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<b>MacVNC - VNC server for Macintosh</b></h2>
<i>Beta 2 - 7/ 6/99</i>
<br><i>Alpha 1 .1- 25/1/99</i>
<br><i>Alpha 1&nbsp; -16/7/98 .</i>
<p>Use of the Mac server should be straightforward if you are familiar
with the concepts behind VNC, and have a suitable VNC viewer running on
another machine.&nbsp; Read '<a href="index.html">What is VNC?</a>' and
'<a href="start.html">Getting Started</a>' if you haven't already done
so - they'll give you a good overview, despite being Unix and Windows-orientated.&nbsp;
<p><i>Note. This is a beta release. As with all VNC software, you use at
your own risk!&nbsp; We welcome bug fixes/ comments.</i>
To use the Macintosh VNC server, you will need:
A version of MacOS greater than 7.6.1,</li>

A Power PC machine</li>

Open Transport (1.1.3 or later).</li>

Quick Start</h3>

Drag vncPatches from the ->Extensions folder of the distribution onto a
closed System Folder</li>

Drag the VNC Controls from ->Control Panels onto a closed System Folder</li>

Restart the machine</li>

Run VNCServer</li>

Run VNC Controls and set the password/ desktop name. Set display number
to 0.</li>

Connect with a VNC client to &lt;hostname>:0 or with a Java capable web
browser to http://&lt;hostname>:5800</li>


<a NAME="patches"></a>The Patches</h4>
The installation is in three parts, the patches, the server and the control
panel. The patches (in a system extension called vncPatches, stored in
the ->Extensions folder of the distribution) catch draws to the screen
and pass them on to the server. To install these patches you need to put
them in the Extensions folder inside your System folder (you can drag the
vncPatches extension onto a closed System folder if you want, the Finder
will work out where it needs to go). After that you need to restart for
the patches to come into effect.
<a NAME="server"></a>The Server</h4>
The actual work horse of the installation is the VNCServer program. Note:
even though you've installed the patches, no one will be able to access
your machine unless the server is running as well. To automatically have
the server run at start up you can put it (or one of its aliases) into
the Startup Items sub folder of your system folder.&nbsp; Otherwise, just
double click it like any other application.
<a NAME="control"></a>The Control Panel</h4>
Once the server is running, you'll need to set the password (the default
is none, which means the server will refuse all connections). The server
currently supports 3 ways of setting options, via a <a href="#webinter">web
browser</a>, the control panel or <a href="#apples">Apple Script</a>. The
easiest and most reliable way is to use the control panel (called VNC Controls).
Note: The server needs to be running (or at least have been run) the first
time you use the control panel (<a href="#Qone">why?</a>). Also, the control
panel may pause for a few seconds (more on over loaded machines) whilst
it communicates with the server. If the control panel is put into the Control
Panels folder (inside the System Folder), then it will be accessible by
selecting the Options menu option from the <a href="#server">server</a>.
<p>The first two options determine how your screen will be described to
clients, the desktop name is what external viewers will see in their title
bars, while the display number is what they'll have to add to your host
name for them to connect properly (i.e. if you set the server running on
machine 123.456.789.789 to have a display number of 0, then viewers can
connect by specifying 123.456.789.789:0 or as
the host name).&nbsp; The display number is NOT normally the TCP/IP port
number (see web site for further details). The password box is (surprise,
surprise) where you should enter your desired password. Only the first
8 characters will be used in authentication but it is case sensitive (i.e.
thispassword is the same as thispassXXX but not the same as THISPASS).
<p>Macintoshes have a key (the command key) that most other computers lack,
which means that for an external client to send command key events, some
sort of key press equivalent needs to be set. The four drop down menus
specify which key combination will be used as command. For example, if
you wanted your external clients to get command-c by pressing left control
+ right alt + F3 + c&nbsp; you'd select "L Control", "R Alt", "F3" and
"None" from the four menus. Other key presses can be set via the <a href="#apples">Apple
Script</a> interface.
<p><a NAME="advanced"></a>The advanced button on the control panel takes
you though to a slightly different set of options, which are described
more fully on the panel itself.
<p>If the VNC server preferences file is locked for any reason, no option
settings will be allowed through any of the 3 interfaces. Also the <a href="#webinter">web
interface</a> and the <a href="#apples">Apple Script</a> interface can
be disabled by setting the appropriate flags on the <a href="#advanced">Advanced</a>
settings page.
<p>Once the initial settings have been set, that's it. The server can be
stopped by selecting Quit from the file menu or by pressing command- Q.
<a NAME="webinter"></a>The Web Interface</h3>
All VNC servers include a web interface, and this one is no different,
although does go slightly further. While the server is running, any Java
capable web browser can connect to http://&lt;host name>:58xx (where xx
is the display number) and will be sent a Java viewer that will then act
as the VNC client. The Mac server can also accept option changes through
local browsers accessing http://&lt;host name>:58xx/settings.html. There
is also way to look at the server's internal logs by looking at http://&lt;host
<p>All the html sent out by the server needs is kept in a directory called
Html which should be in the same directory as the VNCServer binary. You
can change the look of your server's settings page by changing the contents
of this directory. Files ending .tmpl will be put through a template parser
before being sent out, so in your customised html you can include things
like $HOSTNAME&nbsp; if you want to display your current desktop name.
See the included .tmpl files for examples of other variables. You can change
where the server looks for its html by changing the HtmlDirectory line
in VNC Server preferences (found in the &lt;startup disk>:System Folder:Preferences)
or you can include the html/ tmpl files as TEXT resources inside the VNCServer
binary. The names of the resources should be the same as the names of the
files. Resources are searched before the Html directory.
<p>The web interface can be disabled by removing the Html directory or
clearing the "Use Http Options" flag on the <a href="#advanced">Advanced</a>
screen of the <a href="#control">VNC control panel</a>.
<a NAME="apples"></a>The Apple Script interface</h3>
The server can be controlled by Apple Scripts which can be easily written
with the Script Editor which comes with every installation of the Mac OS.
A sample program is shown below.
<pre>-- example for communicating with a VNC server</pre>

