

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 3cdd6af9cdb1034d3bb79ea13edb6438 > files > 851



-- 0.6.1 - beta (Release) --


* Improvements for sizers in the turorial, thanks to Werner
* Further sizer/GTK improvements by Ianare for the ModuleFinder and 
  InterpreterChooser dialogs
* More improvements for running as a binary
* Bug fixes and config changes

-- 0.6.0 - beta (CVS) --


* Translations available for:
  Afrikaans, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish
* Added Plug-ins/
  * Edit->Wrap selection with _() in python files
  * Very basic support for opening .po files
    * Edit as a text file in the IDE
    * File->Compile to MO
* IDE Language Chooser Dialog under Tools
* Added support for using translated tips
* -U, -UnicodeEncoding command-line switch, for setting the ide encoding without
* Code Templates added:
  * A Code Template is a small idiomatic snippet of code that can be selected from 
    a popup list and inserted at the current caret position.
  * The plugin is at Plug-ins/ and the code template 
    definitions are under Plug-ins/CodeTemplates/*.cfg
  * The action is available from Source Views under Edit->Code Templates and 
    currently bound to Alt-T.
  * CodeTemplates functionality replaces the functionality of the Dialogs 
    palette page. The page has been removed.
  * Code templates available for:
    * Boa: sys.breakpoint, customclasses, codetemplates, html document skeleton
    * Python: class, method, function, iterator, descriptor
    * wxPython: wx.ColourDialog, wx.FontDialog, wx.PrintDialogData, 
                wx.PageSetupDialog, wx.DirDialog, wx.FileDialog,
                wx.SingleChoiceDialog, wx.TextEntryDialog, wx.MessageDialog,
                wx.FindReplaceDialog, wx.MultiChoiceDialog, wx.BusyCursor,
                wx.Locale, wx.AboutBox
* New controls supported:
  wx.Treebook, wx.Toolbook, wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl, wx.combo.BitmapComboBox,
  wx.SearchCtrl, wx.ColourPickerCtrl, wx.FontPickerCtrl, wx.DirPickerCtrl,
* Optional support for FlatNotebook under plugins
* Basic support for Stock Ids for buttons
  * You still need to clear the label manually recreate the button before the 
    stock id is applied
* All help files now distributed as .htb help files.
  * This reduces the number of files in a typical boa installation enormously
  * Help updated to wxPython 2.8 and Python 2.5
  * wxPython api help included
  * All help files back in the repository and included in packages
* New release format added: exe
  * Installs as a self contained exe
  * A python/wxPython installation is still required to run external scripts 
    and the debugger
* Boa FindReplaceDialog improved to use sizers
* Config files (Explorer.*.cfg, etc) now contain a version field and will
  be backed up and replaced if there is a newer version
* Many bugfixes
  * Better handling of wxStaticBoxSizer
  * Improved code completion, names defined by for loops now available
  * Improved window placement with os taskbar in other positions

-- 0.5.2 (CVS) --


* I18N _() string marking of source code base of names that needed core changes:
  Palette tab names, View names, Preference help strings
* Startup messages, command-line help will not be translated 
* I18N _() string marking module: STCStyleEditor, HelpBook Support, ImageEdit Support
* locale/boa.pot available as a PO Template file
* Bug fixes

-- 0.5.1 (CVS) --


* I18N _() string marking of the source code base 
  excluded sections: ZopeSupport, STCStyleEditor, About, CVS/SVN, 
                     HelpBook Support, ImageEdit Support and Cyclops
  excluded UI elements: Palette tab names, View names, Preference help strings,
                        startup messages, command-line help, 

