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                               AsciiDoc ChangeLog

   version 8.2.7, 4 July 2008

1. Version 8.2.7 (2008-07-04)

   See the [1]AsciiDoc Mercurial repository for a full list of changes.

   Additions and changes
     * Added dvi, ps and tex output format options to a2x(1).
     * Added --dblatex option to a2x(1) so dblatex(1) can be used to
       generate PDFs.
     * Added custom dblatex(1) configuration files (in distribution
       ./dblatex directory) which are used by a2x(1).
     * dblatex(1) is now used to generate the distributed PDF version of
       the AsciiDoc User Guide.
     * If you don't need a customized the link caption you can enter the
       http, https, ftp, file URLs and email addresses without any special
       macro syntax -- you get the links by just cutting and pasting URLs
       and emails addresses. This also makes it easier to open links
       directly form AsciiDoc source ( most editors allow you to open URLs
       directly). The Vim syntax highlighter has been updated to reflect
       these changes.
     * Highlighted source code paragraphs have been implemented -- it's a
       much more convenient way to enter short code examples (see [2]the
       online docs).
     * The source highlighter and music filter syntax has changed -- they
       now used the ListingBlock syntax customized with source and music
       style attribute values. This follows the Paragraph styling
       convention introduced by the source paragraph (previous item) and
       is easier to read. The old syntax still works but has been
     * QuoteBlocks now have a verse style -- you no longer have to nest a
       verse LiteralBlock inside a QuoteBlock for verses. The verse style
       on the LiteralBlock has been deprecated (still works though) and
       the style attribute is positional attribute 1, pushing attribution
       and citetitle attributes to the right (you'll need to insert a
       quote attribute into your existing QuoteBlocks).
     * It is no up to the DocBook processor to highlight source code
       syntax in <programlisting> elements rather than GNU Highlighter --
       this is the correct way to handle it, plus dblatex(1) makes a much
       better job.
     * scaledwidth and align attributes have been added to the image
       macro. They apply to DocBook outputs (specifically for PDF
       documents). scaledwidth sets the image size as a percent of the
       available page width; align applies left, center or right
       horizontal image justification.
     * Added a2x(1) --fop-opts=FOP_OPTS option (patch submitted by Miklos
     * Added a2x(1) --dblatex-opts=DBLATEX_OPTS option.
     * Added Mikhail Yakshin's FOP 0.95 patch which fixes a long-standing
       fo.xsl problem and allows PDF's to be generated with FOP 0.95
       (previously had to use FOP 0.20.5).
     * The User Guide has been updated and outdated FOP configuration and
       installation sections removed.

   Bug fixes
     * Fixed stylesheets/xhtml11-manpage.css not being included when
       linkcss attribute was used.
     * Configuration file *-style attributes are now dumped correctly.
     * Fixed FAILED: malformed section entry LaTeX backend error.

   See the also the [3]AsciiDoc repository changelog.

2. Version 8.2.6 (2008-04-29)

   See the [4]AsciiDoc Mercurial repository for a full list of changes.

   Additions and changes
     * Enhancements to the Vim AsciiDoc syntax highlighter, for example,
       quoted text is now highlighted in titles and macro captions.
     * If you define the data-uri intrinsic attribute images referenced by
       image macros will be embedded in XHTML using the [5]data: URI
       scheme. NOTE: Microsoft browser support for the data: URI scheme is
       currently limited to MSIE 8 beta 1.
     * Added toc-title attribute to allow custom table of contents titles.
     * Added references to Alex Efros's AsciiDoc Cheatsheet to AsciiDoc
     * asciidoc(1) and a2x(1) man pages formatted to conform to
       man-pages(7) recommendations.
     * Old code-filter syntax (pre-8.1.0) is no longer recognized so that
       malformed two-line level 2 titles are no longer confused with
       code-filter block delimiters.
     * Added -> <- => <= arrow replacements from the Arrows block of
     * Added DocBook refentry lang attribute -- patch contributed by
     * AttributeEntry names can now be numeric ("named macro targets").
     * Hide Table of Contents title if Table of Contents empty -- patch
       contributed by Alex Efros.
     * Various XHTML CSS tweaks.
     * Code cleanup:
          + Replaced realpath() with Python 2.2 os.path.realpath() library
          + Replaced old string library functions with string methods.
          + Use file generators instead of readlines().
          + Renamed entities that shadowed builtins.
          + Standardized string quoting.
          + Dropped readlines() function.

   Bug fixes
     * Fixed broken CSS for decimal ordered lists nested in alpha ordered
       list, thanks to Alex Efros.
     * A missing closing block delimiter now reports the opening delimiter
       line number instead of the end of file line number.
     * Fixed an error generated by the asciidoc -e option when there are
       no block definitions -- patch contributed by Alejandro Mery.
     * Handle both \r\n (as well as \n) line separators that may be
       returned by {sys} attribute evaluation.
     * Numbered attribute names no longer interfere with positional
       attribute list values.

3. Version 8.2.5 (2007-11-18)

   Bug fixes
     * Fixed exception thrown by illegal command-line arguments.
     * Rolled back the with warning bug fix introduced in 8.2.4 -- it was
       incompatible with Python <2.5.

4. Version 8.2.4 (2007-11-10)

   Additions and changes
     * You can now use the lang attribute to set the DocBook language
     * Attribute values can now contain attribute references.
     * If the lang attribute is defined then configuration files named
       like lang-<lang>.conf will be loaded automatically.
     * The help file name help-<lang>.conf is based on the AsciiDoc lang
       attribute, defaults to help.conf (English).
     * Admonition, figure and table captions have been factored into a
       predefined set of caption_* attributes. They only apply to directly
       generated (X)HTML outputs (DocBook stylesheets generate their own
       language specific captions based on the lang attribute).
     * Dropped platform dependent doc/asciidoc.chm file from distribution
       documentation formats.

   Bug fixes
     * The spurious warning with will become a reserved keyword in Python
       2.6 has been suppressed.

5. Version 8.2.3 (2007-09-12)

   Additions and changes
     * Added VMiklos's permalink patch for auto-generated section IDs
       (enabled by default by the sectids attribute).
     * Added [6]FAQ to website.
     * Changed format of {localdate} attribute to ISO 8601 (%Y-%m-%d).
     * Added abc2ly --beams=None option to make conform to
       ABC's notion of beams.
     * XHTML level 2 section headings are now styled with an underlining
     * XHTML links to AsciiDoc title elements are now implemented with
       title ID attributes (previously separate <a> element targets were
     * Multi-word first, middle and last names can be entered in the
       header author line using the underscore as a word separator.
     * The nested inline macros restriction has now been lifted, for
       example you can now include links and inline images inside
     * Help topic names can be shortened (so long as they are not
       ambiguous). For example asciidoc -hm will print the AsciiDoc man
     * Added {two_colons} and {two_semicolons} attributes for escaping
       labeled list ambiguity.
     * If quirks mode is disabled the XHTML Mime Type is set to the
       recommended application/xhtml+xml (rather than text/html).

   Bug fixes
     * Author information is now correctly set when using attribute
       entries in the header instead of an author line (previously the
       author attribute was not being calculated correctly and there were
       attribute substitution problems).

6. Version 8.2.2 (2007-07-22)

   Additions and changes
     * [7]LaTeXMathML capability has been added for users who are more
       familiar with or prefer LaTeX math formulas to the [8]ASCIIMathML
       notation (thanks to Arthur Sakellariou for the patch).
     * The source highlight and code filters now process embedded
     * Added an --attribute=ATTRIBUTE option to a2x(1) for passing
       attribute values to asciidoc(1) (a shortcut for --asciidoc-opts="-a
     * Image block and inline macros prepend optional {imagesdir}
       attribute to image link targets.

