the selected format the files have an extension with consecutively numbering
scheme &eg; <filename>xxx.7z.001</filename>, <filename>xxx.7z.002</filename> or
<filename></filename>, <filename></filename> or <filename>xxx.part1.rar</filename>,
<filename>xxx.part2.rar</filename> &etc;.</para>
<para>To extract a multi-volume archive, put all archive files into one folder and open the file
with the lowest extension number in &ark; and all other parts of the split archive
will be opened automatically.</para>



<chapter id="ark-in_filemanager">
<title>Using &ark; in the Filemanager</title>

<para>Clicking with the &RMB; on an archive in a filemanager like &dolphin;
displays a context menu with an item <guimenuitem>Open with Ark</guimenuitem>.
The menu has these additional items to extract an archive using &ark;:

<para><guimenuitem>Extract Archive Here, Autodetect Subfolder</guimenuitem> creates a 
subfolder in the folder with the archive and extracts the folders and files into it.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Extract Archive To...</guimenuitem> opens the Extract dialog where you can choose destination folder and various extraction options.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Extract Archive Here</guimenuitem> extracts the content of the archive into the same folder.</para>

&dolphin;'s context menu for a selection of files and/or folders displays these actions in the
<guimenu>Compress</guimenu> submenu:

<para><guimenuitem>Here (as TAR.GZ)</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Here (as ZIP)</guimenuitem> creates these archive types in the current folder.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Compress to...</guimenuitem> opens a dialog where you can select folder, name and archive type.</para>


<chapter id="batchmode">
<title>Advanced Batch Mode</title>
<para>&ark; has an advanced batch mode to manage archives without launching a graphical user interface.
This mode allows you to extract or create archives and add files to them.</para>

<para>The batch mode is documented in <ulink url="man:/ark">&ark;'s man page</ulink>.

<chapter id="credits">

<title>Credits and License</title>

<para>&ark; is Copyright &copy; 1997-2016, The &ark; Development Team.</para>

<listitem><para>Elvis Angelaccio
<listitem><para>Ragnar Thomsen
<listitem><para>Raphael Kubo da Costa
<listitem><para>Harald Hvaal
<listitem><para>Helio Chissini de Castro
<listitem><para>Georg Robbers
<listitem><para>Henrique Pinto
<listitem><para>Roberto Selbach Teixeira
<listitem><para>Robert Palmbos
<listitem><para>Francois-Xavier Duranceau
<listitem><para>Corel Corporation (author: Emily Ezust)
<listitem><para>Corel Corporation (author: Michael Jarrett)

<para>Documentation Copyright &copy; 2000 &Matt.Johnston;

<para>Documentation updated for &kde; 3.3 by &Henrique.Pinto;

<para>Documentation updated for KDE Applications 16.04 by &Ragnar.Thomsen;




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