

distrib > Mandriva > 9.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 87168dff0092064a2e4d8d9c232474ae > files > 111


.\" -*-Text-*-
.\" @<COPYRIGHT>@ & Steven Singer.
.TH XP-REPLAY @<MANEXT>@ "Requires X11"
.ds )H GNU Public License 2.0 applies
.ds ]W XPilot @<VERSION>@: @<RELEASEDATE>@
.if n .ad l	\" If nroff formatter, adjust left margin only
.if t .ad b	\" If troff formatter, adjust both margins


xp-replay \- Playback an XPilot session.


.B xp-replay
.B [-help]
.B [-scale \fIfactor\fC]
.B [-gamma \fIfactor\fC]
.B [-compress]
.B [-verbose]
.B inputfile


xp-replay is a program to view an XPilot recording. It takes record files
produced by \fIxpilot(@<MANEXT>@)\fP and allows the user to replay them and make
snapshots of frames.

.SS Options

.TP 15
.B -help
Prints some help, including commandline options.
.TP 15
.B -verbose
Prints some information about the record file.
.TP 15
.B -compress
Save frames in compress format using the \fBcompress\fP program.
.TP 15
.B -scale \fIfactor\fP
Sets the scale reduction factor for saving operations.
Valid scale factors are in the range [0.01 - 1.0].
.TP 15
.B -gamma \fIfactor\fP
Sets the gamma correction factor when saving scaled frames.
Valid gamma correction factors are in the range [0.1 - 10].
If the filename given is `\-' then the standard input is read. Frames read
from the standard input are stored in memory to allow the user to jump
backward and forward through them, however, with large record files earlier
frames may be discarded to make way for later frames. This will mean that
it may not be possible to jump back to the start of a large recording. This
restriction only affects files read from pipes.


When you start the program you will be presented two windows.
The first and largest window is the recording view window
where you will see the recorded game.
The second window is the control window which contains a row
of pushbuttons and which shows some information about
the recorded game. A third window may be popped up giving access to the
controls to save frames.

The buttons in the control window allow you to move through the recording.
They are, from left to right: record, rewind, reverse play, play,
fast-forward, pause, stop and eject. The symbols on them match the standard
symbols seen on tape and CD players.

Just below the buttons is information about the recording. The position of
the current frame within the recording, the server the game was played on,
the player's nickname and username, the client that the player connected
from and the number of frames per second the server was running at.

Playback can be in either of two modes \- normal or paused. In normal mode
the recording will play back in real time as close to the original frame rate
as possible. In paused mode, you can single step through frames.

In addition to the buttons certain keys perform shortcuts.

.SS Buttons
.TP 15
.B Record
This button pops up a window allowing you to mark frames for recording, and to
save the marked frames in either a standard graphics format (\fIppm\fP)
or in the XPilot Record format.
.TP 15
.B Rewind
In normal mode this plays the recording backwards at 10 times normal
speed. In paused mode this button steps backward 10 frames.
.TP 15
.B Reverse play
In normal mode this plays the recording backwards. In paused mode it
single steps backward one frame.
.TP 15
.B Play
In normal mode this plays the recording forward at normal speed. In paused
mode it single steps forward 1 frame.
.TP 15
.B Fast-forward
In normal mode this plays the recording forward at 10 times normal speed. In
paused mode it steps forward 10 frames.
.TP 15
.B Pause
This suspends playback and switches to paused mode.
.TP 15
.B Stop
This suspends playback and switches to normal mode.
.TP 15
.B Eject
This quits the program.

.SS Keys
.TP 15
.B f, space
Step forward 1 frame.
.TP 15
.B b, delete, backspace
Step backward one frame.
.TP 15
.B z
Go to frame zero.
.TP 15
.B [
Mark this as the first frame to be saved.
.TP 15
.B ]
Mark this as the last frame to be saved.
.TP 15
.B *
Save marked frames in PPM format.
.TP 15
.B &
Save marked frames in XPilot Recording format.
.TP 15
.B q
Quit the program.

.SS Recording
Either by using the keys, or the popup record window, you can mark a
section of the playback for recording. To do that, you move to the first
frame you wish to save and mark it as the first frame. Then move to the
last frame and mark that. Then save the marked frames. When saving in
PPM format the frames will be saved in files called
.B xpNNNNN.ppm.
Each frame wil be placed in a separate file, and the
will be replaced by the frame number within the original recording.
When saving in XPilot Recording format the frames will be saved in
one new file called
.B xpN-M.xpr,
where N is the frame number of the first frame
and M is the frame number of the last frame to be saved.

Since having a large number of PPM files can be quite costly in diskspace,
an option exists to automatically shrink them whilst saving. Use the
.B -scale
option to specify a scaling factor, for example, a scale factor of 0.25
on a 768x768 recording would result in the saved frames being 192x192.
When a frame is shrunk like that, the thin lines draw by
.B xpilot
can appear dimmed. To overcome this, use the
.B -gamma
option with a gamma value greater than 1. That should brighten up the
saved frames.
In addition a
.B -compress
option is available to save files in compressed format.


The simplest invocation is
.B xp-replay test-recording.xpr
which will play back a recording, and save frames at the original size.

To save frames smaller that the original size use something like
.B xp-replay -scale 0.5 -gamma 2 test-recording.xpr
which will save frames at half size.

You may want to compress the recording files to save disk space. You can
then play them back directly without uncompressing them first using
.B zcat test-recording.xpr.Z | xp-replay -
however, this may limit your ability to rewind through the recording.

.B xp-replay
automatically recognizes if a file is in compress format and gzip
format.  If this is the case then it automatically starts
.B compress -d
.B gzip -d
to uncompress the file before playback.


\fBxp-replay\fP was originally designed and developed by
Steven Singer ( Additional develpoment was
performed by Bert Gijsbers (

The scaling and gamma correction code was taken from the \fBpbmplus\fP
package, which is Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.


Bugs can be mailed to \fB@<CONTACTADDRESS>@\fP.

xpilot(@<MANEXT>@), xpilots(@<MANEXT>@), ppm(5), compress(1), gzip(1)
.\" index		\fIxpilot\fP \- multiplayer war game
.\" index		\fIxpilots\fP \- server module for xpilot