   Bug fixes
     * Fixed an assertion error that occurred when a configuration file
       containing an include::[] macro was loaded using the --conf-file
       option and the configuration file name did not include an explicit
       directory path -- patch submitted by Dmitry Potapov.
     * Asciidoc titles are only converted to lower case if all characters
       are upper case otherwise case is left unchanged -- patch submitted
       by Dmitry Potapov.
     * Added a missing check that input is not stdin before loading
       configuration files from the document directory -- patch submitted
       by Dmitry Potapov.
     * Attribute list items must evaluate to strings, numbers or None
       (previously it was possible to evaluate to other object types which
       resulted in surprising attribute values).
     * If an AsciiDoc document has no title an empty XHTML 1.1 title
       element is created -- previously the title element was dropped
       which resulted in invalid XHTML 1.1.
     * The Vim syntax file no longer highlights escaped callouts.
     * The Vim syntax highlighter now correctly highlights Double-dollar
       passthroughs when they enclose dollar delimited ASCIIMathML and
       LaTeXMathML formulas.

7. Version 8.2.1 (2007-04-06)

   Additions and changes
     * A number of improvements have been made to the Vim syntax
       highlighter, for example the word C++ is no longer mistaken for the
       start of an unconstrained monospace quote.
     * Labeled list definitions have been tightened -- a list label can no
       longer containing trailing spaces. The following example is no
       longer recognized as a valid list label:

     Lorum ipsum ::
       This change implements the originally intended behavior (as per the
       AsciiDoc documentation and examples) so there should be very few
       compatibility issues.

8. Version 8.2.0 (2007-04-04)

   Additions and changes
     * A Vim syntax file is now included in the AsciiDoc distribution
       (inspired by Felix Obenhuber's asciidoc.vim script). You can find
       it (along with a Vim filetype detection script in the distribution
       ./vim/ directory (the scripts are installed automatically by the
       AsciiDoc installer ./ See Appendix J of the AsciiDoc
       User Guide for details.
     * Added toclevel attribute (1..4) which sets the number of title
       levels reported in the table of contents. Defaults to 2 and must be
       used with the toc attribute. Example usage:

     $ asciidoc -a toc -a toclevels=3 doc/asciidoc.txt
     * Added a listindex attribute which is the current list item index
       (1..). If this attribute appears outside a list its value is the
       number of items in the most recently closed list.
     * The single line titles syntax now accepts trailing suffixes -- this
       syntax matches the title line syntax of a number of popular Wiki
     * If a QuoteBlock has no attribution or citetitle then the DocBook
       <attribution> element is not generated (previously generated empty
       <attribution> element).
     * If the text of a labeled list item is blank then no texttag is
     * An end of line backslash performs line continuation for horizontal
       labeled list items.
     * The Revision line now accommodates Subversion $Id markers (in
       addition to CVS and RCS markers). Thanks to Tiago Sturmer Daitx for
       this patch.
     * Implemented a2x(1) option --skip-asciidoc which allows a2x(1) to
       convert DocBook XML files not derived from AsciiDoc sources.
     * If a2x(1) --doctype option is not specified it defaults to manpage
       if --format=manpage else defaults to article (previously --doctype
       always defaulted to article).
     * Added an External Resources section to the [9]AsciiDoc home page.

9. Version 8.1.0 (2006-10-22)

   Additions and changes
     * AsciiDoc generated XHTML documents now display a table of contents
       if the toc attribute is defined (JavaScript needs to be enabled for
       this to work). Thanks to Troy Hanson who contributed this feature
       based on a JavaScript by Mihai Bazon. I've simplified things
       somewhat to match Docbook XSL Stylesheets style, see Troy's [10]tpl
       User Guide for a fancier layout. Use the -a toc -a numbered
       command-line options to produce a number table of contents.
     * A [11]music filter is included in the distribution ./filters/
       directory. It translates music in [12]LilyPond or [13]ABC notation
       to standard classical notation in the form of a trimmed PNG image
       which is inserted into the AsciiDoc output document.
     * Incorporated Paul Melis's Win32 filter patch. This workaround
       allows AsciiDoc to run filters under Windows.
     * Added script.
     * Rather than proliferate a confusing number of filter block
       delimiters the following convention has been adopted: delimiters
       belonging to DelimitedBlock filters distributed with AsciiDoc will
       consist of a word (normally a noun identifying the block content)
       followed by four or more tilde characters. This has necessitated
       changing existing filter delimiters (the old delimiters still work
       but may be deprecated in future versions):
          + The example code filter block delimiter is now the word code
            followed by four or more tilde characters.
          + The source highlight filter block delimiter is now the word
            source followed by four or more tilde characters.
     * Conditionally redefined subscript and superscripting so they use
       the old replacements mechanism when asciidoc7compatible is defined
       rather than the asciidoc 8 default unconstrained quoting (patch for
       affected files attached).
     * Moved the source highlight filter from ./examples/ to ./filter/.
     * Added {verbose} intrinsic attribute (useful for passing verbose
       flag to filters).
     * Added {outdir} intrinsic attribute.
     * Renamed {docdir} intrinsic attribute to unambiguous`{indir}
       ({docdir}` still works but may be removed in future release).
     * If asciidoc(1) outputs to stdout then intrinsic attribute {docname}
       is extracted from the input file name.

10. Version 8.0.0 (2006-08-27)

   This is a major release because changes to quoting and index entry
   handling may break existing documents (see Additions and changes below
   and Appendix A: Migration Notes in the AsciiDoc User Guide).

   Please report any problems you encounter.

   [14]Stuart Rackham

   Additions and changes
     * Quoting can can occur within words (based on patch submitted by
       Benjamin Klum). See the Unconstrained Quotes sub-section in the
       User Guide.
     * The underline and plus characters can be used as alternatives to
       the existing apostrophe and backtick quote characters. They are
       arguably better choices than the apostrophe and backtick as they
       are not confused with punctuation.
     * The syntax for index entry macros have have been deprecated from
       +...+ and +...+ to ((...)) and (((...))) respectively. Rationale:
          + Bracketing is consistent other with [[...]] and <<...>>
            reference macros.
          + To easily confused with triple plus passthroughs.
          + To make way for the new monospace quoting.
     * Superscripts and subscripts are implemented as constrained quotes
       so they can now be escaped with a leading backslash and prefixed
       with with an attribute list.
     * An experimental LaTeX backend has been written by Benjamin Klum (a
       number additions in this release are to accommodate the LaTeX
     * include macro file names now expand environment variables and tilde
     * A configuration file [quotes] entry can be undefined by setting to
       a blank value.
     * Added callto inline macro for Skype callto links.
     * Added colnumber attribute for table data markup.
     * A leading comment block or comment lines are now skipped
       (previously a document had to start with either attribute entries
       or a document Title).
     * Experimental rows attribute (number of source lines in table)
       available in table markup templates (used by experimental LaTeX
     * Included install shell script written by [15]Jacob Mandelson for
       installing the tarball distribution.
     * Added INSTALL documentation file.
     * Added replacements2 substitution options -- a second replacements
     * Added the ability to redefine normal and verbatim substitutions
       with subsnormal and subsverbatim entries in configuration file
       [miscellaneous] section.
     * By default AttributeEntry values are substituted for
       specialcharacters and attributes, if you want a different
       AttributeEntry substitution set the attributeentry-subs attribute.
     * The name in name=value configuration file entries can now end with
       a backslash, just escape the trailing backslash with a backslash.
       For example:

