

distrib > Mandriva > 8.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > a79cf6d2ce8446b1fd0c8388df9e424d > files > 346


 *   IBM Omni driver
 *   Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp., 2000
 *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
 *   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *   along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

How to create a device:

1) Determine and edit the build layout. Drivers have separate
subdirectories.  The list of devices for a driver are contained in a file
called "Device List".  The naming convention that we use is the name that
the driver reports as its driver name followed by the device name.  Spaces
are used for the real files.  The generated files will have spaces
converted to underscores.

$ ls -l "Epson/Epson LQ-2550"
-rw-rw-r--   1 nobody nobody     1160 Jul 13 13:35 Epson/Epson LQ-2550

2) Create an XML file of the device's description of its capabilities.  The
format is as follows.

 1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
 2: <!DOCTYPE Device SYSTEM "../OmniDevice.dtd">
 3: <Device name="Epson LQ-2550">
 4:    <DriverName>Epson</DriverName>
 5:    <Capability type="COLOR"/>
 6:    <Capability type="MONOCHROME"/>
 7:    <Capability type="MIRROR"/>
 8:    <RasterCapabilities type="TOP_TO_BOTTOM"/>
 9:    <PDL level="PDL_Epson" sublevel="LEVEL_ESC" major="1" minor="0"/>
10:    <Uses>Brother HJ-100i Commands.xml</Uses>
11:    <Has>Citizen PN60 Resolutions.xml</Has>
12:    <Has>Brother M-1824L Color PrintModes.xml</Has>
13:    <Has>Brother HJ-100i Trays.xml</Has>
14:    <Has>Epson LQ-2550 Forms.xml</Has>
15:    <Has>Brother HJ-100i Medias.xml</Has>
16:    <Has>Brother HJ-100i Connections.xml</Has>
17:    <Has>Epson LQ-2550 Gammas.xml</Has>
18:    <Instance>Epson ESC Instance.hpp</Instance>
19:    <Instance>Epson ESC Instance.cpp</Instance>
20:    <Blitter>Epson ESC Blitter.hpp</Blitter>
21:    <Blitter>Epson ESC Blitter.cpp</Blitter>
22:    <DefaultJobProperties>
23:       <orientation>ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT</orientation>
24:       <form>FORM_LETTER</form>
25:       <tray>TRAY_REAR_CONTINUOUS</tray>
26:       <media>MEDIA_PLAIN</media>
27:       <resolution>RESOLUTION_180_X_180</resolution>
28:       <dither>DITHER_STUCKI_DIFFUSION</dither>
29:       <printmode>PRINT_MODE_24_BLACK_COLOR</printmode>
30:    </DefaultJobProperties>
31: </Device>

on line  3 - is the root type of the data in this file.  Valid choices are:
             Device, deviceCommands, deviceConnections, deviceForms,
             deviceGammaTable, deviceMedias, deviceOptions,
             devicePrintModes, deviceResolutions, or deviceTrays.
             The required attribute name is the device name.

         4 - is the the name of the driver.  The device name was named in
             line 1.

         5 - These are capabilities for the device.  They are used in C++
             code by including Capability.hpp.  Ex:
                if (hasCapability (Capability::MIRROR))
             You can use these in the device blitter and instance code.
             However, these capabilites are for applications to ask you
             about.  Ex:
                if (pDevice->hasCapability (Capability::MIRROR))

         8 - These are the raster capabilities for the device.  These are
             on the todo list.

         9 - This describes the Page Description Language for the specific
             printer.  The required attributes are as follows:
                level    - The general catagory of the device.
                sublevel - The subcatagory of the device.
                major    - The major revision code.
                minor    - The minor revision code.

        10 - This describes the command set that is in the printer.  NOTE:
             You can use either the Uses or Has keyword.

        11 - This describes the resolutions that the printer supports.

        12 - This describes the print modes that the printer supports.

        13 - This describes the trays that the printer supports.

        14 - This describes the forms that the printer supports.

        15 - This describes the medias that the printer supports.

        16 - This describes the connectons that the printer supports.

        17 - This describes the gamma corrections for a printer.

        18 - The next two lines point to the instance code for this
             device.  These are pure C++ files and are copied verbatim and
             then compiled.
             NOTE: In the future, this will be a script language instead.

