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----	$Id: todo.html,v 1.55 2001/05/07 22:07:50 johns Exp $
    <TITLE>TODO for FreeCraft (fka ALE Clone) Version 1.17</TITLE>
    <H1>TODO for FreeCraft (fka ALE Clone) Version 1.17</H1>
     ___________		     _________		      _____  __
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      \___  /   |__|    \___  >\___  >\______  /|__|  (____  /__|   |__|
	  \/		    \/	   \/	     \/		   \/
    ______________________                           ______________________
			  T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
	   FreeCraft - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
<P><B>(C) Copyright 1998-2001 by The FreeCraft Project. Distributed under the
<A HREF="artistic-license.html">"Artistic License"</A></B>


<A HREF="">
You can find a more up to date list of the planned tasks here:</A>
<A HREF="">Look at already submitted feature requests here:
<A HREF="">You can submit your own ideas and feature requests here:

<H2> This should be done for the release (1.17):</H2>
<!-- ---- ====== -- ---- --- --- ------- ------- -->
<LI>Any suggestions?

<H2> This should be done for the release (1.18):</H2>
<!-- ---- ====== -- ---- --- --- ------- ------- -->
<LI>Worker with gold/wood could go to depot under construction!
<LI>Worker stops, if a nearer mine cannot be reached.
<LI>Ai can't find any way, tries this to often.
<LI>Decoration on top not supported.
<LI>Regenerating forest looks wierd.
<LI>Touch of darkness has wrong time for damage.
<LI>SVGALIB version does not support 3 mouse button.
<LI>Sometime it seems that the command buttons aren't changed.
<LI>Let target of attack command blink, if selected (like right click)
<LI>Should rewrite the create player code.
<LI>Should show planed buildings, if I build with ctrl+shift more than one.
<LI>Canceled buildings stills shows gray rectangle, if new building is build.
<LI>New show actions produces new errors, buttons aren't correctly updated.
<LI>The color cycling isn't 100% correct. See FIXME: in ColorCycle()
<LI>Scroll with the keyboard: use state and not the repeat rate. Than make
    the scroll speed configurable. Use the repeat flag for faster scrolling.
<LI>Small ships show an explosion if missile hits target add source.
<LI>Ships do not go up and down, if attacking.
<LI>my unit cannot attack enemy building when it is not finished yet (building)
<LI>I cannot change unit 'pending' or however you call it (command aplied to new
    trained units) when there is a unit in train queue, I think I could.
<LI>Resource line isn't correctly updated for new units and food.
<LI>A peon can enter a mine and die in the mine.
<LI>A peon can enter a deposit and die in the deposite.
<LI>Don't let neutral buildings (mine), be attacked with the right button.
<LI>The thing is, if whatever is blocking the path to the wood moves, the
    worker will stay locked up.
<LI>Building tower I start see in it range before it completed
<LI>First sound of attack i never hear, only second,..
<LI>4map of orc compain - I cann't get option for creation of transport
   (can't upgrade townhall)
<LI>I can' hear sounds of enemy peons geting lumber when moving to it
    place with cursor while not see it. bug?
<LI>Let single player maps played as multiplayer.
<LI>More suggestions?

<H2> Known  bugs scheduled to next release (1.19):</H2>
<!-- ----- ---- --------- -- ---- ------- ------- -->
<LI>Building-cursor and cursor over units shouldn't change to looking glas.
<LI>Flying and ships could only be on even fields.
<LI>The heading of attacking units isn't 100% correct. 
<LI>The heading of missiles isn't 100% correct.
<LI>Units trained says nothing?
<LI>Only one and incomplete goals implemented.
<LI>Fix all known core dumpers.
<LI>Ships should first attack units with distance weapon.
<LI>Units attacked, which can't reattack should go out of range.
<LI>Wrong unit to mine gold 113, find the problem.

<H2> Next to implement: </H2>
<!-- ==== == ========== -->
<LI>Document all functions with doc++ or doxygen comments.
<LI>Show the units in a transporter on map.
<LI>New spell "show units in enemy transporters"
<LI>Make a spy unit.
<LI>Costs Spells
<LI>Constructions have an own sight-range.
<LI>Corpse have a sight-range which will slowy reduced.
<LI>Reduce memory use. (16 MB)
<LI>Unit moves away from magni.., glas must disappear.
<LI>Speed for daemon and skeleton.
<LI>Buildings/Units blink red even after they aren't being hurt.
<LI>The price and name of something to be built/upgraded doesn't disappear,
	and will remain on the screen until another price comes up.
<LI>The brown background is never updated, and it will build a mass of
	strange bits of pictures.
<LI>Water buildings couldn't be always be reached with new ship code.?
<LI>Selecting with rectangle and scrolling with keyboard: some solutions??
<LI>Transporter and party didn't meet automatic (fixed, but not perfect)!
<LI>Multiple orc units selected shows human units!
<LI>Another big thing I noticed - When loading 
    data/puds/multi/jimland.pud, before the player stats appear,
    MANY lines saying "REGM:  contains unknown action 0x4100" are
    shown.  I didn't even look to see where this message is
    generated, but this serves as a heads-up.
<LI>the final mission of the humans data/campaigns/human-exp/levelx12h.pud.gz
    is very slow and dumps core.
<LI>Status line isn't correct cleared.
<LI>Make color-cycling speed configurable.
<LI>ActionNone is used, where?
<LI>Show intro (story) message for levels.
<LI>Show outcome for levels.
<LI>Support different goals for levels.
<LI>Support different AI for levels.
<LI>Let the campaigns play like the orignal.
<LI>Setting the units limit for each player seperate.