       Results in name=abc\ and value=xyz -- previously this would have
       escaped the = character.
     * A blank configuration file section deletes any preceding section
       with the same name (applies to non-markup template sections).
     * A command-line attribute value with a @ suffix does not override
       existing document and configuration file attributes (normally
       command-line attributes have precedence over document and
       configuration file attributes).
     * localtime attribute is now encoded from the native system encoding
       to the output encoding. Patch submitted by [16]FKtPp -- here's his
       description of the problem:
       "I am a Chinese user of AsciiDoc and I find that when I use UTF-8
       (the default encoding) to write asciidoc documents in Windows
       platform the resulting html footer line will get screwed. It was
       caused by a localized tzname that was always encoded in the windows
       native encoding, which in my case is cp936."
     * a2x(1) can generate Open Document Text files using [17]docbook2odf.
       Currently docbook2odf(1) only processes a subset of DocBook,
       unimplemented elements are skipped.
     * The a2x(1) format option defaults to xhtml (previously a format had
       to be specified explicitly).
     * The -d, --doctype=DOCTYPE option has been added to a2x(1) which is
       a shortcut for --asciidoc-options="--doctype=DOCTYPE".
     * Replaced a2x(1) --no-icons and --no-copy options with their negated
       equivalents: --icons and --copy respectively. The default behavior
       has also changed: copying and use of icons is disabled by default.
          + To make the default behavior more consistent since use of
            icons and CSS stylesheets does not apply to all formats.
          + To make the default behavior less surprising (the creation of
            icon and stylesheet output files must now be explicit).
     * a2x(1) has been bumped from version 0.1.1 to version 1.0.0.

   Bug fixes
     * Removed duplicate ./doc/a2x.1.txt from distribution tarball.
     * Documentation errata.
     * Attribute replacement is no longer performed twice in Titles and
     * a2x(1) skipped asciidoc(1) execution when rerun with different
       --asciidoc-options options, it now always executes asciidoc(1). The
       problem was that previously asciidoc(1) was executed only if the
       output file was missing or older than the source file.

11. Version 7.1.2 (2006-03-07)

   Additions and changes
     * Support for [18]ASCIIMathML has been added. See Appendix I:
       ASCIIMathML Support in the User Guide and the examples at
     * You can now prefix quoted text with inline attributes lists. You
       can use this to set font size and color (XHTML and HTML outputs).
     * Added #...# quoting -- it does nothing -- it's purpose is to allow
       inline attributes to be applied to normal text.
     * An [20]inline passthrough mechanism has been implemented.
     * Configuration file comment lines can be escaped with a backslash --
       this is to allows the inclusion of configuration lines that start
       with a hash character.
     * The scriptsdir attribute can be used to specify the name of the
       directory containing linked JavaScripts (see the [21]User Guide for
     * The BackendBlock has been renamed PassthroughBlock for consistency
       with the new inline passthrough naming.
     * a2x(1) now works with the older bash(1) version 2.05b. Patch
       submitted by [22]Francis Daly.
     * Content included by the include1::[] system macro is no longer
       subject to attribute substitution so that ambiguities no longer
       arise when used to include CSS or JavaScript files.

12. Version 7.1.1 (2006-02-24)

   Additions and changes
     * The caption attribute can be used to customize admonition captions
       as well as image, table and example block element title prefixes
       (xhtml11 and html4 backends).
     * You can now override the default icon image using the icon
       attribute to specify the path of the linked image (xhtml11 and
       html4 backends only).
     * The deprecated imagesdir attribute is no longer recognized (use
       iconsdir instead).
     * Added Appendix H: Using AsciiDoc with non-English Languages to the
       AsciiDoc User Guide.
     * Added Admonition Icons and Captions subsection to the User Guide
       explaining how to customize Admonition elements.

   Bug fixes
     * a2x(1) failed when configuration files were installed in the global
       /etc/asciidoc/ directory -- it was only searching the directory
       containing the asciidoc executable (thanks to Christian Wiese for
       finding and submitting a patch this bug).
     * The html4 backend admonition caption now correctly displays the
       admonition caption attribute (previously displayed the style

13. Version 7.1.0 (2006-01-13)

   Additions and changes
     * a2x(1) toolchain wrapper utility. This overcomes the biggest hurdle
       for new users which seems to be assembling and using a working
       DocBook XML toolchain. With a2x(1) you can generate XHTML (chunked
       and unchunked), PDF, man page, HTML Help and text file outputs from
       an AsciiDoc input file with a single command. All you need to
       install (in addition to AsciiDoc) is xsltproc(1), DocBook XSL
       Stylesheets and optionally FOP (if you want PDF) or lynx(1) (if you
       want text).
     * Block titles can now start with any non-space character (previously
       where not allowed to start with .~-_ characters).
     * ./stylesheets/docbook.css renamed to ./stylesheets/docbook-xsl.css
       to clarify its function.
     * Renamed ./docbook-xsl/manpages.xsl to ./docbook-xsl/manpage.xsl for
     * Admonition and navigation icons moved to ./images/icons/ to clarify
       usage and conform with a2x(1) usage.
     * Renamed xhtml11 intrinsic attribute imagesdir to iconsdir to keep
       vocab consistent and changed default value to ./images/icons
       (previously ./images). imagesdir attribute still accepted but
     * Unused image files have been weeded out of the distribution.
     * Packager notes (appendix B) have been updated to reflect the needs
       of a2x(1).

   Important: The renaming of the xhtml11 backend imagesdir intrinsic
   attribute and it's new default value introduces a backward
   compatibility issue: if you use the icons attribute you will need to
   either move your icons to the new default ./images/icons location or
   include an --attribute iconsdir="your_icons_path" option in your
   asciidoc commands.

   Bug fixes
     * Backslash line continuation is now observed in verbatim paragraphs.
     * Fixed errors generated by example
       ./examples/website/ script.

14. Version 7.0.4 (2005-12-08)

   Additions and changes
     * Added ternary conditional attributes
       {<name>@<regexp>:<value1>[:<value2>]} and
     * Safety violations now generate errors (they previously generated
     * asciidoc(1) now defaults to safe mode, consequently the
       [miscellaneous] safe mode entry and --safe command-line option are
       no longer necessary (though for backward compatibility asciidoc(1)
       still accepts the --safe option).
     * Backend Blocks are now flagged unsafe (they could be used to
       include arbitrary and hence potentially unsafe output content).
     * Filters are no longer considered unsafe. There's not much point in
       insisting on filter safety since the installation of an unsafe
       filter would require the introduction of new or modified
       configuration files -- if your application configurations can be
       compromised you're in all sorts of trouble (safe mode protects
       against unsafe input files not unsafe configuration). As with all
       filters, before installing, you should verify that they can't be
       coerced into generating malicious output or exposing sensitive

   Bug fixes
     * Fixed a lot of glaring grammatical and factual errors in the User

15. Version 7.0.3 (2005-12-01)

   Additions and changes
     * Added --safe and --unsafe command-line options -- AsciiDoc can now
       be executed in a safe mode which disallows the execution of
       arbitrary code or the inclusion of arbitrary files (see
       [23]Appendix C in the AsciiDoc User Guide).
     * Included [24]source-highlight filter in the distribution
       ./examples/source-highlight-filter/ directory (based on filter
       submitted by [25]Ryan Phillips).
     * Included the DocBook XSL Stylesheets 1.69.1 customizations used to
       generate the distributed AsciiDoc documentation (read the
       asciidoc-docbook-xsl.txt file in the distribution ./docbook-xsl/
     * AsciiDoc DocBook XSL Stylesheet drivers moved from ./doc/ to
     * Modified ./doc/manpages.xsl so only URL content is displayed in

   Bug fixes
     * Explicitly set table CSS border style (xhtml11 backend) to solid
       because default border styles vary from browser to browser.

16. Version 7.0.2 (2005-08-28)

   Additions and changes
     * There are now long versions of all AsciiDoc options.
     * If the --backend is not specified it defaults to xhtml11.
     * Added CSS simulated frames layout to the examples website (see
       ./examples/website/layout2/README-website.txt). This layout does
       not work with IE6 and the original tables based layout is still the
     * Support page added to AsciiDoc website.

