

distrib > Mandriva > 10.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 62f3bd0c1a5b79a35e28711faf31f509 > files > 10


November 28 MET 2004 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.7.2
    	o View support added
	o hk_connection: passworddialog accepts a defaultdatasource for ODBC now
	o SQLite3 support added
	o local databases in different directories can be opened now
    o API changes
    	o bool hk_column::changed_data_is_nullvalue() added
	o hk_database  existing_form() and existing_report() added
	o hk_datasource: bool index_exists() added
	o hk_dscombobox: supports a new mode combo_noedit
	o hk_url added
	o hk_presentation::enable_datasources made public
    o Bugfixes
	o ODBC driver: much improved, mainly in combination with SAPDB
	o ODBC driver: NULL values will be displayed as NULL.
	o ODBC driver: works better with IODBC
	o hk_dsgrid: does not crash any more when a corrupted definition will be loaded    
	o SQLite2: acinclude check did set wrong path information
	o NULL value handling improved (hk_dsgrid, hk_dsdatavisible, hk_dscombobox)
	o hk_database::store_central, storing existing objects with a new name works again
	o hk_column: changed_data_asstring will handle NULL values correctly now
	o Postgres driver: supports presetting the database name now, useful for people who
	  don't have access to template1 database
	o Postgres driver: handles backslashes correctly
	o hk_datasource: does not reset changed data any more when inserting did not work.  

Sepember 16 MET 2004 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.7.1
	o subforms added
	o hk_button: conditions beginning with '%' will not be escaped any more
	o hk_datasource: depending_on fields beginning with '%' will not be escaped any more
	o hk_postgresdatabase: displays views and handle them as tables
    o API changes
    	o hk_subform added
    o Bugfixes
	o hk_form: does not crash any more when a form is loaded more than once, the visible
	  list is cleared correctly
	o hk_report: does cancel execute() when there is an error in a subreport
	o hk_sqliteactionquery: the correct fielddelimiter is set (for update queries)
	o hk_qbe: UPDATE and DELETE functions improvement (the table.field naming scheme 
	  caused some troubles with sqlite)
	o hk_button: parse_conditions now sets the column names correctly with tablename.columnname

July 11 MET 2004 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.7
	o  class hk_qbe added
	o  class hk_dsquery moved from file hk_dsmodevisible.h to it's own hk_dsquery.h
	   (same with hk_dsquery.cpp)
	o  class hk_dstable moved from file hk_dsmodevisible.h to it's own hk_dstable.h
	   (same with hk_dstable.cpp)
	o  central storage (in a system table on the sql server) of queries, forms and reports
	o  Sqlite driver added. Uses Sqlite 2.x - version 2.8.14 is recommended      

    o API changes
	o  hk_presentation: set_block_has_changed(), block_has_changed() added
	o  hk_dsmodevisible: variable p_mode made private (was protected )
	o  hk_datasource::clear_depending_fields() has now a parameter bool registerchange
	o  hk_datasource::set_query(hk_qbe*) added
	o  functions save_query and load_query moved from class hk_dsgrid to hk_dsquery
	o  hk_actionquery::set_sql got additional parameter 'convertdelimiter'
	o  hk_database::set_usewidgetparent type changed from void* to hk_class*
	o  hk_database and hk_dbvisible: signal list_changes() works also for dbvisible objects now
	o  hk_database: disable() added (ideally called before delete)
	o  hk_definitions.h: filetype ft_index removed
	o  hk_definitions.h: new types defined, objecttype, listtype
	o  all objects: the previous universal used filetype is now split in filetype, objecttype,listtype

    o Bugfixes
	o hk_datasource: If the Sql statement was changed during runtime (e.g. a script in a form or a report)
	   it will be reset when enabling
	o hk_datasource: set_depending_on(): did not delete the connection to a previous master datasource, fixed
	o hk_presentation: unique_datasourcename() does not crash any more if no datasource was found
	o hk_reportutils: Postscript reports did crop off rows at the bottom of a page in sizetype=absolute mode
	  , fixed
	o hk_database inform_datasources_filelist_changes will be sent when a table is deleted

April 04 MET 2004 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.6.3
    	o the password will be stored in the file .hk_classes/SERVER/driver.conf, the RW-flags are set to the user only
	o hk_presentation: presentation local datasources can be defined in the datasource dialog
	o Python script handles uninstall now

    o API changes
    	o hk_reportdata: beforedata() and afterdata() added.
	o hk_dsdatavisible: find() added
	o hk_dsgrid:set_rowheight() added
	o hk_label: supports border lines now
	o hk_datasource: insert_row, update_row and delete_row returns  a result yet
	o hk_datasource: set_internal_filter, internal_filter,set_use_internalfilter,use_internalfilter added

    o Bugfixes
	o acinclude and has been modified: if --prefix was used the driverpath was set to: $(exec_prefix)/hk_classes.
	   The variable was not expanded. fixed
	o hk_database: clears the hk_dbvisible list now, and does not crash any more when a hk_dbvisible object exists
	o ODBC driver: correct handling of boolean fields
	o ODBC driver: SAPDB returns unicode field names, will be handled correctly
	o Postgresql driver: boolean fields work again
	o an additional \n is added to Python scripts to work with Python 2.2
	o Python API: hk_dsboolean added, so no bugfix: hk_dsboolean added,
	   so no "error while loading hk_this=currentboolean()" appears any more
	o hk_importcsv: will not set empty values in numeric fields any more (and thus create non-valid SQL statements)
	o hk_connection::create_database, does not crash any more when the used action query could not be created
	o hk_mysqldatasource: more than 8 digits will be accepted

