

distrib > Mandriva > 2007.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > 0b4f1e74002c7d51b78ef907fb9cf465 > files > 297


###################### to 2.5.7 ####################################
replace as many tPStr to std::string as possible
[DONE] rewrite themes handling to new way (themable object <-> theme <-> info)
check SOCKS support
[DONE] logs buttons visibility have to be updated after changing preferenrces
[DONE] rewrite filters to std::strings and std::list<>
[DONE] add 'Cancel' button into Filter edit (due to new model)

###################### to version 2.9-3.0 ##########################
Add WM icon to every window
Add progress bar to DnD-basket in Graph mode;
[DONE] fix displaing wrong speed in DnD-basket

	implement one interface class with states
	namespaces are alive!
	everything to STL and BOOST

[DONE] Add "Offline/Online" menu item to DnD-basket's menu;
[DONE] Add "Offline/Online" indicator to DnD-basket;
fix segfault after removing download which filesize is currently checked (by F5)
[DONE] add ability to show current speed on DnD-basket when it is graph
[DONE] add ability to specify different proxy for alternates
check for work with gtk+-2.4
[????] rewrite code of bookmarks in log in main window
check for "pure virtual method called" when offline button pressed on almost completed downloads
make nonblocking gethostbyname optionally compilable
remove empty files after fatal errors
[DONE] fix ordering after back to "on-line" mode
fix match splited downloads with different alternates in URL-manager
fix displaying wrong filesize during initiating FTP-downloads
fix displayng downloaded size after F5
[????] fix implementing preferences from URL-manager
[DONE] fix changing colors of graph (sometimes wrong color selection happens) (#FFB4EF);
[DONE] fix Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkprogress.c: line 557 (gtk_progress_set_percentage): assertion `percentage >= 0 && percentage <= 1.0' failed
[DONE] fix changing current log when current download is changed by keys
[DONE] fix non-UTF string in FTP logs
[DONE] fix converting DnD-basket to menu when only one queue in tree
[DONE] fix removing existing file when trying to continue downloading it via redirected link (after redirect file was removed)
[DONE] -a have to bring dialog even if D4X was not run
[GTKPROBLEM] fix Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkwindow-x11.c: line 1132 (gdk_window_hide): assertion `window != NULL' failed 
[GTKPROBLEM] fix blinking queue of downloads after first click on current queue
I've rewritten segmentator code in the hope to fix next problems:
[TEST]	fix problems with 'almost completed' downloads
[TEST]	fix problems with restarting from begining without any sympthoms (seem to be 32bit overloading problem)
[DONE]	fix problems when file is downloading in more than ten threads
really change interface
[PART]	vertical toolbar to switch beetween
	ability to hide "The Tree of Queues" panel
	graph of speeds for separated download
[DONE]	graph on DnD basket
[DONE]	show speed for every queue
[DONE]	log of the last selected download in the main window
[DONE]  speed limitation per queue
safe queues (some mode of journaled data)
	actions of journal: add URL into queue, add URL to begin of the queue, remove URL,add queue,remove queue
store size in segments file
[DONE] ability to determine size of file without downloading
[DONE] ability to select speed output format
[DONE] offline mode
	automated FTP-search
	progress bar during searching
[DONE]	show number of founded links during searching
	ability to do FTP-search in case insensitive mode
[DONE]	separate subwindow to output search results (instead of menu)
[DONE]	ability to search custom filename
[DONE]	ability to search using number of engines
automatic calculation MD5SUM after loading
SOCKS4 support
Menuitem 'File/Create new queue for download'
needed workarround for pthreadlib of RedHat9 and Fedora
###################### end to ver 2.9-3.0 ###########################
[DONE] current method of speed calculation via tDownload::StartSize is *UGLY*
move to GTK-2.0
[DONE]	all CLists MUST BE REPLACED by ListStore-TreeView
[DONE]	all widget_set_usize replace by widget_set_size_request
[DONE]	use GtkImageMenuItem
[DONE]	only UTF-8 strings!!!
	browser for ftp and http
	"tree" window for displaying tree structure of a site(s)
[DONE] automatic redirection when new URL is located in <META> tag
[DONE] download using exactly specified number of parts
add mask for MIME type in a rule of a filter
all config files in xml-like format
[????] profiles
[DONE] searching in queue (by Ctrl-S like MC) //GTKWIDGET IMPLEMENTS THIS
check free space on disk to prevent empty it
uploading files to server
Auto detection of best proxy.
[????] Scale DnDBasket for different resolutions [code implemented but scaled dnd-basket looks bad :(]