-- 0.5.0 (CVS) --


* wxPython 2.7/Python 2.5 compatibility
* Internationalisation (I18N) support:
  * IDE language preference setting:
    People willing to translate the IDE UI strings to their own
    languages please contact me.
    I recommend poEdit for managing the catalogs.
  * Design time support for i18n _() strings in the generated source.
    See Examples/i18n/*
* Improved design time sizer/control creation:
  * Sizers and controls are now automatically linked up
    or added as sizer items when the sizers and control are
    created from the Palette on the Designer.
  * Added some missing FlexGridSizer properties
* Improved unicode source handling
  * Using the coding delaration if defined (# -*- coding: name -*- )
  * Handling for utf8 bom
  * Bugfixes
* Much better support for running Boa from an exe
  * Option to use image modules generated by resourcepackage so
    all images can be bundled inside the exe
    See Scripts/
  * Fixed problems with debugging from an exe.
    (Remember that the debug server still has to run from source)
* Added new controls to the Palette:
  * wx:     Listbook, Choicebook, GIFAnimationCtrl, MediaCtrl
  * wx.lib: ScrollPanel, HyperLinkCtrl, AnalogClock, FileBrowseButtons,
            MultiSplitterWindow, Throbber, Ticker, DragScroller
* Support for using wx.ArtProvider for bitmap properties in the Designer
  * When the file dialog opens from the property editor, set the 
    Image Type to ArtProvider and click Open, the ArtProvider dialog
    will open.
  * If you want to install your own custom ArtProviders into the IDE,
    you need to write a Boa plug-in that installs your ArtProvider
    (e.g. wx.ArtProvider.PushProvider()) and also append your custom
    artid strings to the PaletteStore.artProviderArtIds list.
    (An example will be provided soon)
* SVN file explorer support (under Plug-ins)
  * Works almost exactly like the current CVS support
  * Requires command-line svn to be installed on your machine
* Better command-line completion on modules imported in your code
  * Set Preferences->General->Editor->importOnCodeComplete to True
    to turn on this feature.
    It tries to import the specified modules in the Shell namespace.
    It's off by default because importing arbitrary modules can
    be dangerous.
* -wxVersionSelect, -W command-line switch, for specifying a 
   wxPython version

-- 0.4.4 (Release) --


* Bugfixes and more wx 2.5 name fixes
* wxMAC compatibility improvements thanks to Kevin Walzer.
  * Recommended to use at least Python 2.4.1 and wxPython 2.6.0 under OS X
* Added support for the unicode encoding declaration (PEP 263), thanks to 
  Eggert Magnusson.
* Added support for wx.GridBagSizer
* Added property editors for BackgroundStyle and WindowVariant
* Fixed Inspector redraw issues

-- 0.4.3 (CVS) --


* Converted all core/plugins/example code to wxPython 2.5 style code.
  The migration to 2.5 is now complete :)
* Improved Code Completion and Call Tips.
  * Bugfixes for 2.5 style wx code completion/call tips.
  * Using for shell call tips.
  * Added code completion/call tips for local/global variables if their
    type could be picked up from the scope in which the name is used.
* IDE Framework registration api in
  * registerFileType(Controller, Model=None, newName='', addToNew=True, aliasExts=())
  * registerPalettePage(paletteName, paletteTitle)
  * registerComponent(paletteName, Control, controlName, Companion)
  * registerTool(name, func, bmp='-', key='')
  * registerLanguageSTCStyle(name, lang, STCClass, stylesFile, insertPos=None)
  * registerPreference(pluginName, prefName, defPrefValSrc, docs=[], info='')
  * All core and plugin code updated to use the api.
    This hopefully makes extending Boa less cryptic.
* Bugfixes, code cleanups, removed wxPython <= 2.4 special cased code.
* Python modernizations.
  e.g. List Comps instead of "map(lambda" and *arg passing instead of "apply()"

-- 0.4.2 (CVS) --


* Bugfixes, code cleanups.
* Conversion of all gui filetype modules in the core to 2.5 style code.
* Moved CalendarCtrl from UserCompanions plug-in to
* Added new wx.DatePickerCtrl to, thanks to Oleg Deribas.
* Added preference setting to toggle specialiased Zope debugging 
  (for PythonScripts and PageTemplates), now off by default.
  * Debug speed is much faster without Zope support for cpu intensive code.
* Copy to clipboard from selection in the help controller.

-- 0.4.1 (CVS) --


* Bugfixes.
* You can now combine frame attributes and custom classes.
  * In other words you may define a custom class that maps to a frame attribute.
  * This allows you to specify controls at run time by passing the class as a 
    parameter and binding it to a frame attribute. 

-- 0.4.0 (Release) --


* Updated the Designer to parse and generate wxPython 2.5 style code.
* Updated code completion for wxPython 2.5 style code.
* Core upgrader script under the Tools menu
* PyPlot plug-in
* Many bug fixes

-- 0.3.1 (Release) --


* Primarily a bugfix release
* Fixes issues with attribute resolution in the Designer, small issue with 
  unicode handling and the Zope debugger product.