November 16 MET 2003 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.6.2
    	o Python interface updated: hk_datasource filter handling added, indices(), hk_column.has_changed() added
	o hk_datasource: hk_classes SQL has server independent delimiters now: according to the SQL standard text is delimited in ' (quote) and
		fields are delimited in " (doublequote) : a valid SQL statement would be then (indepenent from the underlying server)
		SELECT 'my field' WHERE 'my field'="value"
	o hk_interpreter: Python sets automatically the variables hk_thisform and hk_thisreport

    o API changes
    	o hk_column: changed_data_asdouble(),changed_data_asinteger() added
	o hk_column: curval_asstring(),curval_asbool(),curval_asdouble(),curval_asinteger() added
	o hk_dsdatavisible: set_value(const hk_string&) and value() added

    o Bugfixes
     	o acinclude accepts Python 2.3
	o Mysql and postgresql: Add index corrected name delimiter
	o Postgres driver: hk_postgresqldatasource::driver_specific_columns now delivers the resulting
	  columns when the datasource name contains non-ascii characters
	o hk_database::copy_table loading does not ignore space characters any more. This will have an effect on
	   copy/Paste of tables
	o hk_reportdata: float point numbers were rounded always to .0 , fixed
	o hk_report:p_visibletype set
	o hk_connection: set_password works again. The driverspecific functions were unable to create a actionquery
	o hk_datasource::reload_data stores changed data before reloading

October 19 MET 2003 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.6.1
    	o hk_importcsv: recognises boolean field type now
	o Python support added. hk_classes is now available as a Python module
	o Forms and reports have scripting support (Python) now
	o hk_visible  actions added: on_click_action, on_doubleclick_action, on_open_action, on_close_action
	o hk_dsvisible actions added:before_row_change_action, after_row_change_action, before_update_action,
	   after_update_action, before_delete_action, after_delete_action, before_insert_action, after_insert_action
	o hk_report, hk_reportdata: print_data_action,on_new_page_action added
	o acinclude.m4 changed: if a prefix is set libraries will be now installed in $libdir/hk_classes and header files
	   in $includedir/hk_classes.
	o documentation added: hk_classes tutorial and api documentation
	o table and column names are now delimited,  special characters are allowed now

    o API changes
       o hk_actionquery::set_sql(const hk_string&) added
       o hk_presentation: modes 'view' and 'design' renamed to 'viewmode' and 'designmode'
       o hk_dsmodevisible added ,which is the new parent of hk_presentation
       o hk_column: set_asdouble, set_asinteger, asinteger, asdouble added
       o hk_datasource: field names are now within driver specific delimiters
       o hk_presentation: snap2gridx and snap2gridy added
       o hk_database: rename_file added

    o Bugfixes
    	o ODBC driver works with SAPDB now
	o Forms and Reports are now stored correctly when using the ODBC driver
	o hk_datasource::add_row and ::update_row memory leak fixed
    	o hk_report: clears counting fields when executed more than one time
	o hk_postgresqldatasource: recognizes numeric type
	o hk_class: show_stringvaluedialog does read whole lines and not just one word
	o hk_database: new_table,new_resultquery and new_actionquery return NULL if database does not exist
	o of directory 'python' changed
	o locale handling: the environment stays at "C" and not to the users locale
	o hk_class::set_preferences is XML conform now
	o hk_dsdatavisible loaddata: sets numberformat correctly
	o hk_datasource: does not crash any more when table structure changes while program is closing

 April 28 MET 2003 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.6
	o hk_font added
	o linked with the python library
	o int2hex() added
	o hk_presentation: set_sizetype added. With this fields in forms can either be set in
	  pixel size or in percent
	o hk_connection::emulate_boolean added. E.g. Mysql does not natively support a boolean type, so TINYINT
	  is used 
	o hk_dsgridcolumn: find() added, so it can also be searched in comboboxes

    o API changes
    	o hk_visible: set_font etc, changed to use hk_font
	o hk_form: widget_specific_new_grid, widget_specific_new_lineedit,widget_specific_new_boolean,
	  widget_specific_new_memo are abstract now
	o hk_button: bool push_action  is abstract now
	o hk_datasource: set_depending_on returns bool now
	o all drivers: return version number now

    o Bugfixes
        o replace_all does not to replace empty strings any more
	o hk_presentation: does not clear the datasource list before saving
	o Queries including a "<" (lesser than) are stored correctly now
	o hk_font: fontname when loading is set correctly now
	o hk_reportutils: Postscript shows page footer now 
	o hk_datasource: parsing of subselects with "WHERE" statements corrected
	o hk_datasource, hk_column: apostrophs for numbers in sql statements
	  removed (thanks to Erik Norvelle)

 January 19 MET 2003 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.6
	o hk_reportsection: offset added (additional space at the end of the section)
	o hk_button: can open and print reports depending on form datasources
	o hk_column: new columntype 'timestampcolumn' added
	o class hk_colour added
	o colour management added to hk_visible
	o hk_presentation: method bulk_operations added to allow a central change of font,foreground and
	  background colour to all widgets of a presentation.
	o hk_visible: raise_widget and lower_widget added
	o hk_datetime: most operators (>,<,<< etc)overridden
	o command line utilities added: hk_report, hk_actionquery,hk_exportcsv, hk_exportxml, hk_importcsv

    o API changes
	o hk_class, hk_drivermanager, hk_connection: enum_interaction added: classes that previously an boolean
	  parameter have changed to this enum (defined in hk_class)

    o Bugfixes
	o hk_dsgrid.cpp: memory leak fixed in clear_cols()
	o all drivers: catches memory allocation errors
	o hk_datetime: now parses date and time strings correctly which don't have a separator:
	  e.g. '20020101' for the first of January 2002
	o hk_importcsv: works with csv-files that don't have column names in the first row  
	o hk_importcsv: new parser, should work without any problems now
	o hk_exportcsv: handles textdelimiters correctly now
	o hk_datasource/hk_dscombobox in combination with postgresql: combobox does react on changes 
	  correctly now