<pre>tell application "VNCServer"</pre>

<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -- set the options to&nbsp; sensible things</pre>

<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; set password to "password"</pre>

<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; set display number to 34</pre>

<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; set desktop name to "Bob's Computer"</pre>

<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; set cmd equivalent to "ffe3 ffe9 0000 0000"</pre>

<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -- The following is a very esoteric option described more fully below</pre>

<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; set mouse id to "03045ef2"</pre>

<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -- get a table of function use (very uninteresting)</pre>

<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; get stats</pre>

<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -- Clear the previous statistics</pre>

<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; set stats to 0</pre>

<pre>end tell</pre>

cmd equivalent</h4>
The command key equivalent press can consist of up to 4 keys and is defined
by 4 X key sym values which are passed to the server as a string consisting
of four space deliminated, un prefixed, four digit hexadecimal numbers
(got that?). Seeing as most users are not going to know (or care) what
an X key sym is, the <a href="#control">control panel</a> includes a way
of easily setting this combination via four drop down menus. People who
are quite happy with a ctrl/ alt/ shift etc. style key press can use the
control panel while others can set what ever key press they like via this
Apple Script command.
mouse id</h4>
The mouse id option is for people with more than one mouse on their bus
who don't want to use the first one as the captured pointing device (for
whatever reason). By default, the first pointing device encountered by
the CursorDevice manager is the one that is controlled by clients. However,
if you want the clients to control the second one, then you're going to
have to find out the device ID of the second mouse and pass it to the the
server via the mouse id command. The parameter is a string containing the
device ID in hexadecimal with no leading characters. Very very few people
are going to need this.
Question Index</h3>
How Do I ...&nbsp;
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#tthree">... stop other users changing
the settings once I have set them?</a>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#tseven">... use my command key from
other machines?</a>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#teight">... customise my html pages?</a>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#tnine">... paste into my Mac from
a remote connection?</a>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#tten">... communicate my feedback
to AT&amp;T Laboratories Cambridge?</a>
<p>Why ...&nbsp;
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#televen">... does my machine keep
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#ttwo">... doesn't the Server Options..
menu item work?</a>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Qone">... won't the control panel run unless the server
has been run at least once before?</a>
How Do I....</h3>