-- 0.3.0 (Release) -- 


* Started with the conversion to wxPython 2.5 compatible code, but it's 
  currently impossible to support both 2.4 and 3.5 in the GUI Designer 
  because of the wx namespace change. 
  In, wx_version_max can be set to None to run under 2.5, 
  but beware that there are still many issues under 2.5 and the Designer 
  doesn't work.
* BoaDebugger zope product added as an alternative/improved interface for 
  debugging Zope, thanks to Robert Boulanger. See Debugger/BoaDebugger/*
* Added properies/events:
  * wxComboBox enter event
  * wxTextCtrl.MaxLength (thanks Oleg Deribas)
* New wxPython/Python docs bundle
* Tutorial improvements (thanks Kevin Light)
* Added examples for resource images and wizards
* Special attributess can now span multiple lines 
  (continued lines must end on comma)
* wxWindows renamed to wxWidgets
* Many bug fixes
  * Fixed problem with window id handling
  * Fixed Sizer and linked Sizer properties
  * Fixed KeyError bug if renaming after recreating a control in the Designer.
  * Fixed consistency problem with multi-line vs single-line indent and comment  
    Thanks to Tim Diggins for report and initial patch
  * Improved error messages in case of user changed GUI code. 

-- 0.2.8 (CVS) --


* Improved EOL handling
  * Converting (Edit->Convert...)
  * Mode switching (Edit->STC settings...)
  * Warning when mixed EOLs are detected
* Added application todo view
  * On app module, Views->Application todos
  * Gives navigatible app wide todo list
* Much improved support for maskededit family of controls
* Added page about Sizers to the application help
  * It's not linked to yet, but can be opened in a browser,
    at Docs/boa/apphelp/Sizers.html
* Many bug fixes
  * Fixed process freezing if printing > 4k text
  * Sizer, Designer and Editor bugs
  * BicycleRepairMan plug-in bugs

-- 0.2.7 (CVS) --


* Support for wxWizards
  On the New Palette page see, wxWizard, wxPyWizardPage and
  It is your own responsibility to create the pages and run
  the wizard.
* Support for the masked edit family of controls:
  wxMaskedTextCtrl, wxIpAddrCtrl, wxMaskedComboBox,
  wxMaskedNumCtrl, wxTimeCtrl, wxIntCtrl
  wxPython is required.
* Feature additions/fixes to the Debugger:
  * Improved remote debugging capabilities by providing
    client<->server filepath mappings.
  * Added a Jump action/change execution point
    supported by Python 2.3.
  * Added script that supports hooking the Boa debugger
    to sys.excepthook. See Debugger/sysexcepthook.
* Improvements to sizers:
  * Navigation to control/sizer by double clicking
    in the collection editor on an item.
  * Invalid sizer choices removed from the Sizer
    property list.
  * Less pedantic on which designer view you have to
    click to create a new sizer or data object.
    It now automatically switches to the right
    designer view and creates the control there.
  * Many sizer bugs fixed.
* Improved process management
  * Now using wxProcess instead of Python's popen.
  * This means we have access to pids under windows
    and also the ability to kill processes.
  * A list of processes started from Boa is now available
    as a page called Tasks in the Error/Output notebook.
  * You will be prompted at shutdown if there are any
    sub-processes still running.
* Re-added non-us keyboard support.
  Please test this if you use Alt-Gr.
  Set under Preferences->General->Editor->handleSpecialEuropeanKeys
  and euroKeysCountry
* New toolbutton support through DoAddTool. This provides
  labels and checked/radio tools.
* Many bug fixes and small improvements.

-- 0.2.6 (CVS) --


* Micro release sorts out some issues on Linux and other small changes and fixes. 

