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  <!-- AP: Created on: 6-Apr-2007 -->
  <!-- AP: Last modified: 2-Oct-2007 -->
  <TITLE>Writing python scripts to change fonts in FontForge</TITLE>
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  <H1 ALIGN=Center>
    Writing python scripts to change fonts in FontForge
  I assume you have a working knowledge of python (because I do not).
  <A href="">Python documentation may be found on
  the web.</A> FontForge implements two python modules -- one great huge one
  called <CODE><A HREF="python.html#fontforge">fontforge</A></CODE> which provides
  access to as much of FontForge's functionality as I've had time to write,
  and one tiny one called
  <CODE><A HREF="python.html#psMat">psMat</A></CODE> which provides quick access
  to some useful transformations expressed as PostScript matrices.
  In python terms fontforge <EM>embeds</EM> python. It is possible to build
  fontforge so that it is also a python <EM>extension</EM> (<CODE>configure
  The fontforge module also defines several types
      <A href="#Point">point</A>
      <A href="#Contour">contour</A>
      <A href="#Layer">layer</A>
      <A href="#GlyphPen">glyphPen</A>
      <A href="#Glyph">glyph</A>
      <A href="#selection">selection</A>
      <A href="#Font">font</A>
  <TABLE id="module" border=1>
      <A NAME="psMat">psMat</A>
      <TH span=3>Methods</TH>
      <TD>returns an identity matrix as a 6 element tuple</TD>
      <TD>returns a matrix which is the composition of the two input transformations</TD>
      <TD>returns a matrix which is the inverse of the input transformation. (Note:
	There will not always be an inverse)</TD>
      <TD>returns a matrix which will rotate by <CODE>theta</CODE>.
	<CODE>Theta</CODE> is expressed in radians</TD>
      <TD>returns a matrix which will scale by <CODE>x</CODE> in the horizontal
	direction and <CODE>y</CODE> in the vertical. If <CODE>y</CODE> is omitted,
	it will scale by the same amount (<CODE>x</CODE>) in both directions</TD>
      <TD>returns a matrix which will skew by <CODE>theta</CODE> (to produce a
	oblique font). <CODE>Theta</CODE> is expressed in radians</TD>
      <TD>returns a matrix which will translate by <CODE>x</CODE> in the horizontal
	direction and <CODE>y</CODE> in the vertical</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Types</TH>
      <TD colspan=3>None</TD>
  <TABLE id="module" border=1>
      <A NAME="fontforge">fontforge</A>
      <TH colspan=3>Global Variables</TH>
      <TH colspan=2>comments</TH>
      <TD><CODE><A NAME="module-hooks">hooks</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>A dictionary which the user may fill to associate certain fontforge
	events with a python function to be run when those events happen. The function
	will be passed the font (or possibly glyph) for which the relevant event
	    Hook names
	    <TD>This function will be called when a new font has been created.</TD>
	    <TD>This function will be called when a font is loaded from disk.<BR>
	      (if a font has an "initScriptString" entry in its persistant dictionary,
	      that script will be invoked before this function).</TD>
	Other hooks are defined in a font's own
	<A HREF="#font-temporary">temporary</A> and
	<A HREF="#font-persistant">persistant</A> dictionaries.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Methods</TH>
      <TD>returns the value of the named preference item</TD>
      <TD>sets the value of the named preference item</TD>
      <TD>Saves the current preference settings</TD>
      <TD>Loads the user's default preference settings. Not done automatically
	in a script.</TD>
      <TD>Sets the type1 PostScript OtherSubrs to the default value</TD>
      <TD>Sets the type1 PostScript OtherSubrs to the stuff found in the file.</TD>
      <TD>Loads an encoding file</TD>
      <TD>Loads a namelist</TD>
      <TD>Loads all namelist files in the directory</TD>
      <TD>Loads a fontforge plugin</TD>
      <TD>Loads all fontforge plugins in the directory</TD>
      <TD>Loads a fontforge cidmap file</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="printSetup">printSetup</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Prepare to <A href="#f-print">print a font sample</A>. The first argument
	may be one of:
	    Queues postscript output to the printer using <CODE>lp</CODE>. You may use
	    the optional second argument to specify the printer name.
	    Queues postscript output to the printer using <CODE>lpr</CODE>. You may use
	    the optional second argument to specify the printer name.
	    Displays the output using ghostview (or gv). The second argument is ignored.
	    Use a custom shell command to print the output. The second argument should
	    contain the command and its arguments.
	    Dump the postscript output to a file. The second argument specifies the filename.
	    Dump the output as pdf to a file. The second argument specifies the filename.
	The third and fourth arguments are optional and specify the page size (in
	points) for the output. The third argument is the page width and the fourth
	is the height.
	These setting remain until changed</TD>
      <TD>Looks up glyph name in its dictionary and if it is associated with a
	unicode code point returns that number. Otherwise it returns -1</TD>
      <TD>Returns fontforge's version number. This will be a large number like
      <TD>Returns a tuple of all fonts currently loaded into fontforge for editing</TD>
      <TD>If the script were invoked from the File-&gt;Execute Script... dialog,
	this returns the font that was active at the time. Otherwise it returns None.</TD>
      <TD>If the script were invoked from the File-&gt;Execute Script... dialog
	from an outline glyph window this returns the glyph that was active at the
	time. Otherwise it returns None.</TD>
      <TD>Returns a tuple of all fontnames found in the specified file. The tuple
	may be empty if fontforge couldn't find any.</TD>
      <TD>Opens a filename and returns the font it contains. If it does.</TD>
      <TD>Returns a binary string each byte of which corresponds to a truetype
	instruction. The input string should contain a set of instruction names as
      <TD>Reverse of the above. Converts a binary string into a human (sort of)
	readable string</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>User Interface Methods</TH>
      <TD colspan=3>Users may define scripts to be run when menu items are invoked.
	Some of these scripts will want to ask users questions, so this section provides
	routines to determine if fontforge has a user interface, a command to add
	menu items, and various small standard dialogs to interact with the user.
	I do not currently provide a mechanism for allowing people to define special
	purpose dialogs (for example they might want to ask more than one question
	in a dialog, and I don't support that).
	When FontForge starts (if it's a fontforge with python) it will look at the
	directories <CODE>$(PREFIX)/share/fontforge/python</CODE> and
	<CODE>~/.PfaEdit/python</CODE> and attempt to run all files in those directories
	which end in ".py". Presumably these files will allow people to customize
	the user interface to suit their needs.
	Currently it reads the files in directory order (which is generally somewhere
	between creation order and totally random). It will read the system directory
	before the user directory.
	  <PRE>import fontforge;

def nameGlyph(junk,glyph):
  print glyph.glyphname;

fontforge.registerMenuItem(nameGlyph,None,None,"Glyph","None","Print Glyph Name");

def neverEnableMe(junk,glyph):
  return False;

fontforge.registerMenuItem(nameGlyph,neverEnableMe,None,"Glyph","None","SubMenu","Print Glyph Name");

def importGlyph(junk,glyph,filename,toback):
  print "Import";
  print glyph.glyphname;
  print filename;
def exportGlyph(junk,glyph,filename):
  print "Import";
  print glyph.glyphname;
  print filename;

	The first call will define a menu item in the Tools menu of the Glyph window.
	The menu will be called "Print Glyph Name". It has no shortcut to invoke
	it. It needs no external data. It is always enabled. And when activated it
	will invoke the function "nameGlyph" whch prints the name of the glyph in
	the window from which the command is invoked.
	The second call defines a menu item in a submenu of the Tools menu. This
	submenu is called "SubMenu". This item will never be enabled -- but if it
	were enabled it would again call "nameGlyph" to print the name of the current
	The last provides a way to import and export files of type "foosball" (or
	it would if the routines did anything).
	Not a very useful example</TD>
      <TD>Returns True if this session of FontForge has a user interface</TD>
      <TD>If fontforge has a user interface this will add this menu item to FontForge's
	Tool menu, either in the font or the outline glyph view (or both).
	    This is the function that will be called when the menu item is activated.
	    It will be passed two arguments, the first is the data value specified here
	    (which may be None, indeed will probably usually be None), and the second
	    is the glyph or font (depending on the window type) from which the menu item
	    was activated. Its return value is ignored.
	    This may be None -- in which case the menu item will always be enabled. Otherwise
	    it will be called before the menu pops up on the screen to determine whether
	    this item should be enabled. It will be passed the same arguments as above.
