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<html> <head>
<title>Using Epydoc</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="epydoc.css" type="text/css"/>
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<div class="body">
<h1>Using Epydoc</h1>

<p>Epydoc provides two user interfaces:</p>
  <li> The <a href="#cli">command line interface</a>, which is
  accessed via a script named <code>epydoc</code> (or
  <code></code> on Windows)</li>

  <li> The <a href="#gui">graphical interface</a>, which is accessed
  via a script named <code>epydocgui</code> (or
  <code>epydoc.pyw</code> on Windows).</li>

<p>Epydoc can also be accessed programmatically; see epydoc's <a
href="api/">API documentation</a> for more information. </p>

<a name="cli"></a><h2> The Command Line Interface </h2>

<p> The <code>epydoc</code> script extracts API documentation for a
set of python objects, and writes it using a selected output format.
Objects can be named using dotted names, module filenames, or package
directory names.  (On Windows, this script is named
<code></code>.) </p>

<div class="box">
<h2 class="box-title">Command Line Usage (Abbreviated)</h2>
<b>epydoc</b> [<b>--html</b>|<b>--pdf</b>] [<b>-o</b> <code class="user">DIR</code>] [<b>--parse-only</b>|<b>--introspect-only</b>] [<b>-v</b>|<b>-q</b>]
<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>[<b>--name</b> <code class="user">NAME</code>] [<b>--url</b> <code class="user">URL</code>] [<b>--docformat</b> <code class="user">NAME</code>] [<b>--graph</b> <code class="user">GRAPHTYPE</code>]
<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>[<b>--inheritance</b> <code class="user">STYLE</code>] [<b>--config</b> <code class="user">FILE</code>] <code class="user">OBJECTS...</code>

  <dt><code><code class="user">OBJECTS...</code></code></dt>
    A list of the Python objects that should be documented.  Objects
    can be specified using dotted names (such as
    "<code>os.path</code>"), module filenames (such as
    "<code>epydoc/</code>"), or package directory names
    (such as "<code>epydoc/</code>").  Packages are expanded to
    include all sub-modules and sub-packages.
  <dd>Generate HTML output. (default)

  <dd>Generate Adobe Acrobat (PDF) output, using LaTeX.

  <dt><code><b>-o</b> <code class="user">DIR</code></code>, <code><b>--output</b> <code class="user">DIR</code></code>, <code><b>--target</b> <code class="user">DIR</code></code></dt>
  <dd>The output directory.

  <dd>By default, epydoc will gather information about each Python
  object using two methods: parsing the object's source code; and
  importing the object and directly introspecting it.  Epydoc combines
  the information obtained from these two methods to provide more
  complete and accurate documentation.  However, if you wish, you can
  tell epydoc to use only one or the other of these methods.  For
  example, if you are running epydoc on untrusted code, you should use
  the <code>--parse-only</code> option. </dd>
  <dt><code><b>-v</b></code>, <code><b>-q</b></code></dt>
  <dd>Increase (<code>-v</code>) or decrease (<code>-q</code>) the
  verbosity of the output.  These options may be repeated to further
  increase or decrease verbosity.  Docstring markup warnings
  are supressed unless <code>-v</code> is used at least once.
  <dt><code><b>--name</b> <code class="user">NAME</code></code></dt>
  <dd>The documented project's name.

  <dt><code><b>--url</b> <code class="user">URL</code></code></dt>
  <dd>The documented project's URL.

