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<title>The Karchiver Handbook</title>



<holder>Eric Coquelle</holder>



<abstract><para>This Handbook describes Karchiver Version 3.0.9 </para>
<para>Karchiver is a compressed files manager for the K desktop environment.</para></abstract>


<chapter id="introduction">

<para> Karchiver make it easy to work with all compressed files. You can view and
work with the content of those files: adding or removing files, converting <command>bzip2</command>
files in <command>zip</command> or <command>gzip</command>. Moreover, Karchiver is
fully integrated to <application>Konqueror</application>, the file manager. While browsing your files, you can,
by one clic, compress a directory, view or extract any compressed file ! ...
You also have wizards that will help you step by step to compile and install a software,
to apply a patch. Karchiver has other useful tool, as the archive browser (displays all
archives in current directory), a search tool (find all archive recursively in a
directory); a double-clic open the selected file.
<para>Karchiver will make your work with &Linux; and KDE more efficient and intuitive !
<para>Have fun with Karchiver !


<chapter id="Installation">

<sect1 id="Karchiver-get">
<title>How to obtain Karchiver</title>

<para>Karchiver's home page is at <ulink url=""></ulink></para>
<para>A mirror is avaible at: <ulink url=""></ulink></para>


<sect1 id="Karchiver-requirements">

<para>To easily compile Karchiver, you must install Qt >3..x (free edition), available at the "download" section on
If you have KDE 3 installed, you already have Qt (a development version is required). This is a KDE 3 software, so you need to install THE Window Manager, KDE, avaible at
For all compressors to work, you need the <command>bzip2</command> (recommanded), the <command>unzip</command>, the<command> zip</command>, <command>lha</command>, <command>rar</command> and/or <command>arj</command> packages, provided with each Linux distribution (but often not installed by default). 


<sect1 id="Karchiver-compilation">
<title>Compilation and installation</title>
<para>As usual:</para>
<para>make install</para>



<chapter id="usage">
<title>How to use Karchiver</title>

<sect1 id="goal">
<para>Karchiver has been made to be intuitive. All functions are avaible via the graphical interface.
For the most complex operation, some wizards will help you step by step.

<sect1 id="main-list">
<title>The main list</title>
<para>The main list displays the archive content. Click on a item to select it. Multiselection is allowed. Right click on a item to display a contextual menu. You can sort by file name, path ... just by clicking on the column name. 
Just drop some files or directories to an "empty" Karchiver to easily create an archive with those files! 
Drop them on a loaded archive to add the files to the archive ! 
Moreover, drop the selected files of this main list to your file manager or any other app to extract the files ! This is also avaible with the cutt / copy functions. The cutt function also delete the selected files from the archive. 
Select "display" in the contextual menu to view the current selectde file. It is opened with its associated program (kview for images, kedit for texts ...) 

<sect1 id="filemenu">
<title>The <guimenu>File</guimenu> Menu</title>

<guimenuitem>New window</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Launches another Karchiver</action></para>

<guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Closes current archive. A new one will be created when you'll
add some files (using the toolbar or drag and drop)</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Opens an archive. You can also use the archive browser</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Search for archives</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Search for all supported archives in a given directory</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Crypt surrent archive</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Crypt current archive. You must have gpg installed.
Then, you'll be prompted for an e-mail. The archive'll be crypted using the key
associated with this e-mail. You must use your own key to be able to read the crypted archive
later. Otherwise, only the receiver'll be able to read the archive</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Convert to</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Convert current archive (for example, a tar.gz) to any other format
(a .zip...). The extension of the new archive name you are prompted will define the new
frmat. You can also use a wizard for this function</action></para>

<guimenuitem>See archive info</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Tells how many files there are, the compress rate...</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Send by e-mail</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Mail some or all files(uncompressed), or the whole archive (compressed)</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Quit Karchiver</action></para>



<sect1 id="edit-menu">
<title>The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> Menu</title>
<para>This menu allow you to cut, copy, paste... any file within an archive

<guimenuitem>Undo</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Undo the previous operation (cut, copy)</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Redo</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Redo the previous operation (cut, copy)</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Cut a file: it is removed from the archive, but you can paste it in any other
application. NB: paste the file before leaving karchiver...</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Copy a file: you can paste it in any other
application. NB: paste the file before leaving karchiver...</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Search</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Searches an item within current archive</action></para>


<sect1 id="archive-menu">
<title>The <guimenu>Archive</guimenu> Menu</title>
<para>This menu allow you to add, remove, extract or view all the selected files of the archive.
You can also launch from here a wizard

<guimenuitem>Extract</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Extract some or all files. Choose the target directory from the dialog</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Add files</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Add some files, using a dialog box. Files can also be added by drag and drop</action></para>

<guimenuitem>View file</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>View this file. Karchiver launches the appropriate software to open this file</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Remove file</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Remove the selected files from the archive</action></para>

<guimenuitem>Set password</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Set the password used to extract Rar and Zip archives which are password protected. It is valid until a new password is given or a new archive is opened.</action></para>
<warning><para>This operation is insecure: other may read your password or can hack the archive easily. Consider crypting archive as a better solution</para></warning>

<guimenuitem>Launch the Wizard</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Launches the wizard. This wizard will guide you step by step to operate complex functions.
With it, you can: 1) configure, make, and install a software; 2) convert the format of the archive;
3) Split the archive in xMb (usefull when working with floppies); 4) Apply a patch.</action></para>


<sect1 id="disk-menu">
<title>The <guimenu>Disk</guimenu> Menu</title>
<para>This menu allow you to split or unsplit an archive. It's useful when working with floppies
How to put a 3Mb file on floppy disks? Via the split menu command. It generates <literal role="extension">.01</literal>, <literal role="extension">.02</literal> ... files of 1.4Mb
The reverse operation is Unsplit, just select the <literal role="extension">.01</literal> file and it is automaticaly unsplited and then opened in Karchiver.

<guimenuitem>Split/Unsplit</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para><action>Split this archive in blocks of x Mb, or unsplit an archive and open it</action></para>

<sect1 id="configuration">
<title>The <guimenu>Configuration</guimenu> Menu</title>
<para>This menu lets you to specify the compressors options (compress rate, icon size, multiselection mode...), and the default directories (when opening or extracting archives), and much more settings. 


<chapter id="wizards">
<title>Using Wizards</title>
<para>This version of Karchiver include wizards. They let you to: 
<listitem><para>Automaticaly extract a <literal role="extension">.gz</literal> or <literal role="extension">.bz2</literal> file and apply the extracted file as a patch (against a directory only, for example against /usr/src/linux-2.2.16)</para>
<listitem><para>Automaticaly extract the archive to a temp folder, then configure, compile, and install the GNU software the archive contains !</para>
<listitem><para>Convert the format of the archive (for example convert a .<literal role="extension">tar.gz</literal> to <literal role="extension">.zip</literal>)</para>
<listitem><para>Cutt / Uncutt an archive to put it on a floppy</para>
<para>All those wizards use the same dialog box style. They use several steps, and they all explain what they are doing, and which data you should enter. Just use them ! 
The wizard can be launched from the archive menu. 

<chapter id="credits">

<title>Credits and License</title>

<para>Karchiver is Copyright 1999-2002, by Eric Coquelle</para>

<listitem><para>Eric Coquelle




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