-- 0.2.5 (CVS) --


* Collection Editors can now add multiple methods to collections
  This means the following properties have these methods:
  * wxToolBar.Tools : AddTool, AddContol, AddSeparator
  * wxImageList.Images : Add, AddWithColourMask
  * wxMenu.Items : Append, AppendMenu, AppendSeparator
* Collection Editor items can be reordered by clicking the Up and Down 
  arrows on the Collection Editor toolbar.
* Support added for using Sizers in the Designer.
  * All standard sizers added:
    * wxBoxSizer, wxGridSizer, wxFlexGridSizer, wxStaticBoxSizer,
    * They are available from the Containers/Layout page
  * Sizers have their own view like the Data View.
  * Visual cues and selectors are drawn around sizered controls in 
    yellow and green.
  * Can navigate to the sizer by right clicking on sizered selection tag 
    (like Anchors)
  * None values are used in empty Sizer items, this is valid in the
    Designer, but you will be warned when a session is posted that still
    contain these None values as they are not valid outside the Designer
    and can cause wxPython to crash.
    Items with None values are visually indicated with the standard
    red dashed style.
  * Connect Sizers to controls via the Sizer property of a control.
  * Add sizer items (window, sizer and spacer items) from the Items 
    collection property of a sizer (double-click)
    Link the item to a window or sizer in the Inspector.
  * Currently sizer layout is applied in addition to absolute coordinate
    positioning and sizes. 
    Hopefully this can be balanced to a best of both worlds approach.
  * See Examples/layout/
* Python Resource modules now available as an alternative way to use
  * Accepts the format generated by, only requires
    that the file starts with this header: #Boa:PyImgResource:
  * Resource modules have an Images view of their contents.
  * Bitmap property editors can open resource modules and generate the 
    appropriate code.
  * The ImageEditor plug-in can convert images to PyImgResource modules.
    It can also edit images directly inside resource modules.
  * See Examples/images/ResourceModules/
* EOL handling in source files have been completely redone.
  * File EOL is now detected and used per file. New files use the OS
  * Copy pasting code into your source from outside Boa should no longer
    cause mixed EOL issues on Windows.
  * Files are now always opened in binary mode.
  * At startup source templates (used by code genration) are initialised
    with the OS default EOL. 
    Tabs/Spaces in source templates are also set at startup.
* ModuleFinder plug-in, enter the import name to find the file in
  sys.path and open the module in the IDE. Available from Tools.
* Converted the FormatParagraph IDLE extension to be a Boa plug-in.
* Added wxTreeListCtrl and wxListView to the Palette.
* Errors & Output notebook now has menu to load/save the history.
* Many plug-ins now have their images embedded in their source.
* Added feature to the debugger to display the value of a watch or a 
  name in the Output window. 
  * This is useful for big values like large lists or dicts.
  * Ctrl-double-click is the shortcut for this action.
* Also added Preference to minimize Debugger on running. Useful for GUI
  Minimizing only works properly on Windows.
* Support for editing/browsing tar.gz files, like zip files work now.
* Editor toolbar should behave better on wxMAC.

-- 0.2.4 (CVS) --


* Pervasive changes was made to the code to use string methods. 
  Also a few lambda -> list comprehension translations.
* Added BicycleRepairMan (Python Refactoring) support.
  First install BicycleRepairMan, then enable it under
  Preferences->Plug-ins->Plug-in files
  and restart Boa.
  From the Edit menu the following actions are supported:
  BRM - Find references
  BRM - Find definition
  BRM - Rename
  BRM - Extract method
  BRM - Extract local variable
  BRM - Inline local variable
  BRM - Undo last
  From the File menu a module can be explicitly loaded into
  the context.
  Modules can also be added from the Explorer in file system
* In the process of adding the BRM support, I extended Boa's
  model/view/controller baseclasses to allow Plugins to extend
  existing MVC interfaces.
* Help Book support. Boa can now manage .hhp, .hhc and .hhk files.
  Different views allow you to define the file list and
  drag and drop to create the contents tree and indexes.
* Help books available in the Boa help can now be changed under
  Preferences->Help books in the Explorer.
* Help now has a PyDoc help page, similar in functionality to
  the Tkinter pydoc search dialog installed with Python, but
  integrated in the Help window.
* Zip Transport now allows write/clipboard operations.
  Create a new blank archive by right clicking and selecting
  New->Empty zip archive from a File system folder.
* Default resource config files are now stored in Config and
  no longer in the Boa root.
  If $HOME is defined .boa-constructor is now used as default
  instead of .boa, to be the same as the Debian boa.
* Plugin Preference storage changes. file no longer used.
  To avoid writing to Plug-ins directory this info is now stored
  in Explorer.*.cfg
* Plug-ins can now automatically expose Preference settings,
  available from: Preferences->Plug-ins->Preferences
* Plug-in filetypes (Pascal, Java, Pyrex) now generate their
  STC config files automatically and store them in the resource
  config directory instead of in Plug-ins.
* The Shell can now be either be the Boa Shell, PyCrust or
  entirely turned off.
  See Preferences->General->Shell->psPythonShell
* The Explorer page can also be turned off, but this is not
  recommended unless you have a good reason as things like
  Preferences or Zope are only available through the Explorer.
* Filesystem items can be Inspected to see file attributes like
  creation and modification date.
* wxSTC/wxHTMLWindow views now have the option to print.
* A new Tools menu has been added to the main menu.
* Simple regex editor/matcher window now available under Tools.
  It's very simple but still handy.
* New Palette page "wxPython.lib", currently only has wxGenStaticText.
  This is now the recommended replacement for wxStaticText as it
  behaves properly in the Designer on Linux.
* Fixed bug in wxSplitterWindow companion where deletion could
  lead to a crash.
* Added explicit config files for the __WXMAC__ platform and also
  hopefully improved initial layout.
* Wrote a simple Explorer wrapper so the wxPython demo can be "hosted"
  in Boa. I still use Robin's excellent demo often and it's handy to
  have the code directly in Boa
  Turned off by default, turn on under
  Preferences->Plug-ins->Plug-in files, and restart Boa.
* Input page, typically for non-gui Python scripts that read from
  the keyboard (stdin).
  It appears as a page on the TraceBack/Output/Error notebook.
  To turn on choose: File->Toggle use input stream
* Also new for the TraceBack/Error/Output notebook, it's history
  can be browsed from the new buttons on the statusbar. 

