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ATLAS 3.8.3 released 02/18/09, changes from 3.8.2:
   * New architectures, arch-specific kernels, and configure support:
     - Changed Core2Duo arch to simply Core2
       + New kernels backported from 3.9.x for Core2 substantially increase
         Core2 performance
       + New arch defs for all Core2 archs
     - Added recognition of Corei7 architecture
       + Added arch defs which presently use new Core2-tuned kernels
     - Added new K10h kernel
       - Updated 64-bit arch defs to use it
   * Fixed bugs:
     - Fixed archinfo_x86 to always use extended family type (new usage)
     - Fixed mass typo for archinfo_freebsd
     - Fixed flag quotes for Make.mvtune
     - Fixed error causing GEMM to get wrong answer if K=3 on MIPS arch
     - Added additional workarounds for gcc's solaris_x86 division bug
     - Fixed bug in TRSM tuning
ATLAS 3.8.2 released 06/06/08, Changes from 3.8.1:
   * Fixed bugs:
     - Pervasive performance bug in GEMM, affecting all architectures
     - Occasional access of C when BETA=0
   * Configure improvements:
     - Improved freebsd architecture probe
     - Improved linux cpu throttling probe
     - Added Itanium 2 detection as "McKinley" in archinfo_linux
   * Added cleanup for 4x1 case for 64-bit sgemm (almost doubles LAPACK 'Upper' 
     Cholesky performance -- ATLAS Cholesky is fast without this fix)
   * Added mu=4 SSE M cleanup for extra performance
ATLAS 3.8.1 released 02/22/08, Changes from 3.8.0:
   * Fixed bug in slvtst that counted complex flops same as real
   * Fixed bug causing wrong answer for row-major gemm C=A*A' or A'A 
   * Fixed bug in configure causing Pentium-M to be IDed as CoreDuo
   * Fixed bug in tfc.c causing memory overwrite when too many samples taken
   * Improved L1 BLAS timers so they work like the rest of the package, and
     thus don't die all the time on tolerance failures
   * Improved ATLAS/tune/blas/gemm/mmsearch.c:
     - for x86, tried more registers, since smart compiler can reduce A & B
       regs to 2 (and possibly even 1)
     - Made it so search tries both load-C-at-top and load-C-at-bottom of
       M loop.  Bottom is superior for error, and ATLAS originally defaulted
       to load-C-at-top.
   * Added configure support for new K10h platform from AMD, as well as
     basic architectural defaults (no new kernels, just good search)

ATLAS 3.8.0 released 10/10/07, changes from 3.6.0:
   * Improved installation support: now works with 5-step standard install:
     - configure, build, check, time, install
     - Support for easily building 32 or 64 bit libraries
     - Support for building dynamic (shared) libraries
     - Can build in any directory
   * Added detailed installation guide (ATLAS/doc/atlas_install.pdf), 
     indicating how to build ATLAS, as well as describing how you can
     ensure that the produced libraries get adequate performance as well
     as the correct answers.
   * Improved GEMM performance on most platforms:
     - HAMMER (Opteron/Athlon-64), P4, P4E, Core2Duo, CoreDuo, MIPS,
       G5/PowerPC970, POWER4, POWER5, etc.
     - Better handling of long-thin matrices (K >> M,N) and rank-K, K<=4 shapes
     - Improved complex performance on some platforms
     - Further reduced error on some platforms 
       + ATLAS error bound always <= reference BLAS before reduction
   * More OS support:
     - OSX/x86, Solaris/x86, Linux/MIPS, modern Windows,
   * A lot of other changes, see developer ChangeLog below for further details
ATLAS 3.8.0 released 10/10/07, changes from 3.7.40:
   * Updated some documentation
ATLAS 3.7.40 released 10/10/07, changes from 3.7.39:
   * Fixed configure, where lack of \n after GOODGCC caused errors on Itanium
   * Increased MAXALLOC in tfc.c to allow larger malloc in CacheEdge detection
   * Replaced nonportable == with -eq (int) or = (str) in test lines of 
   * Rewrote config's handling of 32/64 compiler flags to be more robust 
     to get around error found when trying to install 32bit SunOS libs
   * Added USIII architectural defaults and config support
   * Updated atlas_devel and atlas_contrib
ATLAS 3.7.39 released 10/07/07, changes from 3.7.38:
   * Updated configure to handle AIX 64-bit flags automatically
   * Expanded and corrected PowerPC ABI section in atlas_contrib
   * Fixed PowerPC assembly kernels to work under AIX for 64 & 32 bit ABIs
ATLAS 3.7.38 released 10/05/07, changes from 3.7.37:
   * Added new install guide, ATLAS/doc/atlas_install.pdf
   * Updated docs
   * Added F77 testing wrappers for POSV and GESV, so slvtst can test F77 iface
   * Expanded configure support for AIX, but build still dies
   * Configure support and flags for G4
   * Added arch defaults for:
     - Pentium III
     - G4 using apple's hacked gcc 3.1
     - HAMMER32SSE3
     - HAMMER32SSE2
ATLAS 3.7.37 released 08/10/07, changes from 3.7.36:
   * Fixed error in gemm, so we call SYRK for A*A^T only when beta=0
ATLAS 3.7.36 released 08/09/07, changes from 3.7.35:
   * Some smoothing ops allowing easier use of windows compilers
   * Fixed error in mmsearch causing PPC searches to die wt latency problems
   * Fixed error where wrong flags caused snrm2 to be incorrect on Core2Duo
   * Changed GER to heavily favor applying alpha to X, in order to keep LAPACK
     from barfing up a lung on those tiny matrix test cases
   * Fixed error in complex syreflect causing wrong answers in [c,z]gemm when
     gemm is used to do a syrk
ATLAS 3.7.35 released 07/26/07, changes from 3.7.34:
   * Changed it so pthread calls assert zero return value (debugging aid)
   * Improved threaded GEMM performance for cases where two dim < NB
   * Increased default MaxMalloc to 64MB
   * Improved Windows support:
     - Added support for building Windows ATLAS with Intel's ifort
     - Added support for building on Windows without the cygwin library
     - Added ability to get cycle accurate timer when using Windows compiler
   * Improved POWER4 & P4SSE2 arch defaults.