        20 - The next two lines point to the blitter code for this
             device.  These are pure C++ files and are copied verbatim and
             then compiled.
             NOTE: In the future, this will be a script language instead.

        22 - This is the start of a structure that describe the default job
             properties for a device.  There are two ways to create the
             device in C++.  One is with no arguments and uses the
             properties that follow here and the other passes in the job

        23 - This is the orientation.  NOTE:  all of the following ids must
             be defined in the previous tables.

        24 - This is the form id.

        25 - This is the tray id.

        26 - This is the media id.

        27 - This is the resolution id.

        28 - This is the dithering id.

        29 - This is the print mode id.

        30 - This is the end of the structure.

        31 - This is the end of the device definiton.

3) Create a text file for all of the previous definitions or reuse existing


 1: <deviceCommands>
 2:   <command name="cmdSetColor">_ESC_ "r%c"</command>
 3:   ...
 4: </deviceCommands>

on line  1 - is the root type of the data in this file.  In this case,

         2 - The format for elements in the structure is the name of the
             tag (command) followed by an attribute (name) which contains the
             name of the command.  The command data is between the start and
             end command tags.  The command data can be composed of one or
             more of the following:
                _ESC_ - hexadecimal 0x1b
                _FF_  -             0x0c
                _LF_  -             0x0a
                _CR_  -             0x0d
                _EM_  -             0x19
                _FS_  -             0x1c
                _CAN_ -             0x18
                _NUL_ -             0x00
                HEX (xx) - any hexadecimal value 2 hexdigits long
                ASCII (c) - an ASCII character c.
                "string" - an ASCII string


The command structure comes from the Device's getCurrentCommand method.
Individual commands are then accessed by calling the DeviceCommand's
getCommandData method.  You can then send the command by itself via
Device's sendBinaryDataToDevice method, or you can use a printf style call
with Device's sendPrintfToDevice method.  Valid printf arguments are:
   %d - little endian 32-bit value
   %D - big    endian 32-bit value
   %w - little endian 16-bit value
   %W - big    endian 16-bit value
   %c -                8-bit value
   %% - the % character

an example would be:

   DeviceCommand *pCommands = pDevice_d->getCurrentCommand ();
   BinaryData    *pCmd      = 0;

   pCmd = pCommands->getCommandData ("cmdSetColor");
   pDevice_d->sendPrintfToDevice (pCmd, 4);


 1: <deviceResolutions>
 2:   <deviceResolution>
 3:     <name>RESOLUTION_60_X_180</name>
 4:     <xRes>60</xRes>
 5:     <yRes>180</yRes>
 6:     <command>_ESC_ "* %w"</command>
 7:     <resolutionCapability>0</resolutionCapability>
 8:     <resolutionDestinationBitsPerPel>1</resolutionDestinationBitsPerPel>
 9:     <resolutionScanlineMultiple>24</resolutionScanlineMultiple>
10:   </deviceResolution>
11:   ...
12: </deviceResolutions>

on line  1 - is the root type of the data in this file.  In this case,

         3 - This is the id of the structure.  NOTE: The ids are global and
             are defined in DeviceResolution.hpp.

         4 - This is the x resolution in dots per inch.

         5 - This is the y resolution in dots per inch.

         6 - This is the command for the resolution.  See above for a
             description of the command format.

         7 - This is the capabilities of the resolution.  This is for
             future use.

         8 - This is the bits per pel of the destination bitmap on the
             printer.  This is for future use.

         9 - This is the number of scanlines that the blitter codes wants
             at a time.  The actual number of scanlines will be a multiple
             of this number.  For example, for 10, it could be 10, 20, 30,


   DeviceResolution *pDR = pDevice->getCurrentResolution ();

   if (  360 == pDR->getXRes ()
      && 360 == pDR->getYRes ()


A print mode is the combination of the physical bits per pel (bpp), the
logical bpp, and the number of planes in the logical bitmap.  The logical
bitmap is the intermediate format that the printer driver converts to the
final format (physical bitmap).
Right now, you will receive the bitmap in the logical depth and the
physical depth is only informational.