	    It should return True if the item should be enabled and False otherwise.
	    This can be whatever you want (including None). FontForge keeps track of
	    it and passes it to both of the above functions. Use it if you need to provide
	    some context for the menu item.
	    May be either of the strings "Font" or "Glyph (or the tuple
	    <CODE>("Font","Glyph")</CODE>) and it determines which type of window will
	    have this menu item in its "Tools" menu.
	    May be None if you do not wish to supply a shortcut. Otherwise should be
	    a string like "Menu Name|Cntl-H" (the syntax is defined in the
	    <A HREF="uitranslationnotes.html#HotKeys">translation section</A>).
	    You may specify as many of these as you wish (including leaving them out
	    altogether), this allows you to organize the Tools menu into submenus. (If
	    a submenu of this name does not currently exist, fontforge will create it).
	    The name that will appear in the menu for this item.
	This will only affect windows created after this command is executed. Normally
	the command will be executed at startup and so it will affect all windows.</TD>
      <TD>This will add the capability to import or export files of a given type,
	presumably a way of specifying the splines in a given glyph.
	    The function to call to import a file into a glyph. It will be called with:
	    The data argument (specified below), A pointer to the glyph into which the
	    import is to happen, A filename, A flag indicating whether the import should
	    go to the background layer or foreground.
	    This function may be None. In which case there is no import method for this
	    file type.
	    The function to call to export a glyph into a file. It will be called with:
	    The data argument (see below), a pointer to the glyph, and a filename.
	    This function may be None, in which case there is no export method for this
	    file type.
	    Anything you like (including None). It will be passed to the import/export
	    routines and can provide them with context if they need that.
	    The name to be displayed in the user interface for this file type. This may
	    just be the extension, or it might be something more informative.
	    This is the default extension for this file type. It is used by the export
	    dialog to pick an extension for the generated filename.
	    Some file types have more than one common extension (eps files are usually
	    named "eps", but I have also seen "ps" and "art" used). The import dialog
	    needs to filter all possible filenames of this file type. This argument should
	    be a comma seperated list of extensions. It may be omitted, in which case
	    it defaults to being the same as the "extension" argument above.
      <TD>Adds the message (a string) to FontForge's Warnings window. (if you wish
	to display a % character you must represent it as two percents). If there
	is no user interface the output will go to stderr.</TD>
      <TD>Creates a popup dialog to display the message (a string) in that dlg.
	(if you wish to display a % character you must represent it as two percents).
	If there is no user interface the output will go to stderr.</TD>
      <TD>Creates a little window which will silently vanish after a minute or
	two and displays the message (a string) in that window. (if you wish to display
	a % character you must represent it as two percents). If there is no user
	interface the output will go to stderr.</TD>
      <TD>All arguments are strings. The first is a question asked to the user
	(for which a filename to open is presumed to be the answer). The second is
	optional and provides a default filename. The third is optional and provides
	a filter (like "*.sfd")
	The result is either a filename or None if the user canceled the dialog.
	Throws an exception if there is no user interface.</TD>
      <TD>All arguments are strings. The first is a question asked to the user
	(for which a filename to save something to is presumed to be the answer).
	The second is optional and provides a default filename. The third is optional
	and provides a filter (like "*.sfd")
	The result is either a filename or None if the user canceled the dialog.
	Throws an exception if there is no user interface.</TD>
      <TD>Allows you to ask the user a multiple choice question. It popups up a
	dialog posing the question with a list of buttons ranged underneath it --
	one for each answer.
	The first argument is the dialog's title, the second is the question to be
	asked, the third is a tuple of strings -- each string will become a button,
	the fourth and fifth arguments are option, the fourth is the index in the
	answer array that will be the default answer (the one invoked if the user
	presses the [Return] key), and the fifth is the answer invoked if the user
	presses the [Escape] key. If omitted the default answer will be the first,
	and the cancel answer will be the last.
	The function returns the index in the answer array of the answer choosen
	by the user.
	Throws an exception if there is no user interface.</TD>
      <TD>Similar to the above allows you to ask the user a multiple choice question.
	It popups up a dialog posing the question with a scrollable list of choices
	-- one for each answer.
	The first argument is the dialog's title, the second is the question to be
	asked, the third is a tuple of strings -- each string will become a button,
	the fourth and fifth arguments are option, the fourth is the index in the
	answer array that will be the default answer (the one invoked if the user
	presses the [Return] key). If omitted the default answer will be the first.
	The function returns the index in the answer array of the answer choosen
	by the user. If the user cancels the dialog, a -1 is returned.
	Throws an exception if there is no user interface.</TD>
      <TD>Allows you to as the user a question for which a string is the answer.
	The first argument is the dialog's title, the second is the question to be
	asked, the third is optional and specified a default answer.
	The function returns the string the user typed or None if they cancelled
	the dialog.
	Throws an exception if there is no user interface.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Types</TH>
      <TD colspan=3><A href="#Point">point</A></TD>
      <TD colspan=3><A href="#Contour">contour</A></TD>
      <TD colspan=3><A href="#Layer">layer</A></TD>
      <TD colspan=3><A href="#GlyphPen">glyphPen</A></TD>
      <TD colspan=3><A href="#Glyph">glyph</A></TD>
      <TD colspan=3><A href="#selection">selection</A></TD>
      <TD colspan=3><A href="#Font">font</A></TD>
  <TABLE id="type" border=1>
      <A name="Point">point</A>
      <TH colspan=3>Members</TH>
      <TH colspan=2>comments</TH>
      <TD colspan=2>The x location of the point</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The y location of the point</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Whether this is an on curve point or an off curve point (a
	control point)</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Whether this point is selected in the UI. If an off-curve point
	is selected in means the preceding (interpolated) on-curve point is selected.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Methods</TH>
      <TD>Creates a new point. Optionally specifying its location</TD>
      <TD>Transforms the point by the transformation matrix</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Pickling Methods</TH>
      <TD>This function allows the pickler to work on this type. I don't think
	it is useful for anything else.</TD>
  <TABLE id="type" border=1>
      <A name="Contour">contour</A>
      <TH colspan=3>Description</TH>
      <TD colspan=3>A contour is a collection of points. A contour may be either
	based on cubic or quadratic splines.
	If based on cubic splines there should be either 0 or 2 off-curve points
	between every two on-curve points. If there are no off-curve points then
	we have a line between those two points. If there are 2 off-curve points
	we have a cubic bezier curve between the two end points.
	If based on quadratic splines things are more complex. Again, two adjacent
	on-curve points yield a line between those points. Two on-curve points with
	an off-curve point between them yields a quadratic bezier curve. However
	if there are two adjacent off-curve points then an on-curve point will be
	interpolated between them. (This should be familiar to anyone who has read
	the truetype 'glyf' table docs).
	For examples of what these splines can look like see the
	<A HREF="bezier.html">section on bezier curves</A>.
