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                                 Faq'n Tips

    1. [1]Hey!  This doesn't look like a FAQ!  What gives?
    2. [2]Are there mailing lists for Linux-HA?
    3. [3]What is a cluster?
    4. [4]What is a resource script?
    5. [5]How to monitor various resources?. If one of my resources stops
       working heartbeat doesn't do anything unless the server crashes.
       How do I monitor resources with heartbeat?
    6. [6]If my one of my ethernet connections goes away (cable
       severance, NIC failure, locusts), but my current primary node (the
       one with the services) is otherwise fine, no one can get to my
       services and I want to fail them over to my other cluster node.
       Is there a way to do this?
    7. [7]Every time my machine releases an IP alias, it loses the whole
       interface (i.e. eth0)!  How do I fix this?
    8. [8]I want a lot of IP addresses as resources (more than 8).
       What's the best way?
    9. [9]The documentation indicates that a serial line is a good idea,
       is there really a drawback to using two ethernet connections?
   10. [10]How to use heartbeat with ipchains firewall?
   11. [11]I got this message ERROR: No local heartbeat. Forcing shutdown
       and then heartbeat shut itself down for no reason at all!
   12. [12]How to tune heartbeat on heavily loaded system to avoid
   13. [13]When heartbeat starts up I get this error message in my logs:
         WARN: process_clustermsg: node [<hostname>] failed
       [14]What does this mean?
   14. [15]When I try to start heartbeat i receive message: [16]"Starting
       High-Availability services: Heartbeat failure [rc=1]. Failed.
       [17]and there is nothing in any of the log files and no messages.
       What is wrong ?
   15. [18]How to run multiple clusters on same network segment ?
   16. [19]How to get latest CVS version of heartbeat ?
   17. [20]Heartbeat on other OSs.
   18. [21]When I try to install the heartbeat RPMs, they
       complain of dependencies from packages I already have installed!
       Now what?
   19. [22]I don't want heartbeat to fail over the cluster automatically.
        How can I require human confirmation before failing over?
   20. [23]What is STONITH?  And why might I need it?
   21. [24]How do I figure out what STONITH devices are available, and
       how to configure them?
   22. [25]I want to use a shared disk, but I don't want to use STONITH.
        Any recommendations?
   23. [26]Can heartbeat be configured in an active/active configuration?
       If so, how do I do this, since the haresources file is supposed to
       be the same on each box so I do not know how this could be done.
   24. [27]Why are my interface names getting truncated when they're
       brought up and down?
   25. [28]What is this auto_failback parameter? What happened to the old
       nice_failback parameter?
   26. [29]I am upgrading from a version of Linux-HA which supported
       nice_failback to one that supports auto_failback. How to I avoid a
       flash cut in this upgrade?
   27. [30]If nothing helps, what should I do ?
   28. [31]I want to submit a patch, how do I do that?

    1. Quit your bellyachin'!  We needed a "catch-all" document to supply
       useful information in a way that was easily referenced and would
       grow without a lot of work.  It's closer to a FAQ than anything
    2. Yes!  There are two public mailing lists for Linux-HA.  You can
       find out about them by visiting [32]
    3. HA (High availability Cluster) - A cluster that allows a host (or
       hosts) to become Highly Available. This means that if one node
       goes down (or a service on that node goes down) another node can
       pick up the service or node and take over from the failed machine.
       Computing Cluster - This is what a Beowulf cluster is. It allows
       distributed computing over off the shelf components. In this case
       it is usually cheap IA32 machines. [34]
       Load balancing clusters - This is what the Linux Virtual Server
       project does. In this scenario you have one machine with load
       balances requests to a certain server (apache for example) over a
       farm of servers. [35]
       All of these sites have howtos etc. on them. For a general
       overview on clustering under Linux, look at the Clustering HOWTO.
    4. Resource scripts are basically (extended) System V init scripts.
       They must support stop, start, and status operations.  In the
       future we will also add support for a "monitor" operation for
       monitoring services as you requested. The IPaddr script implements
       this new "monitor" operation now (but heartbeat doesn't use that
       function of it). For more info see Resource HOWTO.
    5. Heartbeat itself was not designed for monitoring various
       resources. If you need to monitor some resources (for example,
       availability of WWW server) you need some third party software.
       Mon is a reasonable solution.
         A. Get Mon from [36]
         B. Get all required modules listed. You can find them at nearest
            mirror or at the CPAN archive ( I am not very
            familiar with Perl, so I downloaded them from CPAN archive as
            .tar.gz packages and installed them in the usual way (perl
   && make && make test && make install).