-- 0.2.3 (Release) --


* Primarily a bugfix release
* Some changes to improve handling of non-ASCII source, 
  see Docs/boa/apphelp/NonASCII.html

-- 0.2.2 (CVS) --


* A bugfix release, mostly to handle wxNotebook.AddPage parameter signature 
  * Script added to update generated code: Scripts/

-- 0.2.1 (CVS) --


* A bugfix release, mostly to handle the "import string" problem.

-- 0.2.0 (Release) --


* Added Zope ExternalMethod for runtime hooking of the debugger.
  No longer need to run from the IDE, see the Debugger page in the docs.
* Changes to accommodate MacOS X, many, many problems remain, but Boa can now
  at least start up on MacOS X! Thanks to Kevin Altis.
* Added plug-in for using XRC files.
* Many minor bug fixes

-- 0.1.5 (CVS) --


* Generated source can now be wrapped over multiple lines.
  Lines are only broken up after commas, inside brackets,
  but this works well enough.
  3 new Preferences added to the General->Code generation
  section. This feature is now on by default.
* I've abandoned the strategy of renaming plug-ins to disable them. 
  This was too unfriendly for things like CVS.
  Also plug-ins can now be ordered.
  Both these changes are implemented with a new file called in your Plug-ins directory which defines the 
  list of disabled and ordered plugin names.
  Ordered plug-ins are executed first (in order!) 
  Everything can be managed thru the GUI under
  Preferences->Plug-ins->Plug-in files.
* Improved Find/Replace dialog.
  Now supports 'Find in files' and seaching in the Explorer.
  Thanks to Roman Yakovenko for the patches!
* Refactored Controller menu/toolbar definitions to use the
  same format that View menu/toolbar definitions uses.
  One visible result of this is that menu items can now display images.
* Improved tab support. The frame designer can now properly generate 
  tab indented code.
  People who care about this, please test as I don't use this.  
* Added
  This is an image editor I hacked up ages ago.
  (I needed masked PNG support!)
  I just wrapped up the editor as a Boa View.
  It's rough but it works ;)
  (Hint: When editing images with masks, set the mask again before
         saving, otherwise the previous mask is used)
* Shortcut keys now work better on Linux (Ctrl-S works!!!).
* Composite controls like wxGrid now work properly in the Designer 
  on Linux.
  Unfortunately many other controls still misbehave on Linux :(
* Added wxSpinCtrl
* Zope: Added SiteErrorLog support. 
  Just delete your zoa folder in your Zope root and the new
  zoa will be automatically installed.
* Removed the bundled PyChecker from the repository.
  Boa now tries to use the one installed on your system.

-- 0.1.4 - alpha (CVS) --


-- 0.1.3 - alpha (CVS) --

02-02-02 - 02-08-08

* Python 2.2 compatibility issues fixed
* Feature rich out of process Debugger capable of debugging most Python.
  * Tested with Python, wxPython, Tkinter, Zope
  * Special Zope support allowing you to step and break in Python scripts
     Also support for step and break in PageTemplates but for Zope 2.6
* Many internal refactorings which includes moving the models and controllers 
  into the Models package and making wxPython module support optional.
  This implements many of the requirements from the wxIDLE discussuions.
  Also all Zope support moved to the ZopeLib package.

