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<html><head><title>BoboBot Documentation</title></head>
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<b><a href="../COPYRIGHT">(c) 1998-2000 New Breed Software</a></b><br>
by Bill Kendrick, Marianne Waage & Melissa Hardenbrook


  <img src="bobo.gif" width=32 height=32 alt="" align=right>
  BoboBot is a multi-level one-player action game starring "BoboBot,"
  the robo-monkey.  It's played with the keyboard, or optionally with a
  joystick, uses Xlib to display graphics, and optionally uses
  Sam Lantinga's "Simple Direct-Media Layer" to play music and sound.
</blockquote><p><br clear=all>

<h3>THE STORY</h3>
  <img src="globe.gif" width=56 height=60 alt="" align=right>
  An evil force has begun taking control of Earth, and it's your job to
  stop it.  To do this, you must travel the globe and defeat eight evil
  bosses to get access to the evil force, wherever it is hiding.
  As you defeat these bosses, you also gain special weapons and abilities.

  BoboBot is for X-Window.  You need a UNIX system to compile the source
  code and run the program.  You need an X display (a Linux box, a UNIX
  workstation, or an X-Window server for a PC or Mac) to see the game and

  You need a Linux system to play with joystick and/or sound and music.<p>

  BoboBot was developed under RedHad Linux on a 133MHz Pentium PC with
  16MB and later with 64MB RAM.  A generic game pad controller and
  a 16bit Sound Blaster sound and game card were used during development.<p>

  To compile BoboBot, you'll need a C compiler ("gcc" was used during
  development, and is recommended), and "make".  Xlib needs to be installed,
  of course.  A joystick driver and the SDL (Simple Directlayer Media) library
  are required for joystick and sound.<p>

    See the <a href="../INSTALL">INSTALL</a> file.<p>

  <h4>Where Do I Get The Libraries?</h4>
    Vojtech Pavlik's excellent Linux Joystick Driver can be downloaded from:<p>

      <a href=""></a><p>

    The Simple Direct-Media Layer and SDL_Mixer libraries (for sound and music)
    can be downloaded from:<p>

      <a href=""></a><p>

  <h4>X-Window Icon</h4>
    If you'd like to add "BoboBot" to, say, "GoodStuff" for FVWM, or set a
    default icon in WindowMaker, feel free to use the included
    "bobobot-icon.xpm" image.<p>

    I used this in my ".fvwmrc" file:<p>

    <code>*GoodStuff BoboBot .../bobobot-icon.xpm Exec "BoboBot" exec

    Where "..." is the path to the files on this computer.<p>

    I also have this line, which makes the icon appear when I minimize
    the "BoboBot" game window:<p>

    <code>Style "BoboBot" Icon .../bobobot-icon.xpm</code><p>

    Where "..." is the path to the icon on this computer.<p>

  To begin a game, run the "bobobot" executable.<p>

  Arguments accepted include:<p>
      <li>bobobot <b>some.display:0.0</b><p>

        Open a window on the display specified, instead of the default
        display (taken from your "<code>DISPLAY</code>" environment

      <li>bobobot --nomusic<p>

        If sound and music are compiled in, this will disable music.
        You will hear sound effects only.<p>

      <li>bobobot --nosound<p>

        If sound and music are compiled in, this will disable sound effects.
        You will hear music only.<p>

      <li>bobobot --help<p>

        Show a very brief help screen to remind you how to play,
        and quit.<p>

      <li>bobobot --version<p>

        Show the version of "bobobot" that you're playing, and the
        versions of SDL and the joystick driver supported, if they
        were compiled in.  Then quit.<p>

  When you begin a game of BoboBot, after a spending a few moments
  loading graphics, the "BoboBot" title screen will appear.<p>

  Press [SPACE] or any fire button on your joystick at any time to begin
  a new game of BoboBot.<p>

  Press [Q] at any time to quit "BoboBot" completely.<p>

  A few different graphics will show up on the title screen, some of which
  give tips on playing!<p>

<h3>THE GAME</h3>
  <h4>Level-Selection Screen</h4>
    When you start a new game, you'll see the level-selection screen.
    There are 9 rectangles on the screen (three by three) and a pulsating
    selection cursor.<p>

    At this screen, you choose which part of the world (hence, which boss)
    you wish to travel to.<p>

    You can select any of the 8 outer levels.  The center box represents
    the evil force's level.  You cannot get to that level until you've
    beaten the 8 other levels.<p>

    Use the [ARROW] keys or the joystick controller to move the selection
    cursor over the level you wish to play.  Notice that at the bottom the
    name of the place and the name of the boss appear.  Over the selection
    cursor, an image of the boss will appear.<p>

    (Note: Once you've beaten a level, you can't go back.  This is
    represented by the level's box being greyed out and a big red
    slash going through it.  If you place the selection cursor over it,
    you'll see the word "DONE" instead of its boss.)<p>

    Press [SPACE], [RETURN] or any fire button to enter that level.  Once
    there, you can't return to the level-selection screen until you've
    defeated the entire level!  (Or, of course, if you give up or lose and
    begin a new game.)<p>