         C. Mon is software for monitoring different network resources.
            It can ping computers, connect to various ports, monitor WWW,
            MySQL etc. In case of dysfunction of some resources it
            triggers some scripts.
         D. Unpack mon in some directory. Best starting point is README
            file. Complete documentation is in the <dir>/doc, where <dir>
            is the place you unpacked mon package.
         E. For a fast start do following steps:
              a. copy all subdirs found in <dir> to /usr/lib/mon
              b. create dir /etc/mon
              c. copy from <dir>/etc to /etc/mon
            Now, mon is prepared to work. You need to create your own
   file, where you should point to resources mon should
            watch and actions mon will start in case of dysfunction and
            when resources are available again.   All monitoring scripts
            are in /usr/lib/mon/mon.d/. At the beginning of every script
            you can find explanation how to use it.
            All alert scripts are placed in /usr/lib/mon/alert.d/. Those
            are scripts triggered in case something went wrong. In case
            you are using ipvs on theirs homepage
            ( you can find scripts for adding
            and removing servers from an ipvs list.
    6. Yes!  Use the ipfail plug-in.  For each interface you wish to
       monitor, specify one or more "ping" nodes or "ping groups" in your
       configuration.  Each node in your cluster will monitor these ping
       nodes or groups.  Should one node detect a failure in one of these
       ping nodes, it will contact the other node in order to determine
       whether it or the ping node has the problem.  If the cluster node
       has the problem, it will try to failover its resources (if it has
       To use ipfail, you will need to add the following to your
       /etc/ha.d/ files:
               respawn hacluster /usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail
               ping <IPaddr1> <IPaddr2> ... <IPaddrN>
       See [37]Kevin's documentation for more details on the concepts.
       IPaddr1..N are your ping nodes.  NOTE:  ipfail requires the
       auto_failback option to be set to on or off (not legacy).
    7. This isn't a problem with heartbeat, but rather is caused by
       various versions of net-tools.  Upgrade to the most recent version
       of net-tools and it will go away.  You can test it with ifconfig
    8. Instead of failing over many IP addresses, just fail over one
       router address.  On your router, do the equivalent of "route add
       -net x.x.x.0/24 gw x.x.x.2", where x.x.x.2 is the cluster IP
       address controlled by heartbeat.  Then, make every address within
       x.x.x.0/24 that you wish to failover a permanent alias of lo0 on
       BOTH cluster nodes.  This is done via "ifconfig lo:2 x.x.x.3
       netmask -arp" etc...
    9. If anything makes your ethernet / IP stack fail, you may lose both
       connections. You definitely should run the cables differently,
       depending on how important your data is...
   10. To make heartbeat work with ipchains, you must accept incoming and
       outgoing traffic on 694 UDP port. Add something like
       /sbin/ipchains -A output -i ethN -p udp -s <source_IP> -d
       <dest_IP>  -j ACCEPT
       /sbin/ipchains -A input -i ethN -p udp -s <source_IP> -d
       <dest_IP>  -j ACCEPT
   11. This can be caused by one of two things:
          + System under heavy I/O load, or
          + Kernel bug.
       For how to deal with the first occurrence (heavy load), please
       read the answer to the [38]next FAQ item.
       If your system was not under moderate to heavy load when it got
       this message, you probably have the kernel bug. The 2.4.18 Linux
       kernel had a bug in it which would cause it to not schedule
       heartbeat for very long periods of time when the system was idle,
       or nearly so. If this is the case, you need to get a kernel that
       isn't broken.
   12. "No local heartbeat" or "Cluster node returning after partition"
       under heavy load is typically caused by too small a deadtime
       interval. Here is suggestion for how to tune deadtime:
          + Set deadtime to 60 seconds or higher
          + Set warntime to whatever you *want* your deadtime to be.
          + Run your system under heavy load for a few weeks.
          + Look at your logs for the longest time either system went
            without hearing a heartbeat.
          + Set your deadtime to 1.5-2 times that amount.
          + Set warntime to a little less than that amount.
          + Continue to monitor logs for warnings about long heartbeat
            times. If you don't do this, you may get "Cluster node ...
            returning after partition" which will cause heartbeat to
            restart on all machines in the cluster. This will almost
            certainly annoy you.
       Adding memory to the machine generally helps. Limiting workload on
       the machine generally helps. Newer versions of heartbeat are a
       better about this than pre 1.0 versions.
