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<ul   class='indexList indexList1'>
  <li class='indexItem indexItem1'><a href='#NAME'>NAME</a>
  <li class='indexItem indexItem1'><a href='#SYNOPSIS'>SYNOPSIS</a>
  <li class='indexItem indexItem1'><a href='#DESCRIPTION'>DESCRIPTION</a>
  <li class='indexItem indexItem1'><a href='#FUNCTIONS'>FUNCTIONS</a>
  <ul   class='indexList indexList2'>
    <li class='indexItem indexItem2'><a href='#Tainting'>Tainting</a>
    <li class='indexItem indexItem2'><a href='#Quoting'>Quoting</a>
    <li class='indexItem indexItem2'><a href='#Environment_and_Location'>Environment and Location</a>
    <li class='indexItem indexItem2'><a href='#Searching'>Searching</a>
    <li class='indexItem indexItem2'><a href='#Data_Manipulation'>Data Manipulation</a>
    <li class='indexItem indexItem2'><a href='#String_Manipulation'>String Manipulation</a>
    <li class='indexItem indexItem2'><a href='#Formatting_Time'>Formatting Time</a>
    <li class='indexItem indexItem2'><a href='#Files'>Files</a>
    <li class='indexItem indexItem2'><a href='#Cryptography'>Cryptography</a>
    <li class='indexItem indexItem2'><a href='#Validation'>Validation</a>

<h1><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'

<p>Bugzilla::Util - Generic utility functions for bugzilla</p>

<h1><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'

<pre  class="code">  use Bugzilla::Util;

  # Functions for dealing with variable tainting

  # Functions for quoting

  # Functions for decoding
  $rv = url_decode($var);

  # Functions that tell you about your environment
  my $is_cgi   = i_am_cgi();
  my $urlbase  = correct_urlbase();

  # Functions for searching
  $loc = lsearch(\@arr, $val);

  # Data manipulation
  ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays(\@old, \@new);

  # Functions for manipulating strings
  $val = trim(&#34; abc &#34;);
  $wrapped = wrap_comment($comment);

  # Functions for formatting time
  datetime_from($time, $timezone);

  # Functions for dealing with files
  $time = file_mod_time($filename);

  # Cryptographic Functions
  $crypted_password = bz_crypt($password);
  $new_password = generate_random_password($password_length);

  # Validation Functions

<h1><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'

<p>This package contains various utility functions which do not belong anywhere else.</p>

<p><b>It is not intended as a general dumping group for something which people feel might be useful somewhere, someday</b>. Do not add methods to this package unless it is intended to be used for a significant number of files, and it does not belong anywhere else.</p>

<h1><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'

<p>This package provides several types of routines:</p>

<h2><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'

<p>Several functions are available to deal with tainted variables. <b>Use these with care</b> to avoid security holes.</p>

<dt><a name="trick_taint($val)"
><code  class="code">trick_taint($val)</code></a></dt>

<p>Tricks perl into untainting a particular variable.</p>

<p>Use trick_taint() when you know that there is no way that the data in a scalar can be tainted, but taint mode still bails on it.</p>

<p><b>WARNING!! Using this routine on data that really could be tainted defeats the purpose of taint mode. It should only be used on variables that have been sanity checked in some way and have been determined to be OK.</b></p>

<dt><a name="detaint_natural($num)"
><code  class="code">detaint_natural($num)</code></a></dt>

<p>This routine detaints a natural number. It returns a true value if the value passed in was a valid natural number, else it returns false. You <b>MUST</b> check the result of this routine to avoid security holes.</p>

<dt><a name="detaint_signed($num)"
><code  class="code">detaint_signed($num)</code></a></dt>

<p>This routine detaints a signed integer. It returns a true value if the value passed in was a valid signed integer, else it returns false. You <b>MUST</b> check the result of this routine to avoid security holes.</p>

<h2><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'

<p>Some values may need to be quoted from perl. However, this should in general be done in the template where possible.</p>

<dt><a name="html_quote($val)"
><code  class="code">html_quote($val)</code></a></dt>

<p>Returns a value quoted for use in HTML, with &#38;, &#60;, &#62;, &#34; and @ being replaced with their appropriate HTML entities. Also, Unicode BiDi controls are deleted.</p>

<dt><a name="html_light_quote($val)"
><code  class="code">html_light_quote($val)</code></a></dt>

