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  <!-- Created with AOLpress/2.0 -->
  <!-- AP: Created on: 16-Sep-2001 -->
  <!-- AP: Last modified: 8-Aug-2007 -->
  <TITLE>Older changes to FontForge</TITLE>
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  <A HREF="changelog.html">Current changes</A><BR>
  <A HREF="pfaeditchangelog.html">Changes to PfaEdit (predecessor to
	  Patch by Johan Winge fixing a bug in dragging out a magnification rectangle
	  Patch from SUSE fixing a variable which can be uninitialized.
	  I have received many complaints about the grey background, so I have tried
	  various other backgrounds -- and gotten complaints on all of them. Currently
	  try using a white background by default and add a
	  <A HREF="faq.html#background">discussion in the FAQ</A> about changing it.
	  Add support for Unified Font Objects (a directory holding many Glyph Interchange
	  Format files). People at the Open Font Library seem to think this is useful.
	  Also support for importing/exporting glyphs in glif.
	  People asked me to implement the UFO/GLIF format in part because each glyph
	  is stored in a separate file giving finer granularity to version control.
	  I worry about using UFO/GLIF because it is not documented to store all the
	  information needed to regenerate a font (being mainly concerned with glyph
	  outlines). So I've implemented a directory based version of the sfd format
	  which I hope will provide the one glyph per file format people say they want.
	  MS has extended the 'gasp' table to give users control over clear type. Version
	  number has changed too. FF now supports the new bits.
	  MS has also added a cleartype bit to the head table.
	  Hmm. I wasn't setting the apple specific bits of the head table properly.
	  Allow the user to create an empty bitmap strike.
	  Add the ability to remove bitmap glyphs from a strike.
	  Fix a couple of memory leaks.
	  The docs don't mention this, but... mangal.ttf has a NULL offset for the
	  lookahead class definition, so if that happens -- no classes.
	  Werner doesn't like that I always add dummy bitmaps for .notdef, .null &amp;
	  nonmarkingreturn. It seemed logical to me that if I were prepared to add
	  those glyphs to the outline font I should be prepared to add them to the
	  bitmap strike. But Werner (I think) sees bitmap strikes as containing exceptional
	  glyphs which need special handling, whereas I just saw them as complete fonts.
	  So in this context I guess there is no need to add these glyphs. As a compromise
	  I have decided that I will add the glyphs to the bitmap strike if I added
	  the glyphs to the outline font.
	  Add scripting functions:
	  The changed flag wasn't being set in Remove ATT.
	  GetPosSub scripting command trashed memory.
	  Make default char of OS/2 be space for otf and .notdef for ttf. This is a
	  guess at what should be done.
	  FF was still setting firstcharindex in OS/2 incorrectly. The problem is that
	  glyph 1 (or 2?) has encoding 0 in the mac cmap table while it is not referenced
	  at all in the windows cmap.
	  Wasn't setting os2_typelinegap field when reading an sfnt.
	  In a font without any LCG characters, fontforge set the OS/2 capheight and
	  xheight fields to -1e10. It should have been 0. Patch by Roozbeh Pournader.
	  Patch by Roozbeh Pournader. Regular bit in fsSel in OS/2 was being set when
	  it should not have been.
	  Werner suggests that when looking at a bitmap strike, nextdef and prevdef
	  look at the next glyph defined in the strike rather than the font as a whole.
	  Useful for sparse bitmaps
	  Werner wants to be able to set bitmap magnification in the font view.
	  The "Recalculate Bitmaps" button in the bitmap view should adjust its positioning
	  as the window is resized (and be sensitive to other languages which might
	  have different button widths).
	  there was an uninitialized variable used in parsing contextual by coverage
	  Werner points out that when double clicking on a bitmap glyph in the font
	  view, the glyph is created / rasterized without using freetype.
	  Sigh. Ok. make the size of the label font in the fontview configurable.
	  <PRE>fontforge.FontView.FontSize: 24
	  Werner finds "Original" confusing for an encoding and suggests "Glyph Order"
	  MS has revealed the meaning of a few new GETINFO bits. Put them in the Gloss
	  Set/Select aren't very informative in class definition windows, change to
	  "Set from font"/"Select in Font"
	  Improve the way glyphs are centered in the outline char view. At least I
	  hope it's an improvement.
	  Oh. It is perfectly legal to have a context chain rule with no substitutions.
	  This can be used to avoid matches in complex cases so:
	  <PRE>[a-z] a b =&gt; does nothing
a b [a-z] =&gt; does nothing
a b =&gt; substitutes
	  will only substitute of "ab" is a word all to itself.
	  If the metrics view were displaying text containing non UNICODE characters
	  then some edits in the text field which displays glyphs would leave us with
	  the replacement character showing instead.
	  Werner wants to know whether storage locations are uninitialized or not,
	  and to get warnings when reading an uninit value.
	  Werner wants to see IF statements indented in truetype instruction display.
	  FF wasn't telling freetype to set the mono bit when loading a glyph, which
	  meant that GETINFO would return the wrong value for mono rasterization.
	  If there are too many numbers after an NPUSH[BW] instruction, FF silently
	  ignores them.
	  Anti-Aliased rasters still weren't aligned properly with the outlines in
	  the debug window.
	  When debugging I provided popup information for anti-aliased rasters. But
	  I didn't for mono rasters.
	  ff would crash when asked to debug fpgm/prep (because my rasterization routine
	  didn't work if there were no contours).
	  Werner wants to turn off auto goto in the charview when debugging is going
	  The gloss information for delta point (and cvt) was wrong if the magnitude
	  selector was 7. I claimed it moved (changed) by 0, when it should have been
	  by -1.
	  Werner wants to be able to set memory watch points on storage and cvt locations.
	  Set these through the cvt/storage windows by clicking on the appropriate
	  locations. Modify the points window so the user can set watch points by clicking
	  on it too.
	  The Points window would sometimes scroll in unexpected ways.
	  Werner wants to see the raw value of a "WS" instruction in the gloss.
	  merge fonts would get the script lang index of merged kern pairs wrong.
	  Correct some of icc's warnings
	  Apostolos points out that NAME_MAX isn't defined on solaris, but _POSIX_NAME_MAX
	  is. But _POSIX_NAME_MAX doesn't seem to be defined on linux.
	  Display fonts would crash if you tried to change the font. But introduced
	  in last release.
	  Patch from Mike FABIAN. Rasterizing by freetype only initialized a variable
	  if CONFIG_TYPE3 (multilayer) was set.
	  StrSplit &amp; StrJoin scripting functions.
	  Patch by R&Atilde;&#188;diger Oertel. Strncat could overflow a buffer.
	  Make simplify do point catagorization, and not just of points changed.
	  Curved stems are also limited by geometry. Can't just assume control points
	  Why are pdf files listed as a source of bitmap fonts?
	  When examining a bitmap font, metrics view would crash when asked to look
	  at a non-existant glyph.
	  The list of verbs for indic glyph rearrangement didn't display.
	  Converting from the mac korean encoding didn't work.
	  Images imported into a bdf character did not set the character used bit.
	  Add a CopyAnchors command.
	  Patch from Raph Levien. FF mishandled seac if the accent were not translated.
	  If a large group of glyphs were autohinted at once, and one of those glyphs
	  contained a reference to a glyph that appeared after it in the font, then
	  that glyph would still end up with the dirty hint mark set.
	  It was impossible to set preferences on the Accents pane. They would either
	  always be 0 (or false), or make spurious complaints.
	  Add a Ucs4 scripting command (reverses Utf8).
	  when creating an array with [...] notation (in scripting) I forgot to dereference
	  Add scripting commands
	  Make the "+" operator concatenate arrays
  [1,2] + [3,4] == [1,2,3,4]
  [1,2] + 3 == [1,2,3]
	  Add a scripting command, FontImage, which generates a font thumbnail.
	  Make it possible to save the Font Display dlg as an image.
	  Clean up the Display dialog a bit. The concept of "unhinted" truetype is
	  obsolete. Remove it.
	  At Andrey V. Panov's request I have added a scripting command "CopyUnlinked"
	  which behaves like Copy except that any references will be unlinked (turned
	  into splines) as they are placed in the clipboard.
	  I believe OpenType would prefer if formed arabic glyphs didn't use their
	  unicode encodings, but used simple substitutions instead. Accept both for
	  svg output (previously we only accepted unicode encodings).
	  Patch from debian (bug392688) from Wojciech Mu*a and K*stutis Bili*nas
	  Patch from Mike FABIAN, array overflow in creating PS Private dialog
	  The instructions out of date flag was only getting reset if the user made
	  a change in the edit instrs dialog. If s/he just pressed [OK] it would remain
	  Make libintl be another library we'll try to dlopen. This is complicated
	  because on linux libintl is part of libc so there we must link directly.
	  Further complicated because fink install script has a bug and doesn't put
	  /sw/lib in DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH so we have to look there ourselves.
	  Locale strings aren't required to contain an encoding (which the locale docs
	  incorrectly call a charset). Michal Nowakowski points me to nl_langinfo which
	  will give me the encoding even if not specified in the locale.
	  Add pdf files to the standard format list for openfontdlg
	  New translations: Greek, Simplified Chinese, German, Polish.
	  Using the help command would generally crash fontforge on cygwin.
	  Adobe uses the American spelling of diaeresis (that is dieresis), but some
	  fonts contain glyph names with the European spelling. So add that as an
	  If a bdf font contained an unencoded .notdef glyph, then we crashed.
	  Adding Greek translations for font styles. (Thanks to Apostolos)
	  If we aren't dealing with a TeX math font, then the "Sub/super"script positioning
	  fields of Glyph Info-&gt;TeX aren't meaningful. So grey them out.
	  Remove internal/external did the wrong thing in expand stroke if we also
	  removed overlap and had counter-clockwise splines.
	  Alexej Kryukov points out that reverting a glyph with anchors lost the anchors.
	  Add simplified Chinese style names to our built-in lists.
	  Problem reading autotraced input.
	  The encoding change of last summer broke tfm output with glyph lists or extension
	  If add extrema added a point too close to a start/end point expand stroke
	  could generate NaNs.
	  FF could crash when adding extrema to an open contour.
	  Add Polish styles to the translation list.
	  Add a scripting function to set the gasp table.
	  Add support for the 'gasp' table.
	  Alexej Kryukov wants format 6 cmap tables.
	  After editing instructions the debugger would incorrectly complain that
	  instructions were out of date.
	  Michal Nowakowski complains that "Instructions are out of date" warning appears
	  too many times when doing a global transformation. Make it only pop up as
	  a dlg once and thereafter occur as a LogError.
	  If a font contained only space glyphs it could still be marked onlybitmaps
	  and not allow outline generation.
	  Show ATT did not translate scripts &amp; languages.
	  Parsing an empty list of ttf instructions crashed Michael Zedler's machine.
	  Make type1 generation use (essentially) the same subroutine mechanism as
	  Local subroutines were being freed twice in cff cid-keyed font generation.
	  Removing an alternate unicode encoding (Detach Glyphs) was broken in some
	  FF failed to perform some simplifications on the last spline of a closed
	  Various fixes for Michal N.
	  Add scripting interfaces to many of the ctype functions.
	  Add a scripting interface to the 'size' feature, now that Adobe has finally
	  decided what to do about 'size'.
	  Had the wrong title for kerning state machine dlgs.
	  Redo the preference dlg.
	  The two preference items, AlwaysGenApple, and AlwaysGenOpenType, were a bad
	  choice on my part and have lead to considerable confusion. I mentioned some
	  time ago that I would remove them if there were no objection.
	  There was no objection.
	  I have now removed them.
	  I also made the SetPrefs scripting function sort of work if the user tries
	  to set one of these (it will set the appropriate flags in the default option
	  set used by generate).
	  The defaults of these flags were different on the Mac from everywhere else.
	  This meant that a script could do different things on the Mac and on linux.
	  That seems like a bad idea. I have changed things so that the default options
	  setting for generate is always OpenType.
	  Patch from Michal Nowakowski to have ff number points after conversion to
	  Try to provide disambiguation for all strings "New" so that in languages
	  where "New" must agree in gender with the thing being created translators
	  will be happier.
	  Remove the po/ and redo the configure script to build it (so that
	  I don't have to modify it each time I get a new language).
	  Extend the knife tool so that if Meta (Alt) is held down it will move any
	  spline it intersects (rather than cutting the spline).
	  FF would crash if $HOME (the directory that is, not the environment variable)
	  did not exist.
	  I guess it makes sense that if ff read in a compressed sfd file then using
	  a simple File-&gt;Save command (not Save As) should produce another compressed
	  sfd file.
	  When scaling a reference in otf output we had problems if the reference had
	  more than one contour.
	  If we deleted many glyphs from a font we are sometimes left with kern pairs
	  pointing to things not worth outputting. Make sure we don't generate kerning
	  info for them.
	  Ligature carets were not being scaled by scale to em.
	  Patch from mfabian at suse.
	  If a user has a font with a glyph that is bigger than 16*em-size (in many
	  dimensions) and that user generates a tfm file, then warn him that the glyph
	  can't be expressed in a tfm file and truncate the size to the biggest legal
	  Attempt to mitigate the effects of X claiming to have a font when it doesn't.
	  Saving CID keyed fonts would look at garbage memory for its encoding data
	  if not saved from the biggest subfont.
	  Add support for version 4 of the OS/2 table.
	  If Interpretation was set in a font then when generating a 8/16 type cmap
	  fontforge always went down the traditional chinese (big5) branch.
	  MS has changed their indic shaping engine. It still uses the same features
	  but they are applied differently. To disambiguate this change they have created
	  a parallel set of script tags for the indic writing system. FontForge should
	  recognize these and use them when appropriate.
	  When Adobe first released fonts with a 'size' feature they did not follow
	  the opentype specification. In August of 2006 they announced an incompatible
	  change to bring fonts produced after that date in line with the specification.
	  Unfortunately there are programs which depend on the old, broken format.
	  Legacy programs will not work when given a font in the correct format. New
	  programs should be able to handle either correct or broken 'size' features.
	  A few of Adobe's programs make use of the 'size' feature, and XeTeX does.
	  I know of no others (besides font editors). Both intend to upgrade their
	  programs... So this may be less of an issue than I initially feared.
	  FontForge should now be able to read in a size feature in either format and
	  gives the user the option of producing 'size' features in either format on
	  For Japanese fonts we tried to use cp932 (a variant of sjis) but then halfway
	  through didn't know what to do with it.
	  Another fix for saving sub-opentype fonts from a cid font.
	  From a script, if a user asks to generate a ttf outline font with ttf bitmaps
	  from a database with no outlines then technically this isn't supposed to
	  work. But it used to and it's easy enough to tweak so that it works again.
	  <STRONG>Update to Unicode 5.0</STRONG>
	  Again when adding accents to the left of a glyph we should shift the glyph
	  over to give it a reasonable lbearing.
	  When building an accented glyph, we generally want use_my_metrics set on
	  the reference. But if we add an accent to right (horn) or left (psili/varia
	  on cap greeks) we want to turn it off. We did turn it off on the right side,
	  but not on the left.
	  Philipp Poll points out that ScaleToEm doesn't scale the OS/2 metrics (and
	  some other stuff). Actually it does, but font info did the scaling BEFORE
	  setting the values. So the metrics get scaled, and then reset to the values
	  in fontinfo (which usually means they don't get changed).
	  Fix some memory leaks.
	  Some fixes for pcf loading.
	  Various fixes to CID keyed fonts.
	  Even the pretty ttf approximation routines need to worry about diametrically
	  opposed control points.
	  When generating multiple type1 fonts, output the bounding box of each as
	  that of the full font. This will make it vaguely likely that applications
	  will get the same line spacing.
	  Oops. The vertical metrics bit wasn't preserved when flattening a cid font.
	  Ack! Window titles and such were being interpreted in Latin1 and not in UTF-8.
	  Interpretation of PostScript arc operator failed if the two angles were 360
	  degrees apart. Normalization made them both the same.
	  Try to clean up bitmap only sfnt generation.
	  pcf wasn't in the Open Font dialog format list (nor was pmf, nor pdf)<BR>
	  Add a filter for TeX bitmap fonts.
	  Provide a mechanism (if a preference item is set) for picking a cmap when
	  loading a font.
	  Add a pane to the Preference dlg allowing user to control some of fontforge's
	  hint creation.
	  Someone complained that Find Problems-&gt;Path Direction got the wrong answer.
	  It got the wrong answer because they had a self-intersecting path (which
	  screws up all concepts of in/out-side. So try to make it clear that they
	  should do a find intersecting paths first.
	  Update my opentype scripts list (in particular include music).
	  Due to a typo, ff thought pretty much everything outside unicode BMP was
	  in the hebrew script.