   * Removed duplicate symbols in Make.mmsrc messing up shared library building
ATLAS 3.7.34 released 06/25/07, changes from 3.7.33:
   * Fixed error causing read of C for beta=0 in ATL_mmJITcp
   * [S,D]KC compiles the bulk of the non-kernel library
   * Added 64 bit single precision Core2Duo kernel, added to arch defs
   * Added gcc4.2/P432SSE2 arch defs
   * Changed all Makefiles so ICC compiles only interface routines, and 
   * Added support for POWER4/Linux, including 64 & 32 bit arch defs using gcc
     - No xlc support or single precision assembly yet
   * Install using gnu compilers now works under Windows
   * Now works correctly for Linux/POWER5/gcc
ATLAS 3.7.33 released 05/01/07, changes from 3.7.32:
   * Made it so ATLAS builds on Solaris x86:
     - Had to remove all constant divides in integer expressions in assembly,
       as Sun geniuses decided to change comment character to '/'
       + \/ is supposed to work, but doesn't
     - Had to touch every x86 assembly file to change assembly comments to /**/
ATLAS 3.7.32 released 04/27/07, changes from 3.7.31:
   * Adapted MIPS double prec kernel to single
   * Added 32-bit support (n32) to MIPS (assembly & config)
   * Ported UltraSPARC assembly kernels used by arch defs to v9 ABI
   * Added arch defs to build 64 bit (v9) ABI for Solarix/UltraSPARC
   * Documented these new interfaces in atlas_contrib.
ATLAS 3.7.31 released 04/17/07, changes from 3.7.30:
   * Fixed bug in atlas_prefetch found by David Cournapeau.
   * Added MIPSICE9 prefetch option, d/zgemm assembly kernels and arch defaults.
     - These should work on most MIPS platforms 
     - Assembly kernels work under IRIX, but no way to get cc to do prefetch
       + could not make cc's pragma work with ATLAS's atlas_prefetch defs
   * Added support for OSX/PowerPC970:
     - Double precision assembly kernel getting 82.5% of peak (4*Mhz)
     - Single precision assembly kernel getting 79% of peak (8*Mhz)
     - Arch defaults for 64 & 32 bit installs
     - Config support for random-ass apple flag extravaganza
ATLAS 3.7.30 released 03/25/07, changes from 3.7.29:
   * Bug fixes
     - fixed error in building --nof77 dynamic libs
     - fixed dynamic lib link for f77 interface libs
     - Updated L1 kernel testers in tune/ for function routs to call the test
       func first (so correct answer not on stack), and to check for NaN
     - Fixed it so error report genned again.
     - Fixed error causing real JITcp to copy all the time, and then fixed
       error in func ptr when this was selected.
   * Wrote special Just In Time Copy (JITcp) gemm for complex that copies A&B
     a block at a time, and calls the real kernel for complex matmul
     - Speeds up large-case z/cgemm on some platforms (5-10%)
     - Speeds up long-K case for some platforms (as much as doubles perf)
   * Fixed miscalculation of CacheEdge, where I stopped using it for large K.
     This fix reduces memory usage, and speeds up asymptotic case a bit.
ATLAS 3.7.29 released 02/28/07, changes from 3.7.28:
   * Wrote special routines (mmBPP and mmMNK) for handling small M, N and 
     large K case.  For M = N <= NB can double performance.  Presently works
     for real precisions (s,d) only.
   * Translated x87 Athlon-64 kernel to 32-bit assembly.
   * Put in special code to handle SYRK call to GEMM by calling SYRK and
     reflecting the triangular matrix.  Doubles speed, and avoid fp error
     on reflection.