<p>Returns a string where only explicitly allowed HTML elements and attributes are kept. All HTML elements and attributes not being in the whitelist are either escaped (if HTML::Scrubber is not installed) or removed.</p>

<dt><a name="url_quote($val)"
><code  class="code">url_quote($val)</code></a></dt>

<p>Quotes characters so that they may be included as part of a url.</p>

<dt><a name="css_class_quote($val)"
><code  class="code">css_class_quote($val)</code></a></dt>

<p>Quotes characters so that they may be used as CSS class names. Spaces and forward slashes are replaced by underscores.</p>

<dt><a name="xml_quote($val)"
><code  class="code">xml_quote($val)</code></a></dt>

<p>This is similar to <code  class="code">html_quote</code>, except that &#39; is escaped to &#38;apos;. This is kept separate from html_quote partly for compatibility with previous code (for &#38;apos;) and partly for future handling of non-ASCII characters.</p>

<dt><a name="url_decode($val)"
><code  class="code">url_decode($val)</code></a></dt>

<p>Converts the %xx encoding from the given URL back to its original form.</p>

<dt><a name="email_filter"
><code  class="code">email_filter</code></a></dt>

<p>Removes the hostname from email addresses in the string, if the user currently viewing Bugzilla is logged out. If the user is logged-in, this filter just returns the input string.</p>

<h2><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'
>Environment and Location</a></h2>

<p>Functions returning information about your environment or location.</p>

<dt><a name="i_am_cgi()"
><code  class="code">i_am_cgi()</code></a></dt>

<p>Tells you whether or not you are being run as a CGI script in a web server. For example, it would return false if the caller is running in a command-line script.</p>

<dt><a name="correct_urlbase()"
><code  class="code">correct_urlbase()</code></a></dt>

<p>Returns either the <code  class="code">sslbase</code> or <code  class="code">urlbase</code> parameter, depending on the current setting for the <code  class="code">ssl_redirect</code> parameter.</p>

<dt><a name="use_attachbase()"
><code  class="code">use_attachbase()</code></a></dt>

<p>Returns true if an alternate host is used to display attachments; false otherwise.</p>

<h2><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'

<p>Functions for searching within a set of values.</p>

<dt><a name="lsearch($list,_$item)"
><code  class="code">lsearch($list, $item)</code></a></dt>

<p>Returns the position of <code  class="code">$item</code> in <code  class="code">$list</code>. <code  class="code">$list</code> must be a list reference.</p>

<p>If the item is not in the list, returns -1.</p>

<h2><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'
>Data Manipulation</a></h2>

<dt><a name="diff_arrays(\@old,_\@new)"
><code  class="code">diff_arrays(\@old, \@new)</code></a></dt>

<pre  class="code"> Description: Takes two arrayrefs, and will tell you what it takes to 
              get from @old to @new.
 Params:      @old = array that you are changing from
              @new = array that you are changing to
 Returns:     A list of two arrayrefs. The first is a reference to an 
              array containing items that were removed from @old. The
              second is a reference to an array containing items
              that were added to @old. If both returned arrays are 
              empty, @old and @new contain the same values.</pre>

<h2><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'
>String Manipulation</a></h2>

<dt><a name="trim($str)"
><code  class="code">trim($str)</code></a></dt>

<p>Removes any leading or trailing whitespace from a string. This routine does not modify the existing string.</p>

<dt><a name="wrap_hard($string,_$size)"
><code  class="code">wrap_hard($string, $size)</code></a></dt>

<p>Wraps a string, so that a line is <i>never</i> longer than <code  class="code">$size</code>. Returns the string, wrapped.</p>

<dt><a name="wrap_comment($comment)"
><code  class="code">wrap_comment($comment)</code></a></dt>

<p>Takes a bug comment, and wraps it to the appropriate length. The length is currently specified in <code  class="code">Bugzilla::Constants::COMMENT_COLS</code>. Lines beginning with &#34;&#62;&#34; are assumed to be quotes, and they will not be wrapped.</p>

<p>The intended use of this function is to wrap comments that are about to be displayed or emailed. Generally, wrapped text should not be stored in the database.</p>

<dt><a name="find_wrap_point($string,_$maxpos)"
><code  class="code">find_wrap_point($string, $maxpos)</code></a></dt>

<p>Search for a comma, a whitespace or a hyphen to split $string, within the first $maxpos characters. If none of them is found, just split $string at $maxpos. The search starts at $maxpos and goes back to the beginning of the string.</p>

