

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > 4919f30a54fea87545b26b1d7e7e71d5 > files > 3


Changes for 1.1.0


    * Fixed startup bug.


  * fixed some problems on freebsd.

  * Fixed bug with removing window from stack. This bug does not influence on 
    windows displaing in IPager window.


  * Themes: two new amazing themes 'indastrial' and 'atlantis' have been added.
    (Shashkin Konstantin <mit3z [at] archlinux [dot] ru>)

  * ipager.conf: new options added.
        mouse.scroll.up:    [ nextWorkspace | prevWorkspace ]
	    mouse.scroll.down:  [ nextWorkspace | prevWorkspace ]


  * Release 1.0!

  * Themes: 'light_orange' theme has been added.

  * Themes: 'dark_red' theme has been updated.
    (Shashkin Konstantin <mit3z [at] archlinux [dot] ru>)

  * MIT Licence has been included in all source files.


  * ipager.conf: now option 'display_window_icon' can accept a new value 'mouseOver'.
    This value leads IPager to show window icon only for window under mouse cursor
    when cursor is over IPager window.

  * Fluxbox doesn't  send the _BLACKBOX_NOTIFY_WINDOW_ADD event
    if a new window is Stucked.
    Added code that allows for this Fluxbox behaviour.

  * A more adequate transparency for a workspace icon without defined background color.


  * ipager.conf: options 'zoom.recreate_icon_delta' now has default value '0'.

  * SConstruct: added 'install' target.

  * Added README and LICENCE (MIT) files.

  * Added support for XUrgencyHint.
    Workspace with a such window is blinking.


  * Themes: green and light_gray themes have been updated.
    Now they correspond to changed config options.
    (Shashkin Konstantin <mit3z [at] archlinux [dot] ru>)

  * Added _NET check for changing workspace number.

  * Fixed: IPager doesnot update its background after IPager window been moved.

  * Fixed crash after a new workspace is been added.


  * Added a new feature: displaying a window icon onto an appropriate scaled window
        in the ipager workspace icon.

  * ipager.conf: added option 'display_window_icon'
        This option turns on/off displaying windows icons

Changes for 0.4.7

  * Default Ipager window position is been set to x=0 and y=0.

  * Sets default zooming type to 'over'. Previous type was 'zoomAndExpand'.

  * ipager.conf: cleaning configuration options.

      window.x   -> ipager.window.x
      window.y   -> ipager.window.y

      ipager.window.background  ->  ipager.background.color
      ipager.window.image       ->  ipager.background.image
      ipager.window.border      ->  ipager.border.color

      active_workspace.lines    -> [ removed ]
      workspace.lines           -> [ removed ]

      workspace.background        ->  workspace.background.color
      workspace.border            ->  workspace.border.color
      active_workspace.background -> active_workspace.background.color
      active_workspace.border     -> active_workspace.border.color

      window.color                ->  window.background.color
      window.border_color         ->  window.border.color
      active_window.color         ->  active_window.background.color
      active_window.border_color  ->  active_window.border.color

      windows.fill_with_color     -> [ removed ]
      transparent_workspace_icons -> [ removed ]

      workspace_number_color      -> workspace_number.color

  * New feature.
    IPager now can send window from one workspace to another.
    To send a window one should press a mouse button over a window in the IPager worspace icon.
    Selected window is been marked with a 'selection_color' border.
    And then move mouse pointer to the another workspace icon.
    When one releases a mouse button over another workspace the selected window is
    been send to that workspace.

  * New config option: selection_color

  * Next colors are undefined now by default.

    If a border color is undefined then appropriate border lines  are not drawn.
    If background color is undefined then a workspace icon is transparent
    to the background.


  * SConstruct: added check for some 'sys/*' headers and
                added import 'sys' module for 'exit()' function.

  * New config options:

      -  transparent_workspace_icons:  [ yes | no ]
            turns workspace icon transparency on/off.
            Default is 'no'.


  * New config options:

      -  ipager.window.border:     #FFFFFF
            A color of IPager window border.
            There is no border if the color undefined.

      -  ipager.window.background: #FFFFFF
            A color of IPager window background.
            The window is transparent if the color undefined.

      -  ipager.window.image:      /path/to/pic/01.jpg
            A background image.

      -  display_workspace_number: [ yes | no ]
            draws a workspace number on appropriate icon.

      -  workspace_number_color:   #RRGGBB
            defines a color of workspace number

      -  ttf_font_path: /usr/share/fonts/TTF
            path to directory with True Type fonts

      -  ttf_font: Vera/14
            Font name / font size
            This font is used to display info on IPager window


  * Fixed: Atoms::blackboxStructureMessages() return wrong atom.

  * SConstruct: added more options + checks for libs.

  * A lot of code enhancement.

  * Xinerama:
      added code to check for xinerama and extend the iconsize by the nr of
      found xineramascreens.

  * Added new option to config file 'zoom.type'. It allows to define a type
    of an workspace icon zooming.
    Now it accepts values:
      [ zoomAndExpand | over ]
    Default is 'zoomAndExpand'.

  * Added a new type of workspace's icon zooming:
      the currently hovered workspace icon will be painted last
      and cover its neighbours...

Changes for 0.4.6

  * Added changing IPager workspace ID to -1. Cause KDE ignores _NET_WM_STATE_STICKY
    window property for windows with defined workspace ID.

  * Change workspace switching method from sending _BLACKBOX_CHANGE_WORKSPACE
    client message to sending _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP message.

  * Added a new themes from Shashkin Konstantin (mit3z [at] archlinux [dot] ru)

  * Added command line options '-c' and '-h'.
    '-c' options allows to define a config file.
            ipager -c ~/.ipager/light_gray.conf

    '-h' shows a help.

  * ChangeLog has been created.