	A contour may be open in which case it is just a long wiggly line, or closed
	when it is more like a circle with an inside and an outside. Unless you are
	making stroked fonts all your contours should eventually be closed.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Members</TH>
      <TH colspan=2>comments</TH>
      <TD colspan=2>Whether the contour should be interpretted as a set of quadratic
	or cubic splines. Setting this value has the side effect of converting the
	point list to the appropriate format</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Whether the contour is open or closed</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Sequence Protocol</TH>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>len(c)</CODE></TD>
      <TD>The number of points in the contour</TD>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>c[i]</CODE></TD>
      <TD>The <EM>i</EM>th point on the contour. You may assign to this</TD>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>c[i:j]</CODE></TD>
      <TD>The contour containing points between i and j. You may assign to this</TD>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>c + d</CODE></TD>
      <TD>A contour concatenating c and d. D may be either another contour or a
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>c += d</CODE></TD>
      <TD>Appends d to c. D may be either another contour or a point.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>p in c</CODE></TD>
      <TD>Returns whether the point p is in the contour c. p may be either a point
	or a tuple of two numbers</TD>
      <TD colspan=3>Does not support the repeat concept</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Iterator Protocol</TH>
      <TD>Returns an iterator for the contour which will return the points in order.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Methods</TH>
      <TD>Creates a new contour</TD>
      <TD>Returns whether the contour is empty (contains no points)</TD>
      <TH colspan=2>Contour construction</TH>
      <TD>Adds an initial, on-curve point at (x,y) to the contour</TD>
      <TD>Adds an line to the contour. If the optional third argument is give,
	the line will be added after the pos'th point, otherwise it will be at the
	end of the contour.</TD>
      <TD>Adds a cubic curve to the contour. If the optional third argument is
	give, the line will be added after the pos'th point, otherwise it will be
	at the end of the contour.</TD>
      <TD>Adds a quadratic curve to the contour. If the optional third argument
	is give, the line will be added after the pos'th point, otherwise it will
	be at the end of the contour.</TD>
      <TD>Adds point to the contour. If the optional third argument is give, the
	line will be added after the pos'th point, otherwise it will be at the end
	of the contour. The point may be either a point or a tuple with three members
      <TD>Rotate the point list so that the pos'th point becomes the first point</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="#cnt-isClockwise">isClockwise</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Returns whether the contour is drawn in a clockwise direction.</TD>
      <TD>Reverse the order in which the contour is drawn (turns a clockwise contour
	into a counter-clockwise one). See also
	<A href="#l-correctDirection">layer.correctDirection</A>.</TD>
      <TH colspan=2>Contour manipulation</TH>
      <TD>Extrema should be marked by on-curve points. If a curve lacks a point
	at an extrema this command will add one. Flags may be one of the following
	    Add all missing extrema
	    Only add extrema on longer splines (with respect to the em-size)
	    As above but also merge away on-curve points which are very close to, but
	    not on, an added extremum
      <TD><CODE><A name="cnt-cluster">cluster</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Moves clustered coordinates to a standard central value. See Also
	<A href="#cnt-round">round</A></TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="cnt-merge">merge</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Removes the on-curve point a the given position and rearranges the other
	points to make the curve as similar to the original as possible. (pos may
	also be a tuple of positions, all of which will be removed) See Also
	<A href="#cnt-simplify">simplify</A></TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="cnt-round">round</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Rounds the x and y coordinates. If factor is specified then new-coord
	= round(factor*old-coord)/factor. See Also <A href="#cnt-cluster">cluster</A></TD>
      <TD>Returns whether this contour intersects itself.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="cnt-simplify">simplify</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Tries to remove excess points on the contour if doing so will not perturb
	the curve by more than <CODE>error-bound</CODE>. Flags is a tuple of the
	following strings
	    Allow slopes to change
	    Allow removal of extrema
	    Allow curve smoothing
	    Snap to horizontal or vertical
	    flatten bumps on lines
	    Make nearly horizontal/vertical lines be so
	    Merge adjacent lines into one
	    Rotate the point list so that the start point is on an extremum
	    If the contour contains just one point then remove it
	See Also <A href="#cnt-merge">merge</A></TD>
      <TD>Transforms the contour by the matrix</TD>
      <TH colspan=2>random stuff about contours</TH>
      <TD>Returns a tuple representing a rectangle (xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax) into
	which the contour fits. It is not guaranteed to be the smallest such rectangle,
	but it will often be.</TD>
      <TD>Returns a tuple of two four-element tuples. These tuples are x and y
	splines for the curve after the specified point.</TD>
      <TD>Draw the contour to the
	<A href="">pen argument.</A></TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Pickling Methods</TH>
      <TD>This function allows the pickler to work on this type. I don't think
	it is useful for anything else.</TD>
  <TABLE id="type" border=1>
      <A name="Layer">layer</A>
      <TH colspan=3>Description</TH>
      <TD colspan=3>A layer is a collection of contours. All the contours must
	be the same order (all quadratic or all cubic).</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Members</TH>
      <TH colspan=2>comments</TH>
      <TD colspan=2>Whether the contours should be interpretted as a set of quadratic
	or cubic splines. Setting this value has the side effect of converting the
	contour list to the appropriate format</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Sequence Protocol</TH>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>len(c)</CODE></TD>
      <TD>The number of contours in the layer</TD>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>c[i]</CODE></TD>
      <TD>The <EM>i</EM>th contour on the layer. You may assign to this</TD>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>c + d</CODE></TD>
      <TD>A layer concatenating c and d. D may be either another layer or a contour.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>c += d</CODE></TD>
      <TD>Appends d to c. D may be either another layer or a contour.</TD>
      <TD colspan=3>Does not support the repeat, slice and contains concepts</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Iterator Protocol</TH>
      <TD>Returns an iterator for the layer which will return the contours in order.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Methods</TH>
      <TD>Creates a new layer</TD>
      <TD>Returns whether the layer is empty (contains no contour)</TD>
      <TD>Extrema should be marked by on-curve points. If a curve lacks a point
	at an extrema this command will add one. Flags may be one of the following
	    Add all missing extrema
	    Only add extrema on longer splines (with respect to the em-size)
	    As above but also merge away on-curve points which are very close to, but
	    not on, an added extremum
      <TD><CODE><A name="l-cluster">cluster</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Moves clustered coordinates to a standard central value. See also
	<A href="#l-round">round</A>.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="l-correctDirection">correctDirection</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Orients all contours so that external ones are clockwise and internal
	counter-clockwise. See also
	<A href="#cnt-isClockwise">contour.isClockwise</A>.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="l-exclude">exclude</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Removes the excluded area from the current contours. See also
	<A href="#l-removeOverlap">removeOverlap</A> and
	<A href="#l-intersect">intersect</A>.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="l-intersect">intersect</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Leaves only areas in the intersection of contours. See also
	<A href="#l-removeOverlap">removeOverlap</A> and
	<A href="#l-exclude">exclude</A>.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="l-removeOverlap">removeOverlap</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Removes overlapping areas. See also <A href="#l-intersect">intersect</A>
	and <A href="#l-exclude">exclude</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Creates (and returns) a new layer which contains splines interpolated
	from the current layer and the first argument. If amount is 0 the result
	will look like the current layer, if 1 then like the first argument.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="l-round">round</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Rounds the x and y coordinates. If factor is specified then new-coord
	= round(factor*old-coord)/factor. See also <A href="#l-cluster">cluster</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Returns whether any of the contours on this layer intersects any other
	contour (including itself).</TD>
      <TD>Tries to remove excess points on the layer if doing so will not perturb
	the curve by more than <CODE>error-bound</CODE>. Flags is a tuple of the
	following strings
	    Allow slopes to change
	    Allow removal of extrema
	    Allow curve smoothing
	    Snap to horizontal or vertical
	    flatten bumps on lines
	    Make nearly horizontal/vertical lines be so
	    Merge adjacent lines into one
	    Rotate the point list so that the start point is on an extremum
	    If the contour contains just one point then remove it
      <TD>Strokes the current line using one of the indicated pens. Line cap may
	be one of
	line join may be
	flags is a tuple containing some of the following strings
      <TD>Transforms the layer by the matrix</TD>
      <TD>Returns a tuple representing a rectangle (xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax) into
	which the layer fits. It is not guaranteed to be the smallest such rectangle,
	but it will often be.</TD>
      <TD>Draw the layer to the
	<A href="">pen argument.</A></TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Pickling Methods</TH>
      <TD>This function allows the pickler to work on this type. I don't think
	it is useful for anything else.</TD>
  <TABLE id="type" border=1>
      <A name="GlyphPen">glyphPen</A>
      <TD colspan=3>This implements the
	<A href="">Pen Protocol</A>
	to draw into a FontForge glyph. You create a glyphPen with the
	<A href="#glyph-glyphPen">glyphPen</A> attribute of a glyph. You then draw
	into it with the operators below.
import fontforge;
font ="Ambrosia.sfd");	#Open a font
pen = font["B"].glyphPen();		# Create a pen to draw into glyph "B"
pen.moveTo((100,100));			# draw a square
pen.closePath();			# end the contour

font["A"].draw(pen);			# or you can copy from one glyph to another
					# by having a glyph draw itself into the pen
pen = None;				# Finalize the pen. This tells FontForge
					# that the drawing is done and causes
			                # it to refresh the display (if a UI is active).
	This type may not be pickled.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Members</TH>
      <TD colspan=3>None</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Methods</TH>
      <TD>With one exception this call begins every contor and creates an on curve
	point at (x,y) as the start point of that contour. This should be the first
	call after a pen has been created and the call that follows a closePath,
      <TD>Draws a line from the last point to (x,y) and adds that to the contour.</TD>
      <TD>This routine has slightly different arguments depending on the type of
	the font. When drawing into a cubic font (PostScript) use the first set of
	arguments (with two control points -- off curve points -- between each on
	curve point). When drawing into a quadratic font (TrueType) use the second
	format with one control point between adjacent on-curve points.
