

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > 53d3b881dc1cb8f80665a74018d17dde > files > 23


# avoid dependency on X11 libraries
%define without_x       1

%define Werror_cflags %nil

Summary:	A user-friendly file manager and visual shell
Name:		mc
Version:	4.8.0
Release:	%mkrel 3
License:	GPLv2+
Group:		File tools

# ** Mandriva patches: 0 - 99 **

# (tv) add runlevel to initscript
Patch3:		mc-4.6.0-init.patch
Patch6:		mc-4.7.0-pre2-decent_defaults.patch
Patch9:		mc-4.8.0-xdg.patch
Patch10:	mc-4.6.2-shortcut.patch
Patch11:	mc-
Patch13:	mc-4.6.2-pl-po.patch
Patch14:	mc-4.7.2-bash_history.patch

# ** Fedora patchset: 100 - 199 **

# Hostname
Patch102:	mc-4.6.2-userhost.patch
# refresh contents of terminal when resized during time expensive I/O
# operations
#Patch105:	mc-refresh.patch
Patch106:	mc-64bit.patch
# correctly concatenate directory and file in concat_dir_and_file()
Patch107:	mc-concat.patch
# display free space correctly for multiple filesystems
Patch108:	mc-showfree.patch
# Update panel contents to avoid actions on deleted files
Patch109:	mc-delcheck.patch
# allow exit command even on non-local filesystems (#202440)
Patch110:	mc-exit.patch
Patch111:	mc-4.6.2-newlinedir.patch
# fix displaying of prompt in subshell
Patch113:	mc-prompt.patch

# ** PLD patchset: 200 - 299 **

Patch202:	mc-srpm.patch
Patch203:	mc-mc.ext.patch
Patch204:	mc-localenames.patch
Patch205:	mc-nolibs.patch

# ** Other patches: 300 - 399 **
# based on upstream commit d0beb4cfec
Patch300:	mc-4.6.2-create-homedir.patch
Patch301:	mc-4.7.0-pre4-use_okular_for_pdf_files.diff

BuildRequires:	libext2fs-devel
BuildRequires:	libgpm-devel >= 0.18
BuildRequires:	pam-devel
BuildRequires:	slang-devel
Buildrequires:	glib2-devel
BuildRequires:	pcre-devel
BuildRequires:  autoconf
BuildRequires:	bison
%if %without_x
BuildRequires:	X11-devel
BuildRequires:	gettext-devel
Requires:	groff
BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot

Midnight Commander is a visual shell much like a file manager, only with way
more features.  It is text mode, but also includes mouse support if you are
running GPM.  Its coolest feature is the ability to ftp, view tar, zip
files, and poke into RPMs for specific files.

%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}

#patch3 -p1 -b .initlevel rediff?
%patch6 -p0 -b .decent_defaults
%patch9 -p1 -b .xdg
#patch10 -p1 -b .shortcut rediff?
%patch11 -p0 -b .tabs
#patch13 -p1 -b .pl rediff?
%patch14 -p1

#%patch102 -p1 rediff?
#patch105 -p0 -b .refresh
#%patch106 -p1 rediff?
#%patch107 -p1 rediff?
#%patch108 -p1 rediff?
#%patch109 -p1 rediff?
#%patch110 -p1 rediff?
#%patch111 -p1 rediff?
#%patch113 -p1 rediff?

#cp -f lib/vfs/mc-vfs/extfs/{rpm,srpm}
#%patch202 -p1 rediff?
#%patch203 -p1 rediff?
#%patch204 -p0 rediff?
#%patch205 -p1 rediff?

#%patch300 -p1 -b .homedir rediff?
#%patch301 -p0 -b .use_okular_for_pdf_files patch9 does the job

sed -i 's:|hxx|:|hh|hpp|hxx|:' misc/syntax/Syntax

#mv -f po/{no,nb}.po


# Convert translated files to UTF-8: bug #31578 - AdamW 2007/06

#pushd doc
# italian and spanish are already unicode, leave it out.
#for i in hu pl ru sr; do pushd $i; \
# this is ugly, but assume same encoding as .po file for each language.
#iconv --from-code=`grep charset= ../../po/$i.po | cut -c36- | head -c-4 | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"` --to-code=UTF-8 >; \
#iconv --from-code=`grep charset= ../../po/$i.po | cut -c36- | head -c-4 | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"` --to-code=UTF-8 xnc.hlp >; \
#mv -f; mv -f xnc.hlp; popd; done