	  Add a new command to the point menu which allows you to specify a spline
	  and one coordinate (either X or Y) on that spline. FF will calculate the
	  other coordinate and add a point there.
	  CODE2000 contains an anchor class with only base glyphs (no mark glyphs)
	  as part of a set of anchor classes. FF crashed.
	  Patch by Nix. svg.c did not compile when designed to be linked directly with
	  libxml (instead of dlopening it).
	  Redo the font open dlg so that there's a list of standard filters and a mechanism
	  for changing that list. Remember the last filter used.
	  If a popup menu is huge it used to appear under the cursor. This meant that
	  even if the user didn't mean to s/he would have selected something and
	  press/release would not be a no-op. This was a problem with the Font Info
	  -&gt;TTF Names
	  Patch from SUSE. Use of uninitialized local variable. But the result is never
	  used, so just remove the offending lines.
	  Emulate gtk's boxes and use that to do automatic dialog layout. Get the font
	  info dlg working (and then several others too). This means that the layout
	  is no longer optimized for English, but will look better in other languages
	  (I hope).
	  Add an information to Font Info to display what unicode character ranges
	  are supplied by the font.
	  Philipp Poll points out that when generating versioned fonts (ie. Ambrosia-1.0
	  rather than just Ambrosia) you don't want the filename to default to the
	  fontname (the fontname will be Ambrosia), instead you want some way of specifying
	  a default filename. So add that to the Names pane of the Font Info dlg.
	  Try to keep track of font creation and modification times. NOTE: This is
	  different from file times (which is what appears to be stored in the 'head'
	  table of an sfnt file). Add a new table 'FFTM' to our sfnt output with these
	  timestamps (and the timestamp of fontforge itself, just in case we ever care).
	  Mark classes could not be set from the selection.
	  Ben Laenen points out that if an order2 glyph has a dependent which refers
	  to it using point matching and we keep changing the point number on the glyph
	  then we'll keep getting warning messages. He suggests one message.
	  Empty glyphs weren't marked with red Xs any more.
	  In font compare, when comparing two contextual/chaining lookups, I forgot
	  that class[0] was always NULL.
	  Open contours caused the ttf point renumberer to crash.
	  A font can have many kerning pairs. More than will fit in one GPOS subtable
	  (which essentially has a 64k data limit or a bit more than 10,000 kern pairs).
	  So be prepared to generate many sub-tables each dealing with a subset of
	  the (first) glyphs.
	  If an apple mutually exclusive feature had a default setting which wasn't
	  0 then my previous patch didn't work.
	  If guessing bluevalues found no OtherBlues, fontinfo-&gt;PS Private would
	  create an incorrect OtherBlues value [0]
	  Support clipboards containing image/svg
	  Ralf Stubner points out that the maximum zone size of bluezones is determined
	  by 1/BlueScale. So adjust BlueScale if the max zone is too big.
	  Merge fonts didn't merge anchors and got into a terrible mess. Let's merge
	  kern classes and state machines too. Merging kern classes may be a bad idea.
	  We don't really merge them we just copy them so that if the same glyph is
	  mentioned in two classes unexpected things might happen.
	  ff could crash on an sfd file containing erroneous anchors (such as might
	  be generated by the merge fonts command).
	  Once upon a time, Apple was so concerned about accuracy of floating point
	  operations that they required all operations be performed in IEEE extended
	  (80bit). This had the interesting side effect that a program which conformed
	  to Apple's standards could not also conform to ANSI C (which required operations
	  use double temporaries for double values). I find it somewhat ironic, therefore,
	  that gcc on the mac doesn't even promote floats to doubles. FF needs the
	  extra accuracy provided by a double (an extended type doesn't seem to provide
	  additional assistance unfortunately). So on the mac we got extrema that weren't,
	  which meant that remove overlap didn't.
	  If we had a mac feature which had multiple subtables (ie. a state machine
	  for a contextual substitution, and a non-contextual substitution too) then
	  we produced a bad chain in the morx table.
	  Merge &amp; Simplify would sometimes generate solutions using control points
	  which were diametrically opposed to what they should be.
	  Yet another attempt to do a better job of autohinting.
	  Add a "Revert to Backup" command.
	  Put code in to correct for single bit (sometimes double bit) errors when
	  search from extrema. This is at a lower level than the previous patch.
	  Output of extension lookups wasn't working
	  Fixed a problem in the ttf names pane of Font Info.
	  A slight improvement to magnifying by dragging a rectangle.
	  The first time you click on a transition in a Font Info-&gt;Mac SM-&gt;Indic
	  state machine, ff would crash.
	  Tihkomirov points out that it isn't clear how to delete a ttf name from the
	  name pane of fontinfo. So add some popup help. The language &amp; string
	  ID menus in that pane were sorted on the wrong key
	  Was not preserving (unparsed) tables properly. Several bugs.
	  When loading an apple bitmap font (with no hmtx tables) we need to dummy
	  up widths for the outline glyphs.
	  Apple's bitmap only fonts should not have an 'hhea' nor an 'hmtx' table<BR>
	  Dummy up outline glyph widths when we don't have a 'hmtx' table by looking
	  at bitmap widths for that glyph.<BR>
	  ftxvalidate complains if the vertical line metrics are 0. Even in a strike
	  with no vertical metrics information. So dummy something up.
	  Was getting the flags wrong for turning off features in an apple morx chain.
	  When outputing mark-to-base sub-tables with multiple marks I neglected to
	  output an NUL offsets for the anchors that weren't there. So if a glyph had
	  only one anchor (instead of two, or however many) then the offsets would
	  be all wrong.
	  The SetPref() scripting function was misdocumented to be called SetPrefs()
	  so accept both names.
	  When building an accented letter out of glyphs with an anchor class ff would
	  increase the advance width of the accented glyph by the size (xmax-xmin)
	  of the accent.
	  Expand the functionality of the ruler tool so that it also shows curvature.
	  When importing a bitmap font from a mac binary or an sfnt and the encodings
	  of the destination and the bitmap did not match, then things got rather screwed
	  up and might crash.
	  patch from KANOU. the ref check routine in glyphcomp compared one reference
	  to itself.
	  Type2 charstrings have no closepath operator. I used to think that meant
	  I could not omit the final vector. In fact it means I can omit the final
	  vector AND the closepath operator.
	  If we had a font with no complete code pages we used to generate a version
	  0 OS/2 table without codepage info. But now windows refuses to install such
	  a font. Instead generate a bogus codepage field which claims to have latin1
	  (even though it doesn't).
	  Windows won't use a font where the codepages field is 0.
	  When generating a FOND for a bitmap only sfnt, we created dummy 'NFNT' resources
	  with the wrong resource ids. Which meant we got garbage when the font was
	  Make the TabSets in the font &amp; glyph info dialogs run vertically rather
	  than hor izontally. (Add an option to get the old display back).
	  Approximate Spline from Point Slopes sometimes set the control point while
	  leavi ng the nonextcp flag on.
	  Add Extrema only looked at how close a point was to the extrema in one dimension.
	  While that dimension is more important, make a less stringent check on the
	  Expand Stroke removes "U-turns" from splines because they confuse it. But
	  the routine that did that got a bit rambunctious and did the wrong thing
	  on a circular arc.
	  If a font did not contain an OS/2 table then we didn't retain the 'hhea'
	  ascent/ descent.
	  Various fixes from Matthias Kilian of OpenBSD.
	  When asking for default 'subs' features, every glyph gets assigned U+2080.
	  Display the curvature information at each point. In Point Info dlg, and in
	  a pop up window when editing cps.
	  Add two new menu commands/scripting commands:
	      Canonical Start Points (CanonicalStart())
	      Canonical Contours (CanonicalContours())
	  The first sets the start point of each contour to the leftmost point, while
	  the second orders the contours by their leftmost points. This will slightly
	  reduce the size of output charstrings. It will also make more things available
	  to be put in subroutines.
	  Print Multi-Size &amp; Full Page printed the wrong glyphs from the font view.
	  Broken since the encoding change.
	  When stroking a contour that makes a 180degree turn, ff did not give it a
	  semi-circle if linejoin was set to round.
	  SPLCopyTranslatedHintMasks didn't work if there were more than one contour
	  being copied.
	  Nathan Summers points out that if the XUID is garbage the ff can go into
	  an infinite loop when generating an otf/cff font.
	  Somehow the XUID and UniqueID fields crept off the bottom of the fontinfo
	  Names p ane and weren't visible or modifyable. Give them their own pane now.
	  Apply some patches (with some changes) from Nathan Summers to the truetype
	  The property count in BDF fonts is wrong.
	  Ralf Stubner points out that the notdef glyph in an otf font should look
	  like that in a ttf font, and not like that in a type1 font. (that is there
	  should be something in the glyph).
	  Add support for group "encodings" which have empty spaces for unused glyphs.
	  make another attempt to find a good default sli for glyphs with no default
	  Typo in scripting function DefaultATT.
	  The View-&gt;Display Substitutions has been broken since the encoding change
	  last summer.
	  Mark glyphs with out of date instructions differently from those with no
	  The last change to the cvt table generally did not get made.
	  Make glyph compare check for point matching in anchor points and in references.
	  Add a warning message about out of date instructions when generating a font.
	  When generating a font with anchor points matched to ttf points, ff failed
	  to allocate enough space for them and offsets got all confused.
	  Oops. Some variables which should have been static were dynamic. Which meant
	  we kept dlopening libfreetype.
	  If we had an anchor point which positioned itself with point matching, and
	  we ge nerated an otf font then we'd output a lookup which tried to do point
	  matching i n postscript. Only do point matching if we are sure we're in a
	  tt font.
	  Add a preference item to control clearing of tt instructions.
	  Printing a multi-size page of a truetype font crashed.
	  Anchor Point dlg didn't work well with matching tt points.
	  Add a field to allow users to search for a glyph name within a kerning class.
	  Interesting. In kerning by classes, if the coverage table does not match
	  the glyphs specified in all the classes (for the first (left) glyph), then
	  any glyphs in the coverage table but not in any class should be treated as
	  being in class 0.
	  Add something to the font view's copy from menu to control whether truetype
	  instructions are copied or not.
	  Add some more problems to find problems
	      Check for glyphs with both contours and references.
	      Find out of date point matched references.
	      Find references with transformation matrices which can't be expressed (as
	      refs) in truetype
	      Find references with transformation matrices which aren't translations (and
	      so can't be expressed (as refs) in type1/2 fonts.
	  Allow the user to turn off composite info in afm files.
	  otf kerning classes were dumped in the wrong order.
	  In GaramondPremrPro.otf (version 001.000) Adobe has coverage tables (for
	  some context chaining subs) which have the glyphs mentioned multiple times.
	  I suppose this is legal, but it is annoying. I want my strings to have each
	  glyph appear at most once. So add a little thingy to remove duplicate glyphs
	  when we generate a list of glyph names.
	  Adobe has depreciated the use of PUA to represent small caps, old style numerals,
	  etc. Add a preference item so that ff will no longer recognize "" as
	  having a PUA encoding.
	  The tool tip for the preference item "NameListForNewFonts" was wrong.
	  Horizontal scrolling in the show att dlg was too slow. It was by pixel. Make
	  it be by something which approximates the width of a character.
	  Add a new scripting command to give a font's bounding box.
	  Sigh. Within a GPOS lookup, sub-tables are not additive. Only one will be
	  applied at a time. So order the 'kern' lookup so that pair-wise kerning comes
	  out first (to override class kerning).
	  Was sometimes outputting mkmk base-mark attachement points as the mark attachment
	  Clytie Siddall has many suggestions about how to make the translation process
	  easier for translators. He also tells me how to insert contextual comments
	  into the program source, and provides many fixes for typoes.
	  The OS/2 version 1,2 has a different defn of avgCharWidth than OS/2 version
	  3(,4) does. Display of CJK fonts is supposed to break under windows if using
	  the v3 defn.
	  Use the appropriate defn for the version we happen to be outputting.
	  Autohinting crashed on glyphs in an order2 font if the glyph contained both
	  an outline and a reference.
	  Pressing the help key in the main windows went to the overview page, not
	  to the contextual help for the window.
	  Add a warning when 'CFF ' widths and 'hmtx' widths differ (when loading a
	  Set the default and normative widths too late after the cff subroutine change.
	  Make double clicking in the list of kern pair/anchor combinations bring up
	  either Kern Pair Closeup dlg or Anchors Away.
	  The Anchor control dlg didn't work after the encoding change.
	  Add a popup message to explain what "Cor:" means.
	  Doing a Close() from a script didn't work if the windowing system were open.
	  Yet another bug in type1 hinting output.
	  Some versions of realloc don't like allocating 0 bytes.
	  Users expect ff to recognize a glyph name "Diaeresis", even though Adobe
	  (following standard American, but not European spelling) spells it "Dieresis".
	  GhostScript has canniptions when it gets a version 3 OS/2 table in a ttf
	  Can't add a flex hint when there's a hintmask at the mid point.
	  The hintmask part of PointInfo would not let you clear a hintmask.
	  Add a new command to the fontview: Edit-&gt;Select-&gt;Select by Name<BR>
	  and a new scripting command: SelectAllInstancesOf
	  Both will select all encoding slots containing the named glyph (or unicode
	  Add scripting command: RemoveDetachedGlyphs
	  Was setting typo linegap to hhead linegap.
	  Using the X clipboard to paste into the character view has been broken at
	  least since I added multi-layered editing.
	  Add a pref to control whether we prefer to use spacing or combining accents
	  when building accented glyphs.
	  Spacing in the group dlg was sometimes off.
	  More hinting fixes. If the edges of a stem aren't quite parallel we had problems
	  Add some new built in variables: $order, $em, $ascent, $descent
	  The 'TeX ' table was output incorrectly if glyph's order wasn't the same
	  in the sf as in the ttf.
	  Allow the [*] Back visibility checkbox to control whether the grid fit lines
	  are visible or not.
	  If scripting is in verbose mode, flush the output buffer before calling a
	  built in procedure (so any errors it generates will at least show the right
	  Ambrose LI points out that the master font in a cid keyed font should match
	  the ascent/descent of at least one of its subfonts (so that the
	  typoAscent/Descent f ields will default correctly).
	  Spend some quality time with valgrind looking (oh, and fixing) memory leaks.
	  Make ControlAfmLigatureOutput (scripting command) apply to ofm/tfm files
	  Oops. When parsing mac state machines I was using sizeof(long) when I should
	  have said sizeof(int32). It gave rather bad results on 64bit machines.
	  Add a scripting function to load a user defined cidmap file.
	  Hmm. sizeof(point)==8 on AMD64, but structures are aligned to 4. This means
	  our chunk alloc routines complain. So if we're given something that isn't
	  in units of sizeof(pointer) then just round it up.
	  lookup ordering within GSUB has been totally broken at least since I added
	  the code to coalesce lookups for kerning.
	  Kanou suggests changing function name that includes Char to be Glyph. Well
	  a few do really mean Char, but the rest should be Glyph. Leave the old names
	  there bu t document them as deprecated.
	  Make CID keyed fonts use the new subroutine mechanism too. We can use global
	  subrs now too!
	  Oops. Familyname can be NULL, and we were indescriminately checking to make
	  sure its length was less than 31.
	  Make a better use of subroutines when generating otf fonts. Doesn't work
	  for CID fonts yet.
	  We crashed if we changed from one cid sub-font to another when compacted.
	  Oops. I made ff work with ft22 if the debugger was being built... but it
	  failed to compile if people didn't build the debugger.
	  Oops a scripting function was marked as not needing a font when it did
	  (HasPreservedTable &amp; friends).
	  More for font compare. If there is a difference in a glyph in the two fonts
	  add the option for including the outlines of the second glyph into the first.
	  If the first font is missing a glyph, add an option to insert it with the
	  outlines in the background.
	  Good heavens, someone wants to play with acorn2sfd. Make it compile again.
	  Patch by Mike Frysinger from gentoo. Use the HOME environment variable in
	  preference to /etc/passwd.
	  Werner wants to see raw data in the points window of the debugger. My guess
	  is that most people won't be interested in this mode (and it makes the window
	  a bit uglier) so I've made it configurable. --with-debug-raw-points
	  Write sfddiff as a fontforge script and put it back into the install process.
	  Add code to font compare so it can do the old sfddiff --merge option (if
	  two corresponding glyphs differ, add the outlines of the second to the background
	  of the first).
	  Someone wanted acorn2sfd! Make it compile again.
	  Make configure look for libgif
	  Patch by Ian Jackson of Ubuntu. When in an empty glyph (one not WorthOutputting)
	  then doing a View-&gt;Show Grid Fit would cause a crash.
	  The PLRM says that formfeed is whitespace. The T1_Spec says that it is not.
	  After an eexec the T1_Spec is right (and ff was following the PLRM
	  Also add a check to insure that the first character we generate in pfb encryption
	  isn't a white space character.