	The standard appears to support super-bezier curves with more than two control
	points between on-curve points. FontForge does not. Nor does FontForge allow
	you to draw a quadratic spline into a cubic font, nor vice versa.</TD>
      <TD>This routine may only be used in quadratic (TrueType) fonts and has two
	different formats. It is used to express the TrueType idiom where an on-curve
	point mid-way between its control points may be omitted, leading to a run
	of off-curve points (with implied but unspecified on-curve points between
	The first format allows an arbetary number of off-curve points followed by
	one on-curve point.
	It is possible to have a contour which consists solely of off-curve points.
	When this happens the contour is NOT started with a moveTo, instead the entire
	contour, all the off curve points, are listed in one call, and the argument
	list is terminated by a <CODE>None</CODE> to indicate there are no on-curve
      <TD>Closes the contour (connects the last point to the first point to make
	a loop) and ends it.</TD>
      <TD>Ends the contour without closing it. This is only relevant if you are
	stroking contours.</TD>
      <TD>Adds a reference (a component) to the glyph. The PostScript transformation
	matrix is a 6 element tuple.</TD>
  <TABLE id="type" border=1>
      <A name="Glyph">glyph</A>
      <TH colspan=3>Description</TH>
      <TD colspan=3>The glyph type refers to a fontforge Glyph object. It has no
	independant life of its own, it always lives within a font. It has all the
	things you expect to be associated with a glyph: a glyph name, a unicode
	encoding, a drawing layer, GPOS/GSUB features...
	This type may not be pickled.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Members</TH>
      <TH colspan=2>comments</TH>
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-background">background</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The glyph's background layer. This is a <EM>copy</EM> of the
	glyph's data. See also <A href="#g-foreground">foreground</A>.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Whether this glyph has been modified. This is (should be)
	maintained automatically, but you may set it if you wish.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The color of the glyph in the fontview. A 6 hex-digit RGB number
	or -1 for default. 0xffffff is white, 0x0000ff is blue, etc.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Any comment you wish to associate with the glyph. UTF-8</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Returns the glyph's encoding in the font's encoding. (readonly)
	If the glyph has multiple encodings, one will be picked at random.<BR>
	If the glyph is not in the font's encoding then a number will be returned
	beyond the encoding size (or in some cases -1 will be returned).</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The font containing this glyph. (readonly)</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-foreground">foreground</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The glyph's foreground layer. This is a <EM>copy</EM> of the
	glyph's data. See also <A href="#g-background">background</A> and
	<A href="#g-references">references</A>.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>An opentype glyphclass, one of automatic, noclass, baseglyph,
	baseligature, mark, component</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The name of the glyph</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>A tuple of all horizontal postscript hints. Each hint is itself
	a tuple of starting locations and widths.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The left side bearing of the glyph</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The GID of this glyph in the font it was read from. (readonly)</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A NAME="glyph-persistant">persistant</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Whatever you want (these data will be saved as a pickled object
	in the sfd file. It is your job to insure that whatever you put here can
	be pickled). See also <A HREF="#glyph-temporary">the temporary</A> field.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-references">references</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>A tuple of tuples containing glyph-name and a transformation
	matrix for each reference. See also <A href="#g-foreground">foreground</A>.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The right side bearing of the glyph</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>A string containing the OpenType 4 letter tag for the script
	associated with this glyph (readonly)</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A NAME="glyph-temporary">temporary</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Whatever you want (these data will be lost once the font is
	closed) See also <A HREF="#glyph-persistant">the persistant</A> field.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The Tex height</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The Tex depth</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Any truetype instructions, returned as a binary string</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The glyph's unicode code point, or -1</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>A flag that indicates the glyph's references should be unlinked
	and remove overlap run on it before the font is saved (and then the original
	references replaced after the save finishes)</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Deprecated name for <A HREF="#glyph-temporary">temporary field
      <TD colspan=2>A tuple of all vertical postscript hints. Each hint is itself
	a tuple of starting locations and widths.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A NAME="validation-state">validation</A>_state</CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>A bit mask indicating some problems this glyph might have.
	    <TD>If set then this glyph has been validated.<BR>
	      If unset then other bits are meaningless.</TD>
	    <TD>Glyph has an open contour.</TD>
	    <TD>Glyph intersects itself somewhere.</TD>
	    <TD>At least one contour is drawn in the wrong direction</TD>
	    <TD>At least one reference in the glyph has been flipped<BR>
	      (and so is drawn in the wrong direction)</TD>
	    <TD>Missing extrema</TD>
	    <TD>A glyph name referred to from this glyph, in an opentype table, is not
	      present in the font.</TD>
	    <TH COLSPAN=2>PostScript only</TH>
	    <TD>PostScript has a limit of 1500 points in a glyph.</TD>
	    <TD>PostScript has a limit of 96 hints in a glyph.</TD>
	    <TD>Invalid glyph name.</TD>
	    <TH COLSPAN=2>TrueType only, errors in original file</TH>
	    <TD>More points in a glyph than allowed in 'maxp'</TD>
	    <TD>More paths in a glyph than allowed in 'maxp'</TD>
	    <TD>More points in a composite glyph than allowed in 'maxp'</TD>
	    <TD>More paths in a composite glyph than allowed in 'maxp'</TD>
	    <TD>Instructions longer than allowed in 'maxp'</TD>
	    <TD>More references in a glyph than allowed in 'maxp'</TD>
	    <TD>References nested more deeply than allowed in 'maxp'</TD>
	    <TD>'fpgm' or 'prep' tables longer than allowed in 'maxp'</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-width">width</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The advance width of the glyph. See also
	<A HREF="#g-vwidth">vwidth</A>.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-vwidth">vwidth</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The vertical advance width of the glyph. See also
	<A HREF="#g-width">width</A>.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Methods</TH>
      <TD>Extrema should be marked by on-curve points. If a curve lacks a point
	at an extrema this command will add one. Flags may be one of the following
	    Add all missing extrema
	    Only add extrema on longer splines (with respect to the em-size)
	    As above but also merge away on-curve points which are very close to, but
	    not on, an added extremum
      <TD>Adds a reference to the specified glyph into the current glyph. Optionally
	specifying a transformation matrix</TD>
      <TD>Adds a postscript hint. Takes a boolean flag indicating whether the hint
	is horizontal or vertical, a start location and the hint's width.</TD>
	(subtable-name,other-glyph-name, &nbsp;xoff1,yoff1,xadv1,yadv1,<BR>
      <TD>Adds position/substitution data to the glyph. The number and type of
	the arguments vary acording to the type of the lookup containing the subtable.
	The first argument should always be a lookup subtable name. If the lookup
	is for single substitutions then the second argument should be a string
	containing a single glyph name. For multiple and alternated substitutions
	multiple glyph names. For ligatures, a string of the ligature components.
	For single positionings the second through fifth arguments should be small
	integers representing the adjustment along that axis. For pairwise positionings
	(kerning) the second argument should be the name of the other glyph being
	kerned with, and the third through tenth should be small integers.</TD>
      <TD>Generates PostScript hints for this glyph.</TD>
      <TD>Generates (bad) TrueType instructions for this glyph.</TD>
      <TD>Auto traces any background images</TD>
      <TD>Returns a tuple representing a rectangle (xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax) which
	is the minimum bounding box of the glyph.</TD>
      <TD>If the character is a composite character, then clears it and inserts
	references to its components</TD>
      <TD>Orders the contours in the current glyph by the x coordinate of their
	leftmost point. (This can reduce the size of the charstring needed to describe
	the glyph(s).</TD>
      <TD>Sets the start point of all the contours of the current glyph to be the
	leftmost point on the contour. (If there are several points with that value
	then use the one which is closest to the baseline). This can reduce the size
	of the charstring needed to describe the glyph(s). By regularizing things
	it can also make more things available to be put in subroutines.</TD>
      <TD>See the <A HREF="Styles.html#Embolden">Element-&gt;Style-&gt;Change
	Width</A> command for a more complete description of these arguments.
	Stroke_width is the amount by which all stems are expanded.
	Type is one of "LCG", "CJK", "auto", "custom".
	Serif_height tells ff not to expand serifs which are that much off the baseline,
	while serif_fuzz specifies the amount of fuzziness allowed in the match.
	If you don't want special serif behavior set this to 0.
	Counter_type is one of "squish", "retain", "auto".
