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<title>Epydoc: Frequently Asked Questions</title>
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<!-- $Id: faq.html 1658 2007-09-26 19:25:35Z edloper $ -->

<div class="body">
<h1>Frequently Asked Questions</h1>
<!-- <center><i>(Average question asking frequency: 0.03)</i></center> -->

<div class="box">
<h2 class="box-title">Contents</h2>
<p><b>Docstrings &amp; Docstring Markup</b>
<ul class="nomargin">
  <li><a href="#backslash">Why does epydoc get confused when I include a
  backslash in a docstring?</a></li>
  <li><a href="#which_markup">Which markup language do you recommend?</a></li>
  <li><a href="#new_markup">Will you
  add support for my favorite markup language <i>xyz</i>?</a></li>
  <li><a href="#new_field">Is there a way to define a new field?</a></li>
  <li><a href="#epytext_fail">Why does epydoc render one of my epytext-formatted
  docstrings as plaintext?</a></li>
<p><b>Extracting Documentation</b>
<ul class="nomargin">
  <li><a href="#introspect_vs_parse">Why does epydoc use both
  introspection and parsing?</a></li>
  <li><a href="#parse_only">When should I use <code>--parse-only</code>?
  <li><a href="#is_epydoc_running">How can I test whether
  epydoc is currently running?</a></li>
  <li><a href="#speed">I'm documenting a large project.  How can I make
    epydoc go faster?</a></li>
<p><b>Generated Output</b>
<ul class="nomargin">
  <li><a href="#change_html">How can I change the appearance of the HTML
  <li><a href="#change_latex">How can I change the appearance of the LaTeX,
    Postscript, or PDF output?</a></li>
  <li><a href="#exclude">How can I exclude a specific object from the
    generated documentation?</a></li>
  <li><a href="#graphs">How can I include graphs in the generated output?
  <li><a href="#urls">Why does epydoc add "<tt>-module</tt>" and
    "<tt>-class</tt>" to the names of the HTML pages it generates?
  <li><a href="#redirect">Is there a way to link to the API documentation
    for objects using a simple URL based on the object's dotted name?
  <li><a href="#redundant-details">Why are some values listed in the details
    section, but not others?</a></li>
<p><b>Development of Epydoc</b>
<ul class="nomargin">
  <li><a href="#bug">I've found a bug in epydoc!  Where should I report it?</a></li>
  <li><a href="#help">I'd like to help!  What can I do?</a></li>
<!--  <li><a href="#"></a></li>-->
<p><b><a href="">Ask a new question...</a></b></p>

<!-- ==================== DOCSTRINGS ========================= -->
<h2>Docstrings &amp; Docstring Markup</h2>

<dl class="faq">
  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="backslash" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> Why does epydoc get confused when I include a
  backslash in a docstring?</p></dt>

  <dd><p>A Python docstring is a string, and is interpreted like any
  other string.  In particular, Python interprets "\n" as a newline,
  "\t" as a tab, etc.  If you want to include backslashes in your
  docstring (e.g. because you want to talk about file paths, regular
  expressions, or escaped characters), you should use a raw string.

    <div class="screen"><pre>
<code class="prompt">&gt;&gt;&gt;</code> <code class="keyword">f</code>(x):
<code class="prompt">...</code>     r<code class="string">"""</code>
<code class="prompt">...</code>     <code class="string">Return true if x matches the regexp '\w+\s*\w+'.</code>
<code class="prompt">...</code>     <code class="string">"""</code>
  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="which_markup" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> Which markup language do you recommend? </p></dt>

   <dd><p>For many modules, <a href="epytextintro.html">epytext</a>
   works well: it is very lightweight, so it won't get in the way; but
   it lets you mark important information about objects.  If you would
   like to use a more expressive markup language, then we recommend
   using <a href="othermarkup.html">reStructuredText</a>, which is
   easy to write, easy to read, and has support for a very wide array
   of constructs.</p></dd>

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="new_markup" />
  <dt> <p><b>Q:</b> reStructuredText is capitalized weirdly; Javadoc
  has too much caffeine; and Epydoc just isn't cool enough.  Will you
  add support for my favorite markup language <i>xyz</i>?</p>

  <dd> <p>No, but you can!  See the documentation for the function <a
  ><code>register_markup_language()</code></a>, which can be used to
  register new markup languages.  If you add support for a new markup
  language, and believe that others might like to use it, please
  contribute it back to epydoc!</p> </dd>

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="new_field" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> Is there a way to define a new field?  </p></dt>

  <dd><p>You can add new fields that describe simple metadata using
  the <code>@newfield</code> field.  See the documentation for <a
  for more information. </p></dd>

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="epytext_fail" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> Why does epydoc render one of my
  epytext-formatted docstrings as plaintext? </p></dt>

  <dd><p>Since epytext is used as the default markup language for
  epydoc, it needs to be very conservative -- it will be used to
  display many docstrings that are not explicitly written using
  epytext, and it needs to display those docstrings in a readable way.
  Therefore, whenever epytext encounters a docstring that doesn't
  strictly conform to the epytext markup language, it renders it as
  plaintext. </p>