 November 22 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.5
        o defaultfont can be selected now
	o defaultdriver can be selected now
	o defaultnumberformat can be set now
	o defaultalignment can be set now
	o hk_column:: set_asstring allows "TRUE" and "FALSE" for boolean columns now and asstring_at returns "TRUE" and "FALSE" now
	o ODBC driver added: works with both UnixODBC and IODBC

    o API changes
        o hk_column: NULL value handling added: is_nullvalue,is_nullvalue_at, set_asnullvalue
	o set_alignment ,alignment: moved from hk_dsdatavisible to hk_visible
	o hk_visible: open_maximized_window added. If true and the object is a standalone window it will be shown maximized
	o hk_connection: default_tcp_port added
	o hk_connection: "int server_needs" replaced with "bool server_needs(need_enum)"
			 and "int server_supports" replaced with "bool server_supports(support_enum)"
	o hk_visible: p_font, p_fontsize made private now
	o hk_presentation: set_automatic_enable_datasources added
	o hk_datasource: set_accessmode() added 3 possibilities: standard, batchread, batchwrite
	o hk_reportsectionpair: set_ascending_order added
	o hk_class get_tagvalue and set_tagvalue for type "int" added
	o hk_datasource: column_by_name(const hk_string& c, int colnumber) added
	o hk_datasource: goto_row,update_row,insert_row,delete_row are virtual now
	o hk_datasource: columnname_occurances(const hk_string&) and  columnname_occurance(hk_column*) added
	o hk_report, hk_reportsection: all "default" functions like set_default_data renamed to set_defaultreportdata
	  to avoid naming problems with the with this release introduced default functions

    o Bugfixes
    	o hk_datasource: if it is a depending datasource and read_only it will send a "disable" signal to visible
	  objects if datasource is empty
	o hk_datasource: does not crash any more when a group by query will be added with a oder by statement
	o hk_connection: databaselist is sorted now
	o memory leak fixed in the postgres driver, all memory allocation changed to the new/delete mechanism
	o Mysql driver adds the table name to the columnname if there exists already another column with this name
	o hk_reportutils.cpp: recode_postscript encodes brackets correctly now (thanks to Brian Harris)
	o hk_reportutils.cpp: landscape works not just for the first page now
	o hk_report.cpp: creates correct landscape/portrait meta information for postscript now
	o hk_report.cpp: empty pages at the end will not be printed any more and new_page_after_section works now for
	o hk_report.cpp: correct handling of userdefined papersizes
	o hk_dsgrid.cpp: memory leak fixed in clear_cols()

 September 22 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.4
    o Postgres driver added. Use Postgres version 7.1 or higher

    o API changes
    	o hk_datasource: before_source_vanishes is now protected (not private)
	o hk_datasource: driver_specific_before_drop_table added
	o hk_datasource: set_temporaryfilter, set_temporarysorting added
    	o hk_string.h: functions localestring2int and localestring2uint added
    	o hk_class: all set_tagvalue members have been changed to accept ostream instead of ofstream
    	o all classes: savedata members have changed to accept ostream instead of ofstream
    	o hk_datasource, hk_column: save_datasourcedefinition, load_datasourcedefinition, load_columndefinition,
    	  save_columndefinition added which allow to store and load the table structure in the xml-format and
    	  so in a database driver independent way.
	o hk_database: fileendings() made public
	o hk_database: convenience functions of  savestream added
	o hk_database::copy_table added
	o hk_dsdatavisible:: value_at() added, which delivers the formatted string of a column
	o hk_column: convenience function set_asstring(const hk_string&) added
	o hk_column: hk_datasource* datasource(void) added
	o hk_column: set_asblob, asblob renamed to set_asbinary, asbinary
	o hk_column: set_allow_autoincwrite added
	o hk_connection: hk_drivermanager* drivermanager(void) added
	o hk_connection: database_exists() added
	o hk_connection: copy_database() added
	o hk_drivermanager: find_existing_connection added

    o Bugfixes
   	o hk_dsdatavisible defaultvalue: it is possible now to have empty defaultvalues for numbers
	o fixed memory leak in hk_mysqltable
	o the autoconf system checks now whether to include <iostream> or <iostream.h>
	o hk_column: delivers changed_data_asstring correctly formatted now if value is of type integer
	o hk_dscombobox: numbers are displayed formatted now even if no list- or viewcolumn is defined
	o hk_report: values in the page footer section on the last page weren't printed, fixed
	o hk_datasource: crashed while inform_visible_objects_new_columns_created() fixed
	o hk_datasource: memory leak fixed insert_row and update row calculates needed space correctly now
	o hk_mysqltable: create_table works now with gcc-3.2

 June 16 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.3
    o configure script updated: parameters added
    o new default installation directories to follow the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
       the libraries will be installed in     /usr/lib/hk_classes
       the header files will be installed in  /usr/include/hk_classes
    o hk_dsgridcolumn handles row selection now

    o API changes
        o hk_visible returns presentation() now
	o hk_dsgridcolumn handles combobox value correct now
	o hk_dsdatavisible supports number formatting now (set_numberformat,use_numberseparator,commadigits)
	o hk_column supports localized numberstrings now, the functions asstring, set_asstring etc have an
	  additional paramater 'bool is_locale' now
	o the string functions "replace_all" and "format_number and its derivates are moved from hk_definitions.h
	  to hk_string.h
	o alignmenttype has been removed from hk_definitions.h and added to hk_dsdatavisible.h
	o hk_column::sql_column_delimiter removed
	o hk_drivermanager: new parameter 'interactive' added to function new_connection
	o hk_class::setlocale() and hk_class::locale() added

    o Bugfixes
    	o hk_reportutils: postscript works now better with cups
	o hk_reportutils: postscript sections were measured wrong (too much space between sections), fixed
	o hk_drivermanager: loads preferences correctly now (conversion from UTF8 did not work as one
	  undefined character had to be converted)
	o hk_datasource: parses GROUP BY statements correctly now
	o hk_datasource: depending datasources in sublevels change also now
	o hk_dsvisible: has readonly flag now (set_readonly(), is_readonly())
	o hk_datasource: readonly state will be stored now
	o hk_datasource: delimiter for depending on fields changed from " to '
	o hk_column: handles bool values correctly now if the field type is numeric

