

distrib > Mandriva > 8.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > c61fc8d98716c58b30fd71ffba2affc6 > files > 394


 Important notes (read this before installing anything!)
 Operating system distribution support
 Front-end support
  Notes for the WsLib-based Monitors
  Notes for the Gtk+ Monitor
 Boot command-line options
  The process
   Monitor invocation
    Notes for the WsLib-based Monitors
    Notes for the Gtk+ Monitor
  Build structure


Aurora graphical Linux boot version redhog.16
Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by RedHog (Egil Möller) <>
Changes 2000-2001 by Mandrakesoft,
RedHog (Egil Möller) <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.


* This version is tested for RedHat 6.0 and 6.2 and Mandrake 6.1, 7.0,
  7.1, 7.2 and 8.0 _only_. Any other usage is subject to unknown behavior.

* IF YOU SKREW EVERYTHING UP: Do not panic. Reboot your computer. On the boot-
  command-line, enter the kernel parameter "init=/bin/sh". You will, after
  kernel boot, be dumped into a shell with the root filesystem mounted
  read-only. Remount the root read/write with the command "/bin/mount
  -w -o remount /". Then go to the Aurora source directory and do a
  "make uninstall". If this does not work, probably due to Aurora
  being installed on an unsupported distribution and the init scripts
  patched to hell, rebbot this way and then use "rpm -U --oldpackage
  initscripts.rpm" where initscripts is the package containing the
  init scripts. Of course, on non-rpm systems (eg deb-systems), the
  command will be something else.


 The support for different distributions (Redhat, Debian, Slackware,
etc.)  resides in directories named after the distribution, inside the
"Archs" directory. Note that each of these have its own version and
may be maintained by by some third party. Please see the README in
each such directory for more information about issues about your
distribution. Some distributions may have built-in support for
Aurora. They are listed without version-number. Supported

Distribution    Version             Authors          E-mail
RedHat.6.0      redhog.f            Egil Möller
RedHat.6.2      richard.0.redhog.0  Richard June
                                    Egil Möller
Mandrake.6.1    redhog.b.robin.1.redhog.1
                                    Robin Verduijn
                                    Egil Möller
Mandrake.7.0    redhog.f            Egil Möller
Mandrake.7.1	redhog.f            Egil Möller
Mandrake.7.2                        Egil Möller
Mandrake.8.0                        Egil Möller


 Aurora can use different front-ends (Monitors). It should be fairly
easy to create additional such front-ends, given that you have a
suitable widgetset to use (e.g. Gtk, WsLib, Qt, FLTK, etc). The system
administrator of the computer at which Aurora is installed/is to be
installed can shoose which Monitor to use by changing the symlink
/etc/aurora/Monitor to point to any other of the files in

Name                    Version             Authors          E-mail
NewStyle-WsLib          redhog.0            Egil Möller
Traditional-WsLib       redhog.0            Egil Möller
Traditional-Gtk+        redhog.12           Egil Möller


 There are two Monitors which are not using the X Windowing system,
NewStyle-WsLib and Traditional-WsLib. They reside in
/sbin/Monitor-NewStyle-WsLib and /sbin/Monitor-Traditional-WsLib,
respectively. They do not need the X Windowing System, nor any of its
libraries to build or run. However, they need a framebuffer-kernel,
with a graphical video-mode enabled. To enable this, say yes to
FrameBuffer device in the kernel configuration, and add
vga=some_video_mode_number to your lilo.conf. If your kernel comes
with FrameBuffer support by default, but not enabled (as the one
shipped with Mandrake 7.2 and later does), you need only to add a
suitable vide-mode number to your /etc.lilo.conf, run lilo and
reboot. Available vide-mode numbers are listed in the file
/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/HTML/en/Framebuffer-HOWTO.html, for VESA cards
(most graphic-cards), the modes are:

Resolution 640x400 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200
 Colours +-----------------------------------------------------
  4 bits |    ?       ?     0x302      ?        ?         ?
  8 bits |  0x300   0x301   0x303    0x305    0x307     0x31C
 15 bits |    ?     0x310   0x313    0x316    0x319     0x31D
 16 bits |    ?     0x311   0x314    0x317    0x31A     0x31E
 24 bits |    ?     0x312   0x315    0x318    0x31B     0x31F
 32 bits |    ?       ?       ?        ?        ?         ?