	  On some windows systems (mine at least), windows will refuse to install a
	  postscript font if the fontname or familyname of that font is longer than
	  31 characters. These are the names in the Font Dictionary of the postscript
	  font itself, not the names in the 'name' table (for otf fonts).
	  Make ff compile with freetype 2.2.0
	  The popup menu of text fields was garbage.
	  Make a change to pfm output which might allow non windows ANSI encoded fonts
	  to work.
	  Allow the freehand tool to work in quadratic fonts.
	  Didn't always refigure splines properly when using Get Info in quadratic
	  mode. Patch by Michal Nowakowski.
	  Trying to invoke the KDE browser (for help) didn't work. Patch by Dimitar
	  Still losing instructions if contours begin with off-curve points.
	  if a font had a defined notdef glyph, then FF would usually enter it incorrectly
	  in the 'hmtx' table.
	  In the Select menu, Width had an extra underscore.
	  Wasn't looking in the right place to get the right weight name in an otf
	  People have been complaining about the UI for drawing quadratic (truetype)
	  curves. It was consistent with the UI for drawing cubic (postscript) curves,
	  but it seems hard to draw quadratics that way. Rather than concentrating
	  on the on-curve points (as in cubics), now concentrate on the off-curve points.
	  So the pen-tool behaves quite differently now in quadratic mode. As does
	  Element-&gt;Get info.
	  A patch added back in 2004 to make vertical substitutions work for Japanese
	  (to work around a bug in Windows to be precise) had a bug itself if more
	  than one language was involved.
	  When outputting an inline copy of a reference in otf fonts with translated
	  hintmasks we did the wrong translation for vertical stems and got garbage
	  New command to allow user to enter X,Y coordinates of a point and have that
	  point be selected. I want this for debugging. It might be useful generally.
	  Fixed problems with type2 subroutines containing glyphs with conflicts.
	  ReplaceWithReference had too large a fudge factor and found macron when it
	  should have found in minionpro-regular.
	  If an alternate/multiple subs had more than 30 components then we lost all
	  those after 30 when generating opentype GSUB table.
	  Hmm. Sometimes least squares does give the answer we want for merge. So give
	  it a try.
	  Patch by kanou to fix some translation problem.
	  In the shape tools (round rect, ellipse): Instead of generating a quadratic
	  shape at the start, generate a cubic shape and convert to quadratic. The
	  convert routine now knows about how to find integer control points and such.
	  Patch from Kanou to get more grid size values for looking at bitmaps.
	  If a glyph starts with a control point then ff would sometimes throw out
	  the ttf instructions, thinking it wasn't numbered properly.
	  A merge in a quadratic font produced a straight line. Even when it shouldn't
	  Change namelists to support non-ASCII glyph names.
	  Oops. Some hinting scripting commands had a "b" prepended to their name by
	  mistake. Sigh. From now on support both names.
	  When pasting a glyph with hints into an empty glyph, we shouldn't set the
	  "in need of autohinting" flag. (Actually, we might should if the original
	  copy were done in a glyph with out of date hints.... but that gets more
	  Patch to make loading bdf fonts more efficient.
	  Add Kanou's "fontview" font to the list of fonts searched by default for
	  the fontview window.
	  FF did not mark ghost hints as different from normal hints.
	  Interpolating fonts broke when I did the encoding change last summer.
	  Patch from Kanou to prevent the hash function from returning negative numbers.
	  (and crashing)
	  Add a menu and a scripting command to compare two fonts.
	  Oops. There's a stray underscore in a field in font info.
	  Refresh font view(s) after changing glyph name/unicode in glyph info in case
	  those are being displayed.
	  If a name entered in the goto dlg was a single unicode char, then goto would
	  treat it as such. Normally this is fine, but a user might use the underscore
	  character (for example) as a glyph name and not assign it to U+005F. So check
	  for the name too.
	  Rewrite the cubic-&gt;quadratic conversion code. It now looks much prettier
	  and tries to position intermediate points on integer (or half integer) locations
	  so there won't be unexpected rounding later. It's slightly less accurate
	  Many changes to the postscript hinting code.
	  If a glyph contained references but no alphabetic characters then Glyph Info
	  would crash.
	  Scripting command AskUser doesn't work unless FF_SCRIPT_IN_LATIN1 is set.
	  Patch by Kanou.
	  In some error messages I ended a sentence with a comma. Make it a full stop.
	  Patches from Kanou to make Japanese translation better.
	  Kanou points out that the code which handles modifications to the unicode
	  char textfield (in glyph info) complains about the wrong things and he provides
	  a patch.
	  Hand tool failed to scroll background images (probably failed on hints too).
	  When doing a copy splines with hintmask operation we neglected to refigure
	  the spline after transforming the end points. This was ok since we never
	  used that info -- except if the splines were quadratic and we needed to convert
	  to cubic. So when generating a ps font from a quadratic database, and the
	  font contained references with scaling/rotation/etc. then we'd get erroneous
	  In Find Problems, the Flipped Reference check could fail if the reference
	  contained a contours which intersected (themselves or each other).
	  Make ff aware of ExtraLight as a valid weight when setting a default value
	  for the PS weight string.
	  When the user clicked on a textfield with attached pulldown list, ff would
	  get an event saying the first entry on the list had been chosen. This meant
	  that the Tag dialog (used for new ligatures/substitutions/etc. would show
	  the first tag in the list instead of blank.
	  Include some glyph name synonems from Richard Kinch's TrueTeX list.
	  Determination of whether a ghost hint is top (-20) or bottom (-21) should
	  depend on the current contour, not on the glyph as a whole.
	  If a glyph consists solely of references then add
	  _&lt;ref-name-1&gt;_&lt;ref-name-2&gt;...&lt;ref-name-n&gt; to the list of
	  possible names. Sometimes also add uniXXXXXXXX.
	  Kanou wants to translate some more strings.
	  Barry.SCHWARTZ wants to be able to reencode a font to compact from a script.
	  Barry.SCHWARTZ points out that my "cfg" files contain no newlines. Shows
	  how much use they've received:-)
	  Barry.SCHWARTZ points out that when generating an afm file for an otf font
	  only the first 256 characters were given encodings.
	  Simplify much improved.
	  Make simplify for quadratic splines aware of the peculiarities of truetype.
	  So one simplification is to make a point interpolateable. And removing a
	  point is not always good if it means points that were interpolateable become
	  After examining (and stealing with permission) Huw Davies's code in
	  wine/tools/fnt2fon.c I believe I can now produce .fon files.
	  Add support for reading bitmap references (from an sfnt bitmap)
	  Patch by Kanou. cvknife didn't compile in one mode.
	  Typo in an error message
	  Add a command to show points of inflection (also change View-&gt;Mark Extrema
	  to show where extrema occur on a spline if not at the endpoints)
	  Patch by Michal Nowakowski. Uninitialized variable in simplify dlg.
	  glyph names for unencoded glyphs were always "uniFFFFFFFF" should be
	  "NameMe-&lt;n&gt; broken by last summer's encoding changes.
	  Werner wants CC (composite character) entries in afm for GPOS mark-to-base
	  The switch to utf8 last summer broke font info-&gt;Size
	  Allow users to ask for both 'GPOS' and old-style 'kern' tables. FontLab does
	  this. The OpenType list is generally disapproving of the idea.
	  If we tried to put more than about 10000 kerning pairs into one old-style
	  kerning sub-table then we'd overflow various shorts. So split it up after
	  about 10000 kp into several different sub-tables.
	  Round to Int screwed up interpolated points.
	  When generating a tfm file don't generate a width bigger than 16*em-size
	  (even if the font says to) because TeX will throw it out.
	  Alexey Kryukov's patch to fix an error message.
	  Printing a CID keyed truetype font to a pdf file produced a very odd ordering
	  of glyphs (compacting some and omitting others and getting errors when it
	  ran out of glyphs but asked for more).
	  Alexey Kryukov suggests repunctuating an error message.
	  Johan Winge suggests an improvement to converting cubic splines to quadratic:
	  If we end up using a line when looking at the spline as a whole, try breaking
	  it at the point(s) of inflection first. It seems like a good idea.
	  Johan Winge also points out that I identify points as tangents when they
	  should not be. This is because I use one measure of sloppiness no matter
	  how close the cps are to the base point when determining colinear. It's probably
	  best to have a variable measure depending on how far the cp is from the base
	  Alexey Kryukov thinks Add Unencoded Slots should work in the compacted view
	  by making the thing have a custom encoding.
	  Scripting reencode didn't get rid of the "compacted" mark.
	  Ralf Stubner points out that I produce type1 charstrings which end in "seac
	  endchar" when a simple "seac" is sufficient. He's right.
	  When generating opentype tables in from a single sub-font of a cid-keyed
	  font (ie. user asked for a ttf font generated from one sub-font) ff would
	  We didn't hint bold fonts well (anything where stems were bigger than em-size/10)
	  When generating a type1 font with a glyph containing a reference that had
	  to be unlinked, then the vertical stems in that reference would not be hinted.
	  When guessing points at which to attach hints in type1/2 read in we failed
	  if the points were too widely spaced. Be a bit more lenient.
	  SetCharName didn't check its flag value properly.
	  Uncompacting a font caused memory problems.
	  Fix simple crash in metafont.
	  When importing unencoded glyphs into an already existing font, we would sometimes
	  fail to find the matching glyph (and would create a new one).
	  If a font contain an encoded glyph called ".notdef" and that glyph was not
	  the first glyph, then type1 fonts had a .notdef glyph at a random place in
	  the font. Now freetype seems to renumber glyphs so .notdef is always glyph
	  0 which fontforge did not expect and produced some strange results when
	  rasterizing (tested on 2.1.10). Fix is simple: always make notdef be first
	  in the chars dictionary and then all is happy.
	  Add new scripting command to compare two glyphs. I want this for testsuites,
	  other people might find a use for it.
	  gniibe reports that the scripting function Export() produces bitmap images
	  with the wrong format and provides a patch.
	  Instead of refusing to do expand stroke/remove overlap for order2 fonts,
	  why not convert the contours to order3, do the function and convert back.
	  Once more we are numbering points badly.
	  If we clear a glyph which is being referred to (and we don't unlink it first)
	  then when we save it into an sfd file we get a reference to a glyph at orig_pos
	  -1 (because the cleared glyph isn't stored in the sfd) which causes an error
	  when reading it back in.
	  If a copyright message were an exact multiple of 100 characters long, fontforge
	  would screw up memory (and potentially crash) when reading it in from an
	  sfd file.
	  The Merge/Simplify command (which Add Extrema now calls) had problems when
	  the control points were very close to the base point so that the point was
	  (to the human eye) a corner point.
	  Add support for the r2l script N'Ko. MS says opentype will use script 'nko
	  ', ISO says the tag should be 'nkoo'. Follow opentype.
	  Kanou tells me that Syriac &amp; Thaana are also r2l scripts and should be
	  added to my list.
	  If FF was given multiple fonts on the command line the sizes of the font
	  windows would jump around in a very peculiar fashion.
	  Add the concept of a namelist. Users can specify what names they want for
	  new glyphs, or can force an entire font into a new naming scheme. Changes
	      Generate (Family)
	      and the Encoding menu.
	      New scripting functions:
		  Extended Generate (scripting) to take a namelist argument.
	  If users didn't have libuninameslist installed we were still generating spurious
	  ligatures for numero and TM. (and others)
	  KANOU points out that if you comment out a bdf glyph (with COMMENT) fontforge
	  sort of reads it anyway.
	  Kanou needs to distinquish between the script latin and the language.
	  SplineRemoveAnnoyingExtrema1 got tweaked a little too much in attempting
	  not to generate insane control points.
	  If you try to create a bitmap only sfnt but provide pixelsizes for no valid
	  bitmap strikes, the fontforge would crash.
	  Chia points out that I should use the PIXEL_SIZE property to set a bdf font's
	  pixelsize (instead of using font ascent+descent).
	  Trying to rasterize a glyph with a coordinate of 1e7 caused a crash.
	  The change to make Add Extrema remove points near the extrema failed to consider
	  the possbility that some of those points might be corner.
	  In Gentium Roman, when searching for bluevalues, the baseline is further
	  than 1 standard deviation from the mean of glyph ymin. Change the range searched
	  so that 0 is always included.
	  In Font Info-&gt;PS Private, if we selected OtherBlues and pressed [Guess]
	  it did not change the OtherBlues value.
	  The gettext patch changed Histograms-&gt;Blue Values menu item into a line.
	  When changing the order of a font, ff would ask if you minded losing the
	  undoes. There's no point in asking the question if the font hasn't been modified
	  (it has no undoes).
	  The Point Info dlg should enforce that curved points cps are colinear (so
	  if the user changes one cp, the dlg should change the other to be in the
	  opposite direction.
	  There was a path though PointInfo that called SplineRefigure3, which meant
	  that splines got marked as cubics even when they should have been quadratics.
	  Using a rotated elliptical pen in expand stroke did not work
	  Add a homedir button to the file chooser dialogs.
	  Make the Import() scripting command accept {bdf,pcf}.gz files
	  Reading utf7 (ttf name) strings from an sfd file was broken if one of the
	  characters had bit 15 (high bit) set and its position in the string mod 3
	  was 1.
	  My horizontal line metrics in the sfnt bitmap strike header were incorrect
	  Use the horizontal line metrics (if they work) to set the ascent/descent
	  of a bitmap strike.
	  The change to fold all COMMENTS into one bdf property broke the sfnt 'BDF
	  ' table routines.
	  Change AddExtrema so that if an extremum is very close to an old point it
	  will add the extremum and then remove the old point.
	  Redid how bdf properties were handled
	      I had the definitions of some properties slightly wrong
	      I was generating some obsolete properties
	      When I generated CHARSET_ENCODING for iso8859 encodings I had an extraneous
	      "-" in the value.
	      retain the properties when loading a bdf, pcf font
	      Add a dialog which gives user control over bdf properties
	      design a 'BDF ' table for SFNT files which can contain bdf properties and
	      make FontForge read and generate this table.
	  Ted Packard points out that I output "big metrics" in sfnts inconsistently.
	  This patch should make them consistent and right.
	  Restore "compact" views to their old glory. Ie. they can now be uncompacted
	  (and uncompaction happens automagically when generating a font).
	  When reading a GenTags: line from an sfd file stored with CRLF line terminators,
	  the next line would be lost.
	  ff couldn't handle xrefs which were broken in bits in pdf files?
	  When reading a ttf font from a pdf file we found no encoding info. This caused
	  us to crash because various routines expected an encoding map. Add a dummy
	  (Original) map if not exists.
	  Wasn't numbering points in references properly.
	  Gleep! Ever since the gettext code went in, the Generate fonts dlg has refused
	  to generate "No Outline Font" and "No Bitmap Font".
	  Herbert Duerr from OpenOffice tells me that their OpenSymbol.ttf font when
	  produced by fontforge does not work on Win98. This is because Win98 doesn't
	  like the codepages bits ff produces and refuses to use any glyphs in the
	  font. He submitted a patch to make ff produce a version 0 OS/2 table (with
	  no codepage info) for this font. Win98 will accept it then. His patch was
	  against an earlier version of ff and needed to be modified for the current
	  Patch by Raph Levien which finally shows me how to use FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap
	  If the user has never called PrintSetup (or if the user has not called PrintSetup
	  this session and has not loaded prefs), then fontforge will invode setpagedevice
	  on a pagesize which will fit on either A4 or US-Letter. The PS manual says
	  a printer should refuse such a size unless it has paper within 5 points of
	  it. So on printers which follow the spec (not mine) nothing will print as
	  it waits for paper.
	  Now if the pagesize has not been set, don't specify a PageSize to setpagedevice.
	  The PrintSetup scripting command should not require a font.
	  Add a mechanism so that users can prevent ff from making a point implicit.
	  Useful in that point needs to be instructed.
	  New copyright notices for 2006
	  Make the pen tool work better with quadratic splines (make it default to
	  having control points which cause the point to be implicit).
	  Order2 elipses were not drawn accurately.
	  Point numbers sometimes didn't get properly renumbered after changes. If
	  we have references &amp; splines in a (truetype) glyph then show the numbers
	  as "?".
	  When a charview displays numbered (truetype) points, then it shows all the
	  control points. But the control points are not selectable. This is not a
	  good thing, so make them selectable.
	  The font display to pdf did not include a title at the top of each page.
	  Peter Denisevich points out that when we print something we say "%%Pages
	  atend" instead of "%%Pages (atend)". And the latter is correct.
	  Werner points out that my type1 (and type1 cid) fonts contain a
	  %%DocumentSuppliedResource line, and they should not. The next level up should
	  do that when it includes the font.
	  Show .xpm files as images we support in import image dlg. We've always supported
	  them, might as well show them.