 May 21 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.2

    o hk_class,hk_drivermanager: the hk_classesdriverpath can be stored and changed now
    o hk_dsgridcolumn: type columncombo added
    o hk_datasource: insertrow only write fields with changed values now

    o API changes
    	o hk_database::set_name return value now of type bool
	o hk_dsgrid load_table,save_table added
	o hk_dsgridcolumn::value_at added
	o hk_datasource: convenience function set_enabled(bool) added

    o Bugfixes
    	o hk_presentation: round differences in relativ2horizontal/vertical removed
	o hk_presentation: datasources will be saved now when database will be destroyed
	o hk_report: sections will be stored in the correct order now
   	o hk_database: Queries within presentation weren't transformed from utf8 to local charset
	o hk_datasource: will not crash any more when the database will be deleted before changed
	  data is written
	o hk_datasource: if depending on datasource is in insertmode then depending datasource::enable()
	  does not enable any more
	o hk_storagedatasource: will not crash any more if a non-existing datasource is deleted
	o hk_dscombobox: will not crash forms when storing
	o hk_column/hk_connection: will not crash any more when data is written while disconnecting
	o hk_mysqldatasource: timestamp columns didn't show the values, fixed (is now shown as fieldtype: "other")

 March 17 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.1
    	o Forms, reports and queries are stored in UTF-8 now
	o XML Export added
    o API changes
    	o hk_drivermanager constructor has no default value any more.
	o hk_string charset conversion routines added
	o hk_connection::show_passworddialog is public now
	o hk_connection::dblist and hk_connection::driver_specific_dblist returns
	  a non-const vector list now
	o the protected hk_connection::p_databaselist isn't a pointer any more
	o the protected hk_database::p_tablelist isn't a pointer any more

    o Bugfixes
       	o automatic storage of changed data when disabling improved
	o CSV importfilter crashed when a data line has less data than expected, fixed
	o CSV importfilter crashed when table has to be deleted before filled, fixed
	o export filter did some strange number formatting, fixed
	o hk_datasource: if filter is set, but no sql statement it crashed, fixed
	o hk_datasource: if rowsize=0 and in insertmode gets a storechanged data, it will stay now in
	o hk_dsgrid: no crash any more if a form is saved with a grid that has no datasource set
	o all hk_dsvisible derived objects objects: fixed some potential crashes when datasource() returns NULL
	o fixed a small memory leak in hk_database::load

    o Misc
    	o Mysql driver supports the mysql_real_escape_string function, if existing,
	 localhost so Mysql databases get a better localisation
        o The installation process has better information now, when no database driver could be compiled

 February 12 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5
    o hk_report changes
    	o dynamic reporttype
	o fontencoding added, stored together with the hk_classes preferences
	o reportheader and reportfooter added

    o API changes
	o hk_report, hk_reportsection, hk_reportdata: actual_hk_string renamed to actual_string
	o hk_report: page_head renamed to page_header, page_foot renamed to page_footer
	o hk_reportpostscript removed, use hk_report in combination with method "set_reporttype(Postscript)" now
	o hk_reportutils.cpp: hk_reportcvs renamed to correct name hk_reportcsv
	o hk_datasource: set_blockvisiblesignals, set_blockdatasourcesignals,set_blockserversignals added
	o hk_datasource, hk_mysqldatasource: set_newpassword added to change passwords.

    o bugfixes
    	o hk_datetime handles time "12:00:00" correctly now
	o hk_datasource SQL statements with "WHERE" statements are handled correctly now
	o replace_all: non recursive replacement works now correctly
	o hk_class: set_tagvalue and get_tagvalue now more XML conform: replaces '<' with '&lt;'
	  and '&' with '&amp;'
	o hk_report && hk_reportsection: memory leak fixed: sections and data will be deleted now,
	  when the report is destroyed
	o hk_presentation: loading of multiple datasources works correctly now
	o hk_connection: bug in storage path (~./hk_classes/driver/host/database ) fixed
	o hk_column: changed_asstring date/time was not displayed correctly
	o hk_importcsv: no crash any more when there is a textdelimiter within the data

    o Misc
    	o hk_datasource: unneccessary code removed (p_oldcolumns)
	o acinclude bugfix: if mysql is not on the computer libmysql will not be linked any more
	o mysql driver: prints server error messages to cerr.
	o XML output formatted

 October 09 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.4.3
    o resultqueries should use for boolean values %TRUE% and %FALSE% now to be independent from the
      database driver (Mysql for instance does not have boolean fields, it has to be imitated by hk_classes)
    o hk_class and hk_drivermanager: runtime option added, when set no manipulation of table,
      query and form structures is possible.
    o hk_dsdatavisible:default values %NOW%, %NOWDATE% and %NOWTIME% added
    o hk_datetime:  set_now function  added
    o bugfixes
       	  o no double mentioned datasources in forms any more
	  o hk_csvimport.cpp: empty fields are really empty now
	  o hk_column & hk_csvimport: space characters in columnnames are
	    replaced now with "_"
	  o hk_mysqltable create table with column without name will not hang any more
	  o hk_datasource: re-setting depending_on datasources works now
	  o hk_datasource: deleting rows was rejected under certain circumstances, fixed

 August 03 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.4.2
    o API changes
       o default values in forms now possible
       o defaults for date and time format can be stored now
       o hk_dsdatavisible::set_column renamed to hk_dsdatavisible::set_columnname
       o hk_reportbase removed
       o hk_report  reparented to hk_presentation
       o hk_reportsection and hk_reportdata reparented to hk_dsdatavisible
       o hk_visible changed. date and time format functions added

 August 02 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.4.1.a
    o csvexport bugfix

