

distrib > Mandriva > 8.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > c996203f010d3e4c8819e9c2e1372c8d > files > 48



This file contains base information for wget users who are starting using

I am not very authoritative person to write this kind of document.I am not
regulary using wget, so some of informations contained in this document may
be confused. I just was asked to provide such kind of informations, so I am
trying to write it.

I will appreciate any corrections and contributions to this document.

* Stevo Ondrejicka <>

Mapping of wget options to pavuk options

It is not possible to map exectly all options, because wget have some features
which pavuk lacks and vice versa. Also some of options doesn't behave exactly
same in pavuk.

| Wget                             | Pavuk                              |
| * version information                                                 |
| -V, --version                    | -v                                 |
| * options help                                                        |
| -h, --help                       | -h                                 |
| * puting job at background                                            |
| -b, --background                 | -bg                                |
| * log messages                                                        |
| -a, --append-file=FILE           | -log_file FILE                     |
| -o, --output-file=FILE           | no option to force overwrite of    |
|                                  | log file, always appending         |
| * debuging                                                            |
| -d, --debug                      | -debug -debug_level LEVEL          |
|                                  | pavuk allows to focus on interested|
|                                  | messages by selecting of debug     |
|                                  | level - html,protos,protoc,protod  |
|                                  |         procs,locks,net,misc,user  |
|                                  |         mtlock,mtthr               |
| * verbosity of messages                                               |
| -q, --quiet                      | -quiet                             |
| -v, --verbose                    | -verbose                           |
| -nv, --non-verbose               | this option doesn't have any       |
|                                  | meaning for pavuk, because pavuk   |
|                                  | have better tunning of verbosity   |
|                                  | using -debug_level option          |
| * input of starting URLs from file                                    |
| -i, --input-file=FILE            | -urls_file FILE                    |
| * force processing of all files as HTML file                          |
| -F,  --force-html                | no similar option, pavuk rely on   |
|                                  | proper MIME types sent by servers. |
|                                  | For local files pavuk tries to     |
|                                  | guess HTML files by extensions or  |
|                                  | by contents                        |
| * number of attempts to get document after fail                       |
| -t, --tries=NUMBER               | -retry NUMBER                      |
| 0 means unlimited                | 0 means unlimited                  |
| * writing document to specified file                                  |
| -O, --output-document=FILE       | -store_name FILE                   |
| * reusing of already downloaded file                                  |
| -nc, --no-clobber                | this is default pavuk behavior     |
|                                  | and can't be turned off            |
| * resuming of broken downloads                                        |
| -c, --continue                   | this is pavuk default behaviour    |
|                                  | pavuk always prefix document names |
|                                  | with ".in_" and just after download|
|                                  | is finished it renames file to     |
|                                  | regular name, this way it can      |
|                                  | properly detect and restart broken |
|                                  | downloads                          |
| * progress meter                                                      |
| --dot-style=STYLE                | pavuk have only one style of       |
|                                  | progress (numeric) and it can be   |
|                                  | only turned on/off using -progress |
|                                  | and -noprogress option (default is |
|                                  | turned off)                        |
| * synchronizing                                                       |
| -N, --timestamping               | -mode sync                         |
| * output of protocol level communication with servers                 |
| -S, --server-response            | -debug -debug_level LEVEL          |
|                                  | LEVEL protos - for server responses|
|                                  | LEVEL protoc - for pavuk requests  |
|                                  | LEVEL protod - POST data sent in   |
|                                  |                HTTP POST request   |
|                                  | you can activate multiple debug    |
|                                  | levels - for example :             |
|                                  |  -debug_level protos,protoc        |
| * checking of URLs validity                                           |
| --spider                         | something similar cand be achived  |
|                                  | by -mode remind option.             |
|                                  | it reports broken and modified     |
|                                  | links not everything               |
|                                  | you must use also -remind_cmd      |
|                                  | option to set program which will   |
|                                  | process output (default is mailx)  |
| * communication timeout                                               |
| -T, --timeout=SECONDS            | -timeout MINUTES                   |
| * delaying of transfers                                               |
| -w, --wait=SECONDS               | -sleep SECONDS                     |
| * enabling/disabling connections through proxy                        |
| -Y, --proxy=on/off               | no similar option, if proxy is     |
|                                  | specified, it is always used       |
| * retrieval quota                                                     |
| -Q, --quota=NUMBER               | -trans_quota NUMBER                |
| wget stops download just after   | pavuk stops download right after   |
| file download is finished after  | transfer quota is exeede (also in  |
| quota is exeeded                 | midle of transfer)                 |