	  Check the glyph class when deciding what anchor to use.
	  Anshuman Pandey wants to be able to set the glyph's GDEF class. I've never
	  understood why the default behavior wasn't good enough, but it's easy to
	  One of the fields in Glyph Info had some garbage initialization.
	  Add a default anchor point type to the AddAnchorPoint scripting command.
	  FF will try to guess an appropriate value.
	  Add some standard window sizes to the fontview window. I'm tired of having
	  the windows sized to other people's standards whenever I review a bug.
	  There was a path through expand stroke where a control point was marked as
	  non-e xistant by mistake.
	  Expand Stroke would leave contours with the reversed orientation if it had
	  to do a remove overlap internally.
	  Oops. The routine to save the encoding prefs file could not handle an encoding
	  KANOU points out that the origin pulldown list in the transform dlg was not
	  being translated.
	  In the preference dlg all of the [...] file browsers had the title "Call
	  Script" which isn't appropriate for most of them.
	  Typing .* and pressing [Filter] did not show hidden files in the file chooser.
	  the code to check for intersections failed to check if there were a crossover
	  in the last tiny section of a spline before its end.
	  Was generating ofm files when creating bdf fonts. Seems unnecessary.
	  Was producing a EBLC table with bad first/last values for first glyphs.
	  Hmm. Not all systems have tzset. Add a configuration option for it.
	  In scripting, a return within a loop sent ff into an infinite loop.
	  Kanou's patch for adding a new flag to scripting Import, to clear out the
	  layer first.
	  Patch from KANOU to add SetGlyphChanged scripting function.
	  If an implied point became real, this fact was not reflected on the display
	  until the user forced a point renumbering.
	  A mouse click in an empty metrics view references garbage memory -- And crashed
	  Kanou's session.
	  Loading a large bitmap font left bits of the backmap of the encoding map
	  Loading a pcf font caused a crash.
	  Moving the control points of an implied point should move the implied point.
	  And we should indicate which points are implied so this behavior doesn't
	  Michal Nowakowski points out that renumbering points in a glyph should turn
	  off point matching in references.
	  Add support for bitmaps with vertical metrics.
	  Wasn't storing the vendor id in the OS/2 table properly.
	  Rounding error present on PPC which was absent on *86 machines.
	  Werner would like pixel size info to show on the title of a charview when
	  Added a new menu command "Point-&gt;Center Between Control Points" for truetype.
	  When manipulating menus with keys (rather than mouse) Werner found a crash.
	  Creating the first bitmap view might cause a crash -- depending on how the
	  linker organized memory.
	  Loading an sfd file now checks to see if there are any glyphs with splines
	  in them, and if there are not turns on the onlybitmaps flag. Someone pointed
	  out that if you inadvertantly edit in the outline view -- even if it is nothing
	  significant, then the font is forever after marked as outline. This isn't
	  a perfect fix, but it will prevent the worst from happening.
	  Use GNU gettext rather than my nomen routines to handle translation of the
	  Add support for plugins.
	  I added a check in parsing tfm files to make sure I didn't read outside the
	  bounds of the kern table. But the table size was expressed in ints (32 bit
	  units), and my index was in bytes, so I frequently exceded it.
	  If we used Get Info on a reference in a ttf font, and that reference did
	  NOT do point matching we would generate an inappropriate error.
	  My support for using endchar as seac in type2 fonts only worked in bare cff
	  fonts, it did not work if the cff were inside an sfnt wrapper (opentype).
	  I have decided that I will now store all postscript strings in utf8 (copyright,
	  weight, familyname, etc.) They SHOULD all be ascii. But the occasional copyright
	  mark would sneak in. We went into an infinite loop on one such because that
	  was an illegal utf8 string. So fix a number of problems related to this.
	  Switch from using an internal routine to using freetype to rasterize b&amp;w
	  bitmaps when debugging ttf instructions.
	  Make the gridfit/debug settings sticky across invocations (store in prefs).
	  Add popup info showing the level of greyness in a truetype font being debugged
	  in anti-alias mode.
	  Werner suggests altering the dynamic range of anti-aliased rasters in the
	  charview so that the outlines remain visible behind them.
	  Make the background color of the debugger raster window configurable by the
	  If a curved point had no control point in one direction, then ff thought
	  it had no direction and felt free to change it. It should inherit the direction
	  from the other side of the point. This was even more confusing if the point
	  went through a two step process, first simplifying one side into a line (losing
	  the cp) then simplifying the line away (losing the direction).
	  Use a better algorithm to indicate changed pixels. (in debug window)
	  Screwed up View-&gt;Show Grid Fit... in Mono mode.
	  Werner wants to be able to see grey scale rasters while debugging truetype.
	  He also points out that if the instruction before the end of instructions
	  changes pixels, ff would leave them marked "changed" even after finishing
	  the instructions.
	  We were getting multiple error windows.
	  Don't allow users to add instructions to a glyph containing both a reference
	  and contours. Or a glyph where a reference is scaled more than 200%. (tt
	  doesn't allow these combinations so the references need to be copied inline)
	  Typo in remove overlap caused bad bug in feta26. Error introduced 15 Sept.
	  Further work on what makes a spline linear.
	  The utf7 output routine in sfd did not convert from utf8 properly.
	  Panov has found yet another error in simplify. Be really exuberant about
	  turning splines that trace out lines into lines.
	  Panov finds another bug:
	      If we change the unicode value of a glyph, then we also need to change
	      the unicode value of any references to that glyph.
	  Panov presents four more bugs:
	      If an sfd file contains an unencoded glyph, it will crash
	      Force Encoding-&gt;Original will crash if there's a bdf font missing some
	      characters (ie. the piecemeal display font)
	      Goto Dlg tried to free an uninit value
	      Goto Dlg contained a string initialized by latin1 rather than utf8.
	  Hmm. the changedsincelasthinted flag doesn't apply to truetype. The equivalent
	  thing (I guess) is not having any instructions on a glyph with splines.
	  Panov wants a way to build up arrays using easier syntax than: create array,
	  assign each element.
	  Sometimes we would get both an EUC-CN and a GB2312packed entry in the Encoding
	  Create a plugin for GB12345, and treat it (in sfnt tables) as GB2312.
	  Add a new scripting funtion: NearlyLines to convert almost linear splines
	  to linear.
	  Tweak AddExtrema so that it doesn't create Extrema points which are too close
	  to the endpoints.
	  Didn't terminate an array of answer strings to a question dialog.
	  Fixed a crash in stem database.
	  More work on the mac install procdure.
	  Redo the install documentation on the website &amp; in the readmes
	  Add a hack to the directory browser so that on cygwin getting a directory
	  listing of "/" will include the magic (fake) directory /cygdrive (which gives
	  access to the rest of the PC)
	  Add a new scripting funtion: NearlyLines to convert almost linear splines
	  to linear.
	  Tweak AddExtrema so that it doesn't create Extrema points which are too close
	  to the endpoints.
	  I was dumping all opentype ligatures into an ofm(tfm) file. But I should
	  probably only add 'liga' and 'rlig' ligatures.
	  Omega has a bug where it thinks 0 width glyphs do not exist. Which means
	  it thinks none of the combining accents, etc. exist. So force the width of
	  any zero width glyphs to be the smallest positive width.
	  When reading ttf/otf fonts, FF gave alternate substitutions (and multiple
	  subs?) a tag of 0.
	  Add two scripting routines to allow people to read &amp; write strings from
	  and to files. One string per file.
	  The ClearTable scripting command parsed the table's tag incorrectly.
	  Try to make the Mac install a bit more mac-like by adding an entry to the
	  X11 Applications menu rather than expecting users to start fontforge from
	  the command line.
	  David Binderman points out an out of bounds array reference in cvexport which
	  has been there for years. Gleep.
	  Add scripting commands for manipulating ttf instructions.
	  I added the following new scripting functions:
	  Daniel Gillmor points out there is no way to set the OS/2 Width field from
	  a script. He then provided a patch with two new functions which does this.
	  I realize there is no way to set any of the OS/2 values (except panose),
	  and there should be (and to retrieve them too).
	  I added the following new scripting functions:
	  A number of fixes for ofm files.
	  When outputting mark-to-base lookups with multiple anchor classes, ff would
	  put a base glyph in the coverage table several times if it was used by several
	  mark classes. Bad.
	  KANOU points out that I was using too strict a rule for parsing svg polygons.
	  OFM output was not working in fonts with lots of kerning combinations.
	  A number of fixes for ofm files.
	  Add default 'nukt' "ligature" substitutions to appropriate Devanagari characters
	  The patch to the routine determining what glyphs got output broke bitmap
	  only fonts.
	  Ofm files didn't contain ligatures.
	  The ofm patch broke tfm output.
	  Add support for generating &amp; parsing ofm files (I hope)
	  If I tried to generate a font from an absolutely empty fontdb (ie. a new
	  one) then I'd get a stupid error about how .notdef was at encoding -1 and
	  this was a bad idea.
	  Add 4 new information types to scripting GlyphInfo
	      * LayerCount
	      Number of layers in glyph (usually 2)
	      * RefCount
	      Number of refs in glyph
	      * RefNames
	      Returns an array of all reference names (may be 0 length)
	      * RefTransform
	      Returns an array of all reference transforms
	  Don't mark glyphs with widths other than 1em as being worth outputting (require
	  widthset). Used to use both (because in the early days, before pfaedit moved
	  to sourceforge even, the widthset bit didn't exist). Now there are too many
	  cases w here glyphs are created with a width other than 1em (marks, glyphs
	  in monospace fonts (where the space is anything but 1em)).
	  When printing a type3 pdf font, give it a name. Not required, but so what.
	  Patch from Michal Nowakowski. When editing truetype instructions using my
	  prefix notation for numbers, there was a crash if a number needed a word
	  (rather than a byte).
	  Add some support for reading fonts out of a pdf file.
	      Limitted support for pdf type3 (no images)
	      Only support (Hex, 85, Flate, RLE)Decode filters (no support for lzw, fax,
	      JBIG, DCT)
	  The routine to build the stem database (autohint) would set up a point database
	  and then call a routine to convert all splines into a set of monotonics.
	  But that routine could remove 0 length splines (and the points attached),
	  which would mean our point db would be wrong.
	  Stefan Wanger suggests some patches to fix memory leaks.
	  Stefan Wanger gave me a type2 font which used type1 flex conventions (calling
	  othersubrs, etc.) There is no othersubrs operator in type2, nor any place
	  to store othersubrs subroutines. But it is easy enough to support, so why
	  not. Warn that it's an illegal font, of course.
	  Stefan Wanger gave me a font containing the utf8 byte order mark in a fontname
	  ( in a CFF Name Index). PostScript says FontNames are printable ASCII. But
	  it's easy enough to skip over it.
	  Stepan Roh points out that in a monospace font, combining glyphs should default
	  to the mono-width while in a proportional font they should default to 0 width
	  (or perhaps 1 em-unit for compatability with old idiotic windows systems).
	  Use the panose field to determine if a font is monospace.
	  Actually ALL glyphs in a monospace font should default to the mono-space
	  width rather than 1em.
	  New dialog: Hints-&gt;Edit 'maxp'... Gives user access to number of functions
	  defined, the stack depth, storage usage, number of twilight points, which
	  ff can't figure out for you.
	  Figured out how to make transparent images work on cygwin
	  Michal Nowakowski points out that negative values are duplicated in cvt.
	  Patch from Michal Nowakowski fixing crash when setting size of cvt table
	  to 0.
	  Add utf8 entry points for many (ucs2) routines. Minimal ability to draw non-BMP
	  glyphs now with <A HREF="nonBMP/index.html">bdf fonts</A> with encodings:
	  *-UnicodePlane-1 (for plane 1), *-UnicodePlane-2 (for plane 2), etc.
	  Add a menu command to add values from the private dict into the cvt table
	  (BlueValues, StemSnaps).
	  The Edit cvt window usually failed to draw anything in itself when it popped
	  up (subsequent refreshes were ok).
	  Patch from Michal Nowakowski to improve memory usage in auto instr.
	  Printing sample text was broken in fonts with no kerning classes.
	  cygwin does very weird things with shared libaries, and we didn't support
	  them at all.
	  FontForge did not support the depreciated usage of endchar to mean (almost)
	  seac in type2 charstrings. It should now.
	  os2 typo linegap was not read out of sfd files.
	  Display 'gai' files in the open dlg.
	  I got some mnemonics wrong. Fix 'em up.
	  bdftopcf will use the glyph encoded at 0 as the default glyph if there is
	  no explicit DEFAULT_CHAR. It seems happy with a DEFAULT_CHAR of -1 to mean
	  no default, so use that if we don't want glyph 0 to be the default.
	  when outputting bdf, fnt or pt3 bitmap fonts with no outline font generated,
	  we'd get filenames like foo-*-13.bdf. Get rid of the "-*".
	  Support point numbering of composites even when not debugging.
	  Michal Nowakowski points out that the cvt editor crashed if we changed the
	  length of the table.
	  Provide two new scripting functions:
	  These search all selected glyphs, looking for any references in those glyphs
	  with the given name/unicode value, and then translating the reference by
	  (xoff,yoff) or positioning the reference absolutely at (x,y).
	  ff failed to read horizontal metrics properly from a type2 CFF CID font.
	  In most cases this would be masked by the fact that ff would correct the
	  bad width values by reading the hmtx table. But if one had a bare CFF font,
	  or a 'gai' font where there is no external source of widths, ff would get
	  things wrong.
	  Alexej Kryukov points out that most entries in the private dict should be
	  scaled when we do a ScaleToEm.
	  Fix a couple of problems with cid font display that "gai" fonts expose.
	  Michal Nowakowski points out that I generated truetype instructions --- and
	  then forgot to attach them to the glyph. Whoops.
	  Loading extensible glyph information from a tfm file was broken by the encoding
	  ff did not read AAT classes (kerning classes, etc) properly. It read one
	  extra element which could cause problems
	  Cleanup svg output for kerning classes with no members.
	  Out of bounds array reference in OS2FigureCodePages caused a crash on the
	  When loading a type1 font we failed to set the unicode encoding on seac
	  references. This probably broke lots of things, it certainly broke replace
	  with reference.
	  Add a DefaultRoundToGrid scripting function to set the Round-to-Grid truetype
	  reference bit (basically set it whenever we have a reference which isn't
	  point matched).
	  Add support for truetype point matching in references and anchor points
	  Improve the debugging heuristic that notices when we've jumpped to a new
	  routine to work better with composites
	  If I attempted to debug a glyph with no instructions there was a race condition
	  and if the race was won one way, ff would hang.
	  We weren't numbering points in a composite. This was only obvious when we
	  did a View-&gt;Show Grid Fit on a composite glyph.
	  When debugging a composite glyph, ff forgot that some references are translated
	  (or scaled or rotated), and failed to display this.
	  FF failed to keep track of the truetype "RoundToGrid" bit which applies to
	  In the Points window of truetype debugging, if the penultimate point of a
	  contour was interpolated, then the contour boundary was drawn in the wrong
	  Use to store debugging dpi/pointsize in the charview. Werner suggests that
	  it be global (so different glyphs will all share the same defaults).
	  Some Unicode code blocks have moved (probably those which only in the pipeline
	  or some such), and some others have been added to the pipeline.
	  Can't use a subroutine to refer to a translated glyph which contains flex
	  hints in type1 output.
	  Hide another problem with rounding errors in remove overlap.
	  Don't produce multiple warnings about the local encoding.
	  In quadratic fonts the Remove Overlap menu item is disabled, but if you use
	  the hotkey the command is invoked (with disasterous results).
	  Typo in point info code to determine whether a hint mask contains conflicts
	  (matched vertical hints against horizontal ones)
	  Added a scripting command DefaultUseMyMetrics() to set the use_my_metrics
	  bit in old fonts.
	  &nbsp;&nbsp; When ff pastes refs from one font to another it tries to figure
	  out the width of a glyph containing references from the width of what appears
	  to be the base glyph. (because if you paste Aacute from one font to another,
	  the size of the "A" glyph may be quite different in the new font. Using the
	  width of the glyph in the original font would be wrong).
	  There are two problems with this:
	      It didn't take forward references into account, and would use the original
	      width rather than the modified width of the reference.
	      It would (probably) be confused by an Alphatonos where the width of Alphatonos
	      is not the same as that of Alpha.
	  instead figure widths out after all pastes have completed, looking at the
	  use_my_metrics bit to get things right.
	  Handle forward references to glyphs which will be pasted into by the current
	  command (used to work, broken by the encoding change)
	  Various fixes for pasting references from a font which has since been closed.
