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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
----	(c) Copyright 2002-2007 by Lutz Sammer, Russell Smith

----    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
----    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
----    the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License.
----    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
----    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
----    GNU General Public License for more details.
----    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
----    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
----    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
----    02111-1307, USA.
    <title>Stratagus Configuration Language Description: Icon</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
    <h1>Bos Wars Scripting API: Game</h1>
<a href="../index.html">Stratagus</a> 
<a href="../faq.html">FAQ</a> 
<a href="config.html">PREV</a> 
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<a href="index.html">LUA Index</a>
<a href="#AddKeystrokeHelp">AddKeystrokeHelp</a>
<a href="#AddMessage">AddMessage</a>
<a href="#AddObjective">AddObjective</a>
<a href="#AddTip">AddTip</a>
<a href="#Briefing">Briefing</a>
<a href="#CenterMap">CenterMap</a>
<a href="#ChangeUnitsOwner">ChangeUnitsOwner</a>
<a href="#CreateUnit">CreateUnit</a>
<a href="#DefineBurningBuilding">DefineBurningBuilding</a>
<a href="#DefineCampaign">DefineCampaign</a>
<a href="#DefineConstruction">DefineConstruction</a>
<a href="#DefineEditorUnitTypes">DefineEditorUnitTypes</a>
<a href="#DefinePlayerColorIndex">DefinePlayerColorIndex</a>
<a href="#DefinePlayerColors">DefinePlayerColors</a>
<a href="#DefineRaceNames">DefineRaceNames</a>
<a href="#DefineRanks">DefineRanks</a>
<a href="#Diplomacy">Diplomacy</a>
<a href="#StratagusMap">StratagusMap</a>
<a href="#GetUnitVariable">GetUnitVariable</a>
<a href="#GetCurrentLuaPath">GetCurrentLuaPath</a>
<a href="#Group">Group</a>
<a href="#KillUnit">KillUnit</a>
<a href="#KillUnitAt">KillUnitAt</a>
<a href="#LibraryPath">LibraryPath</a>
<a href="#Log">Log</a>
<a href="#Makeunit">MakeUnit</a>
<a href="#NewColors">NewColors</a>
<a href="#MoveUnit">MoveUnit</a>
<a href="#Player">Player</a>
<a href="#RemoveObjective">RemoveObjective</a>
<a href="#ReplayLog">ReplayLog</a>
<a href="#ResetKeystrokeHelp">ResetKeystrokeHelp</a>
<a href="#Selection">Selection</a>
<a href="#SetDefaultMap">SetDefaultMap</a>
<a href="#SetDiplomacy">SetDiplomacy</a>
<a href="#SetGameName">SetGameName</a>
<a href="#SetGamePaused">SetGamePaused</a>
<a href="#SetGroupId">SetGroupId</a>
<a href="#SetLocalPlayerName">SetLocalPlayerName</a>
<a href="#SetObjectives">SetObjectives</a>
<a href="#SetResourcesHeld">SetResourcesHeld</a>
<a href="#SetSharedVision">SetSharedVision</a>
<a href="#SetUnitVariable">SetUnitVariable</a>
<a href="#SharedVision">SharedVision</a>
<a href="#SyncRand">SyncRand</a>
<a href="#Unit">Unit</a>
<h2>Intro - Introduction to game functions and variables</h2>

Everything around the game.
<a name="AddKeystrokeHelp"></a>
<h3>AddKeystrokeHelp("key", "help")</h3>

Add help text in the keystroke help menu.

<dd>Name of the key stroke.
<dd>Descriptive text telling what the keystroke does.


    AddKeystrokeHelp("+", "- increase game speed")
    AddKeystrokeHelp("Ctrl-T", "- track unit")
    AddKeystrokeHelp("F5", "- game options")
    AddKeystrokeHelp("F10", "- game menu")

<a name="AddMessage"></a>

Add a message to be displayed.

<dd>Text message to display.


    -- Adds the message.
    AddMessage("This is a message")

<a name="AddObjective"></a>
<h3>AddObjective(objective position)</h3>

Add an objective to the scenario objectives text list.

<dd>Objective text.
<dd>Optional position (0 offset) to add the objective, default is at the end.


    -- Adds the objective text "-Build a barracks" to the end of the objectives
    -- list and adds the objective "-Destroy all enemies" to the first position.
    AddObjective("-Build a barracks")
    AddObjective("-Destroy all enemies", 0)

<a name="AddTip"></a>

Adds a tip.  Tips are shown at the start of a level.

<dd>Text of the tip.


    AddTip("You can demolish trees and rocks.")

<a name="Briefing"></a>

Set the briefing.

Type must be "sc" or "wc2". Background and text tags are required.


Briefing("type", "wazoogame",
  "title", "sc",
  "objective", "Kill all aliens on the map.",
  "background", "campaigns/human/interface/introscreen3.png",
  "text", "campaigns/human/level07h.txt",
  "voice", "campaigns/human/level07h-intro1.wav",
  "voice", "campaigns/human/level07h-intro2.wav"

<a name="CenterMap"></a>
<h3>CenterMap(x, y)</h3>

Center the current viewport at a certain location.

<dd>X tile location.
<dd>Y tile location.


    -- Centers the current viewport at tile 17x40.
    CenterMap(17, 40)

<a name="ChangeUnitsOwner"></a>
<h3>ChangeUnitsOwner({x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, oldplayer, newplayer)</h3>

Changes the owner of a group of units from one player to another.

<dt>{x1, y1}</dt>
<dd>Upper left location for tilebox to check for units within.
<dt>{x2, y2}</dt>
<dd>Lower right location for tilebox to check for units within.
<dd>The player that currently owns the units
<dd>The player that the units should now be owned by


    -- Changes the owner to player 2 for all units owned by player 3,
    -- that are located in the area (0,0)-(10,10).
    ChangeUnitsOwner({0, 0}, {10, 10}, 3, 2)

<a name="CreateUnit"></a>
<h3>CreateUnit(type, player, {x, y})</h3>

Create a unit at a location.  If the location is occupied, the unit will be
placed in the closest available spot.

<dd>Type of unit to create.
<dd>Player number that owns the unit.
<dd>X map tile location.
<dd>Y map tile location.
<dd>The slot number of the created unit.


    -- Creates a footman for player 2 at location 31x34.
    CreateUnit("unit-footman", 2, {31, 34})

<a name="DefineBurningBuilding"></a>
<h3>DefineBurningBuilding({"percent", p, "missile", m} ...)</h3>

Define the burning animation for buildings. The animation will be laid over the building image.

<dd>Hit point percentage.
<dd>Fire missile to display.


        {"percent", 0, "missile", "missile-big-fire"},
        {"percent", 50, "missile", "missile-small-fire"},
        {"percent", 75}) -- no missile


<a name="DefineCampaign"></a>
<h3>DefineCampaign(ident, "name", campaign-name, [campaign-data])</h3>

Define the campaign.

<dd>name identifying the campaign in the scripts.
<dd>name of the campaigned displayed to players.



<a name="DefineConstruction"></a>
<h3>DefineConstruction(ident ...)</h3>
Defines a construction.<br>
Constructions can specify multiple files and shadow files.  Shadows are 
The construction frames should be ordered by increasing percentages and the
first frame should be 0.

DefineConstruction( ident
  Files = {
    File = filename,
    Size = {x, y}},
  ShadowFile = {{
    Tileset = tileset,
    File = filename,
    Size = {x, y}}},
  Constructions = {{
    percent = percent,
    file = construction-file,
    frame = frame-number}}

<dd>Unique name of the construction.
<dd>Name of tileset or default to use with any tileset.
<dd>Path of the graphic.
<dd>Percentage of construction complete.
<dd>Can be construction or main, specifies which image should be displayed.
<dd>Specfies which frame number to display.


    -- Defines construction-land with different graphics for summer and winter
    -- tilesets.  Buildings 0-24 percent complete use frame 0 of the construction
    -- image, 25-49 percent complete use frame 1 of the construction image, and 50-99
    -- percent complete use the frame 1 of the main building graphic.
    DefineConstruction("construction-land", {
        Files= {{
                Tileset = "desert",
                File = "neutral/buildings/land_construction_site.png",
                Size = {64, 64}},{
                Tileset = "winter",
                File = "tilesets/winter/neutral/buildings/land_construction_site.png",
                Size = {64, 64}}},
        Constructions = {{
                Percent = 0,
                File = "construction",
                Frame = 0},{
                Percent = 25,
                File = "construction",
                Frame = 1},{
                Percent = 50,
                File = "main",
                Frame = 1}}

<a name="DefineEditorUnitTypes"></a>
<h3>DefineEditorUnitTypes({unit1, unit2, ...})</h3>

Creates a sorted list of unit-types for the editor. 
This is only a temporary hack for better sorted units.

<dd>identifier of the unit.