  <dt><code><b>--docformat</b> <code class="user">NAME</code></code></dt>
  <dd>The markup language that should be used by default to process
  modules' docstrings.  This is only used for modules that do not 
  define the special <code>__docformat__</code> variable; it is recommended
  that you explicitly specify <code>__docformat__</code> in all your
  <dt><code><b>--graph</b> <code class="user">GRAPHTYPE</code></code></dt>
  <dd>Include graphs of type <code>GRAPHTYPE</code> in the generated
  output.  Graphs are generated using the Graphviz dot executable.  If
  this executable is not on the path, then use <code>--dotpath</code>
  to specify its location.  This option may be repeated to include
  multiple graph types in the output.  To include all graphs, use
  <code>--graph&nbsp;all</code>.  To see an example of each graph
  type, click on it:
    <li><a href="notyet" target="epydoc_graph">
    <code>classtree</code></a>: Displays each class's base classes and
    <li><a href="notyet" target="epydoc_graph">
    <code>callgraph</code></a>: Displays the callers and callees of each
    function or method.  These graphs are based on profiling information,
    which must be specified using the <code>--pstate</code> option.
    <li><a href="notyet" target="epydoc_graph">
    <code>umlclass</code></a>: Displays each class's base classes and
    subclasses, using UML style.  Methods and attributes are listed in
    the classes where they are defined.  If type information is
    available about attributes (via the <code>@type</code> field),
    then those types are displayed as separate classes, and the
    attributes are displayed as associations.

  <dt><code><b>--inheritance</b> <code class="user">STYLE</code></code></dt>
  <dd>The format that should be used to display inherited methods,
  variables, and properties.  Currently, three styles are supported.
  To see an example of each style, click on it:
      <li> <a
      target="epydoc_inh"><code>grouped</code></a>: Inherited objects are
      gathered into groups, based on which class they are inherited
      from.</li> <li> <a
      target="epydoc_inh"><code>listed</code></a>: Inherited objects are
      listed in a short list at the end of the summary
      <li> <a
      target="epydoc_inh"><code>included</code></a>: Inherited objects
      are mixed in with non-inherited objects. </li>

  <dt><code><b>--config</b> <code class="user">FILE</code></code></dt>
  <dd>Read the given configuration file, which can contain both
  options and Python object names.  This option may be used multiple
  times, if you wish to use multiple configuration files.  See <a
  href="#configfile">Configuration Files</a> for more information.


<p>For a complete description of the command line usage for epydoc,
see the <a href="epydoc-man.html"><code>epydoc(1)</code> man


<h3> Examples </h3>

<p>The following command will generate
HTML documentation for the <code>sys</code> module, and write it to
the directory <code>sys_docs</code>:</p>

<div class="screen"><pre>
<code class="prompt">[epydoc]$</code> epydoc --html sys -o sys_docs 

<p> The following commands are used to produce the API documentation
for epydoc itself.  The first command writes html output to the
directory <code>html/api</code>, using <code>epydoc</code> as the
project name and <code></code> as the
project URL.  The <code>white</code> CSS style is used; inheritance is
displayed using the <code>listed</code> style; and all graphs are
included in the output.  The second command writes pdf output to the
file <code>api.pdf</code> in the directory <code>latex/api</code>,
using <code>Epydoc</code> as the project name.</p>

<div class="screen"><pre>
<code class="prompt">[epydoc]$</code> epydoc -v -o html/api --name epydoc --css white \
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;--url \
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;--inheritance listed --graph all src/epydoc
<code class="prompt">[epydoc]$</code> epydoc -v -o latex/api --pdf --name "Epydoc" src/epydoc

<a name="configfile"><h3> Configuration Files </h3></a>

Configuration files, specified using the <code>--config</code> option,
may be used to specify both the list of objects to document, and the
options that should be used to document them.  Configuration files are
read using the standard <a
module.  The following is a simple example of a configuration file.

<div class="box">
<h2 class="box-title">Example Configuration File</h2>
<b>[epydoc]</b> <i># Epydoc section marker (required by ConfigParser)</i>

<i># Information about the project.</i>
<b>name: My Cool Project</b>
<b>url: http://cool.project/</b>

<i># The list of modules to document.  Modules can be named using</i>
<i># dotted names, module filenames, or package directory names.</i>
<i># This option may be repeated.</i>
<b>modules: sys, os.path, re</b>
<b>modules: my/project/</b>

<i># Write html output to the directory "apidocs"</i>
<b>output: html</b>
<b>target: apidocs/</b>

