

distrib > Mageia > 7 > i586 > by-pkgid > 313b1e98e7f6d25235de522b62588deb > files > 40


initSidebarItems({"constant":[["ACK","Acknowledge, usually sent by terminal in response to ETX"],["BEL","Bell, triggers the bell, buzzer, or beeper on the terminal"],["BS","Backspace, can be used to define overstruck characters"],["CAN","Cancel (makes VT100 abort current escape sequence if any)"],["CR","Carriage Return, move to first character of current line"],["DC2","Device Control 2, causes ASR-33 to activate paper-tape reader"],["DC4","Device Control 4, causes ASR-33 to deactivate paper-tape reader"],["DEL","Delete, should be ignored by terminal"],["DLE","Data Link Escape, interpret next control character specially"],["EM","End of Medium"],["ENQ","Enquiry, causes terminal to send ANSWER-BACK ID"],["EOT","End of Transmission"],["ESC","Prefix to an escape sequence"],["ETB","End of Transmission block"],["ETX","End of Text, causes some terminal to respond with ACK or NAK"],["FF","Form Feed, move to next form or page"],["FS","File Separator"],["GS","Group Separator"],["HT","Horizontal Tabulation, move to next predetermined position"],["LF","Linefeed, move to same position on next line (see also NL)"],["NAK","Negative Acknowledge, used sometimes with ETX and ACK"],["NUL","Null filler, terminal should ignore this character"],["RS","Record Separator (sent by VT132 in block-transfer mode)"],["SI","Shift In, switch to G0 (normal half of character set)"],["SO","Shift Out, switch to G1 (other half of character set)"],["SOH","Start of Header"],["STX","Start of Text, implied end of header"],["SUB","Substitute (VT100 uses this to display parity errors)"],["SYN","Synchronous Idle, used to maintain timing in Sync communication"],["US","Unit Separator"],["VT","Vertical Tabulation, move to next predetermined line"],["XOFF","(DC2) Terminal must pause and refrain from transmitting"],["XON","(DC1) Terminal is allowed to resume transmitting"]]});