

distrib > Mandriva > 2009.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > ce88f74aa8e66a66f459965409f712d8 > files > 6


[N] marks members that are not implemented yet !

Manager hierarchy

Service		org.openobex
Interface	org.openobex.Manager
Object path	/org/openobex

Methods		object CreateBluetoothSession(string address, string pattern)

			Create a Bluetooth OBEX session and return the new
			session object path for it. Session is automatically connected.
			The address represents the remote Bluetooth device and
			the pattern specifies the OBEX service it connects to,
			or the OBEX service using a fixed Bluetooth channel.
			Pattern can be a UUID-128 identifying the service or 
			place holder as "opp" (for Object Push) or "ftp" (for FTP).
			In case you want to use a fixed channel, UUID has to be
			like: UUID:CHANNEL where UUID is a valid UUID or service
			place holder like before, and CHANNEL is an integer
			representing a valid RFCOMM channel. Session object can
			only be used when Session.Connected signal is emitted.
			If remote device refuses connection, Session.ErrorOccurred
			signal with org.openobex.Error.ConnectionRefused
			is emitted instead.

			Returns object path for the created session.

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Failed

		object CreateBluetoothServer(string source_address, string pattern,
									 boolean require_pairing)
			Gets BluetoothServer object for specified source address.
			source_address can be Bluetooth address of any adapter or just
			"00:00:00:00:00:00" for default adapter.
			pattern specifies the type of server to create which may be
			either "ftp" for OBEX FTP server, "opp" for OBEX Object Push server
			or "pbap" for OBEX Phonebook Access server.
			require_pairing specifies whether client device should be paired 
			before allowing any operations (recommended values: True for FTP,
			False for OPP).

			Returns object path for the created server.
			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Failed

		[N] object CreateIrdaSession()

		[N] object CreateIrdaServer()

		[N] object CreateInetSession(string destination_address)

		[N] object CreateInetServer(string source_address)

		[N] object CreateTtySession(string tty_device)

		[N] object CreateTtyServer(string tty_device)
		dict GetSessionInfo(object session_object)

			Returns info about specified session:
				"BluetoothAddress" : Target device Bluetooth address or blank if not bluetooth session;
			If specified session does not exist, returns empty structure.
			session_object specifies DBus path of Session object.

			Possible errors: none
		dict GetServerInfo(object server_object)

			Returns info about specified server:
				"BluetoothAddress" : Bluetooth source address or blank if not bluetooth server;
			If specified session does not exist, returns empty structure.
			server_object specifies DBus path of Server object.

			Possible errors: none

Signals		void SessionCreated(object path)

			Signals the creation of a session object.

		void SessionRemoved(object path)

			Signals the removal of a session object.

Server hierarchy

Service		org.openobex
Interface	org.openobex.Server
Object path	/org/openobex/server{0,1,2...}

Methods		void Start(string path, boolean allow_write, boolean auto_accept)

			Starts OBEX Object Push / FTP server (begins 
			listening for connections). Started signal is emitted after
			the server is started. If error occurs, ErrorOccured signal is emitted
			instead. Once the server is started, it emits SessionCreated signal
			for every newly connected client.

			If this is Object Push server, path defines where all received files
			will be saved. In case of FTP server path is the top-level folder which
			will be served. allow_write specifies whether write operations
			will be allowed (put and delete). In most cases, allow_write should be
			set to True. auto_accept specifies whether incoming files should be
			always accepted (recommended values: True for FTP, False for OPP). If
			auto_accept is set to False, either Accept() or Reject() has to be called
			every time after you receive TransferStarted signal in ServerSession

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.InvalidArguments

		void Stop()

			Stops the server. All client connections will be closed and
			operations will be cancelled. Stopped signal is emitted 
			after the server is stopped.

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.NotAuthorized
		void Close()

			Closes the server. If server is not stopped, all client connections
			will be closed, operations will be cancelled. Server object will
			be destroyed after that. Closed signal is emitted immediately
			when this method is invoked.
			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.NotAuthorized

		boolean IsStarted()

			Returns true if server is started, false otherwise.

			Possible errors: none
		dict GetServerSessionInfo(object session_object)

			Returns info about specified server session:
				"BluetoothAddress" : Client device Bluetooth address;
			If specified server session does not exist, returns empty structure.
			session_object specifies DBus path of ServerSession object.

			Possible errors: none

Signals		void Started()

			This signal informs that the server was started.

		void Stopped()

			This signal informs that the server was stopped and all operations
			were ceased.
		void Closed()
			This signal informs that the server was closed and it's object is
			no longer valid.

		void ErrorOccured(string error_name, string error_message)

			This signal informs that error occurred while starting or stopping
			the server.
		void SessionCreated(object session_object)
			Signal informs that client connected to server and new ServerSession
			object was created. Returns path of ServerSession object.
		void SessionRemoved(object session_object)
			Signal informs that client disconnected from server. Returns
			path of ServerSession object that was closed.

Session hierarchy

Service		org.openobex
Interface	org.openobex.Session
Object path	/org/openobex/session{0,1,2...}

Methods		void Connect()

			Connects to remote device by sending OBEX connect command. This is
			called automatically when you create new Session, hence normally
			it shouldn't be used. When connecting succeeds, Connected signal
			is emitted, ErrorOccurred signal with org.openobex.Error.ConnectionRefused
			is emitted otherwise.

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Failed

		void Disconnect()

			Disconnects from remote device by sending OBEX disconnect command.
			Disconnected signal is emitted once disconnected. Normally,
			"Close" should be called immediately after Session is disconnected.