 July 07 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.4.1
    o hk_dsgrid: gridcolumn management changed and improved.
    o hk_mysqlclasses is part of hk_classes now, so it is not necessary to install a separate driver
    o hk_classes class renamed in hk_drivermanager
    o hk_column API changed internally ( driver_specific_asstring removed)
    o hk_datasource: transaction support added
    o hk_datasource: depending datasources with different modes to get a kind of referential integrity
    o hk_datasource: depending datasources can optionally react on changed (but not stored) master data
    o combobox API changed
    o combobox support in forms
    o bugfix in hk_column::find, hk_dsdatavisible::column

 June 21 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.4
    o API updated, function names get more logic (hopefully)
    o form support added
    o bugfixes

 April 08 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.3.1
    o fixed the compilation problems

 April 04 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.3
    o first public release
September 16 MET 2004 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.7.1
	o subforms added
	o hk_button: conditions beginning with '%' will not be escaped any more
	o hk_datasource: depending_on fields beginning with '%' will not be escaped any more
	o hk_postgresdatabase: displays views and handle them as tables
    o API changes
    	o hk_subform added
    o Bugfixes
	o hk_form: does not crash any more when a form is loaded more than once, the visible
	  list is cleared correctly
	o hk_report: does cancel execute() when there is an error in a subreport
	o hk_sqliteactionquery: the correct fielddelimiter is set (for update queries)
	o hk_qbe: UPDATE and DELETE functions improvement (the table.field naming scheme 
	  caused some troubles with sqlite)
	o hk_button: parse_conditions now sets the column names correctly with tablename.columnname

July 11 MET 2004 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.7
	o  class hk_qbe added
	o  class hk_dsquery moved from file hk_dsmodevisible.h to it's own hk_dsquery.h
	   (same with hk_dsquery.cpp)
	o  class hk_dstable moved from file hk_dsmodevisible.h to it's own hk_dstable.h
	   (same with hk_dstable.cpp)
	o  central storage (in a system table on the sql server) of queries, forms and reports
	o  Sqlite driver added. Uses Sqlite 2.x - version 2.8.14 is recommended      

    o API changes
	o  hk_presentation: set_block_has_changed(), block_has_changed() added
	o  hk_dsmodevisible: variable p_mode made private (was protected )
	o  hk_datasource::clear_depending_fields() has now a parameter bool registerchange
	o  hk_datasource::set_query(hk_qbe*) added
	o  functions save_query and load_query moved from class hk_dsgrid to hk_dsquery
	o  hk_actionquery::set_sql got additional parameter 'convertdelimiter'
	o  hk_database::set_usewidgetparent type changed from void* to hk_class*
	o  hk_database and hk_dbvisible: signal list_changes() works also for dbvisible objects now
	o  hk_database: disable() added (ideally called before delete)
	o  hk_definitions.h: filetype ft_index removed
	o  hk_definitions.h: new types defined, objecttype, listtype
	o  all objects: the previous universal used filetype is now split in filetype, objecttype,listtype

    o Bugfixes
	o hk_datasource: If the Sql statement was changed during runtime (e.g. a script in a form or a report)
	   it will be reset when enabling
	o hk_datasource: set_depending_on(): did not delete the connection to a previous master datasource, fixed
	o hk_presentation: unique_datasourcename() does not crash any more if no datasource was found
	o hk_reportutils: Postscript reports did crop off rows at the bottom of a page in sizetype=absolute mode
	  , fixed
	o hk_database inform_datasources_filelist_changes will be sent when a table is deleted

April 04 MET 2004 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.6.3
    	o the password will be stored in the file .hk_classes/SERVER/driver.conf, the RW-flags are set to the user only
	o hk_presentation: presentation local datasources can be defined in the datasource dialog
	o Python script handles uninstall now

    o API changes
    	o hk_reportdata: beforedata() and afterdata() added.
	o hk_dsdatavisible: find() added
	o hk_dsgrid:set_rowheight() added
	o hk_label: supports border lines now
	o hk_datasource: insert_row, update_row and delete_row returns  a result yet
	o hk_datasource: set_internal_filter, internal_filter,set_use_internalfilter,use_internalfilter added

    o Bugfixes
	o acinclude and has been modified: if --prefix was used the driverpath was set to: $(exec_prefix)/hk_classes.
	   The variable was not expanded. fixed
	o hk_database: clears the hk_dbvisible list now, and does not crash any more when a hk_dbvisible object exists
	o ODBC driver: correct handling of boolean fields
	o ODBC driver: SAPDB returns unicode field names, will be handled correctly
	o Postgresql driver: boolean fields work again
	o an additional \n is added to Python scripts to work with Python 2.2
	o Python API: hk_dsboolean added, so no bugfix: hk_dsboolean added,
	   so no "error while loading hk_this=currentboolean()" appears any more
	o hk_importcsv: will not set empty values in numeric fields any more (and thus create non-valid SQL statements)
	o hk_connection::create_database, does not crash any more when the used action query could not be created
	o hk_mysqldatasource: more than 8 digits will be accepted

November 16 MET 2003 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.6.2
    	o Python interface updated: hk_datasource filter handling added, indices(), hk_column.has_changed() added
	o hk_datasource: hk_classes SQL has server independent delimiters now: according to the SQL standard text is delimited in ' (quote) and
		fields are delimited in " (doublequote) : a valid SQL statement would be then (indepenent from the underlying server)
		SELECT 'my field' WHERE 'my field'="value"
	o hk_interpreter: Python sets automatically the variables hk_thisform and hk_thisreport

    o API changes
    	o hk_column: changed_data_asdouble(),changed_data_asinteger() added
	o hk_column: curval_asstring(),curval_asbool(),curval_asdouble(),curval_asinteger() added
	o hk_dsdatavisible: set_value(const hk_string&) and value() added

    o Bugfixes
     	o acinclude accepts Python 2.3
	o Mysql and postgresql: Add index corrected name delimiter
	o Postgres driver: hk_postgresqldatasource::driver_specific_columns now delivers the resulting
	  columns when the datasource name contains non-ascii characters
	o hk_database::copy_table loading does not ignore space characters any more. This will have an effect on
	   copy/Paste of tables
	o hk_reportdata: float point numbers were rounded always to .0 , fixed
	o hk_report:p_visibletype set
	o hk_connection: set_password works again. The driverspecific functions were unable to create a actionquery
	o hk_datasource::reload_data stores changed data before reloading