   13. It's common to get a single mangled packet on your serial
       interface when heartbeat starts up.  This message is an indication
       that we received a mangled packet.  It's harmless in this
       scenario. If it happens continually, there is probably something
       else going on.
   14. It's probably a permissions problem on authkeys.  It wants it to
       be read only mode (400, 600 or 700).  Depending on where and when
       it discovers the problem, the message will wind up in different
       But, it tends to be in
         1. stdout/stderr
         2. wherever you specified in your setup
         3. /var/log/messages
       Newer releases are better about also putting out startup messages
       to stderr in addition to wherever you have configured them to go.
   15. Use multicast and give each its own multicast group. If you need
       to/want to use broadcast, then run each cluster on different port
       numbers.  An example of a configuration using multicast would be
       to have the following line in your file:
            mcast eth0 694 1 0
       This sets eth0 as the interface over which to send the multicast, as the multicast group (will be same on each node in the
       same cluster), udp port 694 (heartbeat default), time to live of 1
       (limit multicast to local network segment and not propagate
       through routers), multicast loopback disabled (typical).
   16. There is a CVS repository for Linux-HA. You can find it at  Read-only access is via login guest, password
       guest, module name linux-ha. More details are to be found in the
       [39]announcement email.  It is also available through the web
       using viewcvs at
   17. Heartbeat now uses use automake and is generally quite portable at
       this point. Join the Linux-HA-dev mailing list if you want to help
       port it to your favorite platform.
   18. Due to distribution RPM package name differences, this was
       unavoidable.  If you're not using STONITH, use the "--nodeps"
       option with rpm.  Otherwise, use the heartbeat source to build
       your own RPMs.  You'll have the added dependencies of autoconf >=
       2.53 and libnet (get it from
       [41]  Use the heartbeat
       source RPM (preferred) or unpack the heartbeat source and from the
       top directory, run "./ConfigureMe rpm".  This will build RPMS and
       place them where it's customary for your particular distro.  It
       may even tell you if you are missing some other required packages!
   19. You configure a "meatware" STONITH device into the file.
       The meatware STONITH device asks the operator to go power reset
       the machine which has gone down.  When the operator has reset the
       machine he or she then issues a command to tell the meatware
       STONITH plug-in that the reset has taken place.  Heartbeat will
       wait indefinitely until the operator acknowledges the reset has
       occurred.  During this time, the resources will not be taken over,
       and nothing will happen.
   20. STONITH is a form of fencing, and is an acronym standing for Shoot
       The Other Node In The Head.  It allows one node in the cluster to
       reset the other.  Fencing is essential if you're using shared
       disks, in order to protect the integrity of the disk data.
       Heartbeat supports STONITH fencing, and resources which are
       self-fencing.  You need to configure some kind of fencing whenever
       you have a cluster resource which might be permanently damaged if
       both machines tried to make it active at the same time.  When in
       doubt check with the Linux-HA mailing list.
   21. To get the list of supported STONITH devices, issue this command:
       stonith -L
       To get all the gory details on exactly what these STONITH device
       names mean, and how to configure them, issue this command:
       stonith -h
   22. This is not something which heartbeat supports directly, however,
       there are a few kinds of resources which are "self-fencing".  This
       means that activating the resource causes it to fence itself off
       from the other node naturally.  Since this fencing happens in the
       resource agent, heartbeat doesn't know (and doesn't have to know)
       about it.  Two possible hardware candidates are IBM's ServeRAID-4
       RAID controllers and ICP Vortex RAID controllers - but do your
       homework!!!   When in doubt check with the mailing list.
   23. Yes, heartbeat has supported active/active configurations since
       its first release. The key to configuring active/active clusters
       is to understand that each resource group in the haresources file
       is preceded by the name of the server which is normally supposed
       to run that service. When in a "auto_failback yes (or legacy)" (or
       old-style "nice_failback off") configuration, when a cluster node
       comes up, it will take over any resources for which it is listed
       as the "normal master" in the haresources file. Below is an
       example of how to do this for an apache/mysql configuration.
server1 mysql
server2 apache
       In this case, the IP address should be replaced with
       the IP address you want to contact the mysql server at, and should be replaced with the IP address you want people
       to use to contact the web server. Any time server1 is up, it will
       run the mysql service. Any time server2 is up, it will run the
       apache service. If both server1 and server2 are up, both servers
       will be active. Note that this is contradictory with the old
       nice_failback on parameter. With the new release which supports
       hb_standby foreign, you can manually fail back into an
       active/active configuration if you have auto_failback off. This
       allows administrators more flexibility in failing back in a more
       customized way at more safe or convenient times.
