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<h2 id="_a_href_index_html_index_a_8594_a_href_config_html_configuration_a"><a href="index.html">Index</a> &#8594; <a href="config.html">Configuration</a></h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<h2 id="_configuration_quickstart">Configuration Quickstart</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph"><p>This section briefly describes the whole administration web interface
provided by <a href="other_bundle_cherokee-admin.html">cherokee-admin</a>. This is
the recommended way of configuring Cherokee. If you are looking for
development information relevant to your automation and scripting
needs, you should refer to the appropriate section, especially the
<a href="dev_cherokee.conf.html">cherokee.conf</a> file specification.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>We will first show a quick overview of the available options, followed
by a simple walkthrough. You can learn more about the options in their
specific documentation entries.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>You can also take a quick look at the
<a href="">introductory
<div class="paragraph"><p><span class="image">
<a class="image" href="">
<img src="media/images/screencast.png" alt="media/images/screencast.png" />
<h3 id="overview">Overview</h3><div style="clear:left"></div>
<div class="ulist"><ul>
<a href="config_index.html">Home</a>:
  This is the initial screen of cherokee-admin. From here you will be
  able to launch and stop the webserver, change the language of the
  configuration-interface, check a quick view of the server status and
  access relevant support and contact Cherokee-Project links.
<a href="config_status.html">Status</a>:
  This gives access to usage graphs and statistics regarding each
  virtual host and the server as a whole.
<a href="config_general.html">General</a>:
  There are a number of entries that specify the most significant
  configuration options such as the port - or ports - that the server
  will listen to, the default timeout, whether to support keep-alive
  connections, default icon and MIME type definitions and so on.
<a href="config_virtual_servers.html">Virtual servers</a>:
  If you want your web server to work with more than one domain you
  will have to create <a href="config_virtual_servers.html">Virtual
  servers</a> other than the <tt>default</tt> one. Each one will have a
  completely independent configuration: paths, behavior, logging
  facilities, etc.
<a href="config_info_sources.html">Information Sources</a>:
  Define the resources that will be providing information. For
  instance, PHP.
<a href="config_advanced.html">Advanced</a>:
  This is to configure the most complex parameters of the server and how
  it interacts with the operating system. If you are unsure about any of
  the options here, better not mingle with them. Default values should
  work just fine.
<h3 id="walkthrough">Walkthrough</h3><div style="clear:left"></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>There is very little set up you must do to have a perfectly functional
web server out of the box. Cherokee&#8217;s default configuration can be
used to serve any typical static website. For dynamic contents you
should check the wizards, available using the buttons located at the
top section of the left panel. This panel can either display
information relevant to every virtual host in your system, or rule
management information specific to a given virtual host. In the first
scenario, the wizards will be able to create new virtual servers
customized for a specific need, while the second case would apply to
the -preexisting- selected virtual host.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>If you have a specific need, you should check out the recipes present
in the link:cookbook.html&#8217;Cookbook] section of the
documentation. Among other subjects, you can find information about
<a href="cookbook_optimizations.html">Cherokee optimizations</a>, setting up
efficient <a href="cookbook_authentication.html">authentication</a>
mechanisms, or configuring several popular application frameworks.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>In this tutorial we will be setting up a system with a couple of
virtual servers, PHP support, some redirection rules and a simple
authentication mechanism.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>To follow this walkthrough you need to be running
<a href="other_bundle_cherokee-admin.html">cherokee-admin</a>. This is an
administration tool, so you will need system administrator rights.</p></div>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre><tt># cherokee-admin

  User:              admin
  One-time Password: yp7F1pMhtmD58DbB

Cherokee Web Server 1.0.2 (Jun 19 2010): Listening on port,
TLS disabled, IPv6 enabled, using epoll, 4096 fds system limit, max. 2041
connections, caching I/O, single thread</tt></pre>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Now you can access the administration interface simply by opening your
web browser and visiting
<a href="http://localhost:9090">http://localhost:9090</a>.