October 19 MET 2003 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.6.1
    	o hk_importcsv: recognises boolean field type now
	o Python support added. hk_classes is now available as a Python module
	o Forms and reports have scripting support (Python) now
	o hk_visible  actions added: on_click_action, on_doubleclick_action, on_open_action, on_close_action
	o hk_dsvisible actions added:before_row_change_action, after_row_change_action, before_update_action,
	   after_update_action, before_delete_action, after_delete_action, before_insert_action, after_insert_action
	o hk_report, hk_reportdata: print_data_action,on_new_page_action added
	o acinclude.m4 changed: if a prefix is set libraries will be now installed in $libdir/hk_classes and header files
	   in $includedir/hk_classes.
	o documentation added: hk_classes tutorial and api documentation
	o table and column names are now delimited,  special characters are allowed now

    o API changes
       o hk_actionquery::set_sql(const hk_string&) added
       o hk_presentation: modes 'view' and 'design' renamed to 'viewmode' and 'designmode'
       o hk_dsmodevisible added ,which is the new parent of hk_presentation
       o hk_column: set_asdouble, set_asinteger, asinteger, asdouble added
       o hk_datasource: field names are now within driver specific delimiters
       o hk_presentation: snap2gridx and snap2gridy added
       o hk_database: rename_file added

    o Bugfixes
    	o ODBC driver works with SAPDB now
	o Forms and Reports are now stored correctly when using the ODBC driver
	o hk_datasource::add_row and ::update_row memory leak fixed
    	o hk_report: clears counting fields when executed more than one time
	o hk_postgresqldatasource: recognizes numeric type
	o hk_class: show_stringvaluedialog does read whole lines and not just one word
	o hk_database: new_table,new_resultquery and new_actionquery return NULL if database does not exist
	o of directory 'python' changed
	o locale handling: the environment stays at "C" and not to the users locale
	o hk_class::set_preferences is XML conform now
	o hk_dsdatavisible loaddata: sets numberformat correctly
	o hk_datasource: does not crash any more when table structure changes while program is closing

 April 28 MET 2003 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.6
	o hk_font added
	o linked with the python library
	o int2hex() added
	o hk_presentation: set_sizetype added. With this fields in forms can either be set in
	  pixel size or in percent
	o hk_connection::emulate_boolean added. E.g. Mysql does not natively support a boolean type, so TINYINT
	  is used 
	o hk_dsgridcolumn: find() added, so it can also be searched in comboboxes

    o API changes
    	o hk_visible: set_font etc, changed to use hk_font
	o hk_form: widget_specific_new_grid, widget_specific_new_lineedit,widget_specific_new_boolean,
	  widget_specific_new_memo are abstract now
	o hk_button: bool push_action  is abstract now
	o hk_datasource: set_depending_on returns bool now
	o all drivers: return version number now

    o Bugfixes
        o replace_all does not to replace empty strings any more
	o hk_presentation: does not clear the datasource list before saving
	o Queries including a "<" (lesser than) are stored correctly now
	o hk_font: fontname when loading is set correctly now
	o hk_reportutils: Postscript shows page footer now 
	o hk_datasource: parsing of subselects with "WHERE" statements corrected
	o hk_datasource, hk_column: apostrophs for numbers in sql statements
	  removed (thanks to Erik Norvelle)

 January 19 MET 2003 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.6
	o hk_reportsection: offset added (additional space at the end of the section)
	o hk_button: can open and print reports depending on form datasources
	o hk_column: new columntype 'timestampcolumn' added
	o class hk_colour added
	o colour management added to hk_visible
	o hk_presentation: method bulk_operations added to allow a central change of font,foreground and
	  background colour to all widgets of a presentation.
	o hk_visible: raise_widget and lower_widget added
	o hk_datetime: most operators (>,<,<< etc)overridden
	o command line utilities added: hk_report, hk_actionquery,hk_exportcsv, hk_exportxml, hk_importcsv

    o API changes
	o hk_class, hk_drivermanager, hk_connection: enum_interaction added: classes that previously an boolean
	  parameter have changed to this enum (defined in hk_class)

    o Bugfixes
	o hk_dsgrid.cpp: memory leak fixed in clear_cols()
	o all drivers: catches memory allocation errors
	o hk_datetime: now parses date and time strings correctly which don't have a separator:
	  e.g. '20020101' for the first of January 2002
	o hk_importcsv: works with csv-files that don't have column names in the first row  
	o hk_importcsv: new parser, should work without any problems now
	o hk_exportcsv: handles textdelimiters correctly now
	o hk_datasource/hk_dscombobox in combination with postgresql: combobox does react on changes 
	  correctly now


 November 22 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.5
        o defaultfont can be selected now
	o defaultdriver can be selected now
	o defaultnumberformat can be set now
	o defaultalignment can be set now
	o hk_column:: set_asstring allows "TRUE" and "FALSE" for boolean columns now and asstring_at returns "TRUE" and "FALSE" now
	o ODBC driver added: works with both UnixODBC and IODBC