   * Added arch defaults for Core2Duo32SSE3
   * Fixed some problems with -b 32 in configure and building dynamic libs
   * Fixed ATLAS/bin Makefile to correctly link x?l1blastst_dyn
   * Enlarged MaxMalloc
ATLAS 3.7.28 released 02/11/07, changes from 3.7.27:
   * bugfix release on 3.7.27 on configure/compiler behavior:
     - Fixed possible infinite loop in probing for f77libs
     - Made gnu arch defaults work for gnu compilers regardless of compiler name
ATLAS 3.7.27 released 02/10/07, changes from 3.7.26:
   * Support for building ATLAS to .so!  See INSTALL.txt for details.
   * Expanded support for appending compiler flags:
     - Can specify flags to be appended to gcc in user-contributed index files
     - Can append flags to only C compilers
     - Can append flags to only C+usergcc, all+usergcc, etc.
   * Configure now recognizes gnu compilers as gnu compiler regardless of
     compiler name when looking for default flags for user-override compilers
ATLAS 3.7.26 released 01/30/07, changes from 3.7.25:
   * Added line to all assembly files to declare them as not requiring an
     executable stack for Linux (apparently, lack broke SELinux).
   * Numerous assembly fixes, particularly forced use of .text and asmdecor
     in all x86 assembly files.
   * Fixed dnrm2's to call sqrtl to avoid gcc round-down.
ATLAS 3.7.25 released 01/22/07, changes from 3.7.24:
   * Added x87 nrm2 assembly kernels to avoid gcc probs, changed old 
     gcc-compiled nrm21 kernels to use double native precision for
     accumulator (breaks dnrm2 due to gcc's spurious round-down).
   * Changed Athlon64 and Core2Duo arch defaults to use load-at-bottom gemm
     kernels, which should reduce GEMM error
   * Changed configure to error out if ran in ATLAS source directory.
   * Changed all ATLAS/doc postscript files to .pdf
ATLAS 3.7.24 released 12/18/06, changes from 3.7.23:
   * Fixed alignment problem in x87 hammer kernel causing large performance
     losses for AMD64 machines.
ATLAS 3.7.23 released 12/07/06, changes from 3.7.22:
   * Fixed bug in Makefile causing repeated path
   * Added basic config support for Irix
   * Added basic arch defaults for MIPS R1[2,4,6]K using MIPSpro cc
   * Several small bug/compatibility fixes found by MIPS/cc install
   * Modified handling of MAFLAGS to prevent compiler hang for gcc3/Itan
     and cc/MIPS.
ATLAS 3.7.22 released 11/26/06, changes from 3.7.21:
   * Fixed bug in mmsearch's ProbeFPU that gave advantage to muladd=0, not =1.
   * Added support for Itanium's to config
     - Added extra lines with gcc 4's best flags to ?cases.flg
     - gcc 3 still produces best code by slight margin
     - Found arch defaults that do well for both gcc 3 & 4
   * Fixed complex C = A A' bug: \
ATLAS 3.7.21 released 11/18/06, changes from 3.7.20:
   * Made gemm call axpy-based GEMM when K < 4 && M >= 40 and
     no-copy code would be used -- should help bottom of LU recursion perf
   * Changed it so all F2C probes linked by Fortran do all I/O in Fortran,
     instead of printing from C (some platforms seem to have problems
     redirecting C I/O from a Fortran-linked program).
   * Several bug fixes
   * Added config support for solaris install
ATLAS 3.7.20 released 11/11/06, changes from 3.7.19:
   * Added ability to use Cij = instead of Cij += on first iteration of loop
     in emit_mm.c:
     - Max K unrolling where this is done is set by cpp macro MAX_CASG_KU
       to avoid code bloat (always works for full unroll)
     - For muladd=1, doesn't work if K is unknown at compile-time
     - Speeds up load-at-bottom and beta=0 code
   * Added ability to prefetch C when prefA selected and doing load-at-bottom
     or beta=0.  Gives nice speedup on HammerX2, need to test other machines
   * Added -falign-loops=4 to x87-using flags 
     - big speedup on Hammer, need to test on Intel
   * Several bug fixes to allow config/install to work on OSX/Core2Duo:
     - Fixed userindex so that it substitutes $(GOODGCC) for gcc in .SSE & .3DN
       files as well as in .flg
     - Made user override of 64 bits switch the probed assembly if it was
       probed to be x8632
     - Fixed freebsd archinfo syntax error (typo in code that fixed overflow).
     - Fixed typo in iamax_SSE.c
     - Replaced binary constant with hex in Core2Duo gemm kernel
     - For portability, rewrote saxpy_sse.c to avoid indirect jumps
ATLAS 3.7.19 released 10/14/06, changes from 3.7.18:
   * Fixed config so it defines [S,D]MAFLAGS, and changed muladd probe
     to use them
   * Fixed a couple more assembly files to work with OS X
   * User can now successfully override 32/64 bit choice on the configure
     line using -b [32,64].
     - Made config append -m32/-m64 to gnu compiler collection when ptrbits
       is overridden by the user on the configure line
     - Fixed error in userflag.c
     - Fixed lack of ' ' around C compiler names in GEMM files
     - After probes finished in config, made 32-bit override change detected
       asmb to 32 if it was presently 64
ATLAS 3.7.18 released 10/12/06, changes from 3.7.17:
   * Bugfix release only:
     - Fixed configure so that multiple compiler flags can be passed to config.