   Bug fixes
     * Invalid options are now trapped gracefully.
     * Documentation errata.

17. Version 7.0.1 (2005-06-24)

   Additions and changes
     * Reverted to use of strong, em, tt XHTML tags -- they're more
       obvious and no less correct than span tags, besides, the generated
       file sizes are smaller (the User Guide was 11% smaller).
     * Table title rendered with caption tag rather than a separate div.
     * The AsciiDoc stylesdir attribute (if specified) is now recognized
       when searching for embedded stylesheets (previously only searched
       default ./stylesheets directory).
     * Default charset encoding changed from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 -- it's
       less language specific and displays most common languages.
     * template::[] macros now expand in all configuration file sections
       previously only in markup template sections.
     * Cleaned up example website layout CSS and configuration
       (presentation has not been changed).
     * Refactored xhtml11.conf configuration file.
     * Set consistent and sensible permissions on distributed files.
     * White space is now stripped from DSV formatted table cell data.
     * class="tableblock" attribute added to tables generated by
       xhtml-deprecated-css.conf to assist CSS.

   Bug fixes
     * Illegal character set encoder (specified by the AsciiDoc encoding
       attribute) and character data are trapped gracefully.
     * AsciiDoc table format attribute in table attribute lists were not
     * The nested horizontal labeled list example in the AsciiDoc User
       Guide has been dropped -- it generated invalid DocBook markup.

18. Version 7.0.0 (2005-06-06)

   This is a major release with many code and documentation changes.
   Please report any problems you encounter.

   [26]Stuart Rackham

   Additions and changes
     * A new xhtml11 backend generates XHTML 1.1 with integrated CSS2
       replacing the previous xhtml, css, and css-embedded backends.
     * The CSS stylesheets have finally been rewritten.
     * The asciidoc(1) command help now includes user [27]customizable
       help topics. When asciidoc is invoked with the --help option the
       command argument is interpreted as a help topic.
     * The previous example website has been replaced by the actual
       AsciiDoc website (see ./examples/website/.
     * XHTML generation options now controlled by the following
       attributes: badges, linkcss, icons, numbered, quirks, theme,
       stylesdir, imagesdir (see the [28]User Guide for details.
     * By default HTML and XHTML are output as stand-alone documents (no
       embedded CSS and no linked admonition icon images).
     * Documents encoded with the UTF-8 Unicode character set are now
       processed thanks to a patch supplied by [29]Viktor Vasilev.
     * The -a ^name command-line syntax to undefine an attribute has been
       deprecated in favor of the -a name! syntax.
     * AttributeEntry syntax addition: :name!: to undefine name attribute.
     * Added template system block macro to allow the inclusion of one
       configuration file template section within another.
     * A verse style attribute can now be applied to literal paragraphs
       and blocks to reproduce line breaks and white space from the source
     * Replacements and Special Words can now be escaped with leading
     * Replacements are now processed in configuration file order
       (previous ordering was indeterminate).
     * System macros can now be used in the base asciidoc.conf
       configuration file.
     * Deprecated features that emitted warnings in prior versions are no
       longer tolerated.
     * The eval system attribute expression evaluates to False the
       attribute is undefined, if it evaluates to True the result is an
       empty string.
     * The Paragraph and DelimitedBlock presubs parameter can be aliased
       as subs.
     * Added verbatim substitutions option.
     * Renamed List Continuation Block to List Block and renamed the
       listcontinuation option to list.
     * Deprecated default substitutions option (use normal instead).
     * The section-numbers section numbering attribute has be renamed
     * Dropped the #UNDER CONSTRUCTION# block macro.
     * Rewrote Paragraph and DelimitedBlock handlers adding a [30]styles
       configuration entry.

   Bug fixes
     * Included files are no longer read inside conditionally excluded
     * Manpage command names containing dashes (in the manpage NAME
       section) were misinterpreted as the spaced dash command
       name/purpose separator. Bug report and patch supplied by [31]David
     * Unexpected error following malformed author line error.

19. Version 6.0.3 (2005-04-20)

   Additions and changes
     * Special characters are now substituted in AttributeEntry element
     * Spaced and unspaced em dashes are now recognized (previously only
       spaced em dashes were recognized).
     * Replaced the table noborders option with richer frame and grid
     * The duplicate macro warning message now only occurs when the
       verbose (-v) option is enabled.
     * Single lines starting with two forward slashes hard up against the
       left margin are treated as comments and are not processed.
     * Renamed section delimited block option to sectionbody to more
       accurately reflect it's role.
     * Added a List Continuation block -- a specialized delimited block
       that is functionally equivalent to the List Item Continuation
       feature except that the list contained within the block does not
       require explicit + list item continuation lines.
     * Dropped deprecated <u> tags from generated HTML.
     * Literal Block delimiters must now consist of at least four points
       (previously three) to avoid lone ellipsis ambiguity.

   Bug fixes
     * Some system attribute evaluation failures caused unexpected
       exceptions to occur.

20. Version 6.0.2 (2005-03-30)

   Additions and changes
     * Three new system block macros have been added -- eval, sys and sys2
       which are the block macro equivalents to the same named system
     * Intrinsic macros have been renamed system macros along with action
       attributes which have been renamed system attributes:
          + To reflect their common (though contextually different)
          + To avoid confusion with intrinsic attributes.

   Bug fixes
     * Asciidoc now searches in /etc/asciidoc/filters for filters.

21. Version 6.0.1 (2005-03-06)

   Additions and changes
     * A global configuration file location /etc/asciidoc has been added
       and is now processed before all other locations (patch supplied by
       [32]Fredrik Steen).
     * Recoded tempfile.mktemp() and other artifacts that are no longer
       necessary or desirable (patches supplied by [33]Fredrik Steen).
     * Added BUGS file to the distribution.

   Bug fixes
     * Illegal comment syntax in css-embedded-stylesheet.conf resulted in
       illegal CSS in files generated by the css-embedded backend.

22. Version 6.0.0 (2005-01-28)

   This release has had some fairly major code and documentation changes.
   Please report any problems you encounter.

   [34]Stuart Rackham

   A lot of new stuff. A new major version number -- some regression
   incompatibility (hopefully mitigated by deprecated warnings).

   Went mad trying to rein in the current feature anarchy -- established a
   unified notion of document attributes. Attempted to introduce a
   consistent vocabulary -- renamed many poorly or inconsistently named

   Actually, deprecated syntax is still processed correctly in almost all
   cases. One source of incompatibility that may arise if you have
   customized CSS stylesheets is the change of AsciiDoc CSS class names
   (see below). I guess the moral is if you've done a lot of configuration
   file customization and are happy with version 5 then you may want to
   stay put.

   Note: This version requires Python 2.3 or better to run.