	Custom_zones is only meaningful if the type argument were "custom". It may
	be either a number, which specifies the "top hint" value (bottom hint is
	assumed to be 0, others are between), or a tuple of 4 numbers (top hint,
	top zone, bottom zone, bottom hint).</TD>
      <TD>Condenses or extends the size of the counters and side-bearings of the
	glyph. The first two arguments provide information on shrinking/growing the
	counters, the second two the sidebearings. If the last two are omitted they
	default to the same values as the first two.
	A counter's width will become:<BR>
	<CODE>&nbsp; &nbsp;new_width = c_factor * old_width + c_add</CODE>
	If present the <CODE>correct</CODE> argument allows you to specify whether
	you want to correct for the italic angle before condensing the glyph. (it
	defaults to True)</TD>
      <TD>Clears the contents of the glyph (and marks it as not
	<A href="#g-isWorthOutputting">worth outputting</A>).</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-cluster">cluster</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Moves clustered coordinates to a standard central value. See also
	<A href="#g-round">round</A>.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-correctDirection">correctDirection</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Orients all contours so that external ones are clockwise and internal
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-exclude">exclude</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Removes the excluded area from the current glyph. Takes an argument which
	is a layer. See also <A href="#g-removeOverlap">removeOverlap</A> and
	<A href="#g-intersect">intersect</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Uses the file's extension to determine output file type. Exports outline
	formats to the file. For bitmap formats it will rasterize the glyph and output
	that. The optional arguments are only used for rasterizing. bitdepth must
	be 1 or 8.</TD>
      <TD>Returns any positioning/substitution data attached to the glyph controlled
	by the lookup-subtable. If the name is "*" then returns data from all subtables.
	The data are returned as a tuple of tuples. The first element of the subtuples
	is the name of the lookup-subtable. The second element will be one of the
	strings: "Position", "Pair", "Substitution", "AltSubs", "MultSubs","Ligature".
	Positioning data will be followed by four small integers representing adjustments
	to the: x position of the glyph, the y position, the horizontal advance,
	and the vertical advance.
	Pair data will be followed by the name of the other glyph in the pair and
	then eight small integers representing adjustments to the: x position of
	the first glyph, the y position, the horizontal advance, and the vertical
	advance, and then a similar foursome for the second glyph.
	Substitution data will be followed by a string containing the name of the
	glyph to replace the current one.
	Multiple and Alternate data will be followed by several strings each containing
	the name of a replacement glyph.
	Ligature data will be followed by several strings each containing the name
	of a ligature component glyph.</TD>
      <TD>Uses the file's extension to determine behavior. Imports outline descriptions
	(eps, svg, glif files) into the forground layer. Imports image descriptions
	(bmp, png, xbm, etc.) into the background layer.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-intersect">intersect</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Leaves only areas in the intersection of contours. See also
	<A href="#g-removeOverlap">removeOverlap</A> and
	<A href="#g-exclude">exclude</A>.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-isWorthOutputting">isWorthOutputting</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Returns whether the glyph is worth outputting into a font file. Basically
	a glyph is worth outputting if it contains any contours, or references or
	has had its width set.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-removeOverlap">removeOverlap</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Removes overlapping areas. See also <A href="#g-intersect">intersect</A>
	and <A href="#g-exclude">exclude</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Removes all data from the glyph corresponding to the given lookup-subtable.
	If the name is "*" then all data will be removed.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="g-round">round</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Rounds the x and y coordinates of each point in the glyph. If factor
	is specified then new-coord = round(factor*old-coord)/factor. See also
	<A href="#g-cluster">cluster</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Returns whether any of the contours in this glyph intersects any other
	contour in the glyph (including itself).</TD>
      <TD>Tries to remove excess points in the glyph if doing so will not perturb
	the curve by more than <CODE>error-bound</CODE>. Flags is a tuple of the
	following strings
	    Allow slopes to change
	    Allow removal of extrema
	    Allow curve smoothing
	    Snap to horizontal or vertical
	    flatten bumps on lines
	    Make nearly horizontal/vertical lines be so
	    Merge adjacent lines into one
	    Rotate the point list so that the start point is on an extremum
	    If the contour contains just one point then remove it
      <TD>Strokes the contours of the glyph using one of the indicated pens. Line
	cap may be one of
	line join may be
	flags is a tuple containing some of the following strings
      <TD>Transforms the glyph by the matrix. The optional flags argument should
	be a tuple containing any of the following strings:
	    partialRefs -- Don't transform any references in the glyph, but do transform
	    their offsets. This is useful if the refered glyph will be (or has been)
	    round -- Round to int after the transformation is done.
      <TD>Unlinks the reference to the glyph named <CODE>ref-name</CODE>. If
	<CODE>ref-name</CODE> is omitted, unlinks all references.</TD>
      <TD>Unlinks all the references to the current glyph within any other glyph
	in the font.</TD>
      <TD>Validates the glyph and returns the
	<CODE><A HREF="python.html#validation-state">validation_state</A></CODE>
	of the glyph (except bit 0x1 will always be clear). If the glyph passed the
	validation then the return value will be 0 (not 0x1). Otherwise the return
	value will be the set of errors found. If force is specified true this will
	always be validated, if force is unspecified (or specified as false) then
	it will return the cached value if it is known, otherwise will validate it.</TD>
      <TD>Draw the glyph's outline to the
	<A href="">pen argument.</A></TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="glyph-glyphPen">glyphPen</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Creates a new glyphPen which will draw into the current glyph. By default
	the pen will replace any existing contours and references, but setting the
	optional keyword argument, <CODE>replace</CODE> to false will retain the
	old contents.</TD>
      <TD colspan=3><STRONG>Note:</STRONG> Glyphs do not have an independant existance.
	They live in fonts. You may not create them with new(), only in the context
	of a font. See <A href="#f-createChar">font.createChar</A></TD>
  <TABLE id="type" border=1>
      <A name="selection">selection</A>
      <TD colspan=3>This represents a font's selection. You may index it with an
	encoding value (in the encoding ISO-646-US (ASCII) the character "A" has
	encoding index 65), or with a glyph's name, or with a string like "uXXXXX"
	where XXXXX represent the glyph's unicode codepoint in hex, or with a fontforge
	glyph object. The value of indexing into a selection will be either True
	or False.
	  <PRE><FONT COLOR="Gray">&gt;&gt;&gt;</FONT> print fontforge.activeFont().selection[65]
<FONT COLOR="Gray">True</FONT>
	This type may not be pickled.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Members</TH>
      <TH colspan=2>comments</TH>
      <TD colspan=2>Returns another selection, just the same as this one except
	that its iterator function will return glyphs (rather than encoding slots)
	and will only return those entries for which glyphs exist. (This is read
      <TH colspan=3>Iterator Protocol</TH>
      <TD>Returns an iterator for the selection which will return all selected
	encoding slots in encoding order.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Methods</TH>
      <TD>Select everything.</TD>
      <TD>Deselect everything.</TD>
      <TD>Select all glyphs which have changed.</TD>
      <TD>Invert the selection.</TD>
      <TD>There may be an arbetrary number of arguments. Each argument may be either:
	    A glyph name<BR>
	    Note: There need not be a glyph with this name in the font yet, but if you
	    use a standard name (like "A") fontforge will still know where that glyph
	    should be.
	    An integer (this will be interpreted as either an encoding index or (default)
	    a unicode code point depending on the flags).
	    A fontforge glyph.
	    A tuple of flags.<BR>
	    (If you wish to specify a single flag it must still be in a tuple, and you
	    must append a trailing comma to the flag (so <CODE>("more",) </CODE>rather
	    than just <CODE><STRIKE>("more")</STRIKE></CODE>). FF needs the flags to
	    be in a tuple otherwise it can't distinguish them from glyph names)
		Interpret integer arguments as unicode code points
		Interpret integer arguments as encoding indeces.
		Specified items should be selected
		Specified items should be deselected.
		Specified items should be interpreted individually and mean the obvious.
		Specified items should be interpreted in pairs and represent all encoding
		slots between the start and end points specified by the pair. So
		<CODE>.select(("ranges",None),"A","Z")</CODE> would select all the upper
		case (latin) letters.