	  Support the ttf "_USE_MY_METRICS" bit on composite glyphs. This entails:
	      Retaining it when reading a truetype font
	      Setting properly when generating one
	      Storing it in sfd files
	      Giving the user a way to set it with the Element-&gt;GetInfo command
	  ff crashed when given a bdf font with multiple glyphs with the same name
	  Try to avoid generating bdf fonts with multiple glyphs with the same name.
	  This happened when a single glyph was mapped to several encodings, a concept
	  bdf doesn't support. Now when it looks like this will happen we rename the
	  Uninitialized variable in dependant sub-menu (broken by encoding change)
	  Pasting a reference into a font which did not contain the referred glyph
	  did not give you the option of copying the original outlines any more. (broken
	  by the encoding change)
	  Merging fonts where glyphs had multiple encodings caused crashes.
	  I'm very old fashioned. I like having error messages on stderr. But far too
	  many people don't see them there. I guess they invoke fontforge directly
	  from X with stderr directed to some invisible console window. Well create
	  a little window to contain warning messages about font errors (for instance
	  when reading an otf font we might complain about glyphs out of bounds, etc.)
	  Add support for postscript bitmap fonts. This means:
	      Ability to parse (simple forms of) the imagemask ps operator
	      Code to detect that a type3 is a ps bitmap, and convert it into a normal
	      bitmap font that people can edit.
	      Bitmap output as a ps type3 font (using imagemask)
	      Fixing a bug in my output routines which worked fine for images in eps files,
	      but failed horribly if that same code was stuffed into a charproc and executed
	      on demand.
	  ff could not handle an encoding specified as a simple array. (Not allowed
	  in typ e1 spec, but obvious for a type3)
	  And ff's handling of any type3s was broken by the encoding patch.
	  If a font contained fewer than 256 glyphs, then ff failed to load a format0
	  cmap subtable properly.
	  In fontinfo, changed the tab "TTF Values" to be "OS/2", consolidated the
	  Panose tab underneath it. Added many more fields, almost all of OS/2.
	  Fixed a number of uninitialized variables, at the instigation of Pavel Roskin.
	  Applied several patches from Pavel Roskin.
	  The scripting WorthOutputting command insisted on an argument, even when
	  it should not have.
	  Scripting SetCharCnt command has been broken since the encoding change.
	  The mac fix for 25-Aug wasn't quite enough.
	  I used to maintain a hidden value of the os2 linegap. This didn't change
	  when users set linegap with font info, leaving users annoyed.
	  It used to be that both the Hint-&gt;Add Hint and Hint-&gt;Create Hint commands
	  would destroy all hint masks. Now we update those hint masks appropriately.
	  The "Original" encoding was broken, and reencoding to it gaves us 256 blank
	  glyphs before glyph0. Sigh.
	  The CodeRange bit for symbol doesn't mean the font contains any standard
	  set of "symbol" glyphs, but rather either that it has a 3,0 cmap sub-table,
	  or that there are glyphs mapped to 0xf000-0xf0ff in the 3,1 (unicode) sub-table.
	  Setting this bit should give you a symbol encoding as well as all the other
	  encodings you've set bits for. It doesn't work under windows. It doesn't
	  work. TrueType fonts do not provide a symbol encoding, while 'CFF ' fonts
	  only provide a symbol encoding. But hey, let's support it anyway!
	  change View-&gt;Goto to know about this range as MS Symbol.
	  Importing an eps file (or pasting the x clipboard) made use of an uninitialized
	  variable. (introduced 7-Aug)
	  Cleanup pasting references from one font to another (gave some very strange
	  results when pasting refs with no unicode encodings).
	  Recode the mac resource fork routines so that they no longer use the FSSpec
	  structure. 10.4 complains about it.
	  Bug in mm font charstring generation.
	  If a font contained mac feature setting names, then when ff generated it,
	  ff would produce duplicate entries in the 'name' table for these guys. One
	  for the name in the font itself, and one for the name ff thought that feature
	  setting should have.
	  Nobody else puts apple unicode names into the 'name' table so I probably
	  should not either. Adobe says one should not. Apple's website implies one
	  should -- but Apple doesn't and its ttf website is not very accurate.
	  When ff generated a ttf/otf font with applemode set and opentype off then
	  the font would have version 'true'. Which means windows would reject it.
	  That's probably not a good idea given that this situation is default on the
	  mac -- even if we don't have a GSUB/GPOS table we should at least let the
	  glyphs show on windows.
	  On the other hand some people might want to make fonts that only work on
	  macs. So add a configure flag.
	  ff couldn't undo changing the lig carets (if it weren't compiled for multilayer)
	  Copying a pairwise positioning left memory in a bad state.
	  Coalesce all lookups with the same feature &amp; script lang. This makes
	  ATM happy about kerning on windows.
	  When rasterizing a multilayer font we would sometimes get warnings from the
	  stroker about how the stroke self-intersected. Get rid of those warnings.
	  Pasting from a multilayered font into a normal one crashed
	  If an order2 font were turned into a PS font, then characters with hint conflicts
	  got no hints.
	  Makers of fonts on the mac often use out of bound GIDs as flags in contextual
	  su bstitutions. What I have seen is that one sub-table will insert such a
	  "glyph" w hen a match is found, and then the next sub table will remove the
	  flag, and perf orm subsequent transformations. This is important on the mac
	  because there is a limited number of substitutions that can happen once a
	  match is found, but if a match is found at the start (ie. the match being
	  some magic marker glyph) then u nlimited substitutions are available. When
	  ff first stumbled on these fonts it crashed, then it treated a gid&gt;glyph_cn
	  t as an error (and so it ignored the substitution). I've just put in code
	  that c reates dummy glyphs for all these bizarre GIDs so (I hope) the font
	  will work af ter passing through ff (only there will be some real blank glyphs
	  at the end of the font rather than vaper-ware glyphs).
	  The Active Hints pane (of Point Info) didn't always work if a glyph had more
	  than one contour.
	  Be more canny in the use of subroutines for references in type1/2 output.
	  When generating contextual lookups, ff did not set the lookup count between
	  gpos and gsub. So if a font had both contextual gpos &amp; gsub elements
	  ff got confused.
	  The code for cff encodings (ie. in bare cff non-cid fonts) didn't handle
	  multiply encoded glyphs
	  Change the default color of the prev control point (so it's easier for me
	  to see)
	  The configure script did not find libfreetype when it lived (solely) in
	  On the Mac, menus incorrectly suggested using Cmd rather than Ctl. (Cmd used
	  to work on earlier versions of the X server, but now it is snagged by the
	  X11 menubar itself.)
	  ff uses the Alt/Meta key to alter the behavior of some tools (magnify, ruler,
	  pointer, pencil, etc.) in the editing windows. This doesn't work well on
	  the mac. First there is no real Alt/Meta key. If we contemplate using Option
	  or Command it will generally already be used to turn the single button mouse
	  into a three button mouse (Option - mouse =&gt; button 2, Command - mouse
	  =&gt; button 3). So instead use the CapsLock key.
	  The big5 encoding stopped at 64000, which confused routines which expected
	  unencoded glyphs to start at 65536.
	  We would crash when reencoding a font with enough unencoded alternate unicode
	  code points.
	  The code for creating an 8/16 cmap subtable didn't work.
	  ff would crash if it had two windows open on the same font and one got reencoded
	  Didn't set the length of the format4 'cmap' sub-table, so the offset to the
	  format12 (32bit unicode) table was wrong.
	  ttfcopyfile can complain about a ttf table offset being wrong. Give it the
	  info so that it will now tell us which table has the wrong offset.
	  Uninitialized variable in metricsview when creating a popup window.
	  Redo the ttfnames pane of the font info dlg. Now show the names as an editable
	  Histogram dlg still used wrong encodings for selected glyphs when historgrams
	  invoked from Hints menu.
	  SelectIf failed when passed an encoding which was out of bounds
	  Added a new scripting command: ToString
	  Using the X clipboard to paste a glyph into a glyph that contained stuff
	  caused a crash.
	  Using the X clipboard to paste a glyph with references or with multilayer
	  did no t work.
	  None of ttf, otf nor svg got multiply encoded glyphs output properly.
	  FF screwed up memory when creating ligatures from an svg font.
	  Merge fonts was writing to bad memory.
	  FF was confused by a strange MM font
	  FindExistingSlot should understand altuni.
	  Font View didn't display current unicode of multiply encoded glyphs. (same
	  for popups).
	  Still having problems generating type1 code for complicated reference glyphs.
	  Retain knowlege of multiple unicode encodings for some glyphs. Used when
	  a glyph has multiple encodings and is reencoded.
	  Add back an option to compact an encoding. It's not the same as the old compact
	  which kept track of the former encoding. This just compacts, user must explicitly
	  Force encoding didn't work if the new encoding had more slots than the old.
	  FF also failed to parse glyph based contextual lookups properly
	  FF failed to parse class based contextual lookups properly (contextual chaining
	  lookups were ok)
	  <FONT COLOR="Red"><STRONG><BIG>The OS/2 ulCodeRanges field has been broken
	  for a long time, and has failed to mark the presence of any latin code
	  The ulCodeRanges field never set Vietnamese, TradChinese, Mac nor PC OEM
	  FF did not support EUC-CN, ISO-2022-CN, ISO=2022-KR iconv encodings properly.
	  Work around a bug in iconv's support for CP1258
	  Put some code in to warn users about unknown language/locales in the ttf
	  'name' table.
	  Enter some new language/locale codes for ms.
	  Crash when moving the end of an open path in an order2 font.
	  If one loaded an encoding specified by codepoint and then cancelled the dlg
	  which asked for a name for that encoding, then ff would crash.
	  Don't use Adobe's glyphnames when they are obviously wrong (use uni???? instead)
	  Add (better) support for the new dotlessj
	  Put a check into the context chain dlg to make sure that people don't add
	  sequence/lookup pairs where the sequence number is too big.
	  Make class be the default format for contextual/chaining substitutions rather
	  than coverage tables.
	  <FONT COLOR="Red"><STRONG><BIG>The format of the LineBreak.txt file changed
	  with Unicode 4.1, so all the line break info is wrong (essentially lines
	  never broke in text fields).</BIG></STRONG></FONT>
	  Reference to bad memory when creating a popup in combinations list.
	  Still problems in the 'name' table when Mac &amp; Mac Unicode strings don't
	  Use of the X clipboard for transfering glyphs resulted in a crash
	  When generating an old-style 'kern' table (either OpenType nor Apple modes
	  set) decompose all kerning classes into kern pairs as we do for AFM files.
	  Scripting didn't have a way to generate a font with neither Apple nor OpenType
	  tables. Add one.
	  Oops. wrong default extension for otb fonts from scripts.
	  Fix some potential crashes where loading font types left a new field unset.
	  <FONT COLOR="Red"><STRONG><BIG>Redesigned the way encodings are handled.
	  From the user's perspective Encodings are no longer controlled by FontInfo,
	  but via an encoding menu.</BIG></STRONG></FONT>
	  If we create a bitmap strike in an empty font then change the fontview to
	  look at the strike.
	  The SetWidth command of FontView produced garbage defaults for empty fonts
	  Don't set the hinting needed bit on: bitmap only fonts, multilayered fonts,
	  stroked fonts nor quadratic fonts.
	  Fix some problems with the generated names in File-&gt;Generate multiple
	  The Save command failed to reset the font window's title (so it still looked
	  The enabled state of Encoding-&gt;Detach Glyphs was wrong
	  FF still didn't allow two ligatures to be created for the same glyph (ie.
	  it complained if you tried to make both "f + f + i =&gt; ffi" and "ff + i
	  =&gt; ffi"
	  Added a TypeOf command to scripting
	  Added a GetPosSub command to scripting.
	  Werner says negative widths and depths be set to 0 in tfm files.
	  FontForge was generating an incorrect warning message. If a 'name' table
	  contains a duplicate entry for a given platform/specific/language/id that's
	  an error in the font. But ff conflated mac names with window names and so
	  was only checking language/id. So if the mac windows names were different
	  (which is probably a bad design idea, but not an error) ff said it was wrong.
	  It can also be caused by using a character in the string which is not in
	  the Mac Encoding for that language.
	  Don't set "Hinting needed" flag in bitmap only fonts.
	  AutoHint had a crash if there were open contours in a glyph being hinted.
	  Add a couple of browsers to the list to check by default.
	  Using the kerning pair closeup dlg to create a new kerning pair caused a
	  crash (eventually).
	  When saving a block of ttf bitmap glyphs all with about the same metrics,
	  Kern pairs were not scaled to emsize when loading from an afm file.
	  Add a series of new selection commands, to the font view and to scripting:
	  (just to scripting)
	  Revert Glyph didn't work. One bug caused by multilayer, one caused by encoding
	  changes, and one really old one.
	  GetFontNames returned an uninitialized value on bad ttf files.
	  Add some new scripting commands to access the TeX per-glyph fields.
	  Werner suggested some improvements to tfm output.
	  Cleanup behavior of generating ttf bitmaps in a script.
	  I was attaching script/langs to lookups when parsing GPOS/GSUB. That wasn't
	  good enough. Each sub-table and have it's own set, so attach script/langs
	  to subtables as well. Still a flaw in that sub-tables could be referenced
	  through severel extension sub-tables or directly and I don't unravel that
	  complexity until too late.
	  ATM which handles some kerning for otf fonts for Word, does not handle 'kern'
	  features where the feature contains more than one lookup. So whenever we
	  have a feature with multiple lookups try to compress them into one lookup
	  with multiple sub-tables.
	  Transform (in fontview) and Scale To Em do not scale the vertical advance.
	  We didn't test the right thing when deciding where a subroutine containing
	  refs began.
	  Remove Undoes was broken by the encoding changes.
	  When saving multiple, make sure we don't get extraneous kerns. (to glyphs
	  not in the current sub-font).
	  Make sure the blue lines (marking hints needing to be updated) get cleared
	  Some display problems in the SameGlyphAs command.
	  The Apply Substitutions code did not consider the possibility of loops:<BR>
	  Werner suggests indicating multi-layer in the version string.
	  Mark to Mark anchor classes should allow each mark glyph also to contain
	  a base mark entry.
	  Give unicode name data (in grey) for dotted names. (ie for A.super give unicode
	  name data for "A", but in grey so it stands out as modified).
	  Add scripting routines to detach glyphs from the encoding and to remove them
	  from the font.
	  FF produced some very strange 'gasp' tables... depending on the bitmap fonts
	  in the sfd and not on the bitmaps in the output ttf for one thing.
	  Werner wants an Invert Selection command.
	  The position of Coptic and Glagolithic has been shifted in Unicode 4.1 (shifted
	  from some earlier proposal).
	  Patch by KANOU, ttc files were broken.
	  Some english language strings in the ttfnames pane of fontinfo where sort
	  of bound to equivalent fields in the names pane. Make this clearer, and
	  Werner thinks my error messages for scripts should be improved.
	  Add a check in case sfd files contain unreasonable values for pixelsize,
	  Werner suggests a --dry &lt;scriptfile&gt; argument which does syntax checking
	  without actually executing the script. I think it is trivial.
	  Werner points out that the DSC Version comment has a very specific syntax:<BR>
	  %%Version: &lt;version&gt; &lt;revision&gt;<BR>
	  &lt;version&gt; is a real, &lt;revision&gt; is a uint. So we can't use the
	  font's version string here (which might be anything). Instead we now generate
	  a version comment<BR>
	  %Version: &lt;string&gt;<BR>
	  rather than a DSC Comment.
	  We used to assign a unicode value to ".notdef"s when reading ps encoding
	  file, if the encoding was in the region of control chars (so location 1 would
	  get uni0001, while location 65 would get -1). Seems inconsistent.
	  Oops. I failed to provide a mechanism to add other iconv encoding names into
	  my menu.
	  Code to support group display.
	  Was not reading ps encoding files properly.
	  Remove encoding should always be available.
	  Extend to Unicode 4.1
	  Change to configuration system to allow relative pathspecs for
	  --with-freetype-src didn't work.
	  Context chain dlg had problems with empty patterns (no terminal NUL in empty
	  string used to represent them)
	  The [EditData] button in contextual fontinfo pane was disabled due to reasons
	  which are no longer valid..
	  Transforming by a negative scale factor screwed up the hints.
	  Add move up/down buttons to the kerning class dlg (class lists area) Use
	  the selection from the class lists to highlight offsets.
	  Print sample did not handle kerning by classes.
	  When we had: a glyph which contained refs where that glyph was itself used
	  as a reference in another glyph and all glyphs (except the last) lived in
	  subroutines then we got multiple declarations of hints and the middle glyph
	  was translated from where it should have been.
	  When changing lists they should not scroll back to the beginning.
	  Various fixes regarding hints: changing hints should set the char changed
	  flag changing a glyph should mark all glyphs that refer to it as having out
	  of date hints display out of date hints in font view. hints weren't being
	  preserved (and should have been) in charview in Paste and transform.