     - Adapted x86 assembly kernels in Level 1 & src directories so that they
       will also run under OS X
     - Added needed #define to ATLAS/src/invtst.c
     - Added fix to disambiguate int & long in f77/C interface
ATLAS 3.7.17 released 09/09/06, changes from 3.7.16:
   * Added ability to generate non-diagonally dominant positive definite
     matrices to Cholesky-based testers if POSDEFGEN is defined
   * Added new Core2Duo kernel (also think good for P4E64).
   * New Core2Duo arch defaults.
ATLAS 3.7.16 released 08/30/06, changes from 3.7.15:
   * Added flag --with-netlib-lapack to configure
   * Added src/testing f77 wrapper for QR
     - Still must write LU wrapper and test LLt
   * Added crude ability to call QR from slvtst
   * Added config support for Core2Duo and Core2Solo
   * Added architectural defaults for Core2Duo64SSE3
     - Hand-tuned cases not yet optimized; presently using P4-tuned kernels
   * Made "make install" allow copy of fortran interface to fail w/o dying
     (for users w/o fortran compiler)
ATLAS 3.7.15 released 08/22/06, changes from 3.7.14:
   * New x87 kernel that achieves over 90% of peak for double precision
     Opteron/Athlon-64.  Gemm runs at roughly same speed as old SSE kernel,
     but LU and Cholesky actually get a speedup.  The fp stack usage
     of this kernel was suggested by the new gcc.
     - New arch defaults for HAMMER64SSE[2,3]
   * Modified ILEANV so small problems aren't told to use the full ATLAS NB.
   * Fixed error in mmsearch.c that often caused complex performance to be
   * Fixes/updates to ATLAS config system:
     - Added support for DESTDIR system on install target as in gnu
     - Made config kill any genned core and object files after run
     - Made "make build" delete all config executables
     - Added --nof77 to configure
     - Added "make check" as sanity test instead of "make test"
       + If --nof77 has been thrown, "make check" only calls C interface testers
     - Added probe for 3DNow, merged 3DNow 1 & 2.
ATLAS 3.7.14 released 08/17/06, changes from 3.7.13:
   * Fixes/updates to ATLAS config system:
     - Improved cpu throttling probe
     - Added compiler test so only compilers that work are chosen from defaults
     - Added simple C interoperation test
     - Fixed frontend/backend tmpnam collision prob (config[1,0].tmp)
     - Re-enabled parallel make support
     - Fixed buildinfo support
     - Added clock speed probe to config
     - Enabled "make time" to produce performance summary!
     - Added "make check" as alias to "make test" to make more like gnu
       -- Alias not working, need to check!
     - Fixed error in -Si nof77 1, which caused config to die w/o f77 compiler
   * Added new arch defaults for P4E[32,64]SSE3 and HAMMER64SSE3, which get
     better performance for gcc 4.2 (perf should still be OK for gcc 3).
ATLAS 3.7.13 released 07/26/06, changes from 3.7.12:
   * Mainly, fixes/updates to ATLAS config:
     - Added cpu throttling test to linux, and enabled it
     - Added "make install" to copy libs and includes
     - Fixed basic "make error_report"
     - Added 32/64 bit distinguishing in x86 arch def
     - Added "-Si nof77 1" to enable easier build wt no f77 compiler
     - Added "--help" handling to configure
     - Added "-Si archdef 0" to suppress use of architectural defaults
     - Added "-Si cputhrchk 0" to suppress CPU throttling error exit
ATLAS 3.7.12 released 07/19/06, changes from 3.7.11:
   * Completely rewrote configure handling to make ATLAS act more like
     gnu configure
     - You now build ATLAS in an arbitrary build directory
       + /path/to/ATLAS/configure ; make build ; make test
     - Read ATLAS/INSTALL.txt for directions, everything is changed!
     - Presently, only supported OSes are Linux and FreeBSD (OSX). 
       Will be adding more in subsequent developer releases.
   * Added support for prefetch in generator, mmsearch.c, fc.c, etc.
   * Improved broken GetUserNB in ummsearch.c, which prevented good user cases
     from being found on many systems
   * mmsearch.c improvements:
     - Added prefetch searching
     - Updated FindMUNU to suggest 1-D vals on x86 boxes (2-op assembler).
     - Made sure GetNO1D always returns false for x86 boxes (2-op assembler)
     - Added special case for large number of registers (eg. Itanium) to
       speed up munu search (searches near-square only)
       + Untested, and likely needs fixing
     - several small error-handling issues
   * Improved masearch.c & L1CacheSize.c to make loop-removal by compiler
     less likely.
