

distrib > Mageia > 7 > i586 > by-pkgid > 4e237fd705495e1e21ef20696443e053 > files > 1335



This part of the Bugzilla API allows you to list the available
products and get information about them.

List Products

Returns a list of the IDs of the products the user can search on.


To get a list of product IDs a user can select such as for querying

   GET /rest/product_selectable

To get a list of product IDs a user can enter a bug against:

   GET /rest/product_enterable

To get a list of product IDs a user can search or enter bugs against.

   GET /rest/product_accessible


     "ids": [

| name | type  | description                            |
| ids  | array | List of integer product IDs.           |

Get Product

Returns a list of information about the products passed to it.


To return information about a specific type of products such as
"accessible", "selectable", or "enterable":

   GET /rest/product?type=accessible

To return information about a specific product by "id" or "name":

   GET /rest/product/(id_or_name)

You can also return information about more than one product by using
the following parameters in your query string:

   GET /rest/product?ids=1&ids=2&ids=3
   GET /rest/product?names=ProductOne&names=Product2

| name       | type   | description                                                   |
| id_or_name | mixed  | Integer product ID or product name.                           |
| ids        | array  | Product IDs                                                   |
| names      | array  | Product names                                                 |
| type       | string | The group of products to return. Valid values are             |
|            |        | "accessible" (default), "selectable", and "enterable". "type" |
|            |        | can be a single value or an array of values if more than one  |
|            |        | group is needed with duplicates removed.                      |


     "products": [
         "id": 1,
         "default_milestone": "---",
         "components": [
             "is_active": true,
             "default_assigned_to": "",
             "id": 1,
             "sort_key": 0,
             "name": "TestComponent",
             "flag_types": {
               "bug": [
                   "is_active": true,
                   "grant_group": null,
                   "cc_list": "",
                   "is_requestable": true,
                   "id": 3,
                   "is_multiplicable": true,
                   "name": "needinfo",
                   "request_group": null,
                   "is_requesteeble": true,
                   "sort_key": 0,
                   "description": "needinfo"
               "attachment": [
                   "description": "Review",
                   "is_multiplicable": true,
                   "name": "review",
                   "is_requesteeble": true,
                   "request_group": null,
                   "sort_key": 0,
                   "cc_list": "",
                   "grant_group": null,
                   "is_requestable": true,
                   "id": 2,
                   "is_active": true
             "default_qa_contact": "",
             "description": "This is a test component."
         "is_active": true,
         "classification": "Unclassified",
         "versions": [
             "id": 1,
             "name": "unspecified",
             "is_active": true,
             "sort_key": 0
         "description": "This is a test product.",
         "has_unconfirmed": true,
         "milestones": [
             "name": "---",
             "is_active": true,
             "sort_key": 0,
             "id": 1
         "name": "TestProduct"

"products" (array) Each product object has the following items:

| name              | type    | description                                           |
| id                | int     | An integer ID uniquely identifying the product in     |
|                   |         | this installation only.                               |
| name              | string  | The name of the product. This is a unique identifier  |
|                   |         | for the product.                                      |
| description       | string  | A description of the product, which may contain HTML. |
| is_active         | boolean | A boolean indicating if the product is active.        |
| default_milestone | string  | The name of the default milestone for the product.    |
| has_unconfirmed   | boolean | Indicates whether the UNCONFIRMED bug status is       |
|                   |         | available for this product.                           |
| classification    | string  | The classification name for the product.              |
| components        | array   | Each component object has the items described in the  |
|                   |         | Component object below.                               |
| versions          | array   | Each object describes a version, and has the          |
|                   |         | following items: "name", "sort_key" and "is_active".  |
| milestones        | array   | Each object describes a milestone, and has the        |
|                   |         | following items: "name", "sort_key" and "is_active".  |

If the user tries to access a product that is not in the list of
accessible products for the user, or a product that does not exist,
that is silently ignored, and no information about that product is

Component object:

| name                | type    | description                                         |
| id                  | int     | An integer ID uniquely identifying the component in |
|                     |         | this installation only.                             |
| name                | string  | The name of the component.  This is a unique        |
|                     |         | identifier for this component.                      |
| description         | string  | A description of the component, which may contain   |
|                     |         | HTML.                                               |
| default_assigned_to | string  | The login name of the user to whom new bugs will be |
|                     |         | assigned by default.                                |
| default_qa_contact  | string  | The login name of the user who will be set as the   |
|                     |         | QA Contact for new bugs by default. Empty string if |
|                     |         | the QA contact is not defined.                      |
| sort_key            | int     | Components, when displayed in a list, are sorted    |
|                     |         | first by this integer and then secondly by their    |
|                     |         | name.                                               |
| is_active           | boolean | A boolean indicating if the component is active.    |
|                     |         | Inactive components are not enabled for new bugs.   |
| flag_types          | object  | An object containing two items "bug" and            |
|                     |         | "attachment" that each contains an array of         |
|                     |         | objects, where each describes a flagtype. The       |
|                     |         | flagtype items are described in the Flagtype object |
|                     |         | below.                                              |