   24. Heartbeat was written to use ifconfig to manage its interfaces.
       That's nice for portability for other platforms, but for some
       reasons ifconfig truncates interface names.  If you want to have
       fewer than 10 aliases, then you need to limit your interface names
       to 7 characters, and 6 for fewer than 100 interfaces.
   25. The auto_failback parameter is a replacement for the old
       nice_failback parameter. The old value nice_failback on is
       replaced by auto_failback off. The old value nice_failback off is
       logically replaced by the new auto_failback on parameter. Unlike
       the old nice_failback off behavior, the new auto_failback on
       allows the use of the ipfail and hb_standby facilities.
       During upgrades from nice_failback to auto_failback, it is
       sometimes necessary to set auto_failback to legacy, as described
       in the [42]upgrade procedure below.
   26. To upgrade from a pre-auto_failback version of heartbeat to one
       which supports auto_failback, the following procedures are
       recommended to avoid a flash cut on the whole cluster.
         1. Stop heartbeat on one node in the cluster.
         2. upgrade this node. If the other node has nice_failback on in
   then set auto_failback off in the new file. If
            the other node in the cluster has nice_failback off then set
            auto_failback legacy in the new file.
         3. Start the new version of heartbeat on this node.
         4. Stop heartbeat on the other node in the cluster.
         5. upgrade this second node in the cluster with the new version
            of heartbeat. Set auto_failback the same as it was set in the
            previous step.
         6. Start heartbeat on this second node in the cluster.
         7. If you set auto_failback to on or off, then you are done.
         8. If you set auto_failback legacy in your file, then
            continue as described below...
         9. Schedule a time to shut down the entire cluster for a few
        10. At the scheduled time, stop both nodes in the cluster, and
            then change the value of auto_failback to on in the
            file on both sides.
        11. Restart both nodes on the cluster at about the same time.
        12. Congratulations, you're done! You can now use ipfail, and can
            also use the hb_standby command to cause manual resource
   27. Please be sure that you read all documentation and searched mail
       list archives. If you still can't find a solution you can post
       questions to the mailing list. Please include following:
          + What OS are you running.
          + What version (distro/kernel).
          + How did you install heartbeat (tar.gz, rpm, src.rpm or manual
          + Include your configuration files from BOTH machines. You can
            omit authkeys.
          + Include the parts of your logs which describe the errors.
            Send them as text/plain attachments.
            Please don't send "cleaned up" logs.  The real logs have more
            information in them than cleaned up versions.  Always include
            at least a little irrelevant data before and after the events
            in question so that we know nothing was missed.  Don't edit
            the logs unless you really have some super-secret
            high-security reason for doing so.
            This means you need to attach 6 or 8 files. Include 6 if your
            debug output goes into the same file as your normal output
            and 8 otherwise. For each machine you need to send:
               o haresources
               o normal logs
               o debug logs (perhaps)
   28. We love to get good patches.  Here's the preferred way:
          + If you have any questions about the patch, please check with
            the linux-ha-dev mailing list for answers before starting.
          + Make your changes against the current CVS source
          + Test them, and make sure they work ;-)
          + Produce the patch this way:
                   cvs -q diff -u >patchname.txt
          + Send an email to the linux-ha-dev mailing list with the patch
            as a [text/plain] attachment. If your mailer wants to zip it
            up for you, please fix it.

   Rev 0.0.8
   (c) 2000 Rudy Pawul [43]
   (c) 2001 Dusan Djordjevic [44] (c) 2003 IBM
   (Author Alan Robertson [45]


   1. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#FAQ
   2. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#mailinglists
   3. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#what_is_it
   4. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#res_scr
   5. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#mon
   6. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#ipfail
   7. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#nettools
   8. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#manyIPs
   9. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#serial
  10. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#firewall
  11. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#nolocalheartbeat
  12. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#heavy_load
  13. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#serialerr
  14. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#serialerr
  15. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#authkeys
  16. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#authkeys
  17. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#authkeys
  18. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#multiple_clusters
  19. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#CVS
  20. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#other_os
  21. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#RPM
  22. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#meatware
  23. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#STONITH
  24. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#config_stonith
  25. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#self_fence
  26. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#active_active
  27. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#iftrunc
  28. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#why_auto_failback
  29. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#auto_failback_upgrade
  30. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#last_hope
  31. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#patches
  38. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#heavy_load
  42. file://localhost/home/alanr/linux-ha-1.2/doc/faqntips.html#auto_failback_upgrade