 1: <devicePrintModes>
 2:   <devicePrintMode>
 3:     <name>PRINT_MODE_MONOCHROME</name>
 4:     <printModePhysicalCount>1</printModePhysicalCount>
 5:     <printModeLogicalCount>1</printModeLogicalCount>
 6:     <printModePlanes>1</printModePlanes>
 7:   </devicePrintMode>
 8:   ...
 9: </devicePrintModes>

on line  1 - is the root type of the data in this file.  In this case,

         3 - This is the id of the structure.  NOTE: The ids are global and
             are defined in DevicePrintMode.hpp.

         4 - This is the physical bit count of the output bitmap.

         5 - This is the logical bit count of the input bitmap.

         6 - This is the logical number of color planes of the input


   DevicePrintMode *pDPM = pDevice->getCurrentPrintMode ();

   if (1 == pDPM->getLogicalCount ())
      // Printer wants a monochrome surface.


 1: <deviceTrays>
 2:   <deviceTray>
 3:     <name>TRAY_REAR_CONTINUOUS</name>
 4:     <trayType>TRAY_TYPE_AUTO</trayType>
 5:     <command>_ESC_ HEX (19) "B"</command>
 6:   </deviceTray>
 7:   ...
 8: </deviceTrays>

on line  1 - is the root type of the data in this file.  In this case,

         3 - This is the id of the structure.  NOTE: The ids are global and
             are defined in DeviceTray.hpp.

         4 - This is unique within the deviceTrays file.  To use it:
             #include "Brother_HJ_100i_Trays.hpp"
             if (Brother_HJ_100i_Trays::TRAY_TYPE_AUTO == pTray->getType ())
             This is reserved for future use and will be probably be
             consolidated into DeviceTray.hpp

         5 - This is the command for the tray.  See above for a description
             of the command format.


   DeviceTray *pTray = pDevice->getCurrentTray ();

   if (pTray->isID (DeviceTray::TRAY_REAR_CONTINUOUS))


 1: <deviceForms>
 2:   <deviceForm>
 3:     <name>FORM_LETTER</name>
 4:     <formCapabilities>NO_CAPABILITIES</formCapabilities>
 5:     <command>_NUL_</command>
 6:     <hardCopyCap>
 7:       <hardCopyCapLeft>0</hardCopyCapLeft>
 8:       <hardCopyCapTop>900</hardCopyCapTop>
 9:       <hardCopyCapRight>0</hardCopyCapRight>
10:       <hardCopyCapBottom>400</hardCopyCapBottom>
11:     </hardCopyCap>
12:   </deviceForm>
13:   ...
14: </deviceForms>

on line  1 - is the root type of the data in this file.  In this case,

         3 - This is the id of the structure.  NOTE: The ids are global and
             are defined in DeviceForm.hpp.

         4 - This is unique within the deviceForms file.
             This is reserved for future use and will be probably be
             consolidated into DeviceTray.hpp

         5 - This is the command for the form.  See above for a description
             of the command format.

         6 - This is the start of the form's unprintable areas.  These are
             called Hard Copy Caps (short for Capabilities).  The units are
             in hundredths of a millimeter (hmm).  One inch would be 2540

         7 - This is the form's left unprintable area.

         8 - This is the form's top unprintable area.

         9 - This is the form's right unprintable area.

        10 - This is the form's bottom unprintable area.


   DeviceForm  *pDF  = pDevice->getCurrentForm ();
   HardCopyCap *pHCC = pDF->getHardCopyCap ();

   if (pDF->isID (DeviceForm::FORM_LETTER))


 1: <deviceMedias>
 2:   <deviceMedia>
 3:     <name>MEDIA_PLAIN</name>
 4:     <command>_NUL_</command>
 5:     <mediaColorAdjustRequired>0</mediaColorAdjustRequired>
 6:     <mediaAbsorption>MEDIA_HEAVY_ABSORPTION</mediaAbsorption>
 7:   </deviceMedia>
 8:   ...
 9: </deviceMedias>

on line  1 - is the root type of the data in this file.  In this case,

         3 - This is the id of the structure.  NOTE: The ids are global and
             are defined in DeviceMedia.hpp.

         4 - This is the command for the media.  See above for a
             description of the command format.

         5 - This is the color adjustment that is required for this media.
             This is reserved for future use.

