

distrib > Mandriva > 8.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > afa406a98b4caf2b16d21826d4c22bbf > files > 6


Changes to WvDial since the initial release:

1.41 (1999 01 06)
 - Some internal changes to wvstreams for compatibility with non-gcc
	compilers.  Nothing much that will interest most people, but anyone
	hacking on wvdial should hack on this version.

1.40 (1999 08 02)
 - Lots of changes to the underlying wvstreams library and API; you probably
	won't notice, but it's much cleaner/faster/better now.
 - '%' is now a valid prompt character.
 - The wvdial/MENUS file documents login menu types that we currently
	do/don't support.  Patches to fix any of the unsupported ones are
	(VERY!) welcome, but try to make sure you don't break any supported
	ones while you're at it.
 - After wvdial guesses at a login menu, it now reverts to default_reply. 
	That means if menu guessing doesn't quite work the first time, you
	have a chance to recover and send 'ppp' instead.
 - Michael K. Johnson from Red Hat fixed a bug with baud rate detection:
 	we weren't actually checking if the kernel allowed us to set the
 	new rate, so wvdialconf choose the wrong one sometimes.
 - mkj also added support for a "--chat" option to wvdial:  this will allow
 	you to use wvdial as a drop-in replacement for the "chat" program,
 	because wvdial will talk on stdin/stdout and log messages to syslog.
	Try something like this:
		pppd connect 'wvdial --chat' /dev/ttyS2 115200
	Thanks, Michael!
 - If you have the liblockdev library installed, we use that instead of our
	own routines to create lock files in /var/lock.  Among other things,
	that makes /dev/modem symlinks safe!  (But _everybody_ has to use
	liblockdev on your system if you really want it to be useful.)
 - "New PPPD = yes" is now the default, because nearly everyone has the new
 	pppd nowadays.  You can still turn it off if you want.

1.30 and 1.31 (never released)
 - These were pre-release versions distributed to Patrick Patterson (author
	of kwvdial) and Red Hat, respectively, to help them integrate their
	packages with wvdial.

1.20 (1998 11 07)
 - Auto Reconnect is on by default.  It was supposed to be before.  Oops. 
	Changed some of the delays, too.
 - WvDial is now smarter with short menus that arrive at the same time as
 	their prompts.  Previously, the prompt would get lost, and so the
 	prompt wouldn't get answered even if wvdial successfully found the
 - We can now read menus such as "Press P for PPP, R for shell" correctly.
 - Now using the latest WvStreams library, with several bugfixes and
 - New autodependency mechanism is MUCH faster.

1.10 (1998 09 23)
 - The '$' character is now a valid prompt character.  (So the bash$ prompt
	can work!)
 - WvDial keeps track of how many times it has tried to connect during
 	the current session.  It also auto-redials if your ISP hangs up
 	on you, and has an exponential backoff timer (delay doubles each
 	time) if it simply can't connect for some reason.
 - wvdialconf was setting Init, not Init1 in /etc/wvdial.conf. 
	Unfortunately, there is no such option, so people wanting to change
	the ATZ were getting confused.

1.01 (1998 09 10)
 - "Remote Name" option now defaults to '*' instead of 'wvdial' -- this
	should help people using CHAP.
 - People with 7e1 connections (ie. certain Compuserve dial-ins) should now
	be able to connect, because WvDial ignores the incoming parity bit.
 - WvDial no longer re-initializes the modem on exit.  1.00 did sometimes,
	for a rather silly reason.
 - Because of another silly error (capitalization of the word 'Modem')
 	WvDial 1.00 was printing the "-->" arrow for _all_ lines, not just
 	informational messages.
 - There was an obscure bug that caused crashing with certain very specific
 	prompt styles.

1.00 (1998 08 25)
 - There really wasn't much wrong with it!  This version is 0.41 with
   patches for a few build problems, the latest WvStreams library, and
   up-to-date documentation.

0.41 (1998 05 16)
 - Now works better with pppd 2.3.x: you don't need "noauth" in
	/etc/ppp/options.  Set the option "New PPPD = yes" in wvdial.conf.
 - Cleaned up some compile problems with the egcs compiler.
 - Longer delay between TERMinating and KILLing pppd.