#pushd lib
# rename zh to zh_TW, which is what it really is (I think)
#mv mc.hint.zh mc.hint.zh_TW
#perl -pi -e 's,mc.hint.zh,mc.hint.zh_TW,g'
# hardcode the list as we need to leave es, it out and it just gets ugly doing it 'smartly'...
#for i in cs hu nl pl ru sr uk zh_TW
# this is ugly, but assume same encoding as .po file for each language.
#do iconv --from-code=`grep charset= ../po/$i.po | cut -c36- | head -c-4 | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"` --to-code=UTF-8 mc.hint.$i > mc.hint.$; \
#mv -f mc.hint.$ mc.hint.$i; done

#pushd po
# remove the original .mo files
#rm -f *.gmo
# find stuff that's not Unicode already
#for i in `file *.po | grep -v Unicode | cut -d: -f1`; \
# convert it: the grep, cut, head, tr grabs the source encoding from the .po file header, there's no other way to find it
#do iconv --from-code=`grep charset= $i | cut -c36- | head -c-4 | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"` --to-code=UTF-8 $i > $; \
# change the header to say UTF-8
#mv -f $ $i; perl -pi -e 's,charset=.*$,charset=UTF-8\\n",g' $i; done
# regenerate the .mo files
#for i in `ls *.po | cut -d. -f1`; do /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics -o $ $i.po; done

# update the menu entry for directory hotlist to match change in shortcut.patch
#sed -i -e 's,C-\\\\,C-\\\\ or C-l,g' src/main.c po/*.po

autoreconf -fi
export X11_WWW="www-browser"

%configure2_5x \
    --with-debug \
    --enable-dependency-tracking \
    --without-included-gettext \
    --without-included-slang \
    --with-screen=slang \
    --with-search-engine=glib \
    --enable-nls \
    --enable-charset \
    --enable-largefile \
    --disable-rpath \
    --with-mcfs \
    --enable-extcharset \
    --with-ext2undel \
    --with-mmap \
%if %without_x


rm -rf %{buildroot}

perl -p -i -e 's/rm -f \"/rm -rf \"/g' lib/


install -m644 contrib/ -D %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/
install -m644 contrib/mc.csh -D %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/20mc.csh

%{find_lang} %{name}

rm -rf %{buildroot}

%files -f %{name}.lang
%dir %{_libdir}/mc
%dir %{_libdir}/mc/extfs.d
%dir %{_libdir}/mc/fish
%dir %{_datadir}/mc
%dir %{_datadir}/mc/skins
%dir %{_datadir}/mc/syntax
%dir %{_datadir}/mc/hints
%dir %{_datadir}/mc/help
%dir %{_datadir}/mc/examples
%lang(es) %{_mandir}/es/man1/*
%lang(hu) %{_mandir}/hu/man1/*
%lang(it) %{_mandir}/it/man1/*
%lang(pl) %{_mandir}/pl/man1/*
%lang(ru) %{_mandir}/ru/man1/*
%lang(sr) %{_mandir}/sr/man1/*

* Thu Oct 20 2011 Oden Eriksson <> 4.8.0-3
+ Revision: 705518
- re-add P6

* Thu Oct 20 2011 Andrey Bondrov <> 4.8.0-2
+ Revision: 705483
- Rediff patch9 and use it again

* Wed Oct 19 2011 Александр Казанцев <> 4.8.0-1
+ Revision: 705445
- new version 4.8.0 Drop patch fixed in upstream: refresh and xdg-releated

* Sun Oct 02 2011 Andrey Bondrov <>
+ Revision: 702400
- New version:

* Tue Sep 20 2011 Oden Eriksson <>
+ Revision: 700532

* Tue Aug 16 2011 Andrey Bondrov <>
+ Revision: 694702
- New version Also updated patch 9 (open svg/svgz files in gwenview)

* Mon Aug 01 2011 Andrey Bondrov <>
+ Revision: 692604
- Updated patch 9 to fix opening and viewing zip archives

* Mon Jul 25 2011 Andrey Bondrov <>
+ Revision: 691559
- patch9 now is mc-4.7.5-xdg.patch
- rediff patch9, drop patch301

* Tue Apr 12 2011 Funda Wang <>
+ Revision: 652760
- new version

* Sun Feb 27 2011 Funda Wang <>
+ Revision: 640330
- rebuild to obsolete old packages

* Sat Feb 19 2011 Oden Eriksson <>
+ Revision: 638707
- fix one annoyance when searching in/for files

* Sun Feb 06 2011 Funda Wang <>
+ Revision: 636451
- drop conditioned direname, rpm5 does not like it

* Sun Feb 06 2011 Funda Wang <>
+ Revision: 636394
- update to new version

* Thu Dec 30 2010 Oden Eriksson <> 4.7.5-1mdv2011.0
+ Revision: 626256
- 4.7.5
- rediffed some patches
- package the localized manpages properly