	  Apply Substitutions was badly broken when ff compiled with multilayer.
	  Kern Pair dlg looked at garbage memory when it closed (and crashed sometimes).
	  ff decides whether to add a 'gasp' table to a font based on whether the font
	  has instructions or not. ff's own ttf fonts contain instructions in .notdef
	  but nowhere else, so ignore .notdef when making this check.
	  One more attempt to rule out absurd results in simplify().
	  if the lsb/rsb dlg was given a negative value it complained about negative
	  widths. (whether the width would have been negative or not).
	  $italicangle has been broken since I added reals to scripting.
	  The kernclass dialog did not handle deleted classes properly.
	  Add ability to undo hints.
	  Once again starting a browser on windows is broken.
	  We didn't do a bounds check when indexing into the names array of an encoding
	  (when building a character from scratch). If the index was huge the result
	  was garbage, generally leading to a crash sometime thereafter.
	  An open path consisting of a single point caused replace with reference to
	  Generating a postscript resource font on the mac from a script did not work.
	  Werner points out that afm files generated by FontForge still claim to have
	  been made by pfaedit. Oops.
	  Didn't parse user defined encodings properly and often omitted the first
	  Improvements in the way type42 fonts where handled in printing.
	  Fix a crash when parsing mangled cff files
	  Marvelous triple bug:
	      Adobe's Tech Note 5176 (cff format) says that a private dict is required.
	      They mean it's required in a type1 font.
	      Because of this I put a null private dict entry into my cid cff fonts.
	      ghostview finds the null private dict entry and tries to read data from it
	      even though it is of 0 length.
	  Add postscript code necessary for loading a cff font to my cff font output.
	  Fix some uninitialized variables in the display dlg.
	  We didn't get DSC pages properly when printing a CID keyed font.
	  The default (notdef) glyph generated by my palm output routines was a little
	  The rle image reader in my sfd routines had an off by one error causing it
	  to reject some images.
	  We used to munch memory when loading empty glyphs from mac NFNT resources.
	  It used to be that we didn't set the default background until the first font
	  view window was opened. This meant that if we loaded a grey scale bitmap
	  before opening a window (ie. from the command line) then that bitmap's clut
	  would be relative to white rather than the appropriate background.
	  Add some code to protect against badly generated bitmap strikes in sfnts.
	  vhea &amp; vmtx tables were generally wrong in otf fonts (unless the last
	  full vmetric happened to be the last full hmetric). Also fix problems with
	  cid hmtx output.
	  The sfd reader looked in the wrong place for sli information in cid keyed
	  Damn. Default output (for stdout) encoding never gets initialized when in
	  a script.
	  I realized a few months ago that there is a difference between encodings
	  based on names and encoding based on unicode codepoints. Unfortunately I
	  was only saving encodings as though they were based on names (generating
	  default names if necessary). This patch retains the distinction even when
	  encodings are saved to the preferences folder.
	  AddAccent behaved differently when passed a glyphname and a unicode code
	  point. In the first case it used the glyph specified. In the second it performed
	  an arcane search which would not always use the specified glyph (left over
	  from the days when it was important to use a glyph in Adobe Standard so you
	  could do a seac).
	  When debugging composite glyphs ff failed to notice when we switched from
	  one glyph to another and so failed to reset the instruction list to those
	  of the new glyph.
	  Problem with cubic to quadratic spline approximation. Fixed by a more careful
	  comparison between original and resulting spline.
	  Kerning (and Anchor positioning) didn't work when printing to pdf.
	  Won-kyu Park points out that ff's internal utf7 parser (deep in the guts
	  of sfd.c) only parses utf7 strings as produced by ff. He took a utf7 string
	  produced by python and inserted it and ff could not read it. He provides
	  a patch to fix the problem.
	  If we got an invalid second order spline, let's fix it up into some vaguely
	  reasonable form, so the poor user doesn't keep getting errors.
	  Extra "-" in type42 header removed.
	  The anchor dialog was all screwed up.
	  The test in show att that all components of a substitution existed failed
	  to handle a trailing space.
	  Make page Up/Down work in Show ATT
	  Sometimes the simplify algorithem fails to converge.
	  When generating a tfm file the width (height, depth, ic) table was being
	  scaled twice.
	  Remove a NaN that occurred when moving quadratic splines.
	  Oops. The unicode code point of a glyph was restricted to BMP by Glyph Info
	  Werner gave me a font where the glyphs were not properly ordered. So you
	  can't tell the length of a glyph by loca[i+1]-loca[i]. The data appear valid
	  in spite of that. So put in a warning for this particular case (we were
	  generating a warning, but it wasn't as meaningful as it might be.)
	  Make View-&gt;Show ATT aware of the mark attachment class info so it can
	  show the classes.
	  When interpolating to quadratic fonts where the two designs didn't match
	  then the various possible errors gave us bad splines: Different numbers of
	  points on the paths meant that the control points at the end (after we reached
	  the end of the contour in one design but not the other) didn't match. Different
	  designs meant that interpolating a line (with no control points) to a curved
	  spline again produced nasties.
	  Drag and drop was broken.
	  Extend lookup flags support to include mark attachment classes (as defined
	  in GDEF).
	  Bad argument type checking on the AddAccent scripting command.
	  Infinite loop in a rare case involving a flex hint at the start of a contour.
	  The merge fonts command would crash.
	  Problems parsing some bare cff fonts.
	  Add support for Mark Classes.
	      New pane in Font Info to create them
	      New field in the feature tag dlg to use them
	      Input/Output routines
	  Drag and drop was broken
	  Infinite loop in some bizarre cases when generating a hinted opentype font.
	  The Merge Fonts command was broken
	  The scripting command: AddAccent checked for the wrong argument type
	  ff generated an error when loading some bare cff fonts.
	  Store desired fontview sizes in prefs file
	  Add a tweak to make the mac's dynamic loader look for fink libraries
	  Problems parsing bare cff cid-keyed fonts
	  recognize that code page 932 is a variant of SJIS
	  The feature tag 'nutf' is an obsolete name for 'afrc'
	  Add a couple of new scripting functions
	      Int() which casts its real/int/unicode argument to int
	      UCodePoint() which casts its real/int/unicode argument to unicode
	  scripting CharInfo no longer creates the glyph it is asked about
	  WorthOutputting/DrawsSomething can now be applied to the current selection
	  When using the freetype rasterizer don't do an automatic close of open paths.
	  For SCWorthOutputting I used to check both that !widthset and width==em-size.
	  Remove the em-size check, should be redundant and somethimes (marks) is wrong.
	  The various FindBounds routines didn't pad stroked fonts appropriately
	  Discrepency in docs and code on spelling of scripting Auto[tT]race command.
	  Accept both variants
	  A debug statement was left in the ps interpreter
	  Make the help command look for japanese docs in the ja locale
	  Add a select fewer scripting command
	  Fix some problems with custom encodings
	  Support '\r' and '\r\n' as line-endings for backslash continuation
	  New version of Japanese UI
	  The kerning pair dlg would sometimes fail to display a pair when searching
	  on the second char of the pair.
	  Danish translation of some style names, courtesy of Anders Lund
	  Fix some problems with SJIS encoding
	  The point info dlg was quite unusable if you typed in somethng which wasn't
	  a number
	  When in debug mode display pointer position in pixels
	  Point Info had problems with order2 splines
	  The instruction pane of the debug window was interpretting keystrokes it
	  should not have
	  Peter Selinger has changed the way potrace is built so it no longer uses
	  cygwin (it uses MinGW instead). This means ff can't pass it the name of a
	  temp file as '/tmp/foo' because (on windows) /tmp is a cygwin fiction. So
	  continue to put the file on cygwin's /tmp, but cd to that directory and then
	  pass the bare filename.
	  Add some more greek PUA small caps
	  Add scroll bars to debug windows which lacked them
	  Add a gloss window which explains what a ttf instruction is going to use
	  and what it is going to do.
	  Was using the wrong accent to build cyrillic breves.
	  Remove the adobe private use defs from libgunicode and put them in fontforge.
	  ff had problems reading pfm files containing kerning pairs using non-existant
	  Add pixels per em in register view.
	  No contours in twilight zone
	  When generating tt fonts we did not set bit 8 in 'head'.Flags. This gives
	  bad results when ppem is not an integer
	  When reencoding to adobe standard (or any encoding where glyph names are
	  more important than code points) make sure we use glyph names rather than
	  code points (so "f_i" is not in AdobeStd while "fi" is. But they map to the
	  same code point).
	  When creating a debug window in a glyph with no instructions (or in which
	  'gasp' has turned off hinting) we used not to rasterize it.
	  Script/lang count was wrong in a number of places
	  Oops, the transform dlg and menu both used the "round to int" string. Then
	  I changed what it looked like in the menu, a change which is not appropriate
	  for the transform dlg. Add a new string just for the dlg.
	  Tavmjong Bah added something to the "ypogegrammeni" list.
	  Fix problems with multiple text fields in the same window all wanting input
	  contexts (for input methods).
	  We generated ligature code in morx for ligatures that were not worth outputting.
	  Pierre Hanser points out that a recent change to SetWidth broke the scritping
	  SetWidth command.
	  Yet more effort to remove rounding errors from remove overlap. If a control
	  point causes a slight overshoot we get an unexpected extremum very close
	  to one of the endpoints. If it's close enough this can cause problems. Tweak
	  cps so this does not happen
	  Solaris stores isnan &amp; friends in ieeefp.h not in math.h
	  Add scripting access to standard math functions (trig, exp log)
	  Unary minus didn't work on reals
	  The recalculate bitmaps button in bitmap view was getting munched when we
	  updated the cursor position.
	  CharInfo("BBox") returned gibberish
	  Deleting a glyph class within a kerning by classes object caused a crash
	  Added some support for palm bitmap fonts
	  Replace with reference only replaced the first instance.
	  The Options dlg behaved oddly with respect to Apple &amp; OpenType modes
	  When given a glyph with conflicting hints for which the first contour contained
	  no hints, then in type2 output the glyph was drawn at a strange offset from
	  its correct position.
	  When generating an opentype font from a script, and specifying flags, the
	  round coordinates flag was ignored
	  When generating a font from a script using the default flag setting, we would
	  always generate afm/tfm/pfm files
	  KANOU pointed out that the stroked font import glyph command only worked
	  if multilayer set.
	  Added a preview bitmap to eps files.
	  In a bitmap only font the font metrics menu items behaved in unexpected ways
	  (as if they referred to a postscript font rather than the bitmap fonts)
	  Various fixes to make importing stroked eps files into stroked fonts work
	  KANOU requests a preference item to turn off use of freetype in font view.
	  Fix more rounding errors in remove overlap.
	  Fix some problems in the routine which finds roots of an arbetrary quartic.
	  The remove bump option of simplify could screw up memory.
	  Remove overlap got unhappy about control points which caused a very tiny
	  overlap between adjacent splines
	  Redo from the fontview usually caused a crash.
	  KANOU provides a MakeLine scripting command
	  If TYPE3 (multilayer) was not enabled, there was a flow of control through
	  a function which did not return anything.
	  Recovery files did not contain multilayer marks which lead to strange behavior
	  and crashes
	  Converting a font to multilayer caused a crash if there were outline glyph
	  windows open.
	  Make the encoding for scripts be utf8 consistently
	  Allow the scripting Export command to take a format spec
	  Add support for reals to the scripting language
	  NearlyHv{Cps,Lines} scripting commands erroneously complained about too many
	  ff had a bug when outputting otf contextual ligatures
	  Fix various crashes and infinite loops involved in parsing bad font files.
	  ff had problems with user defined encodings.
	  Made ff work if the psuedo-type "real" was defined to be a double.
	  the string += concattonation operator in scripting screwed up memory
	  Problems with -c &lt;arg&gt; syntax
	  The font type detector could fail to notice an svg file as such if it began
	  with a byte order character.
	  Ord didn't do proper type checking on its second argument
	  Use freetype's FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap to make freetype rasterize from our
	  internal data structures. Use freetype by default for the fontview and
	  metricsview (except in some cases).
	  The bitmap dlg didn't work for multilayered fonts when told to use freetype
	  to rasterize.
	  If we had a contour nested inside another, and did an Overlap Exclude with
	  the nested contour selected, then that contour was not excluded.
	  The []Correct Direction check box when importing PostScript, didn't do anything.
	  (or rather it did, but got overrulled later)
	  In bitmap only fonts, bitmaps created without moving the width line would
	  get lost.
	  Added a scripting command "SelectByColor"
	  Don't apply transformations to glyphs which aren't worth outputting
	  Moving control points with the get point info command had problems in quadratic
	  When adding type42 support I broke multiple master support.
	  Werner provided a patch to add a trailing newline to my type1 fonts.
	  Support for PaintType==2 and stroked fonts.
	  Various problems with the clustering command
	  Oops, somehow a patch reverted and things didn't work on systems without
	  worked on a couple of other configuration problems for the mac
	  Some people install libraries without headers. Be prepared.
	  Uniscribe (MS unicode text layout routines) may ignore either the GPOS or
	  the GSUB table depending on the script, and may even refuse to use the font
	  at all if it doesn't have the right stuff in GPOS/GSUB. A Hebrew font must
	  have both a GPOS and a GSUB. If it doesn't the font is not used. A latin
	  font need not have either, but if it doesn't have GSUB then GPOS won't be
	  So the script sub-table of both GPOS/GSUB should contain all scripts used
	  in either (rather than just the scripts used in the current one).
	  The AddATT scripting command didn't understand Nested.
	  Add a cli argument "-c" to introduce a scripting command in an argument.
	  Someone ran ff on a solaris box without iconv. (Odd because iconv is there
	  by default). FF ran fine (Odder, why didn't it demand the library?), but
	  crashed when it tried to use a conversion which didn't exist.
	  There's another ASCII map in Unicode (0xe0000-0xe007f).
	  Allow user to supply their own OtherSubrs routines (Some people object to
	  Adobe's copyright).
	  Codes to handle identifying a loaded font by relative filespec didn't work.
	  Change Add Extrema so that it only adds extrema if
	      The spline length is &gt;= em_size/32
	      The extremum is an extremum of the entire contour containing the spline.
	  (Behavior in the outline view when there is a selection remains the same.
	  So if the endpoints of a spline are both selected then all local extrema
	  will be added to that spline, no matter how long it may be).
	  Patch by Ralf Stubner. Fonts without UniqueID had a bad syntax.
	  CapsLock now makes the arrow keys scroll in the outline view
	  We lost count of hints when generating type2 fonts in glyphs with references
	  to something containing hints which did not overlap. If we were unlucky,
	  &lt;new-cnt+7&gt;/8 was different than &lt;real-cnt+7&gt;/8 and we ended
	  up with garbage in the charstring.
	  Add a TeX table to contain TeX metrics.
	  TFM output was wrong. the TFtoPL doc says "
	  reencoding with original encoding could create a glyph table one too small
	  resulting in writing/reading garbage and an eventual crash.
	  KANOU fixed a couple of problems in reading glyph names from bdf fonts.
	  KANOU needed to disambiguate between "Point" a unit of measurement and "Point"
	  a geometric object.
	  Added support for OpenType Device Tables (These allow you to add small
	  corrections to things like kerning at a given point size. Often at small
	  point sizes kerning and advance widths will round in such a way as to produce
	  unpleasing results. Device tables allow you to correct for that).
	  Add dialogs for kerning pairs and anchors to allow users to set device tables.
	  Extend dlg for kerning classes for this.
	  Neil Parker suggested a patch for panose values that didn't apply to latin
	  Doing a Get Info on a single point caused a crash on the mac
	  Further attempts to improve spline approximation, underlying Merge &amp;
	  Simplify commands
	  Relaxed simplify's definition of parallel so it will merge a few more straight
	  Make the behavior of Simplify More consistant across font/outline view. Simplify
	  More can now set the default behavior for future simplify commands.
	  Provide a menu command to round to hundredths of a em-unit
	  Add a new facility to cluster coordinates to the same value. Useful as a
	  prepass to Remove Overlap.
	  Bug reading ligature data from a tfm file
	  Add support for GPOS 'size' feature. Create a 'size' pane of the fontinfo
	  Replace with Reference had an interesting flaw. Consider the open and closed
	  bullet characters. If the (single) contour in closed bullet matched the outer
	  contour in open bullet then it would replace it with a reference. But this
	  is incorrect as the two contours of open bullet need to be treated as a unit.
	  Could get a bad memory reference in the font view if the mouse were to extend
	  the selection outside of the window.
	  Add a scripting function to return whether a file exists.
	  In a Type1 font, if a glyph had no conflicting hints (and no flex hints)
	  and got put in a subroutine, then we'd get no hints at all.
	  Be more willing to generate format12 cmap subtables (unicode, non-bmp tables)
	  New Copyright message, etc. Get rid of pfaedit message.