   Additions and changes
     * Glossary entries have been renamed attributes. This eliminates
       confusion with the accepted meaning of glossary.
     * An AttributeEntry block element has been added so that document
       attributes can be assigned from within an AsciiDoc document.
     * The AttributeList block element has been added which is a more
       general solution than the (now deprecated) DelimitedBlock
     * An BlockId element has been added for setting block element anchor
       (link target) IDs.
     * Quoted text can now span multiple lines (thanks to James Bowlin for
       this patch).
     * Inline macros can now span multiple lines.
     * ``double backtick / apostrophe'' quotes generate "curly quotes".
     * A warning is now emitted for out of order list item (applies to
       explicitly enumerated numbered list items).
     * Added include action attribute.
     * A line of three or more apostrophes generates an HTML horizontal
       ruler (<hr/> tag). You will get a warning if processed with
       non-HTML backend.
     * An {imagesdir} attribute specifies image file location for images
       referenced in configuration files when generating HTML (the default
       location is images).
     * An {stylesdir} attribute specifies the location of CSS stylesheets
       when generating styled HTML (the default location for configured
       markup is .).
     * list entry has been deprecated, use {0} instead.
     * New ExampleBlock delimited block along with associated variants
       Note, Tip, Warning, Caution and Important.
     * The docbook.conf file now facilitates the optional inclusion of a
       DocBook revision history file.
     * To better reflect their purpose the following block elements have
       been renamed: VerbatimBlock to ListingBlock; IndentedBlock to
       LiteralBlock; IndentedParagraph to LiteralParagraph; CustomBlock to
       BackendBlock; SimpleSection to SectionBody. Any corresponding CSS
       class names have also been changed which could result in backward
       incompatibility in customized stylesheets.
     * Swapped plain DocBook admonition icons for Jimmac's DocBook icons
       ([35] The original plain
       icons have been moved to ./images/plain.
     * Renamed html backend to xhtml to better reflect it's function
       (former html-4 backend renamed to html).
     * A new inline anchor macro syntax [[[<id>]]] is available, it
       displays [<id>] at the anchor location and is for anchoring
       bibliography list entries.
     * An optional single-line titles syntax can be used.
     * Tweaks to distributed CSS stylesheets and FOP fo.xsl customization
     * List Item Continuation has been implemented which allows additional
       block elements to be included in list items by separating them from
       the preceding list item element with a line containing a single
       plus character.
     * A new Horizontal Labeled List list type has been added. Generates
       two column list -- the first column contains the list element
       labels, the second contains the element text. Same syntax as
       Vertical Labeled Lists except the double colon label suffix is
       followed by the start of the list item text.

   Bug fixes
     * Fixed broken backslash line continuation.
     * Labeled list end tags were not undergoing attribute substitution.
     * Documents without any author information now generate legitimate
       DocBook (previously if the author line was not included in the
       document header then an empty (illegal) DocBook author element was
     * Multiple spaces in filter command arguments were replaced by a
       single space. The ./examples/asciidoc2text/ script
       now indents text correctly.

23. Version 5.1.1 (2004-10-10)

   15-December-2004: Interim update: Updated to fix broken
   join_lines function -- no other changes.
     * PDF documentation is now produced from DocBook XML using XSLTLib
       and FOP. Previously we processed DocBook SGML with jw(1) (which
       used Dvips to convert DVI files to PDF). FOP has come a long way in
       the last 12 months and produces very acceptable PDF under both
       Linux and Windows.
     * Sections detailing how to install and use the DocBook XSL
       Stylesheets, xsltproc, FOP toolchain and the AsciiDoc XSLT drivers
       have been added to the User Guide.
     * The PDF output from the he example article template has been
       included in the distribution (./doc/article.pdf).
     * Special characters are emitted using decimal Unicode character
       codes (previously used named character entities which cannot be
       assumed included in non-HTML documents).
     * Added registered trademark ® to [replacements].
     * CSS stylesheet tweaks.
     * Admonitions (Note, Tip, Important, Warning, Caution) include icons
       when generating css output.

24. Version 5.1.0 (2004-09-18)

     * Callouts have been implemented (see the Callouts section of the
       AsciiDoc User Guide for details).
     * Added XSL drivers for generating XHTML, chunked XHTML and HTML Help
       from DocBook XML using XSL stylesheets and xsltproc(1).
     * Added CSS stylesheet for HTML generated from DocBook XML using XSL
     * Distribution contains HTML Help formatted User Guide
       (./doc/asciidoc.chm), the User Guide tells you how it's generated.
     * Images referred to by distributed stylesheets are now located in
       the ./images subdirectory (previously located in .).
     * Filters path names are now handled properly under Cygwin.
     * The usual documentation and examples additions, updates and

25. Version 5.0.9 (2004-09-09)

     * The convention of using a .asc file extension for AsciiDoc files
       has been dropped in favor of the familiar .txt extension. It makes
       more sense in that AsciiDoc is a text presentation format and
       because .asc clashed with the same extension used by other
       applications. It's only a naming convention -- you don't have to
       switch if you don't want to.
     * Changed the subscript formatting character from underline to tilde
       since underscores in file names are reasonably common (especially
       in link and image macros).
     * An alternative syntax for the index term inline macro has been
       added: <primary>,<secondary>,<tertiary>.
     * Index terms that have secondary and tertiary entries now
       additionally generate separate index terms for the secondary and
       tertiary entries.
     * A <primary> index term inline macro has been added which displays
       the term in the primary text flow.
     * Added alternative variable list definition using double semi-colon
       terminator as opposed to the standard double colon terminator so
       variable lists can be nested to two levels.
     * Footnotes now appear on a separate line in HTML and Linuxdoc
     * Python version compatibility is checked at startup.
     * Preface and appendix section titles in multi-part Book documents
       are meant to be out of sequence -- warnings are no longer emitted
       when outputting HTML.
     * Empty section warnings have been replaced by error messages and are
       emitted only if invalid markup would result.
     * Missing macro sections or invalid macro name warnings are only
       generated at startup if the -v (verbose) option is set. Otherwise
       they are deferred until a matching macro is encountered in the
       input file.
     * Missing or invalid table definition warnings are only generated at
       startup if the -v (verbose) option is set. Otherwise they are
       deferred until a matching table is encountered in the input file.
     * AsciiDoc now makes more of an effort to continue in the face of
     * Fixed broken ./examples/website/main.aap script.
     * Converted distribution text files DOS text format as a sop to
       Windows users with challenged text editors.
     * Documentation additions and corrections.

26. Version 5.0.8 (2004-05-15)

     * Spurious out of sequence level 2 warnings no longer appear when
       processing book document multi-part book top level Preface and
       Appendix sub-sections since they are (correctly) out of sequence.
     * A warning is no longer emitted for empty Index sections since this
       is normal when generating DocBook outputs.
     * Fixed: [quotes] configuration file entries where not being
       overridden by downstream configuration file entries.
     * Footnote text is now output enclosed in square brackets in HTML
     * Added superscripts and subscripts to the standard PRS configuration
     * Adjusted CSS stylesheets so list titles don't have so much space
       between title and first list item (broken in IE6 due to poor CSS
       compliance). Lessened sidebar title top margin.

27. Version 5.0.7 (2004-04-22)

     * The version 5.0.6 README incorrectly stated that AsciiDoc would run
       under Python 2.0, in fact it requires Python 2.1 or better. The
       README has been corrected.
     * Documented techniques for combining and splitting AsciiDoc
       documents and processing the combined and split parts (see the Tips
       and Tricks section of the User Guide).
     * An example of marking up superscripts and subscripts is documented
       in the Tips and Tricks section of the User Guide (the example
       configuration file is in the AsciiDoc examples directory).
     * Added ellipsis to shipped [replacements]; three periods output an
       ellipsis entity.
     * Removed unused SectionClose class.
     * The AsciiDoc Preamble element is output as a DocBook Preface when
       processed as a book document type (in older AsciiDoc versions a
       warning was issued and processing stopped).
     * Fixed a quoting anomaly: quoted text can no longer begin or end
       with with white space.