<dt><a name="is_7bit_clean($str)"
><code  class="code">is_7bit_clean($str)</code></a></dt>

<p>Returns true is the string contains only 7-bit characters (ASCII 32 through 126, ASCII 10 (LineFeed) and ASCII 13 (Carrage Return).</p>

<dt><a name="disable_utf8()"
><code  class="code">disable_utf8()</code></a></dt>

<p>Disable utf8 on STDOUT (and display raw data instead).</p>

><code  class="code">clean_text($str)</code> Returns the parameter &#34;cleaned&#34; by exchanging non-printable characters with spaces. Specifically characters (ASCII 0 through 31) and (ASCII 127) will become ASCII 32 (Space).</a></dt>

<dt><a name="get_text"
><code  class="code">get_text</code></a></dt>

<dt><a name="Description"

<p>This is a method of getting localized strings within Bugzilla code. Use this when you don&#39;t want to display a whole template, you just want a particular string.</p>

<p>It uses the <em  class="code">global/message.txt.tmpl</em> template to return a string.</p>

<dt><a name="Params"

<dt><a name="$message_-_The_identifier_for_the_message."
><code  class="code">$message</code> - The identifier for the message.</a></dt>

<dt><a name="$vars_-_A_hashref._Any_variables_you_want_to_pass_to_the_template."
><code  class="code">$vars</code> - A hashref. Any variables you want to pass to the template.</a></dt>

<dt><a name="Returns"

<p>A string.</p>

<dt><a name="template_var"
><code  class="code">template_var</code></a></dt>

<p>This is a method of getting the value of a variable from a template in Perl code. The available variables are in the <code  class="code">global/field-descs.none.tmpl</code> template. Just pass in the name of the variable that you want the value of.</p>

<h2><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'
>Formatting Time</a></h2>

<dt><a name="format_time($time)"
><code  class="code">format_time($time)</code></a></dt>

<p>Takes a time and converts it to the desired format and timezone. If no format is given, the routine guesses the correct one and returns an empty array if it cannot. If no timezone is given, the user&#39;s timezone is used, as defined in his preferences.</p>

<p>This routine is mainly called from templates to filter dates, see &#34;FILTER time&#34; in <a href="../Bugzilla/Template.html" class="podlinkpod"

<dt><a name="format_time_decimal($time)"
><code  class="code">format_time_decimal($time)</code></a></dt>

<p>Returns a number with 2 digit precision, unless the last digit is a 0. Then it returns only 1 digit precision.</p>

<dt><a name="datetime_from($time,_$timezone)"
><code  class="code">datetime_from($time, $timezone)</code></a></dt>

<p>Returns a DateTime object given a date string. If the string is not in some valid date format that <code  class="code">strptime</code> understands, we return <code  class="code">undef</code>.</p>

<p>You can optionally specify a timezone for the returned date. If not specified, defaults to the currently-logged-in user&#39;s timezone, or the Bugzilla server&#39;s local timezone if there isn&#39;t a logged-in user.</p>

<h2><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'

<dt><a name="file_mod_time($filename)"
><code  class="code">file_mod_time($filename)</code></a></dt>

<p>Takes a filename and returns the modification time. It returns it in the format of the &#34;mtime&#34; parameter of the perl &#34;stat&#34; function.</p>

<h2><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'

<dt><a name="bz_crypt($password,_$salt)"
><code  class="code">bz_crypt($password, $salt)</code></a></dt>

<p>Takes a string and returns a hashed (encrypted) value for it, using a random salt. An optional salt string may also be passed in.</p>

<p>Please always use this function instead of the built-in perl <code  class="code">crypt</code> function, when checking or setting a password. Bugzilla does not use <code  class="code">crypt</code>.</p>

<dt><a name="generate_random_password($password_length)"
><code  class="code">generate_random_password($password_length)</code></a></dt>

<p>Returns an alphanumeric string with the specified length (10 characters by default). Use this function to generate passwords and tokens.</p>

<h2><a class='u' href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'

<dt><a name="validate_email_syntax($email)"
><code  class="code">validate_email_syntax($email)</code></a></dt>

<p>Do a syntax checking for a legal email address and returns 1 if the check is successful, else returns 0. Untaints <code  class="code">$email</code> if successful.</p>

<dt><a name="validate_date($date)"
><code  class="code">validate_date($date)</code></a></dt>

<p>Make sure the date has the correct format and returns 1 if the check is successful, else returns 0.</p>
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<!-- end doc -->