ATLAS 3.7.11 released 07/21/05, changes from 3.7.10:
   * This is a bugfix release:
     - Fixed doc path errors caught by Kate Minola
     - Fixed f77getrf/getri FunkyInts declaration
     - Fixed Level 1 ref stX/StX typo in ATL_[dz,sc]refnrm2 caught 
       by Neil James
     - Fixed assembly typo in ATL_dmm6x1x72_sse2 caught by Simon Perreault
     - Added Dean's x86 assembly probe as backup for uname x8664 probe,
       as Kate Minola reports uname probe doesn't work under solaris/x8664
ATLAS 3.7.10 released 04/24/05, changes from 3.7.9:
   * Updated config.c to use Dean Gaudet's contributed CPUID probe to get
     relatively OS-independent x86 arch info.
   * Fixed problem where altivec makes config think not using arch def flags.
   * Added support for EM64T:
     - Updated config to search for x86_64 independant hammer arch
     - Updated P4E assembly kernels to run under x86_64
     - Updated hammer kernels to not use 3DNow inst if compiled on Intel
       + cpp macro ATL_Has3DNow is now defined on sys possessing 3DNow!,
         even if SSE is the selected SIMD paradigm
     - Generated P4E64 arch defaults
   * Added support for 64 bit ABI PowerPC Linux:
     - Updated config to search for 64 bit PPC
     - New macro ATL_USE64BITS set for all 64 bit ABI
     - Updated G4 assembler kernel to handle 64 and 32 bit Linux ABIs
     - Updated G5 assembler kernel to handle 64 and 32 bit Linux ABIs
ATLAS 3.7.9  released 04/22/05, changes from 3.7.8:
   * In order to get icc to auto-vectorize, changed all ref L1 for loops:
        for (i=0; i != N; i++) ---> for (i=0; i < N; i++)
     also changed code generator (only if ATL_SSE1 defined):
        for (k=N; k; k--)      ---> for (k=0; k < N; k++)
   * icc arch defaults for P4e (using autovectorization)
   * Fixed errors in FA_malloc
   * Changed mmsearch to use median of CPU times and min of WALL (no more tol)
   * Updated config to recognize the G5 (PPC970FX) and handle apple gcc
   * Updated AltiVec kernel to use line fetch for G5
   * Added G5-specific DGEMM assembly kernel
   * Arch defaults for G5
ATLAS 3.7.8 released 07/24/04, changes from 3.7.7:
   * Better [d,z]GEMM kernel for Transmeta Efficeon
ATLAS 3.7.7 released 07/17/04, changes from 3.7.6:
   * Better [d,z]GEMM kernel for Transmeta Efficeon
ATLAS 3.7.6 released 07/16/04, changes from 3.7.5:
   * Arch defaults & config support for Transmeta Efficeon.
   * New single prec SSE kernel, added to P4E arch defaults.
ATLAS 3.7.5 released 06/27/04, changes from 3.7.4:
   * Added PA-RISC 2.0 config support, arch defaults, & assembly kernels
ATLAS 3.7.4 released 06/12/04, changes from 3.7.3:
   * Modified L1 testers so they all take same flags
   * Modified L1 timers so they all take same flags (not same as testers)
   * Modified L1 & L2 tester & timers so they all take force-alignment flags:
     -Fa 16 -Fx -32 : force 16-byte align for A, misalign X to 32 bytes
ATLAS 3.7.3 released 03/20/04, changes from 3.7.2:
   * Added P4E (prescott) support
   * Changed config to distinguish between P4 implementations based on model
     number; presently knows about P4 (models 0-2) and prescott (model 3)
   * Added SSE3 to ISA probe
   * Updated s/d P4 kernels (not cleanup yet) to work with SSE3, and smaller
     block sizes that prescott likes
   * Added architectural defaults for P4E (prescott)
ATLAS 3.7.2 released 02/29/04, changes from 3.7.1:
   * Added empirical tuning of TRSM_NB parameter
ATLAS 3.7.1 released 02/21/04, changes from 3.7.0:
   * Increased 32-bit hammer single precision gemm to 64 bit speed
ATLAS 3.7.0 released 02/14/04 (I love optimization), changes from 3.6.0:
   * Increased 32-bit hammer double precision gemm to 64 bit speed

ATLAS 3.6.0 released 12/22/03, changes from 3.4.2:
   * Gemm speedups for most architectures
     - Hammer (Opteron/Athlon-64)
     - IA64 family
     - P4
     - PIII
     - UltraSparc II & III
     - single precision real Athlon3DNow! by Tim Mattox & Hank Dietz
   * Faster Level 2 for P4/PIII due to improved gemv/ger kernels
     by Camm Maguire
   * Faster SYRK/HERK & dependent Cholesky
   * New arch defaults for most architectures
   * Many config changes, including command-line selection of compilers & flags
   * Better complex row-major Cholesky factor & solve
   * Several new architectures and compilers supported with arch defaults
     - Explicit support for Intel compilers on P4 & PIII
     - IBM Power 4 arch defaults included
 *** See developer ChangeLog below for details

ATLAS 3.6.0 released 12/21/03, changes from 3.5.22:
