

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.1 > i586 > media > contrib-updates > by-pkgid > e01d3910b7666783a099b928ff09aac4 > files > 51


Apache/Gallery version 1.0


Before you start installing Apache::Gallery you need to check
that you have the following installed:

- Perl 5 (
- Apache ( - 1.3.x or 2.x
- mod_perl ( - 1.x or 2.x (2.0.0 or newer)
- X11 libraries (ie, XFree86)
- Imlib2 (

Perl Modules: (Use to find them)

- URI::Escape
- Image::Info version 1.11. (NB NB NB: Version 1.12 is known to give problems)
- Image::Size 
- Text::Template
- CGI (3.08)
- Image::Imlib2 (1.02)

When installing Imlib2 from rpm, deb or other packages formats, remember
that you need the imlib2-dev package too. On Debian this can be installed
by running:

apt-get install libimlib2-dev

Then, to install Apache::Gallery run the following commands:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test (optional)
   make install

If you use Apache 1.3 and mod_perl 1, you need to configure
your virtualhostblock to look like:

<VirtualHost *>
	DocumentRoot /data/pictures/
	ErrorLog     logs/gallery-error_log
	TransferLog  logs/gallery-access_log
	PerlSetVar   GalleryTemplateDir '/usr/local/apache/gallery/templates/default/'
	PerlSetVar   GalleryInfo 'Picture Taken => DateTimeOriginal, Flash => Flash' 
	PerlSetVar   GallerySizes '640 1024 1600 2272'
	PerlSetVar   GalleryThumbnailSize '100x75'
	PerlSetVar   GalleryCopyrightImage 'htdocs/c.png'
	<Location />
		SetHandler        perl-script
		PerlHandler       Apache::Gallery

In case you run apache 2 and modperl 2 (or 1.99), it needs to look

<VirtualHost *>
	DocumentRoot /data/pictures/
	ErrorLog     logs/gallery-error_log
	TransferLog  logs/gallery-access_log
	PerlSetVar   GalleryTemplateDir '/usr/local/apache/gallery/templates/default/'
	PerlSetVar   GalleryInfo 'Picture Taken => DateTimeOriginal, Flash => Flash' 
	PerlSetVar   GallerySizes '640 1024 1600 2272'
	PerlSetVar   GalleryThumbnailSize '100x75'
	PerlSetVar   GalleryCopyrightImage 'htdocs/c.png'
	PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
	<Location />
		SetHandler        modperl
		PerlResponseHandler       Apache::Gallery

Warning: Apache::Gallery does not work properly if mod_autoindex 
is loaded by Apache. Indeed, mod_autoindex overrides Apache::Gallery 
and does not let it display directory content. 

To check if your apache loads mod_autoindex, just look for this line 
in httpd.conf:

LoadModule autoindex_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/

If this line is not commented, Apache::Gallery will only work when an
image is loaded directly. Whenever a directory listing is requested,
Apache will respond with the classic (and ugly) directory listing performed 
by mod_autoindex.

Copy the files from templates/ to where you pointed GalleryTemplateDir to.

Create a directory called gallery in your Apache icons directory and
copy the png files in htdocs to this directory. 

The gallery.css file from the template directory you choose must be 
copied to the DocumentRoot of your gallery.

It is possible to include a graphical copyright notice on each picture now.
By setting the GalleryCopyrightImage PerlSetVar you can define the path
to a picture that you want include in the bottom right of each picture.

Feel free to contact me with questions if you have problems setting up
Apache::Gallery. You can write to

Make sure you try the latest version of the gallery from 
<> before reporting bugs. 

If you are brave you can also download the latest snapshot

If you have problems installing Apache::Gallery, please make 
sure to run "make test" to see, what may be the problem.

When reporting bugs please use this page and include the output from make test
in your bugreport: