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<TITLE>color - Methods to Count the Colors in an Image</TITLE>
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<A NAME="__index__"></A>
<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->


	<LI><A HREF="#name">
	<LI><A HREF="#synopsis">
	<LI><A HREF="#function descriptions">

		<LI><A HREF="#getcolorlist">GetColorlist</A>
		<LI><A HREF="#getnumbercolors">GetNumberColors</A>
		<LI><A HREF="#isgrayimage">IsGrayImage</A>
		<LI><A HREF="#ismonochromeimage">IsMonochromeImage</A>
		<LI><A HREF="#isopaqueimage">IsOpaqueImage</A>
		<LI><A HREF="#ispaletteimage">IsPaletteImage</A>
		<LI><A HREF="#listcolorinfo">ListColorInfo</A>
		<LI><A HREF="#querycolordatabase">QueryColorDatabase</A>
		<LI><A HREF="#querycolorname">QueryColorname</A>

<!-- INDEX END -->

<H1><A NAME="name">
<P>color - Methods to Count the Colors in an Image</P>
<H1><A NAME="synopsis">
<P>unsigned long  <STRONG>GetNumberColors</STRONG>( const Image *image, 
<FONT SIZE=-1>FILE</FONT> *file, ExceptionInfo *exception );</P>
<P>unsigned int  <STRONG>IsGrayImage</STRONG>( const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception );</P>
<P>unsigned int  <STRONG>IsMonochromeImage</STRONG>( const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception );</P>
<P>unsigned int  <STRONG>IsOpaqueImage</STRONG>( const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception );</P>
<P>unsigned int  <STRONG>IsPaletteImage</STRONG>( const Image *image, ExceptionInfo *exception );</P>
<P>unsigned int  <STRONG>ListColorInfo</STRONG>( 
<FONT SIZE=-1>FILE</FONT> *file, ExceptionInfo *exception );</P>
<P>unsigned int  <STRONG>QueryColorDatabase</STRONG>( const char *name, PixelPacket *color, ExceptionInfo *exception );</P>
<P>unsigned int  <STRONG>QueryColorname</STRONG>( const Image *image, const PixelPacket *color, const ComplianceType compliance, char *name, ExceptionInfo *exception );</P>
<H1><A NAME="function descriptions">
<H2><A NAME="getcolorlist">GetColorlist</A></H2>
<P>Method GetColorList returns any colors that match the specified pattern and color standard.</P>
<P>The format of the GetColorList function is:</P>
    filelist=GetColorList(const char *pattern,int number_colors)</PRE>
<FONT SIZE=-1>A</FONT> description of each parameter follows:</P>
<dd><p></p><dt><STRONG><A NAME="item_o_filelist%3A">filelist:</A></STRONG><BR>
Method GetColorList returns a list of colors that match the specified pattern and color standard.
<dd><p></p><dt><STRONG><A NAME="item_o_pattern%3A">pattern:</A></STRONG><BR>
Specifies a pointer to a text string containing a pattern.
<dd><p></p><dt><STRONG><A NAME="item_o_number_colors%3A">number_colors:</A></STRONG><BR>
This integer returns the number of colors in the list.
<H2><A NAME="getnumbercolors">GetNumberColors</A></H2>
<P>Method GetNumberColors returns the number of unique colors in an image.</P>
<P>The format of the GetNumberColors method is:</P>
<blockquote>unsigned long GetNumberColors ( const <A HREF="types/Image.html">Image</A> *image, FILE *file, <A HREF="types/ExceptionInfo.html">ExceptionInfo</A> *exception ); </blockquote><P>
<FONT SIZE=-1>A</FONT> description of each parameter follows.</P>
<dd><p></p><dt><STRONG><A NAME="item_o_image%3A">image:</A></STRONG><BR>
The image.
<dd><p></p><dt><STRONG><A NAME="item_o_file%3A">file:</A></STRONG><BR>
Write a histogram of the color distribution to this file handle.
<dd><p></p><dt><STRONG><A NAME="item_o_exception%3A">exception:</A></STRONG><BR>
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
<H2><A NAME="isgrayimage">IsGrayImage</A></H2>
<blockquote>IsGrayImage() returns True if all the pixels in the image have the same red, green, and blue intensities. </blockquote><P>The format of the IsGrayImage method is:</P>
<blockquote>unsigned int IsGrayImage ( const <A HREF="types/Image.html">Image</A> *image, <A HREF="types/ExceptionInfo.html">ExceptionInfo</A> *exception ); </blockquote><P>
<FONT SIZE=-1>A</FONT> description of each parameter follows:</P>
<dd><p></p><dt><STRONG><A NAME="item_o_status%3A">status:</A></STRONG><BR>
Method IsGrayImage returns True if the image is grayscale otherwise False is returned.
The image.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
<H2><A NAME="ismonochromeimage">IsMonochromeImage</A></H2>