<a name="DefinePlayerColorIndex"></a>
<h3>DefinePlayerColorIndex(colorstart, numcolors)</h3>

Define the graphic color indexes to be replaced by the player color.

<dd>Index of the first color
<dd>Total number of colors


    DefinePlayerColorIndex(10, 5) -- for indexes 10-14

<a name="DefinePlayerColors"></a>
<h3>DefinePlayerColors({"color", {{R, G, B}, {R, G, B}, {R, G, B}, {R, G, B}}, ...})</h3>

Define the player colors.  There should be 16 colors defined and 4 shades of each color.

<dd>Name of the player color
<dt>R, G, B</dt>
<dd>Red, green, blue values for each color


      "red", {{164, 0, 0}, {124, 0, 0}, {92, 4, 0}, {68, 4, 0}},
      "blue", {...},

<a name="DefineRaceNames"></a>
<h3>DefineRaceNames("race", {...}, "race", {...}, ... )</h3>

Define the race names.

  "race", {
    "name", "race-name",
    "display", "race-display-name"
  ["race", {...}] ...)

<dd>Internal race name used by other ccl functions.
<dd>Name of the race that gets displayed to the user.
<dd>If specified the race will be visible in the race menus.


    -- Defines the elites and neutral races.  The neutral race is
    -- not visible in the race menus.
        "race", {
                "race", 0,
                "name", "elites",
                "display", "Elites",
        "race", {
                "race", 1,
                "name", "neutral",
                "display", "Neutral"}

<a name="DefineRanks"></a>
<h3>DefineRanks( race '(score rank [score rank] ...))</h3>

Define ranks for a race.

<dd>The race to define the ranks for.
<dd>If the player's score is greater than or equal to this number then the
rank is displayed.  Scores are expected to be sorted in increasing order.
<dd>The rank that gets displayed.


    -- Defines the ranks for the alliance race.
    DefineRanks("alliance", {
       0, "Pathetic",
       3000, "Not Bad",
       10000, Great

<a name="Diplomacy"></a>
<h3>Diplomacy(state, enemy)</h3>

Does the same as SetDiplomacy(currentplayer, state, enemy).

See <a href="#SetDiplomacy">SetDiplomacy</a> for more details.

<a name="StratagusMap"></a>

Needed to load/save games.


  "version", "2.1.0",
  "description", "big brazilian forest",
  "the-map", {
  "terrain", {"tileset-desert", "desert"},
  "size", {128, 128},
  "filename", "maps/braza.pud",
  "map-fields", {
  -- 0
  {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},   {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},
  {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},   {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},
  {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},   {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},
  {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},   {125, 125, "explored", 1, "land", "block", "wood",},
  {125, 125, "explored", 1, "land", "block", "wood",}

<a name="GetCurrentLuaPath">

Returns the path of the currenly interpreted lua script.


<a name="GetUnitVariable"></a>
<h3>GetUnitVariable(unit, VariableName)</h3>

Get a unit's mana.

<dd>Unit to get info for.</dd>
<dd>Name of the variable to get info for.</dd>


-- Get mana of the unit (slot #11).
GetUnitMana(11, "Mana");

<a name="Group"></a>
<h3>Group(group, quantity, {unit0, unit1, ...})</h3>

Create a group of units.

<dd>Group number.
<dd>How much units are in the group.
<dd>unit slot number.

<a name="KillUnit"></a>
<h3>KillUnit(unit, player)</h3>

Kill a unit.

"unit-name"  Unit type of this name
"any"        Matches any unit type
"all"        All units (sum of units and buildings)
"units"      All non building units
"building"   All building units
0 .. 16     Player number
"any"        Matches any player
"all"        All players (Not used)
"this"       Player on the local computer, Human player in the campaign.


    -- Kills a peasant of the player on the local computer.
    KillUnit("unit-peasant", "this");

<a name="KillUnitAt"></a>
<h3>KillUnitAt(unit, player, quantity, location1, location2)</h3>

Kills units at a specific location.