	  Simplify produced strange results on quadratic splines.
	  Simplify had problems with tangent points
	  Changing a point's type from a tangent to a curve usually had unexpected
	  Add a warning message in remove overlap when user passes us two intersecting
	  contours which are oriented in oposite directions. Unfortunately it also
	  complains about some other things.
	  The 18 Dec changes to remove overlap introduced an infinite loop in some
	  rare cases. (When there is a gradient of 0 in distance function between two
	  In a conditional operator (like &amp;&amp; or ||) in scripting where the
	  second operand was not evaluated and the second operand contained a procedure
	  call, then ff would crash
	  Tweaked the point info dialog to show small offsets better
	  Tweaked the merge command to behave better when merging tiny spline segments
	  (where the length of the spline segment is so small that it should just be
	  treated as a zero length spline and its slope ignored).
	  Added an "Invert selection" command to the outline view, from Yoshiki Hayashi
	  Pasting from the font view did not clear a glyph's instructions.
	  New version of AutoHint. I've removed Diagonal Stem hints and mimum distance
	  hints for now.
	  Ah, windows pfm files expect the metrics to be output in win latin encoding
	  order, not in the encoding defined by the pfb file. (Actually there are other
	  posibilities for encoding, but as none is documented, I must ignore them).
	  ReplaceWithReference broke at some point
	  Add an argument-pair to the ReplaceWithReference() scripting command to allow
	  the user to specify the amount of error that will be accepted.
	  When generating a Type1 font, if a glyph had a single reference to a glyph
	  not in adobe encoding, and that glyph itself had a single reference (in adobe
	  enc) and some splines, then ff would make a reference to the ref in adobe
	  enc and ignore the splines.
	  Upgrade to Adobe-Japan1-6
	  Various fixes to svg output
	      export glyph to svg didn't work
	      multilayered generation had problems
	  Ghost hints could get outside a glyphs bounding box in a type2 font.
	  The generated truetype unique id string had an off by one error in the month
	  Add support for dashed lines in multilayered mode
	  In Full Page Glyph printing, the glyph was offset slightly from where it
	  should have been.
	  Pasting a reference into a multi-layered font produced a very odd layer
	  ff didn't update the metrics view if the user pasted the selection with the
	  middle mouse button.
	  if a character were not in the current encoding then ff would not display
	  it in the metrics view (even if it were in the font)
	  Make the behavior of control points at the ends of open paths more reasonable.
	  The Point-&gt;Curve command did not adust control points correctly.
	  The View-&gt;Display Substitutions had numerous problems.
	  Fix several problems from unicode unification of accents. Many characters
	  which are said to be based on cedilla actually use a comma, other characters
	  said to be carons also use comma. Make the n-with-apostrophe character be
	  treated as an accented letter.
	  Werner points out that straight lines should generally not be simplified
	  (as they will no longer be straight afterwards). Add this knowledge to the
	  simplify command.
	  Added a raster debugger wndow
	  Each time debugger starts, remember what debug windows were open last time
	  it was used.
	  Constraining the pen tool did not do what I expected
	  If a glyph was encoded twice (or more) in a font, and an opentype font (or
	  perhaps a bitmap only sfnt) were generated, then any glyphs after the second
	  encoding would have the wrong width (ie. there would be an extra entry in
	  the horizontal metrics table corresponding to a (non-existant) copy of the
	  doubly encoded glyph)
	  If a type1 font never defined .notdef but used it at least twice it the Encoding
	  vector, then ff would crash.
	  Updated Japanese UI (by KANOU)
	  Werner found some crashes related to calling isalnum (etc.) using an index
	  outside of bmp.
	  More changes (I hope improvements) to remove overlap
	  Some fixes to the raster display of the debug window
	  Conversion of cubic to quadratic had a rounding error introduced by -O2.
	  Made it a bit more forgiving about rounding errors.
	  Added two new buttons to the point info dialog to allow the user to walk
	  around the current contour (Normally the Next button skips to the start of
	  the next contour if you are at the end of the current one, the "Next On Contour"
	  button returns to the first point on the contour)
	  improve interpretation of some type3 fonts (including those produced by
	  fontographer 4)
	  patch by Yoshki Hayashi to fix mnemonic crash in layers palette
	  Added a rand() scripting command
	  Support backslash newline to break up lines in a scrpt
	  The internal adobe standard encoding thought it was unicode causing strange
	  Type3 fonts that set colour/grey didn't work
	  Printing at 140pt tried printing 4 glyphs across although there was only
	  room for 3
	  At install tell pkg-config the verson of fontforge
	  If a cff file contained unencoded glyphs then ff would crash when loading
	  When converting from cubic to quadratic splines, ff would sometimes produce
	  a line when it should have found a spline
	  During debugging of a ttf glyph, show what rasterization would produce if
	  the current splines were used (highlight pixels which change)
	  The debugger windows didn't always say "&lt;empty&gt;" when they should have.
	  The debugger would often crash the second time we closed its window
	  Asking for the script (as latin, greek, cyrillic...) of ".notdef" caused
	  us to look at unallocated memory.
	  We weren't labelling control points in the debugger
	  debugger and grid fitter for tt fonts showed curved splines as lines
	  Kerning pairs did not get scaled when changing em-size
	  Add a preference for turning off automatic gotos as the user types in the
	  glyph window
	  Add a command to the glyph window to toggle between the two most recent glyphs
	  used in that window (a mini history)
	  Improved the points debugger window to show
	      implied points
	      whether a point is on or off the curve (normal or control)
	      added a scroll bar
	  Provide info on debugging points as mouse moves over them.
	  Fix (an innocuous) reference to unallocated memory
	  Added ability to insert an uninterpreted table into an SFNT
	      New preference item: PreserveTables which lists a comma seperated set of
	      table tags which are to be loaded from SFNT files without interpretation
	      (Note if ff thinks it understands a table it will parse it rather than preserving
	      Scripting command LoadTableFromFile("tag ","filename")
	      Scripting command SaveTableToFile("tag ","filename")
	      Scripting command RemovePreservedTable("tag ")
	      Scripting command HasPreservedTable("tag ")
	  Kevin Schoedel suggests a new scripting command DrawsSomething()
	  Kevin Schoedel requests that PrintFont be able to print a string sample (as
	  opposed to a sample file)
	  Kevin Schoedel points out that type1 fonts stuffed into mac resource forks
	  are to be read in resource order rather than file order (often the two are
	  the same) and provides a patch to fix this.
	  Change the way the default language/locale is picked in fontinfo-&gt;TTF
	  Remember (across invocations) whether palettes should be hidden or not.
	  Ignore NUL chars when reading PostScript strings (PS supports NULs in strings,
	  I'm not going to bother, but I don't want to parse incorrectly because of
	  ff lost the ability to Select("U+xxxx") or Select("=") from a script.
	  Oops, the routine to read PostScript FontNames from a ttf file was broken
	  by the encoding change.
	  If a ttf file contained an erroneous composite glyph with flags indicating
	  more components after the glyph had run out of data, then ff might attempt
	  to read instructions also and have problems.
	  If a font contains multiple ttf names for a given string in a language then
	  allow the user to pick which one s/he likes best.
	  Another case where a bad otf table crashes fontforge
	  If a ttf/otf font does not contain a postscript FontName string in the name
	  table, then ff's attempt to synthesize one out of fullname/familyname did
	  not check for a valid name.
	  If ff started without a prefs file, then creating a new font would crash
	  If a copyright string contained a newline then ff would generate bad postscript
	  If user added a comment to an empty glyph then the comment wasn't saved in
	  the sfd file.
	  If ff saved a utf7 string to an sfd file (ttf names, etc.) and that string
	  contained a hyphen that followed immediately after something that needed
	  to be encoded in base64, then the hyphen would be lost.
	  new french UI
	  ff was (usually) setting the ascent/descent fields of the 'hhea' table to
	  0. When the font was drawn on the mac it was clipped to nothing.
	  <FONT COLOR="Red"><STRONG><BIG>Caveat: Old sfd files are still broken and
	  there is no UI for fixing them. Instead you must edit them manually, and
	  <PRE>HheadAOffset: 0
HheadDOffset: 0
	  to be:
	  <PRE>HheadAOffset: 1
HheadDOffset: 1
	  ff would crash on postscript fonts where the encoding included a glyph name
	  not defined in CharStrings (probably broken on 12-Oct)
	  More remove overlap work
	  In the glyph window, when the scaled distance between the top and bottom
	  of the window is less than 1 em-unit, then the vertical ruler was drawn with
	  the top and bottom labels reversed.
	  sfd files used to have a limit of 1023 characters in ttf 'name' table strings.
	  Encoding change broke prefs dialog
	  Encoding change didn't work on libiconv systems
	  Added a new scripting command: AddAccent() to add an arbetrary accent to
	  an arbetrary glyph.
	  KANOU has a <A HREF="">Japanese version</A>
	  of this reference manual under construction.
	  In MultiLayered mode, the "New Layer" menu item left a dangling pointer which
	  caused a crash if anyone looked at the background layer.
	  In MultiLayered mode, if one clicked beyond the last layer in the Layers
	  palette, ff would crash.
	  KANOU provided a patch to fix another crash in the layers palette.
	  KANOU has provided a new Japanese UI.
	  Made an addition to CharInfo() scripting command so user can determine the
	  horizontal extrema of a glyph at a given vertical position. Similar addition
	  for vertical extrema at horizontal pos.
	  Add a scripting command (PasteWithOffset) to allow user to apply an offset
	  when pasting. For building accented letters by hand.
	  KANOU provides a patch to fix a problem in the new encoding stuff.
	  Select(".notdef") usually didn't work.
	  Kanou noticed that ISO 15924 has been updated and provide a patch including
	  new scripts.
	  I have redone the way ff handles encodings internally. We used to depend
	  on the encodings builtin to gdraw/gunicode. Now we use iconv() (if there
	  is no iconv, then ff will use a dummy iconv which understands the encodings
	  of gdraw/gunicode). Encodings are identified by name rather than by number
	  Further fixes to the extremum detector
	  Further fixes to remove overlap
	  Added an extra argument to scripting RoundToInt, so that you can have control
	  over what it rounds to (ie. round to hundredths, tenths, etc.)
	  Added two new scripting commands NearlyHvCps() and NearlyHvLines() which
	  look for control points or lines that are nearly horizontal or vertical and
	  force them to be horizontal or vertical.
	  Kanou provided a patch so that the GRadio.Font resource controls the font
	  in the layers palette of the glyph view.
	  Remove overlap had problems with splines which made abrupt turns (ie. tiny
	  splines after we found extrema points and divided the spline into bits between
	  Remove overlap could munch memory
	  The ruler tool showed all tiny splines as having a length of 0
	  Autorecovery had problems with glyphs containing features (would complain
	  about sli)
	  KANOU wants to be able to scale greymap fonts
	  removed routines from fvcomposit.c, metricsview.c that were duplicates of
	  Oops, the default mac filesystem isn't case concious either, extend the windows
	  export patch to the mac.
	  Simplify didn't have a very good extremum detector and would sometimes delete
	  Remove overlap had problems with tiny splines.
	  I notice (in Fontes &amp; Codages) that the labels in the metrics view aren't
	  Fontes &amp; Codages suggests that it would be nice if the glyph labels in
	  the fontview could be something other than an image of the glyph (glyph name,
	  unicode code point, encoding, etc.)
	  Change the word "Character" to "Glyph" where appropriate.
	  Move the Open Outline/Bitmap/Metrics commands to the Window menu, and change
	  "Open" to "New".
	  We have a Spanish UI now, courtesy of Walter Echarri. Yeah!
	  Support for loading type3 fonts (that ff produced) was broken. Note: ff is
	  still unable to load many type3 fonts (any that are filtered, or that use
	  images for example), but it should be able to read its own fonts.
	  (I hope) minor change to the way .notdef is handled when reading postscript
	  Added support for printing to pdf file
	  (fixed a bug in pdf generation from the export command)
	  Fixed various problems from turning off the multilayer bit in fontinfo
	  KANOU needs a couple more strings disambiguated.
	  Add support for generating type42 and type 11 (type42 cid) fonts, add support
	  for loading type42 (but I'm not bothering with type11s) and use these guys
	  when printing order2 fonts.
	  Check to make sure the PostScript Fontname is valid when reading in a truetype
	  (or svg) font (syntax doesn't enforce this), and if not warn the user and
	  fix it up.
	  Add some new scripting commands for handling MM fonts since someone seems
	  to want them.
	  Used to complain if there were more than one Unique Font ID in the truetype
	  'name' table. (because the OpenType list said there should only be one, else
	  it would not be unique). But both Apple and MS ship with fonts containing
	  multiple Unique Font IDs. God knows what that means, or when you pick one
	  over the other... Anyway I changed my error into a warning.
	  I have rewritten Remove Overlap from scratch. I seems less likely to crash,
	  but I'm not sure that in any other respect it is improved.
	  In the character view the Remove Overlap (and Intersect and Find Intersections)
	  now only work on selected contours, or, if no contours are selected then
	  on all contours. This change makes these commands consistant with most other
	  commands in the character view, but it is a change from past behavior.
	  The Import scripting command has been extended to give the user control over
	  the stroking flags (correct direction, remove overlap, handle erasers). And
	  the background flag has been extended a bit to apply to other things than
	  ff had a pointer dangling to a freed block after loading a font containing
	  multiple versions of some greek letters.
	  U+1D400-U+1D7FF are stylized variants of the latin and greek alphabets as
	  used in Mathematics. The font view will now display (in the glyph header)
	  the proper variant of the glyph (assuming it can find a font with that style).
	  The AMS (American Mathematical Society) has their own interpretation of the
	  public use area. FF now understands their glyph names as alternates for those
	  glyphs, and has an AMS interpretation (under FontInfo-&gt;Encoding) that
	  will make ff use those names in new fonts.
	  Many of code points in the AMS PUA are reencodings of other glyphs. FontForge
	  will automatically generate these reencodings for you.
	  The AMS also describes how some TeX glyph names map to unicode. So include
	  those names in our alternate list too (so we can map them correctly, not
	  as a way of encouraging people to use them).
	  Both the AMS defn. of the PUA and the Big5 defn. map characters which are
	  properly in other unicode planes into the BMP. FF now understands this, and
	  converting between a BMP encoding and a full unicode encoding will move things
	  from the PUA to their proper unicode slot in higher planes.
	  Find Problems thought that adjacent splines intersected at their common
	  end-point. I suppose they do, but it isn't useful information
	  In the char view, I used to blank out the status line when the mouse moved
	  outside the window. But some of that info is still valid. So only blank out
	  the meaningless bits.
	  Kanou requests a disambiguation between two strings with the same label in
	  English but different meanings in Japanese. (Vertical/VerticalWriting)
	  The Point-&gt;Make Line command would crash if either of the the two points
	  was missing a previous or next spline.
	  Pierre HANSER provides a patch to problems.c (it would crash when dealing
	  with fonts with an encoding with &lt; 32 code points.
	  Pierre HANSER provides a patch to merge fonts (it would crash when merging
	  bitmap fonts.
	  Closing a charview window with a docked palette could cause a crash if the
	  cursor was moved quickly into another charview which needed a new cursor.
	  The perspective icon had the wrong background
	  Piska keeps complaining about the way ff handles 0 width strokes. He wants
	  it to have zero width (disappear, I guess), but PS says it should be stroked
	  as the thinnest line possible (not clear what this should mean in ff, I interpret
	  it as a 1em-unit stroke). But METAPOST uses a 0 width stroke in cases where
	  it wants no stroking (with a fill) so in the special case of a fill with
	  a 0 width stroke, turn off stroking.
	  Use a different approach to approximating a set of points with fixed slopes
	  at the end points. Used to do least squares (fixup slopes), least squares
	  again (fixup slopes). Now I do least squares (fixup slopes), perturb the
	  lengths of the slope vectors until we find the best fit.
	  I was generating flex hints when I should not have done so. Add a heuristic
	  so that ff doesn't add flexes to small circles.
	  Failed to read long format pk bitmaps.
	  Patch by Mchael Ghrken to make the Skew scripting command take a
	  numerator/denominator style argument.
	  Oops, didn't get the expand stroke scripting patch quite right
	  <FONT COLOR="Red"><STRONG><BIG>Changed the way preferences are handled in
	      By default preferences are no longer loaded when starting a script.
	      Preferences are not saved in a script unless explicitly requested.
	      Added 2 new scripting functions LoadPrefs() and SavePrefs()
	      Added an environment variable FONTFORGE_LOADPREFS to give the user control
	      over loading of preferences.
	  Used to have a preference item DumpGlyphMap. Now we have an equivalent flag
	  in the Generate Fonts [Options] dialog.