   * Forced all non-x86 archs to have max TRSM_NB of 8, to prevent massive
     Cholesky performance dropoff (essentially a performance bug)
ATLAS 3.5.22 released 12/20/03, changes from 3.5.21:
   * Added ifort support under Windows
   * Small fixes for the timers
   * Made config default to not searching for BLAS
ATLAS 3.5.21 released 12/19/03, changes from 3.5.20:
   * Added MVC support, plus non-gemm arch defaults for P4
     (thus './xconfig -b 0 -c mvc -f cvf' now gets you very good CVF lib)
   * Defined symbols required for dynamic library
   * Fixed bug in GetSysSum
   * Numerous small config changes, mainly to make things smoother under windows
ATLAS 3.5.20 released 12/18/03, changes from 3.5.19:
   * Config fixes
   * Bunch of changes necessary to make CVF/icl work under windows
ATLAS 3.5.19 released 12/17/03, changes from 3.5.18:
   * Numerous config bug fixes
   * Added dummy ATL_cpmmJIKF symbol to lib (.so workaround)
   * Arch defaults for US5 cc & gcc (missing L1 defaults for cc)
   * Arch defaults for US2/4 gcc & cc
   * Possible overflow & unnecessary division removed from ATL_walltime.c
   * Added back winf77 stuff for Windows
     - missing __alloca prevents CVS from linking, may be compiler bug:
ATLAS 3.5.18 released 12/15/03, changes from 3.5.17:
   * Fixed bug killing multithreaded ATHLON
     - Replaced Peter adaptation of Julian's kernel with my athlon kernel
       for all cleanup and all precisions other than double real
   * Rewrote compiler and flag handling in config, again
     - do ./xconfig --help for new options
   * Better compiler flags for gcc on IA64 (3.5.16 "improvement" was mistake)
ATLAS 3.5.17 released 12/13/03, changes from 3.5.16:
   * Numerous small config fixes
   * Removed compiler & flag mentions from GER cases files
   * Architectural defaults & config flags for intel compilers on IA64 & PIII
     - IA64/icc *much* faster than IA64/gcc for normal-size problems
       + same asymptotic GEMM speed due to hand-tuned kernel
   * Workarounds for icc bugs on IA64Itan2:
     - Fixes errors in [d,s]TRSM, [c,z]HER, [c,z]HPR, [c,z]HER2K, [c,z]SYR2K
     - fgrep code for ATL_IntelIccBugs:
       + ATLAS/src/blas/level2/ATL_[hpr,her].c
       + ATLAS/src/blas/level3/kernel/ATL_syrk2_put[L,U].c
       + ATLAS/src/blas/level3/ATL_trsm.c
     - If you don't use arch defaults, other icc bugs can kill you
ATLAS 3.5.16 released 12/10/03, changes from 3.5.15:
   * Added command-line selection of compilers for config
   * Added pthread options to compile flags for MP FreeBSD
   * Better compiler flags boosts Itanium 2 performance
   * Fixed bug in GEMV makefile generation that prevented ATL_gemvS that
     required special compiler and flags from working
   * Added some icc support to config (Linux ONLY)
   * Add arch defaults for Pentium 4/icc
   * Added arch defaults for IA64Itan2/icc:
     - Don't use: presently they fail tester, probably compiler error
   * New AthlonSSE1 defaults, courtesy of Tim Mattox
   * Fixed bug causing hangs for installs with large NB and small CacheEdge
ATLAS 3.5.15 released 12/08/03, changes from 3.5.14:
   * Added arch defaults and config support for IBM Power4
   * New PIIISSE1 arch defaults
   * Updated L1CacheSize for crude timer resolution fix
   * Changed cygwin cp fix from @ - cp to -@ cp (AIX Make requirement)
ATLAS 3.5.14 released 12/07/03, changes from 3.5.13:
   * Improved L1 and CacheEdge detection
   * All of Camm's new stuff in and working:
     - CGEMV improved for Pentium 4 defaults
     - All of Level 2 improved for 32 bit Hammer
     - Improved Level 3 cleanup for 32 bit Hammer
   * Updated 32 bit Hammer arch defaults
     - Improved Level 2 from Camm's stuff
     - Improved Level 3 from Camm and my P4 cleanup
   * Improved 64 bit Hammer [d,z]GEMM M cleanup using new 1x14 kernel
ATLAS 3.5.13 released 11/30/03, changes from 3.5.12:
   * Row-major, complex Cholesky error fixes
   * New, and *much* more efficient Athlon 3Dnow! kernel from
     Tim Mattox & Hank Dietz
   * New P4 gemm cleanup cases, speeding up small-to-medium size problems
     for double precision (real & complex)
   * New P4 Level 2 kernels from Camm Maguire, speeding up Level 2 and
     fixing massive compiler warnings
   * More arch defaults, including BOZOL1, to allow skipping L1 tuning
   * Added version number to Make.ARCH and install log files.
   * Improved still-crappy cleanup search
ATLAS 3.5.12 released 10/05/03, changes from 3.5.11:
   * New assembly UltraSparc kernels for both Ultra2 & 3.