28. Version 5.0.6 (2004-03-07)

     * New image macro implements optional image scaling and linking and
       works in both inline and block contexts. The image macro obsolesces
       the existing graphic block macro and icon inline macro.
     * Macro substitution section names now have -inlinemacro and
       -blockmacro suffixes to resolve context ambiguity, make their
       purpose clearer and relieve section namespace congestion.
     * Header derived glossary entries can now be overridden from the
     * Special character substitution is now performed on AuthorLine
       derived author names.
     * A macro or block argument called options can be used as a shortcut
       for a list named arguments with zero length string values.
     * Tables can be output without borders using the options="noborders"
     * Table data lines that do not immediately follow a table section
       underline can now be blank. This allows CSV data with embedded
       blank lines to be processed correctly.
     * Blank DSV format table data lines are silently skipped.
     * Tightened up on enforcement of configuration file section names to
       reduce the possibility of section content being seen as a section
       header line.
     * Section titles can be optionally suffixed with title arguments
       enclosed in double square brackets.
     * A replacement has been added to asciidoc.conf to replace inline
       double dashes with the &mdash; entity.
     * Changed the .UNDER-CONSTRUCTION. macro syntax to
       #UNDER-CONSTRUCTION# so it is not mistaken for a BlockTitle.
       Similarly changed the .NEW. replacement with #NEW#.
     * #NEW# and #UNDER-CONSTRUCTION# macros are now included in the
       DocBook backend.
     * Replaced shipped smallnew.gif with smallnew.png.
     * Documentation tidy ups.

29. Version 5.0.5 (2004-02-25)

     * Fixed the disappearing paragraph titles problem that was caused by
       Inline macros (incorrectly) processing BlockTitles.
     * Tightened AuthorLine validation. Previously invalid email addresses
       and embedded special characters in the AuthorLine resulted in
       invalid output markup.

30. Version 5.0.4 (2004-02-09)

     * Reinstated missing infile, outfile, filetype and
       filetype-<filetype> glossary entries.
     * As of version 5.0.3 asciidoc(1) now requires Python 2.0 or greater,
       this has now been documented.

31. Version 5.0.3 (2004-01-23)

     * Fixed problem that caused any filters directory file containing
       .conf (not just those with the .conf extension) from being loaded.
     * All [miscellaneous] configuration file entries can now be
       referenced like glossary entries (they are now processed internally
       as glossary entries).
     * The output file line terminator (previously hardwired to \r\n is
       now set using the newline entry in the configuration file
       [miscellaneous] section.
     * The misspelt blocktitles configuration file entry name has been
       corrected (to blocktitle).
     * An {empty} glossary entry has been added to the default
       configuration which is useful for outputting trailing blank lines
       from configuration file substitution sections.

32. Version 5.0.2 (2003-12-18)

     * New (alternative) anchor and xref macro syntax (old syntax still
     * DocBook mediaobject and inlinemediaobject tags are generated in
       place of graphic and inlinegraphic tags by the AsciiDoc graphic and
       icon macros. If a macro argument is specified it is the alternative
       text output if the target document format does not support the
       specified graphic file format.
     * Dropped the LinuxDoc left and right square bracket special
       character substitutions as they interfered with macro substitution.
     * Documentation updates and corrections.

33. Version 5.0.1 (2003-12-09)

     * Fixed problem with anchor tag when generating CSS styled HTML.

34. Version 5.0 (2003-12-08)

   This release has had some fairly major code and documentation changes.
   Please report any problems you encounter.

   [36]Stuart Rackham

     * AsciiDoc can now produce a full-blown multi-part DocBook book
       including dedication, abstract, preface, colophon, glossary,
       appendix, bibliography and book part elements using the new
       specialsections configuration file section.
     * All Section element children (Paragraph, DelimitedBlock, List,
       Table, BlockMacro) can now be titled using the BlockTitle element.
       A BlockTitle element is a single line containing a title and
       beginning with a period.
     * The index and backmatter macros have been dropped, superseded by
     * The AsciiDoc Preface element has been renamed Preamble (to avoid
       confusion with the DocBook book preface element).
     * Out of sequence titles are now tolerated with a warning. This
       allows book document level 0 sections to be processed.
     * An anchor inline macro has been added for document link target
     * Note, Tip, Important and Warning paragraph types have been added to
       support the corresponding DocBook elements.
     * Title substitution is now performed in SidebarBlock titles.
     * DocBook graphics now output as figure and informalfigure elements
       rather than mediaobjects. This ensures numbered figures and a lists
       of figures are produced by the DocBook toolchain.
     * You can now escape block argument lines by appending a backslash.
       Alternatively, if you embed arguments in the delimiter line
       AsciiDoc does not check for an arguments line.
     * The default DocBook backend file extension has been changed from
       .docbook to .xml (.sgml for the docbook-sgml backend).
     * Warnings are output by default (previously they only printed when
       verbose option enabled).
     * A Question and Answer variable list definition has been added to
       the shipped configuration files, primarily to create DocBook qanda
       DocBook elements.
     * Fixed broken code-filter -b linuxdoc option. The asciidoc.asc User
       Guide can now be processed by linuxdoc(1) (although tables are
       dropped because LinuxDoc does not implement tables).

   Compatibility issues:
    1. Table titles are no longer in the arguments line, use the new
    2. Graphic titles are no longer in the graphic block macro caption,
       use the new BlockTitles.
    3. The code-filter title must be placed in a preceding BlockTitle.
    4. SidebarBlock titles must be placed in a preceding BlockTitle.
    5. The DelimitedBlock option sidebar has been renamed to section.
    6. The default DocBook backend file extension has been changed from
       .docbook to .xml (.sgml for the docbook-sgml backend).

35. Version 4.2 (2003-11-26)

     * The default HTML output is now XHTML 1.0 markup. To output the
       former HTML 4 markup specify the html-4 backend.
     * The default DocBook output is now DocBook XML. To output the former
       DocBook SGML specify the docbook-sgml backend. The associated
       docbook-sgml.conf file illustrates how to support minor DTD
       variations. Examples of using the xmlto(1) command for DocBook
       conversion have been added to the User Guide.
     * Glossary entries set using the command-line -g option can now be
       referenced in configuration files.
     * Configuration dumps (-c command-line option) no longer output
       redundant undefined glossary entries.
     * DelimitedBlock arguments can now be specified in a separate
       arguments line immediately following the leading delimiter line,
       This is in preference to the existing delimiter embedded arguments.
          + The syntax is in keeping with the Tables arguments syntax.
          + It's easier to enter and implements line continuation.
     * A new QuoteBlock DelimitedBlock definition has been added to the
       distribution configuration files.
     * The table arguments lines can be continued using the backslash line
       continuation character.
     * Added new calculated glossary reference type {<name>%<value>}.
     * Double-quote characters can now appear in unquoted positional

36. Version 4.1 (2003-11-13)

     * Added DSV (Delimiter Separated Values) tables format.
     * {eval:<expr>} glossary references drop the containing line if
       <expr> evaluates to None.
     * Block, Table and Macro arguments can now be positional (quoted or
     * Vocabulary change: DelimitedBlock, Table and Macro attributes are
       now referred to as arguments. This makes more sense in light of the
       extended syntax and avoids confusion with backend markup tag
     * tablewidth table ruler parameter can now be expressed in percent
       units (0..100). If between 0 and 1 then the original fractional
       unit measure is applied.
     * The use of quoting for generating footnotes and index entries has
       been dropped in favor of footnote and indexterm inline macros.
     * backmatter inline macro included in distribution.
     * Fixed: CSS styled HTML tables are now fully XHTML 1.0 conformant.
     * Fixed: tablewidth was processed incorrectly when passed as table
     * Fixed: Glossary references like {x={y}} were one character off if
       {x] was defined and {y} was not.

37. Version 4.0 (2003-11-08)

   This release has had some fairly major code and documentation changes.
   Please report any problems you encounter.