-- 0.1.1 - alpha (CVS) --


-- 0.1.0 - alpha (Release) --

01-05-01 - 02-01-28

* Compatible with and now requires 2.3.2. 
* Files can now be opened, edited and saved over any supported transport
* Explorer improvements
  * Clipboard improved, can copy/paste between any transports
  * DAV transport added.
  * Preferences are now be maintained in the Explorer tree as items in the 
     * Many new preferences
     * Key definitions editable
     * Style editor for user defined source code styles, colours and fonts.
* Pluggable components and transports
  * New components , filetypes and transports can be added by putting the
    module in the Plug-ins directory. Examples provided.
* Support for opening html, xml, and c++ files
* Extensive Zope support added
* Complete integrated help for Boa, Python, wxPython and CVS.
* The Help Tips have been expanded a lot, please work thru it as 
   soon as possible as it contains essential information.
* Much better support for using preferences stored in your home directory.
* All image transparency issues resolved (using PNGs for everything)
* Improved code completion, call tips and code browsing.
* Syntax checking for Python source
* New controls available from the Palette.
* More properties added for standard controls
* Resource usage under Win9x improved
* Stability and speed improvements
* Code generation is safer with rollback on errors and warnings for 
  unexpected/incomplete code.
* Improved integration between your code and generated code
  * Special object attributes can be linked to properties
  * The Designer can generate source for controls not directly supported from 
    the Palette if you define it's name and equivalent class in a 
    _custom_classes class attribute.

-- 0.0.5 --

00-09-01 - 01-03-18

* New Getting Started Guide and Tutorial
* Support for window layout with Anchors integrated with the Designer
* Redid the Explorer, the following explorer types supported
  * File/Package Explorer
    * Can filter on all files for general purpose cliboard use
  * CVS Explorer
    * command line CVS needs to be installed successfully
    * basic cvs functionality: browse, update, commit, add, 
      remove, status, log, diff, tag, branch
    * CVS conflicts view
    * Cancelable progress dialog
  * Zope Explorer 
    * Management: Cut, copy, paste, rename, delete, import, export
    * Creation from the Palette
    * Property management thru the Inspector
  * SSH Explorer: Browse remote SSH accounts, e.g. SourceForge.
    * SSH needs to be installed, remote keys must be uploaded
    * Copy and paste to file clipboard
    * Remote file operations
  * Zip Explorer: Read only zip browsing like directories
  * FTP Explorer: Browse FTP connections
  * sys.path Explorer
  * Config now handled thru the GUI, and edited in the Inspector.
    No more messing with config files.
* Replaced the Normal file dialog with Boa file dialog,
  * Implemented with the Explorers
  * Avoids the NT / STC / FileDialog problem
  * Shows nice icons for Boa files
  * Possible (not used yet) to browse to Zope/SSH/etc documents
* Added Grid drawing (different optional styles) to background
  of the Designer
* Redid Designer selection logic (still buggy) to respect original
  size, and handle non grid positions and sizes.
  * Keyboard sizing and moving by 1 pixel increments
* Clipboard functionality (Cut, copy, paste) implemented in
  the frame Designer and Data view. (not perfect yet)
* Multiple select (for grouped moving) implemented in the frame
  * Control Alignment and Size dialogs added (from right-click)
* The necessary import code is automatically added to source
* Sub properties now work correctly
* Default actions supported, double-clicking on components 
  can create:
  * Default events (Like EVT_BUTTON)
  * Open default properties (Like a Collection Editor for 
    Toolbar tools)
* The debugger works better, but suffers from same defects as
  other in-process Python debuggers.
  * Can browse (ctrl/mouse over) variable values, almost like
    debugger tips in Delphi and other IDEs, only does single
    word variables currently, clicking adds as watch.
* Support for C++ source
* Added ToolTipString property
* Added Style constructor parameter
* Python 2.0 compatibility
* Traceback browser:
  * jump to source from a tree ctrl showing exception tracebacks
  * Create a traceback tree from a Boa.trace file
* New palette look saving some space.
* Modules are parsed when needed allowing snappier opening - Shane Hathaway
* Auto created frames (main frame) works correctly.
* Code browsing/jumping/marking history (back and forward buttons)
* More code completion support (but not enough yet)
  * wxPython methods for wxPython object decendants
  * Attribute type and methods
* Limited support for distutils (Setup module)
  * support for py2exe
-- 0.0.4 --