"unit-name"  Unit type of this name
"any"        Matches any unit type
"all"        All units (sum of units and buildings)
"units"      All non building units
"building"   All building units
0 .. 16     Player number
"any"        Matches any player
"all"        All players (Not used)
"this"       Player on the local computer, Human player in the campaign.
0 ... oo    Number for the quantity
{x1, y1}    Upper left corner
{x2, y2}    Lower right corner


    -- Kills any units in the rectangle (5,12) to (9,15).
    KillUnitAt("any", "any", 9, {5, 12}, {9, 15});

<a name="LibraryPath"></a>

Returns the Stratagus library path. The Stratagus library path points to the game data directory.


    path = LibraryPath()

<a name="ListDirectory"></a>

Returns a list with all files and subdirectories found in the directory pointed by path. 
If the given path starts with '~', then the path is relative to the
user stratagus preferences directory.
The path cannot include any special character.


    list = ListDirectory("music/")

<a name="ListFilesInDirectory"></a>

Returns a list with all files found in the directory pointed by path. 
The path is relative to the game directory. 
If the given path starts with '~', then the path is relative to the
stratagus' user preferences directory.
The path cannot include any special character.


    list = ListFilesInDirectory("music/")

<a name="ListDirsInDirectory"></a>

Returns a list with all subdirectories found in the directory pointed by path. 
The path is relative to the game directory.
If the given path starts with '~', then the path is relative to the
user stratagus preferences directory.
The path cannot include any special character.


    list = ListDirsInDirectory("music/")

<a name="Log"></a>

Parse a log entry. Used in replay games.


    Log({ GameCycle = 10420, UnitNumber = 252, UnitIdent = "unit-assault", 
       Action = "move", Flush = 1, PosX = 113, PosY = 104, SyncRandSeed = 614148735 })

<a name="MakeUnit"></a>
<h3>MakeUnit(unittype, player)</h3>

Create a unit which can later be placed on the map with <a href="#PlaceUnit">PlaceUnit</a>.

<dd>type of unit to create.</dd>
<dd>player number for who the unit is created.</dd>
<dd>The slot number of the created unit.


    unit = MakeUnit("unit-assault", 0)

<a name="NewColors"></a>

Change players colors.



<a name="MoveUnit"></a>
<h3>MoveUnit(unit-slot, {x, y})</h3>

Place a unit on map. If the location is occupied, 
the unit will be placed in the closest available spot.

<dd>slot number of the unit to be placed
<dd>X map tile position.
<dd>Y map tile position.


    MoveUnit(0, {10, 12})

<a name="Player"></a>

Used when loading games.


  "name", "feb",
  "type", "person", "race", "elites", "ai", 0,
  "team", 2, "enemy", "_X______________", "allied", "________________", 
  "shared-vision", "________________",
  "start", {0, 0},
  "resources", {"time", 0, "titanium", 2100, "crystal", 1000,},
  "last-resources", {"time", 0, "titanium", 2100, "crystal", 1000,},
  "incomes", {"time", 0, "titanium", 100, "crystal", 100,},
  "revenue", {"time", 0, "titanium", 0, "crystal", 0,},
 "supply", 1575, "unit-limit", 200, "building-limit", 200, "total-unit-limit", 400,
  "score", 0,
  "total-units", 16,
  "total-buildings", 16,
  "total-resources", {0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,},
  "total-razings", 0,
  "total-kills", 0,
  "color", { 160, 0, 0 },
  "timers", {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,}

<a name="RemoveObjective"></a>

Remove an objective from the scenario objectives text list.

<dd>Position (0 offset) to remove from the objectives list.


    -- Remove the first objective from the objectives list.

<a name="ReplayLog"></a>

Used in replay games.


ReplayLog( {
  Comment1 = "Generated by Stratagus Version 2.1",
  Comment2 = "Visit http://Stratagus.Org for more information",
  Date = "Wed Jul 21 16:22:17 2004",
  Map = "big",
  MapPath = "maps/braza.pud",
  MapId = 4047425872,
  Type = 1,
  Race = -1,
  LocalPlayer = 0,
  Players = {
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 }
  Resource = -1,
  NumUnits = -1,
  TileSet = -1,
  NoFow = 0,
  RevealMap = 0,
  GameType = -1,
  Opponents = -1,
  Engine = { 2, 1, 0 },
  Network = { 0, 9, 2 }
} )

<a name="ResetKeystrokeHelp"></a>

Clear all keystroke help menu.



<a name="Selection"></a>
<h3>Selection(numselected, unit0, ...)</h3>

Define the current selection.

<dd>How many units are selected.
<dd>slot number of the unit to add in the selection.


    Selection(1, 0)

<a name="SetDefaultMap"></a>

Set the default map path.

<dd>Path to the map.


    -- Sets the default map to "puds/default.pud".

<a name="SetDiplomacy"></a>
<h3>SetDiplomacy(player, state, enemy)</h3>

Alters the diplomacy setting between two players. eg enemy, allied

<dd>Player to effect change of diplomacy on.
<dd>State of relationship between players ("allied", "enemy", "neutral", "crazy").
<dd>Other player involved in diplomacy.