Q.&nbsp;<a NAME="tthree"></a>... stop other users changing the settings
once I have set them?</h4>
A. Make the preferences file (which is called VNC Server preferences nd
should be in the Preferences file inside the System Folder) read only.
Q.&nbsp;<a NAME="tseven"></a>... use my command key from other machines?</h4>
A. The modifiers that correspond to command can be set via the settings
page or via Apple Script.&nbsp; The default is Left Alt and Left Control.
So L Alt+ L Control + c is the same as&nbsp; command + c. Note: The command
key is the one next to the space bar with a propeller symbol or an Apple
symbol on it.&nbsp;
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Up to four modifiers can be chosen and are described
by thier X keysym values. See keysyms.h in the source distribution for
more details of X keysyms. The default settings page has drop down menus
to choose from a number of common modifiers. To add more modiifers to these
menus put more &lt;option value="0xNNNN">Key name&lt;/option> lines in
the settings.tmpl file in the Html directory.&nbsp;
<br>&nbsp;The modifiers can be set from AppleScript like this:&nbsp;
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>tell application</b> "VNCserver"&nbsp;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>set</b> cmd equivalent <b>to</b> "ffe3
ffe9 0000 0000"&nbsp;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>end tell</b>
<p>The string is four 4 digit hexadecimal numbers describing the modifiers
requested. (ffe3 ffe9 correspond to the default L Alt + L Control).&nbsp;
<p><u>Note:</u>&nbsp; Setting the modifiers to anything strange will produce
"Current Modifiers: unknown" on the settings page. Do not panic. This just
means that the server doesn't know how to describe the keysyms you've given
it. They will still work, it's just the server doesn't have name for them.&nbsp;
Q.&nbsp;<a NAME="teight"></a>... customise my settings/ logs / initial
A. The HTTP server look at the following places for HTTP files:&nbsp;
&nbsp; The directory specified in the Html directory line in the preferences
file. (Default is the directory called Html in the same directory as the

&nbsp; Resources of type 'TEXT' inside VNCServer</li>

&nbsp; Resources of type ' WWW' inside VNCServer (There's a space before
the first W in ' WWW')</li>

&nbsp; Resources of type 'JAVA inside VNCServer</li>
You can therfore override the internal html files by putting new files
in the Html directory.&nbsp;
<br>Also, the server will transform certain filenames under cetain conditions:&nbsp;
<center><table BORDER COLS=3 WIDTH="80%" >
<td WIDTH="60%"><u>Condition...</u></td>

<td WIDTH="20%"><u>Maps ...</u></td>

<td><u>... to ...</u></td>

<td>Connection is local and the server unlocked&nbsp;</td>



<td>Connection is not local and the server is unlocked</td>



<td>Server is locked&nbsp;</td>



<td>Server is running properly</td>

<td>index.html or /&nbsp;</td>


<td>Server is not running properly&nbsp;</td>

<td>index.html or /</td>


<td>Status info is available.</td>



<td>Status info is not availble</td>



<td>Status info is available.</td>



<td>Status info is not availble&nbsp;</td>



<p>The &lt;X> in the last two files is an ascii character from 0 onwards
that describes which log number you want.&nbsp;
<br>Log 0 is the main program log, log 1 is the http log, log 2 is a dcescription
of status of the server and a list of active connections. Logs 3 and onward
are the logs associated with the active connections. The logs are serverd
via the template file single_log.tmpl. For example if a request for log0.html
is received, the file single_log.html is used with the token $THELOG replaced
with $LOG0 which is in turn replaced with the corect log.&nbsp;
<p>Most of the html files served are passed through a template parser before
being sent to the client. The template parser translates some tokens into
useful information:&nbsp;
<td WIDTH="20%"><u>Token ...</u></td>

