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<b>Improving VNC performance with 'twm'</b></h2>
This may give some ideas for other Window managers as well, though the
syntax will be different.&nbsp; See the <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a> for
other suggestions on speeding up a VNC session.
Don't make the desktop deeper than you need to.</li>

disable the dithering on the title bar by using a solid bitmap.</li>

<br>In .twmrc put:
<br><tt>&nbsp; TitleHighlight "solid"</tt>
<p>and put a bitmap file 'solid' on the bitmap path containing:
<p><tt>#define solid_width 4</tt>
<br><tt>#define solid_height 1</tt>
<br><tt>static char solid_bits[] = {0x0f};</tt>
<p>You can set the X bitmap path - I have in my .Xresources:
make the scrollbar solid</li>

<p><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <tt>*Scrollbar*thumb: solid</tt>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <tt>*Scrollbar*foreground: grey</tt></ul>

remove the subtle modification of the window border when it gets</li>

<br>focus. In .twmrc:
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <tt>NoHighlight</tt>
use click-to-focus instead of point-to-focus (does twm allow this?)</li>

<br>Then the window doesn't change when your mouse just happens to move
over it.</ul>

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<p><i><font size=-1>For comments, feedback, etc, please see the '<a href="intouch.html">Keeping
in touch</a>' page</font>.</i>
<br><i><font size=-1>Copyright 1999 - AT&amp;T Laboratories Cambridge