<i># Include all automatically generated graphs.  These graphs are</i>
<i># generated using Graphviz dot.</i>
<b>graph: all</b>
<b>dotpath: /usr/local/bin/dot</b>

<p>A <a href="configfile.html">more complete example</a>, including
all of the supported options, is also available.</p>

<a name="gui"><h2> The Graphical Interface </h2></a>

<p> Epydoc also includes a graphical interface, for systems where
command line interfaces are not convenient (such as Windows).  The
graphical interface can be invoked with the <code>epydocgui</code>
command, or with <code>epydoc.pyw</code> in the <code>Scripts</code>
subdirectory of the Python installation directory under Windows.
Currently, the graphical interface can only generate HTML output.</p>

<a name="gui"/>
<center><p><img src="epydoc_gui.png"></p>

<p> Use the "Add" box to specify what objects you wish to document.
Objects can be specified using dotted names (such as
"<code>os.path</code>"), module filenames (such as
"<code>epydoc/</code>"), or package directory names (such as
"<code>epydoc/</code>").  Packages are expanded to include all
sub-modules and sub-packages.  Once you have added all of the modules
that you wish to document, press the "Start" button.  Epydoc's
progress will be displayed on the progress bar. </p>

<p> To customize the output, click on the "Options" arrow at the
bottom of the window.  This opens the options pane, which contains
fields corresponding to each command line option. </p>

<a name="guiconfig"/>
<center><p><img src="epydoc_guiconfig.png"></p>

<p> The epydoc graphical interface can save and load "project files",
which record the set of modules and the options that you have
selected.  Select "<code>File&rarr;Save</code>" to save the current
modules and options to a project file; and
"<code>File&rarr;Open</code>" to open a previously saved project file.
(These project files do not currently use the same format as the
configuration files used by the command line interface.) </p>

<p> For more information, see the <a
href="epydocgui-man.html"><code>epydocgui(1)</code> man page</a>. </p>

<a name="checker"><h2> Documentation Completeness Checks </h2></a>

<p> The <code>epydoc</code> script can be used to check the
completeness of the reference documentation.  In particular, it will
check that every module, class, method, and function has a
description; that every parameter has a description and a type; and
that every variable has a type.  If the "<code>-p</code>" option is
used, then these checks are run on both public and private objects;
otherwise, the checks are only run on public objects. </p>

<div class="box">
<b>epydoc</b> <b>--check</b> [<b>-p</b>] <code class="user">MODULES...</code>

  <dt><code><code class="user">MODULES...</code></code></dt>
    A list of the modules that should be checked.  Modules may be
    specified using either filenames (such as
    "<code>epydoc/</code>") or module names (such as
    "<code>os.path</code>").  The filename for a package is its
    "<code></code>" file.
  <dd>Run documentation completeness checks on private objects.

<p> For each object that fails a check, epydoc will print a warning.
For example, some of the warnings generated when checking the
completeness of the documentation for epydoc's private objects are:

<div class="screen"><pre>
epydoc.html.HTML_Doc._dom_link_to_html........No docs
epydoc.html.HTML_Doc._module..................No type descr
epydoc.html.HTML_Doc._author.return...........No type
epydoc.html.HTML_Doc._author.authors..........No descr, No type
epydoc.html.HTML_Doc._author.container........No descr, No type
epydoc.html.HTML_Doc._base_tree.uid...........No descr, No type
epydoc.html.HTML_Doc._base_tree.width.........No descr, No type
epydoc.html.HTML_Doc._base_tree.postfix.......No descr, No type

<p> If you'd like more fine-grained control over what gets checked, or
you would like to check other fields (such as the author or version),
then you should use the <a
class directly. </p>

<a name="files"><h2> HTML Files </h2></a>

<p> Every Python module and class
    is documented in its own file.  Index files, tree files, a
    help file, and a frames-based table of contents are also created.
    The following list describes each of the files generated by
    epydoc: </p>

