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      Error Context Display
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            HTML_CSS : The Definitive Guide
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        <h2 class="title c1">
          <a name="id4800246" id="id4800246"></a>Error Context Display
        In some cases, you may want to customize error generation. For
        instance, for each error (basic/exception), it is useful to include
        file, line number, and class/function context information in order to
        trace it. The default option will be sufficient for most cases but you
        want perhaps customize the output format (render) of context
        With this example we will change display and log renders.
      <div class="php c2">
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="kw2">&lt;?php</span>
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="kw1">require_once</span> <span class=
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="re0">$displayConfig</span> = <span class=
              "kw3">array</span><span class="br0">(</span>
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              &nbsp; &nbsp; <span class="st0">'lineFormat'</span> =&gt;
              <span class="st0">'&lt;b&gt;%1$s&lt;/b&gt;: %2$s&lt;br
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              &nbsp; &nbsp; <span class="st0">'contextFormat'</span>
              =&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;<span class="st0">'&lt;b&gt;File:&lt;/b&gt;
              %1$s &lt;br /&gt;'</span>
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
              &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;. <span class="st0">'&lt;b&gt;Line:&lt;/b&gt;
              %2$s &lt;br /&gt;'</span>
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
              &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;. <span class=
              "st0">'&lt;b&gt;Function:&lt;/b&gt; %3$s '</span>
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="br0">)</span>;
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="re0">$logConfig</span> = <span class=
              "kw3">array</span><span class="br0">(</span>
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              &nbsp; &nbsp; <span class="st0">'lineFormat'</span> =&gt;
              <span class="st0">'%1$s %2$s [%3$s] %4$s'</span>,
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              &nbsp; &nbsp; <span class="st0">'timeFormat'</span> =&gt;
              <span class="st0">'%b'</span>
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="br0">)</span>;
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="re0">$prefs</span> = <span class=
              "kw3">array</span><span class="br0">(</span>
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              &nbsp; &nbsp; <span class="st0">'handler'</span> =&gt;
              <span class="kw3">array</span><span class=
              "br0">(</span><span class="st0">'display'</span> =&gt;
              <span class="re0">$displayConfig</span>,
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
              &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<span class="st0">'log'</span>&nbsp; &nbsp;
              &nbsp;=&gt; <span class="re0">$logConfig</span>
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="br0">)</span><span class="br0">)</span>;
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="re0">$css</span> = <span class="kw2">new</span>
              HTML_CSS<span class="br0">(</span><span class="kw2">null</span>,
              <span class="re0">$prefs</span><span class="br0">)</span>;
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="co1">// ...</span>
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="re0">$result</span> = <span class=
              "re0">$css</span>-&gt;<span class=
              "me1">setStyle</span><span class="br0">(</span><span class=
              "st0">'div'</span>, <span class="st0">'color'</span>,
              <span class="nu0">5</span><span class="br0">)</span>;
          <li class="li1">
            <div class="de1">
              <span class="kw2">?&gt;</span>
        Display render will give something like:
      <div class="informalexample screenco">
        <pre class="screen">
Exception<a name="error.2.level" id="error.2.level"></a><img src=
"img/callouts/1.gif" alt="1" border=
"0" />: invalid input, parameter #3 "$value" was expecting "string", instead got "integer"<a name="error.2.message"
id="error.2.message"></a><img src="img/callouts/2.gif" alt="2" border="0" />
File: [path_to]\[filename] <a name="error.2.context" id=
"error.2.context"></a><img src="img/callouts/3.gif" alt="3" border="0" />
Line: 22 <a name="error.2.context" id="error.2.context"></a><img src=
"img/callouts/3.gif" alt="3" border="0" />
Function: html_css-&gt;setstyle <a name="error.2.context" id=
"error.2.context"></a><img src="img/callouts/3.gif" alt="3" border="0" />
        <div class="calloutlist">
          <table border="0" summary="Callout list">
              <td width="5%" valign="top" align="left">
                <a href="#error.2.level"><img src="img/callouts/1.gif" alt="1"
                border="0" /></a>
              <td valign="top" align="left">
                  error level
              <td width="5%" valign="top" align="left">
                <a href="#error.2.message"><img src="img/callouts/2.gif" alt=
                "2" border="0" /></a>
              <td valign="top" align="left">
                  message body with context informations
              <td width="5%" valign="top" align="left">
                <a href="#error.2.context"><img src="img/callouts/3.gif" alt=
                "3" border="0" /></a>
              <td valign="top" align="left">
                  call context (file, line, function)
        Log render will give something like:
      <div class="informalexample screenco">
        <pre class="screen">
Jun<a name="error.3.context" id="error.3.context"></a><img src=
"img/callouts/1.gif" alt="1" border="0" /> [exception<a name="error.3.level"
id="error.3.level"></a><img src="img/callouts/2.gif" alt="2" border=
"0" />] invalid input, parameter #3 "$value" was expecting "string", instead got "integer"<a name="error.3.message"
id="error.3.message"></a><img src="img/callouts/3.gif" alt="3" border="0" />
        <div class="calloutlist">
          <table border="0" summary="Callout list">
              <td width="5%" valign="top" align="left">
                <a href="#error.3.context"><img src="img/callouts/1.gif" alt=
                "1" border="0" /></a>
              <td valign="top" align="left">
                  client ip address and execution date
              <td width="5%" valign="top" align="left">
                <a href="#error.3.level"><img src="img/callouts/2.gif" alt="2"
                border="0" /></a>
              <td valign="top" align="left">
                  error level
              <td width="5%" valign="top" align="left">
                <a href="#error.3.message"><img src="img/callouts/3.gif" alt=
                "3" border="0" /></a>
              <td valign="top" align="left">
                  message body with context informations
      <div class="note c3">
        <table border="0" summary="Note">
            <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="48">
              <img alt="[Note]" src="img/admons/note.png" />
            <th align="left">
            <td align="left" valign="top">
              To have both display and log output, check the <code class=
              "filename">php.ini</code><span class=
              "emphasis"><em>display_errors</em></span> and <span class=
              "emphasis"><em>log_errors</em></span> values : must be set to
              <code class="constant">TRUE</code>.