   * New arch defaults for UltraSparcs
ATLAS 3.5.11 released 09/27/03, changes from 3.5.10:
   * Windows-specific makefile changes to match new cygwin behavior
ATLAS 3.5.10 released 09/13/03, changes from 3.5.9:
   * Opteron speedups, all precisions Level 3
   * SPRK bug fixes
ATLAS 3.5.9 released 08/27/03, changes from 3.5.8:
   * Recursive partitioning algorithm for when we can't copy A up front in
   * Itanium 2 gemm kernel, speeding up entire Level 3 BLAS
   * Arch defaults and config support for Itanium 2
   * Arch defaults & config support for USIII (presently fails sanity test)
   * Various bug fixes
ATLAS 3.5.8 released 08/09/03, changes from 3.5.7:
   * Direct gemm-kernel [c,z]SYRK and xHERK implementation significantly
     boosts SYRK/HERK and Cholesky performance
   * Numerous bug fixes
ATLAS 3.5.7 released 07/15/03, changes from 3.5.6:
   * Direct gemm-kernel implementation of SYRK significantly boosts SYRK and
     Cholesky performance (only in real precisions so far).
   * Fixed some errors that occur when using Solaris make rather than gnu.
ATLAS 3.5.6 released 06/26/03, changes from 3.5.5:
   * Opteron speedups:
     - Full cleanup for Opteron [d,z]GEMM
     - Better CacheEdge improves threaded GEMM speed
   * Bug fixes:
     - Removed some extraneous characters my windows changes introduced
       in assembler kernels
     - Fixed errataed error in clapack.h
ATLAS 3.5.5 released 06/22/03, changes from 3.5.4:
   * More Opteron [d,z]GEMM speedups
   * Small Pentium 4 [d,z]GEMM speedup
   * Fixes to support cygwin/windows compilation
     - Removed reliance on case-sensitive archiver
     - Workaround for windows assembly name-mangling
     - Forced config to look for gcc-2
ATLAS 3.5.4 released 06/15/03, changes from 3.5.3:
   * Opteron [d,z]GEMM speedup
ATLAS 3.5.3 released 06/14/03, changes from 3.5.2:
   * Fixed Athlon STRSM so sLU is sped up by new SGEMM from 3.5.2
   * Fixed aligned access error in iamax_sse
ATLAS 3.5.2 released 05/03/03, changes from 3.5.1:
   * Athlon GEMM speedups for all precisions
ATLAS 3.5.1 released 04/21/03, changes from 3.5.0:
   * Added AltiVec support via gcc 3.3 or newer (older gcc buggy)
     -  This gives Linux AltiVec speedups for first time
   * Added support for OSX and Linux PPC assembler dialects to config
ATLAS 3.5.0 released 01/21/03, selected changes from 3.4.0:
   * Added support for finding assembly dialect to config
   * Redirected ISA extension output in config
   * Added x86-64 support to config
   * Added machinery so Level 1 kernels may be in assembly
   * Miscellaneous x86 Level 1 speedups
   * Assembly GEMM kernels improving performance for:
     - x86-64 SSE2, all precisions (85% of peak for real, 83-84 for complex)
     - SSE2 for Pentium 4, double real and complex
     - Pentium III, all precisions
     - UltraSparc, big boost for single precision

ATLAS 3.4.2 released 08/19/03, bugfix release.
ATLAS 3.4.1 released 06/17/02, bugfix release.
ATLAS 3.4.0 released 05/11/02, selected changes from 3.2.1:
   * Optimization of Level 1 BLAS
   * Additional architecture-specific support:
     - OS X and AltiVec support
     - IA64 prefetch
     - Julian Ruhe's Athlon kernel boosts performance to ~80% of peak
   * New LAPACK routines: 
     - xTRTRI
     - XGETRI
     - XPOTRI
     - xLAUUM
   * User callable info function ATL_buildinfo()
   * User callable sanity check
   * Numerous small speedups and error corrections, see below for details

ATLAS 3.3.15, changes from 3.3.14:
   * Fixed PPCG4 arch defaults
   * Made it so Linux_21164 does not use GOTO gemm
   * Fixed config hang when using Solaris make
   * Relaxed too-strict residual tests in lapack testers
   * Updated atlas_contrib to point at SourceForge rather than atlas-comm
   * Fixed error in no-copy case of aliased gemm (SSE&3DNOW [s,c]TRMM/TRSM)
   * Fixed GETRI workspace query
ATLAS 3.3.14, changes from 3.3.13:
   * Got rid of duplicate ger and gemv symbols in libatlas
ATLAS 3.3.13, changes from 3.3.12:
   * Bug fixes release:
     - error in dsdot tester
     - g77 flags for compiler error on Itanium
     - Error in emit_mm (K cleanup)
     - Error in threaded syrk
     - Error in Ultra5/10 arch defaults
ATLAS 3.3.12, changes from 3.3.11:
   * Bug fixes, including:
     - Error in Level 1 tester
     - Error in Level 1 routine
     - Error in threaded SYMM
     - Error in fc.c
   * Addition of ATLAS/doc/, with description of how to use
     the ATLAS tester.