<a href="other_bundle_cherokee-admin.html">Cherokee-admin</a> supports several
command line parameters, so you can change the predefined port in case
it was already in use in your system.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>The User and One-time Password will be required initially. This is to
prevent other users of the local host from being able to configure the
server unless they have access to the password. This is also very
useful to allow temporary access to a remote administrator.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>If your user doesn&#8217;t have enough privileges you will be notified. Also
if no configuration file exists you will be prompted to create one
with the default settings.</p></div>
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="media/images/admin_noconfig.png" alt="media/images/admin_noconfig.png" />
<div class="paragraph"><p>That is a good starting point. Right now your web server will not be
running yet. We will only be using two of the available tabs to adjust
some more settings: <a href="config_general.html">General</a> and
<a href="config_virtual_servers.html">Virtual Servers</a>.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>This is an example of what you&#8217;ll be seeing:</p></div>
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="media/images/admin_notrunning.png" alt="media/images/admin_notrunning.png" />
<div class="paragraph"><p>Of course, once we&#8217;re done we will have to apply our changes and
launch the server. The configuration changes must be submitted to the
server, be it automatically if possible or by using the appropriate
form submitting buttons. But no change is reflected in the
configuration file until you <tt>Save</tt> the changes. You can be sure of
not damaging anything while playing around with <tt>cherokee-admin</tt>. At
least not until you <tt>Save</tt> the changes by using the <tt>SAVE</tt> button on
the main toolbar. Note that, if the Cherokee server is running, the
applied modifications will only affect the instance being executed if
either <tt>Graceful restart</tt> or <tt>Hard restart</tt> are selected.  <tt>No
restart</tt> simply modifies the configuration file, but doesn&#8217;t affect
the currently running instance. A <tt>graceful restart</tt> will preserve the
old set-up for any prior connections, while a <tt>hard restart</tt> will kill
every connection and instantly apply the changes.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>This is what the <tt>General</tt> tab looks like:</p></div>
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="media/images/admin_general.png" alt="media/images/admin_general.png" />
<div class="paragraph"><p>We will only be modifying the <strong>Server Permissions</strong>. It usually is a
poor choice to run services with super user privileges. Set both
<strong>User</strong> and <strong>Group</strong> to <tt>www-data</tt>. Your system might already have
another user account specifically for the purpose of running a
webserver. Use that instead if so, or create the <tt>www-data</tt> user if
you don&#8217;t already have one.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Next is the <a href="config_virtual_servers.html">Virtual Servers</a> tab:</p></div>
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="media/images/admin_vserver.png" alt="media/images/admin_vserver.png" />
<div class="paragraph"><p>When you start, you will only have one virtual server called
<tt>default</tt>. You can begin by cloning it as <tt>example</tt>. This can be
achieved with the <tt>Clone Selected Virtual Server</tt> button, which is
placed in the upper side of the left panel, adjacent to the <tt>Virtual
Servers</tt> title and the <tt>Add New Virtual Server</tt> button.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>While you are at it you should also append the following line to your
<tt>/etc/hosts</tt> file (in Windows you will find this as
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<div class="paragraph"><p>This is to allow your system to resolve requests for <tt></tt> or
<tt></tt> locally. Of course, once you are out in the Wild (you
know, in the Internet), you will need proper DNS records.</p></div>
<div class="dlist"><dl>
<dt class="hdlist1">
We will leave default untouched except for the document root path,
which we will change. This is done through the <tt>Basics</tt> tab.
You could create by hand <em>/var/www/default</em> for example and set it up
in the appropriate field.
<div class="paragraph"><p>If you access your machine by IP or a DNS resolution points in that
direction for any particular domain, the contents of your document
root directory will be exposed (<em>/var/www</em> by default unless you
changed that during the build process). Whenever there is no match for
a virtual server specifically defined in your list, the <tt>default</tt>
virtual server will be the one responding.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>To enable PHP support you will have to select the desired virtual
server, access the <tt>Behavior</tt> tab, and click on the <tt>Rule Management</tt>
button. This will replace the <tt>Virtual Servers</tt> panel with a <tt>Rules</tt>
panel that applies only to the selected virtual server. The <tt>Add</tt>
button now will give you access to manually adding rules or to the
list of wizards. You will find PHP under the <tt>Languages</tt>
category. Simply point and click, and this will make the required
adjustments. Any file with the <em>php</em> extension will be served after being
processed by the PHP interpreter. You should have <tt>php-cgi</tt> installed
in your system for this, though. Don&#8217;t worry too much about it: the
wizard will give you instructions and will notify any further
requirements not yet satisfied by your system.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Any requested file would be sent. If a directory is requested, a file
called index.php or index.html will be served if it is present (the
search will be performed in that order; you can configure this in the
<tt>Basics</tt> tab). If not, a directory listing is offered instead. If you
would want to prevent this behavior but would like to keep up
serving whatever content is requested directly, simply change the
<tt>List &amp; Send</tt> handler for the <tt>Static Content</tt> handler.</p></div>
<dt class="hdlist1">
Make sure to select the correct virtual server in the <tt>Virtual
Servers</tt> panel displayed in the left side of the interface. If the
panel was titled <tt>Behavior</tt> instead, make sure it applies to the
desired virtual server. This can be easily checked, since it is
displayed as a title in the upper part of the contents area, which is
everything else on the screen that doesn&#8217;t belong to the panel. If you
are inside another virtual server, just click on the host name to
restore the <tt>Virtual Servers</tt> panel. If you have already selected the
correct virtual host, access the <tt>Behavior</tt> tab and click on the <tt>Rule
Management</tt> button to see the <tt>Behavior</tt> panel that will enable you to
modify the rules of your virtual host.