   Stuart Rackham

     * Added tables to AsciiDoc.
     * Added two special subs options: default specifies the default
       substitution options and none specifies no substitution. These
       options can only appear singly.
     * Line continuation using a trailing backslash character is available
       in Paragraphs, ListItems, Tables.
     * The left and right quotes for quoted text can now be specified
     * Shipped configuration files implement footnotes (only useful for
       DocBook output) using \[[]] quoting.
     * Shipped configuration files implement index terms (only useful for
       DocBook and LinuxDoc output) using \(()) quoting.
     * The shipped html backend configuration now emits valid HTML 4.01
     * Added new calculated glossary reference types {<name>!<value>} and
     * The DelimitedBlock params option has been dropped in favor of the
       new block attributes mechanism. If you have customized block params
       options you may need to adjust source files to use the block
       attributes syntax. The example code filter has been updated to
       reflect these changes.
     * The code filter now has a -t tabsize option.
     * Replaced -w option with -v (verbose) option. The warnings option
       was just to confusing.
     * Named attributes can now be specified in macro calls.
     * The tabsize attribute is recognized in the built-in include macros.
       A tabsize of zero suppresses tab expansion.
     * The configuration file [options] section has been split into
       [miscellaneous] and [titles]. If you have customized any of these
       settings you will need to adjust the affected configuration files.
     * Configuration file [miscellaneous] entries can now also be set
       using the command-line -g option.
     * Fixed: error that occurred when attempting to use zero length
       configuration and source files.
     * Fixed: blocking filter halt problem.
     * Fixed: inline macro escape prefix problem.
     * Fixed: missing macros from configuration dump problem.
     * Fixed: named macros were dumped incorrectly.
     * Many documentation changes/additions/corrections.

38. Version 3.2.2 (2003-10-26)

     * Added -n option (synonym for -g section-numbers).
     * Dropped the processing commentary (hey, this is Unix).
     * Added new calculated glossary reference type {<name>?<value>}.
       <name> is the glossary entry name and <value> is the text
       substituted if the glossary entry is defined. <value> can only
       contain literal text (no glossary references allowed).
     * Added asciidoc2text to distribution examples/asciidoc2text
       directory (converts AsciiDoc source to text file with section
     * Fixed incorrect nesting of Simple lists inside Variable lists.
     * List definitions have been modified so that list items can be
       indented. This allows a more intuitive indentation of nested lists
       in AsciiDoc source.
     * Lists must be separated from preceding paragraphs by a blank line.
       This is to avoid paragraph lines being mistaken for list items.
     * Corrected asciidoc man page documentation error: the`-f` option
       does not search relative to source document directory for the
       configuration file.
     * Minor updates to various distribution .conf files.
     * Included badges.conf in examples directory.
     * css-embedded-stylesheet.conf now supports footer badges.
     * The default in-line element processing order has been changed:
       Glossary References are now processed before Inline Macros. This
       allows glossary expansions to occur inside macro references.
     * Glossary entries are now allowed in Author and Revision lines.
     * Default List subs options and Paragraph presubs options are
       assigned the following default value if not specified:

     * Documentation changes/additions/corrections.

39. Version 3.2 (2003-05-26)

     * Added a -s command-line option to suppress the output of [header]
       and [footer] sections.
     * Article document headers are no longer mandatory: this allows
       AsciiDoc to process arbitrary chunks of text. When used in
       conjunction with the new -s command-line option corresponding
       chunks of backend markup can be generated.
     * AsciiDoc now emits a warning message and continues when an out of
       sequence section title is detected (previously it failed and
       halted). This allows document sections to be processed separately.
     * Optional presubs and postsubs entries have been added to
       DelimitedBlock and Paragraph definitions. As a consequence
       substitution options are no longer legal in options entries.
     * presubs and postsubs substitutions are processed in the order the
       options are specified (rather than the fixed options order of
       previous versions).
     * ./filters subdirectories are automatically searched for filter
     * A title-subs configuration option specifies the substitutions
       performed on document Header and Section titles.
     * A subs entry in now included in List configuration file definitions
       that specified substitutions performed on list entry text.
     * Configuration files are auto-loaded from ./filters subdirectories.
     * Added example code filter (see ./examples/filters).
     * Bug fix: if section was empty you may have got erroneous missing
       tag "paragraph" error.
     * Internal code tidy up.

40. Version 3.1 (2003-05-18)

     * In version 3.0 a [macros] section entry of the form name was
       equivalent to name=. An entry of the form name now undefines the
       entry (to bring it in line with the behavior of other special
     * Paragraphs have now been generalized (in the same way as Lists and
     * The indentsize option has been dropped as as consequence of
       paragraph generalization.
     * Pipe | characters can be included in substituted tag and
       substitution section text using the {brvbar} (broken vertical bar)
       glossary reference.
     * Removed the restriction requiring substitution section text
       placeholders | to be on a separate line.
     * Added an -e asciidoc(1) command option that excludes implicit
       configuration files (used in conjunction with -c generated
       configuration files).
     * Version 3.0 documentation has undergone a considerable cleanup.
     * The dumping of quoted section entries (see -c option) now works
     * The format of special section entries has been made consistent:
       name undefines the entry; name= sets the entry value to a blank
       string; name=value sets the entry value to value.
     * As a consequence of the previous change the caret prefix is no
       longer used in glossary configuration file entries (although it is
       still used when undefining an entry using the -g command-line

41. Version 3.0 (2003-05-13)

   This version is the culmination of work begun in the 2.x releases
   whereby fixed policy has been replaced by extensible mechanisms.
     * Added -c command-line option to dump a composite asciidoc(1)
       configuration file to stdout.
     * Lists and Delimited Blocks are now defined by a set of
       configuration file parameter sections. The user can modify the
       default definitions or add new ones.
     * Block content can now be processed through external filters.
     * The default behavior for Custom Blocks is to perform glossary
       substitution (previously there was no substitution inside Custom
     * The old 2.x style macros have been reimplemented; as with Lists and
       Delimited Blocks there syntax and behavior can be configured by the
       user. The default macro syntax remains the same but the semantics
       are now (hopefully) a bit more intelligible.
     * Block and Builtin macros use :: delimiter instead of the 2.x single
       colon delimit (to distinguish them from inline macros). The 2.x
       syntax is still supported for backward compatibility.
     * Nested lists are now supported and IndentedParagraphs can be
       included in list items.
     * Conditional source inclusion can be specified using built in ifdef,
       ifndef and endif macros.
     * The new conditional source inclusion feature has been used to
       reduce the number of default configuration files down to one per
     * A change of name: 2.x Substitutions are now called Replacements and
       the 2.x [substitutions] configuration file section is now called
       [replacements] (the old name is still recognized for backward
     * The line break is now implemented as a Replacements substitution.
     * Inline icon macro for inline images has been added to default
       configuration files.

42. Version 2.2 (2003-04-07)

     * The master.conf configuration file name has been deprecated in
       favor of asciidoc.conf.
     * The standard configuration files set is now loaded from the
       .asciidoc folder in the users home directory (if it exists) and
       then from the source document directory. Configuration files that
       don't exist are silently skipped.
     * Configuration files named like the source file will be
       automatically loaded if they are found in the source file
       directory. For example if the source file is mydoc.asc and the -b
       html option is used then asciidoc(1) will look for mydoc.conf and
       mydoc-html.conf in that order.
     * The characters used to quote formatted text can be configured and
       extended by the user (see the master.conf [quotes] section).
     * Quoted text can now be escaped by prefixing a backslash character
       to the leading quote.
     * The double single-quote '' strong text quote has been deprecated in
       favor of an asterisk * character.
     * Added {eval:expression}, {sys:command} and {sys2:command} glossary
       reference actions.
     * Trailing brace characters } are now allowed inside glossary
       references provided they are escaped with a backslash character.
     * Glossary entries can now be escaped by prefixing a backslash
       character to the leading brace character (use this in preference to
       placing the backslash inside the brace).
     * The output macro has been deprecated (use the new include1 macro
       inside a CustomBlock).
     * The default document type is article (asciidoc no longer attempts
       to guess).
     * Files included within DelimitedBlocks are not searched for block
       termination underlines. This ensures the entire file is part of the
     * include macros can now be used in configuration files.
     * Corrected {infile} and {outfile} glossary entry documentation.
     * File inclusion is now limited to a depth of 5 to catch recursion
     * Inline tags have been deprecated, they're not necessary and they
       immediately make the source document backend specific. Use
       CustomBlocks or Substitutions instead.

