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    <title>Bos Wars Scripting API: Research</title>
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    <h1>Bos Wars Scripting API: Research</h1>
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<a href="#CheckDependency">CheckDependency</a>
<a href="#DefineAllow">DefineAllow</a>
<a href="#DefineDependency">DefineDependency</a>
<a href="#DefineModifier">DefineModifier</a>
<a href="#GetDependency">GetDependency</a>
<h2>Intro - Introduction to research functions and variables</h2>

Everything around researching and upgrades.

<a name="CheckDependency"></a>





<a name="DefineUnitAllow"></a>
<h3>DefineUnitAllow(name, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N)</h3>

Define how many units of a given type each player can have.

<dd>Name of an unit-type to be defined.
  The initial quantity of units per type at level start.
  Each player has his quatinty, the first is for player 0 and the last
  is for player 15.


    -- Allow 1 catapult for the 2nd player.
    DefineUnitAllow("unit-catapult", 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

<a name="DefineAllow"></a>
<h3>DefineAllow(name, str16)</h3>

Define what upgrades are enabled for each player during
a level.

<dd>Name of an upgrade to be defined.
  The initial allow state for the upgrade at level start:
  <li>A - Allowed
  <li>E - Enabled, allowed by level but currently forbidden
  <li>F - Forbidden
  <li>R - Researched or acquired
  <li>Q - Acquired but currently forbidden (does it make sense?:)
  Each player has his own character, the first is for player 0 and the last
  is for player 15.


    -- Allow the metal upgrade for all 16 players.
    DefineAllow("upgrade-metal", "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
    --                            ^- player 0    ^- player 15

<a name="DefineDependency"></a>
<h3>DefineDependency( unit-type/upgrade ...)</h3>

Define the dependencies for an unit-type or an upgrade. The dependency
must be full filled before an unit or research can be used.
<code>DefineDependency unit-type/upgrade '( required-part )
     ['or '( optional-or-part ) ...] )

<dd><code>unit/upgrade [count]</code><p>
   A list of unit-types or upgrades required.
   <dd>Unit-type name or upgrade name required.
   <dd>Optional count, how many units of the unit-type are required.
<dt>'or optional-or-part</dt>
<dd><code>unit/upgrade [count]</code><p>
    Optional list of or parts. One or list must be complete full filled.<p>
   <dd>Unit-type name or upgrade name required.
   <dd>Optional count, how many units of the unit-type are required.


    -- The second sword upgrade is only possible, if the first sword upgrade is
    -- researched.
    (define-dependency "upgrade-sword2" '(upgrade-sword1))
    -- The ranger upgrade is only available if a keep or castle is available.
    (define-dependency 'upgrade-ranger '(unit-keep) 'or '(unit-castle))

<a name="DefineModifier"></a>
<h3>DefineModifier("upgrade-name", {effect1, effect1-arg}, {effect2, effect2-arg}, ... )</h3>

Define the effects (modifier) of an upgrade. An upgrade can have multiple
modifiers. It can activate, enable or disable other upgrades and allows
complex reactions.

<dd>Name of the upgrade, which has this effects. All effects change
all old units and any new unit of a player.
<dt>{effectN, effectN-arg}</dt>
<dd>A list of effects of the upgrade. Here are all possible effects:
  <dt>{"attack-range", N}</dt>
  <dd>Increase the attack range of all units of the unit-types given with
  '(apply-to ...). Note it can be increased with positive numbers and decreased
  with negative numbers.
  <dt>{"sight-range", N}</dt>
  <dd>Increase the sight range of all units of the unit-types given with
  '(apply-to ...).
  <dt>{"basic-damage", N}</dt>
  <dd>Increase the basic damage of all units of the unit-types given with
  '(apply-to ...).
  <dt>{"piercing-damage", N}</dt>
  <dd>Increase the piercing damage of all units of the unit-types given with
  '(apply-to ...).
  <dt>{"armor", N}</dt>
  <dd>Increase the armor of all units of the unit-types given with
  '(apply-to ...).
  <dt>{"hit-points", N}</dt>
  <dd>Increase the hit points of all units of the unit-types given with
  '(apply-to ...).
  <dt>{"regeneration-rate", N}</dt>
  <dd>Increase the amount of HP a unit gains per seconds</dt>
  <dt>{"variable-name", N}</dt>
  <dd>Increase the user defined variable of all units of the unit-types given with
  '(apply-to ...). Note Variable must be defined with DefineVariables().
  <dt>{"cost", ("resource-name", N}}</dt>
  <dd>Increase the costs for the resource type of all unit-types
  or upgrade-ids given with '(apply-to ...).
  <dt>{"allow-unit", "unit-type", N}</dt>
      Change the state of an upgrade. N is the maximum quantity
      of this unit per player.
  <dt>{"allow", "upgrade", 'A' or 'E' or 'F' or 'R' or 'Q'}</dt>
  <dd>Change the state of an upgrade. state can be
      <li>A - Allowed
      <li>E - Enabled, allowed by level but currently forbidden
      <li>F - Forbidden
      <li>R - Researched or acquired
      <li>Q - Acquired but currently forbidden (does it make sense?:)
      FIXME: The correct possible changed must be described.
  <dt>{"apply-to", "unit-type" or "upgrade"}</dt>
  <dd>The modifiers are applied to this unit-type or upgrade.</dd>
  <dt>{"convert-to", "unit-type"}</dt>
  <dd>All units of the unit-types given with '(apply-to ...) are converted
  into this unit-type.


-- This is the default effect of the first sword upgrade. The piercing damage
-- of the listed units is increased.
  {"piercing-damage", 2},
  {"apply-to", "unit-footman"}, {"apply-to", "unit-knight"}, {"apply-to", "unit-paladin"},
  {"apply-to", "unit-dwarves"}, {"apply-to", "unit-arthor-literios"}, {"apply-to", "unit-wise-man"},
  {"apply-to", "unit-man-of-light"}, {"apply-to", "unit-knight-rider"})

<a name="GetDependency"></a>




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