 Traditiopnal-Gtk+ is an X Windowing System Monitor, which uses the
GTK+ widgetset. Thus, it does not need a FrameBuffer-kernel, but
instaed need the X Windowing System, and the GTK+-libraries. It
resides in /usr/sbin/Monitor-Traditional-Gtk+.


 After unpacking the source archive, do a "make install". This will try to
autodetect your OS distribution (RedHat, Debian, Slackware, etc.). If it fails,
you may supply it with the name of the correct one. This is done with the
command line parameter arch=distribution_name to make. To find correct names, cd
into the directory "Archs" and issue an "ls". Note to previous users of Aurora:
There is no longer any "bootlocation=" option to make. The moment to start
Aurora during the bootprocess is now autodetected during the bootprocess.
 To uninstall Aurora (Would you really want that? You'r crazy, man!),
simply go to your Aurora source directory and type "make
uninstall". If you have erased it, you'l just have to download
_the_same_version_ of Aurora again, unpack it and then proceed with
make uninstall.

 To turn a source archive into an RPM, do either of make rpm or make
rpm-mdk. The former will produce an RPM suitable for all supported
distributions, while the latter will produce an RPM suitable only for
Linux-Mandrake (In fact, any distribution that have Aurora-supporting
initscripts out of the box, but that's only Linux-Mandrake at the
moment), but which is slightly smaller and cleaner.


There are two boot (kernel) command-line options for use with Aurora. In fact,
only one of them is Aurora-specific; textboot.

"textboot"     Temporary reverts to old-style textual boot. This does only apply
               to the current boot and does not uninstall Aurora. This is
               especially usefull in conjunction with the "single" command if
               you have to change graphic card and need to boot to reconfigure X
               for the new card.

"init=/bin/sh" Bypass the init process and start a shell. Described under



 In order to display a graphical representation of the boot-process, the output
from the init-scripts (Those residing in /etc/rc.d on a Red Hat system) is
redirected via a pipe (/tmp/aurora/input) to the Monitor program. This program
interprets the input it gets. This interpretation has two main states; normal
output interpretation which consists of dividing up the output in groups of
lines that comes from the same command and guessing if the command turned out to
be successfull or not, and command interpretation that consists of reading
direct commands to Monitor. The previous state is the default when Monitor is
started. To enter the later state, a line with only the text "§command§" must be
written to the pipe. To exit from the later state again, a line with only the
text "§end§" must be written.

 Each command consists of one line of text. The text is a set of space-separated
words. These words forms sort of a "path" to the command. To shorten the text in
the command list, the following format is used:

word1   Description of all commands starting with "word1"
 word2  Description of all commands starting with "word1 word2"
  word3 Description of the command "word1 word2 word3"

These are the commands available in the command-state:

set                   Configure Monitor's behavoir and look.

 confirm              Tells Monitor whetever to display a "pressed" confirm
                      button or not.

 runlevel             Instructs Monitor to show what runlevel we are in. The
                      runlevel is the first character on the next line of

 missionsize          Tells Monitor how many commands we have to execute
                      before we are done with entering the runlevel we are
                      entering. The number of commands is the decimal number
                      on the next line of input.

 completion           Sets the text that must be at the end of each output-block
                      in order for Monitor to consider it (positively/
                      negatively) completed. Each of these commands takes one
                      line of text as its parameter.
  ok                  Sets the text that must be at the end of each output block
                      in order for Monitor to consider it positively completed.

  passed              Sets the text that must be at the end of each output block
                      in order for Monitor to consider it neither positively nor
                      negatively completed but completed.

  failed              Sets the text that must be at the end of each output block
                      in order for Monitor to consider it negatively completed.