* Thu Sep 16 2010 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.7.4-1mdv2011.0
+ Revision: 579122
- update to new version 4.7.4
- drop Source1, and patch12

* Sat Jul 24 2010 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.7.3-1mdv2011.0
+ Revision: 557324
- update to new version 4.7.3
- drop patches 302 and 303, merged by upstream
- update file list

* Mon May 31 2010 Eugeni Dodonov <> 4.7.2-3mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 546802
- Properly filter bash_history modifications (#59547)

* Fri May 14 2010 Eugeni Dodonov <> 4.7.2-2mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 544787
- P302,P303: fix issue with 'mc -e' and 'mc -v' not working.

* Thu May 06 2010 Eugeni Dodonov <> 4.7.2-1mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 543041
- Updated to 4.7.2.

* Fri Apr 02 2010 Oden Eriksson <>
+ Revision: 530763

* Sat Feb 27 2010 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <>
+ Revision: 512398
- update to new version

* Wed Feb 10 2010 Funda Wang <>
+ Revision: 503590
- br gettext-devel
- New version
- rediff patches

* Fri Jan 01 2010 Frederik Himpe <>
+ Revision: 484858
- update to new version

* Fri Dec 25 2009 Eugeni Dodonov <> 4.7.0-1mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 482326
- Updated to 4.7.0 final.

  + Oden Eriksson <>
    - don't use xpdf

* Sun Nov 08 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.7.0-0.pre4.1mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 463067
- update to new version 4.7.0-pre4
- drop patch0 as it was merged by upstream
- disable patch 10
- fix file list

* Mon Sep 21 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.7.0-0.pre2.3mdv2010.0
+ Revision: 446927
- drop patch8, merged upstream
- Patch0: fix broken xz support

* Sun Aug 30 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.7.0-0.pre2.1mdv2010.0
+ Revision: 422709
- update to new version 4.7.0-pre2
- drop patch104, merged upstream
- redif patches 6 and 12

* Sun Aug 23 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.7.0-0.pre1.4mdv2010.0
+ Revision: 420170
- drop patch 5, fixed upstream
- change default search engine to glib, because mc segfaults with pcre

* Sat Aug 22 2009 Emmanuel Andry <> 4.7.0-0.pre1.2mdv2010.0
+ Revision: 419729
- update ipv6 patch

* Wed Aug 12 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.7.0-0.pre1.1mdv2010.0
+ Revision: 415625
- add back mistakenly removed buildrequires on glib2-devel
- get back to slang library
- update to new version 4.7.0-pre1
- remove patches 1, 7, 100, 200, 201, 206, 207 as they were appliead by upstream
- disable all patches which are needs a rediff
- try with ncursesw instead of slang
- try with pcre instread of glib
- disable conversion of man pages and translations to UTF-8 as it doesn't work now, and needs further inwestigation
- update file list

* Fri May 22 2009 Eugeni Dodonov <> 4.6.2-9mdv2010.0
+ Revision: 378761
- Creating ~/.mc directory when necessary (#48717).
  Updated to compile with automake 1.11.

* Tue Feb 10 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.6.2-8mdv2009.1
+ Revision: 339087
- bump release

  + Oden Eriksson <>
    - fix broken patch

* Wed Feb 04 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.6.2-7mdv2009.1
+ Revision: 337656
- drop patch 300 fixed differently
- rediff patch 102

  + Per Øyvind Karlsen <>
    - * add xz support (P8)
      * minor spec cosmetics

* Wed Feb 04 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.6.2-6mdv2009.1
+ Revision: 337240
- Patch11: do not mark tabs in editor
- Patch12: missing header
- Patch13: updated polish translation
- Patch207: awk syntax support
- drop patches 101 and 103
- enable mcfs
- rediff patch 206
- rediff patch 111
- rediff patch 9

* Mon Feb 02 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.6.2-5mdv2009.1
+ Revision: 336309
- Patch100: new version from upstream (mc-4.6.2-utf8.patch)
- disable patch111 (needs a rediff)

* Sun Feb 01 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 4.6.2-4mdv2009.1
+ Revision: 336231
- bump release tag to 4, because of wrong tagging last releases
- further investigate which patches needs a rediff (2, 9, 100-103, 107, 108, 206, 300)
- drop patch 112, merged upstream
- update the list of non-unicode translations
- use parallel make
- update to new version 4.6.2
- fix urls

* Tue Dec 23 2008 Oden Eriksson <> 4.6.2-3.20080216.4mdv2009.1
+ Revision: 317998
- rediffed some fuzzy patches