  <p>If you expect one of your docstrings to be processed using
  epytext, but it gets rendered as plaintext, then the docstring most
  likely contains one or more markup errors.  Run epydoc with the
  <code>-v</code> option to see markup errors, and check for an error
  in the docstring in question.  Once you fix the markup errors, the
  docstring will be processed as expected.</p></dd>


<!-- ================ EXTRACTING DOCUMENTATION ===================== -->
<h2>Extracting Documentation</h2>
<dl class="faq">

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="introspect_vs_parse" />
  <dt> <p><b>Q:</b> Why does epydoc use both introspection <i>and</i>
  parsing?  Wouldn't one or the other be sufficient?</p> </dt>

  <dd><p>Epydoc can extract documentation about objects from two
  different sources: <i>inspection</i> (importing the objects and
  examining them programmatically) and <i>parsing</i>(reading and
  extracting information from the objects' Python source code).
  Furthermore, epydoc can combine documentation information obtained
  from these two sources.  This is important because each source has
  its own advantages and disadvantages with respect to the other.  In
  particular: </p>

    <li> Introspection gives epydoc an accurate picture of what modules
    will look like programmatically.  In particular, some modules
    actively modify the namespace they define, or use various "magic"
    techniques to alter their public interface.  Using introspection
    gives epydoc an accurate picture of what these modified interfaces
    look like. </li>

    <li> If a module has dependencies that are not met on the current system,
    then it may not be possible to import and introspect it; but the
    parser can still examine its contents. </li>

    <li> If importing a module has significant side effects, then 
    introspecting it might not be desirable; but the parser can
    still examine its contents. </li>

    <li> If a module is not trusted, then it might not be desirable to
    import it; but the parser can still examine its contents. </li>

    <li> By parsing a module, we can find "pseudo-docstrings" and
    "docstring comments," which are unavailable via introspection.
    In particular, this makes it possible to associate API
    documentation with variables. </li>

    <li> Introspection can give information about builtin and extension
    modules, which would be unavailable to a python source code
    parser.  This includes builtin or extension bases for pure Python
    classes. </li>

    <li> By parsing a module, we can easily determine which values were
    imported, and where they were imported from.  This information
    is not available via introspection. </li>


  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="parse_only" />
  <dt> <p><b>Q:</b> When should I use <code>--parse-only</code>?

  <dd> <p>The <code>--parse-only</code> option instructs epydoc to
  only get documentation information from parsing (and not from
  introspection.)  You should use this option if:</p>

    <li>The project you are documenting contains untrusted source
    <li>The project you are documenting has dependencies which are
    not met (e.g., documenting windows-specific code on a
    non-windows machine). </li>
    <li>You wish to document a module where importing the module
    would have undesired side effects.</li>

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="is_epydoc_running" />
  <dt> <p><b>Q:</b> How can I test whether my program is
  being documented by epydoc?

  <dd> <p>Some programs or libraries need to take special actions when
  being documented by epydoc.  E.g., you might want your code to skip
  certain set-up actions if it's just being imported to be documented.
  You can test whether epydoc is currently running by testing whether
  <code>'epydoc'</code> is in <code>sys.modules</code>:</p>

<div class="screen"><pre>
  >>> import sys.modules
  >>> if 'epydoc' in sys.modules:
  ...     print 'Epydoc is running'

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="speed" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> I'm documenting a large project.  How can I make
    epydoc go faster? </p></dt>
  <dd><p>Try the following options: </p>
    <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">

      <th align="left"><code>&#8722;&#8722;no-sourcecode</code></th>
      <td>Don't generate pages containing source code with syntax

      <th align="left"><code>&#8722;&#8722;no&#8722;private</code></th>
      <td> Don't generate documentation for private objects.</td></tr>

      <th align="left"><code>&#8722;&#8722;introspect&#8722;only</code> or
      <td> Extract information about objects using introspection
      <i>or</i> parsing (but not both).  This may decrease the amount
      of information that epydoc can extract from your

      <th align="left"><code>&#8722;&#8722;docformat=plaintext</code></th>
      <td> Format docstrings as plaintext, instead of epytext.
      (Docstrings will be rendered verbatim).</td></tr>


    <p>Also, note that including graphs in the output can
    slow epydoc down significantly. </p></dd></dl>


<!-- ==================== GENERATED OUTPUT ========================= -->
<h2>Generated Output</h2>
<dl class="faq">

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="change_html" />
  <dt> <p><b>Q:</b> How can I change the appearance of the HTML
  output?</p> </dt>

  <dd><p>The CSS stylesheet can be used to modify the colors, fonts,
  and styles that are used by epydoc.  You can specify your own CSS
  stylesheet using the <code>--css</code> option.  (To generate the
  default stylesheet, simply run epydoc on a small module.)</p>

  <p>If your objections have to do with the actual layout of the
  pages, then I'd be happy to hear your suggestions for improving it;
  but I'm fairly happy with the layout, and probably won't make
  changes unless I agree that they improve the appearance

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="change_latex" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> How can I change the appearance of the LaTeX,
    Postscript, or PDF output? </p></dt>
  <dd><p>Currently, the LaTeX output, and derived output formats,
    are not very customizable.  If you have suggestions for
    improving the appearance of the generated output, please let
    me know.</p></dd>

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="graphs" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> How can I include graphs in the generated output? 