<div class="paragraph"><p>For now this virtual server is an exact copy of the untouched
<tt>default</tt> virtual server. Create some new directories
<em>/var/www/example</em> and <em>/var/www/example/auth</em>, and configure the
first one as default document root path. This is easy using the <tt>Add</tt>
button of the panel, which is marked with a <tt>+ (plus)</tt> symbol at the
top of the panel.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
Next, setup <tt></tt> and <tt></tt> in the <tt>Domain names</tt> tab.
We&#8217;ll erase everything in the <strong>Targets</strong> list within the <tt>Behavior</tt>
tab, except the <tt>default</tt> rule. With this we&#8217;ll only be able to serve
static content.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
Accessing the URL <a href=""></a> should now show a list of
available files and directories under <em>/var/www/example/</em>.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
Now lets password protect the <tt>auth</tt> directory. Add a new <tt>Directory</tt>
class rule pointing to <tt>/auth</tt>. Then, through the <tt>Security</tt> tab, add
a <tt>Validation Mechanism</tt> under <tt>Authentication</tt>.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
The field <tt>Realm</tt> is mandatory. Lets set it as <tt>Secured Area</tt>.
If you choose <tt>PAM</tt> and impose no more restrictions, only users with
a local account in your system will be able to access the secured zone
at <a href=""></a>
Other mechanisms would work in a similar fashion but with their
specific requirements. For example, had you chosen <tt>Plain text file</tt>
instead of PAM you would have had to specify a <tt>Password File</tt>.
For example, it could have been <tt>/var/www/passwords.txt</tt> with the
following contents:</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+</p></div>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
Note that the rule must not be flagged as <tt>Final</tt>, or else no other
rules will be applied afterwards and no access will be given to any
contents. This is because at this point we have not defined any
handler for the <tt>/auth</tt> rule and nothing would be served.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
Refer to the <a href="cookbook_authentication.html">Cookbook</a> for detailed
examples on the different options.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
Lastly, lets configure a redirection rule by choosing a "Regular
Expression" as the new rule type. Type the following regex: <tt>^/rss.*$</tt>
Then, within the <tt>Handler</tt> selection tab specify a target: <tt>/feed</tt></p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
<span class="image">
<img src=":media/images/admin_rule_regex.png" alt=":media/images/admin_rule_regex.png" />
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
And voilĂ ! A request of the form <a href=""></a> would be
redirected to <a href=""></a></p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
Any rule type can be used with the redirection handler: Directory,
Extensions, Regular Expression, etc. In this case the fact that the
rule type is "Regular Expression" affects only slightly. Refer to the
appropriate section of the documentation,
<a href="modules_handlers_redir.html">Redirection Handler</a>, for more
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
Note that the <tt>Type</tt> of the <strong>Redirection</strong> is <tt>External</tt>. This means
the server will instruct the requesting web client to fetch the
redirected URL, which means the client will always know what the
final URL is. This also means the redirection can be done to servers
other than your own. If it were internal, the redirection would be
invisible (not showing the target  URL), but it would be limited to
the same <tt>virtual server</tt>.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
A much more general redirection could be one using these values:</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
<strong>Regular Expression</strong>;;
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
  <a href="$1">$1</a></p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
Note that this rule would have to be external since <tt></tt> is
not among the domains managed by our configuration.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
This would redirect every petition to a site hosted under
<tt></tt>. For instance, the request for
<tt></tt> would return
<div class="paragraph"><p>+
If you need more details, Check out the documentation for the
<a href="modules_handlers_redir.html">redirection</a> handler.</p></div>
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