    o API changes
        o hk_column: NULL value handling added: is_nullvalue,is_nullvalue_at, set_asnullvalue
	o set_alignment ,alignment: moved from hk_dsdatavisible to hk_visible
	o hk_visible: open_maximized_window added. If true and the object is a standalone window it will be shown maximized
	o hk_connection: default_tcp_port added
	o hk_connection: "int server_needs" replaced with "bool server_needs(need_enum)"
			 and "int server_supports" replaced with "bool server_supports(support_enum)"
	o hk_visible: p_font, p_fontsize made private now
	o hk_presentation: set_automatic_enable_datasources added
	o hk_datasource: set_accessmode() added 3 possibilities: standard, batchread, batchwrite
	o hk_reportsectionpair: set_ascending_order added
	o hk_class get_tagvalue and set_tagvalue for type "int" added
	o hk_datasource: column_by_name(const hk_string& c, int colnumber) added
	o hk_datasource: goto_row,update_row,insert_row,delete_row are virtual now
	o hk_datasource: columnname_occurances(const hk_string&) and  columnname_occurance(hk_column*) added
	o hk_report, hk_reportsection: all "default" functions like set_default_data renamed to set_defaultreportdata
	  to avoid naming problems with the with this release introduced default functions

    o Bugfixes
    	o hk_datasource: if it is a depending datasource and read_only it will send a "disable" signal to visible
	  objects if datasource is empty
	o hk_datasource: does not crash any more when a group by query will be added with a oder by statement
	o hk_connection: databaselist is sorted now
	o memory leak fixed in the postgres driver, all memory allocation changed to the new/delete mechanism
	o Mysql driver adds the table name to the columnname if there exists already another column with this name
	o hk_reportutils.cpp: recode_postscript encodes brackets correctly now (thanks to Brian Harris)
	o hk_reportutils.cpp: landscape works not just for the first page now
	o hk_report.cpp: creates correct landscape/portrait meta information for postscript now
	o hk_report.cpp: empty pages at the end will not be printed any more and new_page_after_section works now for
	o hk_report.cpp: correct handling of userdefined papersizes
	o hk_dsgrid.cpp: memory leak fixed in clear_cols()

 September 22 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.4
    o Postgres driver added. Use Postgres version 7.1 or higher

    o API changes
    	o hk_datasource: before_source_vanishes is now protected (not private)
	o hk_datasource: driver_specific_before_drop_table added
	o hk_datasource: set_temporaryfilter, set_temporarysorting added
    	o hk_string.h: functions localestring2int and localestring2uint added
    	o hk_class: all set_tagvalue members have been changed to accept ostream instead of ofstream
    	o all classes: savedata members have changed to accept ostream instead of ofstream
    	o hk_datasource, hk_column: save_datasourcedefinition, load_datasourcedefinition, load_columndefinition,
    	  save_columndefinition added which allow to store and load the table structure in the xml-format and
    	  so in a database driver independent way.
	o hk_database: fileendings() made public
	o hk_database: convenience functions of  savestream added
	o hk_database::copy_table added
	o hk_dsdatavisible:: value_at() added, which delivers the formatted string of a column
	o hk_column: convenience function set_asstring(const hk_string&) added
	o hk_column: hk_datasource* datasource(void) added
	o hk_column: set_asblob, asblob renamed to set_asbinary, asbinary
	o hk_column: set_allow_autoincwrite added
	o hk_connection: hk_drivermanager* drivermanager(void) added
	o hk_connection: database_exists() added
	o hk_connection: copy_database() added
	o hk_drivermanager: find_existing_connection added

    o Bugfixes
   	o hk_dsdatavisible defaultvalue: it is possible now to have empty defaultvalues for numbers
	o fixed memory leak in hk_mysqltable
	o the autoconf system checks now whether to include <iostream> or <iostream.h>
	o hk_column: delivers changed_data_asstring correctly formatted now if value is of type integer
	o hk_dscombobox: numbers are displayed formatted now even if no list- or viewcolumn is defined
	o hk_report: values in the page footer section on the last page weren't printed, fixed
	o hk_datasource: crashed while inform_visible_objects_new_columns_created() fixed
	o hk_datasource: memory leak fixed insert_row and update row calculates needed space correctly now
	o hk_mysqltable: create_table works now with gcc-3.2

 June 16 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.3
    o configure script updated: parameters added
    o new default installation directories to follow the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
       the libraries will be installed in     /usr/lib/hk_classes
       the header files will be installed in  /usr/include/hk_classes
    o hk_dsgridcolumn handles row selection now

    o API changes
        o hk_visible returns presentation() now
	o hk_dsgridcolumn handles combobox value correct now
	o hk_dsdatavisible supports number formatting now (set_numberformat,use_numberseparator,commadigits)
	o hk_column supports localized numberstrings now, the functions asstring, set_asstring etc have an
	  additional paramater 'bool is_locale' now
	o the string functions "replace_all" and "format_number and its derivates are moved from hk_definitions.h
	  to hk_string.h
	o alignmenttype has been removed from hk_definitions.h and added to hk_dsdatavisible.h
	o hk_column::sql_column_delimiter removed
	o hk_drivermanager: new parameter 'interactive' added to function new_connection
	o hk_class::setlocale() and hk_class::locale() added

    o Bugfixes
    	o hk_reportutils: postscript works now better with cups
	o hk_reportutils: postscript sections were measured wrong (too much space between sections), fixed
	o hk_drivermanager: loads preferences correctly now (conversion from UTF8 did not work as one
	  undefined character had to be converted)
	o hk_datasource: parses GROUP BY statements correctly now
	o hk_datasource: depending datasources in sublevels change also now
	o hk_dsvisible: has readonly flag now (set_readonly(), is_readonly())
	o hk_datasource: readonly state will be stored now
	o hk_datasource: delimiter for depending on fields changed from " to '
	o hk_column: handles bool values correctly now if the field type is numeric