         6 - This is the absorption that this media has.  This is reserved
             for future use.


   DeviceMedia *pDM = pDevice->getCurrentMedia ();

   if (pDM->isID (DeviceMedia::MEDIA_PLAIN))


A connection is defined to be a grouping of a form, a tray, and a media.
It is reserved for future use such as dialogs that show what is allowable
for a device.

 1: <deviceConnections>
 2:   <deviceConnection>
 3:     <name>EPSON_CONN_ID_1</name>
 4:     <connectionForm>FORM_LETTER</connectionForm>
 5:     <connectionTray>TRAY_REAR_CONTINUOUS</connectionTray>
 6:     <connectionMedia>MEDIA_PLAIN</connectionMedia>
 7:   </deviceConnection>
 8:   ...
 9: </deviceConnections>

on line  1 - is the root type of the data in this file.  In this case,

         3 - This is the id of the structure.  NOTE: The ids are local for
             this file.  Should there be an id at all?

         4 - This is the form id.

         5 - This is the tray id.

         6 - This is the media id.


A gamma table entry consists of gamma values for the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow,
and Black planes.  The gamma values are in tenths (ex: 1.0 is 10).  It also
has a minimum level of value for each of the CMYK planes.  This is passed
as input to the dithering algorithm in the instance code.  Gamma
corrections are based on a resolution, media, print mode, and dither

 1: <deviceGammaTable>
 2:   <deviceGammaTable>
 3:     <gammaTableResolution>RESOLUTION_60_X_180</gammaTableResolution>
 4:     <gammaTableMedia>MEDIA_PLAIN</gammaTableMedia>
 5:     <gammaTablePrintMode>PRINT_MODE_MONOCHROME</gammaTablePrintMode>
 6:     <gammaTableDitherCatagory>DITHER_CATAGORY_MATRIX</gammaTableDitherCatagory>
 7:     <gammaTableCGamma>10</gammaTableCGamma>
 8:     <gammaTableMGamma>10</gammaTableMGamma>
 9:     <gammaTableYGamma>10</gammaTableYGamma>
10:     <gammaTableKGamma>10</gammaTableKGamma>
11:     <gammaTableCBias>0</gammaTableCBias>
12:     <gammaTableMBias>0</gammaTableMBias>
13:     <gammaTableYBias>0</gammaTableYBias>
14:     <gammaTableKBias>0</gammaTableKBias>
15:   </deviceGammaTable>
16:   ...
17: </deviceGammaTable>

on line  1 - is the root type of the data in this file.  In this case,

         3 - This is the resolution id.

         4 - This is the media id.

         5 - This is the print mode id.

         6 - This is the dither catagory.  For right now, valid catagories

         7 - This is the Cyan gamma.

         8 - This is the Magenta gamma.

         9 - This is the Yellow gamma.

        10 - This is the Black gamma.

        11 - This is the Cyan bias.

        12 - This is the Magenta bias.

        13 - This is the Yellow bias.

        14 - This is the Black bias.


   DeviceGamma *pDG = pDevice->getCurrentGamma ();


A device data table consists of values that you want to be different on a
per device basis.  It consists of a key followed by an equals sign followed
by a value (either a string, a boolean value (true or false), or an integer).
Multiple data entries are separated by commas.  If you have a class of
devices, then each device can have the same key name but have different

 1: <deviceDatas>
 2:    <deviceData name="dataTestString" type="string">Hello world!</deviceData>
 3:    <deviceData name="dataTestBool" type="boolean">true</deviceData>
 4:    <deviceData name="dataTestInt" type="integer">42</deviceData>
 5: </deviceDatas>

on line  1 - is the root type of the data in this file.  In this case,

         2 - a string value set to "Hello world!".

         3 - a boolean value set to true.

         4 - a integer value set to 42.


   DeviceData *pData             = getDeviceData ();
   char       *pszDataTestString = 0;
   bool        fDataTestBool     = false;
   int         iDataTestInt      = 0;
   bool        fRc;

   if (pData)
      fRc = pData->getStringData ("dataTestString", &pszDataTestString);
      fRc = pData->getBooleanData ("dataTestBool", &fDataTestBool);
      fRc = pData->getIntData ("dataTestInt", &iDataTestInt);