  <dd><p>Epydoc can automatically generate a variety of graphs,
  including class tress, package trees, uml class graphs, and import
  graphs.  These graphs can be included in one of two ways:</p>

     <li> Use the <code>--graph</code> option to automatically
     generate a given type of graph for all applicable modules,
     classes, or functions.  For example, using
     <code>--graph&nbsp;classtree</code> will replace the text-based
     class tree with a graphical class tree on all module pages.
     See the <a href="using.html#cli">command line usage</a> 
     documentation for more information.</li>

     <li> Graphs may be explicitly created by docstrings, using
     appropriate markup.  In epytext, graphs are created using the
     "<code>G</code>" colorization marker (i.e.,
     "<code>G{<i>graphname</i>}</code>", or "<code>G{<i>graphname</i>
     <i>options...</i>}</code>" for graphs with options).  In
     reStructuredText, graphs are created using custom <a
     For more information, see the <a
     href="epytext.html#graphs">epytext manual</a> or the notes on <a
     href="othermarkup.html#restructuredtext">using reStructuredText
     with epydoc. </a>.</li>

  <p> Graph generation requires the <a
  href="">Graphviz package</a>.  If the
  <code>dot</code> executable is not on the path, then its location
  should be specified using the <code>--dotptah</code> option.</p>

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="exclude" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> How can I exclude a specific object from the
    generated documentation? </p></dt>
  <dd><p>Use the <code>@undocumented</code> field.  See the
  documentation for <a
  href="fields.html">fields</a> for
  more information. </p></dd>

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="urls" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> Why does epydoc add "<tt>-module</tt>" and
    "<tt>-class</tt>" to the names of the HTML pages it generates?
  <dd><p>There are two reasons.  First, this ensures that the names of
  module and class pages do not conflict with the names of existing
  special pages.  For example, if a module were named
  "<tt>index</tt>", then naming its documentation page
  "<tt>index.html</tt>" would interfere with the use of that name for
  the documentation's main page.  Second, it is possible to define a
  package where a module and a class share the same name.  In those
  cases, this naming scheme ensures that the two object's pages do not

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="redirect" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> Is there a way to link to the API documentation
    for objects using a simple URL based on the object's dotted name?

  <dd><p>Epydoc creates a page named "<tt>redirect.html</tt>" that
  uses javascript to automatically convert dotted names to the
  corresponding URLs.  In particular, loading the page
  "<tt>redirect.html#<i></i></tt>" will automatically
  redirect the user's browser to the URL for the object whose dotted
  name is <tt><i></i></tt>.  For example, a link to
  <tt>&lt;<a href="api/redirect.html#epydoc.cli.HELP_TOPICS"
  >redirect.html#epydoc.cli.HELP_TOPICS</a>&gt;</tt> automatically
  redirects the browser to <tt>&lt;<a
  >epydoc.cli-module.html#HELP_TOPICS</a>&gt;</tt>.  The redirect page can
  be used for any object documented by epydoc, including modules,
  classes, functions, varaibles, properties, etc. </p></dd>

  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="redundant-details" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> Why are some values listed in the details
    section, but not others?

  <dd><p>By default, epydoc will only list a value in the details
  section if there's additional information beyond what's listed in
  the summary section.  For example, if you define a function but
  don't give it a docstring, then all API information about that
  function can be shown in the summary table, so no details entry will
  be created for it.  This helps keep the generated documentation
  consise, and the information density high.  However if you prefer,
  the command-line option "<code>--redundant-details</code>" can be
  used to tell epydoc to display all values in the details lists, even
  if all info about them is already provided by the summary table.
  The corresponding config file option is
  <code>redundant-details</code>.  <i>This option was added in svn
  revision 1613, and is not yet available in the most recent

<!-- ==================== DEVELOPMENT ========================= -->
<h2>Development of Epydoc</h2>
<dl class="faq">
  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="bug" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> I've found a bug in epydoc!  Where should I report it?
  <dd><p> Use the <a
  bug tracker</a> to report bugs.  If you want to hear back when we fix
  it, be sure to either log in to Sourceforge, or include your email
  address in the bug report.
  <!-- QUESTION --><a name="help" />
  <dt><p><b>Q:</b> I'd like to help!  What can I do?
  <dd><p> If there are any features that you want to add to Epydoc,
    we'd be happy to accept patches.  Patches should be submitted with
    the <a
    patch tracker</a> (be sure to describe what your patch does!).  If
    you plan to make several changes, we could also add you as a
    developer on Sourceforge.  Email me if you're interested. </p>

    <p> For a list of additions that we'd like to make to Epydoc, see
    the todo list in the <a href="api/">Epydoc reference
    documentation</a>; or the SourceForge <a
    request tracker</a> and <a
    tracker</a> </p></dd>

  <dt><p><b>Q: </b> ...</p></dt>
  <dd><p> ... </p></dd> -->

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