0.40 (1998 04 19)
 - WvDial now aborts a connection sequence if it sees that the modem has
	dropped carrier.  You can disable this with the "Carrier Check" config
	file option.
 - Boolean (on/off) options in wvdial.conf can now be set to 1/0,
	on/off, yes/no, and true/false.
 - Much cleaner prompt detection code.  Now wvdial can understand any of the
 	following menu formats:
 		1. Start PPP
 		(1) Start PPP
 		[1] Start PPP
 		Press (1) for PPP
 		whack 1 - PPP
 		If you press "1", you get PPP.
 - An all-new "stupid mode" disables prompt responses entirely and just runs
	pppd immediately when you connect, using PAP.  This is for (you
	guessed it) "stupid" ISP's that give a login: prompt but don't let
	you actually log in, but work fine anyway if you just use PAP.  Just
	set "Stupid Mode = yes" in wvdial.conf.
 - Up to 9 different init strings, via the config options Init1 through Init9.
 - Change your dial prefix and dial command separately from the phone number,
	possibly even in a separate [Dialer] section of wvdial.conf.  WvDial
	now dials the modem like this:
		"Dial Command" "Dial Prefix" "Phone"
	Where by default, "Dial Command" is ATDT and "Dial Prefix" is blank.
 - Didn't update the manpages, again.

0.31 (1998 03 15)
 - WvDial would segfault for some people if pppd died.  Thanks to
	<> and <> for pointing this out.
	The problem was caused by referring to WvDialer::modem after it
	had been deleted after a disconnect.
 - Debian package no longer redirects pon/poff to pon.wvdial/poff.wvdial; it
 	was too dangerous and done incorrectly.  Also changed postinst to
 	only create wvdial.conf at the "configuration" phase of
 - Included a fix from <> to search for ISP "welcome"
 	messages and avoid the 5-second "don't know what to do" delay.  The
 	implementation of this may change later.
 - WvDial now isn't quite as eager to respond to login prompts; it waits
 	100ms first.  That way, if a server prints several login prompts in
 	a row, wvdial won't try to answer all of them.

0.30 (1998 03 07)
 - We now use the modem's carrier detect to notice when, during login, the
	connection has dropped.
 - login and password prompt override, with the "Login Prompt" and
	"Password Prompt" options.
 - Some fixes to prompt detection: "sign*on" is detected, and "~" doesn't
	count as a prompt string.  We don't do blank-line prompts yet since
	they're still a bit suspicious.
 - Added --help and --version command-line options.
 - We now warn when you specify a non-existent wvdial.conf section on the
	command line.
 - Some minor changes to the output display.

0.25 (1998 02 14)
 - wvdial now has a mailing list!  Send a message (subject: subscribe) to if you want to get in on all the
	latest action.  All new releases will be announced here.
 - Added support for pppd 2.3.x, by editing pap-secrets instead of using the
	"deprecated" +ua option.  This unfortunately means that you will
	need to run wvdial as root at least the first time after you
	set/change your password in /etc/wvdial.conf.  (The +ua option was
	removed from pppd for security reasons, and most people agree that
	setting a PPP password is an "administrative" task to be done by
 - You can now supply an arbitrary number of config file sections on the
	wvdial command line and wvdial will take options out of them in
	order.  For example: "wvdial uwaterloo quiet" might take the phone
	number from the [Dialer uwaterloo] section, the init string from the
	[Dialer Quiet] section, and the rest of the information from the
	[Dialer Defaults] section.
 - Removed various unneeded files from the source tree.  Some of it was
	Linux-specific, and getting compiled for no reason.  WvDial should
	_hopefully_ build with very few changes on other systems, now.
 - "&c0" init string problem fixed -- "CLOCAL" mode should have been enabled

0.20 (1997 12 21)
 - Debian package now uses debhelper instead of debmake.
 - Much-improved WvLog class produces cleaner and more readable screen
	output. (And provides room to grow into nice features like syslog.)
 - Simplified WvDialer class by using the new WvLog stuff, fixing several
 	bugs in the process.
 - Much better prompt detection / response, now officially tested at least
 - Slightly better ppp negotiation string detection.  It's still stupid, but
	it works.
 - Thanks to Stephen P. Molnar <> for
	noticing some horrible bugs in the config file parser, which may
	now be fixed.
 - The return code of pppd is now reported correctly.

0.12 (1997 12 18)
 - Quick change to search /dev/ttyI* (ISDN) as well as /dev/ttyS*.  This MAY
	be all that's necessary to support ISDN... but we're probably not
	so lucky.  Let us know!

 - Tiny fix to in the source code archive so that non-Debian
	(actually, non-bash2) users can compile WvDial.