

distrib > Mandriva > 2011.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > db5930ff42273c3d4922c886ff560c8b > files > 185


# clamav script ver. 0.85.1 for Logwatch.
# Written by S. Schimkat <>.
# Find latest version here:

## Copyright (c) 2008 S. Schimkat
## Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License:
## All modifications and contributions by other persons to
## this script are assumed to have been donated to the
## Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright
## and licensing terms.  If you want to make contributions
## under your own copyright or a different license this
## must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the
## Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such
## contributions.  If you have made significant
## contributions to this script and want to claim
## copyright please contact

$Detail = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'} || $ENV{'clamav_detail_level'} || 0;
my $IgnoreUnmatched = $ENV{'clamav_ignoreunmatched'} || 0;

while (defined($ThisLine = <STDIN>)) {
   #If LogTime = yes in clamd.conf then strip it
   $ThisLine =~ s/^... ... .. ..:..:.. .... \-\> //;

   if (( $ThisLine =~ /^Setting connection queue length to \d+/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Log file size limited to \d+ bytes\./ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Exiting \(clean\)/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Self checking every \d+ seconds\./ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Unix socket file/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Protecting against \d+ viruses\./ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Reading databases from/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /file removed\./ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /support enabled\./ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /support disabled\./ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Archive/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Running as user/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Log file size limit/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Bound to.*port \d*/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Detection of broken executables enabled./ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^SIGHUP caught: re-opening log file./ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Loaded \d+ signatures/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Algorithmic detection enabled/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^Mail: Recursion level limit set to \d+/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /clamd shutdown\s+succeeded/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /clamd startup\s+succeeded/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /Not loading PUA signatures/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^(?:LOCAL|TCP): Setting connection queue length to/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /MaxQueue set to: / ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^(?:LOCAL|TCP): Removing stale socket file/ ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /Listening daemon: PID: / ) or
       ( $ThisLine =~ /^No stats for Database check/ )) {
       # We do not care about these.
   } elsif (($Check) = ($ThisLine =~ /^SelfCheck: (.*?)\.?\s?\n/i)) {
   } elsif (($Virus) = ($ThisLine =~ /^.+?: (.*?) FOUND/i )) {
   } elsif (($Viruses) = ($ThisLine =~ /^Database correctly reloaded \((\d+) (signatures|viruses)\)/i )) {
      $DatabaseViruses = $Viruses;
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /Stopped at/)) {
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /(?:Daemon started|clamd daemon [\d.]{1,10})/)) {
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /\+\+\+ Started at (.*)/)) {
      $DaemonStartTime = $1;
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /LOCAL: Unix socket file ([^ \n]*)/)) {
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /TCP: Bound to address ([^ ]*) on port (\d+)/)) {
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /Limits: Global size limit set to (\d+) bytes/)) {
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /Limits: File size limit set to (\d+) bytes/)) {
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /Limits: Recursion level limit set to (\d+)/ )) {
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /Limits: Files limit set to (\d+)/ )) {
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /Limits: Core-dump limit is (\d+)/ )) {
   } elsif (($ThisLine =~ /lstat\(\) failed on: (\S+)/ )) {
   } else {
      push @OtherList,$ThisLine;

if (($DaemonStop) and ($Detail >= 5)) {
   print "\nDaemon stopped: ". $DaemonStop." Time(s)\n";

if (($DaemonStart) and ($Detail >= 5)) {
   print "\nDaemon started: ". $DaemonStart." Time(s)";
   if ($DaemonStartTime ne '') {
      print " (most recently at $DaemonStartTime)";
   print "\n";

if (keys %VirusList) {
   print "\nViruses detected:\n";
   foreach $Virus (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %VirusList) {
      printf "   %-50s %5i Time(s)\n", $Virus .":", $VirusList{$Virus};

if ((keys %SelfCheck) and ($Detail >=5)) {
   print "\nDaemon check list:\n";
   foreach $Check (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %SelfCheck) {
      printf "   %-50s %5i Time(s)\n", $Check .":", $SelfCheck{$Check};

if ($DatabaseReloads) {
   print "\nVirus database reloaded $DatabaseReloads time(s) (last time with $DatabaseViruses viruses)\n";

if ($Detail > 8) {
   if (keys %SocketFile) {
      print "\nBound to Unix socket:\n";
      foreach $Socket (keys %SocketFile) {
         print "\t$Socket\t$SocketFile{$Socket} Time(s)\n";
   if (keys %BoundToIP) {
      print "Bound to IP:Port:\n";
      foreach $IP (keys %BoundToIP) {
         print "\t$IP:$BoundToPort{$IP}\t\t\t$BoundToIP{$IP} Time(s)\n";
   if (keys %GSizeLimit) {
      print "Global size limit:\t";
      foreach $limit (keys %GSizeLimit) {
         $limit = int $limit/1024/1024;
         print "$limit MB\t";
      print "\n";
   if (keys %FSizeLimit) {
      print "File size limit:\t";
      foreach $limit (keys %FSizeLimit) {
         $limit = int $limit/1024/1024;
         print "$limit MB\t";
      print "\n";
   if (keys %RecursionLimit) {
      print "Recursion level limit:\t";
      foreach $limit (keys %RecursionLimit) {
         print "$limit\t";
      print "\n";
   if (keys %FilesLimit) {
      print "Files limit:\t\t";
      foreach $limit (keys %FilesLimit) {
         print "$limit\t";
      print "\n";
   if (keys %CoreLimit) {
      print "Core size limit:\t";
      foreach $limit (keys %CoreLimit) {
         print "$limit\t";
      print "\n";
if (keys %lstatFail) {
   print "\nlstat() failed on:\n";
   foreach $file (keys %lstatFail) {
      printf "   %-50s %5i Time(s)\n", $file .":", $lstatFail{$file};

if (($#OtherList >= 0) and (not $IgnoreUnmatched)){
   print "\n**Unmatched Entries**\n";
   print @OtherList;


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