| * adjusting of local directory layout of downloaded files             |
| -nd, --no-directories            | -fnrules F "*" "%n"                |
| -x, --force-directories          | this is default for pavuk          |
| -nH, --no-host-directories       | -base_level 2                      |
|                                  | or -fnrules F "*" "%d/%n"          |
| -P, --directory-prefix=PREFIX    | -cdir PREFIX                       |
| --cut-dirs=NUMBER                | -base_level NUMBER+1               |
| * authorization for accessing documents                               |
| --http-user=USER                 | -auth_name USER                    |
| --http-passwd=PASS               | -auth_passwd PASS                  |
| * caching of documents on proxy server                                |
| -C, --cache=on/off               | -cache -nocache                    |
| * workaround for buggy HTTP servers with bad Content-Length header    |
| --ignore-length                  | -check_size/-nocheck_size          |
| * adding custom fields to HTTP request header                         |
| --header=STRING                  | -httpad STRING                     |
| * proxy authorization                                                 |
| --proxy-user=USER                | -http_proxy_user USER              |
| --proxy-passwd=PASS              | -http_proxy_pass PASS              |
| * storing HTTP response headers                                       |
| -s, --save-headers               | pavuk never stores HTTP responses  |
|                                  | within documents, it provides      |
|                                  | -store_info, to store this         |
|                                  | information in sepearate files in  |
|                                  | .pavuk_info directory              |
| * spoofing of User-Agent: request field                               |
| -U, --user-agent=AGENT           | -identity AGENT                    |
| * preserving of symbolic links when transfering through FTP           |
| --retr-symlinks                  | -preserve_slinks/-nopreserve_slinks|
| * globbing in FTP transfers                                           |
| -g, --glob=on/off                | no exactly similar functionality   |
|                                  | pavuk allow to specify wildcard    |
|                                  | patterns and regular expressions   |
|                                  | with options                       |
|                                  | -pattern, -rpattern, -skip_pattern |
|                                  | -skip_rpattern, -url_patter,       |
|                                  | -url_rpattern, -skip_url_pattern   |
|                                  | -skip_url_rpatter                  |
|                                  | this patterns arre applied on all  |
|                                  | URLs not just FTP URLs             |
| * setting of FTP data connection type                                 |
| --passive-ftp                    | -ftp_active/-ftp_passive           |
| * recursing through WWW                                               |
| -r, --recursive                  | this is default pavuk behaviour    |
| * limiting recursion level                                            |
| -l, --level=NUMBER               | -lmax NUMBER                       |
| 0 unlimited                      | 0 unlimited                        |
| * prefetching files to proxy                                          |
| --delete-after                   | -mode dontstore                    |
| * converting links in HTML documents                                  |
| -k, --convert-links              | default pavuk behaviour, it is     |
|                                  | possible to set how to convert the |
|                                  | as default pavuk maintain          |
|                                  | consistency of links inside HTML   |
|                                  | documents, so all links are always |
|                                  | valid and when documents is stored |
|                                  | to local tree, pavuk overwrites    |
|                                  | links in all HTML documents which  |
|                                  | points to it.                      |
|                                  | default behaviour is possible to   |
|                                  | change with options:               |
|                                  | -all_to_local, -sel_to_local,      |
|                                  | -all_to_remote                     |
| * mirroring                                                           |
| -m, --mirror                     | -mode sync                         |
| * directory listings handling                                         |
| -nr, --dont-remove-listing       | -store_index/-nostore_index        |
|                                  | pavuk as default converts all      |
|                                  | directory listing to HTML files and|
|                                  | as default are this files stored.  |
| * allowing/disallowing of specified suffixes (file extensions)        |
| -A, --accept=LIST                | -asfx LIST                         |
| -R, --reject=LIST                | -dsfx LIST                         |
| * allowing/disallowing of specified domains                           |
| -D, --domains=LIST               | -adomain LIST                      |
| --exclude-domains=LIST           | -ddomain LIST                      |
| * following of relative only URLs                                     |
| -L, --relative                   | no similar option                  |
| * enabling of transfers from FTP servers                              |
| --follow-ftp                     | -FTP/-noFTP                        |
| * spaning to other servers                                            |
| -H, --span-hosts                 | this is default pavuk behaviour    |
|                                  | it is possible to change it with   |
|                                  | -dont_leave_site/-leave_site       |
| * allowing/disallowing of specified directories (prefixes)            |
| -I, --include-directories=LIST   | -aprefix LIST                      |
| -X, --exclude-directories=LIST   | -dprefix LIST                      |
| * DNS lookup                                                          |
| -nh, --no-host-lookup            | no similar option                  |
|                                  | pavuk always caches DNS request in |
|                                  | local hash table                   |
| * disable ascending to parent directories                             |
| -np, --no-parent                 | -dont_leave_dir/-leave_dir         |

This document I wrote looking at "wget --help" output and sometimes checking 
info documentation of wget. The version of wget I have is "GNU Wget 1.5.3"
as distributed with RedHat 6.2 .
If you find any bugs/mistakes/typos/... please tell me and I will try to 
correct it.