    Press [Q] to give up.  You will be asked if you're sure.  Press [Y]
    to quit back to the title screen, aborting your game, or [N] to keep
    playing and remain in the level-selection screen.<p>

  <h4>Game Screen</h4>
    The game is seen from the side.  You are the little monkey (BoboBot).<p>

    <img src="screenshot.gif" width=240 height=170 alt=""><p>

      At the upper left is a green health meter.  As you get hurt
      (by bumping into, or being shot by enemies) your health goes down,
      the green being replaced by red.  When your health runs out, you
      lose a life.<p>

      When you've beaten a level and gained a new weapon, whenever that
      weapon is selected, you'll see it's ammunition meter on the very right
      of your health meter.  (An image of the weapon will be in the center
      of this meter.)<p>

      Note: your default weapon is unlimited, so no ammunition meter appears
      when you have this weapon selected.<p>

      When you've reached the end of a level, and are being faced with the
      level's evil boss, his/her health meter will be displayed next to
      your meters.<p>

      At the upper right the number of lives you have are displayed.
      (A number next to a little monkey head.)  You start with 3 lives and
      when you reach 0, the game is over.<p>

    <h5>Special Screens</h5>
      As you travel through different environments in the levels, you'll
      come across the following:<p>

      <li>Wavey, underwater screens
      <li>Snowy screens
      <li>Dark screens, where you can only see the area immediately around
          your character
      <li>Flickery screens, where there's a broken lamp which causes the
          screen to flash between lit (normal) and dark

  <h4>Moving Around The Screen</h4>

    To move BoboBot, use the arrow keys or the joystick.<p>

      [LEFT]  - Face left, move left<br>
      [RIGHT] - Face right, move right<p>

      The longer you hold left or right, the faster you run.<p>

      Remember this when you need to jump a long way... you will
      probably want to get a running start!<p>

      Also know that you can maneuver in mid-air with the [LEFT]
      and [RIGHT] arrow keys.  Just know that if you turn the
      other way, or let go of both keys, you'll STOP moving
      left or right, and just fall straight down!<p>

    To jump, use the [SPACE] key or the [A-Fire] button on your joystick.<p>

    You can only jump when you're standing on a solid surface.<p>

    The longer you hold the jump, the higher you jump.  Sometimes, you
    DON'T want to hold jump as long as you can.  There are many tricky spots
    where you'll bump your head if you jump too high, and won't be able to
    land where you need to (usually falling to your doom).<p>

  <h4>Using Your Weapon(s)</h4>
    BoboBot can have up to 9 weapons.<p>

    The first is your standard bullet.  You start with this weapon, and
    never run out of ammunition.<p>

    The other eight weapons are gained as you defeat levels.<p>

    To shoot, press the [Z] key on the keyboard, or the [B-Fire] button
    on your joystick.<p>

    To go to the weapon-selection screen press the [TAB] key on the
    keyboard, or the [C-Fire] or [D-Fire] button on your joystick if you have

    <img src="weaponselect.gif" width=120 height=112 alt=""><p>

      (NOTE: You can't change weapons, and therefore can't get to the
      weapon-selection screen, unitl ALL of your bullets are off of
      the screen!)<p>

      While in the weapon-selection screen, press [UP] and [DOWN] to
      select a different weapon, and [TAB], [SPACE] or [RETURN] or
      any fire button to exit the weapon-select screen and return to the

    Some weapons are aimable.  If you're not holding any direction,
    you'll shoot the way you're facing.  Otherwise, aimable weapons will
    shoot in the direction you're pressing on the arrow keys or the

    Different weapons have different effects.  Some do damage, others
    affect enemies in other ways (for example, "Ice Blaster" freezes the
    enemy for a moment).<p>

    After you've gained a new weapon, if you have a chance, practice with
    that new weapon to understand how it works.<p>

    Note that some enemies require a different number of shots, depending
    on what weapon you're using.  Some enemies aren't even affected by
    some weapons! (Your bullet will ricochet off of them.)<p>

  <h4>Moving Around The Level</h4>
    You start at the left on the first screen of the level, and maneuver
    your way through the level one screen at a time.  Usually, you're headed
    to the right, but sometimes you need to jump up to a screen above,
    drop down to a screen below, and even go left.<p>

    Often, but not always, you can go back to screens you've already
    visited.  (Sometimes you just can't reach, and sometimes the game
    just won't let you go back.)  If you didn't destroy all of the enemies
    on that screen, they'll be there waiting, so watch out!<p>

    Many screens which aren't solid at the bottom can be quite dangerous.
    Unless it's OBVIOUS that down is the only way to go, avoid falling to
    the bottom or you'll die!<p>

    Some screens are "Checkpoints".  If you die, you'll be returned to
    a checkpoint screen (rather than going all the way to the beginning
    of the level).<p>

  <h4>Upgrades and Other Goodies</h4>
    When you destroy enemies, sometimes a "goody" pops out.<p>

    Grab them quickly, because they disappear after a few moments.<p>

    Note: Some screens (usually secret ones that you have to look for)
    already have "goodies" on them.  They don't disappear until you pick
    them up.  But, once you grab them, you can't go back to the screen and
    get them again!<p>