        Let review, step by step, how to get such results.
        Remember that with default classes, there are two drivers :
        <span class="emphasis"><em>display</em></span> and <span class=
        "emphasis"><em>log</em></span> that have both their own configuration
        parameters. You can override these parameters values with the
        <span class="bold"><strong>handler</strong></span> entry in the hash of
        second argument of the HTML_CSS class constructor.
        We did it here with the <em class="parameter"><code>$prefs</code></em>
        variable; its a two keys associative array. First key <span class=
        "emphasis"><em>display</em></span> defines the display driver values,
        and the second key <span class="emphasis"><em>log</em></span> defines
        the log driver values.
        Review the <span class="emphasis"><em>display</em></span> driver custom
        values. Only two keys: <span class="simplelist">lineFormat,
        contextFormat</span> are redefined, thats means remains key
        <span class="simplelist">eol</span> keep its default value. See table
      <div class="table">
        <a name="id4800725" id="id4800725"></a>
        <p class="title c4">
          Table&nbsp;9.2.&nbsp;Display driver configuration parameters
        <table summary="Display driver configuration parameters" border="1">
            <col />
            <col />
            <col />
            <col />
                &lt;br /&gt;\n
                The end-on-line character sequence
                &lt;b&gt;%1$s&lt;/b&gt;: %2$s %3$s
                Log line format specification:
                <div class="itemizedlist">
                  <ul type="disc">
                    <li>1$ = error level
                    <li>2$ = error message (body)
                    <li>3$ = error context
                in &lt;b&gt;%3$s&lt;/b&gt; (file &lt;b&gt;%1$s&lt;/b&gt; on
                line &lt;b&gt;%2$s&lt;/b&gt;)
                Context format (class, file, line) specification:
                <div class="itemizedlist">
                  <ul type="disc">
                    <li>1$ = script file name
                    <li>2$ = line in script file
                    <li>3$ = class/method names
      <div class="tip c3">
        <table border="0" summary="Tip">
            <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="48">
              <img alt="[Tip]" src="img/admons/tip.png" />
            <th align="left">
            <td align="left" valign="top">
              If you don't wish to see context information in the error
              message, then remove the parameter %3$ in the <span class=
              "emphasis"><em>lineFormat</em></span> option even if <span class=
              "emphasis"><em>contextFormat</em></span> is set.
        Review now the <span class="emphasis"><em>log</em></span> driver custom
        values. Only two keys <span class="simplelist">lineFormat,
        timeFormat</span> are redefined, thats means six remains keys
        <span class="simplelist">eol, contextFormat, ident, message_type,
        destination, extra_headers</span> keep their default values. See table
      <div class="table">
        <a name="id4800916" id="id4800916"></a>
        <p class="title c4">
          Table&nbsp;9.3.&nbsp;Log driver configuration parameters
        <table summary="Log driver configuration parameters" border="1">
            <col />
            <col />
            <col />
            <col />
                The end-on-line character sequence
                %1$s %2$s [%3$s] %4$s %5$s
                Log line format specification:
                <div class="itemizedlist">
                  <ul type="disc">
                    <li>$1 = time error
                    <li>2$ = ident (client ip)
                    <li>3$ = error level
                    <li>4$ = error message (body)
                    <li>5$ = error context
                in %3$s (file %1$s on line %2$s)
                Context format (class, file, line) specification:
                <div class="itemizedlist">
                  <ul type="disc">
                    <li>1$ = script file name
                    <li>2$ = line in script file
                    <li>3$ = class/method names
                %b %d %H:%M:%S
                Time stamp format used by <a class="external" href=
                "" title=
                Client IP
                Destination type used by <a class="external" href=
                "" title=
                Destination name used by <a class="external" href=
                "" title=
                <code class="constant">NULL</code>
                Extra headers depending of destination type
      <div class="tip c3">
        <table border="0" summary="Tip">
            <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="48">
              <img alt="[Tip]" src="img/admons/tip.png" />
            <th align="left">
            <td align="left" valign="top">
              If you don't wish to see context information in the error
              message, then remove the parameter %5$ in the <span class=
              "emphasis"><em>lineFormat</em></span> option even if <span class=
              "emphasis"><em>contextFormat</em></span> is set.
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          HTML_CSS : The Definitive Guide
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          v 1.1.3 : February 18, 2007
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            &nbsp;Custom Error Message Generation