	  The SetPanose scripting command didn't work. MURAOKA Taro provides a patch
	  It was not possible to get or set NewCharset preference item with GetPref/SetPref
	  scripting commands. Now GetPref returns a magic number, which may be used
	  in SetPref. SetPref will accept either a number or one of the encodings accepted
	  by Reencode().
	  If you copied a glyph feature from a glyph that didn't have that feature,
	  and then did a paste ff would crash.
	  Added two new tools to the outline character view. One allows you to rotated
	  your glyph through 3dimensions (and project it back on the xy plane), the
	  other allows you to do a perspective transformation.
	  Extended the Transformation dialog to handle 3D rotation+projection. After
	  all it's just:
	      <TD><P ALIGN=Center>
	      <TD><P ALIGN=Center>
	  Add a Point of View dialog to do real perspective projections
	  Remove the FONTFORGE_CONFIG_NONLINEAR flag, and enable the nonlinear dlg
	  perminantly. I need some of its routines to do the perspective projections.
	  There was a path through LoadEncodingFile (in a script) where it would silently
	  LoadEncodingFile would save default encodings even though it hadn't loaded
	  them. It no longer does this, but now SavePrefs does it instead.
	  Added the ability to see (and create) simple substitutions in the font view.
	  The embossed box around the fontinfo dlg wasn't always in the right place
	  Zhang Lin-bo reports two bugs (which were really three)
	      Expand Stroke failed when given a path consisting of a single point had a
	      zero length spline returning to itself.
	      AddExtrema falls into an infinite loop if the initial spline of a path needs
	      an extremum added to it.
	      Expand Stroke generates garbage output in some very obscure conditions.
	      AutoHint crashes when given garbage input.
	  Michael G&auml;hrken points out that ExpandStroke scripting command doesn't
	  work for caligraphic stroking, provides a patch and an extension.
	  KANOU provides a patch for BDFMakeChar in CID keyed fonts.
	  Change the Shades palette in the bitmap view so that it shows what grey level
	  is underneath the cursor.
	  When the width is huge, then moving it causes it to wrap into negative values.
	  It should probably stick at SHRT_MAX instead.
	  If one moves to a negative width and releases the mouse, an error message
	  pops up warning of this. If you move the cursor around the width continued
	  to change.
	  If one moves to a negative width, and in response to the width warning says
	  [No] then the width reverted to the wrong value.
	  ff would crash on a postscript sequence containing "{}" if that was the first
	  function defined.
	  I got the locale wrong for Hong Kong
	  If nothing was selected in the import dlg (or any of the file open dlgs)
	  and the user pressed [OK], then the directory would be returned.
	  Improved error message for Import dlg.
	  In spanish various dlgs had buttons that were too close together (and similar
	  ff did not generate amfm files correctly
	  Changed the Merge Kern Infor (menu item and scripting command) to
	      support pfm files
	      detect file type from the file header rather than from the extension
	  Added InterpolateFonts as a scripting command
	  Added GetEnv as a scripting command
	  The scripting $fontversion and $copyright psuedo variables broke when I added
	  the fond name changes.
	  More problems with tfm files.
	  Fixed a couple of problems related to dialog sizing for different languages.
	  In Windows 3.1 some chinese fonts were released with a ttf version of 2 (rather
	  than 1). Add this to the list of supported TrueType/OpenType versions (see
	  discussion on freetype mailing list, july 2004 for more info)
	  Added both a menu and scripting command to copy kerning &amp; substitution
	  info from one glyph to another.
	  FontForge fails to load some svg fonts properly (if they use the "t" directive
	  within a path =&gt; quadratic splines, control point implied, relative to
	  last point). Result is a nasty scribble.
	  Windows file systems are not case conscious. The file names generated for
	  Export use glyph names (which are case conscious). So on windows exporting
	  "a" and "A" will overwrite the same file. (Add a "$" in front of capital
	  letters to distinguish).
	  We were not scaling refs/images uniformly when we dragged corners. Instead
	  we changed the sides by the same amount (this works for squares, but nothing
	  XML does not allow backspace as an input character, even when specified by
	  an entity. This means we can't specify the unicode code point for backspace
	  in a an svg font (and many ttf fonts contain a blank backspace char, god
	  only knows why).
	  The Default ATT-&gt;Unicode decomposition didn't work.
	  Added a new entry to Default ATT, Caps-&gt;Small Caps (and cleaned up lower
	  case-&gt;small caps too).
	  Eschew 0 width hints.
	  Add support for localized unicode glyph names (currently only french is
	  Undoes in the Guide layer caused a crash (introduced with multi-layer)
	  Fixed another problem with subroutine references in type1 output
	  Preserve hhea.ascent/descent and some OS/2 values (no UI for these, but they
	  are retained)
	  KANOU provided two patches
	      One to set the the average Char Width field of OS/2 properly
	      One to set the 'gasp' table so that Windows would actually use embedded bitmaps
	  Added support (in build accent) to look for upper case and cyrillic variants
	  of accents (use grave.cap rather than grave, use breve.cyr rather than breve)
	  when building upper case or cyrillic letters.
	  Points were not being properly renumbered if they were out of order (when
	  editing in quadratic mode)
	  When a character had a color attached to it, it looked very strange if the
	  user changed it.
	  Added an "x" to check boxes when checked
	  FF did not realize that tonos should be treated as an accent (it is spacing,
	  which confused ff)
	  Cleaned up an ancient message in the nomen files. Used to be three seperate
	  strings, now one with format specs in it.
	  Point types were not set properly after conversion from quadratic to cubic
	  Several preference items were not being saved and were not accessable from
	  Scripts could not set the resolution for bdf fonts
	  Still having problems with references to references in type1 subroutines.
	  AutoTrace had problems with multi-layered mode.
	  Enhance "ItalicConstrained" in the Character View to allow vertical constrains
	  as well as those parallel to the italic angle.
	  Build Accented Characters had problems when there were bitmap characters
	  Can no longer blindly rotate splinesets in type2 fonts to avoid an initial
	  Add three new problems to Find Problems
	      Check for intersecting contours
	      Check for mulitple glyphs with same unicode code point
	      Check for multiple glyphs with same name
	  In the 19-May build I introduced a bug which could generate NaN values for
	  control points.
	  The MergeKern scripting command didn't have the capabilities of its menu
	  Enhance the pattern matching capabilities on font names when loading kerning
	  information from a mac FOND (there is no place in the FOND that names the
	  styles, so best we can do is make reasonable guesses).
	  When editing quadratic fonts (truetype), changing the type of a point to
	  be a tangent caused the previous control point to be set the to same location
	  as the next control point. Bleah.
	  New versions of libpng will not automagically load libz when they are loaded.
	  Needed a patch to load libz manually.
	  Fixed a couple of bugs in contextual / chaining dialog.
	  When reading PostScript arrays FF failed to parse negative numbers properly.
	  Make it an error (which it should be) to create a mac postscript resource
	  file without also generating an NFNT.
	  Warn that NFNTs don't work under OS/X, warn that POST resources are probably
	  WinAscent/Descent were being saved incorrectly in sfd files, leading to bad
	  WinAscent/Descent in t/otf OS/2 tables.
	  Crash in ExpandStroke from a NaN when try to intersect parallel lines
	  Improved Merge a little bit for quadratic splines
	  Added popups in the Open Font dialog to show the fontname(s) of any font(s)
	  in a file.
	  FontForge failed to load background images. A bug introduced 24-Feb (part
	  of multi-layer)
	  Reordered the which glyph FF would pick when searching for accents. It used
	  to use ASCII versions of the accents over those in the U+03xx range.
	  Bug in scripting change for mac families.
	  Added a Paste After command (which isn't visible by default) which will allow
	  you to build up words more easily.
	  Give the user access to the OS/2 fields WinAscent and WinDescent.
	  Add a new command (Points-&gt;Make Line) which will turn a spline between
	  two selected points into a line.
	  Improve the behavior of defaulting control points so we don't get
	  self-intersecting loops
	  Add a mode to the pointer tool. Holding down the &lt;Alt&gt; key now means
	  we don't join two open contours if they make contact while dragging.
	  When loading an otf file and saving it as ttf, sometimes the space glyph
	  would become zero width.
	  Redid the way mac families were output. Should be more flexible under OS/X
	  Several problems with tfm files. Didn't handle tfms with more that 128 lig/kerns.
	  Failed to set the r2l flag properly in 'morx' tables
	  More typos in the ghost hint code
	  Allow users to express error term of the scripting Simplify command as a
	  The strings in the context / chaining dlg's initial pane were wrong
	  Fixed some bugs in converting OT contextual substitutions to Mac state machines
	  If we wanted to put a glyph with references into a subroutine (in type1 output)
	  we failed miserably
	  Added a new command
	  <A HREF="editmenu.html#ReplaceRef">Edit-&gt;ReplaceWithReference </A>(and
	  a scripting version too), which searches all glyphs in the font for any selected
	  glyphs, and for each embedded occurance it replaces the outlines of the glyph
	  with a reference to it. This is because reading a postscript (type2 or type1)
	  font generally loses all reference information.
	  The documentation for OS/2.winAscent makes no sense. I shall ignore it and
	  set winAscent to hhea.ascent
	  Sivan says that hebrew kerning is broken again.
	  The search dlg didn't work on quadratic (truetype) fonts
	  I've changed the colour of check boxes because people found black confusing
	  FontForge read Italic Correction incorrectly out of tfm files and had minor
	  problems generating tfm files.
	  the kern class dlg had an uninitialized variable (introduced with the multiple
	  master code I think)
	  FontForge would sometimes crash when generating a GDEF table for some types
	  of otf font.
	  Pierre Hanser has updated the french UI, and pointed out some problems with
	  the english UI.
	  In a version of FontForge compiled with MultiLayer on, Pasting something
	  containing a reference screwed up memory
	  AutoHint produced ghost hints for curved stems that sometimes were outside
	  of the character.
	  Fixed some uninitialized variables in MetaFont (but the algorthim is still
	  FontForge had problems when the fontview was maximized.
	  The 18-Apr patch for cubic-&gt;quadratic conversion had a bug which generally
	  resulted in a crash.
	  When flickering in and out of compacted mode, during a Generate Fonts, the
	  encodings in the displayed bitmap could get out of sync with those of the
	  font leading to a crash.
	  Don't mess with the control points in point type conversion
	  (corner-&gt;curve/tangent) when the they are already reasonable.
	  Allow rectangles and ellipses to have seperate settings of the center out
	  Add a dialog which allows you to specify exactly where rectangles/ellipses
	  should go.
	  Double-clicking on the scale/flap/rotate/skew tool brings up the transform
	  Add a couple of entries in the transform dlg option menus which copy information
	  from the last ruler measurement.
	  Give the user control over how long the ruler window hangs around.
	  Fix a couple of bugs dealing with references in multilayered editing.
	  Uninitialized variable in creation of 'name' table (introduced on 10-Apr)
	  Edit-&gt;Merge didn't work properly on quadratic splines
	  LCarets should have ignored the script assigned to them, but they didn't.
	  Put in more protection against bad GSUB/GPOS tables. In particular mangal.ttf
	  has a bad GSUB table (with erroneous class specifications).
	  FontForge wasn't setting <TT>'hhea'.caretSlopeRun</TT> appropriately in italic
	  fonts (should match <TT>tan(italicAngle)</TT>).
	  Oops. Can do much better converting from cubic to quadratic splines. We were
	  getting far too many linear segments.
	  Our cubic-&gt;quadratic conversion could generate splines where the endpoints
	  were less than 1 unit apart. Since ttf rounds all coords to ints, this meant
	  we'd get the two endpoints on top of one another.
	  When generating a truetype font from a cubic database, FontForge calculated
	  'maxp'.maxCompositePoints incorrectly.
	  Gave the user control over when point numbers are visible (even for cubic
	  The flatten commands didn't preserve the ttf 'name' table nor the 'OS/2'
	  Redid the way 'name' table was generated, hopefully we do better for the
	  mac now.
	  the 'kern' table had a bad rangeShift value (it was the negative of what
	  it should be)
	  Pasting a reference from one font to another could crash if the destination
	  font did not have the refered character.
	  ".null" was appearing twice in the 'post' table when saving a ttf file a
	  second time.
	  Markus Schwarzenberg points out that the ScaleToEm() scripting command didn't
	  work when given a single argument.
	  Pierre Hanser points out that the version fix on 4-Apr had a bug that caused
	  crashes on Macs (perhaps elsewhere).
	  Several more fixes for cff output.
	  We had a bad habit of including extraneous hintmask operators in output
	  Add a proper ff version (well, as much as my versions be proper) to
	  postscript/svg output
	  Patch from Kanou about reading format 2 bitmaps in a sfnt
	  Patch from Kanou. MS requires a weird format for GSUB in vertical writing.
	  When Type1 output needed to output a reference as inline splines (as opposed
	  to a subroutine call or using a seac command) then it would lose any translation
	  applied to that reference.
	  Patch to Type3 output from R.L.Horn
	  FontForge used to crash when reading in a bdf glyph with a bad bounding box.
	  Reading a kerning class from an sfd file when that class had more second
	  character classes than first character classes would screw up memory and
	  probably cause a crash.
	  Attempting to edit a 'cvt ' table in a font without one caused a crash.
	  Attempting to edit a 'cvt ' table in a font with one showed an empty table.
	  Make scaling from the fontview apply to kerning and positioning data.
	  Drawing a rectangle by dragging from center out didn't work
	  Display phantom points when debugging. Be prepared to find either 2 (horizontal
	  metrics) or 4 (both horizontal or vertical) depending on what version of
	  freetype we've got.
	  Bug in both reading and writing encoding format 0 of cff fonts. I forgot
	  to ignore .notdef so everything was off by 1.
	  If a glyph was used as a reference in another glyph, and we put it in a
	  subroutine (type1 output), and it had hint conflicts, then the first group
	  of hints never got output.
	  In multilayered mode, the Revert Glyph command left memory in a potentially
	  bad state. (If you immediately closed the charview, then nothing bad would
	  happen, but if you tried any editing in it, then nasty things happened.)
	  When flattening a CID file fontforge lost track of the script/lang list (and
	  other things) which caused bugs when dealing with substitutions
	  When saving multiply, fontforge could free a fonts hash table several times
	  When flattening by a CMAP file from a script fontforge could crash
	  Added a CIDFlatten command to scripting.
	  The "cleanup of OS/2" on 29-Feb actually broke WinAscent/Descent
	  When loading a mac unicode string from the 'name' table, fontforge failed
	  to convert the language correctly.
	  When loading a mac contextual substitution statemachine, fontforge made egregious
	  errors in guessing to what glyphs were usable for a substitution of the marked
	  Added the current encoding to the font's window title (also display a flag
	  to show whether the font has been changed)
	  When moving points around on an order2 contour fontforge could end up with
	  bad control points and would then produce annoying internal errors alerting
	  the user to this fact.
	  The CID Flatten commands did not work when the view was compacted.
	  CharInfo had been deliberately disabled in CID fonts
	  Show ATT didn't work with CID keyed fonts
	  The preference mapping between mac and opentype small caps features was wrong.
	  Werner found a strange bug in splinefill that I can't reproduce (and can't
	  understand how it could happen) but the fix appears obvious.
	  Add a command to show what glyphs use the current glyph in a substitution
	  (so "A.swash" would show that "A" used it, and "i" would show that "fi" used
	  Changed the extension shown in the Generate Fonts dlg for multiple saves
	  to ".pfb". Put in a %s to make it obvious that more will be added to the
	  name. Support people who want .pfa fonts too.
	  The dialog for adding/editing correspondences between mac feature/settings
	  and opentype features never went away.
	  Disable the Default ATT menu if no char is selected in the fontview.
	  FontForge sometimes had trouble drawing the correct rotated glyph in cid
	  fonts on the display lines of the fontview.
	  Changed the way names used in cidmap files, so there are new cidmap files
	  The ShowAtt dialog could overwrite itself if there were enough aats in it.
	  (and at one point the vertical scroll bar was set to the bounds of the horizontal
	  scroll bar)
	  Still getting the windows ascent/descent wrong. This time in CID keyed fonts.
	  Add some new language translations for things like "Bold" (dutch, swedish,
	  Dragging and dropping a char from the font view into the char info dlg (to
	  create a substitution) created a crash instead.
	  Support more of postscript in the interpreter
	  Our svg fonts pointed to a not-yet-existing dtd file
	  Support for Apple's distortable fonts (sort of like truetype multi-master
	  Depressing the control key now makes popups live longer (until the mouse
	  new command in MM menu: Blend to new font
	  Changed name from pfaedit to fontforge
  FontForge was first released on 2-Mar-2004. An earlier version of the program,
  called PfaEdit, was begun in Sept of 2000, released on the web 7-Nov-2000,
  and moved to on 21-Apr-2001.