

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > 3ee1d34ccdcc42e4e9afc4435fe8d857 > files > 566


  <!-- Created with AOLpress/2.0 -->
  <!-- AP: Created on: 29-Nov-2006 -->
  <!-- AP: Last modified: 30-Nov-2006 -->
  <TITLE>Tentative python object model</TITLE>
  <LINK REL="icon" href="ffanvil16.png">
  <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="FontForge.css">
<DIV id="in">
    Tentative python object model
  People seem to want a python interface. I'm not a python user myself and
  probably don't understand its idioms. I envision something whose top levels
  (the <CODE>FontForge</CODE> module and the <CODE>Font</CODE> type) will duplicate
  the UI of the Font window.
  I anticipate supporting both old and new (python) scripts. The execute scripts
  dialog will allow you to chose which interpreter to apply. The command line
  interface will have a new argument <CODE>-script=py
  The module will be named "FontForge" and will expose the following
  <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff80">
      FontForge Module Methods
      <TD>Get FontForge preference items</TD>
      <TD>Set FontForge preference items</TD>
      <TD>Save FontForge preference items</TD>
      <TD>Load FontForge preference items</TD>
      <TD>Use FontForge's default \"othersubrs\" functions for Type1 fonts</TD>
      <TD>Read from a file, \"othersubrs\" functions for Type1 fonts</TD>
      <TD>Load an encoding file into the list of encodings</TD>
      <TD>Load a namelist into the list of namelists</TD>
      <TD>Load a directory of namelist files into the list of namelists</TD>
      <TD>Load a FontForge plugin</TD>
      <TD>Load a directory of FontForge plugin files</TD>
      <TD>Load a cidmap file</TD>
      <TD>Given a name, look it up in the namelists and find what unicode code
	point it maps to (returns -1 if not found)</TD>
      <TD>Controls what ligatures get output to afm/tfm files</TD>
      <TD>Returns a string containing the current version of FontForge, as 20061116</TD>
      <TD>Returns a tuple of all loaded fonts</TD>
  It will contain the following types:
      <A HREF="#Font">Font</A>
      <A HREF="#Glyph">Glyph</A>
      <A HREF="#Reference">Reference</A>
      <A HREF="#Contour">Contour</A>
      <A HREF="#Point">Point</A>
      <A HREF="#Spline2D">Spline2D</A>
      <A HREF="#Spline">Spline</A>
      <A HREF="#Hint">Hint</A>
      <A HREF="#HintMask">HintMask</A>
      <A HREF="#TTInstructions">TTInstructions</A>
      Some method for manipulating GPOS/GSUB data which I'm not going to work out
      yet because I expect FontForge's implementation of these will change soon.
    FontForge <A NAME="Font">Font</A> Type
  The Font object is a pointer to FontForge's font data structure. Any changes
  made to it will be made to those data.
  <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff80">
      Font Type Members
      <TD>arbitrary user data</TD>
      <TD>font name</TD>
      <TD>full name</TD>
      <TD>family name</TD>
      <TD>PostScript eXtended Unique ID</TD>
      <TD>Mac FOND resource name</TD>
      <TD>CID Registry</TD>
      <TD>CID Ordering</TD>
      <TD>Underline Position</TD>
      <TD>Underline Width</TD>
      <TD>CID Version</TD>
      <TD>Stroke Width</TD>
      <TD>Font Ascent</TD>
      <TD>Font Descent</TD>
      <TD>Vertical Origin</TD>
      <TD>PostScript Unique ID</TD>
      <TD>CID Supplement</TD>
      <TD>Mac Style Bits</TD>
      <TD>Point size for which this font was designed</TD>
      <TD>Font Style ID for 'size' feature</TD>
      <TD>Smallest point size for which this font is acceptable</TD>
      <TD>Largest point size for which this font is acceptable</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 table version number</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 table version number</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 weight</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 width</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 fstype</TD>
      <TD>hhea linegap</TD>
      <TD>hhea ascent</TD>
      <TD>hhea descent</TD>
      <TD>Whether the hhea_ascent field is used as is, or as an offset applied
	to the value FontForge thinks appropriate</TD>
      <TD>Whether the hhea_descent field is used as is, or as an offset applied
	to the value FontForge thinks appropriate</TD>
      <TD>vhea linegap</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Typographic Ascent</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Typographic Descent</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Typographic Linegap</TD>
      <TD>Whether the os2_typoascent field is used as is, or as an offset applied
	to the value FontForge thinks appropriate</TD>
      <TD>Whether the os2_typodescent field is used as is, or as an offset applied
	to the value FontForge thinks appropriate</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Windows Ascent</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Windows Descent</TD>
      <TD>Whether the os2_winascent field is used as is, or as an offset applied
	to the value FontForge thinks appropriate</TD>
      <TD>Whether the os2_windescent field is used as is, or as an offset applied