* Mon Sep 29 2008 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.2-3.20080216.3mdv2009.0
+ Revision: 289678
- add shortcut.patch (and a substitution) to add ctrl-L as a shortcut for
  directory hotlist as ctrl-\ is inaccessible on some layouts (#44201)

* Wed Aug 06 2008 Thierry Vignaud <> 4.6.2-3.20080216.2mdv2009.0
+ Revision: 265077
- rebuild early 2009.0 package (before pixel changes)

* Sun Mar 09 2008 Oden Eriksson <> 4.6.2-0.20080216.2mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 182926
- remove one chunk from the decent_defaults patch as it
  triggers some obscure bug...

* Sat Feb 16 2008 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.2-0.20080216.1mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 169325
- update spec-syntax.patch from upstream (PLD)
- drop pld-developerfriendly.patch (not relevant to MDV)
- new snapshot

  + Thierry Vignaud <>
    - fix no-buildroot-tag

* Sat Feb 02 2008 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.2-0.20071018.3mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 161343
- add utf8-nlink.patch (from OpenSUSE, fixes display of nlinks colum - #34207)

* Sat Dec 22 2007 Guillaume Rousse <> 4.6.2-0.20071018.2mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 137217
- no executable bit on profile scriptlets
  order prefix on profile scriptlets

  + Thierry Vignaud <>
    - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request
    - buildrequires X11-devel instead of XFree86-devel

* Fri Oct 19 2007 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.2-0.20071018.1mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 100135
- buildrequires gettext-devel for CVS build
- remove now unnecessary u7z workaround
- use %%{buildroot} not $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- drop incredibly old and apparently useless libcom_err workaround
- completely refresh patch set:
  	+ drop mc-4.6.0-xpdf.patch (superseded by XDG patch)
  	+ drop mc-4.6.1-tempfiles.patch (merged upstream)
  	+ drop mc-4.6.1-2gb.patch (merged upstream)
  	+ drop amc patches (partially merged upstream, PLD dropped them)
  	+ drop mc-mo.patch (PLD dropped it)
  	+ drop mc-fish-upload.patch (merged upstream)
  	+ drop mc-ftpcrash.patch (merged upstream)
  	+ drop mc-symcrash.patch (merged upstream)
  	+ drop mc-slang2.patch (slang2 conversion done upstream)
  	+ drop mc-4.6.1-7zip.patch (merged upstream)
  	+ add several patches from Fedora including updated UTF-8 patch
  	+ add mc-localenames.patch from PLD to rename no to nb (locale)
  	+ add mc-vhdl-syntax.patch from PLD to add VHDL syntax
  	+ refresh all Fedora and PLD patches from latest SRPMs
  	+ rediff all patches where necessary
  	+ rearrange patches in spec to be cleaner and more organized
- update to current CVS snapshot

* Wed Sep 26 2007 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.1-17mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 93022
- add mc-4.6.1-2gb.patch: fixes a bug preventing >2GB ssh file transfers from working (from upstream bug #15524 and Debian bug #349390)

* Wed Sep 19 2007 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.1-16mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 90046
- add mc-4.6.1-tempfiles.patch to fix bug which left temp files lying around (#15687)
- new license policy

* Tue Sep 04 2007 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.1-15mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 79562
- updated version of patch109 from Fedora bug #186456 (fixes Mandriva bug #26498)

* Fri Jul 06 2007 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.1-14mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 48852
- add 7zip VFS handler (from upstream CVS, with patch from Sergey Niskorodov)

* Thu Jun 28 2007 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.1-13mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 45336
- convert xnc.hlp files too

* Thu Jun 28 2007 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.1-12mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 45263
- gotta adjust Makefile for the zh rename
- convert files to unicode a lot more smartly

* Wed Jun 27 2007 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.1-11mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 44886
- patch11: fix some invalid control sequences in zh_TW po
- have to convert headers of po files as well
- convert some translations to UTF-8 (#31542, #31578)

* Tue Jun 19 2007 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.1-10mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 41596
- bump to get it to main

* Sat Jun 09 2007 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.1-9mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 37673
- patch to build against new slag, drop manual slang dependency

* Sat Jun 09 2007 Adam Williamson <> 4.6.1-8mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 37608
- try another way of forcing to build against slang1
- patch201: use xdg-open to open several types of file in X
- drop a silly smiley from the description
- doesn't build with slang 2
- slightly reorder patches for clarity

* Mon Apr 23 2007 Oden Eriksson <> 4.6.1-7mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 17506
- make it work with latest bash (P10)