<H2>In the near future:</H2>
<!-- == === ==== ======= -->
<LI>Computer AI should be improved
<LI>Add map-specific AI strategies
<LI>Fog of war (correct)
<LI>Exploration (correct)
<LI>Never chop the same wood twice.
<LI>DGA X11 supported.
<LI>Invidual speeds for players.
<LI>Training queues without resources.
<LI>Hear range, and sound handling of only hearable sounds.

<H2>In the far future:</H2>
<!-- == === === ======= -->
<LI>Background sound support
<LI>Support for debian / rpm packets

<H2>Future plans:</H2>
<!-- ====== ====== -->
<LI>Editing Way-points
<LI>Editing Build multiple units (training queue)
<LI>Editing Build list for buildings (building queue)
<LI>Z coordinates
<LI>Ground effects (roads faster,...)
<LI>Animated cursors
<LI>Automatic repairs
<LI>Show how time of bloodlust... (blink if short before end)
<LI>Show invisible better, (transparent...)
<LI>Radar minimap. (Edgar!)
<LI>Map zoom factor 1,2,4 like anno 1602
<LI>Add support for SHM-Extensions without pixmap support

<H2>New ideas:</H2>
<!-- === ====== -->
<LI>Animated resource icons.
<LI>All icons animated.
<LI>Paladins: Autohealing + Autoexorcism
<LI>Ogres: Autobloodlust
<LI>Upgradable magic: One level of upgrade == -(10-15)% required mana to cast,
                  but +(15-20)% of cost. Up to level 9.
<LI>Upgradable weapon accuracy: In the same manner as upgradable magic,
    damage 4-12 --> 5-12 --> ... --> 12-12. ballistas/ships accuracy increases
    in step of 5. accuracy improvements enabled after full strength upgrades.
<LI>Count kills for unit/building.
<LI>Food requires/food provides for units.
<LI>Units can patrol between other units.
<LI>Mage Tower/Temple of Death accumulates energy. Then it can be transferred
    to nearby units in x8 value.
<LI>What about if peon attack is modified in this way that if attacks
    bulding it returns 1/2 of the resources for it. something like demolishing,
    not needed buldings or enemy ones.
<LI>Support for W*rC*rft. (without II)
<LI>Support for W*rC*rft Alpha. (Some nice ideas was dropped)
<LI>Allow multiple tilesets / map or pud.
<LI>1) Randomly generate unit structure. Random health, mana, accuracy.
<LI>2) Allow bridges over rivers, that can be destroyed.
<LI>3) Allow true stonewalls - make a big castle that can be defended
   archers on stonewalls, just mages can destroy stonewall, ballist can
   break gateway into the castle. How ever some war vehicles can overcome
   stonewall - somethink like ladders.
<LI>4) Allow attack and defend formation:

        x              x x x x x    
       x x              x x x x
      x   x            x x x x x
     x     x            x x x x

   and many others, that will be kept while moving. Also 'disperse' command,
   i.e. while attacked by catapults.
<LI>5) Allow retreat command, all units that are in fighting area will reatreat.
   Or selected units immediately do retreat.
<LI>6) Allow army structures, select i.e. 9 footmen mark as a column, select 9 
   columns mark as something other and so on till you select whole army.
<LI>7) Do it a little bit real. You do not have to kill all enemies but achieve
   some line and make your enemy to retreat.
<LI>8) Mage can teleport a unit to another place. Mage could cast spells to
    multiple units, not just to one.
<LI>Walls with different Hitpoints.
<LI>Use or control MP3 music for background.
<LI>Scrolling/Zooming the minimap.
<LI>Day and night cycles.
<LI>Line of sight, shows only viewing direction
<LI>Line of sight, to be blocked by big objects. (Ground levels...)
<LI>More critters, and critter that attack, critter that give 
    birth to other critters, critters which are invisible in forest 
    but show up in land, critters which are ridable, the give birth 
    idea could be used as a way to have extinction in those big 1000 x 
    1000 maps :)
<LI>Trigger system like St*rCr*ft.
<LI>Add barks.
<LI>Now we just have to add plant-trees command to peons
<LI>Make critters attacking all player units.
<H2>New units/behaviour:</H2>
<!--=== ===== ========= -->
    <LI> Cost only time ( no food required )
    <LI> Every few ( 3-5 ) critters provide food for few units ( 1-2? )
<LI>Dark Portal -- teleport, portal between worlds
    <LI> Requres Castle,Church and MageTower to build ( perhaps and some
         Mages trained? )
    <LI> Collects mana
    <LI> Uses full mana load to place teleport destination
    <LI> Teleport units with mana cost
    <LI> `Recall's unit from the destination spot back ( mana cost )
    <LI> Can be upgraded to allow to summon other worlds units ( daemons )
    <LI> Requres Castle,Church and MageTower to build ( build by peon,
         activate by mage? )
    <LI> Collects mana
    <LI> Transfers (auto?) mana to all magic units in the range
         ( Mages,Paladins )
    <LI> Even can transfer mana to other buildings like Dark Portal!
         ( So Dark Portals can be supported by cluster of runestones... )
    <LI> Heal all units in the range ( requires mana )
    <LI> Blocks all Dark Portal destination spots in the range

Last changed: $Id: todo.html,v 1.55 2001/05/07 22:07:50 johns Exp $<BR>
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