[????] fix displaying info for split-ed download when first thread in 'reconnect' state
[????] do not use .segments file for downloading in one thread
[????] option for configuring percentage in queue of downloads
[????] stand_data_connection() should try another way to set it up
[????] regular expressions in URLs
[????] change "remove" to "remove from queue"
[NEVER] saving URLs of completed downloads into special file
[DONE] ability to hide main window
[DONE] force download by start button;
[DONE] default limitation to the host;
[DONE] ability to select colors for graph of speeds
[DONE] ability to download one file in more than one threads
[DONE] Ability to download files only in defined subdirectories;
[DONE] Ability to setup default username and password for host;
[DONE] gnome applet
[DONE] ability to download links as files
[DONE] working with selections in queue of downloads (e.g. select/unselect all)
[DONE] ability to pause download just after adding
[DONE] manipulating with buttons bar
[DONE] ability to run something before exit (e.g. pppd down script)
[DONE] Cookies support
[DONE] clipboard monitoring
[DONE] Remember passwords (optionally)
[DONE] user configurable 'user-agent' for HTTP requests
[DONE] menu by right clicking on DnD trash
[DONE] exit if nothing to do
[DONE] ability to add downloading via command prompt
[DONE] ability to setup limitation by speed for any download separately
[DONE] roll back feature
[DONE] auto scroll of all logs
[DONE] translate all 'OK' buttons
[DONE] grab window (which is always on top like gozilla and getsmart)
[DONE] loading server via HTTP (directories will be created from virtual root directory)
######### TO version 1.17 ####################
[DONE] change about dialog
[DONE] option for skipping HTTP-proxy's cache
[DONE] opening more than one adding window
[DONE] fix moving down of log windows after closing and opening again
[DONE] resizing main window resize Main-log and queue of downloads proportionally
[DONE] "Add new" dialog closing by ESC
[DONE] option for run in mimimized mode
[DONE] confirmation for opening many windows (log,prefs)
[DONE] change algrithm of managing traffic besides downloads
[DONE] right clicking on options button open preferences of downloads
[DONE] more info on progress bar
############ END OF LIST #####################
#################### to version 1.18 ####################################
[DONE] ability to configure common options for number of downloads
[DONE] blinking of dndtrash icon when link was dropped
[DONE] fix problem with downloading from limited site in number of threads
[DONE] fix problem with saving to definet file
[DONE] ability to cancel finding links in file
[DONE] latest saved/loaded lists in "File" menu
[DONE] fix overflow readed bytes
[DONE] use GtkCalendar for scheduling downloads
[DONE] time by default should be set 1:00 this night
[DONE] options for "catching" extensions in clipboard instead of skiping
[DONE] an option for disabling/enabling ability to force starting download
[DONE] move all clipboard settings into separate place (relayering of options dialog?)
[DONE] auto retry after 'bad answer' when download via http-proxy
[DONE] parse date in DOS style ftp listing
[DONE] check time of local file and file on a server to avoid broken downloads
################### end of todo to 1.18 #################################
************************** to version 1.19 *******************************
[DONE] "Don't send QUIT command" option
[DONE] info in DnD trash's tooltip
[DONE] check for redirection to the same URL
[DONE] sorting active downloads by persentage,rest,remaining time
[DONE] "Show ftp directory listing in logs" option
[DONE] redirections should work for splited downloads
************************** end to ver 1.19 *******************************
[DONE] symbolic link as file in common options
[DONE] implement <META http-equiv="refresh" content="">
[DONE] support for Content-Type: multipart/x-byteranges; boundary=multipart-boundary
-------- for version 1.21 -----------------------
[DONE] resuming splited downloads
[DONE] ftp search capabilities
[DONE] remove temporary files from disk by Shift+delete
[DONE] '--ls URL' command line option
[DONE] ability to save logs in file
[DONE] real queue for thread ordering while log updatings 
[DONE] description column and getting description from Mozilla's drops
[DONE] Descript.ion file in a directory with downloaded file
[DONE] pause before completing option
---------------------- for 1.22 -----------------------------------
[DONE] optimize segmentator and other CPU issues
[DONE] "do not check date/time of file" option
[DONE] preferences dialog need to be rewritten
[DONE] "auto" button in "Save log to file" option
[DONE] pause download just after adding in common options