	to the value FontForge thinks appropriate</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Subscript XSize</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Subscript XOffset</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Subscript YSize</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Subscript YOffset</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Superscript XSize</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Superscript XOffset</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Superscript YSize</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Superscript YOffset</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Strikethrough YSize</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Strikethrough YOffset</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Family Class</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Version Number</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Flag MS thinks is necessary to encourage people to follow the standard
	and use typographic metrics</TD>
      <TD>OS/2 Flag MS thinks is necessary</TD>
      <TD>The 10 element OS/2 Panose tuple</TD>
      <TD>The 4 character OS/2 vendor string</TD>
      <TD>Flag indicating whether the font has been changed since it was loaded
	(read only)</TD>
      <TD>Flag indicating whether the font is new (read only)</TD>
      <TD>Flag indicating whether the font contains vertical metrics</TD>
      <TD>Flag indicating whether the font contains bitmap strikes but no outlines</TD>
      <TD>Flag indicating whether the font contains quadratic splines (truetype)
	or cubic (postscript)</TD>
      <TD>Flag indicating whether the font is multilayered (type3) or not</TD>
      <TD>Flag indicating whether the font is a stroked font or not</TD>
      <TD>The <A HREF="#Contour">Contours</A> that make up the guide layer of the
      <TD COLSPAN=2>(some mechanism to control the private dictionary)</TD>
      <TD COLSPAN=2>(some mechanism to get the selection)</TD>
  <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff80">
      Font Type Methods
      <TD COLSPAN=2>Pretty much all the commands in the old scripting language</TD>
      <TD>Passed an encoding returns the <A HREF="#Glyph">Glyph</A> at that encoding,
	if there is none it will create one</TD>
      <TD>Passed an encoding returns the <A HREF="#Glyph">Glyph</A> at that encoding</TD>
      <TD>Passed an unicode codepoint returns the <A HREF="#Glyph">Glyph</A> with
	that code point</TD>
      <TD>Passed a glyph name returns the <A HREF="#Glyph">Glyph</A> with that
    FontForge <A NAME="Glyph">Glyph</A> Type
  The Glyph object is a pointer to FontForge's glyph data structure. Any changes
  made here will be made directly to those data.
  <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff80">
      Glyph Type Members
      <TD>arbitrary python user data</TD>
      <TD>glyph name</TD>
      <TD>primary unicode codepoint</TD>
      <TD>advance width</TD>
      <TD>vertical advance width</TD>
      <TD>Flag indicating whether the glyph has been changed</TD>
      <TD>The font containing us</TD>
      <TD>Horizontal PostScript <A HREF="#Hint">Hints</A></TD>
      <TD>Vertical PostScript <A HREF="#Hint">Hints</A></TD>
      <TD>TeX Height</TD>
      <TD>TeX Depth</TD>
      <TD>TeX Subscript position</TD>
      <TD>TeX Superscript position</TD>
      <TD>number of layers in this glyph</TD>
      <TD><A HREF="#TTInstructions">TrueType instructions</A></TD>
      <TD>A <A HREF="#HintMask">HintMask</A> specifying counters</TD>
  <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff80">
      Glyph Type Methods
      <TD>Returns the contours in the specified layer</TD>
      <TD>Sets the contours in the specified layer</TD>
      <TD>Returns the references in the specified layer</TD>
      <TD>Sets the references in the specified layer</TD>
      <TD>if multilayer</TD>
      <TD>methods to get/set fill/stroke color, stroke linewidth, etc.</TD>
    FontForge <A NAME="Contour">Contour</A> Type
  Contour objects are not pointers to FontForge's data, they are objects in
  their own right. If you change a contour object you will have to assign it
  back the glyph it came from before those changes are evident.
  Contours are doubly linked lists of points. A contour may be either quadratic
  (for truetype fonts) or cubic (for postscript fonts). SVG supports fonts
  which are mixed cubic and quadratic, but FontForge does not. A point may
  be either on curve or off. An off-curve point is also called a control point.
  In a cubic contour there may be either
      Two on-curve points adjacent (in which case a line will be drawn between
      Two on-curve points separated by two off-curve points (in which case a cubic
      spline will be drawn between them)
  In a quadratic contour there may be
      Two on-curve points adjacent (in which case a line will be drawn between
      Two on-curve points separated by one off-curve point (in which case a quadratic
      spline will be drawn between them)
      Two off-curve points adjacent (in which case an on-curve point will be
      interpolated between the two and a quadratic spline will be drawn)
  This is basically the format found in truetype fonts. In is not the format
  used in sfd files (where interpolated points are specified directly)
  Contours may be either open (a "line") or closed (a "circle"). In an open
  contour the first and last points are specified in the data structure (each
  point knows its own predecessor and successor) and more points may be added
  after the last. In a closed contour the first and last points will be the
  same; you may not add points to a closed contour, but you may cut it to make
  an open contour (to which you may add points).