    -- Sets player 1 to be an enemy of player 0.
    SetDiplomacy(0, "enemy", 1)

<a name="SetGameName"></a>

Sets the name of the game so savegames, maps, settings and logs can be set
differently for different games used.

<dd>The name the game has for loading and saving files</dd>


    -- Set Name to bos, ~/.stratagus/bos is location of files

<a name="SetGamePaused"></a>

Pause or unpause the game.

<dd>true for paused, false for unpaused.


    -- Pauses the game.

<a name="SetGroupId"></a>

Set the current group id. (Needed for load/save).

<dd>new group id.



<a name="SetLocalPlayerName"</a>

Sets the name of the player playing on this computer. Also saved in
preferences, and a default used when the game is started.

<dd>The name of the player, limited to 16 characters"</dd>


    -- Set Player Name to mr-russ

<a name="SetObjectives"></a>
<h3>SetObjectives(objective [objective ...])</h3>

Set the mission objectives.  This will overwrite any previous objectives.

<dd>Mission objective text.


    -- Sets the mission objectives.
    SetObjectives("Build 4 farms", "Mine 500 gold")

<a name="SetSharedVision"></a>
<h3>SetSharedVision(player, state, opponent)</h3>

Sets shared vision.

<dd>Player number to set shared vision.
<dd>Use true to turn on shared vision, false to turn off.
<dd>Player number to change.


    -- Sets shared vision for player 0 to on with player 2.
    SetSharedVision(0, true, 2)

<a name="SetResourcesHeld"></a>
<h3>SetResourcesHeld(unit, resources)</h3>

Set the amount of resources available in a unit. Mostly used for harvestable resources.

<dd>unit identifier obtained via for example CreateUnit.
<dd>amount of resources held by the unit.


    unit = CreateUnit("unit-crystal", {10,45})
    SetResourcesHeld(unit, 2500)

<a name="SetUnitVariable"></a>
<h3>SetUnitVariable(unit, VariableName, amount)</h3>
Set the amount of VariableName of the unit.
<dd>Unit to set the info for.</dd>
<dd>Variable to set.</dd>
<dd>New amount of VariableName for the unit.</dd>


--  Set mana of the unit (slot 11)
SetUnitVariable(12, "Mana", 255)

<a name="SharedVision"></a>
<h3>SharedVision(state, opponent)</h3>

Sets shared vision for the player at the computer.

<dd>Use true to turn on shared vision, false to turn off.
<dd>Player number to change.


    -- Sets shared vision on with player number 3.
    SharedVision(true, 3)

<a name="SyncRand"></a>

Get a value from the Stratagus syncronized random number generator.
Used to allow the AI to make syncronized choices with multiplayer, and 
during replays.

<dd>Number to create random from, eg 10</dd>
<dd>the number randomly generated, eg 0-9 for input 10.</dd>


    if(SyncRand(10) &lt; 5) then
		-- Do this
		-- Do that

<a name="Unit"></a>

Needed to save/load games. 


Unit(0, "type", "unit-vault", "player", 0,
  "tile", {116, 120}, "refs", 6, "stats", 0,
  "pixel", {0, 0}, "seen-pixel", {0, 0}, "frame", 1, "not-seen", "direction", 0,
  "attacked", 0,
  "current-sight-range", 4, "seen-by-player", "X_______________",
  "seen-destroyed", "________________",
  "seen-state", 0,  "active", "mana", 0, "hp", 1800, "xp", 0, "kills", 0,
  "ttl", 0, "bloodlust", 0, "haste", 0, "slow", 0,
  "invisible", 0, "flame-shield", 0, "unholy-armor", 0,
  "HitPoints", {Value = 1800, Max = 1800, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "Mana", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = false},
  "Transport", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "Research", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "Training", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "UpgradeTo", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "Resource", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "group-id", 0,
  "last-group", 0,
  "value", 0,
  "sub-action", 0, "wait", 2, "state", 2,
  "blink", 0, "rs", 35, "units-boarded-count", 0,"order-count", 1,
  "order-flush", 0,
  "order-total", 4,
        "orders", {
    {"action-still", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {-1, -1},},
    {"action-none", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {0, 0},},
    {"action-none", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {0, 0},},
    {"action-none", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {0, 0},},},
    {"action-still", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {-1, -1},},
    {"action-still", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {-1, -1},}

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