<td><u>Expands to...</u></td>


<td>&lt;A href=&lt;host>/settings.html>Settings&lt;/A> if the connection
is local and the server unlocked. Nothiong otherwise.</td>


<td>The ip address of the host.</td>


<td>The width of the screen</td>


<td>The height of the screen</td>


<td>The specified log. &lt;X> is an ascii character starting at 0 which
specifys the log</td>


<td>A fully formed URL to the index page</td>


<td>&nbsp;The port number for vnc connections (normally 5900)</td>


<td>The user specified name of the desktop</td>


<td>The display number. Normally 0</td>


<td>English description of the modifers that correspond to the command


<td>A log. This token only works in single_log.html, which is only used
when the user requests log&lt;X>.html. See above for what the &lt;X>&nbsp;

<p>Settings can be changed by sending a POST event to the server, via a
an HTML form.&nbsp;
<br>The labels in the POST correspond to various variables:&nbsp;

<td><u>Variable ...</u></td>


<td>The password</td>


<td>The password again. It will be set if both of these are the same</td>


<td>Display number</td>


<td>Desktop name</td>


<td>The command key modifiers.</td>

<p>In response to a POST event (usually sent from the settings page) the
server returns changed.tmpl unless the password was incorrectly set in
which case passwrong.tmpl is sent.&nbsp;
&nbsp;Q.&nbsp;<a NAME="tnine"></a>... paste into my Mac from another machine?</h4>
A. The short answer is "You can't". The longer answer is "You can't because
of the slightly odd way the Mac handles clipboards". This problem is being
currently being investigated. Pasting from the Mac to other machine should
Q.&nbsp;<a NAME="tten"></a>... communicate with the developers?</h4>
A. We run a VNC mailing list run that has a pretty large membership list
and is read by all the VNC developers (not just the Mac one), so any questions
you have can probably be answered by posting to this list. To join the
list go <a href="">here.</a>&nbsp;
Note that asking questions which are answered in this document or in the
<a href="">FAQ</a>
is a Bad Idea.&nbsp;

Q.&nbsp;<a NAME="televen"></a>... does my machine keep crashing?</h4>
A.&nbsp; VNCServer, in its fastest mode, breaks a general guideline in
that it patches ShowCursor (which has to be interrupt time safe) with some
code that isn't interrupt safe. This may sometimes cause bad things to
happen. If this is happening to you, you can switch to an interrupt-safe
version of ShowCursor by changing the "Use Error prone updates" flag in
the security resource. See above for details. The downside is that updates
that happen when the mouse button is down (like drags and menu operation)
may not work so well.&nbsp;
<br>As mentioned above, there are also some known problems with the hextile
encoding. You should find that the server is more reliable if you switch
this off.
Q.&nbsp;<a NAME="ttwo"></a>... doesn't the File/Options(HTTP).. menu item
A. The server options are set using a web browser via an HTTP connection.
If your machine isn't set up for this already, you need Internet Config
to make this work. From the IC faq:&nbsp;
<blockquote>Each new release of Internet Config is posted to MacGifts and
is therefore available Info-Mac and UMich (and their mirror sites). It
is also available from any site that holds Peter Lewis' software, namely
<a href="">AOL</a>,
<a href="">AMUG</a>,
<a href="">PopCo</a>,
<a href="">Australia</a>,
<a href="">Japan</a>,
and <a href="">Switzerland</a>.&nbsp;
<p>Internet Config is also available as a <a href="">NewsWatcher</a>
helper and on the <a href="">TidBITS</a>
<p>Finally, all sorts of IC related material, including the latest version
of the IC software, is available from the IC home sites in <a href="">Australia</a>
and the <a href="">USA</a>.

<a NAME="Qone"></a>Q: ... won't the control panel run unless the server
has been run at least once before?</h4>

<p><br>A: The reason for this is that the panel either communicates directly
with the server (through <a href="#apples">Apple Script</a>) or alters
its preferences file. If the server has never been run before, there will
be no preferences file on the system and the panel won't be able to do
<p>Any comments regarding this program should be directed to the <a href="intouch.html">VNC
mailing list</a>.&nbsp;
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