43. Version 2.1 (2003-03-17)

     * Added section auto numbering {sectnum} glossary entry
       (auto-numbering function contributed by Ludovico Magnocavallo).
     * asciidoc(1) now correctly returns non-zero exit status if an error
     * An AsciiDoc example website has been included in the AsciiDoc
       distribution examples/website directory (also online at
     * NOTE: The asciidoc wrapper script included in the 2.0 distribution
       has been dropped, if you've symlinked or aliased to asciidoc you'll
       need to change them to point directly to instead.
     * An RCS $Id$ marker can be used as the document header revision line
       (based on a patch submitted by Ludovico Magnocavallo).
     * In addition to the name=value glossary entry format two new ones
       have been introduced: name (the default value is set to an empty
       string) and ^name (the glossary entry is undefined).
     * The -q command-line option has been deprecated and the -w level
       command-line option added.
       NOTE: By default skipped substitution warnings are now suppressed.
     * If a configuration file specified with the -f command-line option
       is not found relative to the current working directory then the
       search is repeated relative to the asciidoc(1) directory. This
       allows global configuration files to be used.
     * Added {infile}, {outfile} predefined glossary entries.
     * Added under-construction macro to HTML article configuration files.
     * Deprecated {asciidoc_version} glossary entry in favor of
       {asciidoc-version} (to it consistent with other entries).

44. Version 2.0 (2003-02-24)

     * The emphasized, strong and monospaced words options have been
       generalized with the introduction of macro based special words
     * Glossary references can now appear in both the document and macro
     * All output files use crlf line termination (previously used UNIX lf
       (newline) termination).
     * Added [substitutions] section which implements arbitrary regular
       expression based substitutions.
     * An optional master.conf configuration file can be used for entries
       that are not backend or document type specific.
     * Special character definitions moved from the code to the new
       [special_characters] configuration file section.
     * Configuration file glossary added.
     * Command-line -g glossary entry added.
     * A new book document type has been implemented for the docbook
       backend. It outputs DocBook book documents.
     * A major internal change has been the implementation of parametrized
       user definable macros. Internally most document elements are now
       processed as macros.
     * Configuration file macro variables can be specified with default
       values (literals or other macro variables).
     * An attempt has been made to tighten up the vocabulary used to
       describe the AsciiDoc document syntax.
     * The term abstract has been replaced by the more general term
       preface and a new preface section introduced into article
       configuration files (replacing the synopsis sections).
     * Any section elements can now be put in the document preface
       (previous versions only allowed paragraphs).
     * AsciiDoc Blocks have been unified and their behavior can be user
       defined and parametrized.
     * An output inclusion allows an external file to be written directly
       to the backend output file.
     * A new CustomBlock has been added. Default behavior is to insert the
       enveloped AsciiDoc source lines directly into the output file.
     * A line break tag can be inserted by terminating a line with a +
       character (only really useful for HTML backends).
     * An fourth section level has been introduced.
     * The SidebarBlock delimiter line characters have been changed. The
       deprecated underline is still accepted.
     * Levels 2 and 3 title underline characters have been changed. The
       deprecated underlines are still accepted.
     * Lines with backend specific inline tags can be inserted into
       AsciiDoc source files.
     * Single words enveloped by underscores are no longer emphasized.
       This feature was deprecated as it is redundant (use single quotes
       instead) and was being applied to file names with underscores.
     * A -q quiet option has been added to suppress warning messages.
     * Badge images sourced locally.
     * Added author and author-mail meta tags to HTML configuration files.

45. Version 1.5 (2003-01-08)

     * Implemented sidebar document elements.
     * Explicit checks for user specified configuration files and input
       file (rather than throwing exception).

46. Version 1.4 (2003-01-04)

     * New configuration file options emphasizedwords and strongwords.
       These allow the definition of words that will always be emphasized
       or rendered in a strong font without inline formatting.
     * Document and section titles are no long subject to inline
     * Multiple configuration files can be overlaid in a single command.
     * Configuration file tags and options entries can now be overridden
       on an entry by entry basis (previously the entire section was
     * Configuration file tags and options entries are now cached this has
       resulted in around 37% performance improvement over version 1.3.
     * Variable lists can now contain multiple terms per list item.
     * Placeholder paragraph eliminated from empty sections that contain
     * Added {asciidoc_version} substitution variable.
     * More documentation additions and tidy ups.

47. Version 1.3 (2003-01-01)

     * A new strong text formatting convention has been implemented: Word
       phrases enclosed in pairs of single quote characters (acute
       accents) are rendered in a strong font (usually bold).
     * Paragraphs can now be followed immediately by Simple lists and
       Ordered lists without an intervening blank line.
     * A user specified configuration file (asciidoc(1) -f option)
       overlays the default configuration file rather than replacing it.
       Custom configuration files need only contain those sections that
       have been customized.
     * Comment Block delimiters have been relaxed slightly. They must
       start with three forward slashes /// but the remainder can contain
       any characters, this allows comments to be embedded in the
       delimiter line.
     * Leading non-digit characters preceding revision number are now
     * Set default indentsize [option] from 2 to documented default value
       of zero in HTML backend html-article.conf and html-manpage.conf
     * Fixed error that occurred when taking input from stdin without
       explicitly specifying a document type.
     * Restored file name and line number error message information.
     * Changed deprecated -t option to -d in asciidoc --help and usage
       command output.
     * CSS styles tweaking.
     * Code, configuration file and documentation tidy ups.

48. Version 1.2 (2002-12-28)

     * Implemented include URL to allow file inclusion.
     * fileextension configuration file [option] renamed to more sensible
       outfilesuffix (fileextension still accepted by this version but
       will be dropped in future).
     * Improved error reporting.
     * CSS backends generate valid XHTML.
     * New css-embedded backend generates HTML with embedded stylesheets
       (use the css backend for linked stylesheets). The css-embedded
       backend output contains no linked images so the generated html
       files are completely self contained.
     * Bug fixes.

49. Version 1.1 (2002-12-03)

     * Added css (cascading style sheets) backend
     * Implemented IndentedBlock document element.
     * Tabsize command-line option has been deprecated in favor of
       configuration file.
     * Default indent width changed to zero.
     * Added {localdate} and {localtime} substitution variables.
     * Added optional [options] configuration file section with
       fileextension, tabsize and indentsize options.
     * Implemented {authorinitials} substitution variable.
     * Added https link type.
     * Corrected [graphic] substitution from {title} to {caption} in
       linuxdoc-article.conf configuration file.
     * Fixed error that occurred when == title underline was used.

50. Version 1.0 (2002-11-25)

   First AsciiDoc public release along with AsciiDoc web site
   ([38] and project
   registration ([39]

   Version 8.2.7
   Last updated 2008-07-04 23:26:22 NZDT


  20. file://localhost/tmp/lynxXXXXPMZJe0/userguide.html#X50
  21. file://localhost/tmp/lynxXXXXPMZJe0/userguide.html#X33
  23. file://localhost/tmp/lynxXXXXPMZJe0/userguide.html#X39
  24. file://localhost/tmp/lynxXXXXPMZJe0/source-highlight-filter.html
  27. file://localhost/tmp/lynxXXXXPMZJe0/userguide.html#X36
  28. file://localhost/tmp/lynxXXXXPMZJe0/userguide.html#X33
  30. file://localhost/tmp/lynxXXXXPMZJe0/userguide.html#X23