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Busy
		void Close()
			Closes the session (the actual connection to remote device is closed).
			Session object is finalized and can not be used anymore.
			Closed signal is emitted once closed.
			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Failed

		boolean IsConnected()

			Returns true if connected to ObjectPush or FTP services on a remote
			device, false otherwise.

			Possible errors: none

		void ChangeCurrentFolder(string path)

			Changes current path on a remote device to the specified one. 
			If error occurs during operation, ErrorOccured signal is emitted.

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Busy

		void ChangeCurrentFolderBackward()

			Changes current path on a remote device one level up. If current
			folder is root, path is not changed. 
			If error occurs during operation, ErrorOccured signal is emitted.

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Busy

		void ChangeCurrentFolderToRoot()

			Changes current path on a remote device to root.
			If error occurs during operation, ErrorOccured signal is emitted.

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Busy

		string GetCurrentPath()

			Returns current path on a remote device.

			Possible errors: none

		void CopyRemoteFile(string remote_filename, string local_path)

			Starts receiving a specified file from a remote device.
			remote_filename specifies the file to receive on a remote device.
			local_path is the path where received file will be saved.
			TransferStarted signal is emitted when transfer starts. If error 
			occurs during operation, ErrorOccured signal is emitted instead.

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Busy

		void CreateFolder(string folder_name)

			Creates a folder on a remote device with a specified
			name. If error occurs during operation, ErrorOccured signal
			is emitted.

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Busy

		dict RetrieveFolderListing()

			Retrieves the list of files in the current folder.
			If error occurs during operation, ErrorOccured signal is emitted.

			Possible errors:

		dict GetCapability()

			Retrieves the capability object.
			If error occurs during operation, ErrorOccured signal is emitted.

			Possible errors:

		void SendFile(string local_path)

			Starts sending a specified file to a remote device.
			local_path specifies the path to file that will be sent. 
			TransferStarted signal is emitted when transfer starts. If error 
			occurs during operation, ErrorOccured signal is emitted.

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.NotAuthorized
							 !! org.openobex.Error.Failed

		void DeleteRemoteFile(string remote_filename)

			Deletes specified file on remote device.
			If error occurs during operation, ErrorOccured signal is emitted.

			Possible errors:
		dict GetTransferInfo()

			Returns info about the ongoing transfer:
				"LocalPath" : full local path;
				"RemoteFilename" : filename;
				"Size" : total bytes being transferred;
				"Time" : last modification time of file being sent;

			Possible errors: none

		boolean IsBusy()

			Returns true if there is an operation in progress, false otherwise.

			Possible errors: none

		void Cancel()

			Cancels any operation that is in progress.

			Possible errors:

Signals		void Cancelled()

			This signal informs that the current transfer was cancelled either by
			client or by server.
		void Connected()

			This signal informs that the session is connected and ready for

		void Disconnected()

			This signal informs that the session was disconnected.
		void Closed()
			This signal informs that the session was terminated and that it's object
			is no longer valid.

		void TransferStarted(string filename, string local_path, uint64 total_bytes)

			This signal informs that transfer was started.

			total_bytes is the number of total bytes that are being sent (0
			if total bytes are unknown). filename specifies the filename (without
			path) of file being sent or null if it is unknown. local_path specifies
			where the file is stored locally.
		void TransferProgress(uint64 bytes_transferred)

			This signal is emitted constantly during the transfer. 
			bytes_transferred specifies how many bytes were already transferred.

		void TransferCompleted()

			This signal informs that transfer was completed.

		void ErrorOccurred(string error_name, string error_message)

			This signal informs that error occurred while performing some operation.

ServerSession hierarchy

Service		org.openobex
Interface	org.openobex.ServerSession
Object path	/org/openobex/serversession{0,1,2...}

Methods		void Accept()

			Accepts incoming file (use this when auto_accept is set to False for
			corresponding Server object). If auto_accept is True, this function will
			do nothing. Call this method just after receiving TransferStarted signal.
			If there is no transfer in progress or if current transfer is not 
			an incoming transfer, error will be returned.
			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Failed
		void Reject()
			Rejects incoming file (use this when auto_accept is set to False for
			corresponding Server object). If auto_accept is True, this function will
			do nothing. Call this method just after receiving TransferStarted signal.
			If there is no transfer in progress or if current transfer is not 
			an incoming transfer, error will be returned.
			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Failed
		void Disconnect()

			Disconnects from remote device.
			ServerSession object is finalized and can not be used anymore.
			Disconnected signal is emitted once disconnected.

			Possible errors: 
		dict GetTransferInfo()

			Returns all info about the ongoing transfer (filename, local path, 
			total bytes).

			Possible errors: none
		void Cancel()

			Cancels any operation that is in progress.

			Possible errors:
Signals		void Cancelled()

			This signal informs that the current transfer was cancelled either by
			client or by server.
		void Disconnected()

			This signal informs that the ServerSession was disconnected.
			ServerSession object is finalized and can not be used anymore.
		void TransferStarted(string filename, string local_path, uint64 total_bytes)

			This signal informs that transfer was started.

			total_bytes is the number of total bytes that are being sent (0
			if total bytes are unknown). filename specifies the filename (without
			path) of file being sent or null if it is unknown. local_path specifies
			where the file is stored locally.
		void TransferProgress(uint64 bytes_transferred)

			This signal is emitted constantly during the transfer. 
			bytes_transferred specifies how many bytes were already transferred.

		void TransferCompleted()

			This signal informs that transfer was completed.

		void ErrorOccurred(string error_name, string error_message)

			This signal informs that error occurred while performing some operation.