 pixmap               Sets the pixmap to use to present various things in the
                      interface. Each of these commands takes one line of text
                      as its parameter. The text should be a valid name of an
                      xpm file.

  logo                Sets the logo to show to the left of the display in
                      various states.

   normal             Sets the logo to display in the normal state.

   excuse             Sets the logo to display if _any_ of the output blocks
                      since the last missionsize-command completed negatively.

  completion          Sets the pixmap to show to the right of each block of

   ok                 Sets the pixmap to show to the right of each block of
                      output that completed positively.

   passed             Sets the pixmap to show to the right of each block of
                      output that completed but neither positively nor

   failed             Sets the pixmap to show to the right of each block of
                      output that completed negatively.

 path                 Sets paths to resources of various kinds. Each of these
                      commands takes one line of text as its parameter. The text
                      should be a valid path to a directory.

  icons               Sets the path to the directory containing icons for output
                      blocks. These are the icons shown to the left of each
                      output block. Monitor determines which file in the
                      directory to show based on the first line of text in the
                      block; The file whose name is the longest prefix (except
                      for its extension, which must allways be .xpm) to that
                      line of text is selected.

  config-scripts      Sets the path to the directory containing
	              service-configuration scripts. These scripts are run if
	              the user clicks on one of the service icons. Monitor
	              determines which file in the directory to run based on the
		      first line of text in the block; The file whose name is
		      the longest prefix (except for its extension, which must
		      allways be .sh) to that line of text is selected.


  title               Sets the title of an existing dialog. The dialog's name
                      should be given at the next line of input. All subsequent
                      lines, up to one containing only the text §end§, are used
                      as a new dialog title.


  runlevel            Sets the title of one of the runlevel buttons. The
                      runlevel should be given at the next line of input. All
                      subsequent lines, up to one containing only the text
                      §end§, are used as a new title.

  confirm             Sets the title of the service-confirmation button. All
                      subsequent lines, up to one containing only the text
                      §end§, are used as a new title.

  control             Sets the title of the control-button collumn. All
                      subsequent lines, up to one containing only the text
                      §end§, are used as a new title.

  clear               Sets the title of the clear-button. All subsequent
                      lines, up to one containing only the text §end§,
                      are used as a new title.

  progress            Sets the title-pattern of the progress-bar. All subsequent
                      lines, up to one containing only the text §end§,
                      are used as a new title. For information on the codes
	              usable in the pattern, see the Gtk-documentation for

get                   Returns values to the output.

  confirm             Returns yes or no depending on if the confirm-button is


 dialog               Creates a new dialog. The parameter to this command is
                      rather complex, and consist of a set of lines, all ended
                      with a line containing only the text §end§. The first of
                      those lines should contain the name of the dialog to
                      create, and the second its title (The question to ask the
                      user). These two lines are mandatory. All subsequent lines
                      defines answer buttons. Each answer button definition
                      consists of its title (One line of text, that is to be
                      shown uppon the button), and a set of lines, terminated by
                      one containing only the text §end§, to send to the output
                      if the users answers the dialog by pressing that button.


 dialog               Shows a dialog, if the users hasn't previously selected to
                      answer the same to all subsequent dialogs of this type.
                      The parameter to this command is the next line of text,
                      which is considered the name of the dialog to show.
                      The response text for the selected or preselected button
                      is written to the output.


 dialog               Resets the repeat option for a dialog. This forces the
                      user to answer the next dialog manually. This command
                      takes one line of text as its parameter, which is the name
                      of the dialog to reset.

 Note: Those commands taking multi-line parameters (i.e. set dialog title and
create dialog), does not include the last new-line in the parameter. This
enables you to specify a parameter that does not end with a new-line.