00-03-01 - 00-08-30

* Put the website into Zope 
* Put application help into Zope 
* Added CVS view to the Explorer
* Links to wxWindows documentation from the Companion classes are now 
  generated by a script
* Moved all image loading into an ImageStore cache type object
* Changed Boa to not have to be started in the Boa directory
* Added find in application
* Syntax highlighting editor
  * Auto indent
  * Smart delete
  * Indent blocks
  * Comment blocks
  * Breakpoints & Tracepoints
  * Code browsing (limited support)
    Hold down ctrl and move the cursor over code, click on 
    underlined code to browse to it
  * Code completion, currently only object attributes self.*
* OGL improvements including saving of position
* Keyboard support in the Inspector, Editor and Designer
* Added Zope interface
* Fixed a lot of little bugs in the Inspector
* Added a MenuBar for the Editor
* Added About box
* Made a subset of views optional
* Added ClassLink property editor for controls linking to
  other controls
* Added FrameBars
* Added the python profiler
* Added Tim Peter's Cyclops, cycle finder
* Controls that don't accept mouse clicks 
  (wxNotebook, wxStaticLine, wxStaticBox)
  are now selectable and dragable
* Added context sensitive help (press F1 in source code)
* Added CollectionEditors
  These are new properties on components which provides 
  design-time item list maintenance.
  In the source, each Collection Editor looks after its
  own method.
  This is a rough first draft and will be refined.
  A very big gotcha with most of these collection properties
  is that they are not live. For most you will have to close 
  open and reopen the Designer for changes to take effect :(
  Please note that whitespace is even more meaningful
  than usual ;) So leave generated code as is!
  The following have been implemented to various degrees:
  * wxListCtrl.Columns
  * wxStatusBar.Fields
  * wxImageList.Images (plus image enabled editor)
  * wxNotebook.Pages
  * wxWindow.Constraints
  * wxToolBar.Tools (plus EVT_TOOL)
  * wxMenuBar.Menus 
  * wxMenu.Items (plus EVT_MENU)
  Still to be implemented:
  * wxAcceleratorTable.Entries (broken, doesn't fit yet)
  * wxBoxSizers, wxStaticBoxSizer
  * Sub menus
  * Different types of insertion methods 
* Directory compare (lib's cmp) and diff facilities (Tim Peter's ndiff)
* Fixed many memory leaks and circular references

-- 0.0.3 --

Merged wxGTK changes back into source. Added, for platform 
specific consts
Added a preview of pyDE (currently a view on ModuleModel)

Added searching functionality to Help (incomplete/bugs)
Differentiating between command and normal events, window id generation

Added window id allocation

Resized images to 16*16. This sorts out the last of the MSW incompatibilities 
GTK changes caused
Updated frame and ctrl renaming code to also maintain window ids
Added wxStaticLine

Hazy period in which I:
- prototyped a debugger
- got a new system (K6-3 450, 3dfx Voodoo 3500 :)
- played a hell of a lot of Unreal / Homeworld

Resumed work on Pygasm.
Trying to only develop in Pygasm, missing syntax hilighting and prod tools, 
 going a bit slowly but docs and view are nice
Implemented screensize from system metrics as suggested on mailing list.
Started with watches in the debugger

Added attributes to classes (moduleparse.Class.attributes, 
Added different help for Pygasm/wxPython/Python
Added TextModel and TextView

Refactored help into neater classes
Made more images for debugger

Hunted down bugs in the Editor

My birthday, did absolutely nothing!

Refactored documentation. Added AppModuleDocView

Put Linux (RH 6.1) on my old machine (P1 166)
Mini break

Dialog to ask to save changes on closing (long overdue, lost code a few times)
Info block
Bug fixes

Added an Explorer to Boa, packages, folders and supported modules are browseable

Replaced wxBitmapButtons with  generic toggle buttons on the palette
Added source code line no's to ExploreView, double click to go to source line
Added dynamic context sensitive toolbar buttons (reflecting methods of the
editor, model and view)

00-02-13 - 20
Changed ExploreView & HierarchyView to have one root (GTK friendly)
Implemented basic architechture for invisible components
Various bug fixes

00-02-21 - 28
Worked on wxGTK compatibility
Designed a web site
Added Dialogs, these are created directly in your source code at the current
cursor position from a template
Many bug fixes

Released! 0.0.3