<blockquote>IsMonochromeImage() returns True if all the pixels in the image have the same red, green, and blue intensities and the intensity is either 0 or MaxRGB. </blockquote><P>The format of the IsMonochromeImage method is:</P>
<blockquote>unsigned int IsMonochromeImage ( const <A HREF="types/Image.html">Image</A> *image, <A HREF="types/ExceptionInfo.html">ExceptionInfo</A> *exception ); </blockquote><P>
<FONT SIZE=-1>A</FONT> description of each parameter follows:</P>
The image.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
<H2><A NAME="isopaqueimage">IsOpaqueImage</A></H2>
<blockquote>IsOpaqueImage() returns True if none of the pixels in the image have an opacity value other than opaque ( 0 ) . </blockquote><P>The format of the IsOpaqueImage method is:</P>
<blockquote>unsigned int IsOpaqueImage ( const <A HREF="types/Image.html">Image</A> *image, <A HREF="types/ExceptionInfo.html">ExceptionInfo</A> *exception ); </blockquote><P>
<FONT SIZE=-1>A</FONT> description of each parameter follows:</P>
Method IsOpaqueImage returns False if the image has one or more pixels that are transparent otherwise True is returned.
The image.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
<H2><A NAME="ispaletteimage">IsPaletteImage</A></H2>
<P>Method IsPaletteImage returns True if the image is PseudoClass and has 256 unique colors or less.</P>
<P>The format of the IsPaletteImage method is:</P>
<blockquote>unsigned int IsPaletteImage ( const <A HREF="types/Image.html">Image</A> *image, <A HREF="types/ExceptionInfo.html">ExceptionInfo</A> *exception ); </blockquote><P>
<FONT SIZE=-1>A</FONT> description of each parameter follows.</P>
Method IsPaletteImage returns True is the image is PseudoClass or has 256 color or less.
The image.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
<H2><A NAME="listcolorinfo">ListColorInfo</A></H2>
<blockquote>ListColorInfo() lists color names to the specified file. Color names are a convenience. Rather than defining a color by its red, green, and blue intensities just use a color name such as white, blue, or yellow. </blockquote><P>The format of the ListColorInfo method is:</P>
<blockquote>unsigned int ListColorInfo ( FILE *file, <A HREF="types/ExceptionInfo.html">ExceptionInfo</A> *exception ); </blockquote><P>
<FONT SIZE=-1>A</FONT> description of each parameter follows.</P>
List color names to this file handle.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
<H2><A NAME="querycolordatabase">QueryColorDatabase</A></H2>
<blockquote>QueryColorDatabase() returns the red, green, blue, and opacity intensities for a given color name. </blockquote><P>The format of the QueryColorDatabase method is:</P>
<blockquote>unsigned int QueryColorDatabase ( const char *name, <A HREF="types/PixelPacket.html">PixelPacket</A> *color, <A HREF="types/ExceptionInfo.html">ExceptionInfo</A> *exception ); </blockquote><P>
<FONT SIZE=-1>A</FONT> description of each parameter follows:</P>
<dd><p></p><dt><STRONG><A NAME="item_o_name%3A">name:</A></STRONG><BR>
The color name (e.g.  white, blue, yellow).
<dd><p></p><dt><STRONG><A NAME="item_o_color%3A">color:</A></STRONG><BR>
The red, green, blue, and opacity intensities values of the named color in this structure.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
<H2><A NAME="querycolorname">QueryColorname</A></H2>
<blockquote>QueryColorname() returns a named color for the given color intensity. If an exact match is not found, a hex value is return instead. For example an intensity of rgb: ( 0, 0, 0 ) returns black whereas rgb: ( 223, 223, 223 ) returns #dfdfdf. </blockquote><P>The format of the QueryColorname method is:</P>
<blockquote>unsigned int QueryColorname ( const <A HREF="types/Image.html">Image</A> *image, const <A HREF="types/PixelPacket.html">PixelPacket</A> *color, const ComplianceType compliance, char *name, <A HREF="types/ExceptionInfo.html">ExceptionInfo</A> *exception ); </blockquote><P>
<FONT SIZE=-1>A</FONT> description of each parameter follows.</P>
The image.
The color intensities.
<dd><p></p><dt><STRONG><A NAME="item_o_Compliance%3A">Compliance:</A></STRONG><BR>
Adhere to this color standard: 
<FONT SIZE=-1>X11,</FONT> or 
Return the color name or hex value.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.