 As a quick reference, I include here the same list with all the comments


 To ease the use of the command mode, there is a shell (sh) function library that
may act as an abstraction layer on top of the command mode. This library is
usually located in /etc/aurora/functions. All functions in the library begins
their names with "aurora_", and are mostly named as their command mode command
equivalents, but with spaces replaced by underscores. All functions whose
command equivalents takes only a single-line parameter, takes their parameter
as $1. Multiline parameters must however be printed with echo and ended with
aurora_end. For an example of the usage of this library, see the default
/etc/aurora/rc configuration file.
 Note: All monitors may not support all commands. Currently, gMonitor
supports all of them, and wsMonitor most of them, but not all. All
non-implemented commands fails in a non-fatal way.


 The Monitor program should be a shell-script, that starts the Monitor
itself. The Monitor itself is allways named as the shell-script, but
with a Monitor- prepended to its name. The fisrt argument to the
script is a command, and can be "start", "query" or
"startable". "start" takes one additional parameter, a decimal number
designating the virtual console to start the Monitor on. "query"
returns true if the Monitor is currently running, and false
otherwize. "startable", finally, returns false if there are
_permanent_ problems that would cause a "start" to fail, that is,
problems that would need a reboot, or new kernel or something similar
to go away. currently, this is only used in the WsLib based Monitors,
and checks whethever there is FrameBuffer-support enabled or

 The WsLib-based Monitors must be started using the 'open' command, as
they can not switch by itself to a new virtual terminal (This is
automatically done by their wrapper-scripts). The Monitors takes up to
three command line parameters. All of these have default values which
applies when a certain parameter is left out. The parameters are, in

Input filename: /tmp/aurora/input
         The pipe from which gMonitorBin is to read the output of the boot
         scripts and its commands.

Output filename: /tmp/aurora/output
         The pipe to which gMonitorBin is to write any (user supplied) feedback
         to the init scripts.

Initial runlevel display: N
         The name of the runlevel in which we currently are or wants gMonitorBin
         to beleave we are. This value affects which of the runlevel radio
         buttons are initially selected.

 In addition to this, the WsLib-based Monitors needs two environment
variables to be set up (They are automatically set up by their
wrapper-scripts): MOUSEDEVICE and MOUSETYPE. MOUSEDEVICE should be the
full path to the mouse-device (e.g. /dev/psaus, /dev/ttyS0,
/dev/mouse, etc.). MOUSETYPE should be a string describing the
mousetype. The strings are to be compatible with teh strings you can
supply the "gpm" command's -t flag. For a list of supported
mousetypes, please see the documentation of the WsLib library (Or look
into the file mouselib.c in the source for WsLib).

 The Traditional-Gtk+ Monitor starts an X-server, and a Gtk+-based
Monitor that uses the X-server to present its outup. This Monitor
takes exactly the same parameters as the WsLib-based ones.

 The Aurora build structure is divided up into several modules. One
for the architecture(distribution)-dependent parts (Archs), one for
the general initscript output parser (Monitor), one for data specific
to the WsLib-based Monitors (wsData), and finally one for each
Monitor. The main Makefile does not have a list of Monitors, but
rather treat every subdirectory whose name matches Monitor-* as a

 Several parts of Aurora have version-, release- and
build-numbers. All these numbers are contained in files named
"version" in each build module. These files should never be
manipulated by hand, but by the script in the topplevel
directory. It is called from the makefiles as soon as a rebuild is
done. Normally, it increases the build-number. If you supply
type=release to make, it will reset the build-number and increase the
release-number. If you supply type=version to make, it will increase
the hexadecimal number at the end of the version-name path by one, and
the serial number by one-tenth, and reset both the build- and the
release-number. If you want to append a new modifier name to the
version-path, you have to run the manually with the
version-file as its first arg, appendversion as second arg and the
modifier (your) name as last arg. For a more indepth description of
the version-names used by Aurora, please refer to
 When making a dis, rpm or rpm-mdk with type=release or type=version,
your editor, as set by the EDITOR environment variable, will be
started, with a file with a changelog-header for the current version,
date and packager (as defined in allready in
place. This entry will be prepended to either RELEASELOG or CHANGELOG,
depending on type. When making a dis, rpm or rpm-mdk with
type=version, the RELEASELOG will be cleared. You should, for
versions, write a changelog item covering, but not in detail all
changes done in the releases done since the last version.