

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 779b0bc64fb344c46bb0ad662f060ad9 > files > 420


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<title>Default Applications</title>


<releaseinfo>&kde; 4.4</releaseinfo>


<para>In this module you can change &kde; default components.</para>

<para>Components are programs that handle basic tasks, like the terminal emulator, the text 
editor and the email client. Different &kde; applications sometimes need to 
invoke a console emulator, send a mail or display some text.</para> 

<para>To do so consistently, these applications always call the same components. Here you 
can select which programs these components are.</para>

<para>The list on the left shows the configurable component types:</para>
<para>Email Client</para>
<para>Embedded Text Editor</para>
<para>File Manager</para>
<para>Instant Messenger</para>
<para>Terminal Emulator</para>
<para>Web Browser</para>
<para>Window Manager</para>

<para> Click the component you want to configure. In the right part of the dialog then all available
applications for this service are displayed and you are able to select your favorite terminal emulator, text 
editor and the email client &etc;</para>
