

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 99bb6036221ce0cfc30ccb1c651d123a > files > 85


Book Title Goes Here
Author's Name
v1.0, Dec 2003

Optional dedication.

This document is an AsciiDoc book skeleton containing briefly
annotated example elements plus a couple of example index entries and

Books are normally used to generate DocBook markup and the titles of
the preface, appendix, bibliography, glossary and index sections are
significant ('specialsections').

Optional preface.

Preface Sub-section
Preface sub-section body.

The First Chapter
Chapters can contain sub-sections nested up to three deep.
footnote:[An example footnote.]
indexterm:[Example index entry]

Chapters can have their own bibliography, glossary and index.

And now for something completely different: ((monkeys)), lions and
tigers (Bengal and Siberian) using the alternative syntax index
(((Big cats,Lions)))
(((Big cats,Tigers,Bengal Tiger)))
(((Big cats,Tigers,Siberian Tiger)))
Note that multi-entry terms generate separate index entries.

Here are a couple of image examples: an image:images/smallnew.png[]
example inline image followed by an example block image:

.Tiger block image
image::images/tiger.png[Tiger image]

Followed by an example table:

.An example table
Option            Description
-a 'USER GROUP'   Add 'USER' to 'GROUP'.
-R 'GROUP'        Disables access to 'GROUP'.

Sub-section with Anchor
Sub-section at level 2.

Chapter Sub-section
Sub-section at level 3.

Chapter Sub-section
Sub-section at level 4.

This is the maximum sub-section depth supported by the distributed
AsciiDoc configuration.
footnote:[A second example footnote.]

The Second Chapter
An example link to anchor at start of the <<X1,first sub-section>>.
indexterm:[Second example index entry]

An example link to a bibliography entry <<taoup>>.

The Third Chapter
Book chapters are at level 1 and can contain sub-sections.

Appendix A: Example Appendix
One or more optional appendixes go here at section level 1.

Appendix Sub-section
Sub-section body.

The bibliography list is an example of an AsciiDoc SimpleList, the
AsciiDoc source list items are bulleted with a `+` character.  The
first entry in this example has an anchor.

+ [[[taoup]]] Eric Steven Raymond. 'The Art of Unix Programming'.
  Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-13-142901-9.

+ [[[walsh-muellner]]] Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner.
  'DocBook - The Definative Guide'. O'Reilly & Associates. 199.
  ISBN 1-56592-580-7.

Glossaries are optional. Glossaries are an example of an AsciiDoc
VariableList, the AsciiDoc glossary entry terms are terminated
by the `:-` characters.

A glossary term:-
	The corresponding (indented) definition.

A second glossary term:-
	The corresponding (indented) definition.

The index is normally left completely empty, it's contents being
generated automatically by the DocBook toolchain.