Flagtype object:

| name             | type    | description                                            |
| id               | int     | Returns the ID of the flagtype.                        |
| name             | string  | Returns the name of the flagtype.                      |
| description      | string  | Returns the description of the flagtype.               |
| cc_list          | string  | Returns the concatenated CC list for the flagtype, as  |
|                  |         | a single string.                                       |
| sort_key         | int     | Returns the sortkey of the flagtype.                   |
| is_active        | boolean | Returns whether the flagtype is active or disabled.    |
|                  |         | Flags being in a disabled flagtype are not deleted. It |
|                  |         | only prevents you from adding new flags to it.         |
| is_requestable   | boolean | Returns whether you can request for the given flagtype |
|                  |         | (i.e. whether the '?' flag is available or not).       |
| is_requesteeble  | boolean | Returns whether you can ask someone specifically or    |
|                  |         | not.                                                   |
| is_multiplicable | boolean | Returns whether you can have more than one flag for    |
|                  |         | the given flagtype in a given bug/attachment.          |
| grant_group      | int     | the group ID that is allowed to grant/deny flags of    |
|                  |         | this type. If the item is not included all users are   |
|                  |         | allowed to grant/deny this flagtype.                   |
| request_group    | int     | The group ID that is allowed to request the flag if    |
|                  |         | the flag is of the type requestable. If the item is    |
|                  |         | not included all users are allowed request this        |
|                  |         | flagtype.                                              |

Create Product

This allows you to create a new product in Bugzilla.


   POST /rest/product

     "name" : "AnotherProduct",
     "description" : "Another Product",
     "classification" : "Unclassified",
     "is_open" : false,
     "has_unconfirmed" : false,
     "version" : "unspecified"

Some params must be set, or an error will be thrown. The required
params are marked in bold.

| name              | type    | description                                           |
| **name**          | string  | The name of this product. Must be globally unique     |
|                   |         | within Bugzilla.                                      |
| **description**   | string  | A description for this product. Allows some simple    |
|                   |         | HTML.                                                 |
| **version**       | string  | The default version for this product.                 |
| has_unconfirmed   | boolean | Allow the UNCONFIRMED status to be set on bugs in     |
|                   |         | this product. Default: true.                          |
| classification    | string  | The name of the Classification which contains this    |
|                   |         | product.                                              |
| default_milestone | string  | The default milestone for this product. Default       |
|                   |         | '---'.                                                |
| is_open           | boolean | "true" if the product is currently allowing bugs to   |
|                   |         | be entered into it. Default: "true".                  |
| create_series     | boolean | "true" if you want series for New Charts to be        |
|                   |         | created for this new product. Default: "true".        |


     "id": 20

Returns an object with the following items:

| name | type | description                           |
| id   | int  | ID of the newly-filed product.        |

Update Product

This allows you to update a product in Bugzilla.


   PUT /rest/product/(id_or_name)

You can edit a single product by passing the ID or name of the product
in the URL. To edit more than one product, you can specify addition
IDs or product names using the "ids" or "names" parameters

     "ids" : [123],
     "name" : "BarName",
     "has_unconfirmed" : false

One of the below must be specified.

| name           | type  | description                                                |
| **id_or_name** | mixed | Integer product ID or name.                                |
| **ids**        | array | Numeric IDs of the products that you wish to update.       |
| **names**      | array | Names of the products that you wish to update.             |

The following parameters specify the new values you want to set for
the product(s) you are updating.

| name              | type    | description                                           |
| name              | string  | A new name for this product. If you try to set this   |
|                   |         | while updating more than one product, an error will   |
|                   |         | occur, as product names must be unique.               |
| default_milestone | string  | When a new bug is filed, what milestone does it get   |
|                   |         | by default if the user does not choose one? Must      |
|                   |         | represent a milestone that is valid for this product. |
| description       | string  | Update the long description for these products to     |
|                   |         | this value.                                           |
| has_unconfirmed   | boolean | Allow the UNCONFIRMED status to be set on bugs in     |
|                   |         | products.                                             |
| is_open           | boolean | "true" if the product is currently allowing bugs to   |
|                   |         | be entered into it, "false" otherwise.                |


      "products" : [
            "id" : 123,
            "changes" : {
               "name" : {
                  "removed" : "FooName",
                  "added" : "BarName"
               "has_unconfirmed" : {
                  "removed" : "1",
                  "added" : "0"

"products" (array) Product change objects containing the following

| name    | type   | description                                                      |
| id      | int    | The ID of the product that was updated.                          |
| changes | object | The changes that were actually done on this product. The keys    |
|         |        | are the names of the fields that were changed, and the values    |
|         |        | are an object with two items:  * added: (string) The value that  |
|         |        | this field was changed to.  * removed: (string) The value that   |
|         |        | was previously set in this field.                                |

Booleans will be represented with the strings '1' and '0' for changed
values as they are stored as strings in the database currently.


This documentation undoubtedly has bugs; if you find some, please file
them here.