	If the first argument is not a flag argument (or if it doesn't specify either
	"more" or "less") then the selection will be cleared. So
	<CODE>.select("A")</CODE> would produce a selection with only "A" selected,
	<CODE>.select(("more",None),"A")</CODE> would add "A" to the current selection,
	while <CODE>.select(("less",None),"A")</CODE> would remove "A" from the current
  <TABLE id="type" border=1>
      <A name="Font">font</A>
      <TH colspan=3>Description</TH>
      <TD colspan=3>The font type refers to a fontforge Font object. It generally
	contains a list of glyphs, an encoding to order those glyphs, a fontname,
	a list of GPOS/GSUB lookups and many other things.
	This type may not be pickled.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Members</TH>
      <TH colspan=2>comments</TH>
      <TD colspan=2>The font's ascent</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>A tuple with an entry for each bitmap strike attached to the
	font. Each strike is identified by pixelsize (if the strike is a grey scale
	font it will be indicated by
	When setting this value pass in a tuple of the same format. Any existing
	strike not specified in the tuple will be removed. Any new sizes will be
	created (but not rasterized -- use <A href="#f-regenBitmaps">regenBitmaps</A>
	for that).</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Bit indicating whether the font has been modified. This is
	(should be) maintained automatically, but you may set it if you wish.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>PostScript copyright notice</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Returns a sequence object containing the font's cvt table.
	Changes made to this object will be made to the font (this is a reference
	not a copy).</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The font's descent</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Size (in pica points) for which this font was designed.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The em size of the font. Setting this will scale the entire
	font to the new size.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The name of the current encoding. Setting it will change the
	encoding used for indexing</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>PostScript font family name</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Mac fond name</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>PostScript font name</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>PostScript font name</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Returns a tuple of all gasp table entries. Each item in the
	tuple is itself a tuple composed of a ppem (an integer) and a tuple of flags.
	The flags are a chosen from:
      <TD colspan=2>The version of the 'gasp' table. Currently this may be 0 or
      <TD colspan=2>Returns a tuple of all positioning lookup names in the font.
	This member cannot be set.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Returns a tuple of all substitution lookup names in the font.
	This member cannot be set.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>A copy of the font's guide layer</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Whether the contours should be interpretted as a set of quadratic
	or cubic splines. Setting this value has the side effect of converting the
	entire font into the other format</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>A flag indicating that this is a new font</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>A bitmask indicating non-fatal errors found when loading the
	font. (readonly)
	    <TD>Bad PostScript entry in 'name' table</TD>
	    <TD>Bad 'glyf' or 'loca' table</TD>
	    <TD>Bad 'CFF ' table</TD>
	    <TD>Bad 'hhea', 'hmtx', 'vhea' or 'vmtx' table</TD>
	    <TD>Bad 'cmap' table</TD>
	    <TD>Bad 'EBLC', 'bloc', 'EBDT' or 'bdat' (embedded bitmap) table</TD>
	    <TD>Bad Apple GX advanced typography table</TD>
	    <TD>Bad OpenType advanced typography table</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The number of function definitions used by the tt program</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The number of instruction definitions used by the tt program</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The maximum stack depth used by the tt program</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The number of storage locations used by the tt program</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The number of points in the twilight zone of the tt program</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The number of zones used in the tt program</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>A flag indicating that this font only contains bitmaps. No
      <TD COLSPAN=2>A 2 element tuple containing the OS/2 Codepages field</TD>
      <TD COLSPAN=2>A 4 element tuple containing the OS/2 Unicode Ranges field</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>(readonly) Returns a string (or None) containing the name of
	the file from which the font was originally read (in this session)</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A NAME="font-persistant">persistant</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Whatever you want -- though I recommend you store a dict here
	(these data will be saved as a pickled object in the sfd file. It is your
	job to insure that whatever you put here can be pickled)
	If you do store a dict then the following entries will be treated specially:
	<TABLE border=1>
	    <TD>If present, and if this is a string, then each time the font is loaded
	      from an sfd file, this string will be passed to the python interpretter.
	      Note: This is a string, not a function. Function code cannot be pickled.
	      Since it is a string it will receive no arguments, but the current font will
	      be available in the activeFont method of the fontforge module.
	      This string will be interpretted before the loadFontHook of the
	      <A HREF="python.html#module-hooks">module hooks</A> dictionary.
	      One possible behavior for this string is to define function hooks to be stored
	      in the temporary dict described below.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Returns a dictionary like object representing the PostScript
	private dictionary for the font. Changing entries in this object will change
	them in the font. (It's a reference, not a copy).
	There is an iterator associated with this entry.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A NAME="Font_privateState">privateState</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Checks the (PostScript) Private dictionary and returns a bitmask
	of some common errors.
	    <TD>Odd number of elements in either the BlueValues or OtherBlues array.</TD>
	    <TD>Elements in either the BlueValues or OtherBlues are disordered.</TD>
	    <TD>Too many elements in either the BlueValues or OtherBlues array.</TD>
	    <TD>Elements in either the BlueValues or OtherBlues array are too close (must
	      be at least 2*BlueFuzz +1 appart.</TD>
	    <TD>Elements in either the BlueValues or OtherBlues array are not integers.</TD>
	    <TD>Alignment zone height in either the BlueValues or OtherBlues array is
	      too big for the value of BlueScale.</TD>
	    <TD>Odd number of elements in either the FamilyBlues or FamilyOtherBlues
	    <TD>Elements in either the FamilyBlues or FamilyOtherBlues are disordered.</TD>
	    <TD>Too many elements in either the FamilyBlues or FamilyOtherBlues array.</TD>
	    <TD>Elements in either the FamilyBlues or FamilyOtherBlues array are too
	      close (must be at least 2*BlueFuzz +1 appart.</TD>
	    <TD>Elements in either the FamilyBlues or FamilyOtherBlues array are not
	    <TD>Alignment zone height in either the FamilyBlues or FamilyOtherBlues array
	      is too big for the value of BlueScale.</TD>
	    <TD>Missing BlueValues entry.</TD>
	    <TD>Bad BlueFuzz entry.</TD>
	    <TD>Bad BlueScale entry.</TD>
	    <TD>Bad StdHW entry.</TD>
	    <TD>Bad StdVW entry.</TD>
	    <TD>Bad StemSnapH entry.</TD>
	    <TD>Bad StemSnapV entry.</TD>
	    <TD>StemSnapH does not include StdHW.</TD>
	    <TD>StemSnapV does not include StdVW.</TD>
	    <TD>Bad BlueShift entry.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Returns a reference to an <A href="#selection">array-like object
	representing the font's selection</A>. There is one entry for each encoding
	slot (there may not be a glyph attached to every encoding slot). You may
	set this with a tuple of integers (or boolean values). There should not be
	more entries in the tuple than there are encoding slots in the current encoding.
	A <CODE>True</CODE> or non-0 value means the slot is selected.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>(readonly) Returns a string (or None) containing the name of
	the sfd file associated with this font. Sometimes this will be the same as
	path (above).</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The strings in the sfnt 'name' table. A tuple of all ms names.
	Each name is itself a tuple of strings (language,strid,string). Language
	may be either the (english) name of the language/locale, or the number
	representing that language in MicroSoft's specification. Strid may be one
	of the (english) string names (Copyright, Family, SubFamily, etc.) or the
	numeric value of that item. The string itself is in UTF-8.
	Mac names will be automagically created from ms names</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>The OpenType 'size' feature has two formats. It may either
	represent the design size of the font (and nothing else) or the design size,
	and range (top and bottom point sizes for which this design works), a style
	id (used to represent this design size throughout the font family) and a
	set of language/string pairs used to represent this design size in the menu.
	If no size information is specified in the font FontForge will return None.
	If only the design size is specified, FontForge will return a tuple containing
	a single element: the point size for which the font was designed. (This is
	returned as a real number -- the field can represent tenths of a point).
