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          <th colspan="3" align="center">LPRng-HOWTO: 8 Feb 2002
          (For LPRng-3.8.6)</th>

          <td width="10%" align="left" valign="bottom"><a href=
          "stalledtime.htm" accesskey="P">Prev</a></td>

          <td width="80%" align="center" valign="bottom">Chapter 7.
          <b class="APPLICATION">lpq</b> - Status Monitoring

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          "lprm.htm" accesskey="N">Next</a></td>
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    <div class="SECT1">
      <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN4564">7.7. Configuring Format
      and Displayed Information</a></h1>

      <p>The following sections describe options that are used by
      the <b class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> server to control how it
      will return status information to a <b class=
      "APPLICATION">lpq</b> request.</p>

      <div class="SECT2">
        <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="CLASSINSTATUS">7.7.1. Display
        Class Information</a></h2>

        <p>Options used:</p>

            <p><tt class="LITERAL">class_in_status</tt> FLAG <i
            class="EMPHASIS">show class name in status</i></p>

        <p>Setting the <tt class="LITERAL">class_in_status</tt>
        option causes the class name rather than priority to be
        displayed in the status information.</p>

      <div class="SECT2">
        <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="REVERSELPQFORMAT">7.7.2. Reverse
        Short and Long <b class="APPLICATION">lpq</b>

        <p>Options used:</p>

            <p><tt class="LITERAL">reverse_lpq_format=</tt> FLAG <i
            class="EMPHASIS">reverse <b class="APPLICATION">lpq</b>
            status format for specified remote systems</i></p>

        <p>Various Solaris and other System V implementations
        support an RFC1179 interface to remote printers.
        Unfortunately, there is a problem in that when they send a
        status request, the status format is reversed. That is,
        when LONG status format is wanted, they send SHORT, and
        vice versa.</p>

        <p>The <tt class="LITERAL">reverse_lpq_format=</tt>
        specifies a list of printers or IP addresses for which the
        <b class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> server will return LONG
        status when SHORT is requested, and vice versa. For

        <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
          <a name="AEN4593"></a>
<pre class="SCREEN">

        <p>will cause hosts whose Fully Qualified Domain Name
        (FQDN) ends in <tt class="FILENAME"></tt> or from
        subnet <tt class="LITERAL"></tt> to have
        reversed status returned.</p>

      <div class="SECT2">
        <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="SHORTSTATUS">7.7.3. Status Line
        Length and Line Count</a></h2>

        <p>Options used:</p>

            <p><tt class="LITERAL">return_short_status=</tt><i
            class="EMPHASIS">return short <b class=
            "APPLICATION">lpq</b> status for specified remote

            <p><tt class="LITERAL">short_status_length=</tt><i
            class="EMPHASIS">short <b class="APPLICATION">lpq</b>
            status length in lines</i></p>

        <p>In order to be compatible with non-<b class=
        "APPLICATION">LPRng</b> client programs, some
        administrators would like <b class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> to
        return a short or brief status to normal status

        <p>The <tt class="LITERAL">return_short_status=</tt>
        specifies a list of printers or IP addresses for which the
        <b class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> server will return an
        abbreviated status when LONG status is requested. For

        <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
          <a name="AEN4618"></a>
<pre class="SCREEN">

        <p>will cause hosts whose Fully Qualified Domain Name
        (FQDN) ends in <tt class="FILENAME"></tt> or from
        subnet <tt class="LITERAL"></tt> to get only 3
        lines of detailed status returned.</p>

      <div class="SECT2">
        <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="FORCELPQSTATUS">7.7.4. <b class=
        "APPLICATION">lpq</b> Status Format Determined by
        Requesting Host Address</a></h2>

        <p>Options used:</p>

            <p><tt class="LITERAL">force_lpq_status=</tt><i class=
            "EMPHASIS">force <b class="APPLICATION">lpq</b> status
            format for specified remote systems</i></p>

        <p>In order to be compatible with non-<b class=
        "APPLICATION">LPRng</b> client programs which are totally
        unpredictable, this allows the administrator to specify the
        format for <b class="APPLICATION">lpq</b> status when
        requests arrive.</p>

        <p>The <tt class="LITERAL">force_lpq_status=</tt> specifies
        a list of formats and printers or IP addresses for which
        the <b class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> server will return
        status in the specified format. The entry has the format
        <tt class="LITERAL">KEY=list;KEY=list...</tt> where <span
        class="ACRONYM">KEY</span> is <tt class="LITERAL">s</tt>
        for short and <tt class="LITERAL">l</tt> for long format,
        and list is a list of hosts or IP addresses. For

        <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
          <a name="AEN4643"></a>
<pre class="SCREEN">

        <p>will cause hosts whose Fully Qualified Domain Name
        (FQDN) matches <tt class="FILENAME">pc*</tt> or from
        subnet <tt class="LITERAL"></tt> to get short
        status returned and hosts which match <tt class=
        "FILENAME">sun*</tt> get long status.</p>

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          <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Job Taking Too
          Long - Stalled</td>

          <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
          "lpq.htm" accesskey="U">Up</a></td>

          <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top"><b class=
          "APPLICATION">lprm</b> - Job Removal Program</td>