  The standard entry point for the documentation.  Normally,
  <code>index.html</code> is a copy of the frames file
  (<code>frames.html</code>).  But if the <code>--no-frames</code>
  option is used, then <code>index.html</code> is a copy of the API
  documentation home page, which is normally the documentation page
  for the top-level package or module (or the trees page if there is
  no top-level package or module).  </li>

  <li><b><code><code class="user">module</code>-module.html</code></b>
  The API documentation for a module.  module is the complete dotted
  name of the module, such as sys or epydoc.epytext.  </li>

  <li><b><code><code class="user">class</code>-class.html</code></b>
  The API documentation for a class, exception, or type.  class is the
  complete dotted name of the class, such as epydoc.epytext.Token or
  array.ArrayType.  </li>

  <li><b><code><code class="user">module</code>-pysrc.html</code></b>
  A page with the module colourized source code, with links back to the
  objects main documentation pages. The creation of the colourized source
  pages can be controlled using the options <code>--show-sourcecode</code> and

  The documented module hierarchy.  </li>

  The documented classes hierarchy.  </li>

  The index of all the identifiers found in the documented items.  </li>

  The index of all the term definition found in the docstrings.
  Term definitions are created using the <a href="epytext.html#indexed">Indexed
  Term</a> markup. </li>

  The index of all the known bug in the documented sources.
  Bugs are marked using the <code>@bug</code> tag. </li>

  The index of all the <i>to-do</i> items in the documented sources.
  They are marked using the <code>@todo</code> tag. </li>

  The help page for the project.  This page explains how to use and
  navigate the webpage produced by epydoc.  </li>

  A page with the log of the epydoc execution. It is available clicking on the
  timestamp below each page, if the documentation was created using the
  <code>--include-log</code> option. The page also contains the list of the
  options enabled when the documentation was created. </li>

  A text file containing each available item and the URL where it is
  documented. Each item dotted name takes a file line and it is separated by
  the URL by a <code>tab</code> charecter. Such file can be used to create
  documents linkig to the API: see the <code>--external-api</code>
  documentation for details.</li>

  A page containing Javascript code that redirect the browser to the
  documentation page indicated by the accessed fragment. For example opening
  the page <code>redirect.html#epydoc.apidoc.DottedName</code> the browser
  will be redirected to the page

  The main frames file.  Two frames on the left side of the window
  contain a table of contents, and the main frame on the right side of
  the window contains API documentation pages.  </li>

  The top-level table of contents page.  This page is displayed in the
  upper-left frame of <code>frames.html</code>, and provides links to
  the <code>toc-everything.html</code> and
  <code>toc-<code class="user">module</code>-module.html</code> pages.  </li>
  The table of contents for the entire project.  This page is
  displayed in the lower-left frame of <code>frames.html</code>, and
  provides links to every class, type, exception, function, and
  variable defined by the project.  </li>

  <li><b><code>toc-<code class="user">module</code>-module.html</code></b>
  The table of contents for a module.  This page is displayed in the
  lower-left frame of <code>frames.html</code>, and provides links to
  every class, type, exception, function, and variable defined by the
  module.  module is the complete dotted name of the module, such as
  sys or epydoc.epytext.  </li>

  The CSS stylesheet used to display all HTML pages.  </li>

<a name="css"><h2> CSS Stylesheets </h2></a>

<p> Epydoc creates a CSS stylesheet (<code>epydoc.css</code>) when it
builds the API documentation for a project.  You can specify which
stylesheet should be used using the <code>--css</code> command-line
option.  If you do not specify a stylesheet, and one is already
present, epydoc will use that stylesheet; otherwise, it will use the
default stylesheet.  For a list of the CSS classes used by epydoc, see
the <a href="stylesheet.html">default stylesheet</a>. </p>

<a name="errors"><h2> Errors </h2></a>

<p> For a description of the errors that can be generated by epydoc,
see the <a href="epydoc-man.html#lbAH"><code>epydoc(1)</code> man
page</a>. </p>

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