ATLAS 3.3.11, changes from 3.3.10:
   * With Peter's extension to Julian's Athlon code, 80% of peak on all
     precisions, providing massively improved Athlon performance
   * Additional arch defaults, and config changes
ATLAS 3.3.10, changes from 3.3.9:
   * Boatload of bug fixes
   * Applied Goto's Linux patch
   * New arch defaults
ATLAS 3.3.9, changes from 3.3.8:
   * Slightly improved [Z,D]GEMM on PIIISSE1 (prefetched kernels)
   * Slightly improved DGEMM kernel for Athlon
   * Updated ATLAS/tune/blas/[gemv,ger] to match other levels
     - All kernels now have ID
     - All kernels can now extend line and give compiler and flags
     - If compiler line is given as +, get default compiler with added flags
       (useful for changing prefetch distances, etc)
     - gcc sub is done, as for other levels
     - basic infrastructure for xccobj is in place (untested)
   * SYMV update
     - SYMV now tuned seperately from GEMV
     - Slightly improved GetPartSYMV
ATLAS 3.3.8, changes from 3.3.7:
   * Addition of Julian Ruhe's double precision Athlon kernel
   * Addition of sanity_test build check
   * Addition of LAPACK routines xGETRI & xPOTRI (row & col-major versions)
   * Addition of recursive version of LAPACK routine xLAUUM
   * Ability to tune xROT
   * Bunch of bug fixes.
ATLAS 3.3.7, changes from 3.3.6:
   * Bug fix release:
     - AltiVec support had been messed up since change to CVS at 3.3.3
     - Fix in CacheEdge printing of ATL_buildinfo
ATLAS 3.3.6, changes from 3.3.5:
   * Peter Soendergaard's recursive TRTRI now built into lapack lib.
   * Version and build informational routine, ATL_buildinfo 
   * Config supports avoiding gcc 3.0 on x86 archs, whenever possible
ATLAS 3.3.5, changes from 3.3.4:
   * Removes dummy TRTRI from lapack lib
   * Improves IA64 complex gemm performance (removes prefetching)
ATLAS 3.3.4, changes from 3.3.3:
   * Bug fix release, fixing P4 and Athlon archs.
ATLAS 3.3.3, changes from 3.3.2:
   * First release based on SourceForge CVS, rather than my home area
   * IA64 prefetch added, speeding up all levels
ATLAS 3.3.2, changes from 3.3.1:
   * Index files for user-contributed GEMM kernels take ID parameter
   * Updated ATLAS/doc/ to include changed GEMM index and
     ability to tune Level 1
   * Added OS X support to config
   * Added AltiVec support to ATLAS, speedup up all precisions, all levels
   * Bug fixes for Level 1 tuning
ATLAS 3.3.1, changes from 3.3.0:
   * Tuning and kernel contribution for Level 1
   * Level 1 tuned decently well for Athlon classic
ATLAS 3.3.0, changes from stable:
   * Camm & Peter's SSE2 GEMM kernel
   * Small-case LU & Cholesky speedup
   * Complex TRSM speedup

ATLAS 3.2.1, released 03/23/01, bugfix release.
ATLAS 3.2 (stable), released 12/20/00.  The highlights of
changes from v3.0Beta are:
  ** SMP support via posix threads for Level 3 BLAS
  ** Addition of infrastructure for contribution of kernels, thus allowing:
     ** SSE support
     ** 3DNow! support
     ** Speedups on ev6x, ev5x, UltraSparcs, IA64, PowerPC archs
  ** Level 1 BLAS tester/timer added
  ** Additional OS and architectural support
  ** Bug fixes and misc. speedups

ATLAS version 3.0Beta (stable), released December 1999.  The highlights of
changes from v2.0 are:
  ** ATLAS now supplies complete BLAS, although some level 1 and 2 BLAS not
     fully optimized on all architectures
  ** Some LAPACK routines explicitly supported (LU, Cholesky and related
  ** Standard C and Fortran77 APIs for all BLAS and provided LAPACK routines;
     C routines support both row- & column-major access
  ** Improved small-case GEMM performance made possible by code generator that
     can generate all transpose cases (and thus avoid data copy), with
     associated speed boost in many Level 3 BLAS routines.
  ** Support for complex matrix multiplication without copying user data
  ** Support for additional looping structures for complex GEMM, providing
     better performance and reducing memory usage for many cases

ATLAS version 2.0, released February 1999.  The highlights of changes
from 1.1 are:
  ** Support for all 4 types/precisions
  ** All Level 3 BLAS routines now supported
  ** Fortran77 is not required for installation
  ** Install & configure steps are now automated & logged
  ** Timer/tester for all Level 3 BLAS now included
  ** C interface to BLAS supported, and tester provided
  ** Improved small-case matrix multiply performance

ATLAS version 1.0, released September 1998.  The highlights of changes
from version 0.1 are:
  ** Support for entire real Level 3 BLAS via the Superscalar gemm-based
     BLAS (written in Fortran77)
  ** Improved matmul generator, including support for explicit
     register blocking in GEMM

First ATLAS release, version 0.1, released December 1997.  Provided:
  ** Optimized, real matrix multiplication
  ** Real GEMM tester/timer