	Otherwise FontForge returns a tuple containing five elements, the design
	size, the bottom of the design range, the top, the style id and a tuple of
	tuples. Each sub-tuple is a language/string pair. Language may be either
	the (english) name of the language/locale, or The string itself is in UTF-8.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>is this a stroked font?</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>the stroke width of a stroked font</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A NAME="font-temporary">temporary</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Whatever you want -- though I recommend you store a dict here
	(these data will be lost once the font is closed)
	If you do store a dict then the following entries will be treated specially:
	<TABLE border=1>
	    <TD>If present, and if this is a function it will be called just before a
	      font is generated. It will be called with the font and the filename to which
	      the font will be written.</TD>
	    <TD>If present, and if this is a function it will be called just after a
	      font is generated. It will be called with the font and the filename to which
	      the font will be written.</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>underline position</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>Deprecated name for
	<A HREF="python.html#font-temporary">temporary</A> above</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>underline width</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>PostScript font version string</TD>
      <TD colspan=2>PostScript font weight string</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Iterator Protocol</TH>
      <TD>Returns an iterator for the font which will run through the font, in
	gid order, returning glyph names</TD>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>&lt;name&gt; in f</CODE></TD>
      <TD>Returns whether the font contains a glyph with the given name.</TD>
      <TD colspan="2">Other iterators over the font:</TD>
      <TD><A HREF="python.html#selection">selection</A>,
	font.<A HREF="python.html#font-find">find</A>(),
	font.<A HREF="python.html#font-glyphs">glyphs</A>()</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Mapping Protocol</TH>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>len(f)</CODE></TD>
      <TD>The number of glyph slots in the current encoding</TD>
      <TD colspan=2><CODE>f[i]</CODE></TD>
      <TD>If <EM>i</EM> is an integer, then returns the glyph at that encoding.
	If a string then returns the glyph with that name. May not be assigned to.</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Methods</TH>
      <TD>Creates a new font</TD>
      <TD>Adds an anchor class to the specified (anchor) subtable.</TD>
      <TD>Creates a new subtable and a new kerning class in the named lookup. The
	classes arguments are tuples of tuples of glyph names (each sub-tuble of
	glyph names is a kerning class). The offsets argument is a tuple of kerning
	offsets. There must be as many entries as
	<CODE>len(first-class)*len(second-class)</CODE>. The optional after argument
	is used to specify the order of the subtable within the lookup.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="font-addLookup">addLookup</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Creates a new lookup with the given name, type and flags. It will tag
	it with any indicated features. The type of one of
	The flags argument is a tuple of strings. At most one of these strings may
	be the name of a mark class. The others are:
	A feature-script-lang tuple is a tuple with one entry for each feature (there
	may be no entries if there are no features). Each entry is itself a two element
	tuple, the first entry is a string containing a 4 letter feature tag, and
	the second entry is another tuple (potentially empty) with an entry for each
	script for which the feature is active. Each entry here is itself a two element
	tuple. The first element is a 4 letter script tag and the second is a tuple
	of languages. Each entry in the language tuple is a four letter language.
	Example: (("liga",(("latn",("dflt")),)),)<BR>
	The optional final argument allows you to specify the ordering of the lookup.
	If not specified the lookup will be come the first lookup in its table.</TD>
      <TD>Creates a new subtable within the specified lookup. The optional final
	argument allows you to specify the ordering within the lookup. If not specified
	this subtable will be first in the lookup.</TD>
      <TD>Changes the kerning class in the named subtable. The classes arguments
	are tuples of tuples of glyph names (each sub-tuble of glyph names is a kerning
	class). The offsets argument is a tuple of kerning offsets. There must be
	as many entries as <CODE>len(first-class)*len(second-class)</CODE>. The optional
	after argument is used to specify the order of the subtable within the lookup.</TD>
      <TD>Adds a new (or replaces an old) string in the sfnt 'name' table. Language
	may be either the english name of the language/locale as a string, or the
	number representing that language in MicroSoft's specification. Strid may
	be one of the (english) string names (Copyright, Family, SubFamily, etc.)
	or the numeric value of that item. The string itself is in UTF-8.</TD>
      <TD>Frees memory for the current font.
	<STRONG>Warning:</STRONG> Any python pointers to it will become invalid.</TD>
      <TD>This will compare the current font with the font in
	<CODE>other-font</CODE> (which must already have been opened). It will write
	the results to the <CODE>filename</CODE>, you may use "-" to send the output
	to stdout. The <CODE>flags</CODE> argument is a tuple of strings and controls
	what will be compared.
	    <TD>compare outlines</TD>
	    <TD>compare outlines exactly (otherwise allow slight errors and the unlinking
	      of references)</TD>
	    <TD>warn if the outlines don't exactly match (but are pretty close)</TD>
	    <TD>compare hints</TD>
	    <TD>warn if references need to be unlinked before a match is found</TD>
	    <TD>compare bitmap strikes</TD>
	    <TD>compare font names</TD>
	    <TD>compare glyph positioning</TD>
	    <TD>compare glyph substitutions</TD>
	    <TD>for any glyphs whose outlines differ, add the outlines of the glyph in
	      the second font to the background of the glyph in the first</TD>
	    <TD>if a glyph exists in the second font but not the first, create that glyph
	      in the first and add the outlines from the second into the backgroun layer</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="f-createChar">createChar</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Create (and return) a character at the specified unicode codepoint in
	this font and optionally name it. If you wish to create an glyph with no
	unicode codepoint set the first argument to -1 and specify a name. If there
	is already a character there, return it (it will not be renamed).</TD>
      <TD>Create (and return) a glyph with the same unicode code point as glyph1.
	The glyph may not already exist. The contents of the glyph will be formed
	by interpolating between glyph1 and glyph2. If amount==0 the result will
	look like glyph1, or 1 then like glyph2.</TD>
      <TD>Create (and return) a character at the specified encoding in this font.
	If there is already a character there, return it</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A NAME="font-find">find</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Searches the font for all glyphs containing the contour (or layer) and
	returns an iterator which returns those glyphs.</TD>
      <TD>Tests whether a glyph with this codepoint or name is in the font's encoding
	and returns the encoding slot. If the glyph is not present it returns -1.
	(If a glyph with that name/unicode is in the font, but is not in the encoding,
	then an value beyond the end of the encoding will be returned).</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A NAME="font-glyphs">glyphs</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Returns an interator which will return the glyphs in the font. By default
	they will be returned in "GID" order, but if type is specified as "encoding"
	they will be returned in encoding order. If returned in encoding order it
	is possible that a glyph will be returned more than once if there are multiple
	encoding slots which reference it.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="f-generate">generate</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Generates a font. The type is determined by the font's extension.
	Flags is a tuple containing some of
	    output an afm file
	    output a pfm file
	    output a tfm file
	    output a ofm file
	    Store composite info in the afm file
	    Output a glyph map file giving the mapping between output gid and glyphnames
	    Do not include glyphnames in a ttf/otf file
	    output apple advanced typography tables
	    output opentype tables
	    output an old style 'kern' with opentype tables
	    Include a 'TeX ' table in an ttf/otf file
	    Round PS coordinates to integers
	    Do not include PS hints
	    Do not include TrueType instructions
	See also <A href="#font-save">save()</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Generates an adobe feature file for the current font. If a lookup-name
	is specified then only data for that lookup will be generated.</TD>
      <TD>Returns a tuple whose entries are: (first-classes, second-classes, offsets).
	The classes are themselves tuples of tuples of glyph names. The offsets will
	be a tuple of numeric kerning offsets.</TD>
      <TD>Returns a tuple whose entries are: (lookup-type, lookup-flags,
	feature-script-lang-tuple) The lookup type is a string as described in
	<A HREF="#font-addLookup">addLookup</A>, and the feature-script-lang tuple
	is also described <A HREF="#font-addLookup">there</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Returns a tuple of all subtable names in that lookup.</TD>
      <TD>Returns a tuple of all anchor class names in that subtable.</TD>
      <TD>Returns the name of the lookup containing this subtable.</TD>
      <TD>Returns the name of the subtable containing this anchor class.</TD>
      <TD>Interpolates a font between the current font and the font contained in
      <TD>Returns whether the named subtable contains a kerning class.</TD>
      <TD>Returns whether the named subtable contains a vertical kerning data</TD>
      <TD>Sets the feature list of indicated lookup. The feature-script-lang tuple
	is described at <A HREF="#font-addLookup">addLookup</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Sets the lookup flags for the named lookup.</TD>
      <TD>Sets whether this ligature lookup contains data to store in the afm.</TD>
      <TD>Merges the font in the file into the current font.</TD>
      <TD>Merge feature and lookup information from an adobe feature file, or metrics
	information from the (afm,tfm,etc) file into the current font.</TD>
      <TD>Deprecated name for mergeFeature above</TD>
      <TD>The lookups must be of the same type. All subtables from lookup-name2
	will be moved to lookup-name1, the features list of lookup-name2 will be
	merged with that of lookup-name1, and lookup-name2 will be removed.</TD>
      <TD>The subtables must be in the same lookup. Not all lookup types allow
	their subtables to be merged (contextual subtables may not be merged, kerning
	classes may not be (kerning pairs may be)). Any information bound to subtable2
	will be bound to subtable1 and subtable2 will be removed.</TD>
      <TD>Type is a string which must be one of
	    Display all glyphs in the font in encoding order
	    Display the selected glyphs scaled to fill a page<BR>
	    Ignores the pointsize argument.
	    Displays the selected glyphs at many pointsizes.<BR>
	    The pointsize argument should be a tuple of pointsizes here.
	    The third argument should contain a string which will be layed out and displayed
	    as well as FontForge can.
	    The third argument should contain the name of a file which contains text
	    to be layed out and displayed.
	If output is to a file (see <A href="#printSetup">printSetup</A>) then the
	last argument specifies a file name in which to store output.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="f-regenBitmaps">regenBitmaps</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>A tuple with an entry for each bitmap strike to be regenerated
	(rerasterized). Each strike is identified by pixelsize (if the strike is
	a grey scale font it will be indicated by
      <TD>Removes the named AnchorClass (and all associated points) from the font.</TD>
      <TD>Remove the lookup (and any subtables within it).</TD>
      <TD>Remove the subtable (and all data associated with it).</TD>
      <TD>You may either pass in a FontForge glyph object (from this font) or identify
	a glyph in the font by unicode code point or name. In any case the glyph
	will be removed from the font.
	<STRONG>WARNING:</STRONG> This frees fontforge's storage to this glyph. If
	you have any python pointers to that storage they will be looking at garbage.
	This does not go through the usual python reference mechanism.</TD>
      <TD>Searches the font for all occurances of the srch contour (or layer) and
	replaces them with the replace contour (or layer).</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="font-save">save</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Saves the font to an sfd file. See also
	<A href="#f-generate">generate()</A></TD>
      <TD>Gets binary data from any saved table. FF will save 'fpgm', 'prep', 'cvt
	' and 'maxp'. FF may also save tables which you explicitly request. Do not
	expect to get binary data for tables like 'GPOS' or 'glyf' which FF will
	generate when it creates a font... that information is not currently available.
	Returns a binary string.</TD>
      <TD>Sets binary data of any saved table. FF will save 'fpgm', 'prep', 'cvt
	' and 'maxp'. FF may also save tables which you explicitly request. Do not
	expect to set binary data for tables like 'GPOS' or 'glyf' which FF will
	generate when it creates a font... that information is not currently available.</TD>
      <TD>Validates the font and returns a bit mask of all errors from all glyphs
	(as defined in the
	<CODE><A HREF="python.html#validation-state">validation_state</A></CODE>
	of a glyph -- except bit 0x1 is clear). If the font passed the validation
	then the return value will be 0 (not 0x1). Otherwise the return value will
	be the set of errors found.
	Note: The set of errors is slightly different for TrueType and PostScript
	output. The returned mask contains the list of potential errors. You must
	figure out which apply to you.
	Normally each glyph will cache its validation_state and it will not be
	recalculated. If you pass a non-zero argument to the routine then it will
	force recalculation of each glyph -- this can be slow.s</TD>
      <TH colspan=3>Selection based interface<BR>
	See the <A href="#selection">selection type</A> for how to alter the selection</TH>
      <TD>Extrema should be marked by on-curve points. If a curve in any selected
	glyph lacks a point at a significant extremum this command will add one.</TD>
      <TD>Generates PostScript hints for all selected glyphs.</TD>
      <TD>Generates (bad) TrueType instructions for all selected glyphs.</TD>
      <TD>Auto traces any background images in all selected glyphs</TD>
      <TD>If any of the selected characters is a composite character, then this
	command will clear it and insert references to its components (this command
	can create new glyphs).</TD>
      <TD>Orders the contours in the selected glyphs by the x coordinate of their
	leftmost point. (This can reduce the size of the charstring needed to describe
	the glyph(s).</TD>
      <TD>Sets the start point of all the contours of the selected glyphs to be
	the leftmost point on the contour. (If there are several points with that
	value then use the one which is closest to the baseline). This can reduce
	the size of the charstring needed to describe the glyph(s). By regularizing
	things it can also make more things available to be put in subroutines.</TD>
      <TD>See the <A HREF="Styles.html#Embolden">Element-&gt;Style-&gt;Change
	Width</A> command for a more complete description of these arguments.
	Stroke_width is the amount by which all stems are expanded.
	Type is one of "LCG", "CJK", "auto", "custom".
	Serif_height tells ff not to expand serifs which are that much off the baseline,
	while serif_fuzz specifies the amount of fuzziness allowed in the match.
	If you don't want special serif behavior set this to 0.
	Counter_type is one of "squish", "retain", "auto".
	Custom_zones is only meaningful if the type argument were "custom". It may
	be either a number, which specifies the "top hint" value (bottom hint is
	assumed to be 0, others are between), or a tuple of 4 numbers (top hint,
	top zone, bottom zone, bottom hint).</TD>
      <TD>Condenses or extends the size of the counters and side-bearings of the
	selected glyphs. The first two arguments provide information on shrinking/growing
	the counters, the second two the sidebearings. If the last two are omitted
	they default to the same values as the first two.
	A counter's width will become:<BR>
	<CODE>&nbsp; &nbsp;new_width = c_factor * old_width + c_add</CODE>
	If present the <CODE>correct</CODE> argument allows you to specify whether
	you want to correct for the italic angle before condensing the glyph. (it
	defaults to True)</TD>
      <TD>Clears the contents of all selected glyphs</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="f-cluster">cluster</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Moves clustered coordinates to a standard central value in all selected
	glyphs. See also <A href="#f-round">round</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Copies all selected glyphs into (fontforge's internal) clipboard.</TD>
      <TD>Copies all selected glyphs (as references) into (fontforge's internal)
      <TD><CODE><A name="f-correctDirection">correctDirection</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Orients all contours so that external ones are clockwise and internal
	counter-clockwise in all selected glyphs.</TD>
      <TD>Copies all selected glyphs into (fontforge's internal) clipboard. And
	then clears them.</TD>
      <TD>Pastes the contents of (fontforge's internal) clipboard into the selected
	glyphs -- and removes what was there before.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="f-intersect">intersect</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Leaves only areas in the intersection of contours in all selected glyphs.
	See also <A href="#f-removeOverlap">removeOverlap</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Pastes the contents of (fontforge's internal) clipboard into the selected
	glyphs -- and retains what was there before.</TD>
      <TD><CODE><A name="f-removeOverlap">removeOverlap</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Removes overlapping areas in all selected glyphs. See also
	<A href="#f-intersect">intersect</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Finds any glyph which contains an inline copy of one of the selected
	glyphs, and converts that copy into a reference to the appropriate glyph.
	Selection is changed to the set of glyphs which the command alters.
	If specified the fudge argument specifies the error allowed for coordinate
      <TD><CODE><A name="f-round">round</A></CODE></TD>
      <TD>Rounds the x and y coordinates of each point in all selected glyphs.
	If factor is specified then new-coord = round(factor*old-coord)/factor. See
	also <A href="#f-cluster">cluster</A>.</TD>
      <TD>Tries to remove excess points in all selected glyphs if doing so will
	not perturb the curve by more than <CODE>error-bound</CODE>. Flags is a tuple
	of the following strings
	    Allow slopes to change
	    Allow removal of extrema
	    Allow curve smoothing
	    Snap to horizontal or vertical
	    flatten bumps on lines
	    Make nearly horizontal/vertical lines be so
	    Merge adjacent lines into one
	    Rotate the point list so that the start point is on an extremum
	    If the contour contains just one point then remove it
      <TD>Strokes the contours of all selected glyphs using one of the indicated
	pens. Line cap may be one of
	line join may be
	flags is a tuple containing some of the following strings
      <TD>Transforms all selected glyphs by the matrix.</TD>
      <TD>Unlinks all references in all selected glyphs and replaces them with
    Stupid example
      <TD><PRE>import fontforge                                 #Load the module"Ambrosia.sfd")               #Open a font"ranges",None),"A","Z")    #select A-Z
amb.copy()                                       #Copy those glyphs into the clipboard

n=fontforge.font()                               #Create a new font"ranges",None),"A","Z")      #select A-Z of it
n.paste()                                        #paste the glyphs above in
print n["A"].foreground                          #test to see that something
                                                 #  actually got pasted
n.fontname="NewFont"                             #Give the new font a name"NewFont.sfd")                            #and save it.