[DONE] sorting urls after ftp search by access time
-------------- to version 1.24 --------------------
[DONE] ability to change links in html files after recursion
[DONE] options for ftpsearch
[DONE] Powerfull scheduler (was "Hot list")
[DONE] formaters in pathes
---------------- to version 1.25 --------------------------
[DONE] ability to change Referer
[DONE] check button in Confirmation dialogs "don't ask next time"
[DONE] saving loading status into file
[DONE] check for maximum redirections
[DONE] double click on error message in mainlog open log with this error
[DONE] autofilling "filename for saving" field by data from URL
-------------------- 1.26 ------------------------------
[DONE] fix schedule a download when user changed 'start time' property
[DONE] fix problems with screensavers
[DONE] 'run program' action in scheduler
[DONE] add 'load' button on buttons bar
[DONE] filters for recursive loading via HTTP
[DONE] different modes of percentage in queue of downloads
[DONE] ability to hide/show any button on buttons bar
[DONE] SOCKS5 support
[DONE] fix some problems with splited downloads
[DONE] ability to set cookie for a download
------------------ to 1.27 --------------------------
[DONE] add sounds
[DONE] using the same FTP connection for downloading next file
[DONE] selecting by wildcard in queue of downloads
---------------------- for version 1.28 -----------------------------
[DONE] storing qurrent visible part of a queue
[DONE] automate adding new downloads in queue (e.g ftp/pub/something.r0[0-3])
[DONE] fix problems with DnD trash
[DONE] popup main window if D4X is already run
[DONE] adding download to a top of a queue
[DONE] ability to mark download as "undeletable"
[DONE] history for "port" field in proxy settings
[DONE] downloading via proxy must be less sensetive for proxy's problems 
----------------- to 1.29 ---------------------------------------
[DONE] fix moving DnD basket under Enlightnment (need to be recompiled on the same machine if problems happened )
[DONE] open Mozilla's cookie file if it's newer than Netscape's one
[DONE] ability to do FTP-search even if filesize is unknown
[DONE] add mask for "parameter" in a rule of a filter
[DONE] "startup" sound must be activated slightly later
[DONE] add mask for HTML tag in a rule of a filter
[DONE] add normal preferences for "automated add"
[DONE] add shortcut for "Un/Protect"
[DONE] fix working "automated add" with paramters like '{01-99}'
[DONE] add back "default permissions" to "common options"
----------------- to 1.30 ----------------------------------------
[DONE] -geometry WxH+X+Y command line parameter support
[DONE] when add manually download which is already in queue point to it for user
[DONE] when redirected to the file with the same filename may be better rewrite it?
[DONE] check segments.* code
[DONE] --ls without parameters show full list
[DONE] support 'Content-Disposition'
[DONE] different window managers need different coords for created window
[DONE] fix saving order of queue when run without interface
[DONE] search links in file must bring "list of found URLs" dialog;
[DONE] another way to calc remaining time
[DONE] add tooltips to traffic selection menu items in DnDbasket's menu
[DONE] scroll queue and select download when dblclicked on error in main log
------------ to Version 2.02 --------------------------
[DONE] Fix "use default settings" when drop from other app without dialog
[DONE] Add back "load link as file"
------------ to Version 2.01 --------------------------
[DONE] Connections' limits in URL-manager
[DONE] Progressbar in tooltip of DnD bascket
------------ to Version 2.0 --------------------------
[PARTIALY] Change icons
[DONE] Add support for one more non RFC FTP-server
[DONE] Add loaded info for splited downloads in log window
[DONE] Store keybinds
[DONE] gethostbyname_r return zero on success
[DONE] Disable "common properties" if only one selected
[DONE] Move "properties" in right click menu to the top
[DONE] Fix "compare date of the file with local one" setting
[DONE] Fix working without interface
[DONE] First part of splited download should to be slightly larger than other
[DONE] Fix --ls command line parameter
[DONE] Tip color of buttons bar in theme file
[DONE] Fix sound playing on bigendian machines
[DONE] Fix zero attemtps counter for splited downloads
[DONE] Filename to save must not to be default option
[DONE] Alternative links
    [DONE] calc alternates by ftpsearch
    [DONE] use alternates for splited downloads
    [DONE] managing alternates
    [DONE] storing alternates
    [DONE] switch between alternates
[DONE] Skins for DnDBasket
[DONE] Persistent connections over HTTP
[DONE] ability to create new queue
[DONE] what about accepting cookies?
[DONE] rewrite split-ed downloading
[DONE] rewrite face/[h] in OO style