  When you create a contour it is empty.
      You may add an on-curve point to an empty contour with the Start(x,y) method.
      You may add an off-curve point to an empty quadratic contour with
      You may add a line to an open, non-empty contour with LineTo(x,y) (more precisely
      this adds an on-curve point, which usually means a line, but in a quadratic
      contour which currently ends in an off-curve point it could finish a quadratic
      You may add a cubic spline to a cubic contour with
      You may add a quadratic spline to a quadratic contour with
      You may close a non-empty contour with Close()
  <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff80">
      Contour Type Members
      <TD>First <A HREF="#Point">point</A> on the contour</TD>
      <TD>Last <A HREF="#Point">point</A> on the contour (same as first for a closed
      <TD>Whether this is an quadratic (truetype) or cubic (postscript) contour<BR>
	Assigning to this will change the point list as it is changed to approximate
	the other format</TD>
      <TD>Next contour</TD>
  <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff80">
      Contour Type Methods
      <TD>Returns whether a contour is closed or not</TD>
      <TD>Returns whether a contour contains no points</TD>
      <TD>Close an open contour</TD>
      <TD>With no args, cut a closed contour before the first point, else cut a
	contour before the specified point, returns a second contour if the original
	was open</TD>
      <TD>Place an initial point on an empty contour</TD>
      <TD>Append a line to the end of an open contour</TD>
      <TD>Append a cubic curve to the end of an open (cubic) contour</TD>
      <TD>Append a quadratic curve to the end of an open (quadratic) contour</TD>
      <TD>Append a quadratic off-curve point to the end of an open (quadratic)
      <TD>Rotate a closed contour so that the specified point is first</TD>
      <TD>Removes the specified on-curve point leaving the contour otherwise intact</TD>
      <TD>Smooths a contour</TD>
      <TD>Smooths a contour set</TD>
      <TD>Reverse a closed contour so that the second point on it is the penultimate
	and vice versa.</TD>
      <TD>Determine if a contour is oriented in a clockwise direction. If the contour
	intersects itself the results are indeterminate.</TD>
      <TD>Orient a contour set so that external contours are clockwise and internal
	counter clockwise.</TD>
      <TD>Transform a contour by a 6 element matrix.</TD>
      <TD>Remove overlapping areas from a contour set.</TD>
      <TD>Returns the areas where a contour set overlaps.</TD>
      <TD>Exclude the area of the argument (also a contour set) from the current
      <TD>Add Extrema to a contour</TD>
      <TD>Add Extrema to a contour set</TD>
      <TD>Round points on a contour</TD>
      <TD>Round points on a contour set</TD>
      <TD>Strokes a contour</TD>
      <TD>Strokes a contour set</TD>
    FontForge <A NAME="Point">Point</A> Type
  Points are intended primarily to live in <A HREF="#Contour">contours</A>
  and not to have independent existences -- hence the next and prev fields
  are read only and may only be set by adding points to a contour.
  <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff80">
      Point Type Members
      <TD>x coordinate</TD>
      <TD>y coordinate</TD>
      <TD>whether this point lies on the curve or is a control point</TD>
      <TD>TrueType point number</TD>
      <TD>pointer to a PostScript hint mask</TD>
      <TD>Next point on the contour (Read only)</TD>
      <TD>Previous point on the contour (Read only)</TD>
  <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff80">
      Point Type Methods
      <TD>Transforms the point by the transformation matrix (a 6 element tuple
	of reals)</TD>
    FontForge <A NAME="Reference">Reference</A> Type
  <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff80">
      Reference Type Members
      <TD>Glyph being refered to</TD>
      <TD>A 6 element transformation matrix (at tuple of reals)</TD>
      <TD>TrueType use my metrics bit</TD>
      <TD>Flag indicating whether the reference should be positioned by TrueType
	point mapping</TD>
      <TD>Match point in previous references</TD>
      <TD>Match point in this reference</TD>
    FontForge <A NAME="Hint">Hint</A> Type
  These are objects in their own right; they are intended to be linked together
  to form either a horizontal or vertical hint set.
  <TABLE BGCOLOR="#ffff80">
      Hint Type Members
      <TD>Location at which the hint starts<BR>
	This may be x or y depending on whether the hint is horizontal or vertical</TD>
      <TD>Extent of the hint.<BR>
	This will be negative for ghost hints</TD>
      <TD>Pointer to the next hint</TD>