      <li><img src="banana-small.gif" width=32 height=32 alt="" align=right>
          Gives you a little health.  (About 8%)<p><br clear=all>
      <li><img src="banana-big.gif" width=32 height=32 alt="" align=right>
          Bunch of Bananas<br>
          Gives you a lot of health.  (About 40%)<p><br clear=all>
      <li><img src="bolt-small.gif" width=32 height=32 alt="" align=right>
          Little Bolt<br>
          Gives you a little more ammunition for
          THE CURRENTLY SELECTED WEAPON.  (About 8%)<p><br clear=all>
      <li><img src="bolt-big.gif" width=32 height=32 alt="" align=right>
          Nut and Bolt<br>
          Gives you a lot of ammunition for
          THE CURRENTLY SELECTED WEAPON.  (About 40%)<p><br clear=all>
      <li><img src="oneup.gif" width=32 height=32 alt="" align=right>
          Monkey Head<br>
          "One-Up!"  It's an extra life!<p><br clear=all>
          SOME secret screens have "goodies" not listed
          here! Sometimes you've even got to figure out
          HOW to get them! Good luck!<p>

    If you grab a goodie and it has an affect (for example, your health
    gets increased because it wasn't at 100% and you grabbed a banana),
    you will hear a sound and the goody will fly up to the appropriate
    status display on the screen.  (For example, a banana would fly up to
    the upper left, where your health meter is.)<p>

    If the goody has no effect (for example, you grab a banana but your
    health is already at 100%, or you grab a bolt, but the weapon you
    have selected is the normal bullet gun), the goody will drop off the
    bottom of the screen quietly.<p>

  <h4>Defeating Bosses</h4>
    At the end of each level is the level's boss.  Some tips to defeating
    bosses are:<p>

      <li>Try to make sure your health is full before you fight a boss.
      <li>Try to make sure your weapons are full, too.
      <li>Watch the pattern of movement and shooting the boss has.
      <li>Notice how the boss reacts to you.  Use this knowledge to your
      <li>Stay CALM!

    Some bosses are better fought against with different weapons.<p>

    Here's a really big hint!<p>

      <li>Defeat "The Mummy" of Egypt before you try to defeat
          "Chronoman" of Switzerland!

    Eventually, you'll find your own preference of who to beat first,
    and with practice, you'll whip through the levels very quickly!<p>


  <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>
  <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Concept:</font></td>
  <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Bill Kendrick, Melissa Hardenbrook</font></td></tr>

  <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Graphics:</font></td>
  <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Bill Kendrick, Marianne Waage,
  Melissa Hardenbrook</font></td></tr>

  <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Software:</font></td>
  <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Bill Kendrick</font></td></tr>

  <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Sound effects:</font></td>
  <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Bill Kendrick and others
  (WAV's and AU's downloaded from many sound archives)</font></td></tr>

  <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Music:</font></td>
  <td valign=top>
    <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 width=100%>

    <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Title screen:</font></td>
    <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
      "Welcome Home" by "Lizardking" of Alcatraz<br>
      Gustaf Grefberg, 1993. Used with permission.<br>
      <a href=""></a>
      <a href=""></a>

    <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Antarctic:</font></td>
    <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
    "Ambient Power" by Vogue of Triton<br>
    Magnus Hogdahlnd, 1993</font></td></tr>

    <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Egypt:</font></td>
    <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
    "Crystal Orbit" by ???</font></td></tr>

    <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Switzerland:</font></td>
    <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
    "Crystal Starlight" by ???</font></td></tr>

    <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Grand Canyon:</font></td>
    <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
    "Bombtrack" by Amathiew Berthaud 1994</font></td></tr>

    <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Final Level:</font></td>
    <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
    "Zak-zaka-zak-zak" by Purple Motion 1994</font></td></tr>

    <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Level select:</font></td>
    <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
    "Walk'n Titanize" by Dizzy of CNCD<br>
    Juha Kujanpaa, 1993. Used with permission.<br>
    <a href=""></a><br>
    <a href=""></a>

    <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Bosses:</font></td>
    <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
    "Belewian" by Dizzy of CNCD 1994. Used with permission.</font></td></tr>

  <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Patches:</font></td>
  <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
  Dennis Payne for recoding the keyboard routines more efficiently.<p>

  <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Thanks to:</font></td>
  <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
  Sam Lantinga for writing and supporting SDL.<p>
  Vojtech Pavlik for writing and supporting joystick driver.<p>


  (c) 1998-1999 New Breed Software<p>

  Comments, questions, suggestions and DONATIONS accepted!<p>

  <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>

  <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">E-mail:</font></td>
  <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
<a href=""></a>

  <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Website:</font></td>
  <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helveitca"><a href=""></a></font></td></tr>

  <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Phone:</font></td>
  <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">1-530-759-1019</font></td></tr>

  <tr><td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Postal:</font></td>
  <td valign=top><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Attn: Bobobot<br>
             New Breed Software<br>
             c/o Bill Kendrick<br>
             919 Drake Drive #147<br>
             Davis, California 95616-0838<br>