 May 21 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.2

    o hk_class,hk_drivermanager: the hk_classesdriverpath can be stored and changed now
    o hk_dsgridcolumn: type columncombo added
    o hk_datasource: insertrow only write fields with changed values now

    o API changes
    	o hk_database::set_name return value now of type bool
	o hk_dsgrid load_table,save_table added
	o hk_dsgridcolumn::value_at added
	o hk_datasource: convenience function set_enabled(bool) added

    o Bugfixes
    	o hk_presentation: round differences in relativ2horizontal/vertical removed
	o hk_presentation: datasources will be saved now when database will be destroyed
	o hk_report: sections will be stored in the correct order now
   	o hk_database: Queries within presentation weren't transformed from utf8 to local charset
	o hk_datasource: will not crash any more when the database will be deleted before changed
	  data is written
	o hk_datasource: if depending on datasource is in insertmode then depending datasource::enable()
	  does not enable any more
	o hk_storagedatasource: will not crash any more if a non-existing datasource is deleted
	o hk_dscombobox: will not crash forms when storing
	o hk_column/hk_connection: will not crash any more when data is written while disconnecting
	o hk_mysqldatasource: timestamp columns didn't show the values, fixed (is now shown as fieldtype: "other")

 March 17 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5.1
    	o Forms, reports and queries are stored in UTF-8 now
	o XML Export added
    o API changes
    	o hk_drivermanager constructor has no default value any more.
	o hk_string charset conversion routines added
	o hk_connection::show_passworddialog is public now
	o hk_connection::dblist and hk_connection::driver_specific_dblist returns
	  a non-const vector list now
	o the protected hk_connection::p_databaselist isn't a pointer any more
	o the protected hk_database::p_tablelist isn't a pointer any more

    o Bugfixes
       	o automatic storage of changed data when disabling improved
	o CSV importfilter crashed when a data line has less data than expected, fixed
	o CSV importfilter crashed when table has to be deleted before filled, fixed
	o export filter did some strange number formatting, fixed
	o hk_datasource: if filter is set, but no sql statement it crashed, fixed
	o hk_datasource: if rowsize=0 and in insertmode gets a storechanged data, it will stay now in
	o hk_dsgrid: no crash any more if a form is saved with a grid that has no datasource set
	o all hk_dsvisible derived objects objects: fixed some potential crashes when datasource() returns NULL
	o fixed a small memory leak in hk_database::load

    o Misc
    	o Mysql driver supports the mysql_real_escape_string function, if existing,
	 localhost so Mysql databases get a better localisation
        o The installation process has better information now, when no database driver could be compiled

 February 12 MET 2002 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.5
    o hk_report changes
    	o dynamic reporttype
	o fontencoding added, stored together with the hk_classes preferences
	o reportheader and reportfooter added

    o API changes
	o hk_report, hk_reportsection, hk_reportdata: actual_hk_string renamed to actual_string
	o hk_report: page_head renamed to page_header, page_foot renamed to page_footer
	o hk_reportpostscript removed, use hk_report in combination with method "set_reporttype(Postscript)" now
	o hk_reportutils.cpp: hk_reportcvs renamed to correct name hk_reportcsv
	o hk_datasource: set_blockvisiblesignals, set_blockdatasourcesignals,set_blockserversignals added
	o hk_datasource, hk_mysqldatasource: set_newpassword added to change passwords.

    o bugfixes
    	o hk_datetime handles time "12:00:00" correctly now
	o hk_datasource SQL statements with "WHERE" statements are handled correctly now
	o replace_all: non recursive replacement works now correctly
	o hk_class: set_tagvalue and get_tagvalue now more XML conform: replaces '<' with '&lt;'
	  and '&' with '&amp;'
	o hk_report && hk_reportsection: memory leak fixed: sections and data will be deleted now,
	  when the report is destroyed
	o hk_presentation: loading of multiple datasources works correctly now
	o hk_connection: bug in storage path (~./hk_classes/driver/host/database ) fixed
	o hk_column: changed_asstring date/time was not displayed correctly
	o hk_importcsv: no crash any more when there is a textdelimiter within the data

    o Misc
    	o hk_datasource: unneccessary code removed (p_oldcolumns)
	o acinclude bugfix: if mysql is not on the computer libmysql will not be linked any more
	o mysql driver: prints server error messages to cerr.
	o XML output formatted

 October 09 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.4.3
    o resultqueries should use for boolean values %TRUE% and %FALSE% now to be independent from the
      database driver (Mysql for instance does not have boolean fields, it has to be imitated by hk_classes)
    o hk_class and hk_drivermanager: runtime option added, when set no manipulation of table,
      query and form structures is possible.
    o hk_dsdatavisible:default values %NOW%, %NOWDATE% and %NOWTIME% added
    o hk_datetime:  set_now function  added
    o bugfixes
       	  o no double mentioned datasources in forms any more
	  o hk_csvimport.cpp: empty fields are really empty now
	  o hk_column & hk_csvimport: space characters in columnnames are
	    replaced now with "_"
	  o hk_mysqltable create table with column without name will not hang any more
	  o hk_datasource: re-setting depending_on datasources works now
	  o hk_datasource: deleting rows was rejected under certain circumstances, fixed

 August 03 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.4.2
    o API changes
       o default values in forms now possible
       o defaults for date and time format can be stored now
       o hk_dsdatavisible::set_column renamed to hk_dsdatavisible::set_columnname
       o hk_reportbase removed
       o hk_report  reparented to hk_presentation
       o hk_reportsection and hk_reportdata reparented to hk_dsdatavisible
       o hk_visible changed. date and time format functions added

 August 02 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.4.1.a
    o csvexport bugfix

 July 07 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.4.1
    o hk_dsgrid: gridcolumn management changed and improved.
    o hk_mysqlclasses is part of hk_classes now, so it is not necessary to install a separate driver
    o hk_classes class renamed in hk_drivermanager
    o hk_column API changed internally ( driver_specific_asstring removed)
    o hk_datasource: transaction support added
    o hk_datasource: depending datasources with different modes to get a kind of referential integrity
    o hk_datasource: depending datasources can optionally react on changed (but not stored) master data
    o combobox API changed
    o combobox support in forms
    o bugfix in hk_column::find, hk_dsdatavisible::column

 June 21 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.4
    o API updated, function names get more logic (hopefully)
    o form support added
    o bugfixes

 April 08 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.3.1
    o fixed the compilation problems

 April 04 MET 2001 - Horst Knorr <>
    o V 0.3
    o first public release